Abstract of the lesson of extracurricular reading in elementary school Dragoon. Summary of the lesson on literary reading on the topic: "The secret always becomes clear"


3rd grade

Theme of the lesson: the story of Viktor Yuzefovich Dragunsky "The secret becomes clear"

Lesson type: learning new material

Form of organization of training: work in groups

Target: to perceive and comprehend the story of V. Yu. Dragunsky "The secret becomes clear."

To promote the development of ideas about the ways of depicting characters, about the role of visual means; the formation of reading and speech skills.

The name of the work of Viktor Yuzefovich Dragunsky, namely, “The Secret Becomes Clear”


Why is the story called "The Secret Becomes Revealed"

The main idea of ​​the story


Be able to convey the main idea of ​​the story of V. Yu. Dragunsky "The secret becomes clear"

Know how to compose your own speech

Be able to holistically perceive the image of the character

Be able to establish causal relationships

Be able to follow the main idea of ​​the statement


Artistic medium such as comparison

Analysis of the work of V. Yu. Dragunsky "The secret becomes clear"

Proverb analysis


Writing syncwine with the words: lie, mystery, truth

Compiling a mini essay in a written round table

Reading the story of V. Yu. Dragunsky "The secret becomes clear"


The act of the protagonist and the idea of ​​the work for the education of the moral qualities of the individual: honesty, justice

affective area

Listen carefully to group members, teacher's comments;

Perform independently the tasks proposed by the teacher;

Take an active part in the discussion of issues that arise in the group, class;

Analyze different points of view;

Follow the rules of conduct and work in the group;

Show conscientiousness, interest;

Take responsibility for your behavior.

Lesson Plan:

I Call phase

2. Reading compiled stories using the words: secret, mother, Kremlin, obvious, dishonest, policeman, window, becomes, porridge on the hat, uncle.

II Phase of realization of meaning

1. Acquaintance with the original - primary reading by the teacher

3. Secondary reading and analysis of the work of V. Yu. Dragunsky "The secret becomes clear" (students read the story on their own)

4. Cross discussion on teacher issues

5. Work with proverbs

III phase of reflection

1. Written round table

2. Explanation and recording of homework (composing a syncwine with the words: lie, truth, secret)

During the classes

I Call phase

1. Introductory speech of the teacher

Motivation for learning activities

Creating a "success situation".

The lesson begins with a parable.

One day the Sultan decided to put his viziers to the test. “Oh my subjects!” - he turned to them, - I have a difficult task for you. I would like to know who will solve it. He led them into the garden, in the corner there was a rusty door with a huge lock. "Whoever opens the door will be the first vizier." Some courtiers just shook their heads, others began to look at the lock, others began to uncertainly push the door, but they were convinced that they could not open it. One by one they left. But one vizier carefully examined and leaned his shoulder against the door. He pushed her and - oh, miracle! - she began to give in, at first a narrow gap appeared, and then the door began to move faster and opened.

Then the padishah said: “You will become the first vizier, because you rely not only on what you see and hear, but also believe in your own strength.”

Remember what section we are studying?

What books have we already read?

Would you like to get acquainted with the new work from this section?

Guys, as a child, I read one very interesting story, and it was so instructive that I still remember it. Today we will read it together with you.

In this story, we will meet the words: secret, mother, the Kremlin, obvious, dishonest, policeman, window, becomes, porridge on the hat, uncle. Now you need to show your imagination and make up short stories using these words. Try to guess what happened in the story. (Group work)

2. Reading compiled stories

Introduction to the original

Guys, now the next task. You need to find non-repeating letters and add up the last name from them and you will find out who wrote this work. (slide)

What is your last name?

Quite right.

Raise your hands, who has already heard the name of this writer?

Tell me, what does Viktor Dragunsky write poems, fairy tales or stories?

True stories.

And what kind of stories does Viktor Dragunsky write: funny or sad?

What do the stories of Viktor Dragunsky teach? (kindness, courtesy, friendship)

What stories of Viktor Dragunsky have you already read?

Primary reading by the teacher.

Reader's Perception Test

Did you like the story?

What emotions and feelings did this story evoke in you?

Compare your stories with the original. How are they similar, how are they different?

Did you like the main character? Why?

Do you agree with the phrase "Everything hidden becomes clear"?

How do you understand this phrase?

2. Statement of the training problem of analysis

Opinions were divided. Let's read the story again and see how the author relates to the hero, to his act, and what he wanted to say with the words "the secret becomes clear."

Vocabulary work.

But first, let's look at some of the words that will meet in this story.

Read the first expression "The Faceted Chamber"

Who knows what the Faceted Chamber is - let's read:

An architectural monument in the Moscow Kremlin, one of the oldest civil buildings in Moscow. Over the centuries, many major events in the life of the Russian state were celebrated in the Faceted Chamber, it was the main throne room. Foreign ambassadors were received there, heirs to the Russian throne were solemnly announced, and Zemsky Sobors met.

The next expression....

What do you think, what kind of person is called intelligent. Let's read the meaning of this expression, as it is given in the explanatory dictionary.

This is a person with a great internal culture, that is, a person with education and special knowledge in various fields of science, technology and culture.

The next word slander - what does it mean?

Let's look at the meaning of this word from the explanatory dictionary.

Discrediting information or dissemination of deliberately false information that discredits the honor and dignity of another person or undermines his reputation.

Choose synonyms for this word.

What words do we call synonyms? lie, lies, fiction, slander

And the last word is stinging - what does it mean?

maliciously mocking, trying to annoy

Let's pick up synonyms: evil, offensive, sharp, poisonous, caustic.


2. Working with text.

Divide children into 3 groups. When dividing children into groups, the teacher takes into account the individual abilities of each child. Groups perform tasks of varying difficulty. Additionally, you can distribute parts of the task in the group using a differentiated approach.

Group work.

Each group re-reads the story of V.Yu. Dragunsky "The secret becomes clear" and fulfills his task:

First group- draws up (consistently builds) a plan (cards are given randomly)

Guys, the points of the plan for the story of V.Yu. are written on the cards. Dragunsky "The secret becomes clear." On a separate card - one point of the plan. But, be careful! The cards "scattered", and, consequently, the points of the plan were mixed up. Reread the story and understand the sequence of our plan.

Denis thought about the words "The secret becomes clear."

Mom's proposal.

Torment with porridge and getting rid of it.

Angry policeman.

Injured uncle.

Angry mom.

A lesson for life.

Second group- chooses from the words proposed on the cards - reference. On a separate card - one word or phrase.

Discuss as a group which key words fit our text.

Key words and phrases:

Mystery Bad deed Punishment Unfair Porridge Koschei Kremlin Tsar Cannon Jar of horseradish Sugar salt Boiling water Shamefully Shameful Garbage chute Disgusting Victim

Hat Porridge on the hat Angry Clean Correctly Remember

Third group- comes up with questions for the story.

Imagine yourself as teachers. Read the story in your group in a chain and come up with questions about the content of the text. Each student in the group should propose their own question. Approve the best questions, correct the unsuccessful ones.

Potential questions:

What did Denis once hear from his mother?

How did mom explain the words "the secret becomes clear"?

Why didn't Deniska want to eat porridge?

How did the mother convince her son?

Was the boy happy when he heard his mother's proposal?

What did Denis do to make porridge tastier?

What did mom say when she saw the empty plate?

Why did the boy understand that he would not go to the Kremlin?

What did the injured uncle look like?

Was mom angry with Denis?

What lesson did Denis learn?

3. Protection by groups of their positions, presentation of their work.

Guys, now each group will present their common educational product. Decide who will talk about what.

At the board, each team reports on the completed task:

the first team builds a plan (cards), the rest of the students check the compliance of the plan with the content of the text, determine the boundaries of each part;

the second in parallel - puts the key words on the cards in accordance with the points of the plan, the rest of the students check the correspondence of the key words to the content of each part;

the third team asks questions on the text (you can additionally refer to the textbook. Other teams answer the questions.

Work with proverbs

Students are offered proverbs for discussion in groups:

You can't hide an awl in a bag. Better a bitter truth than a sweet lie. A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush.

Discuss the proverbs and decide which one fits the story best.

After the discussion, the groups will present their version.


Analysis of the received information.

Today I found out...

It was interesting…

It was difficult….

Now I can…

Is it possible to say that "The Secret Becomes Clear" is an instructive story? Why?


Retelling of the text on behalf of the main character - Deniska.

Cross discussion on teacher issues

For 3 groups of students, 3 questions are offered, one for each.

Why is the story named that way? What would you call it differently? Why?

Do you think Deniska is really trying to fulfill the condition: eat porridge or is she just naughty?

Do you think Deniska really remembered his mother's words for the rest of his life? Why do you think so?

RCM technology at the lesson of literary reading
Lesson topic: V. Yu. Dragunsky. "The secret becomes clear"

Lesson Objectives:

  • create an emotional atmosphere for the realization of creative and intellectual abilities of students, to acquaint children with the story "The secret becomes clear";

  • create conditions for the development of speech, thinking, the ability to analyze the actions of characters, predict the text, improve the skills of fluent expressive reading;

  • cultivate honesty and truthfulness.
Equipment: computer, multimedia projector, presentation, textbooks, cards on the topic “Types of rhymes”.

During the classes

I. Organizational moment

II. Checking homework

  • Expressive reading of poems by Irina Tokmakova.

  • Work on individual cards (3 people)
Card number 1.

Read the poem by F.I. Tyutchev, find a rhyme, determine its type (cross, encircling, parallel)

spring waters

Snow is still whitening in the fields,

And the waters are already rustling in the spring -
They run and wake up the sleepy shore,
They run, and shine, and say ...

They say all over the place:

"Spring is coming, spring is coming,
We are messengers of young spring,
She sent us ahead!

Spring is coming, spring is coming

And quiet, warm May days
Ruddy, bright round dance
Crowds fun for her!

Card number 2.

Read the poem by F.I. Tyutchev, find a rhyme, determine its type

Clouds are melting in the sky

Clouds are melting in the sky

And, radiant in the heat,
The river rolls in sparks
Like a steel mirror

Hour by hour the heat is stronger

The shadow went to the silent oak trees,
And from the whitening fields
Smells like honey.

Wonderful day! Centuries will pass

They will be the same, in eternal order,
Flowing and sparkling river.
And the fields breathe in the heat.
Card number 2.

Read the poem by E. Duke, find the rhyme, determine its type.


I was packing my backpack
Did something wrong:
He is a weightlifter
Got it on the shoulder!
Maybe don't take an umbrella on a hike?
Well, what if it rains?

Maybe an extra pillow?

Frying pan? Cot?
Maybe take out the iron?
Will the dress suddenly wrinkle?
...Maybe take dad on a hike?
Let him carry my backpack!

  1. Literary warm-up. (2–13 presentation slides). The teacher calls the name of the writer or poet, and the children call his name and patronymic

  • Chukovsky (Korney Ivanovich)

  • Marshak (Samuil Yakovlevich)

  • Mikhalkov (Sergei Vladimirovich)

  • Barto (Agnia Lvovna)

  • Nosov (Nikolai Nikolaevich)

  • Tyutchev (Fyodor Ivanovich)

  • Blaginina (Elena Alexandrovna)

  • Berestov (Valentin Dmitrievich)

  • Tokmakova (Irina Petrovna)

  • Uspensky (Eduard Nikolaevich)

  • Zakhoder (Boris Vladimirovich)

  • Dragunsky (Viktor Yuzefovich)

  1. Lesson topic message

  • Author's note
Viktor Yuzefovich Dragunsky was born in 1913 in New York, where his parents moved. However, in 1914 the family returned and began to live in Gomel.

Dragunsky, after graduating from school, worked as a turner at the factory, then began to study acting, worked in the theater.

In 1940, his first humorous stories were published. During the Great Patriotic War, Viktor Yuzefovich Dragunsky was in the militia, then he gave concerts at the front. After the war, Dragunsky worked as a clown in a circus, then returned to the theater and continued to write books, including books for children. (book exhibition)

The main character of all stories is a boy named Deniska. By the way, the son of Dragunsky is also called Deniska. According to relatives, the real Denis is similar to the literary one. All stories are different: you laugh at one to tears, you think about another, sometimes you feel sad, upset.

  • Call stage .
-Today we will get acquainted with the story of V.Yu. Dragunsky "The secret becomes clear"

(slide 14)

What do you think a story with this title might be about?

Why do you think so?

IV. Learning new material.The stage of comprehension.

  1. Primary reading - reading with stops.
1 stop after words: "What does it mean, mother: "The secret becomes clear"?"

How would you answer this question?

2 stop after the words: " And my mother went to the kitchen. And I was left alone with the porridge "

Why do you think so?

3stop after words: At that very moment the door opened and a policeman entered the room.

How will the story end?


2. Checking understanding of the content .

Did you like the story?

  • What did Denis once hear from his mother?

  • How did mom explain the words "everything secret becomes clear"?
Why didn't Deniska want to eat porridge?

  • How did his mother persuade him? What did she offer him?

  • Was the boy happy when he heard his mother's proposal?

  • Why was he so happy?

  • Have any of you been to the Kremlin?

  • (slide show 15-24)

  • What did he do to make porridge taste better? Read.

  • What did Deniska do with the porridge?

  • How did mom react when she saw his empty plate?
- What did she tell him? Read.
- What happened then?

What did Deniska say to mom? Read.

Why did the boy understand that he would not go to the Kremlin?

  • Read what the uncle looked like?

  • Was mom angry with Denis?

  • Why was she looking at him for so long?

  • What feelings did she experience?

  • Did he understand his mother's words? Why do you think so?
3. Practicing reading technique.

What words caused you difficulty in reading? Let's

Let's read them first syllable by syllable, then by whole words.

Slideshow No. 25-26.

sta-but-vit-sya - becomes

ras-krom-sal - shredded

pop-ra-vit-sya - get better

compress-ma-et-sya - shrinks

you-tal-ki-va-et - pushes out

about-ra-do-va-las - rejoiced

mi-li-qi-o-ner - policeman

pre-dos-tav-la-et - provides

in-tel-li-gent-ny - intelligent

moo-so-ro-pro-vo-house - garbage chute

post-ra-da-shiy - victim

fo-to-gra-fi-ro-vat-sya - to be photographed

V. Physical education

VI . Fixing new material

1. Re-reading.

The children read the story in sequence.

2. -Determine the order in which the illustrations for the story should be placed.

Show slide #27.

2. Drawing up a story plan.

How many parts can the story be divided into?

Let's read each part and give it a title.
The teacher writes the name of each part on the blackboard, children

write in a notebook:

  1. Denis ponders over the words of his mother.

  2. Breakfast.

  3. Mom's proposal.

  4. Torment with porridge and getting rid of it.

  5. Angry policeman.

  6. Injured uncle.

  7. Angry mom.

  8. A lesson for life.
VII. Lesson summary

What is the name of the story that we met in today's lesson?

  • Who wrote this story?

  • Did you like the story? Why?
What lesson did you learn from the story?

Reflection (slide number 28). Complete one of the sentences:

  • It was interesting…

  • I did tasks...

  • I realized that...

  • I felt that...

  • It was difficult…

  • I was surprised...

  • I concluded that...

  • I wanted…
Homework: prepare a retelling of the text according to the plan.
Presentation by http://ifolder.ru/15782202 Topic: V. Dragunsky "The secret becomes clear" Purpose: the formation of reading literacy in children when working with text Tasks:

    to form the skill of conscious reading, the ability to determine the attitude of the author to the heroes of his work based on the analysis of the story;

    develop speech, thinking, train observation;

    develop interest in the world of children's fiction;

    to cultivate moral qualities (honesty, decency, respect for elders)

Equipment and materials: PC, multimedia projector, explanatory dictionaries (2 pcs), cards for individual work, exhibition of books by V.Yu.Dragunsky, presentation.

During the classes:

    Orgmoment Individual tasks for independent work
    A short story about the author (3 people receive cards and get acquainted with the content on their own) Viktor Yuzefovich Dragunsky was born on November 30, 1913. He spent his childhood in Ukraine. Lost his father early. From the age of 16 I had to work. For him, all works are good. Victor worked as a buoy man, shortsman, boatman, turner and even a clown. Work in pairs of constant composition with explanatory dictionaries: search for the meaning of words secret, obvious(2 pairs of students)
    Checking homework. Setting a learning task.
Thanks to all speakers. Watching the class while checking homework, I was pleased to see the interested look of the guys, smiles on their faces. Why were you smiling? I would like to remind you of another funny story. The teacher reads an excerpt from Dragunsky's story "The Enchanted Letter" What is the name of this story? Who is its author? ( slide 2) Knowing that we are getting acquainted with the section “And in jest and in earnest”, remembering the author of “The Enchanted Letter”, guess what the lesson will be about?
    Before we started working, some of the guys were given the task to get acquainted with the biography of V. Dragunsky. Guys, tell us what you learned about this writer . When it comes to professionsslide 3. The teacher explains the meaning of words that students may not understand.
Thank you (slide 4) And V. Dragunsky began to write when he entered the service in the theater. At first he wrote for the stage, and only then Viktor Yuzefovich began to write funny stories about Denis Korablev under the general title "Deniska's stories." Books in Dragunsky are presented at the exhibition and at slide number 5. Looking at the covers of these books, what can you say about the works of this author? To whom are they addressed?
    Today we will get acquainted with another story from the stories about Deniska, and it is called ... (slide 6). Have you ever heard such an expression? What does it mean in your opinion?
Two guys worked with dictionaries and found out the meaning of words secret And explicit. Students read the dictionary entries aloud. Did your guess turn out to be correct? What do you think the story will be about?
    Primary perception (read by the teacher) Checking the primary perception.
    Did you like the story? Were our guesses confirmed? Is this a serious story or a humorous one? And why? When I read the story to you, you laughed, but was it funny for Deniska and other characters in the story? So why did we laugh when the heroes weren't laughing? Is anyone else laughing with us? (author)
Let's try to understand this situation.
    Secondary perception and analysis of the text.
A) In the text you will meet long words of 4,5,6,7 syllables, let's practice reading them correctly ( slides 7,8) B) Reading the beginning of the story to the words " At first I ate egg" . Why does the author begin the story with this episode, and not with how Deniska sat down to have breakfast? C) Reading to the words " AND Mother gone on kitchen"
    How does Deniska feel about breakfast? How did you know about it? « Protein shredded » How do you understand this expression? Try replacing with a synonym. Why did Dragunsky choose this particular verb? Why did my mother promise to go to the Kremlin? Is it important for Denis? What phrase helped you understand that the Kremlin is a value for Deniska? Do you think this is a difficult situation for Deniska? Why?
D) Reading the story to the words " IN This time entered Mother …» You must have heard the phrase “To be alone with your mother.., to be alone with your thoughts..” What does it mean? What did the author mean when he wrote " And I was left alone with porridge "? Why does Deniska talk about porridge like that? Do you think Deniska is indulging or is she really trying to fulfill her mother's condition? What does the text say about this?

Did Deniska understand what he was doing when he threw the porridge out into the street? How is it stated in the text? Why did the boy have such a state? E) Reading the story to the end. Did Deniska have time to realize her act? To understand that he did not do well? How did you know this? (read. excerpt before the words "...and she kissed me”) What did the boy think when he saw the victim? What words show this? (read) And what did mom experience? As it is said about this in the text, because the story is written on behalf of Deniska, and he cannot know what his mother thinks or feels. Read the victim's story. Why are you funny? Why does he stutter? Funny situation, but who else is laughing with us? (author) why does the author laugh himself and give us the opportunity to laugh when the characters are not laughing? (so that we do not want to be in their place) Did the mother scold her son? Why) E) what is the name of the story? Did the hero immediately understand the meaning of this phrase? Do you think this expression (the title of the story) reflects the theme or main idea? What serious things does V.Yu. Dragunsky talk about with humor?

    Work in notebooks ( slide 9) p.84 according to time
Review the drawings. Do you recognize the characters in the story? Try to reconstruct the sequence of events. Examination
What is the name of the story that we met today in the lesson? Who is its author? Did you like it? Why? What lesson did you learn from the story?
Proverbs and sayings slide 11
    Reflection. slide 12
Choose an emoji that reflects your mood at the end of the lesson.
    Homework: Reread the story, divide it into parts.

Literary reading lesson in grade 2a 11.04.17 teacher Tykheshkina S.A.

Lesson topic: The story of V. Yu. Dragunsky "The secret becomes clear." The moral meaning of the work.

Lesson Objectives:

Introduce children to the content of the story;

To form the skill of literary conscious reading;

Develop the ability to predict the content of the work in the process of reading; the ability to analyze the actions of heroes;

To cultivate honesty, decency, respect for elders and close people.

Planned result:

    Personal UUD

Cultivate respect for elders and loved ones

2. Cognitive UUD

Contribute to the satisfaction of reader interest and the acquisition of reading experience

To form in students the ability to analyze, compare.

3. Communicative UUD

To form the ability to explain your choice, to understand the other.

4. Regulatory UUD

To form the skills of managing their activities, to show initiative and independence; - the ability to evaluate their work.

Type of lesson: lesson of "discovery" of new knowledge.

Resources: portrait of the writer, multimedia projector, PC.

During the classes

1. Motivation to learning activities: (slide)

Are we ready to start the lesson?

2. Actualization of knowledge.

- Do you remember the name of the section we are studying? (on slide)both jokingly and seriously. Now let's test your knowledge What authors have we read?

What does Dragunsky write? ( poems, fairy tales , stories.) - What stories do you already know?(children call)

3. Preparation for the study of new material (slide),(PORTRAIT!)

Would you like to get acquainted with the new work of the author?

- How do you imagine Viktor Yuzefovich? What do you know about him? Interested in what?

Having lost his father early, from the age of 16 he began an independent life: he worked as an actor in cinema and theater, was a circus clown,: a turner, then a saddler - a master in the manufacture of harness for horses, even was a boatman, during the war ... Son Deniska and daughter Alyonka . cheerful, kind, loved children.

4. Read the statement written on the slide:

The secret becomes clear (slide)

How do you understand the meaning of these words? the words "became clear"? (everyone knew)

What book are we going to read today? Guessed? Anyone familiar with this work, well. You will help us, but also have patience. Give your opinion to those who get to know him for the first time.

What do you want to know? We want to learn and get from the lesson » (slide)

- What can be discussed in this work, according to the title?

Narration, description, reasoning?

- Are the works of V. Dragunsky a mystery to you? Can you predict what the story will be about?

5. Initial acquaintance with the text.

..Reading to the words: “What does it mean, mother:“ The secret becomes clear ”?

- How would you answer this question?- Guys, what is the secret? (children express opinions) .Something hidden from others, not known to everyone;

- Name a synonym for the word secret (secret).

-What does "secret" mean? Secret - secret, secret, hidden, hidden.

Choose a synonym for the word "EXPLICIT"(obvious, open, frank.)

.-second stop . After the words "Of course I want to go to the Kremlin"

"Faceted Chamber". (slide)

Third stop after the words: “And my mother went to the kitchen. And I was left alone with the porridge.

- What do you think might happen next?

fourth stop after the words: "At the same moment the door opened and a policeman entered the room."What do you think, what kind of person is called intelligent?

In the explanatory dictionary.(This is a person with a great internal culture).

To the words: Do not slander. - slander - ? dissemination of knowingly false information discrediting the honor and dignity of another person. Choose synonyms for this word.(Lies, lies, fiction).

Reading the story to the end.

6. Checking the primary perception. What do you say? - Did you like the story?

Did your opinions match before and after reading the story?

What words express the main idea of ​​the story?

Which part of the story did you find the most fun? unexpected?

Do you sympathize with any of the characters in the story? Why?

7. Analysis of a literary work. Selective reading.

Support with words from the text:

- What did Denis once hear from his mother, and how did his mother explain her words?("The secret becomes clear")

- How did mom persuade Deniska to eat porridge? What did she offer him?(Mom suggested Deniska go to the Kremlin). Is mom doing the right thing when she asks the Kremlin for porridge instead?

- What did Deniska experience when he experimented with porridge?(feeling offended, annoyed) Imagine yourself in his place ..

Is it true that Deniska “lost consciousness” and therefore threw out the porridge on the street? Why does the author use this expression?

(children's statements)

“After everything that happened, my mother looked Denis in the eyes. She looked for a long time and then asked:

Do you remember this for the rest of your life?
And I answered:
- Yes."

    Guys, what would you do if you were Deniska's mother?

    Did Denis understand the meaning of the words: "The secret becomes clear" without his mother's explanation? YES

( Denis understood everything immediately, as soon as he saw an unfamiliar man in a hat with porridge on his head.)

Which part of this story did you find the most interesting?

How do you understand the meaning of this proverb?"Murder will out"?

What could this story that happened with Denis Korablev's semolina teach?

Conclusion: the unpleasant story that happened with semolina, of course, taught Denis Korablev to think first and then act. He realized that all bad deeds sooner or later become known.

7. Independent work in groups: (slide)

1-3 group: Arrange the quotations in order of the actions taking place in the text.

4-6 group: - What did Deniska do to make porridge tastier?

Let's check the work in groups!

8. Compose SINKWINE according to the story of V. Dragunsky "The secret becomes clear"


Kind, …

Thinking, fantasizing...

The secret becomes clear


- For what purpose V.Yu. Dragunsky wrote a story"The secret becomes clear"

- What personality traits are discussed in this work?

The poet Yakov Akim, a close friend of V. Dragunsky, said: (SLIDE)

“A young person needs all vitamins, including moral vitamins. Vitamins of goodness, nobility, honesty, decency, courage. All these vitamins were given generously and talentedly to our children by V. Dragunsky”

- read the stories of V. Dragunsky and get moral vitamins.

9.D/z: Retelling the story on behalf of Deniska

Draw an illustration for the cover.

10. Reflection of educational activity in the lesson.

I concluded that...

- In this lesson, I would commend myself for……..

It was difficult for me…………- After the lesson I wanted to……

V. Dragunsky "The secret becomes clear"

(initial introduction to the work)

Lesson Objectives:

Introduce children to the work "The Secret Becomes Clear"

Improve expressive reading skills, text comprehension techniques, enrich active vocabulary

To develop the skills of fluent expressive reading - the formation of the moral qualities of students on the example of a work of art by V. Dragunsky;

Cultivate Honesty

Equipment: presentation for the lesson, book exhibition, emoticons, computer, projector, screen.

1.Org. Moment (slide)

Here comes the bell

Let's start our lesson

Desk is not a bed

And you can't lie on it

You sit at your desk harmoniously

And behave with dignity.

2. Checking homework

What was given at home?

(learn the passage "Introduction" by heart)

3. Warm up.

Look at the screen: in front of you is a quatrain (slide)

Vanya decided to eat a plum,

And what he did - withheld.

The father found out about it.

Vanya's act became clear.

Read on your own…..

Read the quatrain interrogatively

Read the quatrain compassionately

Read it quickly

Guys, think about why we read the same quatrain in different ways and intonations?

Quite rightly, such exercises develop reading speed, reading should be expressive; It all depends on how you feel about it, how you perceive it.

Did you recognize the hero?

How do you understand the words "became clear"? (everyone knew)

Read the sentence on the slide:

The secret becomes clear (slide)

How do you understand the meaning of these words?

IV. Statement of the topic and purpose of the lesson.

Look very carefully at the screen and try to find non-repeating letters (slide),

Name these letters (slide)

What is your last name?

(Dragoon) appears (slide) with his photograph and biography.

Quite right, today we will talk about the writer Viktor Dragunsky.

Message from Grishaeva Kristina and Stepnykh Vlad

Biography read by the teacher

Viktor Dragunsky was born on November 17, 1913 in America, in New York, where his parents were educated. After the birth of their son, they returned to Russia. Having lost his father early, from the age of 16 he began an independent life: he worked as an actor in cinema and theater, was a circus clown. He wrote several stories, many humorous stories, but his main book is Deniska's Stories. These are cheerful and cheerful stories about city boys: Denis and his friends. An example of the protagonist of these stories was the son of Dragunsky - Denis, and in the image of the pope it is easy to recognize the writer himself.

Let's take a closer look at the exhibition of his books. This is only a small part of his works.

Anna Yakusheva will introduce us to the exhibition

So about whom and for whom did Viktor Dragunsky write?

(about children and for children)

Who is interested in his work, then welcome to the school library. Nina Pavlovna will always be happy to help you in choosing the works that interest you.

3. Bottom line. - So, tell me what kind of person was Viktor Dragunsky?

(he was a cheerful person and loved children very much)

Before you start reading the work, let's analyze the unfamiliar words that you will encounter.

5 . Vocabulary work:

(look at the screen)

The first word is "The Faceted Chamber" - Who knows what the Faceted Chamber is - let's read: (slide)

An architectural monument in the Moscow Kremlin, one of the oldest civil buildings in Moscow. Over the centuries, many major events in the life of the Russian state were celebrated in the Faceted Chamber, it was the main throne room. It received foreign ambassadors, solemnly announced the heirs of the Russian throne.

The next expression....

What do you think, what kind of person is called intelligent. Let's read the meaning of this expression, as it is given in the explanatory dictionary. (slide) about myself

This is a person with a great internal culture, that is, a person with education and special knowledge in various fields of science, technology and culture.

The next word slander - what does it mean? (Slide)

Read the meaning of this word from the explanatory dictionary.

Discrediting information or dissemination of deliberately false information that discredits the honor and dignity of another person or undermines his reputation.

Choose synonyms for this word.

What words do we call synonyms?

Lies, lies, fiction, slander.

And the last word is caustic - what does it mean? (Slide)

Viciously mocking, seeking to annoy

Let's choose synonyms:

angry, offensive, sharp, poisonous, caustic.

6. Physical minutes (slide)

7. Acquaintance with the text.

Opened textbooks on page 161

Take bookmarks and follow my reading.

Reading the story aloud by the teacher, all the children follow, to the words: “And I was left alone with porridge”

Reading to the words: "At that time, mom came in."

Listening to an audio recording

(from the words: "And some uncle came to us"

Do you think mom guessed that Deniska poured out the porridge?

Did you like the work?

What did you like?

What is the genre of this piece? (genre - humorous story) (slide

8. Test. (slide) And now let's check whether you carefully listened to the story. Read and choose the correct answer.

1. What is the name of the main character?


To the Mausoleum

To the Chamber of Facets



Threw it out the window

Gave it to the dog.

To the store for shopping

To the theater for a performance

Be photographed.


started crying

Terribly angry.

I will still go to the Kremlin!

Mutual verification (notebooks were exchanged and checked together)

Well done! Remember the content of the text well.

What book did we read in class?

What lesson did you learn from this work?

10. House. exercise.

P. 84 (workbook)

11. Reflection.

Continue the phrases: (Slide)

In this lesson, I would commend myself for……..

It was difficult for me…………

After the lesson, I wanted to……..

Now evaluate your work in class today. You have emoticons on your tables. If you think that you did a great job, take a green emoticon. If you think that you did a good job for the assessment, take a yellow smiley, and if you think that you could work better, but today it didn’t work out, take a red smiley (slide)

Thank you for today's lesson. Estimates.

1. What is the name of the main character?


2. Where did mom want to take Deniska?

To the Mausoleum

To the Chamber of Facets

3. What kind of porridge was offered for breakfast?



4. What did Deniska do with the porridge?

Threw it out the window

Gave it to the dog.

5. Where did the citizen go when the porridge fell on his hat?

To the store for shopping

To the theater for a performance

Be photographed.

6. How did mom react to Deniska's act?


started crying

Terribly angry.

7. What conclusion did Deniska draw from this case?

I will still go to the Kremlin!

The secret always becomes clear.

I'll spend the whole evening in the corner.

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