Abstract of the lesson "blotography". Blotography drawing technique for preschoolers and schoolchildren Preparing children for a practical lesson


Larisa Savchuk

The non-traditional drawing technique "Blotography" (blowing with a tube) is another magic of drawing lessons.

At first glance, it is incomprehensible and it seems that you don’t want to take it on, but as soon as you start creating, this first feeling disappears like smoke. The drawing seems to be born by itself!

Such an activity for children is not only interesting, exciting, but also very useful. Just like blowing through a straw improves health: the strength of the lungs and the respiratory system of the child as a whole.

To work in this technique we need: paper, ink or liquid diluted in a bowl (or in small bottles) gouache or watercolor paints, a plastic spoon or pipette, a cocktail tube, colored pencils, a brush, paints for painting the image.

Image technology.

1. Scoop up paint with a plastic spoon (pipette), pour (drop) it onto a sheet of paper, making a small spot (droplet).

2. With a cocktail tube, blow the ink from the bottom up in different directions so that its end does not touch either the stain or the paper.

3. When the blot is divided into several shoots (twigs) - blow them separately in the right direction.

4. To obtain smaller branches, we blow each large branch with quick movements of the tube to the right and left, up and down.

5. If necessary, the procedure is repeated (i.e., drop another drop of paint in the right place and inflate).

6. The missing details are completed with pencils or paints.

I bring to your attention the drawings of children made in this technique.

"Cherry blossoms"

The flowers are painted with cotton swabs in white and red paint.

"Flowering Shrubs"

Flowers are finished by stuffing with a semi-dry hard (adhesive) brush.


"Fairy Tree"

Leaves are painted with paints or colored ink by sticking a brush to a sheet of paper.

"Saxaul Tree"

Drawing the image with colored pencils.


You can try dropping ink or liquid paint on a sheet of paper and gently tilting and turning it in different directions to roll the drop across the sheet. The stain immediately “pulls out” the horns or legs.


You can fantasize endlessly...

I will be glad if the proposed material is pleasant and useful to you in your work. To be continued.

Drawing technique(drawing with blots, blowing them through a straw) is another magic among our drawing lessons. At first glance, it is incomprehensible and you don’t seem to want to take on it, but as soon as you start to Create, this first feeling disappears like smoke. The drawing seems to be born by itself! Yes, the Painter arranges the droplets of paint according to his plan, but inflating them, he can no longer accurately predict how they will disperse, overflow into each other, and what the final result will be ... Drawing, you will enjoy the beauty of this Action! You will learn how to use random effects as the basis for your creativity!

Such an activity will be interesting for both adults and children. And not only interesting - but also useful: for example, for children with a delay in the development of speech (like articulatory gymnastics). Also, drawing by blowing through a straw improves the health and strength of the lungs and respiratory system (which is especially useful for coughing).

Drawing lesson: Blotography - blowing paint through a straw

We will need:

album sheets,

Gouache or watercolor

large brush,

Drink tube,

The rest: water in a jar, a damp cloth - wipe your hands if they get dirty.


Step 1. We dip the brush into the diluted paint and splatter on a sheet of paper. The thicker the paint, the richer the color, but the more difficult it is to blow out.

Step 2 We take a tube and blow through it on drops of paint, they turn into blots.

It turns out something like this:

Chip! You will get very beautiful transition effects if the paint drops are of different colors.

An example of a drawing with inkblotography - Scientific laboratory:

Used here blotography by blowing through a straw, in combination with drawing with a black felt-tip pen (contours of laboratory glassware), as well as two more effects:

1) Spray from a brush(you need a brush with a hard and short bristle).

2) straw prints- dip the tube in thick paint and print it on paper.

See how inkblotography can be combined with other drawing techniques:

All three drawings are drawing landscapes with trees, using the inkblot technique:

1st drawing: drawing trees of different colors, blowing through a tube - on an already painted watercolor and dried layer.

2nd drawing: First, the trees were "blown out", and when the drawing dried up, they painted the spaces between the "branches" with colored pencils of different colors. Such a drawing remotely resembles a stained glass window.

3rd drawing: Blotography on a dried layer of a watercolor monotype. You can learn more about how to draw a monotype in our

Nadezhda Ivanova

Blotography - drawing with a tube in kindergarten.

There are types drawing, which, at first glance, drawing, as such, are not included. But on the other hand, this is a great way not only to have fun and usefully spend time, but also to experiment with colors, create new, unusual images.

I will describe to you one of the directions of non-traditional artistic drawing technique is blotting with a straw.

Age: from 5 years.

Necessary materials:

Paper, watercolor, ink or liquid diluted gouache in a bowl, brush No. 10, tubule(drink straw).

(pic 1)

Blotography can be combined with different technicians fine arts, such as monotype, appliqué and others.

"Autumn trees in blotography technique

Stages of work:

1. Create a background-tint a sheet of paper. Let's dry.

(pic 2)

2. We collect paint on a brush, put a drop on a sheet, making a small spot-drop.

(fig 3)

3. Then we blow on this spot from tubules so so that its end does not touch either the stain or the paper. If necessary, the procedure is repeated.

(Figure 4.5)

4. Tree crown any of the drawing techniques are completed- poking with a dry brush, imprint with foam, colored pencils, colored paper.

Summary of drawing classes for the senior group.

Subject: Blotography. Straw blowing

Target: The development of imagination in children through an unconventional drawing technique - blotography.


Educational: to consolidate knowledge about the primary colors, to introduce the non-traditional drawing technique of blotography - blowing with a tube.

Developing: develop children's creative thinking (through problem situations), curiosity, imagination.

Educational: in develop an interest in creative activities

Expand and activate vocabulary: blotography, blot,Vstraw blowing.

Equipment : soap solution container, transparent container with clean drinking water,album sheet, gouache, wide brush, jar of water, cocktail tube,wet wipes, brush for drawing.

Preliminary work: reading a fairy tale by V.G. Suteeva "We are looking for an inkblot"

Lesson plan

1. Introduction: 4 min

Creating a problem situation

Creating a motive for children's activities

2. Bulk: 13minutes

Visual activity


Visual activity

3. Final part: 3 min

Assessment of children's activities and self-assessment

Summing up the lesson

Lesson duration 20 min

Lesson progress

Parts of the lesson


Creating a motive for children's activities

Children come to the teacher's table. In the hands of the educator, a cocktail tube.

- What do you think it is for? (children's answers)

The teacher drinks from a straw, makes a storm in a glass, blows soap bubbles, just blows ...

Imagine, I can also draw with a tube. Do you know how? (children's answers)the educator leads the children to ask them to teach.

Take a seat at your jobs.

2. Main body

Guys, tube drawing is an unconventional drawing technique, and it is called inkblotography.

With the help of cocktail tubes, we will blow out a drawing, and what you get depends only on you. Take a brush, dip it in water, then in paint and drip onto paper, you have a small blot. Set the brush aside. Now, with the help of a tube, we inflate the blot and get a pattern. Everyone will have their own pattern, unique. The teacher demonstrates the drawing process.

In the meantime, your blots will dry, I suggest doing a physical minute.

Fizminutka. "Watch"

Tick-tock, tick-tock

All clocks go like this:

Tick-tock. (Tilt your head first to one shoulder, then to the other.)

See what time it is:

Tick-tock, tick-tock, tick-tock. (Swing to the beat of the pendulum.)

Left - one, right - one,

We can do that too. (Legs together, hands on the belt. On the count of “times”, tilt your head to the right shoulder, then to the left, like a watch.)

Tick-tock, tick-tock.

Your patterns are dry, look carefully at your drawing. Who sees what? You can paint with a regular paint brush. Imagine guys, do not be shy.

Your works are ready, bring them to the exhibition table.

3. Final part

Guys, what interestingwork at you turned out.

The teacher asks the children to tell what they have drawn.

Then he asks the children which work they liked the most and why.
Guys, what You Today well done! You Great work hard! Say a What We With you Today did? (answers children)

How And how We painted ? (answers children) How called technology, which We used V his work?

And who will say why we painted with cocktail tubes?

I see that you all have learned to draw in this technique.

You are great fellows!

Thank you to you!

Subject: Non-traditional drawing techniques as a means of developing interest in fine art.

Target: to expand the knowledge of teachers through acquaintance with non-traditional drawing techniques, as a means of developing the interest of preschoolers in fine art.


  • to acquaint teachers with an unconventional drawing technique - inkblotography;
  • to teach practical skills in the field of visual activity using an unconventional image method: tube blowing and monotype;
  • improve the skills of teachers.

Methods and techniques: reproductive, practical.

Equipment: drawings made in the technique of blotography; children's work on visual activity using non-traditional drawing techniques; tables, chairs for teachers; material for practical activities - gouache, ink of different colors, jars of water, brushes, colored pencils, cocktail tubes, landscape sheets of paper, scissors, glue, strips of paper, napkins for each teacher.

Preliminary work: processing of special literature on the topic; equipment preparation; creative work of children.

MASTER CLASS No. 1 "Saxaul tree"

Technique: blotography (tube blowing)

1. Prepare: a sheet of thick landscape paper, black ink in a bottle with a thin tip, a cocktail tube, colored pencils (yellow, brown, blue) for the background.

2. Draw a bright sun, sand on a piece of paper.

3. We take a bottle of ink and put a blot at the bottom of the sheet.

6. You get such a tree.

MASTER CLASS No. 2 "Fairytale tree"

Technique: blotting (blowing with a straw

1. Prepare: landscape sheet of paper; colored ink in bottles with a thin tip; cocktail tube; squirrel brush No. 3-5; palette, glass of water, colored pencils for the background.

2. We prepare the background (grass, sky) with colored pencils.

3. We take a bottle of ink of any color and put a blot at the bottom of the sheet.

4. Blow the blot from the bottom up with a cocktail tube. When the blot is divided into several shoots (twigs) - blow them out separately in the right direction.

5. To obtain smaller branches, we blow out each large branch with quick movements of the tube to the right - to the left, up - down.

6. On the palette, we collect a drop of mascara of different colors and with a brush, using the priming method, we draw leaves.

7. You get such a fabulous tree.

MASTER CLASS No. 3 "Butterfly"

Technique: blotography (monotype).

1. Prepare: gouache of different colors, a jar of water, a landscape sheet of paper, a brush, glue, a strip of paper, scissors.

2. Fold a sheet of paper in half.

3. Reveal.

4. On one half of the sheet, apply gouache along the contour with a brush.

5. Apply paint of a different color at random.

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