Abstract of the lesson of nodes on art activities in the preparatory group for school. Synopsis of nodes for children of the preparatory group "spring tree"


Lesson summary

for artistic and aesthetic development

with elements of non-traditional drawing techniques

with preschool children

Theme: "Visiting Spring"

Prepared and hosted:

Miftakhova M.V.


MDOAU kindergarten

Oktyabrskoe village

municipal district

Sterlitamaksky district

Republic of Bashkortostan

Target: To consolidate the knowledge of children about spring, its signs, features, to be able to understand the signs of spring; ability to work in various non-traditional drawing techniques: poking, semi-dry brush. Learn to choose the right colors.

Integrated tasks:

Tutorials: Continue to teach to conduct a conversation according to the table - the scheme to activate the dictionary of children;
Consolidate knowledge of geometric shapes;
Developing: To develop figurative thinking, perception, fantasy in children, to form a sense of color, creativity;

To develop in children, to convey in the drawing a joyful mood associated with the arrival of spring, the ability to come up with the content of their work.
Educational: Cultivate love for nature, interest in the occupation, continue to teach how to work collectively.

Region Integration:"Cognitive development", "Speech development", "Physical development", "Artistic and aesthetic development", "Social and communicative development"

Activities: cognitive, motor, productive, game.


A picture about spring, a mnemonic table "Spring", a clock layout, planar flowers depicting geometric shapes, gouache, brushes, cotton buds, napkins, calm music "Nature" for drawing, water, coasters for brushes, tinted album sheets.

Expected Result: Knows the signs of spring, knows how to compose a story using a mnemonic table, names geometric shapes, knows how to draw with a semi-dry brush method, applies “pokes” with cotton swabs, develops thinking, imagination; shows interest. Respect for nature.

Lesson progress:

- Educator: Hello guys! I am glad to see you. Now hold hands and smile, we are in a good mood and everything will work out for us.

Oh, guys, when I was going to kindergarten, I met, and guess who:

She opens her buds into green leaves,
Clothes the trees, waters the crops,
Full of movement, but her name is ...

Educator: That's right folks, it's spring. Spring brought me a wreath and invited us to her spring forest. Guys, do you want to visit the forest? (children in chorus - "Yes!"). We are going with you to the forest to the meadow "Spring". One, two, three turn around, and you find yourself in the forest.

Everyone sat on the stump-chairs! So we ended up at the "Merry Glade", how beautiful it is here and there are flowers in the meadow.

caregiver: In front of us in the clearing are flowers with geometric shapes. What figures do we see? What color is the figure? What flower is extra here? (4 flowers with a triangle, 1 figure with a square).

Guys, soon you will go to school and you should be able to determine the time by the clock so as not to be late for the lesson.

Set the time when we get up in the morning? (8:00)
What time do we have lunch? (13:00)
What time do we go to bed in the evening? (21:00)

Educator: Well done! Let's continue our journey. You have a table in front of you. Look, please, carefully, what do you think, what can be said about this scheme? (about spring). Display by mimic table.


- the sun warms the heat; drops drip from icicles; - buds appear on tree branches; - Birds come from warm countries.

Educator: Guys. How many spring months? Let's remember what they are called.

Children recite a poem.

Loose snow darkens in March.

Ice floes are melting on the glass.

Bunny running around

And the map on the wall

April! April!

Drops are ringing in the yard.

Streams run through the fields

On the puddles.

Lily of the valley blossomed in May

On the very holiday

First day.

May with flowers,

The lilac is blooming.

Visual gymnastics "Spring".

Everything woke up from a dream, which means that spring has come to us. ( Sipping)
The sun is warming everything warmer, everything is faster for a walk! ( Throwing fingers out of the fist with simultaneous spreading of the arms up, to the sides)
On the right - the first flowers appeared on the meadow. ( The right hand is retracted to the side with fixation of the direction of the gaze)
On the left - a fast stream flowed from a hillock to the river.
(The left hand is moved to the side with fixation of the direction with a look)
We made a boat Bring palms together in front of chest
Decided to go into the stream. ( Removing folded palms forward away from you)
Sail away, my boat, straight to the blue river!

caregiver: Guys, look what a beautiful picture is here, sit on the stumps and look at this picture. - Children, look carefully and tell me what season is shown in the picture? (Spring).

Children: Everything comes to life, the snow melts, the sun shines, birds fly in, the first flowers appear.

Educator: What happens to trees in spring?

Children: Buds swell, leaves appear.

Educator: That's right, guys, in the spring the sun gently laughs, streams run loudly, snowdrifts melt. Everyone rejoices in the sun.

And now, guys, let's play the game "Vesnyanka", stand in a circle.

The game "Vesnyanka"

Sun, sun, golden bottom,
(children walk in a circle

Burn, burn, clear, so that it does not go out!

A stream ran in the garden,
(children run in circles

A hundred rooks flew in
(children wave their hands while standing still)

And the snowdrifts are melting, melting,
(children sit in place)

And the flowers are growing.
(children get up slowly)

Educator: Well in this clearing, we will continue our journey.

The next clearing is "Spring". Oh, guys, look at this clearing, how sad it is. It must have been her winter bewitched. Let's disenchant it and, like real artists, paint a picture of spring.

What would you draw in this picture?

Children: Trees, flowers, sun, clouds, birds.

Visual gymnastics in the picture(in the upper right corner - the sun, in the upper left corner - a cloud, in the lower left corner - a tree, in the lower right corner - flowers, in the center - birds).

Educator: We have an unusual picture, there is a clearing on it - it will be a flower clearing, flowers can be painted with a hard semi-dry brush. (Showing drawing with a hard semi-dry brush).

We will draw trees with a brush, and buds and leaves can be drawn with a poke, a cotton swab. We will paint the sun and clouds with a semi-dry brush. (Show drawing). We will draw birds with a cotton swab.

caregiver: Everyone rejoices in the sun and our fingers too. We will play with them.
(Finger gymnastics)
Girls and boys, where are your fingers ( hidden behind the back)
Send fingers in the morning ( move)
Visiting Aunt Razygra ( clap)
Sitting on a bench take turns sitting on the thumb)
We drank tea, I'll play tea ( alternate clapping and thumbs-up)
The palm of the sun was framed a little
They raised their fingers, they became rays.

Creative work of children. Calm music "Nature" sounds.

-Educator: Guys, look what a beautiful picture we got. The sun is shining brightly, the first leaves appeared on the bushes, the first flowers bloomed, the birds flew in. Well done guys, you did your best and painted a spring picture. You take this picture with you to the group and show it to your loved ones, and spring will admire the picture from the window.

It's time for us to go back to kindergarten. Let's say the magic words: "One, Two, three, turn around, return to the kindergarten!" So, back to kindergarten.

Reflection. Guys, join hands and put a piece of your breath into your palm. I take my hand in Misha's hand and betray you all, a piece of my breath. And it goes from me to Misha, Dina, etc. I feel that with a piece of our breath, friendship has become greater.

Job completed, thank you very much!

Synopsis of GCD for children of the preparatory group "Spring Tree"

(Slide 1)

Purpose: Creating an image of a spring tree.


  1. Educational: to continue acquaintance with the genre of painting - landscape. To consolidate knowledge about seasonal changes in nature. Improve technical skills (skillfully use a brush).
  2. Developing: develop a sense of color.
  3. Educational: to arouse interest in the independent creation of landscapes. Cultivate respect for nature.

Materials: reproductions of paintings by artists I. Grabar "March Snow" , V. Baksheeva "Blue Spring" , I. Levitana "March" And "Big Water" , K. Yuona "March Sun" etc.

Literature: a riddle about a tree, poems by A. Kushner "Song of Pictures" , S. A. Vasilyeva "Tree" .

Technical means: computer, projector, presentation, recording P.I. Chaikovsky "Seasons" , "Spring" .

Quiet music sounds, the teacher reads a poem: (Slide 2)

If you see in the picture
The river is drawn
Or spruce and white frost,
Or a garden and clouds

Or a snowfield
Or a field and a hut, -
Be sure to picture
It is called ……… landscape.

Guys, let's remember what kind of paintings can be called landscapes? (children's answers) (Slide 3)

A landscape is a picture that depicts the nature around us: the sky, the sun, rivers, cities, roads, etc.

Landscapes are:

  • urban
  • rural
  • marine.

A real artist does not just draw, he knows how to feel and understand the mood of nature. Russian nature is beautiful at any time of the year. And every artist sees and loves her in his own way. Someone often paints autumn, someone winter, but there are artists who depict nature at any time of the year. Landscape painters chose beautiful places, admired themselves, shared their impressions with us through paintings. They really wanted to preserve forever the enchanting beauty of nature.

Now these paintings are kept in museums, and all people can come and look at them.

I suggest you make a correspondence tour of the exhibition of paintings by Russian landscape painters.

Before you are paintings by Russian artists.

landscape painters:

  • I. Levitan "Big Water" ; (Slide 4)
  • I. Grabar "March Snow" ; (Slide 5)
  • A. Savrasov "The Rooks Have Arrived" ; (Slide 6)
  • V. Baksheev "Blue Spring" ; (Slide 7)
  • F. Vasiliev "Thaw" ; (Slide 8)
  • K. Yuon "March Sun" , "Spring sunny day" and etc. (Slide 9, 10)

Questions for pictures:

  • What is shown in the picture? (children's answers)
  • What mood did the artist convey? (children's answers)
  • Would you like to be in that place? What would you do there? (children's answers)
  • What season is depicted in all these pictures?
  • Children's answers. (Spring, call the signs of spring).

Our tour has come to an end. Remember what we saw in the pictures? (A game "The Fourth Extra" ) . (Slide 11)

-Guys, guess the riddle about what is depicted in almost all landscapes:

Its spring and summer
We saw dressed
And in the fall from the poor thing,
They ripped off all the shirts. (Tree) (Slide 12)

Guys, let's remember what the tree has?

The tree is mighty, the tree is strong,
After all, it is rooted in the ground.
Consider it in more detail, do not be lazy:
The trunk is a support for the tree, it runs up.

You touch the hard tree bark -
It reliably protects the tree in the forest.
Leaves create coolness under the tree,
They grew out of a bud in early spring.

Gently touch the leaves on the branches,
But with a Christmas tree needle, look, do not prick!

(S. A. Vasilyeva)

Children's answers (trunk, branches, leaves, roots).

Looking at trees.

Creative work.

How do we start drawing a tree?

The stem may be...

Branches below ... and above ...

What else can be depicted in the picture?

Guys, I suggest you draw a spring tree and everything that happens around in spring.


Hands raised and shook -
These are the trees in the forest.
Hands bent, brushes shaken,
The wind knocks down the dew.

To the sides of the hand, gently wave -
The birds are flying towards us.
How they sit down, we will also show
Wings folded back.

Independent activity of children, help of a teacher.

The children do their work to the music.

Well done! What beautiful trees turned out, you look at them and understand Spring has come to us! (Slide 13)

I propose to organize an exhibition so that we can all admire these beautiful paintings together.

Completed by: Zakharova A.P.,

educator MBDOU No. 264

"Spring Storm"
Abstract of the GCD lesson on art activities in the preparatory group for the school teacher Trochina E.P.
Program content:
Educational - to continue to teach children to reflect in the drawing their ideas about natural phenomena (storm, hurricane, thunderstorm, etc.), to explain the principle of asymmetry that conveys movement (dynamics of the picture). Enrich the sensory experience of children. Individually correct speech statements. Develop finger motor skills, auditory and visual perception.
Developing - to develop a sense of color, shape, composition. Initiate the search for means of artistic and figurative expression.
Educational - to cultivate interest in nature, friendly relations with each other, mutual assistance.
Methodological techniques - introductory conversation, display, entry into the picture, search questions, explanation, artistic word, questions, instructions, comparison, reminder, help, TSO, analysis. Integration of educational areas.
"Speech development" - to form a holistic picture of the world, to develop the ability to creatively perceive reality (its reflection in a work of art).
"Social and communicative development" - to form ideas about situations dangerous for a person in nature and ways of behavior in them. Develop friendly relationships. Enrich the gaming experience.
Widespread involvement in labor relations with adults and peers through shifts.
Preliminary work on educational areas.
NGO "Artistic and Aesthetic Development" - consideration of reproductions of Aivazovsky "9th Wave", Vasilyev "After the Thunderstorm", "Wet Meadow", free artistic activity of children.
NGO "Speech Development" - F. Tyutchev "Spring Thunderstorm",
S. Yesenin "The Storm", A. Blok "After the Thunderstorm"
NGO "Social and communicative development" - thematic conversations about the dangers in nature.
Observations in nature, the game "Good - bad" (TRIZ). Daily duty of children.
Vocabulary work - flood, thunderstorm, storm, hurricane, natural phenomena, rain pearls,
Equipment - demonstration material: reproductions of Aivazovsky "9th Wave", Vasiliev "After the Thunderstorm", "Wet Meadow", pictures of bad weather. TSO.
Handout - sheets of paper A 4, watercolor, water, coasters for brushes, napkins, colored pencils, wax crayons, pencils.
Venue - group
GCD progress
Educator: - Listen to Fyodor Tyutchev's poem "Spring Thunderstorm"
- I love the storm in early May,
When spring, the first thunder,
As if frolicking and playing,
Rumbles in the blue sky.
The young peals are thundering,
Here comes the rain,
The dust flies
Rain pearls hung,
And the sun gilds the threads.
An agile stream runs from the mountain,
In the forest, the din of birds does not stop,
And the noise of the forest and the noise of the mountains
- everything echoes cheerfully to the thunders.
Educator: - What natural phenomenon did the poet Tyutchev write about?
Children's answers.
Educator: - The most mysterious and dangerous natural phenomenon is a thunderstorm. Thunderstorm - an atmospheric phenomenon in which electrical discharges occur inside the clouds or between the cloud and the earth's surface - lightning, accompanied by thunder.
Lightning is a giant electrical spark discharge in the atmosphere that can usually occur during a thunderstorm, manifested by a bright flash of light and accompanying thunder.
Thunder is a sound phenomenon in the atmosphere that accompanies a lightning discharge. First, lightning will flash in the sky, then after a few seconds we will hear thunder. If you count these seconds, you can find out whether a thunderstorm is approaching or moving away from us. When the number of seconds between lightning and thunder decreases with each subsequent flash, this means that a thunderstorm is approaching us. On the contrary, if the number of seconds between lightning and thunder increases, this means that the storm is moving away from us.
More dangerous than lightning can be ball lightning.
Ball lightning is a luminous formation floating in the air, a uniquely rare natural phenomenon. Ball lightning can fly into an open window, so windows should be closed during a thunderstorm. But after a thunderstorm, the air becomes especially useful and clean, so the windows need to be opened.
Since a thunderstorm is a dangerous phenomenon, it is necessary to follow the rules of behavior during a thunderstorm.
Educator: - What words and expressions do you remember?
Children's answers.
Educator: - Pay attention to how artists depict this phenomenon of nature.
(showing Vasiliev's reproductions "After the Rain", "Wet Meadow", etc.)
- What can we feel if we find ourselves there, in the picture?
- What can we hear?
- Find how the artist conveyed the wind?
- What clouds? (clouds)
- What color is the sky?
- What happens to flowers, trees, herbs?
- How can lightning be transmitted? Wind?
- What paints can be used?
TRIZ - game "Good - bad"
Educator: - Do you think rain is good or bad?
Children's answers: - (good - why? Bad - why). Educator: - How can you escape from bad weather?
Children's answers.
Educator: - Why is a thunderstorm dangerous for a person?
Children's answers.
Educator: - How can you be saved?
Children's answers.
Phys. Minute "Wind"
- The wind blows in our face,
the tree swayed
the wind is quieter, quieter, quieter,
the tree is higher, higher,
the tree has grown!
Educator: - And now you yourself will be artists, you can choose any material and draw your own spring thunderstorm, and music will help you with this.
Artistic activities of children to classical music "The Sound of Rain", a collection of "Sounds of Nature for Children"
At the end of the lesson, an exhibition of children's work is drawn up.
The teacher reads A. Blok's poem "After the Thunderstorm"
- Under the majestic peals
Distant, slow thunders
The grass rises, crushed by a thunderstorm,
And the stalks of flexible flowers ...
The last wind in a shudder
Brings wet sheets.
Under bright sunshine
Glittering green bushes.

Attached files

Master class on drawing "Reflection. Spring"

This master class can be used in art classes with children 6-7 years old.

Target: development of children's creative abilities. Introduce the technique of monotopy. Raising love for the native city.

Necessary materials: paper, brushes, gouache, watercolor.

Work technique:

Fold a sheet of paper in half. On one half of it, a landscape is drawn, on the other, its reflection in the river (imprint) is obtained. It is drawn very quickly so that the paint does not have time to dry. Therefore, if there are many details, each one is drawn separately. Every time I make a print. The landscape is blurry. The main drawing, after an impression is made from it, is enlivened with colors so that it differs from the print.


Where many roads meet

Where Sylva merges with Irenya,

There is a town in the Urals,

Well the town is called.

Kungur, Kungur!

Fold the sheet in half. On the top half, draw a sketch with a pencil.

We start painting with paints.

We draw grass with light green paint.

We bend, we iron.

It turns out the first reflection.

We draw clouds.

By the river closer to the ford,

Clouds lap the water.

Hey look clouds

So that the sides do not burst!

We bend the sheet.

Now in our drawing, clouds floated along the river, reflected.

We begin to draw the details. If there are many, draw in parts.

Quickly, but accurately, we draw trees. After each drawing, we continue to bend the sheet, iron it with the palm of our hand and admire the reflection.

We continue to draw all the trees in the same way.

We collect gouache on the brush and draw foliage with the technique of poking.

The leaves are already reflected in the river.

We draw a house.

To prevent the paint from merging, first draw the walls.

When the paint dries, the roof.

We draw a fence.

We draw the details on the shore. You don't need to fold the paper in half.

We finish the pipe, shutters, decorate the roof.

Blooming garden.

white lace flowers

Blooms in May

The scents of the gardens

Air fills.

In the meadow, in front of the house, there are golden dandelions.

Dandelion on the path

He wore a yellow tunic.

This is the beauty we have.

In the native land, any time of the year is a miracle.

Both cold and heat are all beauty.

And it will always be so, friends, as long as

My city is alive and will live. Always.

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"Spring landscape" abstract of the GCD on fine arts.

Author: Nomokonova Svetlana Anatolyevna, educator of MBDOU "Kindergarten No. 197" of a combined type, Barnaul

Abstract of the lesson on visual activity "Spring Landscape" in the preparatory group of children with ONR.

Target: To teach children to reflect the signs of spring in the drawing using various drawing techniques (brush, cotton swabs).
Educational areas:
NGO "Artistic and aesthetic development";
NGO "Cognitive Development".
NGO "Speech development".
Program tasks:
Tasks of artistic and aesthetic development:
- Expand knowledge about the genres of fine art;
- Exercise in the ability to arrange objects in space;
- Determine the foreground and background;
- Develop the ability to draw with watercolors in different ways;
- Develop fine motor skills.
- Arouse in children creative interest, emotional responsiveness, a desire to create.
Tasks of cognitive development:
to consolidate children's knowledge of spring natural phenomena;
To consolidate knowledge about the profession of an artist, the genres of fine art.
Tasks of speech development:
Clarify and activate vocabulary on the lexical topic: "Spring";
Improve connected speech;
Tasks of physical development:
Develop mental processes: logical thinking, memory, auditory and visual perception, voluntary attention;
Develop general and fine motor skills (drawing, speech with movement)
Tasks of social and communicative development:
Raise interest in nature, seasonal changes;
To cultivate communication skills, the ability to coordinate their actions, listen to each other, teach endurance and patience;
To instill a love for the poetic word;
To cultivate a commonwealth in joint activities, the ability to bring the work begun to the end.
Materials and equipment:
paintings depicting landscapes, still life, portraits,
cotton buds,
utensils for cotton swabs,
watercolor paints
background for drawing on a landscape sheet,
meadow with flowers,
napkins for drawing
brush stands,
Preliminary work:
viewing paintings by artists
recall the genres of painting,
painting landscapes, portraits, still lifes,
prepare a background for drawing on a landscape sheet
Methodological techniques: Artistic word, display, explanation, game, encouragement, musical accompaniment.

Lesson progress:

1. Organizational moment
(Children enter, stand on the carpet on which the flowers lie)
- To begin with, I would really like to know what mood you came to the lesson with today. You and I know that every mood has its own color, there are many multi-colored flowers in our fabulous glade - each of you, please, choose a flower that is similar to your current mood. -What flower did you choose? Why? What mood are you in, Sveta? Do you have Styopa?
- I am very glad, guys, that you all chose bright and rich colors, which means that your mood is joyful, good, bright, and all the gloomy flowers remained in our clearing. And now, stand in a circle, and so that we all have a good mood, let's say compliments or affectionate words to each other

2.Main part

Well done, and now we quietly sit down in our seats. Sit all right, pay attention to your posture.
-We are in the drawing class, we began to get acquainted with different genres of fine art.
- What is the name of the profession of a person who paints pictures? (artist)
- What genres of painting do you know? (landscape, still life, portrait)
- Show the picture where the portrait is depicted?
So what is a portrait? (pictures of people)
If you see what's in the picture
Someone is looking at you
Or a prince in an old cloak,
Or a climber in a robe,
Pilot or ballerina
Or Kolya is your neighbor, -
Be sure to picture
It's called a portrait.
Show me a picture of a still life? Why do you think it's a still life? (flowers, fruits, berries, household items)
- How to create a still life? (the artist first arranges the objects beautifully, trying to place the main objects in such a way that the rest complement them, decorate them. And then he draws these objects from nature).
What are still lifes for? (plucked flowers will wither, fruits and berries will be eaten by people, and those drawn by the artist will live forever)
-What is a still life?
If you see in the picture
A cup of coffee on the table, or fruit drink in a large decanter,
Or a rose in crystal
Or a bronze vase
Or a pear, or a cake,
Or all items at once -
Know that this is a still life.
- Show me a picture of a landscape? How did you find out? (forests, fields, cities, villages, sea, mountains, glades)
- When drawing a landscape, do not forget about the foreground, near, far and background. -What is a landscape?
If you see - in the picture
The river is drawn
Or spruce and white frost,
Or a garden and clouds.
Or a snowy plain, Or a field and a hut, -
Be sure to picture
It's called landscape. Well done guys, all genres were chosen correctly.
Turned around themselves
And turned into trees.
Hands raised and shook - these are trees in the forest.
Elbows bent, brushes shaken - the wind knocks down the dew.
Let's wave our hands gently - it's birds flying towards us.
As they sit down, we will show: the wings are folded back.
-Well done. Everyone sat down correctly in their places, we will continue the lesson.

Music sounds.
- Children, what kind of beautiful music sounds, probably someone is in a hurry to visit us
Spring enters.
I come with affection
With my own story.
I wave my magic wand
I will wake up all living things.
The rooks are returning
And the snowdrop blooms.
Bear sneaking
Through the woods!
-Hello children! I, spring-red, came to visit you.
- Hello Spring! We've been waiting for you all winter. We all love spring. Why we love you, we will tell you now. Children tell why they love spring.
And we know about you physical education.
Thank you guys, but the trouble is, the winter does not want to give up its place to me, it will either cover it with snow or hit it with frost. I can't deal with her at all.
- Spring is red, maybe we can help you? Tell me what do we need to do?
- In order for winter to recede, it is necessary to draw beautiful pictures, spring landscapes.
Let the guys first remember what to remember when drawing a landscape.
When we draw a landscape, it is unforgetable that there is a foreground, near, and background.
What is being drawn in the foreground?
-Items that are closer to the artist.
What are we doing in the background?
Objects that are far away.
How do we draw them?
-Objects in the foreground are larger than those in the background.
Let's remember how to draw trees correctly.
I show the tree drawing scheme.
Draw tree leaves with cotton swabs.
Before we get to work, let's stretch our fingers.
Finger gymnastics:
Go, spring, go, red
(fingers walk across the table)
Bring a rye spikelet
box berries,
fragrant apples,
golden pears,
(bend fingers starting from the little finger)
Great harvest in our region.
(clap their hands).

Independent work of children
3. Summary of the lesson
-So our drawings are ready, bright, elegant!
While our drawings are drying up, let's tell the spring what genres of art activity we talked about today?
Spring: Thank you very much for your help, for your drawings, for your knowledge. For the fact that you helped me, I present you with medals "Spring Helpers"
Spring says goodbye and leaves.


Fairy meadow with flowers:

Deciduous tree drawing scheme:

Children's work:

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