Abstract of the lesson on cognitive development “Cosmonautics Day. Summary of classes on extracurricular activities for the day of cosmonautics "cosmos"


Olesya Pavlova
Open class for Cosmonautics Day

Target: the formation of children's cognitive interest in the history of astronautics, the development of creative abilities of children of senior preschool age.


1. Involving children in events of national importance;

2. Instilling in children a sense of gratitude towards a person for his work through acquaintance with the first people, the conquerors of space;

3. Acquaintance of children with the concepts of "universe, space, solar system, constellation, planets and their names"

4. Development of emotional responsiveness and the desire to express one's attitude to the world around.

Materials and equipment: projector, screen, poster "Universe"

Preliminary work: memorizing poems about space, preparing a presentation, talking about space and astronauts, folding origami "Rocket".

Children of the middle group are invited to the lesson.

Lesson progress:

Leading: (Slide 1) Everyone loves to look at the stars (slide 2). Someone admires their beauty, someone thinks about life on other planets, and someone tries to unravel the mysteries of space. Do you like to look at the stars? Soon we will celebrate Cosmonautics Day. Who remembers what holiday this is? (children's answers)

Nastya: We live on our planet

In such a wonderful age.

And the first of the first in the rocket

Soviet man flies!

Leading: (Slide 3) On April 12, 1961, the first man, Yuri Gagarin, flew into space. He flew around the Earth and returned. Let's see how it was with you.

The mini-film "The First Flight" is shown. During the film, children count aloud from 10 to 1, counting down the time before the rocket launch (integration with mathematics). After him, the children from the invited group read poetry.

Arina: We fly to other planets

Let's tell everyone about it!

All the toy people

He asks to fly with us.

Leading: Well done Arina! Guys, remember, please - and who was the very first to fly into outer space? Before Yuri Gagarin? (dogs) Right! (Slide 4 - 5). And what were their names? (Belka and Strelka). Well done! Belka and Strelka flew around the planet for more than a day and returned home safe and sound. And now our guests will read us another poem.

Ira: Pilot in a space rocket

He looked at the earth from above.

Still no one, no one in the world

Haven't seen this beauty!

Nadia: Ah, what a beauty!

We are not afraid of heights.

Flying over the forests

Over wide seas.

Leading: Thank you girls! Let's remember, what was the name of the first astronaut dog? (Laika) (Slide 6). Laika could not return to Earth, but she helped the development of astronautics so much that a monument was erected to her in Moscow. But before going into space, Laika trained for a long time. Let's train and train astronauts.


Children do some physical exercises at the discretion of the teacher.

Leading: In addition to stars, there are many planets in the sky. Each planet is beautiful in its own way. The ancient Romans even gave their gods the names of the planets. Do you want to know which gods the planets were named after? I'll give you riddles, listen!

As the riddles are solved, slides with the corresponding planet are shown. In addition, the teacher indicates the place of the guessed planet on the poster "Universe".

Burns without fire, flies without wings (Sun)

It's so hot on this planet

It's dangerous to be here, friends! (Mercury)

This planet was bound by a terrible cold.

The sunbeam did not reach her with warmth. (Pluto)

And this planet is proud of itself

Because it is considered the largest. (Jupiter)

One golden orange in the sky at night.

Two weeks have gone by

We didn't eat orange

But only remained in the sky

Orange slice. (Moon)

Leading: And finally, let's play the game "Take a seat in the rocket."

Together with the children of the younger group, they play a variation of the game "Musical Chair" - who will be the first to take a place on the chair when the music ends. At the end of the lesson, the children of the younger group give the elders home-made medals in the form of stars, and the older ones in return give origami rockets.

Target: arouse interest in outer space, expand children's ideas about the profession of a pilot-cosmonaut, cultivate respect for the profession, develop imagination, fantasy, and cultivate pride in their country.


To consolidate and expand the knowledge of children about outer space, the planets that make up the solar system, about astronauts. To bring children to the understanding that only a healthy, brave person can be an astronaut.

Activate children's vocabulary: Universe, solar system, astronaut, name of the planets. Cultivate a sense of pride in their homeland.


1. Pictures depicting a rocket, moon rover, stars;

2. Portraits of astronauts;

3. Geometric shapes for building a rocket;

5. Balloon;

6. Disks of red, yellow, green and white colors;

7. Stars of red and blue colors.

Preliminary work: conversations about the planet Earth, astronauts; construction of spaceships from modules and constructors; viewing illustrations about space; learning poems and songs.

Lesson progress:

To the song “Dream of Space” (music and lyrics by Lilia Knorozova), children walk around the hall and line up in a checkerboard pattern. (Children read poetry.) Educator: At home for a book and in kindergarten,
Boys dream, girls dream to fly to the moon.
They long for the moon,
And they even fly, but only in a dream. The song “Young Cosmonauts” is performed (words and music by Elena Ponomarenko), the children sit down.
Educator: We welcome everyone to the Cosmos holiday. All of you guys know that space is a distant dream of all boys. Previously, this dream was unattainable, but today an astronaut is a well-known profession. Many centuries passed before humanity found a way to overcome the earth's gravity and rise into outer space. Guys, remember fairy tales and legends. On what just did not fly fairy-tale heroes! (On bats and eagles, on flying carpets and wizards' beards, on the Little Humpbacked Horse and magic arrows...). A few centuries ago, it could never have occurred to anyone that the most convenient “transport” for moving was a rocket. The first who saw in a rocket a projectile capable of taking earthlings into interplanetary space was the great Russian scientist K.E. Tsiolkovsky. He is called the father of astronautics. Thanks to his scientific work, mankind was able to enter outer space. It took a lot of work to create the first rocket. It was built by Russian scientists, workers, engineers. Guys, do you know who was the first astronaut? An adult listens to the answers of the children, asks clarifying questions. Educator. Sunny morning On April 12, 1961, the first spacecraft in history with a man on board was launched from the Baikonur Cosmodrome. And the first cosmonaut of the Earth was our compatriot Yuri Alekseevich Gagarin. For the feat Gagarin was awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union.

Today, space flights have become quite commonplace for us, the inhabitants of the Earth.

Video for the song "You know what kind of guy he was"

Yuri Alekseevich Gagarin first went into space on the Vostok-1 spacecraft. His call sign "Kedr" was recognized by all the inhabitants of our planet. Gagarin stayed in space for 108 minutes, making only one orbit around the Earth. Half a century has passed since then, but during this time astronauts from many countries, both men and women, have been in space. And now every year our country celebrates this day as Cosmonautics Day.

Educator: What qualities do you think an astronaut should have? (good health, height, weight, endurance, knowledge of technology ...). Do you want to become astronauts yourself?

Educator: Get ready, guys, get ready for flights. Your time will come soon! Soon roads will open to the stars, to the Moon, to Venus, to Mars.

Educator: What is "space"? This is a mysterious and alluring world of stars, planets, many "heavenly stones" - asteroids and comets, piercing the airless space. What planets of the solar system do you know?

All the planets in order

Call any of us:

Once - Mercury,

Two - Venus,

Three - Earth,

Four is Mars.

Five - Jupiter,

Six - Saturn,

Seven - Uranus,

Behind him is Neptune.

He is eighth in a row.

And after him already, then,

And the ninth planet

called Pluto.

Teacher: Well done guys! You know all the planets. And there are planets in outer space. In 1965 Voskhod-2 went into space. Cosmonaut Alexei Leonov was the first spacewalker. He left the cockpit through the airlock and floated five meters away from the ship, held by a cable. He turned on the movie camera and for several minutes filmed the ship and the earth floating under it. In total, Leonov spent more than 12 minutes in space.

Host: There are many unsolved mysteries in space. I suggest you take a trip to space. But for this you need to practice. Ready?

We will go to the spaceport, (They walk.)

Together we walk in step

A fast rocket is waiting for us (Hands above your head, continue to walk.)

To fly to the planet.

Let's go to Mars (Hands to the side.)

Stars of the sky, wait for us.

To become strong and dexterous

Let's start the workout: (stop and follow the text)

Hands up, hands down

Lean left and right

turn your head

And spread your shoulder blades.

Right step and left step

And now jump like this.

Educator: Guys, something is not enough for us to go on a flight. Solve the riddle.

On an airship
Cosmic, obedient,
We, overtaking the wind,
We are rushing on ... (rocket).

Rocket, translated from Italian, means "spindle", because the shape of the rocket is like a spindle - long, streamlined, with a sharp nose. Rockets were invented a long time ago. They were invented in China many hundreds of years ago in order to make fireworks. Soon in many countries they learned how to make fireworks, and they began to celebrate solemn days with festive fireworks. For a long time, rockets served only for holidays. But then they began to be used in war as a formidable weapon. And in peacetime for the withdrawal of the spacecraft and space exploration.

Educator: Let everyone build their own spaceship-rocket and give one definition of what it is, its ship. (Children build rockets from different geometric shapes.)

Educator: All crews coped with this task. Let's take off ( space music sounds.

5, 4, 3, 2, 1 - here we are flying into space - (for each number, jerk your hands higher and connect with an angle above your head)

The rocket rushes quickly to the radiant stars - (run in a circle)

We flew around the star, we wanted to go into space – ( imitating "weightlessness", scattered around the hall)

We fly in weightlessness, we look through the windows - (hands above the eyebrows),

Only a friendly starship can take with them on a flight! - (connect around, then go to their places).

Educator: Guys, during the trip, all the inhabitants of the planets must be greeted. What gestures can be used to do this? (Children show.)

Game "Earth, Moon. Rockets»

Children stand in a round dance - Earth. 2 captains - 2 rockets in the center of the circle with flags in their hands. The moon is at some distance from the round dance-Earth. 2 children in a round dance with flags - the gates of the earth through which rockets will fly.

Children: There are star fields in the sky, the Earth is spinning in the sky. The globe goes around the sun with a white moon

Luna: I am Luna, I am Luna, I play hide and seek. It is visible, it is not visible, then I shine again.

Children: Hides one side, it's true there are secrets. For reconnaissance, rockets will fly to the moon.

1 rocket: I'm not kidding, a rocket, I'll fly straight into space.

2 rocket: I will fly around the moon with a camera, we will bring photos of the moon to the guys.

Moon : And the moon will have no secrets.

Children: So fly fast rockets to the moon! (Rockets run around the round dance and the Moon, whoever gives the flag to the Moon faster wins.)

Educator: Ahead of the Milky Way, how many bright galaxies in the Universe.

Game-competition "Star Bouquet"

Teacher: This game requires 2 players. Five blue stars and five red stars are laid out on the floor. The boys are blindfolded. More stars of a different color are added to the floor. You need to collect as many stars of only your color as possible. Assistants have the right to shout "Take it!", "Do not take it!"

The game "Color Phone"

Educator: Planet of the Red Sun. I have colored discs in my hands. Each disc color has its own meaning. Green color - Earth. Yellow color - Moon. Red color - Mars. These are the names of the planets. When I show you a disk, you must tell me the planet. If I show you a white disc, you must remain silent.

Educator: Very dexterous, courageous, hardy people go into space. And now, we will conduct a test of agility, agility and endurance.

"The Bowling Game"

The game starts with 6 (4, 5, 7) people. They walk to music around 5 pins (3, 4, 6). As soon as the music stops, you need to grab the skittle. Who did not have time, sits down.

Educator: Before launching a rocket into space, scientists calculate the trajectory of its flight. Is it possible to make a balloon move along a predetermined trajectory? What do you guys think? Let's check it out in practice. This relay requires 2 teams of 5 people. Before the relay, the players of each team receive a balloon. It must be carried from start to finish, giving it acceleration with one hand and trying not to touch the floor. The winner is the team whose players finished the relay race first and at the same time made fewer mistakes.

Educator: This is the end of our space journey through the planets. Now we know what planets are in our solar system. We know that a person who flies into space is called an astronaut. He must be strong, healthy, strong, be sure to exercise and eat well. And who knows, maybe one of you will grow up and become an astronaut. And today, when you come home, tell all your loved ones what you know about space. And, of course, congratulate your family on the holiday, on Cosmonautics Day.

Synopsis of GCD in the senior group "This mysterious space"

Software content.
To consolidate the elementary ideas of children about the planets of the solar system, about the planet Earth, about its satellite - the Moon, about the stars and constellations, as well as about space exploration by people. Teach children about meteorites. Strengthen the ability to design according to visual schemes. Strengthen the ability to compose simple and complex sentences. Develop curiosity.
Material for the lesson.
Photo illustrations depicting the surface of several planets of the solar system, visual diagrams for constructing a "rocket", chairs. Physical training equipment: cubes, hoops, rope, balls, gymnastic wall.

Educator:- Guys, who was the first astronaut in the world?
Children: - Yuri Gagarin.
Educator:- Which of the astronauts do you still know?
Children: - Valentina Tereshkova - the first woman cosmonaut.
Educator:- Would you like to go to the moon?
Children: - Yes!
Educator:– Astronauts must be strong, courageous, knowledgeable and able to do everything themselves. What do you know about the moon?
Children: - The moon is a satellite of the Earth. The moon is four times smaller than the earth. The moon does not shine by itself, it is like a mirror only reflects the sun's rays falling on it. The moon has no atmosphere. There is no water on the moon either. The moon revolves around the earth.
caregiver: - Well done!
And now let's choose the scheme of the rocket and we will start building our big rocket.
caregiver: - That's what a good rocket turned out! What are we going to call her because she doesn't have a name?
Children come up with names and answer each in turn.
caregiver: -Do you think we can take pots with borscht, meatballs, compote?
Children: No, you can't. Indeed, in space, weightlessness and all food will fly on a rocket and you need to take special tubes with different delicious food.
Educator:- Guys, what kind of food can be in tubes?
Children: - Borscht, soup, porridge, compote.
Educator: - In order for our journey to begin, you need to guess which word is superfluous and why?: fly, flight, summer, pilot, flying.
Children: - Summer.
Educator:- Before the flight, you must repeat one rule. This is the rule of friendship.
Children: - One for all and all for one!
Educator:- Five-minute readiness is announced: The countdown begins 5, 4, 3, 2, 1.
Educator:- Guys, here we are in space! Look how many stars! Admire them. In ancient times, people also loved to watch the stars, and they connected groups of stars into constellations.

caregiver: - Attention! Our spacecraft is approaching the planet Luna. Getting ready for landing. What do you need to do to get off the ship?
Children: - Put on spacesuits.
caregiver Q: Why do we need them?

There is no atmosphere on the Moon and therefore there is no air, and we will have nothing to breathe.
Here we go down to the moon.
I like the trip very much.
The children are filled with joy.
Here she is Luna!

Look, someone is meeting us. Who is this?
Master of the solar system: - Hello guys! I am the Mistress of the solar system and I would like to ask you to help me. Several planets in the solar system fell ill. To cure them, each one must be correctly named and described.
(image of the planet Mercury is shown)
Children: - This is the planet Mercury.
Mercury is the planet closest to the sun
It is flooded with rays of hot light.
He gets so many rays
That this planet of others is hot.
So fast Mercury runs in orbit
As if in a hurry: "Catch up with me!"
Ruler of the Solar System:- That's right, guys, this is Mercury. What else do you know about this planet?
Children: - Mercury is smaller than the Earth. The surface of Mercury is hard, rocky. Mercury has no atmosphere.
(image of the planet Venus is shown)
Children: - This is the planet Venus.
In honor of the goddess of beauty
You are named Venus!
You shine in dark skies
You shine with beauty.
Mistress of the solar system: - That's right, guys. What else do you know about Venus?
Children: - The surface of Venus is rocky. The planet has an atmosphere, but there is no air in it. There is no water on Venus.
(shows an image of the planet Earth)
Children: - This is our planet Earth.
Ruler of the Solar System:- Yes, guys, you recognized your planet. Tell me more about her.
Children: - The earth is a huge solid ball. On the surface of this sphere there is land and water. The earth revolves around the sun. Due to this rotation, the seasons change. Earth is the only inhabited planet known to us. Earth has water and air. Earth is not too hot, but not too cold either.

Ruler of the Solar System:- Well done! I really liked your story.
showing the planet Mars)
Children: - This is the planet Mars.
Mars is a mysterious planet.
It is slightly larger than the moon.
Because of the blood red color
The planet was named after the god of war.
Ruler of the Solar System: What else do you know about this planet?
Children: - Mars has an atmosphere, but there is no air in it. The surface of Mars is solid and covered with orange-red sand, which is why Mars is called the "Red Planet".
(image of the planet Jupiter is shown)
Children: - This is the planet Jupiter.
Jupiter is the largest of all planets
But there is no life on the planet.
liquid hydrogen everywhere
And bitter cold all year round.
(the system shows an image of the planet Saturn)
Children: - This is the planet Saturn.
Saturn is a beautiful planet
And rings of stones and ice
She is always surrounded.
Master of the solar system: - Thanks guys. You helped me a lot.

There is a mobile game.
Fast rockets are waiting for us
For flights around the planets.
Whatever we want, we'll fly to such!
But there is one secret in the game -
There is no room for latecomers!
The teacher removes a few hoops. The game is repeated until one hoop remains.
Mistress of the solar system: - you are really real astronauts. These stars I want to give you as a keepsake. Goodbye!
(Children approach the "rocket")
Educator: - Attention crew! Everyone take their places on our ship. Prepare for departure: 5, 4, 3, 2, 1.

caregiver: - Guys, did you like the trip?
Children: - Yes!
Teacher: What did you like the most?
Children's answers.

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Lesson summary

Knowledge of the world

Age group: preparatory

Subject: Cosmonautics Day.

Development task:To consolidate the knowledge of children that the first cosmonaut was a Russian citizen Yuri Gagarin.

Learning task:Expand children's ideas about space flights; to acquaint with Russian scientists who stood at the origins of the development of Russian cosmonautics - K.E. Tsiolkovsky, S.P. Korolev.

Educational task:Raise pride for our Motherland, for its achievements in science, for the heroism of the Russian people.

Health-saving task:To bring children to the understanding that only a healthy, educated, strong person can be an astronaut.

Material: multimedia.


I tell riddles to children.

1. Miracle - bird, scarlet tail

Arrived in a flock of stars.(rocket)

2. Not a month, not a moon,

Not a planet, not a star

It flies through the sky, overtaking planes.(satellite)

3. Polka dots scattered across the dark sky

Colored caramel from sugar crumbs

And only when the morning comes

All the caramel will suddenly melt.(stars)

4. In space through the thicket of years

Icy flying object.

His tail is a strip of light,

The object's name is... comet

- Guys, guess what we are going to talk about today? (about space, astronauts ...)

What holiday does our country celebrate on April 12?(Cosmonautics Dayslide-saver)

Why is this holiday called so? (This is a holiday not only for astronauts, but also for those who are involved in the development, construction and testing of space rockets, satellites, and all space technology).

Who are astronauts? (before the first man went into space, they sentartificial satellites, lunarand interplanetary automatic stations- slide . And only then did people appear in space orbits. They became known as astronauts.

Why do you think people wanted to fly into space?

The man looked at the stars sky - slide, and he wanted to know what kind of stars they were, why they were so bright. Scientists have come up with special devices– slide telescopes, and watching the starry sky, they learned that there are other planets besides the Earth - some are smaller, others are larger.

What planets do you know?Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto - slide).

People wanted to know if there is life on other planets. And if so, who lives there? Are these living beings like humans? But to find out about it, you need to fly to these planets. Airplanes were not suitable for this, because the planets were very far away. And then scientists came up with rockets.

Who invented the first rocket in Russia?

A simple teacher lived in the city of KalugaKonstantin Eduardovich Tsiolkovsky - slide. He was very fond of observing the stars through a telescope, studied them, and he really wanted to fly to distant planets.

He decided to design such an aircraft that could fly to some planet. He made calculations, made drawings and came up with such an aircraft. But, unfortunately, he did not have the opportunity to build this aircraft.

And only after many, many years another scientist -designer Sergey Pavlovich Korolev - slide,was able to design and manufacturefirst space satellite - slide,in which around the Earth first flew who? (dogs Belka and Strelka - slide).This happened on August 20, 1960, after a daily flight they were returned to Earth in an ejection capsule and became world famous.

And under the leadership of S.P. Korolev, a slide rocket, in which on April 12, 1961, a man flew into space for the first time in the world.

What is the name of this person? Who was the first astronaut?(Yu.A. Gagarin) -slide

After Gagarin's flight, a lot of cosmonauts visited space, among them there were women

Who knows the name of the first astronaut? (Valentina Tereshkova and Svetlana Savitskaya - slides)

What do you think an astronaut should be like?

First of all, an astronaut must be in good health, he must be strong, hardy, because during a space flight a person experiences enormous overloads.


- What is overload?

Overload is a state when the body is faced with such loads that not everyone can withstand.

For example, when a rocket takes off and when it lands, the body of the one in the spaceship becomes very heavy, and the arms and legs cannot be lifted. But, on the other hand, when the spaceship is in space, the body becomes light. Like fluff and people fly around the ship like feathers- slide.

What is this state called in space? (state of weightlessness).

Do you know what the astronauts' food is in? (in tubes - slide,otherwise, the astronauts would have been chasing around the ship for bread or juice). You see how difficult it was for the first cosmonaut.

Why do we say that an astronaut must be fearless?

Previously, people had never flown into space and did not know what they could encounter there. After all, there could be some kind of malfunction in the rocket. Therefore, astronauts must know very well how a rocket works in order to fix malfunctions. Astronauts could collide with other aircraft - after all, no one knew if there was life on other planets.

The return of the cosmonauts is awaited not only by their relatives, but by the whole nation. And everyone is happy. When they land safely.

Therefore, when Yuri Gagarin flew into space for the first time, all our people followed this flight, everyone was worried about the first cosmonaut. And when he landed safely, the whole country rejoiced.

Do you know where Yuri Gagarin landed for the first time? (on Saratov land, outside the city of Engels, at the landing site of Y. Gagarin, obelisk - slide). Saratov met the astronaut, but Moscow rejoiced even more. In Moscow, people gathered in the center, on Red Square, and the celebration continued until late in the evening, they shouted “Hurrah! Gagarin", "Glory to our Motherland!" slide.

The work of the cosmonauts was duly appreciated by our country: all the cosmonauts were awarded high awards. Located in MoscowCosmonauts Alley - slide.

The square on which a monument to him is erected is named after Yu.A. Gagarin - slide.

The city of Gzhatsk, where Yu.A. Gagarin was born and lived, now bears his name - the city of Gagarin. In this city there is a museum of Yu.A. Gagarin- slide.

The Air Force Academy, where pilot-cosmonauts are trained, also bears the name of Yu.A. Gagarin- slide

A street was named after S.P. Korolev (Akademika Korolev St. - slide).


What new and interesting things did you learn today?

What would you tell at home, from what you saw and heard?

Maybe one of you will also become an astronaut or a rocket designer and invent a rocket in which people will not experience such overloads that astronauts are experiencing now. And glorify our Motherland.

Every nation has people who glorified their country, their homeland, and we are proud that there are such wonderful people in our country of Russia.

Victoria Hozyaykina
Summary of the lesson "Cosmonautics Day"


Introduce children to the history of the holiday Cosmonautics Day.

Provide basic knowledge about outer space, planets, first astronauts.

Enrich vocabulary: planets, space, spaceship, meteorite, telescope.


Summarize children's knowledge about the holiday « Cosmonautics Day» .

Have an idea about the profession astronaut.

Consolidate knowledge of geometric shapes.

Develop fine motor skills.

Develop imagination, logical thinking, interest in knowing the world around.


Pictures depicting the portrait of Yu. Gagarin, V. Tereshkova, dogs Belka and Strelka, meteorite, rocket, solar system.

Gel ball.

Children's drawings on the topic: "Excursion to the planetarium".

A set of colored paper, glue, scissors, an album.

Rocket pattern.

Lesson progress:

Even in ancient times, watching birds, people dreamed of flying. Looking at the starry sky, we thought how to fly higher and find out what is there?

There is an ancient Greek myth about Daedalus and Icarus.

Master Daedalus made wings for himself and for his son Icarus, fastened with wax to fly into the sky. Even before the flight, Daedalus asked son: "Don't climb too high, the sun will melt the wax. Don't fly too low, the sea water will get on the feathers and they will get wet." But already during the flight, Icarus was so carried away by the flight that he forgot his father's instructions and rose very high, approaching too close to the Sun. The rays of the Sun melted the wax, as a result, Icarus fell and drowned in the sea. The ancient Greeks believed that Daedalus invented the first flywheel, as they called his invention.

A lot of time has passed since people finally learned how to build flying machines. Then they began to test them. Animals were the first testers. The most famous were the dogs Belka and Strelka.

(Photo display).

And only after that space people started learning. The very first on April 12, 1961 on a rocket "East" V space flew Yuri Gagarin. On his rocket, he flew around the Earth, the name of the planet on which we live.

(Photo display)

Reading a poem (1 child):

IN space rocket

He is the first on the planet

I was able to rise to the stars.

Singing songs about it

spring drops:

Forever will be together

Gagarin and April.

But in space fly not only men, but also women.

And the first woman astronaut was Valentina Tereshkova.

(Photo display).

Of course now astronauts fly not homemade aircraft, but on rockets.

(Photo display).

How does a rocket take off? Let's look at this using the example of a gel ball.

The teacher takes out a gel ball, puts it on the floor and releases it, the ball rises up to the ceiling.

Imagine that the ball is our rocket, and the ceiling is the sky. We see how our rocket rose high into the sky. Only a real rocket is refueled not with gel, but with fuel.

But not only astronauts can see far space. Long before the first flight, scientists astronomers looked through their telescopes and saw that in the distant outer space there are many stars, planets, meteorites. A meteorite is a huge piece that has broken off from a star, they are very large.

(View image).

Scientists have found that the planets revolve around the sun, and so does our planet. But no one lives on other planets. Only on our planet Earth there is everything you need for life (air, water).

(View picture Parade of planets around the sun).

Looking at the night sky, we can see many stars. Some shine very brightly and appear very large, others shine weakly and appear small, depending on how close or far they are from the Earth. But there is one star that seems to be the brightest of all, and that is the guiding star. Sailors used to find their way home along it.

Reading a poem (2 child).

There is one star in the sky

Which one, I won't say

But every evening from the window

I look at her.

She shimmers so bright!

And somewhere in the sea

Now, probably a sailor

Paves the way.

Earth is the most beautiful planet, only it has seas, rivers, lakes, mountains and plains. Only on it can people, animals, trees and flowers grow.

People can build houses, schools, kindergartens. And of course they dream of flying to space.

Reading a poem (4 child).

Drawing in an album

We are school and kindergarten.

Above the school, above the garden

flies astronaut.

To the starry sky

We stare for a long time:

go to space

We want too.

Now we'll get

another pencil,

And rise into the sky

Our crew.

Above the school, above the garden

Let's hit the road

So that from heaven to earth

Take a look at your family.

Everyone wants to go to space?

(answer guys).

Then let's build it, each our own, and fly to a distant space.

But first, we need to practice well.

Finger gymnastics « Astronaut» .

In the dark sky the stars shine

Astronaut flies in a rocket. (Rubbing palm on palm)

The day flies and the night flies. (clench and unclench fists)

And looks down at the ground. (simulate binoculars)

He sees the fields from above (Spread your arms out to the sides, palms down)

Mountains, rivers and seas

(we raise our hands up, show the height of the mountains. We connect the palms and perform wave-like movements, imitating a river. We spread our arms to the sides with our palms up).

He sees the whole globe (Join hands above head).

The globe of the earth is our home. (shake hands alternately).

Now let's start building our rockets.

The teacher shows a sample of a rocket made up of geometric shapes. And he invites the children to take geometric shapes cut out in advance from colored paper by the educator (square, oval, triangle, rectangle) and make a layout of the rocket, then glue it onto the landscape sheet with glue.

The missiles have been built.

Go! So said Yuri Gagarin before the start.

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