Synopsis of a vocal lesson (guidelines for a teacher). Plan-outline of lessons on vocals Plan-outline on the topic of vocal exercises


Municipal Budgetary Educational Institution

"Gymnasium No. 2"

Tver region Ostashkov

Open Lesson Plan

vocal group "Impulse"

1-2 class

The initial stage of work on a new song.


additional education:


Angelica Vladimirovna


Conduct form: Learning a new song.

Lesson type : Combined.

The purpose of the lesson : Introduction to the song. Formation of students' interest in vocal creativity.



 to achieve pure unison as the basis for the development of harmonic hearing.

Educational :

 continuation of the formation of vocal and choral skills and abilities;

 development of harmonic hearing;

 development of musical susceptibility, that is, the ability to hear and listen, the ability to analyze, compare;

 expanding the musical horizons of students through the repertoire;

 development of imagination, thinking, memory.

Educational :

 to cultivate emotional responsiveness to music, the content of the text,

 to cultivate the desire to perform songs in independent activities,

 to cultivate a love for music, the need to communicate with art,

 fostering a respectful attitude to creative activity.

Formation of UUD

(universal learning activities)

Personal Skills:

The manifestation of educational and cognitive interest in the performance of tasks;

- the desire to realize their creative potential;

Orientation to the position of other people, different from one's own, respect for a different point of view.

Regulatory Skills:

The ability to learn and the ability to organize their activities;

Purposefulness and perseverance in achieving the goal;

Ability to control the process and results of their activities;

Evaluation of partnership results.

Cognitive Skills:

The ability to consciously and voluntarily build a speech statement;

Reflection of methods and conditions of action, control and evaluation of the process and results of activities;

Transferring the content and mood of musical material with the help of stage exposure, auditory control;

Selection of grounds and criteria for comparison, classification of objects;

Generalization of knowledge on the worked out repertoire.

Communication skills:

Ability to express one's thoughts, justify one's own opinion;

Ability to negotiate, find a common solution;

Ability to argue your proposal, convince and yield;

Ability to maintain a friendly attitude towards each other in a situation of conflict of interest;

Mutual control and mutual assistance in the course of the task:

- mastering the methods and principles of collective musical, creative and gaming activities.

Teaching methods:

 visual (auditory and visual);

 verbal (discussion of the nature of music, figurative comparisons, verbal evaluation of performance);

 practical - exercises, assignments;

 explanatory - illustrative in combination with reproductive (vocal illustrations in the voice of the teacher and reproduction of what the children heard).

Methodological techniques :

 creative tasks and questions that stimulate mental activity and create search situations;

 application of an individual approach, monitoring the development of students, group and individual survey;

 encouraging children to self-control and self-esteem in the process of singing;

 variability of tasks when repeating exercises and song material;

 representation "in the mind" of the first sound already on the breath;

 humor, approval, encouragement of students' success in order to stimulate their interest in classes, as a way to evoke positive emotions that increase the performance of children.


    developmental education, interdisciplinary relations, art technology, health saving (breathing exercises according to the method of A.N. Strelnikova, hygienic and vibrational massages, speech therapy exercises (patter tongue twisters), articulatory gymnastics).

    elements of problem-based learning, simulation-game modeling of professional activities;

    performing technologies: the formation of singing culture, the formation of associative-figurative thinking.

Psychological conditions in the lesson:

 psychologically comfortable atmosphere. emotional satisfaction;

 personality-oriented communication, taking into account the level of musical development;

 taking into account individual characteristics;

 differentiated approach.

Equipment : piano (synthesizer), computer, sheet music, notes of exercises and chants, words of the songs being learned, presentation.

1. Organizational moment

Hello guys! I am glad to see you. Today we have guests, let's say hello to them.(Children greet)

So, are you ready to go?

We got into a circle.

Hug the neighbor on the right (left) ... They turned and smiled at each other.

What is the mood?


2. Setting the goal and objectives of the lesson.

Guys, have you noticed the changes in our class?

What is shown here? (forest, house, sun, water….railroad )

What would that mean? What is the road for? (To ride on it .)

What are we going to eat on it?(By train.)

Glue the locomotive on the board

It seems to me that something is missing here ... Caravans!(We glue trailers)

Do you know any songs about the railway, about wagons? (The blue wagon, The locomotive hummed and the wagons drove.)

I want to introduce you to one very interesting song.

(First, let's sit on the chairs.)

Your task is to determine the mood of the song. But, most importantly, come up with a name for it.

Listening to the video song

Song analysis:

What is the nature of the song? (Cheerful, kind )

What is the song about? (About miracles, about friendship )

What will we name our song?(White lambs, Choo-choo-choo, Locomotive Insect)


Let's compare our song and the picture on the board. (What common? Similar?)

Did you like the song? (Yes ) Do you want to learn it? (Yes )

So, what are we going to do today? (Learn a song)

But in order to sing it beautifully, what is needed for this?(You have to do a lot. Chanting, exercises, tongue twisters.)

- Those. we today….

3. Acquaintance with the features of singing breathing. Technique of art pedagogy.

And we are going to the meadow. How do you imagine the meadow?

(There are many herbs, beautiful flowers, no trees, many insects, butterflies, bees, bumblebees fly, bees buzz and grasshoppers chirp.)

What will we ride?(By train.)

How does the steam locomotive run? (Choo-choo, tu-tu)

Who wants to be a steam locomotive?

Wagons hooked up? Go!

(Choo-choo-choo. Tu-tu!!!)

We've arrived!



Close your eyes. Imagine a bright sun, a green meadow, wildflowers. Breathe in the scent of this meadow. Take a deep breath, and now exhale slowly. (This exercise stimulates the lungs.

Are you doing the exercise correctly?

( Singing position: The back is straight, the shoulders do not rise. When inhaling through the nose, the stomach expands; when exhaling through the mouth, the stomach shrinks. .)

To learn how to sing, you need to breathe correctly while singing.

(Show where it is, check with a friend) Work in pairs

"Our shoulders are motionless,

We breathe through our noses barely audibly.

Inhale - hold your breath

And take a deep breath."

2. "Palms"

Put your hands up to the sun. (Palms facing forward )

(Slowly at first!)

A short noisy breath through the nose - clench your palms into a fist. Immediately exhale freely through the nose or mouth. Unclench your fists.

3. « Catch a mosquito"

Here flew mosquito.

What sound does a mosquito make - "z-z"

Inhale deeply, silently, while exhaling with the sound z-z, we slowly join our hands to “catch a mosquito”, which annoyingly rings in front of you z-z (children practice the skill of exhalation).

But a breeze came up and the mosquitoes disappeared.

4. Listen, who is this? (cow, calf )

With a closed mouth, the sound "mm" on a triad. Let's sing.

5. Passed along the roadcar. What is the sound of the car? (“tr-r”, in high tessitura - “the car is going uphill”). Let's sing.

6. And in the distance you can see the forest. Already at the edge of the forest we hear how it spreads through the forest"ay" (an exercise for a wide interval of an octave - from the chest resonance to the head one - we sing in several keys).

7. Somewhere sings his songcuckoo

("ku-ku" - we sing in several keys ).

Interested in the meadow?

8. And now we'll play"Mirror" showing each other different facial expressions (sad - lower lip forwardoffended - upper lip upfunny - the upper lip stretched in a smile, exposing the upper teeth, evil).

9. Let's remember patter : "From behind the forest, from behind the mountains, grandfather Yegor is coming."

And now with different emotional overtones: joy, sadness, admiration, surprise, etc.

10. Grandpa left on horseback. How does the horse chirp?"Clicked" tongue (high - low), depictinghorse.

Did you enjoy walking in our musical meadow?....

Then it's time to return to our song! Go!

(They cling to trailers, go and sit on chairs)

4. Learning a song. ( return method)

"Steam locomotive Bukashka"

Let's get back to our song. What is it called?

Listen to the words of the first verse and chorus.

Song learning. Work on dynamic shades in the song.

Children, what should be the diction in singing? (legible, understandable.)

How to pronounce the words in singing? (Clearly, clearly.)

What determines a clear, clear pronunciation? (From the active work of the articulatory organs (lips, tongue, soft palate, lower jaw, pharynx)

Performance of the song in its entirety to the soundtrack.

5. Conclusions. Reflection.

Our lesson has come to an end. Did you enjoy the activity? (Yes )

Finish the sentence:I especially enjoyed today...

- If you liked everything in the lesson, then put a smiling emoticon in our trailers.

If you think that something did not work out for you and you are not very satisfied with yourself - a sad emoticon.

6. Homework

Learn the lyrics by heart.

For a good mood candy!

I can sing beautifully.

Synopsis of the vocal circle

in the senior group, the first year of study.

Compiled by - Golubtsova S. L. music director

MDOU "Center for Child Development - Kindergarten No. 86"

city ​​of Severodvinsk.

Program content:

  1. Encourage children to actively engage in vocal activities.
  2. Strengthen the ability to sing in unison, a cappella sing sounds using hand movements.
  3. To develop the pitch, dynamic and rhythmic hearing of children.
  4. Continue to work on the development of breathing.
  5. To promote the development of expressive, emotional performance in children: singing without tension, smooth, melodious.
  6. Practice singing into a microphone.


  1. Microphone.
  2. Glasses with boiled water, tubes for a cocktail.
  3. Cards with vowels.

Lesson progress:

The children enter the room.

Musical director.Guys, I'm glad to our new meeting. Look how many guests we have today. Let's greet them.

Children sing: "Hello," by showing a hand

Now let's say hello to each other.

Let your ear controllers choose the best greeting today.

Children stand in a circle.

"Greet a warm hello to the neighbor on the right," into the microphone.

Musical director.Whose greeting did you like best? Why?

Listen to some children's answers.

Musical director.Today in the lesson we will remember some important rules of beautiful singing. You have already mentioned one thing: we must try to draw out vowel sounds so that our singing differs from ordinary speech. You agree with me? You have good ear controllers. Now listen carefully to the music and try to show the rhythm correctly. (Half, 2 quarters).

To the music of "Polka-flapper", held

rhythm game "I am my friends."

At the end of the game, the children go to the chairs near the piano.

Musical director.What wonderful friends we are, attentive and kind, we treat each other with care. Do you think our voice needs to be treated with care?

Musical director.What should we do to keep our voice always beautiful?

Children's answers:

Do not shout, do not eat ice cream in the winter on the street,

do not drink cold water, do not wallow in the snow.

Harden your throat.

Musical director.Raise your hand, who hardens the throat at home? Let's remember how we did it.

Distribute cups of water to the children.

Take a little sip, lift your head up

and pronounce drawling sounds: A, E, I, O, U.

Musical director.Well done! But in order to sing beautifully, you need to know one more important rule: to be able to control your breath. Make the inhalation short and silent, and the exhalation long and smooth.

Distribute cocktail tubes.

At the conductor's signal, the children take a breath,

and exhale into the water through a tube.

Musical director.The next important rule: you need to open your mouth well, and clearly pronounce the words both quietly and loudly.

"I'm walking down the stairs" - chant.

Sing, changing the dynamics: f, p.

Musical director. (Scared)Our familiar crocodile, he swallowed someone. Whom?

Children offer their options.

The chant "How the crocodile screams" is sung.

Musical director.I looked at you and remembered another important rule: you need to be able to sit or stand correctly while singing. Do you remember this rule?

The song "It's pleasant and convenient to sing" is performed.

Musical director.To make the song interesting to listen to, you need to convey its mood, character. In the song "Mom", what is the character, how should it be sung?

Children's answers.

Musical director.Try to sing the way you said. And let our guests appreciate your performance.

Children sing the song "Mom".

Summarize the presentation.

Musical director.Good performance comes with entertainment.

We begin to play and walk to the music.

The musical game "Sing your letter" is held.

Play 2-3 times.

Musical director.This is where our game ends. And our work has come to an end. Today in the lesson we remembered the important rules of beautiful singing. List them again.

The children are called.

Musical director.And now, as polite people, let's say goodbye to our guests and to each other until the next meeting.

Children sing: ""Do-swee-yes-no-I"

They leave the hall.

Elena Mikhailovna Ivanova
Vocal lesson plan

Outline plan

open classes additional education teacher

Ivanova Elena Mikhailovna

leader vocal circle"Singing Friends"

Technological College of Birobidzhan

Subject classes vocal numbers».

Target classes: to form an idea of ​​the sequence and content of work that contribute to improving the quality of performance of the songs being learned, to teach how to use the knowledge gained in independent work.


a) teaching:

Consolidate concepts "solo" And "ensemble" singing;

Give a concept "algorithm";

Summarize the previously studied material by introducing the algorithm for working on vocal work;

Teach children to use the acquired knowledge in independent work;

b) developing:

In progress vocally-choral work to develop singing skills;

Develop creativity by involving children in the work on the song;

c) educational:

Build a strong interest in music vocal culture;

Cultivate good relationships with each other and with others.

Technologies used on lesson:

Technology of formation of singing culture.

Technology of differentiated learning.

Technology of individual training.

Health saving technology.

Material resources learning:


Board, chalk


Multi-media projector, screen

Pencil, notebook



Phonogram minus

Sheet music and lyrics

Lesson progress

I. Organizational moment.

The pupils of the circle enter the class, sit down in their places.


Hello. I am glad to meet you again. Today, guys, we will continue to work on our songs. first half classes we will devote to the study of new material and the common song that we are preparing for the holiday concert, and in the second half we will deal with individual and independent work.

Work safety briefing place:

I remind you that all our technical equipment is powered by electricity, so you need to be as cautious: try not to touch the wires of the piano and tape recorder, do not twist the microphone wire in your hands. Do not swing on chairs to avoid injury.

The theme of our class sounds like this: "The algorithm of work aimed at achieving a high level of performance of solo and ensemble vocal numbers", A.

our goal today: find out in what sequence work is being done on vocal work and learn how to independently apply the knowledge gained.

II. Theoretical part.

Learning new material.

And we'll start with one hundred try figure out: what is the essence of the topic classes. The first word, I think, will seem to you the most interesting - "algorithm". Straightaway ask: Does anyone know what it means?

students: …


After all, there is nothing easier: algorithm - a sequence of actions (steps leading to the achievement of the goal, i.e. what should be done after what in order to get the desired result.

What is our main goal? Why do we come here (V vocal circle) study?

students: To learn how to sing songs beautifully, perform on stage.


Right. We don't want to just sing a song (however, on our classes we strive to learn how to perform it at a decent level. It is known that there is no limit to perfection, but we must strive for it. And in order to get a good result in our work with you, we must clearly understand what it consists of.

It is clear that we should listen to music a lot, read, do various breathing exercises, voice development and much more. But now we will try understand: what steps, what stages does the work on a song consist of, be it solo or ensemble.

By the way, who can remind What is the difference between a solo performance and an ensemble performance? And what is the complexity of each of them.

Solo singing - 1 person sings, great responsibility for how you sing, the absence of a friend’s elbow nearby - there is no psychological support, hence fear, no opportunity "hide" if something doesn't work out the way you want it to.

In the ensemble - others peculiarities: many voices, it is important to achieve harmonious singing, i.e. unity in performance.

Regardless of whether it is a solo or an ensemble piece, the algorithm is approximately the same. In the ensemble, the work becomes more complicated due to the expenditure of more time, especially at the beginning, when the parts are being learned. (votes)(i.e., the melody and rhythm of each of them, and then connecting them and building harmony.

So, guys, here is a scheme for your attention. (see diagram No. 1) Today we will just get to know her. And on the next classes we will study in more detail. This scheme reminds someone "ladder", but to someone, in connection with the last Olympic Games "pedestal". The winner here will be the one who reaches the highest step, and what will be the reward?

students: …

teacher: Yes, applause from the audience and satisfaction from the work done.


teacher: Now we will try to apply our knowledge in practice. But before we start working on our repertoire, what do we need to do?

students: …

teacher: That's right, to prepare the singing apparatus for work, because work on the quality of performance of a work begins with the implementation of exercises.

III. Practical part.

Work on the quality of solo and ensemble performances vocal works.

3.1 Preparing the singing apparatus for work (work standing):

1. Singing installation.

2. Articulation gymnastics:

Cheek development: "Clown grimaces: smile-pipe", "The Mouth of the Lion", « Hamster: hungry and full", "Swords".

Lip development: "Piglet", "We bite our lips", "Disgruntled Horse".

Language development: "Chewing Gum", "Watch", "Horse and Pony".

Development of soft sky: "Wheels", "Yawn".

3. Breathing exercises:

"Candle Game" (deep inhale-slow exhale).

"Blowing a Balloon" (exhale with stops counting 1-5).

"Pump" (slow breath in, strong breath out).

"Dog in Heat".

4. Chanting:

"On one sound with a closed mouth" (+ chain breathing).

"Two sounds : m, y, a" (vowel formation + soft attack).

"Five sounds: "singing lips" (+ the work of the muscles of the lips).

"Five sounds : ahh ... oh oh ... and-and ... " (+singing on a support).

"Five sounds : Mi-i-a-mi ... A-mi " (vowel formation + hard and soft attack + jumps).

"T 5/3 and D"(expansion of the range + support + timbre coloring of the sound + breathing + attack of the sound).

teacher: And now let's start working on the song "Only forward".

3.2 Ensemble work vocal work

("Only forward"- 1 verse and chorus):

1. Song repetition (1 verse and chorus).

2. Chorus:

Rhythmic and tempo unity of the ensemble.

Unified manner of sound production: rounded vowels.


3. Verse (work with soloists):

4. Connecting the verse with chorus:

Timely entry of soloists.

A pause before the chorus.

5. Fastening to a phonogram (1 verse and chorus):

With the help of the piano and the teacher.

On one's own.


teacher: Guys, please tell us at what stage of work we are now. Justify your answer.

Children: Mainly at the beginning (work is underway on the purity of intonation and building harmony, the accuracy of the rhythm, but we are already gradually starting to use the elements of the 2nd stage (a single manner of sound production, diction, articulation, breathing, sound attack).

teacher: Well done. And now I suggest you work on your own. The task ahead of you will be next: to determine at what stage of work on the song the guys with whom I will now work individually are.

Please be attentive: do not criticize - you must understand that someone came to the team earlier, someone later, someone gets it a little faster, and someone needs more time. You just need to define (without consulting anyone) step on which they are, that is, to show their knowledge.

The work is carried out by the teacher parallel: 2 forms of work are used - individual and frontal.

3.3 Solo work vocal work:

1. "White Birds" Elena Furman and Christina Senko:

rhythmic ensemble,

Timeliness of entry

diction and articulation,

Purity of intonation in the chorus.

2. "Cuckoo" Ksenia Lateral:

A single rounded manner of sound production,

Sound on a support - getting rid of singing on a scream.

3. "Star Calendar" Nastya Egrishchyna:

diction and articulation,

A single open manner of sound production,

Singing on a pedestal.

4. "I'll come back" Julia Slesarchuk:

dynamic shades,

Singing on a pole


Genre and character of the work

Intonation-dramatic development of the song (contrast).

IV. Summarizing.

teacher: Class ours is coming to an end, and I would like from you hear: what new did you learn today for yourself, what work has been done today, and what, in your opinion, work remains to be done.

students: 1. Today we got to know you with the algorithm for working on vocal works and learned to determine the stages of finding the process of working on a work. 2. Worked on the ensemble of the 1st part of the song "Only forward". 3. Worked on solo songs, improving the level of their performance.

Today we have done a great job, each of you tried, you are great. We have a lot of interesting work ahead of us. But it will be on the next classes. Thank you all for today, bye!

Purpose of the lesson: Show the use of health-saving technologies within the framework of the lesson on the subject "Vocal".

Lesson objectives:

Solving the issues of developing professional singing skills (breathing and freedom of the speech apparatus, correct articulation and clear diction, varied intonation and modal hearing), to strengthen the general and psychological health of students.

As an option:

Goals and objectives of the lesson: show the use of health-saving technologies as part of a vocal lesson; to educate a thinking and feeling, active person, ready for creative activity; activate the thought process and cognitive interest; master the skills of communication and collective creativity; develop breathing and freedom of the speech apparatus; develop coherent, figurative speech; be able to master the correct articulation, clear diction, varied intonation; to strengthen the general and psychological health of students.

Lesson progress:

I.Organizing time. (2 minutes)

Greeting: "Let's give each other a smile."

Pay attention to the specifics of the lesson.

II.Main part. (39 min)

The phonogram of the song “Temper if you want to be healthy!” sounds.

Splashing with cold water is great, but not for everyone ...

Today I propose to dream up and invent other ways of "hardening" that we can use in vocal classes and improve our health . Lesson topic message.

What do we usually start with?

With a warming facial massage.

1. HEALTH MASSAGE biologically active points,

do with children by combining it with a vernacular. (4 min)

Who wants to talk

He must speak

Smooth movements

From bridge of nose to ears

Everything is correct and clear

To make everything clear.

Press your fingers on the points at the wings of the nose

We will talk

And we will speak

Massage points at the inner ends of the eyebrows

So right and clear

To make everything clear.

Press with fingers

points at the base

at the earlobe

Who wants to talk

He must speak

Massaging a point

Between thumb and forefinger

Everything is correct and clear

To make everything clear.

The same movements on the other hand.

2. WORK ON THE BREATH . (7 min)

Today I will introduce you to an unusual set of breathing exercises by A.N. Strelnikova ( designed to restore and expand the vocal range of professional singers; gives good results in bronchial asthma, chronic pneumonia, chronic bronchitis, chronic runny nose and sinusitis, influenza and many other diseases)

A noisy, short, sharp (like clapping) breath should be done as if you are sniffing the smell of smoke, burning or sniffing. The breath should be "emotional" - put surprise, admiration or horror into it. The lips are closed at the moment of inhalation, but without tension - it is also impossible to help inhalation due to the muscles of the face or other muscles that are usually involved in the act of breathing: you can not protrude your stomach (“breathe with your stomach”), raise your shoulders and straighten your chest. You can not "take" too much air during inhalation - this is a gross mistake. If you inhale too much air, you may feel dizzy or just feel “uncomfortable”.

Exhalation is made through the mouth, naturally and voluntarily, as if the air "quietly leaves" the lungs. At the same time, the lips slightly - themselves - are unclenched. Nothing should interfere with exhalation - let as much air come out as it comes out. To prevent exhalation is the second gross mistake.



We grab an imaginary candy. The palms look at each other, a short noisy breath through the nose - clench your palms into a fist. Immediately exhale freely through the nose or mouth. Unclench your fists.


Bend over and inhale the aroma of the "fruit": scent - inhale. Slightly tilt the body to the floor, legs straight, arms down, back rounded. At the point of inclination, a short noisy breath, straighten up - exhale. (Contraindication - myopia greater than -5.)

« Grab your shoulders"

At the moment of the hug, a short noisy breath. Hands diverge - free exhalation.


Slight tilt to the floor - inhale, without stopping, lean back slightly, hugging your shoulders - a short breath. Exhalation is free after each breath "from the floor and from the ceiling."


We stand straight, arms along the body. We pull the leg bent at the knee to the stomach, slightly crouching on the other leg - inhale. Exhale free.

During the exercise, make sure that the children breathe properly.

Guys, which exercise that we learned earlier is the best fit for the topic of our lesson?

- "Musical exercise".

3. "MUSICAL CHARGING" - we perform, accompanying semantic movements (4 min)

Let's recharge now.

Left, right - turn.

And now - on the contrary.

I squat, I rise

I bend, I bend.

I take out the floor with my hands,

But I speak fluently.

And now jumping in place.

I will jump at least a hundred times, at least two hundred.

And two feet at once.

Both on the left and on the right.

On one and on the other:

There is no shortness of breath!

What do we train by doing this exercise?

Diction, breathing, the ability to control your voice, motor activity, coordination of movements.

Any exercise, especially music, will be good for your health!

4. And now I suggest you go to the carpet and remember the exercise "FUNNY PAINTERS» (4min)

This is an exercise to develop the ability to control your voice, where instead of a brush your voice.

We begin to “paint the fence”: the “brush” moves up - the voice becomes thinner, rises; "brush" moves down - the voice "goes down", goes down; if the "brush" draws a horizontal line - we sing at the same height. At the top you can squeal a little, at the bottom you can sing.

Guys, I propose to complicate our game a little: you can “draw” diagonals, circles, squares, “eights” (vertical and horizontal), and now not only your voice, but also your eyes will be a “brush”!

What did we get? This is the real gymnastics for the eyes! If you do it regularly, your vision will be good, and your eyes will not get tired for a long time.

5.Look what a surprise your parents have prepared for you at my request! ( individual rugs, on which buttons of different diameters, different heights are sewn ). They look like little islands! I will tell you a secret - these are "islands of health"! If you take off your shoes and stand on them with your feet, then the biologically active points that are located there will be stimulated. They are responsible for the health of our entire body! I think that on these “islands of health” you will be especially good at doing the exercise, which is called that ... .. (children in chorus : « ISLANDS").(5 minutes)

One, two.


Performed on the fifth degree of the scale

Two claps, a semicircle with one, then with the other hand.

Three four.

We have sailed

7th degree of the scale

Two claps, wave-like movements of the arms away from you.

Five six.

Let's get down here.

II degree of the scale

Two claps, with the right hand "beat the ball", with the left hand "toss the ball."

Seven eight,

How many pines

IV degree of the scale Two claps, right hand up, then left.

Nine ten.

We are on our way.

V-VII scale steps

II-IV steps of the scale

Two claps, middle and index fingers "take steps."


To ten!

D7 chord - by voices

One movement for each syllable:

Right hand on head;

Left hand under the chin;

The right hand touches the right cheek;

The left hand touches the left cheek;

Right hand forward;

Left hand forward;


What helps develop this exercise?

Coordination of movements, the ability to coordinate actions, diction, pure intonation, a sense of harmony.

And now you will know how to make it also beneficial to health.

6. To stay healthy and beautiful, it is very important to take care of your posture from childhood. And we will train it with the help of walking with an object on the head, using the previously learned tongue-twister "THREE JAPANESES". (8 min)

It is necessary to follow a clear pronunciation. The pace gradually increases. It is recommended to move around the hall with items on your head:


- in any direction,

- in the given direction.

Follow the correct posture, movements of the arms, legs.

At the end, you can hold a competition for the best "geisha".


Once upon a time there were three Japanese:

Yak, Yak-tsidrak, Yak-tsidrak-tsidrak-tsidroni.

Once upon a time there were three Japanese women:

Tsipa, Tsipa-dripa, Tsipa-dripa-drimpamponi.

They all got married:

Yak on Tzip,

Yak-tsidrak on Tsipe-drip,


On zip-drip-drimpamponi.

And they had children:

Yak and Tsipa have Shah,

Yak-tsidrak with Tsipoy-dripa -



With Tsipoy-dripoy-drimpamponi -


7. It would seem that we have taken care of everything to stay healthy, but what else has escaped our attention? A song with such a strange name will help us answer this question. "GARBAGE".

Remind: performance is expressive, diction is clear, dotted rhythm is sharper, listen to each other. (7 min)


Sl. A. Usachev Muz. A. Pinegin

Never throw peels, skins, sticks.

Soon our cities will turn into dumps.

If you litter now, then pretty soon

Garbage mountains can grow in our country!

Yes-yes, yes-yes-yes, yes-yes-yes-yes, yes-yes

Garbage mountains!

But when they start flying to school on a rocket,

More terrible troubles will happen on the planet.

How they will go to throw at the top into space from a rocket

Banks, bottles, husks, torn packages!

Yes-yes, yes-yes-yes, yes-yes-yes-yes, yes-yes,

Ripped packages!

That's when snowflakes will not fly on New Year's Eve,

And the old shoes will fall like hail.

And when it rains from empty bottles, -

Don't go for a walk, take care of the back of your head!

Take care of the back!

What will grow in the garden or in the garden,

How will the garbage cycle go in nature?

And although we do not fly to the school class in a rocket,

Better to litter now wean, children!

Yes-yes, yes-yes-yes, yes-yes-yes-yes, yes-yes!

Get out, kids!

After the performance of the song, the question is repeated. The children answer.

It is necessary to protect nature, not to litter, then both the air and water will be clean. And this is very important for our health!

You made the right decision! The environment must also be healthy! Our task is to actively participate in this.

Well done boys! You did a very good job today!

Let's summarize.


Children argue, find confirmation of the correctness of the statement: “If you want to be healthy, SING!” Using well-known music. material (vocal exercises, singing, games, songs), children learned to apply them for the purpose of recovery.


Introduce parents to the "new" ways of hardening (optional).


Class equipment:


audio equipment,


Items to wear on the head while walking (you can books).

Compliance with the rules of sanitation and hygiene.

The room must be ventilated before class. The musical instrument is tuned. Children come to class in a change of shoes.


1. Zimina A.N. Fundamentals of musical education and development of young children: Proc. for stud. higher textbook establishments. – M.: Humanit. ed. center VLADOS, 2000, - 304C.

2. Andreeva G.M. Social Psychology. M.: Aspect Press, 1999, - 375 S.

3. Dmitrieva L. G., Chernoivanenko N. M. Methods of musical education at school: Textbook. For studentsped. Uch-sch on special. 03.05.00. "Music. Education”, 03.07.00 “Teaching at the beginning. general education classes. school". – M.: Enlightenment, 1989, – 207 p.

4. The world of vocal art. 1-4 classes. Program, development of classes, methodological recommendations / ed.- comp. G.A. Suyazov. - Volgograd: Teacher, 2008, - 138 p.

5. Children's musical theater: programs, development of classes, recommendations / ed.- comp. E.Kh. Afanasenko and others - Volgograd: Teacher, 2009, - 190 p.

6. Yudina E. I. My first textbook on music and creativity / ABC of musical and creative self-development / Series: You will succeed: / - M .: Aquarium, 1997, - 272 S.

Synopsis of an open lesson of the Exemplary group of the vocal-variety studio "Solnyshko" GBOU DTDiM Kolpinsky district of St. Petersburg (head, vocal teacher Smirnova Nitaly Alekseevna).

Presented for dissemination of experience to teachers of additional education of children of artistic orientation. The introduction of an innovative approach in education, and the inculcation of the artistic taste of students through the variety genre.



State budget educational institution

additional education for children

Palace of Creativity for Children and Youth

Kolpinsky district of St. Petersburg

methodical project

"New Pedagogical Education"

Direction "New quality"

methodological component of the project "Trajectory of the Future"

(in the context of the third year of implementation of the Development Program of the Space of Free Choice Institution)

In the same solar rhythm

Abstract of an open lesson

by program "Vocal-Variety Studio"

for students of 2 years of study;

topic "Development of performing skills in the ensemble"

Children age: 8-12 years old

additional education teacher

Smirnova N.A.


Abikova T.A.

Saint Petersburg


methodical project

"New Pedagogical Education"

Direction "New quality"

and methodological component of the project "Trajectory of the Future"

(in the context of the fourth year of implementation

Development programs of the institution "Space of Free Choice")

“Shine always, shine everywhere until the last days of the bottom.

Shine! And no nails! Here is my slogan and the sun!”

V. Mayakovsky

Explanatory note

Methodical theme: tricks development and unity of the children's creative team in the vocal and pop studio "Solnyshko"

Methodological purpose of the lesson:demonstration of methods of development and rallying of the children's team of the vocal-variety studio "Solnyshko" in the process of developing the skill of performing skills in the ensemble

Description of methods of organizing health-saving activities in the classroom

  • A cycle of breathing and diction exercises performed in a single rhythm (meter, pulsation) while combining theory and practice


- warming up the muscles of the articulatory apparatus

Prevention of diseases of the spine, maintaining posture, the formation of proper vocal breathing and sound support;

Development of coordination of movement and speech;

Team building when performing exercises in a single rhythm, synchronously

  • chant


Preparation of the vocal apparatus for singing;

Development of artistry, emotionality, imagery, manners;

The development of vocal technique, range, harmonic ear in the elements of two-voice, based on mutual support, the ability to work in pairs

  • Educational and didactic game "MUSIC OF THE SUN"


Repetition, consolidation of knowledge of the means of musical expression;

The cohesion of the ensemble based on trust in each other as providing a psychologically comfortable environment;

Ability to apply theoretical knowledge in performing practice.

  • Work on the song repertoire


- consolidation of the material covered and its further study;

Development of coordination of movements and vocals in song material using a microphone.

Development of a unified emotional and vocal-technical performance skills of the ensemble and soloists.

All methods used contribute to the creation of a favorable, psychologically comfortable environment and team cohesion. During the lesson, the motor, vocal load is rationally distributed, providing a favorable emotional state, the development of vocal, singing and artistic skills. In joint work, children develop a sense of trust in each other, mutual support, there is a desire for productive, creative, collective activities.

The presented techniques also ensure the creation of the necessary health-saving environment: they strengthen the vocal and articulatory apparatus, the musculoskeletal system.

Lesson topic. In the same solar rhythm.

Target: development of performing skills in the ensemble with the help of musical expressiveness



  • training in breathing, diction techniques;
  • consolidation of the concept of "Means of musical expression"
  • formation of the ability to analyze a piece of music:lyrics and musical accompaniment;
  • development of meaningful execution of movements; ability to analyze own performance
  • development of emotional expressiveness, artistry and creative self-expression of the vocalist and ensembleusing means of musical expression;
  • mastering vocal technique in motion: the formation of vocal breathing, posture;
  • consolidation of knowledge, skills and abilities acquired in previous lessons;


  • development of musical abilities: hearing, sense of rhythm, musical memory, attention;
  • strengthening the articulatory and vocal apparatus;
  • development of coordination;
  • development of the ability to listen and hear, trust each other, performing song material.


  • fostering the desire to preserve and improve health;
  • the formation of aesthetic education, the ability to behave in a team;
  • developing the ability to work in a team;
  • developing a sense of responsibility; mutual assistance, benevolent attitude towards each other;
  • formation of the ability to interact creatively with the teacher, students

Class type: combined - consolidation with the introduction of new content elements.

Form of organization of children: group.

Teaching methods:visual (practical demonstration), verbal (explanation, conversation), practical.

Means of education:musical instrument (synthesizer), computer, didactic: handouts, microphones, awards (suns - fives).

Group characteristics:group 2 years of study, children 8-12 years old in the amount of 12 people. Basically, girls, different in their psychophysical development, and two boys. An individual and differentiated approach is needed to all pupils, especially to boys.

UMK materials are presented in the appendix: program; educational - didactic material; technical training aids - microphones; a selection of musical material - backing tracks in the playlist of the computer.

Lesson time: 45 minutes

Organization of control in the classroom

Control at the training session is carried out in order to check and evaluate the achievements of students by comparing what is with what should be.

The following types, forms and methods of control are used.

  • current control

Purpose: analysis of the course of mastering knowledge and the formation of skills and abilities of students. It makes it possible to respond to shortcomings in a timely manner, identify the causes and take measures to establish them; accompanies the process of formation of skills and habits from the initial to the final stage of the lesson.

Method: observation.

  • Thematic control

Purpose: to check the level of assimilation of the program material on the topic of the lesson,determination of the level of emotional background, introspection

Methods: conversation, survey on the topic "In the same solar rhythm", improvisation of children in the lesson.

Lesson plan:

I. Organizational moment.Greetings. Message about the topic and purpose of the lesson.

II.Preparatory period

Conversation on the topic of the lesson

III.Main part

  1. Breathing exercises, diction in motion
  2. Singing - preparing the vocal apparatus for singing
  3. Educational and didactic game
  4. Work on the repertoire:

The song "My Motherland" music. D. Tukhmanova, sl. R Rozhdestvensky

III. Repetition.

(repeat using microphones and movements)

IV. Summarizing. Applause.

Lesson progress




Accompanying text


Organization of the beginning of classes, greeting, activation of attention, creation of a psychological mood for a creative fruitful


1 min.

Students enter the classroom, line up in a semicircle to greet, then in a circle

Hello children, parents and colleagues! Today we are holding an open class on pop vocals on the topic

"In the same solar rhythm"We hope that it will become not only informative - developing, but also give a wonderful, sunny mood to our guests.

Guys, let me remind you the rules of conduct in the classroom - respectful, attentive attitude towards each other, accurate, careful attitude to the equipment.


Conversation on the topic of the lesson

The beginning of breathing, articulation gymnastics, warming up the muscles

4 min.

We continue to learn and study the means of musical expression, which are necessary for any performer of a song on stage. Both solo and in ensemble. Why do you think?

Sample responses from children:

To find out more

To understand what a vocal, musical work, song consists of

It is true that the performer should be literate, feel the song and share his knowledge and feelings with the audience. And the viewer was with us in the same rhythm, in the same emotion.

But for this it is necessary, first of all, for ourselves, with each other, to be in the same heartbeat and mood.

Let's start our workout. It will also help us restore vocal breathing, warm up the muscles of the back, abdomen and prepare for singing.


1 .Breathing exercises (fixing the concept of "meter")
- bee


2. Exercises for articulation ("pulsation in a meter")

Horse (tongue click)

Candy (language exercises)

Patter "Egorka"


Vocal exercises:

1. "Thread" (performing a lingering sound on one note with a closed and open mouth for syllables)

2. "Musical lift" (exercise for smoothness of registers and sound support)

3. "Sequences" vocal and diction (cantilena singing, staccato)

4. "Mixed Rhythms"

(exercise to change the rhythm, tempo,

Stretching at the machine;

Grand battement jet. By groups;

The first and second form of port de ras.

2) Exercise. Jump rope combination. preparatory exercises.

Combination to change patterns.

Diagonal moves:

steps on p / p,

step on p / n with a knee raise,

running at high p / p pas couru,

move to p / n "one, two, three - I stand",

running with a change of legs forward and backward four times,jumps in a turn,

field in the turn,

gallop in a turn.



pas chasse,


"double" preloaded,


jumps in a turn,

field in the turn,

gallop in a turn.



pas chasse,


"double" preloaded,

jump on one leg, the other forward forward 30 degrees.

In subgroups, they make a combination with a skipping rope.

3) Performing dance sketches.

Spanish and Russian with handkerchiefs.

5 minutes.

10 min.

10 min.

Exercises 1-3 in a circle are performed in one meter and pulsation, consolidating theory in practice.

Breathing exercises "bee" and "pump" activate the muscles of the abdomen and diaphragm.

Articulation exercises also warm up the muscles of the tongue, lips, and articulatory apparatus.

Continuing to move in rhythm, we proceed to chanting - preparing the voice, vocal apparatus for singing

something to write

All vocalists know that in order to sing beautifully, you first need to warm up the articulatory apparatus well. For what?

In order to have a clear diction and understand the word in the song

Right. But we will also warm up the abdominal muscles with you and restore vocal breathing. And let's repeat the concepts of "meter" and "pulsation". What is this?

Heart, pulse of music

Right. What about meter and pulse together?

This is Rhythm.

In one rhythm, let's say our tongue twister "Egorka"

(do exercises)

Fine. Well done.

We have warmed up the abdominal muscles, the articulatory apparatus, and now let's start singing. Why, children, is the vocalist singing?

To set up the vocal apparatus

1. Exercise "Thread" - handles on the belt. We listened. At what pace? We found a meter, displayed it, sang (we pull one sound into the syllables “li, lu, le”). We form the correct vowels. Remember about paired sounds. We follow the breath.

2. Exercise "Musical lift". We ride the elevator from the first floor to the seventh through all the notes of the scale and back.

3. "Sequences". We combine vocal techniques (unified singing, staccato singing)

As usual, in order to fully and beautifully dance, you must first warm up the muscles;

(Answers: prevention of diseases of the spine, maintaining posture, the formation of the correct gait;

development of muscle elasticity, eversion, leg strength, step)

This year we have introduced a jump rope item. It helps to strengthen the body, develop coordination, strength, and jump. Moreover, I noticed that you really like to do the exercises, many people have excitement and a greater desire to perform this or that exercise with high quality. This perseverance, as in sports, is very important! So let's take jump ropes and feel like real athletes

And who among you knows how many countries of the world will participate in the 2014 Olympics?

Sample answers of children: (123, 250, 36)

36. Right!


4. "Mixed Rhythms"

(use of rhythm and tempo changes, vocal delivery, soft and hard “sound attack”)


"Music of the Sun" in the song "My Motherland"

Muses. D. Tukhmanova,

Sl. R Rozhdestvensky

jumps in a turn,

"pole" in the turn,

gallop in a turn.



pas chasse,


"double" preloaded,

jump on one leg, the other forward forward by 30 degrees.

In subgroups, they make a combination with a skipping rope.

3) Performing dance sketches.

Spanish and Russian with handkerchiefs.

5 minutes.

Children analyze the didactic material of the means of musical expression (SMV), give definitions to concepts and analyze it in the music of the song "My Motherland"

4. Let's start our favorite "Mixed Chant". Let's listen. How is it different from the previous ones?

It changes rhythm, tempo

Manner of execution

She is diverse in mood and character.

That's right, let's sing, taking into account all the features that you have listed.

5.Children, guess the melody! (the teacher plays the melody of the chorus of the song "My Motherland"). That's right, this is the melody of the chorus of the song "My Motherland". Who is its author?

David Tukhmanov

Quite right! Divide into two voices, sing it to the sound "a".

Tell me, can a song live without a melody?


Certainly. After all, what is a melody?

Soul of a song, musical thought

Well, can a song live without words, lyrics?

No, because a song is different from music in that it has both music and lyrics.

Very good! Thus, there are two thoughts in it - musical and verbal. And we have to connect them together and convey to the viewer.

Let's once again plunge into the music of this song and analyze the means of musical expression used by the composer and arranger.

We use our universal game "Music of the Sun"

(the teacher gives the children suns with CMW and gives 3 minutes to define concepts and analyze the music. The song sounds in the background in the +1 version with a voice)

So, I'm listening to you, my friends.

Great, now take the microphones and play the first and second verses of the song.

Some sports have choreography. Nowhere without her. For example, for the first time, choreographic means were used in the process of training the USSR national gymnast team for the 16th Olympic Games in Melbourne. The newspaper "Soviet Sport" noted the magnificent diverse performance of gymnasts, where styles and nationalities were individually selected for each athlete, based on their physical data and temperament.

And who among you knows how many countries will participate in the 2014 Olympics?

Sample responses from children:

Well done, 36 countries, including Spain and Russia. Let's try to convey the character, emotionality and culture of these two countries with the help of dance.

Today we will use our suns, which display all the means of musical expression. let's play

(children disassemble rays and definitions of SMV and collect them into one sun).

Repetition of the past

Song work

"My motherland"

Song repeat

"If the city dances"

music And Zhurbina,

sl. and Reznik

10 min.

5 minutes.

Students sing verses 1 and 2 of the song using two voices in the refrains.

Now, please take the microphones. I remind you that we use them carefully, carefully monitor the position of the hand during movements. (perform)

Let's repeat, guys, for our guests a song that our audience has already fallen in love with and which we are preparing for the competitive performance. (perform)



Development control

material on the topic of the lesson

2 minutes.

Thank you guys! And now, guys, we will summarize the results of our lesson.

It was called "In the same solar rhythm." So what is solar rhythm?

This is when we, the suns, do everything together, in the same rhythm, in the same musical movement, we sing and dance;

When we together convey our mood to the viewer.

Right! And for this we must be competent, bright, thinking performers. And our solar rhythm should convey to our viewer a feeling of joy, light and body.


1 min.

Children line up. At the end they make a bow. The teacher distributes the suns - fives to all students

Thanks everyone! I think that everyone worked very fruitfully today. All tasks were completed, and most importantly, our guests received a good, sunny - positive mood! Thanks everyone
See you soon! Applause!

Training and metodology complex

topic classes

"In the same solar rhythm"

"In the same solar rhythm"

under the program "Vocal and variety studio"

Breathing and diction exercises

A cycle of breathing, rhythmic exercises performed in a single rhythm

Section and topic of the program

A selection of exercises for the development of the articulatory apparatus, the formation of proper breathing

Exercises warm up the articulatory muscles, develop their elasticity, and contribute to the formation of the skill of proper breathing.

They are a method of preventing colds.

They are performed at the beginning of the main part of the lesson as a preparatory for singing and a health-improving practical tool, as well as when performed in a single rhythm and synchronously aimed at developing team cohesion, mutual support and responsibility.

Regular use of these exercises helps to warm up the muscles, articulatory-voice apparatus, the development of coordination and sound support prevents the occurrence of colds; affects the emotional mood of students, creates a positive mood, increases motivation for vocal lessons, develops friendly ties in the team

Description of the exercises

Breathing exercises (with fixing the concept of "meter")
1. Exercise "Bee"

It is performed at the pace set by the teacher "meter". Hands on the belt, feet shoulder width apart. We say sharply "shoo!" (we feel the tone of the "empty" diaphragm), a sharp breath in through the nose into the diaphragm, while exhaling we depict the flight of a bee. The duration of the "flight" of the bee depends on the uniform distribution of exhalation. We repeat 4 times, observing the metric movement.

2. Exercise "Pump"

Keeping the metric movement, you can slightly speed up the pace.

a) Feet shoulder width apart. The position of the hands is at the width of the chest with clenched fists. From the beat - a sharp breath in through the nose (elbows to the sides), exhale sharply through the mouth to a strong beat (hands in front of you with unclenched fingers). It is performed 4 times with children 8-10 years old, older (11-12 years old) do 8 times. Then a free exhalation with a pass in one measure. The total number of exercises is 4.

b) We continue at the same pace. The body is tilted forward, the back is straight, the arms are at chest level, the fingers are together. Also, with a beat, raise your hands to inhale through your nose, sharply lower them down to exhale through your mouth. The number of exercises as in part "a".

Articulation exercises ("pulsation in a meter")

1. Exercise "Horse"

Continuing to feel the meter in the legs, we click our tongue, depicting the clatter of hooves.

Then we increase the number of clatters in the pulsation, change the meter to two-part and three-part.

2. "Candy".

The body is in a calm position, hands on the belt. Mouth closed, teeth clenched. We are looking for candy inside the mouth with our tongue. Clockwise and back. Stroke the inside of the cheeks with the tongue in turn. We stick out the tongue, biting from the tip to the root from the outside. Whose candy is longer?

3. Patter "Egorka»

Again, we set the tempo in the body - the rhythm. Inhale. Hold your breath, say a tongue twister, evenly distributing the exhalation:

“As on a hill, on a hillock lived 22 Yegorkas.

One, Egorka, two, Egorka, three, Egorka .... "etc. until the breath runs out. The more Egorok, the better. The teacher monitors the correct breath taking. Shoulders do not rise!

Annotation to the materials of the teaching materials of the lesson

"In the same solar rhythm"

under the program "Vocal and variety studio"

Name of methodological material


Form of methodological material

Compilation of vocal exercises

Section and topic of the program

Section of the program "Development of performing skills in the ensemble".

Theme of the lesson: "In the same solar rhythm"

They are a method of preventing negative emotions

Methodology for the application of methodological material

It is advisable to sing along immediately before the performance of vocal works, because. it contributes to the development of vocal technique, range. It bears the burden of the formation of harmonic hearing in the elements of two-voice.

The effectiveness of the application of methodological material

The chant ensures the creation of an emotional sphere in the performance of two-voice based on mutual support, forms the ability to work in an ensemble.

Description of the performance of the chant

vocal exercises:

1. "Thread"

The performance of a lingering sound on one note with a closed mouth, then open to the syllables "li, lu, le" in several keys in an upward movement.

We follow the breath, the intonation of a steady sound. The teacher controls the formation of vowel sounds by students.

2. "Musical elevator".

An exercise in register smoothness and sound support. We ride the elevator from the first floor to the seventh through all the notes of the scale and back. On the sound "A" - like the first floor and "I" - a fixed seventh. The teacher makes sure that the students correctly direct the sound into the head resonator and feel its support.

We pass from la (m) to fa (1 ) of the main sound.

3. "Sequences"

We fix the concept of "sequence". The movement of the melody to the syllable "Li" (cantilena); the sound "I" (stakatto); the sound of lips "whoa" when playing a melody. We perform 4-5 times in an upward movement.

4. "Mixed Rhythms"

The use of rhythm and tempo changes, vocal delivery, soft and hard “sound attack”. Elements of two voices are used.

Annotation to the materials of the teaching materials of the lesson

"In the same solar rhythm"

under the program "Vocal and variety studio"

Name of methodological material

"Music of the Sun"

Form of methodological material

Educational and didactic game

Section and topic of the program

Section of the program "Development of performing skills in the ensemble".

Theme of the lesson: "In the same solar rhythm"

A selection of creative tasks with handouts for repetition and consolidation of knowledge of the means of musical expression

The educational and didactic game helps to rationally and effectively organize the learning process, alternate between different types of activities and activities, while updating and consolidating students' knowledge about the means of musical expressiveness of performance in the ensemble, forms a trusting relationship between pupils.

Methodology for the application of methodological material

It is used as a control-training, developing and means at the main stage of the lesson and means strengthening the body. It is an important element of the lesson, solving educational tasks for the development of children's communicative abilities.

The effectiveness of the application of methodological material

The game allows you to develop the ability to apply theoretical knowledge in performing practice in an ensemble, strengthen the emotional and psychological state of children, helps create an atmosphere of interaction between children with each other, and form a mental readiness for vocal performance

Description of the game "Music of the Sun"

Students are given didactic aids: templates - suns. In the center of each sun are tablets with the names of the means of musical expression: rhythm; meter; melody; dynamics; fret; register; pulsation; rhythmic pattern; pace.

A piece of music sounds - a song on the topic of the lesson and the repertoire being studied.

Students are given time to listen to the soundtrack.

Depending on the chosen sun, students need to characterize the means of musical expression. For example, if the sun is a rhythm, then the student speaks and shows in what rhythm the music sounds. And what is rhythm? He unites with the meter and pulsation (joins the owners of the suns with these concepts). We also determine the main mode, tempo, development of dynamics, movement of the melody, its rhythmic pattern, etc.

In this lesson, we analyze the arrangement of the song "My Motherland" (composer David Tukhmanov). What tempo, rhythm did the musician use (determine a two beat meter using pulsation)? What is the main scale of the music? How does the character and movement of the melody change in the verse and chorus?

All this should be analyzed and heard by the performer in order to convey the musical idea to the viewer, causing an emotional return, united by one rhythm.

Annotation to the materials of the teaching materials of the lesson

"In the same solar rhythm"

under the program "Vocal and variety studio"

Name of methodological material

Song repertoire:

1. Song "My Motherland"

music D. Tukhmanova, sl. R Rozhdestvensky

2. Song "If the city is dancing"

music A. Zhurbina, sl. and Reznik

Form of methodological material

A selection of phonograms (minus) of the song repertoire for ensemble performance

Section and topic of the program

Section of the program "Development of performing skills in the ensemble".

Theme of the lesson: "In the same solar rhythm"

A selection of phonograms (minus) of songs studied and performed by children in the ensemble

Work on this song repertoire contributes to the development of performing skills in the ensemble, consolidation of the material covered, introspection, adequate assessment of one's own work in the vocal group

Methodology for the application of methodological material

Work on the song repertoire is carried out at the main stage of the lesson. The task of developing the coordination of movements and vocals in the song material using a microphone is being solved.

The effectiveness of the application of methodological material

The methods of working on the song repertoire demonstrate the level of development of the performing skills of the ensemble and soloists in a single emotional and vocal-technical

character; contribute to the creation of a favorable, psychologically comfortable environment and team cohesion. During the lesson, the motor, vocal load is rationally distributed, there is a desire for productive, creative, collective activity..

Description of work on the song repertoire

  1. The song "My Motherland" music. D. Tukhmanova, sl. R. Rozhdestvensky

1. Conversation.

After analyzing the music of the song (arrangement) through the game "Music of the Sun", we define the genre of the song with the help of the text as the "genre of patriotic song", since it is about the homeland. What feelings does the text of the couplet evoke in us? Unity, friendship, pride in our country. How does the poet describe the beauty of nature in the chorus? How do two thoughts - musical and verbal - help convey the mood and character of the song to the viewer?

Pay attention to the sequence movement of the melody, the parallel movement of the voices into the "third". Hear harmonic movement. Pay special attention to the purity of intonation and emotional performance.

3. Performance of verses. Compare the "attack" of the sound, pay attention to the formation and delivery of vowel sounds. Monitor breathing and diction. Enter movement elements.

4. Performing a song using microphones.

The teacher distributes microphones to students, recalling the rules for working with them.

Performance of a song to the phonogram (-1) without a prescribed vocal part.

  1. The song "If the city is dancing" music. A. Zhurbina, sl. and Reznik

Repetition of a previously learned song using microphones and choreographed movements.

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