Konstantin Meladze revealed previously unknown details of the affair with Brezhnev. Konstantin Meladze about love for Vera Brezhneva: "I got married grandly!" That is, on New Year's Eve you do not eat it


Konstantin Meladze about love for Vera Brezhneva: "I got married grandly!"

The other day, Konstantin Meladze became a guest of the author's program of Ukrainian TV presenter Dmitry Gordon. In the first part of the video interview, the composer spoke about his childhood and youth, about the beginning of his career, and in the second part, the conversation took a more frank turn. Konstantin, perhaps for the first time, spoke about his love for Vera Brezhneva, about their first meeting, about how his life has changed thanks to Vera, and about how they manage to maintain relationships in the face of private separations. We publish the most interesting quotes.

About how Vera Brezhneva got into the "VIA Gra":

Vera came out at one of the concerts of our group, in Dneprodzerzhinsk, then it was still a duet - Alena Vinnitskaya and Nadya Meikher ... She went on stage to perform "Attempt No. 5" with other spectators. Our administrator saw her, took the phone, and at that time we had a constant rotation of personnel, I was looking for some kind of optimal composition. Then she came to the casting, we did video tests, which plunged me into absolute delight, because she was an exact copy of Brigitte Bardot in her youth. And I said: "Here, this image is exactly what we need now."

Vera Brezhneva, Nadezhda Granovskaya and Anna Sedokova

About the most talented artist of "VIA Gra":

I don’t want to offend anyone, but objectively, Vera Brezhneva achieved the greatest success of all ex-Viagra. She is truly an amazing person. She is the most beautiful and sexy.
- The most obnoxious and bitchy? - continued the leader.
“No, it’s definitely not about her,” Konstantin answered. Vera is the hardest working person. When we took her to the group, she could neither dance nor sing. I gave her a month, sent her to the vocal and choreography teachers and attended these classes once a week, watched how she progressed. But the effect was amazing! It's like some kind of cartoon. You know, like in cartoons - once and in 5 seconds, for example, a tomato grows. We had about the same story. After a year of work in the group, it was already an absolute star.

Albina Dzhanabaeva, Vera Brezhneva and Olga Romanovskaya

About the host's remark that Vera Brezhneva got married grandly:

Rather, I got married grandly.

About the duration of the affair with Vera:

I have a feeling that it is eternal. It's like I met her in 1963 and that's it (laughs).

Konstantin Meladze and Vera Brezhneva with the organizer of their wedding in Italy

On the reaction to Vera's wedding with Mikhail Kiperman:

Then I treated her so far just as an artist. If I had any worries, it was only about the fact that now I have to interrupt my career. The feelings that arose between us were already later.

On how his life has changed thanks to Vera:

With her appearance, life has changed. I finally raised my head from the keyboard and ... More precisely, I didn’t even raise it myself, but rather, Vera picked me up by the hair and said, "Here, there is still a lot of interesting things." Before Vera, I didn't care, to be honest, how I looked. I didn't care where I rest and whether I rest at all, what I eat and so on. I missed out on a lot, much to my regret, by being obsessed with my work. And I would probably have missed everything completely if Vera hadn’t given me this pendel and aroused in me an interest in a life other than just the studio and music.

About children:

Alisa graduated from high school and enters the university in Kyiv. Leah - my middle daughter - is now in a chic camp in Israel, resting, getting high. She is engaged in vocals, choreography, she has a clear interest in music and talent, I think. But I will not push her to the stage. I will help only if she proves to me that music is her destiny, her path. As for my son, he is still in school. Our children with Vera are friends with each other. Leah was recently with us in Italy, they are very friendly with the youngest daughter of Vera - Sarah. But it was very difficult to arrange all this.

Konstantin Meladze, Vera Brezhneva and Valery Meladze with their daughters

About love for Vera:

There are things that need to be said in person, therefore, I don’t think that Vera will be pleased if I yell at the whole country through the TV how much I love her. We have other signs and codes with her, with the help of which we send all these vibes to each other, regardless of the distance. We are constantly far from each other, she tours a lot, but we have learned to minimize this distance, so to speak. At a distance, you especially need to somehow prove and show your love. When you are at home, sitting in the kitchen, everything is much simpler - you took your hand and that's it. But when she is in America, and I am here, there are thousands of kilometers between us, then efforts must be made.

About happiness:

I feel more and more happy out of the blue. If earlier, in order to feel happiness, I needed, for example, to see a crowded hall or my song in the first place - strange criteria, now this feeling arises out of the blue. Recently we were on vacation in Italy, I watched my daughter splashing and laughing in the pool, our children swim with Vera, Vera is sitting next to me, the sun is shining, some kind of music is playing ... And that's it, I understand what I'm on seventh heaven. Such happiness is much more difficult to achieve. I went to him longer than to my musical successes. It is amazing!

According to Konstantin Meladze, at the first meeting, Vera Brezhneva did not make any impression on him. Like other candidates for a place in the VIA Gra group, Konstantin sent Vera to special courses, where she was supposed to be taught how to move and sing correctly. Once a week, Meladze attended Brezhneva's classes and was shocked by the rapid changes in her image.


"The effect was simply amazing. It is comparable to some kind of cartoon when a tomato grows once and in five seconds. The same thing happened with Vera. After a year of working in a group, she was an absolute star!" Meladze said.

Due to the fact that Konstantin did not immediately begin to feel feelings for Vera, the news of her wedding to businessman Mikhail Kiperman in 2006 did not touch him. The novel, according to Meladze, arose between him and Brezhneva later - after her daughter Sarah was born.

According to Konstantin, Vera is the most talented of all the members of the group throughout its history. “I don’t want to offend anyone, but objectively, Vera Brezhneva achieved the greatest success from the “ex-Viagra”. She is really a completely amazing person, the most beautiful and sexy. Did she get married grandly? Rather, I married grandly!” - said Konstantin Meladze on the program "Visiting Dmitry Gordon".

Publication from Vera Brezhneva (@ververa) Aug 17, 2017 at 1:38 PDT

Recall that a couple of years ago, in the Italian Forte Dai Marmi, Vera Brezhneva married producer Konstantin Meladze, as reported by local media on October 24, 2015. “Yes, this is the absolute truth - Vera and Konstantin officially got married in Italy. They are completely happy, but are not yet ready to share the details of what is happening. We have to wait a bit,” Brezhnev’s press secretary Anastasia Drapeko later said.

Konstantin Meladze, a music producer and member of the jury of the National Selection for Eurovision 2017, spoke about how he found 42 bright talents in Ukraine in two years!

Konstantin Meladze is a member of the jury of the National selection for Eurovision for the second year

Konstantin, last year's National Selection for Eurovision was a real discovery for the audience, remembered as a bright and original show. Will the selection-2017 be the same scale?

We try to do our best to make the National Selection as interesting this year as well. That is why we worked so hard on the composition of the participants: to make it as diverse as possible and represent the entire palette of Ukrainian contemporary music. Personally, I have the most optimistic expectations from live broadcasts, because there is a lot of good music in our country. Look, in two years we have managed to raise a huge layer of musicians, presenting 42 bright performers to the general public! Among the participants of this year there is not a single contestant from last year's selection - this is an excellent result, because our country is not as big as America, for example.

Did any of last year's participants apply for the second time?

Undoubtedly. But their songs were not as strong as last year.

The jury will include the winner of Eurovision Jamala. Do you think she will be too strict with the participants?

On the contrary, it is very good that Jamala is now on the jury of the National Selection. She has fresh memories of how she herself went through it. And I am sure that she will treat the current contestants with understanding and sympathy. But it will be very demanding. It is also good for the participants that the recent Eurovision winner is on the jury. For them, this is a huge experience and an opportunity to get invaluable first-hand advice that will help them reach the final and win. Jamala is now in great shape, she will be able to teach young artists a lot. Artists like her appear on stage once a decade!

“We are trying to do everything so that this year the National Selection is just as interesting,” says Konstantin

Did the fact that Eurovision 2017 will be held in Ukraine somehow affect the National Selection?

I can't say whether this is related to the holding of Eurovision in Kyiv or not, but this year there were a very large number of applications - from professional musicians to very young guys. We started the selection 5 months ago, and it turned out to be very rich, complex and interesting. Last year, such a high bar was set, which now needs to be met.

After the STB channel announced the names of the participants, there were comments that there were few famous artists among them who could perform brightly at Eurovision ...

I do not agree with these comments. We have an excellent composition of participants, each of which can adequately represent Ukraine. Among them there are plenty of well-known artists with extensive experience and a serious repertoire. Of course, there were performers who thought that for the second year in a row we would not be able to win Eurovision, and therefore did not apply for participation. But the overall level of this year, in my opinion, is not lower than last year.

READ ALSO: Konstantin Meladze: “The choice of the audience made me happy”

Do you think Ukraine has a chance to win a second time?

If you look at the entire history of the Eurovision Song Contest, then there were cases when a country became the winner for two years in a row. I think you should always believe in the first place, because if you believe in the 10th, then there is no point in fighting.

And yet… Some names of the semi-finalists are unknown to the general public. For example, will the punk rock band AGHIAZMA fit into the Eurovision format?

Even those artists who rarely get into the rotation, on TV channels, look quite organically in the National Selection. There are no such rigid formats here as on the radio, we have an open way for all genres, the most important thing is that it be talented, fresh and of high quality. And then the audience and the jury will decide the prospects of each artist and each genre. Look at the Eurovision winners of different years: they are representatives of various genres, from rock music and punk, which you just mentioned, to ethnic music. Hip-hop, disco, r'n'b - the winner of Eurovision is quite diverse and unpredictable ...

Konstantin Meladze has no less fans than his ward artists!

So the Singing Pants group has every chance?

Here we'll see. (Smiling.) For example, I'm very interested in how the public will perceive them. For me, all our members are interesting musicians, the audience should see them. We selected them not in terms of popularity, but based on the music, the form in which the artist lives. And the fact that we have such a mixed company - both eminent artists, and very young ones, and the absence of a pronounced leader - is very good. So, a very interesting fight is expected. Even for me at the moment, the result is completely unpredictable.

What advice would you like to give to the participants of this selection?

There is only one advice here: express yourself as brightly as possible, be individual, courageous and be able to overcome the excitement, which is completely natural for live broadcasts. The rest is up to the viewer.

Then what would you advise viewers who have to choose the best?

I would advise viewers to turn on STB first of all. (Smiling.) It's even better to buy a ticket and watch the National Selection in the hall - these are indescribable emotions. Carefully watch, listen, vote, support the guys - they really need it.

Have you already chosen a favorite for yourself?

You know, all these five months I have been working with the team in selecting talented guys, so I treat them with such warmth that I don’t want to single out one or two and I can’t. I will be on the jury rather as their lawyer than as a critic. Here Jamala and Andrey (Danilko. - Approx. ed.) Let them criticize. (Smiling.)

Konstantin, did you manage to relax after the "X-factor"? Or was there no break in work in connection with the selection?

Of course we did. We celebrated the New Year wonderfully with a large company of relatives, the whole family, in full force. We walked a lot. All New Year's holidays I rested, read, listened to music - in a word, I relaxed and did not go to work. I haven't been in the studio for two weeks. Previously, such a long break from work was difficult for me, I could not sit still for a long time, but now I take such a rest with pleasure.

Have children inherited your musical talent?

My middle daughter is fond of music, singing, dancing. How her career will turn out is too early to say - she is only 12 years old, but I think she is very capable. I will help her to reveal her talent, but I am not going to “push through” and patronize her on purpose. If she chooses the stage as her profession and becomes interesting to the public, I will definitely support her.

And write songs?

If she becomes a singer, then I will, of course.

How often do you get to spend time with your children?

It works, but much less often than we would like. It mainly happens on weekends, because on weekdays the children are very busy: until the evening at school, then music, choreography.

With brother, singer Valery Meladze

Do you often see your brother Valery and call each other? Feel at a distance when he needs your help or advice?

We call Valera almost daily. We don't see each other very often. It happens a couple of times a month. He has a very busy schedule, so do I, and we live in different countries. We feel each other, of course. We have known each other for 51 years, so we often do without even words.

I don't have any social media accounts, and everything that appears is fake. I definitely have no desire to start a page, comment on something, post photos and become a blogger. Everything I would like to say, I say with the help of my songs.

Which are filled with an incredible amount of love. Which of them do you consider the most intimate, personal, frank?

Yes, they are all private. There are a dozen that I especially like and even after many years evoke positive emotions in me: “There is no more attraction”, “Foreigner”, “Do not leave me, my love”, “Despite”, “Heaven”, “Love will save the world” ...

On June 9, the 15th anniversary "MUZ-TV 2017 Award" was held at the Olimpiysky Sports Complex. The songs of Konstantin Meladze have repeatedly received prestigious awards. Only the VIA Gra group has ten "plates".

Photo: Andrey Baida

About why success is never predictable, why a musician needs two mobile phones and how his attitude towards the group has changed, the famous composer told OK!

Konstantin, musicians and producers often say that sometimes they have to ask for a song to be put on the radio or a video to be rotated. Have you ever asked for something like this?

It used to. I would never and never in my life asked for myself. But for my artists, which became more and more, he asked. Until I started working with Velvet Music, where my sister and her friend Alena Mikhailova are now managing everything. They don't write songs, and I don't wear songs to the radio anymore. And before that, he went and negotiated.

Have you ever been rejected?

It happened. Not often, really. There were cases when I had to convince, because any producer is ready for a lot for his artist. To this day, I don't think it's humiliating. Negotiating the promotion of your artists is normal.

Do you ever feel like, “It’s a pity I didn’t write this song”?

Moreover, sometimes it even seems that I almost wrote it, and someone stole it from under my nose. (Laughs.)

I listened to some of Sting's songs, say, ten or fifteen years ago, and it seemed to me that I could, somewhere nearby, went in circles, but did not hit the top ten. And he got. But this, thank God, white envy.

Three of your artists claimed this year for the MUZ-TV Prize. Who will you worry about the most?

For everyone. The MUZ-TV Prize is probably the most eminent, the most mature: this year the award is fifteen years old, which is a lot. Every year it becomes more relevant, I think. And it is very important for musicians. She survived both crises and ups, and today, in my opinion, she is in brilliant shape.

Is it important to you that a song win an award?

It certainly matters. And it's not even so important that the song gets something, but that they pay attention to it. And when she gets into the nomination, it's already a joy.

But now there are many ways to monitor the success of a song - this is the rotation on the radio, the number of views of clips on YouTube, the number of downloads, and so on. Therefore, today the essence of the awards is to stimulate, even in advance, young musicians to pull out new styles. That is, not to be just some kind of confirmation of the vote count. It seems to me that any music award has much broader powers, a much deeper cultural mission. And this mission, first of all, is to somehow shape the musical palette every year. This is a very important thing.

In the entire history of the group, VIA Gra has ten awards of the MUZ-TV Prize. And after the reboot, the girls already in the current line-up received a “plate” for a duet with Mot. Do you think it is important for them to receive this award?

I think it worries them more than it does me. At least at their age, things like awards worried me more than they do now. If you collect all the regalia that were associated with me, you get such a small truck. For artists, prizes are generally very important, especially at the beginning of the journey, during the formation period. Then, of course, when an artist receives an award for the fifteenth or twenty-fifth time, like Philip Kirkorov, I don’t think that he experiences any kind of stormy jubilation. And young artists - they are very sensitive to this ... sometimes even dramatically: they worry if they don’t get a “plate”, some even cry, especially girls.

Girls are not easy to work with.

Not easy. In general, with people, you know, it's not easy. And it’s difficult and unpredictable to make people public out of ordinary people. Therefore, I have such, let's say, "stormy rotation" of personnel. When you take on a guy or a girl, it is impossible to predict in advance how he or she will react to popularity, how a busy touring schedule, lack of sleep, flights and all that will affect them. No one, even the most brilliant producer, is able to predict the future of an artist with an accuracy of one hundred percent. Although I used the services of psychologists and teachers on various television shows, working with young people, they were also wrong in their predictions.

This is probably why the participants of VIA Gra often changed. But what is curious, have they always been different, were they different from their predecessors?

That's just the whole point, that they are all different. The evolution of the artists of "VIA Gra" suggests that I am in a constant, permanent search. And the search process itself is extremely interesting to me. Sometimes it is much more interesting than the result. This composition of "VIA Gra" sings songs, some of which are so "ancient" - they were written when the girls were five to seven years old. And of course, they bring their notes, their temperament, their color to this repertoire. Maybe that's why this group is so long-lived. Because this is such a theater, a real theater in which the troupe changes, but the seagull hanging on the curtain does not change - it has remained as it was from the first days. And in fact, this principle - "beautiful music performed by beautiful women" - it seems so simple, but still relevant today. The same simple principle, when girls are divided according to color parameters: brown-haired, brunette and blonde. Oddly enough, this principle will continue to work for a long time. And the tour schedule of the girls suggests that they are still in great demand. And by the way, in many respects, this composition surpassed both gold and diamond.

I was going to point this out.

Yes, this composition does not change, it's generally a miracle that for three and a half years I have been working in a stable team, pah-pah-pah. And the number of views, the number of rotations of some songs is now many times higher than the figures that were before. Therefore, I continue to work with these artists, because it is interesting for me, and for them, and for the public.

It seems to me that such a long period of existence of the current composition is also explained by the fact that now the VIA Gra group is a single organism. Before that, you often had such artists who turned out to be too self-sufficient ... For example, Vera Brezhneva. As soon as she appeared, she immediately drew attention to herself.

Now, from the height of the past years, it seems that this was obvious. I remember when I undertook to produce Vera solo, in 2008, no one believed that such a powerful artist would turn out in the end.


No one believed, everyone looked at it as some kind of whim. Even I believed about 50 to 50, because it is difficult to foresee what is there and how it will turn out. In fact, for almost three years I was looking for that sound, which later brought her success. The song "Love will save the world" was written in 2010, and we recorded the first song in 2008. As a matter of fact, for two and a half years I was looking for a musical style, an image in order for the artist to become successful. And how many years did it take Sveta Loboda to break through? Twelve at least. How many years did it take for Anya Sedokova? It now seems that it once - and happened. Therefore, it may well be that Erica, Nastya and Misha will become solo artists. Although, of course, I would like them to work with me longer. But you know my principle: I don't hold anyone by force.

When you write a song, on what basis do you then decide who to give it to? And doesn't one artist tell you later that this song suits him more than another?

It happens sometimes. And this, of course, is one of the most difficult moments in the production work. It turns out that some song of one artist becomes more popular than the song of another artist. And when you have four projects, and it happened that there were five or six, you certainly want them all to be equally successful, so that the songs and videos that I create for them are equally and equally successful. But in any case, this is impossible, because there are slightly less successful moves and solutions, there are more successful ones. Thank God, all my artists understand this and treat each other with warmth. Fortunately, I do not observe any jealousy among them.

When we did an interview with Vera before her first solo concert in Moscow, she said that she would never contradict you, that you have always been and remain an absolute authority for her. And that's fine, as it should be, but is it really so? Still, it is not easy to negotiate with women, and they are all so temperamental!

Of course they are overwritten. Such situations regularly arise when, for example, an artist tells me that the song is not that bad, he just ... does not feel it, it does not coincide with his current worldview and mood. This happened with Valera at the dawn of my production activity, this happened with the VIA Gra group, this happens with Vera, and with Valera to this day.

And what do you do with it?

Either I redo the song radically, or just the chorus. By the way, many of my songs that became famous initially had a completely different chorus. Both in music and text. Therefore, I often do three or four versions of the chorus at once, until this song fits and falls on the soul of the artist. And until it lies on the soul of the artist, the song cannot be successful. That's the whole point. Therefore, reluctantly, I redo it, of course, I swear to myself, but I redo it. Until the artist becomes a full-fledged carrier of this text and this music and tries on the song for himself like clothes. The song should fit, you know, it should be convenient and comfortable, though like clothes ... For example, with the song "VIA Gra" "Diamonds", which became very popular and received a nomination for the "MUZ-TV Prize" in 2006, also not everything was smooth. She is very peculiar in sound and in frivolity, so to speak (her text is so ... unusual for me). When I showed it to the group for the first time, Nadya Meikher flatly refused to sing it, because she seemed to her somehow frivolous. She is a dramatic artist, she loved songs to break, affecting deep strings. And then about diamonds ... Then I somehow convinced her.

Wow! Are you convinced yet?

What's wrong with that?

You are the producer, you are the boss. "We take and eat." What other options?

No, that's not how I work with artists. But there was just the case when I was sure of success, so I had to convince. But even in the final version there is no Nadia solo piece, she only sings in the choir.

You are quite a democratic leader!

Yes, I am surprised.

Is it even possible for three artists to say at once that the song “fell on the soul”? On the set, we lined up one frame for an hour so that everyone was happy.

I still try to select the composition in such a way that everyone fits together and the puzzle is formed. When people are opposed, the team quickly falls apart. Since this line-up has been working for a long time, it means that they have found a common language, some points of contact, have learned to compromise. Therefore, there have been no disagreements with the songs that we have made with them over the past three and a half years.

Or maybe you have become stricter?

No, no, definitely not, on the contrary, I have become softer with age. ( Smiling.)

Do girls often turn to you for some life advice?

You know, when I started working with the VIA Gra group in 2000, girls very often asked me for advice on any issues. In principle, I was engaged in everything: both their education and their spiritual development, compiled lists of books, conducted conversations ... I did not form artists, but people. It seemed to me that this should be my mission - Pygmalion in its purest form. But due to the fact that lately I have had much more projects, I cannot pay so much attention and so much time to the artists. Therefore, relations with the current group are built exclusively in a musical way. Of course, when they have problems, they write to me, and I, if I can, hasten to help. It's completely natural. But nevertheless, now there are quite independent and mature artists in the group, who need less of my participation outside the creative process.

Have you yourself learned to exist outside the creative process? You recently had a birthday. How did you spend it?

Very fun, in a narrow family circle. The fact is that literally on the night of the 10th to the 11th (and I was born on May 11) we shot a video, and shot in another city. And only in the morning, in fact, Vera and I returned home to Kyiv, tired, but happy. And in the evening they had to go to celebrate in a small restaurant. And the most surprising thing was that when we arrived there, Valera and Albina and our sister Liana were waiting for us there. This, of course, was surprise number one.

They weren't supposed to come?

Should not. But Liana flew in from London, and Valera and Albina - from Moscow, two flights with a change. It was very touching: both children and relatives, friends, acquaintances, brother, sister gathered - what could be better? We rarely gather in such a composition, unfortunately, especially not in Moscow. So the birthday went great.

Previously, you admitted that you do not know how to relax, that you are always busy with business. Are there other dates besides your birthday when you can take time out?

This is, first of all, the New Year, New Year's Eve, and two weeks after the New Year. Well, in June we always have a rest. Most often in Italy. In recent years, I have learned to take vacations. ( Smiling.) And this year we will have a rest not only in June, but at least half of July. Such is the luxury that I could only afford now.

And who forbade you to rest before? You don't have a boss!

It seemed to me that if I went on vacation for such a long time...

Will everything collapse?

Everything will collapse. All projects will stop, tours will fail, songs will not be written ... But no! Gradually I increased my vacation. First it was a week, then two, then three, then a month. This year, in fact, we will try to increase it up to a month and a half, because we did not rest in the winter. Let's see what happens and how it will affect my creativity and performance. ( Konstantin's one of two phones rings, he hangs up the call.)

How long have you had two phones?

Yes, a long time ago. One is not enough, three is still a lot, so I have two of them. I have everything in my phones: all my notes, notes, musical sketches are also there. Sometimes something comes to my mind, there is a voice recorder in the phone, and I sing it all there. And email on my phone...

Life on the phone!

This is my kind of office. As such, I do not have an office, there is only a studio in which I do everything. Therefore, these two phones are always with me, I do not turn them off at night, during the day, or on holidays.

You once said that not so long ago you realized that children make a person happy, and not a successful career and recognition. Of course, you were not disingenuous, but if you take away the opportunity to study music, will you feel happy?

Of course, it's just that for quite a long period of my life I was into music in a completely maniacal way. Since about 1986 - it turns out, for twenty-five years I have lived only for this. And everything else, by and large, I did like ... in a fog. In the first place was music and a career. Yes, and in second, and in third, and in tenth place, too. And only starting from the second ten already there were some of my other needs. This would have continued on until at one point I realized that this was actually a direct path to loneliness. My snorkeling dragged on a little, and I had to go to the surface and see what kind of world you live in, because the world that I formed for myself in my studios, in fantasies, it was more and more at odds with what was happening around me in reality. It was very uncomfortable and more and more proved to me that it was time to think not only about music. Because, having achieved almost everything that I wanted in music and even more, I realized that I can no longer draw happiness only from this. Yes, and there I scraped it to the very bottom. And of course, I realized how much I missed in principle: the birth of children, and their childhood, and my personal life, and family. I missed a lot of things. Now I'm catching up.

You know, so far no one has proven that the inclusion of parents in the lives of their children should be 24/7. Your father probably also worked a lot?

Parents influenced us very pointwise, of course. They worked from morning until night, trying to feed a horde of children.

You haven't disappeared.

By some miracle, we did not disappear, although many of our classmates, and we studied in a workers' settlement, served time, and so on. This is probably due to genes, and not because of how much attention they paid to us. In general, in those days it was not supposed to dominate children like this, as it is happening now. Now children and nannies up to twelve years old, and drivers, and English teachers, and all kinds of sections. When we were growing up, we met with our parents in the evenings, dad came tired, and I remember that only on Sundays we touched each other for a little longer than an hour or two. But this was enough to raise normal, adequate children.

Do your children make you happy?

My children make me happy in any case, even if they are hooligans and study poorly. But they study well, and if they are hooligans, then this does not happen so often as to cause concern. Of course, I often get called to school, especially in recent years...


I go. I go, I listen, then I have conversations with them, and so on. But all this is absolutely clear to me, because I remember what Valera and I were kids, you won’t envy my parents. My children are much more disciplined than my brother and I were, so I'm not afraid.

Your eldest daughter Alice is already quite an adult.

Seventeen years.

Are you ready for the fact that she will soon have gentlemen?

Well, what do I do now, I'm getting ready.

Remember yourself at seventeen?

At seventeen, I remember myself, I was not interested in any brides, because I was just starting to immerse myself in music. And in general, guys mature later, and in those years they matured even later. Moreover, in Batumi, especially, you don’t run around with girls - it’s not supposed to. The girls are all unavailable. If you're running, you should get married. I didn't want to get married at the age of seventeen. As, in fact, at twenty, and at twenty-five, and at thirty. Only at thirty-one wanted to.

David Beckham once admitted that he went on the first date of his eldest son with him - he was sitting five tables from the meeting point.

This is very close to me, and it is possible that the same will happen to me. Let's see!

Photo: Andrey Baida. Photographer's assistant: Denis Goryshev Style: Irina Belous. Makeup: Katya Bobkova. Hairstyles: Natalia Kalaus/Equilibrium

Recently, Konstantin Meladze, in a frank conversation, for the first time opened the veil of the secret of his relationship with Vera Brezhneva. During the interview, the producer spoke about the beginning of an affair with the famous blonde, about their relationship during VIA Gra and about the changes in life after marriage.

Konstantin and Vera hid their love affair for a long time. Even regular press reports about the novel of the composer and singer did not receive a comment from them.

However, everything secret becomes clear, and in October 2015, the public learned about the secret wedding of famous people. The marriage took place in Italy. Among the guests were only the closest people. It is noteworthy that even after such publicity, the couple kept silent about all the details of their family life.

Only in a recent interview, Konstantin Meladze spoke for the first time about his personal relationship with Vera Brezhneva, not forgetting to touch upon working moments.

The producer during the conversation admitted that Brezhnev entered the VIA Gra group solely due to her external data. The girl at the time of the casting could not sing or dance.

“I attended these classes once a week and watched how she progressed. The effect was simply amazing. This can be compared to some kind of cartoon, when once - and in five seconds a tomato grows. The same thing happened with Vera. After a year of working in the group, it was an absolute star, ” - the producer shares in an interview.

However, there was no talk of any relationship at that time. Even Verino's marriage in 2006 with Mikhail Kiperman and the subsequent birth of a daughter on Meladze did not make any impression: “Then I still treated her as an artist, if I had any experiences, then only those that now I have to interrupt my career, and that’s it. The feelings that then arose, it was later.

But Konstantin nevertheless admitted that the appearance of a sensual blonde in his life led to dramatic changes: “With the advent of this man, my life has changed. I raised my head from the keyboard, I didn't even raise it myself, but she raised it. She, apparently, took me by the hair and said: “There are still a lot of different things!” I didn't care how I looked. I didn't care where I rest, what I eat. Unfortunately, I missed a lot of things due to the fact that I was maniacally passionate about my work. And I probably would have missed it completely if Vera had not given me such a pendel and aroused interest in a different life than just the studio, music.

“I don’t want to offend anyone, but objectively, Vera Brezhneva achieved the greatest success from the ex-Viagra. She is a truly amazing person, the most beautiful and sexy. Did she get married grandly? Rather, I grandly married " , - summed up the famous producer.

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