Konstantin is a new psychic. The newcomer of the "Battle of psychics": why everyone is in love with him


Konstantin Getzati, the famous magician and sorcerer, became the favorite of the 18th season of the Battle of Psychics. He has already managed to earn the title of the new sex symbol of this project, since this title has all the prerequisites. A stately black-haired man with a height of 188 centimeters of Caucasian nationality.

Childhood and youth

Teimuraz Konstantinovich Getsaev (real name and surname Konstantin) was born on July 10, 1987 in the small village of Ostrozhny in distant Chukotka. This village had to be liquidated by the local authorities in the 90s due to the fact that the gold reserves that were mined in the area ran out. After that, Teimuraz's parents had to move to the nearest village of Coal Mines. In early 2002, the Getsati family again changes their place of residence, they settle in the village of Kambileevskoye, North Ossetia.

Konstantin Getzati in childhood

Konstantin's parents are ordinary people, Zalina's mother worked as an economist at a small enterprise. My father still works as a surgeon at a local hospital. The family has another child, the youngest daughter Elena, who currently works as a gynecologist in the capital. Konstantin is very friendly with his sister and maintains a relationship with her.

Konstantin Getzati in his youth

After graduating from school, Teimuraz entered the North Ossetian Medical School. To improve his skills, he goes to Moscow. After graduate school, Konstantin worked first in a public and then in a private clinic. At the moment, the hereditary magician works as a children's andrologist and urologist. Despite participating in the Battle of Psychics program, he does not plan to leave medical practice.

Hereditary magician and sorcerer

For the first time, the young man felt psychic abilities in himself while studying at a medical university. Having visited the morgue with other students, he unexpectedly realized that he knew everything about the deceased person lying on the table: who he was, what he was ill with and what he died of. At first, such abilities frightened him very much, when his father explained to him that in their family all the male ancestors were hereditary magicians. Therefore, Teimuraz could not refuse his own gift.

Before the "Battle of Psychics" project, Konstantin Getzati worked as a doctor in a private clinic

His great-grandfather and paternal grandfather helped people in the treatment of various diseases, conducting specific magical rituals and traditional medicine recipes that were passed down from generation to generation. This is what affected the choice of Konstantin's future profession. According to the psychic himself, the spirits of dead people tell him all the details about this or that person.

Alanian hereditary magician Konstantin Getzati

The man gradually began to develop magical abilities in himself. In addition, he learned to call his ancestors, who helped him learn all the skills of witchcraft. Thanks to the guidance of the spirits, Konstantin decided to participate in the Battle of Psychics program.

Participant of the "Battle of psychics"

Teimuraz showed himself as a strong psychic in the first edition of the program. Despite the difficult first task of the presenter, Konstantin's visions turned out to be very accurate. At the next qualifying test, Konstantin managed to find a man who was hidden in the trunk of one of the cars twice in a row.

Konstantin Getsati and Sergey Safronov in the first edition of the "Battle of Psychics" program

After successfully passing two tests, the host of the Battle of Psychics program, Sergei Safronov, decided to test Getzati for the third time. He offered Konstantin to find three hidden people in the trunks of a car at once. But, unfortunately, in 10 minutes the clairvoyant found only two people. Despite the criticism of the presenter, the observers of this test were not at all disappointed with him. All those present at the shooting were sure that Konstantin would become the new winner of this project.

Konstantin Getzati successfully passes all the tests in the show

In addition, Getzati was the only one of all the participants present who realized that in the next test, "Mr. X" moves in a wheelchair and cannot walk. Working as a doctor, the young man came across various diseases and people's energy. In his opinion, a person who has such energy should not move independently. After the release of the first broadcast of the "Battle of Psychics" program, Konstantin gained a large number of fans.

Personal life

Konstantin carefully hides his personal life from everyone. Only one thing is known, due to his employment at work and helping people, the Alanian magician is still not married and has no children. Thanks to his talent and attractive appearance, Konstantin has a large number of fans.

Konstantin Getzati spends his free time at the gym

Teimuraz Konstantinovich Getsaev is a rather mysterious and secretive man. But, despite this, he has a personal Instagram account, in which he tries to regularly post photos from his life. In his free time, he goes in for sports and goes to the gym. In dealing with strangers, he is not verbose, restrained and silent. Some secret sources report that Konstantin has been dating a girl for a long time and soon intends to propose her hand and heart.

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Konstantin Getzati, after winning the reality show “The Battle of Psychics”, became a famous person, whose biography, including the details of his personal life, is of interest to many. Therefore, in the article we will tell you about who this psychic really is and who he was before popularity “fell” on him.

Taimuraz or Timur Getsaev for short (real name) was born in 1987 on July 10 in the city of Vladikavkaz. Soon the family was forced to move to Chukotka, where Timur grew up and graduated from secondary school No. 3. In addition, the boy went in for music and sports, and also collected stamps.

Timur, like his father, who was a surgeon, also decided to devote his further life to medicine and, having arrived again in Vladikavkaz, he entered the local medical academy. In 2011, he received a diploma in the specialty of a urologist and entered the postgraduate course at the Moscow Institute of Urology and Interventional Radiology. Having become a highly qualified specialist, Getsaev gets a job in such well-known private clinics in the capital as “Family Doctor” and “Alternative”.

Psychic abilities

Timur Getsaev learned about his psychic abilities while still studying at the institute. At one of the lessons in pathoanatomy, the spirit of the deceased spoke to him, to whom the guy performed an autopsy. He told him about how he left this world.

From that moment on, the psychic begins to practice both white and black magic, calling spirits and communicating with them. And so that his abilities would not affect his main profession in any way, the guy takes a pseudonym for himself and conducts esoteric sessions under the name Konstantin.

Interesting! Konstantin Getzati, in one of the interviews related to his biography, said that he was Ossetian by nationality, therefore he heals people the same way as his ancestors: by the laying on of hands, herbs and prayers.

Despite the fact that the inner circle knew about what the guy was doing, he nevertheless tried to keep his psychic skills secret. Getzati made his “secret” public only in 2017, taking part in the reality show “Battle of Psychics”, well-known throughout the country.

The psychic explained such a sharp “mood change” by the fact that one day a spirit came to him, who just insisted that Konstantin try his hand on television, because only there he could prove himself.

As it turned out later, otherworldly forces were not mistaken, and the Ossetian magician easily passed all the tests offered to him. One of the most memorable, according to Konstantin, for him was the task in which he had to find a person in the trunk. No less interesting was the contest, in which the psychic had to identify the girl in the secret room and tell the details of her life.

As a result, Konstantin Getzati first conquered the jury with his professionalism and charisma, and then the viewers, who gave him the overwhelming majority of votes.

Interesting! Konstantin did not warn his family about his participation in the TV project, which was a shock for them (especially for his father). They did not expect to see their son on the TV screen, and even in one of the most beloved reality shows.

Personal life

Despite his age, Konstantin Getzati has not yet managed to acquire a wife or children. According to the psychic himself, he has never been deprived of female attention. But there are other concerns in his life that he puts above even his own happiness.

In addition, once “burned”, like any other person, he is now afraid to enter into a new serious relationship. As it turned out, Getzati has been “faithful” to loneliness for more than 13 years, from the moment he was rejected by the girl he truly loved at the age of 17.

And although Konstantin is unambiguous in his statements, nevertheless, “evil tongues” attributed to him an affair with the finalist of the 19th season of the “Battle of Psychics” Sonya Egorova. But after the project, the psychic “dispelled” these speculations, saying that all their “amorous relationships” are just a production idea.

Konstantin Getzati and Sonya Egorova

The personality of Konstantin Getzati is literally “covered in darkness”, since information about him is rather scarce everywhere. However, we were able to find some interesting facts about this man.

  • With a height of 188 centimeters, Konstantin's weight is 88 kilograms.
  • The psychic admitted that he had not yet seen his future wife in visions, but she already knew him. A man is waiting for the moment when the spirits will point him to his life partner.
  • At first, the producers of the "Battle of Psychics" doubted Konstantin's abilities. And in order to prove his skills, the psychic asked for an additional task, which turned out to be a test with a trunk.
  • Konstantin never left medicine and even took a vacation at his own expense to participate in the show.
  • In addition to the basic knowledge gained at the medical academy, Getzati also studied such sciences as herbal medicine and pharmacology.
  • The first love of the psychic was his music teacher.
  • Previously, Getzati was afraid of cameras, but by chance, he realized that his phobia was far-fetched. An acquaintance of the future winner of the “Battle of Psychics” was filmed in a scientific documentary film, in which, at the request of a friend, Timur had to play a small role.
  • He is a fan of the Dom-2 TV project and has been watching it from the very beginning.
  • She loves sports and goes to the gym regularly.
  • Getzati does nothing without the prior blessing of the spirits.
  • The psychic has a negative attitude towards social networks and leads only one page on Instagram. And for those who need help, Getzati has created his own website, which lists his personal contacts.
  • Konstantin admitted that once, when he once again came to Vladikavkaz, the spirits called him to the mountains and disappeared. The man went to the same place every day in order to restore his esoteric connection with higher powers.

Participants of the "Battle of psychics"

Konstantin Getzati now

Getzati is a doctor by profession, he is a popular and sought-after specialist. And any person, no matter who he works for, can develop his spirituality and become an esoteric, and in this case, too.

He has a name on his passport that sounds like this - Taimuraz Getsaev, his homeland is Ossetia. And there is also a second name, which is spiritual, and it is like this - Konstantin Getzati. At one time, his esoteric abilities woke up and he began to develop them further. Now he is not only a specialist urologist, but also an esotericist who took part in the current Battle on TNT.

He can communicate with the world of the dead, read information from the subtle plane.

How did Konstantin Getzati become a psychic? How did you feel the ability

Someone tries all his life to shake up his extrasensory abilities, but according to Konstantin Getzati, his abilities revealed themselves. Once at work, next to the dead, and then Getzati worked in the morgue, visions began to come to him, someone's voices appeared in his mind.

Weak people would surely go crazy from such phenomena, but, as we see, Taimuraz (the real name of the psychic) ​​not only did not move, but, on the contrary, took the path of extrasensory perception, which, I think, helps him a lot in his profession - the attending physician - urologist. What else he is capable of, we will see in the next issues of the Battle of Psychics of the 18th season.

How psychic Konstantin Getzati treats people

Konstantin Getsati is currently one of the participants in the next edition of the Battle of Psychics program. The broadcast of the 18th season of the Battle of Psychics began on September 23, 2017 on the TNT television channel.

On this day, there was a selection of applicants for further participation in the Battle of psychics. It was necessary to determine in the trunk of which of the cars there is a person.

Here Konstantin Getzati showed his abilities. Surprised all viewers and viewers specifically. Twice in a row he pointed out a car in the trunk of which there was a person, and the third time he found two people out of three hidden.

This has never happened before in previous battles, three times in a row and almost unmistakably.

Konstantin unconditionally passed the selection and proved that he is one of the strongest and a contender for victory.

In life, Konstantin works as a urologist and treats people with diseases such as urolithiasis, infertility, and various diseases of the genitourinary system.

Treats Konstantin Getzati usually, like all doctors.

Konstantin did not seem to show special superpowers in the field of medicine, but he is a qualified and in demand doctor. People don't complain.

As a psychic, he still does not accept or treat anyone. And he even wrote on his Instagram that if you see ads or a site on his behalf on the network, then you need to keep in mind that this is a fake and nothing more. He is now a participant in the Battle on TNT under the name Konstantin Getzati, although his passport name is different.

He is in reality a highly specialized urologist, and he treats people for many problems in this area, these are the problems he solves.

Many medical professionals in America have the energy of Reiki and help themselves with this technique. So he, as a doctor, can use work with the chakras or aura of a person. Human health directly depends on their condition.

Why did Taimuraz Getsaev become Konstantin Getzati? Or are they different people?

Indeed, this is one and the same person, especially at the Battle and they do not hide the fact that he is a doctor. He has a gift to see the subtle plane of the dead, and he was even given an additional task there, which he completed. In Moscow, he is a well-known and popular urologist, he has a lot of advertising on the net as a specialist doctor. And now it will become even more popular.

And they changed the name, probably so that it would not be confused with the main work, but positioned only as a psychic. In the show, he is now called Konstantin Getzati. And by the way, if you type his first name, you can find a lot of different information and photos. But if you type the second last name and first name, we will see only the data that the Battle of Psychics shows us and no more. It happens that a person has two hypostases, one public name, and the second personal spiritual, he might have one too.

The real name of Konstantin Getzati is Taimuraz Gatsaev. He is a native of Ossetia. Unfortunately, at this point in time, little is known about his personality. This is due to the fact that the young man is not very talkative and tries to keep silent about the details of his past. However, we managed to find out that Konstantin studied in the village of Coal Mines. It was there that he finished high school.

In parallel, Getzati was seriously interested in music. He tried not to miss a single new record. Moreover, the young man himself learned the basics of playing musical instruments. The strangest thing that the media got about that period of Konstantin's life was that he had feelings for one of his school teachers.


Even then, Konstantin Getzati dreamed of becoming a doctor. However, it was almost impossible to do this in a small settlement. So after graduating from school, the young man packed up and went to his historical homeland - to Vladikavkaz. There he managed to enter the local Ossetian Medical University, which he successfully graduated from. Despite many years of training and the hardest practice, the man nevertheless went his way to the very end. In 2011, Konstantin received a diploma in urology, which he was incredibly happy about.

But Getzati was clearly not going to stop there. Instead of staying in his homeland, he again moved to another city. But this time he swung at Moscow. It was there that he entered graduate school, which allowed the newly minted doctor to be on the basis of the Research Institute of Urology and Interventional Radiology. Not everyone was able to achieve such success in a short time.

Psychic abilities

According to the psychic himself, he is a descendant of his grandfather, who was also a magician. He treated the sick with all kinds of herbs, decoctions, sentences, and was also able to summon dead spirits. According to Konstantin, it was from his grandfather that he received his incredible gift.

By the way, it was only possible to discover it while studying at a medical university. During a visit to practice in the morgue, the hero of our today's article began to see the souls of the dead, whose bodies were opened by pathologists. It was then that the student realized that he was a psychic. Initially, spirits appeared arbitrarily, regardless of the desires of the psychic himself.

But through diligent practice, he himself learned to call ghosts to find out this or that important information. According to Getzati himself, he is even able to see the so-called shaitans - spirits initiated into the details of the life of both living people and those who have already departed to another world.

Participation in the Battle of psychics

After graduate school, the doctor, who had matured and gained experience, decided to try his hand at the popular show "The Battle of Psychics". At that moment in time, the next casting of the eighteenth season was just taking place. That's just about his desire to get on the project, Konstantin did not spread for a long time. Even his family and friends, he tried not to tell about it. And it was for this reason that he preferred a pseudonym, and not his real name.

Personal life

Given all that mystery and secrecy of the psychic, no one managed to get at least some more or less detailed information about his personal life from him. The only thing that Konstantin told the media is that he has neither children nor a wife. This circumstance greatly pleased the many fans of the psychic. Thanks to his external data, good manners, as well as natural charm, he quickly became the general favorite of the public. Perhaps one of the fans, sooner or later, will still be able to melt Getzati's heart.

  • from a young age was fond of sports. It was thanks to this that he managed to achieve such an incomparable physical form, which melted the hearts of many fans of the show;
  • another hobby of Konstantin is collecting all kinds of rare stamps;
  • tries to hide his social networks from prying eyes. In particular, before starting participation in the Battle of Psychics program, Konstantin blocked his Instagram account. It is also impossible to find it on Vkontakte. There is only his official group, intended for fans.

What do you think of Konstantin Getzati? We are waiting for your comments.

This is what Alans looked like

It was not the Huns who were to blame for the collapse of the Roman Empire, as was believed. She owes her fall to the eastern people, who had an unusual elongated skull, called the Alans.

It was the Alans who brought the cult of war to Europe. And the foundations of medieval chivalry were laid by them.

The history of the Great City remembers many invasions of nomads, but its collapse began under the hooves of the Sarmatian and Hun horses. Despite the fact that the ancient world was shaking long before the Alans appeared there, the latter became the cause of its collapse.

This "non-Germanic" people differed from their predecessors in that they were able to establish vast settlements in Western Europe.

The Alans existed for many years in the neighborhood of the empire, making "neighborly" visits to it from time to time. They were invincible warriors, as the Roman generals recalled more than once.

Where did the warlike people live?

They lived on both banks of the Don, because, as the great geographer of those years Claudius Ptolemy believed, the border passed along the river.

He called the Scythian Alans who lived on the western coast, and the lands occupied by them - European Sarmatia. The inhabitants of the eastern shore were called Scythians, or Alans (according to the sources of Suetonius), according to the sources of Ptolemy.

Accession to the Roman Empire

Thanks to Constantine the Great, the Alans became part of the Roman Empire as federates. This happened in 337. Their place of settlement was Central Europe (formerly Pannonia). Thus, it was possible to turn a dangerous enemy into a defender of the imperial borders for a worthy reward.

It did not last long though, as the soldiers were dissatisfied with their lives.

Association with the vandals

Alans symbolism

A hundred years later, the Alans entered into an alliance with the German tribe of the Vandals. These two peoples deserved the title of cruel robbers of Rome, which they ruined for two weeks.

The Eternal City could not recover from such an “invasion”. More than 20 years passed until the German leader Odoacrom managed to formalize his fall. He also forced the last emperor of Rome to abdicate.

Therefore, today the name "Vandal" remains a household name.

In the fifth century AD, the Romans began to imitate the barbarians. Strange as it may seem, they dressed in wide trousers sewn in the Samara fashion, grew beards and sat on short, but extremely hardy and fast horses. Everything "Alanian" was in vogue and simply overwhelmed the Eternal City.

But in special honor were horses, which, as already mentioned, did not differ in growth and beauty, but were famous for almost supernatural endurance, and dogs.

The patricians of Rome, satiated with material goods, preferred everything primitive, natural and simple, bringing them closer to the people, as it seemed to them. Tired of the noisy ancient metropolis, they contrasted it with a quiet barbarian village. The barbarian tribes themselves were so idealized that legends and traditions were composed about courtly knights.


Video: History of the invincible Alans

In the books of that time, the Romans sang of virtues, both moral and physical. The opposite process took place with the Alans. They did not hesitate to use the achievements of the largest civilization that were absent on the periphery, which gradually led to the romanticization of the Alans, in contrast to the Romans, who "alanized".

However, some Alanian customs were not to the liking of the Romans. They did not accept the fashion for an elongated skull and its artificial deformation common among the Alans. Although for modern historians it is this feature that facilitates the work of determining the territories of the Alans.

  • Scientists find graves with long skulls, which make it easier to assess the habitats of militant people.
  • According to the head of the local history museum of Pyatigorsk, in that ancient era, up to 70% of the Alans had long skulls.

How did they achieve the unusual shape of the skull?

To change the shape of the head, immediately after birth, until the cranial bones were strong, the heads were bandaged very tightly using a bandage made of leather and decorated with beads, multi-colored threads, and pendants.

They were removed only after the bones were strengthened.

Why was the elongated skull needed?

One version claims that the deformation of the skull affected the capabilities of the brain. Priests due to this quickly plunged into a trance. This tradition was adopted later by the local aristocracy. It soon became a fashion.

According to Flavius ​​Arrin, the cavalry tribes of the Sarmatians and Alans attacked the enemy with lightning speed, not letting him come to his senses. The most effective means used against the attacks of the Alans were the infantry flanks, which had metal shells.

But, the "steppes" often used the tactics of a false retreat, which was often caught by the enemy, thus achieving victory. When the ranks of the Alans fleeing from the advancing infantry broke up and the victory of the attackers was so close, the Alans suddenly turned their horses 180 degrees, crushing the pursuing foot soldiers.

This tactic was later adopted by the Romans. This is understandable, since the Alans had great combat capabilities, which they could not ignore in the west. The Alans elevated the fighting spirit into a kind of cult.

Ancient writers explained that at that time it was honorable for the Alans to die in battle, even joyfully, because they believed that the dead served God. Those Alans who lived to old age and died in their homes were despised, considered cowards who dishonored their families.

The importance of the Alans in the development of European military art

The influence of the Alans is very strong on the development of military art in Europe, since they provided spiritual-ethnic and military-technical developments, which became the beginning of the chivalry of the Middle Ages. In addition, the culture of fighting influenced the creation of the legend of the exploits of Arthur.

Witnesses of this are the ancient authors, who say that more than eight thousand of the most experienced Alanian and Sarmatian horsemen were hired for military service during the time of Howard Reid. Most of the warriors in Britain fought on Hadrian's Wall under banners resembling the famous dragon.

Legends of Arthur

It is different for different researchers. Researchers Malkon with Littleton see her in the sacred chalice and the Grail from the Ossetian epic (Nart) - Nartamonga.

Path to Independence

Two militant tribes - Alans and Vandals, united, posed a great threat. The savagery of these peoples and great aggressiveness did not allow concluding an agreement with the empire. They live a quiet life in a certain territory, preferring to engage in robbery in new territories.

In the end, the Alans reached the borders of Eastern Spain by 425. Here they seized the ships, and went on them to North Africa. Geiserin was the leader of the Alans. They landed in the Roman colonies, which suffered at that time from internal uprisings against the current government, and from frequent raids by the Berbers, so they were weakened. The Alans captured significant territories in a matter of days.

  • The lands, including Carthage, were a tasty morsel for the Alans.
  • Having seized a strong fleet, the Alanian warriors often visited Sicily and the shores of southern Italy.
  • Rome had no other choice, and in 442 he recognized the independence of the Alans, and even 30 years later, his defeat.

During the period of existence on a vast territory, militant people left a rather “long” trail - from the foothills of the Caucasus to Africa through Europe. Today, the peoples living in these places are fighting for the right to be related to the famous tribe. But, according to scientists, Ossetians are their descendants. In modern Ossetia, there is even a movement demanding the return of the historical name to the country.

Ossetians have every reason for this:

    linguistic community;


    folk epic.

This is opposed by the inhabitants of Ingushetia, who also consider themselves descendants of a militant tribe.

In some ancient sources, it is stated that the Alans are a collective image of nomads and hunters who lived north of the Caucasus and the Caspian. Most likely, the Ossetians represent only a small proportion of the followers of the Alans.

And most of them merged with other ethnic groups, including:

  • Berbers and even Celts.

One version says that the common Celtic male name Alan originates from "Alans". They have lived in the Luares since the beginning of the fifth century, mixing with the British.

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