Consultation for parents non-traditional work with threads. Consultation for parents "Non-traditional drawing techniques in the joint activities of children and parents


Nomination " Methodical piggy bank of the teacherpreschool institution"

Recently, in my group, I held a master class with parents and children on non-traditional drawing. 10 families came and took part with pleasure!

The experience of working with children in kindergarten showed that drawing in unusual ways evokes positive emotions in children. Non-traditional drawing captivates children, children with great desire, create and compose something new themselves. Drawing in non-traditional ways, children are not afraid to make a mistake, since everything can be easily corrected, and something new can be easily invented from a mistake.

The child gains self-confidence, overcomes the "fear of a blank sheet of paper" and begins to feel like a little artist. The child develops an interest and desire to draw. You can draw anything and anything! While drawing, children get aesthetic pleasure.

Non-traditional techniques:

  • contribute to the removal of children's fears;
  • develop self-confidence;
  • develop spatial thinking;
  • teach children to freely express their intention;
  • teach children to work with a variety of materials;
  • develop a sense of composition, color, color perception, rhythm;
  • develop fine motor skills of the hands;
  • encourage children to creative searches and solutions;
  • develop creativity, flight of fancy and imagination.


  • to form creative thinking, a steady interest in artistic activity;
  • develop artistic taste, fantasy, ingenuity, spatial imagination;
  • desire to experiment, showing bright cognitive feelings: surprise, joy from learning new things.
  • to consolidate and enrich children's knowledge about different types of artistic creativity; acquired skills and abilities and show children the breadth of their possible application.
  • to acquaint children with various types of visual activity and methods of working with them;
  • educate diligence and desire to achieve success by one's own work;

The first technique

materials: White cardboard, black gouache, brush, wax crayons, paper clip.

With wax pencils, paint over the cardboard in different colors without white spaces.

Gouache and brush to cover the entire sheet. Do not dip the brush in water. Apply a thick layer of gouache.

The work was postponed. While the gouache was drying, we started on another technique.

Materials:Threads 3 pcs. 15 cm long, gouache 3 x colors, 1/2 sheet folded in half.

Dip each thread into gouache to make threads of 3 colors, paint over the threads, use a brush to help. Dyed threads freely drawing, if desired, put on a half of the sheet, cover the sheet with the second half, cover with the palm of your hand. Carefully pull the threads one at a time.

Open work!


This technique is similar to the previous one, only we paint on one side of the paper with a brush. This technique is used to draw symmetrical patterns.

The next technique was blotography

materials: paper, ink, tube.

We drip a few drops of ink on the paper, inflate it according to the plan with a tube. This technique develops the breath.

Back to grattage

We take a paper clip and draw on top of the gouache the drawing that the child wants. And here's what we got!

Elena Merkulova



Prepared by the educator MBDOU DS "Blue Paths" of Volgodonsk, Rostov Region - Merkulova Elena Anatolyevna

Dear Colleagues!

Let me bring to your attention a consultation for parents, which was held by me at the final parent meeting in the form of a master class. The event turned out to be very interesting. Both parents and children liked it. On the recommendation of the senior educator, she later held a similar consultation for teachers.

Target: to expand the knowledge of parents on the use of non-traditional techniques in the visual activity of children.


1. To form parents' interest in children's activities in drawing classes.

2. To convey to parents the importance of using the methods of non-traditional visual techniques in the development of figurative thinking, sensory perception, creativity of children.

3. Introduce parents to some non-traditional drawing techniques and give them the opportunity to show their artistic creativity.

Materials and equipment:

An exhibition of children's works in various non-traditional techniques has been arranged in the music hall. On the tables are visual materials and tools:

1. For poking with a semi-dry brush: hard brush, gouache, paper of any color and format, silhouettes of a fluffy or prickly animal.

2. For finger painting, A familiar form is a new image: bowls with gouache, thick paper of any color, small sheets, napkins, pencils.

3. For printing: paper, bowls with gouache paints; cotton buds, felt-tip pens, oilcloths, napkins.

4. For painting with a candle + watercolor (photocopy, wax crayons + watercolor: candles, wax crayons, watercolor, wide brushes, jars of water, watercolor paper, foam rubber pieces or foam roller.

5. For monotopia: thick paper of any color, brushes, gouache or watercolor.

6. For plasticineography: cardboard of any color, plasticine, stacks, napkins.

7. For drawing with semolina: cereal, glue stick, dark-colored cardboard.

Teacher: Dear parents, I am very glad to welcome you to our meeting!

It's no secret that many parents would like to have a universal, "magic" recipe for raising smart, developed, talented children. We would like to see children happy, emotionally prosperous, successful in business, diversified, in a word, interesting personalities. And an interesting person is a knowledgeable, confident in himself and his abilities, constantly developing person. Fine art plays a significant role in the formation of such a personality.

During drawing, visual, motor, muscular-tangible analyzers are included in the work. In addition, drawing develops memory, attention, fine motor skills, teaches the child to think and analyze, measure and compare, compose and imagine.

Drawing plays a big role in the formation of speech in a child.

A little - a lot of time has passed since they found a recipe that helps to improve the creative abilities of the child. These are non-traditional visual techniques.

Such techniques are unusual because they include in the educational process not only visual materials, but also various household items: cocktail tubes, sponges for washing dishes, candles, semolina, glue, cotton wool and much more. You can ask a completely logical question: why is this needed? Let me tell you about it in verses:

There is a usual drawing:

Traditional in everything.

Materials are familiar to us.

But today is not about him.

About alternative ways

I want to tell you a little.

its great efficiency

They managed to prove it.

Non-traditional classes

Includes many ideas.

Sometimes provocative

But interesting for kids.

They are unusually combined

Material and tool.

And everything works out great

And definitely no one is indifferent!

Such activities are interesting for children and give excellent results. You see them now at the exhibition. I introduce all these techniques to children both during classes and in free activities.

And now let me introduce you to some non-traditional artistic and graphic drawing techniques.


1. Poke with a stiff semi-dry brush.

Age: any.

How to obtain an image: you need to lower the brush into the gouache and strike it on the paper, holding it vertically. When working, the brush does not fall into the water. Thus, the entire sheet, contour or template is filled. It turns out an imitation of the texture of a fluffy or prickly surface.

If you poke with a brush,

That is, draw with a poke,

That will turn out to be a purr

With a soft plush tail.

2. Finger painting.

* Finger painting.

Age: from two years.

How to obtain an image: you need to lower your finger into gouache and apply dots, specks or lines on paper. Each finger is filled with a different color of paint. After work, the fingers are wiped with a napkin, and then the gouache is easily washed off.

Older children may be encouraged to use cotton swabs.

* Hand drawing.

Age: from two years.

How to obtain an image: you need to dip your palm (the whole brush) into gouache or paint it with a brush (from the age of five) and make an imprint on paper. They draw with both right and left hands, painted in different colors. After work, the hands are wiped with a napkin, then the gouache is easily washed off.

The subject of training should increase according to age by teaching them to draw with several fingers of the working hand, with a pinch, with the edge of the palm, with the whole palm.

An interesting and safe recipe for finger paints.

Mix with a mixer 0.5 kg of flour, 5 tablespoons of salt, 2 tablespoons of vegetable oil and water, until the concentration of thick sour cream, then pour the resulting mass into separate jars, add food coloring (beet or carrot juice, as an option - Easter sets, mix to a homogeneous mass.

3. Familiar shape - new image

Age: from five years old.

How to obtain an image: You need to circle the selected object with a pencil. Then turn it into something else by drawing and painting with any suitable materials.

For circling, you can use various objects: scissors, spoons, cups

etc. You can also circle the palms, feet, fists, figure.

4. Printing.

Age: from four years old.

Method of obtaining an image: to perform the work, “seals” are used from spools of threads, corks, cotton swabs, caps from felt-tip pens, cotton swabs, etc. Each drawing, depending on what to print, is different.

Having prepared special “pokes” from used felt-tip pens, inserting pieces of foam rubber into them, you can introduce children to the technique of “pointism” (an image from many points)

5. Technique of "magic" drawing (drawing with reserve).

* Candle + watercolor (photocopy)

Age: from four years old

How to get an image: draw with a candle on paper. Then paint over the sheet with watercolor in one or more colors. The drawing drawn by the candle remains white.

* Wax crayons + watercolor

Age: from four years old,

How to obtain an image: draw with colored wax crayons on white paper. Then paint over the sheet with watercolor in one or more colors. The drawing drawn with crayons remains unpainted.

You can get the same effect by first drawing with stationery glue or a piece of laundry soap.

Important: pay attention to the force of pressure - the stronger the pressure on the crayon, the clearer the image.

6. Monotopy

* Subject

Age: from five years old

How to obtain an image: you need to fold a sheet of paper in half and draw half of the depicted object on one half of it (objects are chosen symmetrical). After drawing each part of the subject, until the paint has dried, the sheet is folded in half again to obtain a print. The image can then be decorated by also folding the sheet after drawing a few decorations.

* Landscape

Age: from six years old.

Image acquisition method: the sheet is folded in half. A landscape is drawn on one half of the sheet, and its reflection in a lake, river (imprint) is obtained on the other. The landscape is done quickly so that the paint does not have time to dry. Half of the sheet intended for printing is wiped with a damp sponge. The original drawing, after it has been imprinted, is enlivened with colors to make it more distinct from the print.

7. Plasticineography

Age: from four years old

Image Acquisition Method: Drawing with plasticine on a hard surface

(Introducing each new drawing technique, the teacher gives parents the opportunity to show their artistic creativity in practice.)


Look at the easel

Summary of the master class.

Teacher: Dear parents!

Non-traditional drawing techniques help you feel free, overcome your fear, see and convey on paper what is more difficult to do with conventional means. And most importantly, they give children the opportunity to be surprised and enjoy the world. After all, every discovery of something new, unusual brings joy, gives a new impetus to creativity.

Our master class has come to an end. I see wonderful work in unusual techniques. You can show them to your children, and I'm sure they will love your creativity! I dare to hope that now in conversations with children about drawing classes you will be able to show your considerable awareness!

Allow me to digress:

Wish you good luck

If you liked us

Come visit us again!

Thank you all for your attention!

During the master class, she suggested that parents try to apply certain drawing techniques in practice. Parents and children present at the meeting showed their creativity with pleasure. It turned out wonderful drawings, which they took as a keepsake.



Khamdohova Arina
Consultation "Non-traditional drawing techniques in kindergarten"

Non-traditional drawing techniques

in the development of preschool children

Preschool age is a sensitive period for children to develop productive activities: drawing, modeling, appliqué and construction. In them, the baby can express his attitude to the world around him, develop creative abilities, as well as oral speech and logical thinking.

baby fine art is a world of bright, amazing images. It often strikes adults with its spontaneity, originality, and riot of fantasy. Preschoolers draw a lot and with great desire. Children are very inquisitive, their interests go beyond the family and kindergarten the world around them attracts them. In productive activities, children develop a steady interest in visual activity, develop their abilities.

In our time, the all-round education of the new man, the further increase of his creative activity, is of paramount importance. Therefore, it is necessary to develop a sense of beauty, to form high aesthetic tastes, the ability to understand and appreciate works of art, the beauty and richness of native nature.

We successfully used the method of familiarizing children with the visual activity of T. S. Komarova, but during the classes we were always struck by the monotony technician offered to depict the image, so children are happy to draw with their fingers, plasticine, etc.

Having studied the works of various authors, such as G. B. Kibisheva, the program "Inspiration", I. A. Lykova - "Methodological guide for specialists of preschool educational institutions", T. N. Doronova - "Nature, art and visual activity of children" R. G. Kazakova "Visual activity in kindergarten» we found a lot of interesting ideas and set ourselves the following tasks:

Form in children technical drawing skills.

Introduce children to different non-traditional drawing techniques.

Learn to create your own unique image using various drawing techniques.

In the artistic and aesthetic development of children, the ability to perceive a work of art and independently create an expressive image that is distinguished by originality and independence is important.

Correct technical Skills and abilities in children are formed gradually, from lesson to lesson. As a result of a thoughtful learning process drawing children master the correct methods not in the course of dry exercises, but by solving various visual tasks that are interesting for themselves.

Technical the side of visual activity is subordinated to the task of creating an expressive image in the drawing. It is this goal that determines the choice of one or another material for classes. drawing. Thinking over the lesson, I select the material in which the image of the object can be solved especially expressively, interestingly, beautifully, and will give children aesthetic pleasure. But this will be possible only if they master the pictorial and expressive possibilities of each material well.

For drawing in kindergarten can imagine different materials: simple and colored pencils; watercolor and gouache paints; wax crayons; markers; watercolor crayons; pastel; coal; sanguine; plasticine and ink. In the practice of teaching children visual activity, we widely use a variety of materials, and made sure A: Children like novelty. They draw with great interest even with a simple graphite pencil, using different pressure to convey the edema of the subject.

Gradually, as children master the skills of working with various materials, we try to bring them to a conscious choice of material to create their image. Here a very important point is that the child shows independence, gets the opportunity draw like this which he liked best. When at the end of the lesson the child sees his drawing among other works, he will notice a variety technical solution images. Then at the next lesson, his choice may be different. The child should feel the possibility of choice. This contributes to the development of his creativity. It is very important to master technical skills and abilities allowed children to depict the world in all its diversity.

In my work for several years I have widely used various types unconventional drawing techniques.

"Fingers-palette"finger painting.

Don't have a brush handy? No problem! We will dip one finger in red paint, the other in blue, the third in yellow ... Why not a palette.

It's not difficult, but very interesting. technique that kids of all ages will love. They draw with great pleasure.

^ Finger training drawing goes in several stages.

At first, children draw with one finger, then with several. At this stage, there is an acquaintance with color, shape, rhythm and position in space. We decorate butterflies, fish and clearing with such elements as dots, strokes, spirals.

At the second stage, children learn to mix paints. Each finger is dipped in different paints and colors are applied to the color. As a result of mixing colors, children achieve the desired shade. For example, with children of the middle group, we painted"fluffy bear".

By the preparatory group, children are already fluent in "finger technique» and come up with topics for drawing, using in the plot, such techniques as poke, brushstroke, mixing paints. "Finger method" children painted plots to Aksakov's fairy tale "The Scarlet Flower". The work turned out to be very successful.

^ Next technique - palm drawing.

This method develops the creativity of children of primary preschool age very well. They not only see the paint, but also feel it.

next non-traditional form of education which I use in my work is stroke drawing.

With the help of a stroke, you can tell about the nature of the object, about the properties of the material, convey not only lightness, softness, smoothness, but also heaviness, gloom, sharpness, aggressiveness and, most importantly, reveal the image of the hero, his attitude to the environment. Also drawing stroke very well prepares the hand for writing. From the middle group, children draw on Topics: "Chick" And "Petushka with family". It is not complicated and quite expressive method drawing, in particular animals, which allows you to convey their characteristic features using various types of shading.

From analysis children's works, we can conclude that not all children are able to control the amplitude of their hand oscillations. The strokes are obtained in different sizes, sometimes with a slight pressure on the pencil. Therefore, we recommend that teachers with children in their free time train their hands more often in order to consolidate hatching skills.

Also very interesting is the reception - drawing on wet paper. In this technique used in work with children of preschool age.

Harder to paint with watercolors than gouache, but very interesting. Paint it can only be used on white paper, diluting paints with water. The more water, the more transparent the color of the paints. The work is very delicate and elegant. Children especially like draw in this technique"Sea", both in calm and quiet weather, and in a storm.

^ Drawing with wax crayons, candle and watercolor.

This method has long been used by folk craftswomen when painting Easter eggs. In this technique we drew on the topic"Vologda lace".

We also use this new drawing technique like grattage.

interesting in this technique took classes in Topics: "Winter forest", "Walk in the park", "Night Tales".

^ Brush painting.

Paint children really like brush strokes. The work is rich and interesting. Not all children get the correct smear. For some it is very long, for others it just looks like a priming. Therefore, more is recommended paint in your spare time for Topics: "Grass", "Herringbone" and so on.

Very interesting and such techniques drawing, as - monotype and diotype (printing technique) .

This method helps to develop fantasy, imagination, a sense of color and form. With children we painted"City on a rainy day", "Trees are reflected in the river". Children draw with pleasure, they were interested in how a whole drawing, and even a picture, is obtained from one half of a drawing.

The kids liked it and technique, like batik - painting on fabric, stylization - submission to certain rules. This is a very difficult, but interesting work that contributes to the development of creativity in children. We are with children painted"Willow in a vase". The children performed well, each of their work was unique. They showed limitlessness children's creativity.

Another unconventional reception - spray. It's not very simple technique. Its essence consists in spraying drops of paint. For its implementation, we use a toothbrush and a stack. Drawings on Topics: "Snowfall", "Leaf fall". It's complicated technique, in children it does not work right away, but, despite this, the work brings satisfaction.

^ Plasticine drawing. This technique requires perseverance patience and desire to see things through to the end. With the children of the older group, we painted"Swan Lake", "Parrot", and with the children of the preparatory group held a creative lesson on the topic "Tales of A. S. Pushkin".

We also use other unconventional drawing techniques:

- chalk drawing;

- charcoal and sanguine drawing;

- drawing using natural material;

African painting;

- poke drawing(hard brush);

- decoy drawing;

- drawing with thread.

It is safe to say that diversity technician contributes to the expressiveness of images in children's work.

Experience has shown that mastering technique The image gives the kids true joy if it is built taking into account the specifics of the activity and age of the children. They are happy to cover with spots, strokes, strokes one sheet of paper after another, depicting either autumn leaves swirling in the air, or snowflakes smoothly falling to the ground. Children boldly take up art materials, kids are not afraid of their diversity and the prospect of independent choice. They enjoy the process of doing it. Children are ready to repeat this or that action many times. And the better the movement is, the more pleasure they repeat it, as if demonstrating their success, and rejoice, drawing the attention of an adult to their achievements.


Grek V. A. I draw with a stroke. - Minsk: Skaryna, 1992.

Zelenina E. L. We play, we crawl, draw: Book. For teachers and parents. – M.: Enlightenment, 1996.

Komarova T. S. Fine activity: Teaching children technical skills and abilities. // Preschool education, 1991, No. 2.

Komarova T.S. As much variety as possible. // Preschool education, 1991, No. 9.

Kosminskaya V. B., Khalezova N. B. Fundamentals of fine arts and methods of fine art management children: Lab. workshop. Proc. Allowance for students ped. in-t on spec. №2110 "Pedagogy and psychology (doshk.)". - 2nd ed., revised. - M .: Education, 1987.

Lykova I. A. Visual activity in kindergarten: planning, class notes, guidelines. – M.: "KARAPUZ-DIDACTICS", 2007.

Mosin I. G. Drawing: Proc. manual for teachers, educators and parents. - Ekaterinburg: U-Factoria, 1996.

Theory and methodology of visual activity in kindergarten: Proc. allowance for students ped. in-t on spec. №2110 "Pedagogy and psychology (doshk.)" /IN. B. Kosminskaya, E. I. Vasilyeva, R. G. Kazakova and others - 2nd ed., revised. and additional – M.: Enlightenment, 1985.

Trofimova M. V., Tarabarina T. I. Both study and a game: Art. A popular guide for parents and educators. - Yaroslavl: Development Academy, 1997.

Artistic creativity in kindergarten: A manual for the educator and musical director. Ed. N. A. Vetlugina. - M .: Education, 1974.

Prepared by educators: Petrova E.A., Onoshina N.Yu.

Children, observing the world around them, try to reflect it in their activities - games, drawing, modeling, stories, etc. Rich opportunities in this respect are pictorial activity.

The child gets the opportunity to reflect his impressions of the world around him, to convey images of the imagination, turning them into real forms with the help of various materials.

Artistic creativity is one of the favorite types of children's activities.

In order not to limit the ability of kids to express their impressions of the world around them, the traditional set of visual tools and materials is not enough.

In art classes, drawing with non-traditional techniques liberates children, allows them not to be afraid to do something wrong. Drawing with unusual materials and original techniques allows children to experience unforgettable positive emotions. Emotions are both a process and a result of practical activity - artistic creativity. Drawing using non-traditional image techniques does not tire preschoolers, they maintain high activity, working capacity throughout the entire time allotted for the task. Non-traditional techniques allow the teacher to carry out an individual approach to children, take into account their desire, interest. Their use contributes to:

  • intellectual development of the child;
  • correction of mental processes and personal sphere of preschool children;
  • develops self-confidence;
  • develops spatial thinking;
  • teaches children to freely express their intention;
  • develops fine motor skills.

Given the age characteristics of preschoolers, mastering different skills at different age stages, it is recommended to use special techniques and techniques for non-traditional drawing.

So, for children of primary preschool age , when drawing it is appropriate to use the technique "drawing by hand" (palm, palm edge, fist, fingers), imprint with stamps from potatoes.
Children of middle preschool age can be introduced to more complex techniques poke with a hard semi-dry brush, printing with foam rubber; stopper printing; wax crayons + watercolor; candle + watercolor; leaf prints; palm drawings; drawing with cotton swabs; magic ropes (nitkography).
A at senior preschool age children can learn more more difficult methods and techniques:

  • sand painting;
  • drawing with soap bubbles;
  • drawing with crumpled paper;
  • blotting with a tube;
  • screen printing;
  • subject monotype;
  • blotting ordinary;
  • plasticineography.

Each of these techniques is a little game. Their use allows children to feel more relaxed, bolder, more direct, develops imagination, gives complete freedom for self-expression.

Let's take a closer look at each of these techniques.

During the course finger painting children reproduce a variety of movements with the palm (slapping, slapping, smearing), fingers (smearing, sticking).
Introduction to technology "fingerography" begins after mastering the basics of hand drawing: it is more difficult and requires more purposeful movements.
Children with curiosity, joy and pleasure smear traces of paint on their palms and on a sheet of paper. After several training games, a motor rhythm appears on paper, as children repeat the movements with their palms and fingers many times. This rhythm attracts children, becoming an additional stimulus for actions with paint and increasing interest in them. In the learning process, you can offer children to finish drawing images of animals (dipping a finger in paint, draw eyes, a nose, a mouth, a tail, while using jerky lines, horizontal, arcuate lines).

At hand drawing children first leave a handprint on a piece of paper, and then, according to the instructions of the teacher, draw the image of an animal. At the first stage, the teacher himself can finish drawing, showing by his example the principle of the image.
In the middle group, children can independently depict an animal from their palms, using their own memories and imagination. So, a bird, a cat, a cockerel, an elephant calf can turn out from the palm.
Potato drawing attracts children with its unusualness. Commonly used material is used to depict animals. To do this, the child presses the seal against the ink pad and makes an impression on the paper. To get a different color, both the boxes and the signet change. Signet is one of the most interesting ways for a child to make a drawing.
This technique allows you to repeatedly depict the same object, composing different compositions from its prints. Before printing, it is necessary to make the tools themselves - seals.
First, the teacher should help the child make prints. To do this, take a potato, cut it in half, and on a smooth cut, apply a signet pattern - a certain animal with a ballpoint pen, then carefully cut out the shape along the contour.

One of the varieties signet is tampon or impression. For this exciting activity, you need to make a swab of gauze or foam rubber, foam, crumpled paper. The stamp pad will serve as a palette. Children pick up paint, and with a soft touch on the paper draw something fluffy, light, airy, transparent or prickly. This technique is best suited for drawing animals, as it conveys the texture of the furry surface of the object.

In the middle group is also often used jabbing technique with a hard brush. The proposed drawing method does not require children to skillfully depict thin lines that carry an important artistic load. It is enough to know and be able to draw geometric shapes in various combinations, and not necessarily the correct form and thin straight lines. In the process of painting with pokes, these inaccuracies do not affect the perception of the drawing, and the drawn objects turn out to be closer to real ones. For coloring, you need: thick gouache and a hard brush. The method of drawing with a poke for younger preschoolers is as follows: the teacher draws a contour with a simple pencil in advance on a sheet of paper for children. Children first examine and trace the contour with their finger, naming its parts aloud: head, ears, eyes, tail, etc. Having begun to draw, they should poke with a brush along the contour line from left to right, leaving no gap between the poke; then, with arbitrary pokes, the surface inside the contour is painted over. Children draw the remaining necessary details of the drawing with the end of a thin brush.

Older children should independently draw the contours of objects with a simple pencil or immediately with a brush. The painting technique is the same.

A fairly complex technique is spatter . Instead of a brush, you can use a toothbrush and a stack. With a toothbrush in the left hand, we will pick up a little paint, and with a stack we will draw on the surface of the brush - with quick movements, towards ourselves. The splashes will fly onto the paper. In this case, it is possible to change the direction of movement of the hand (vertically, horizontally, obliquely, wavy, in circles), change the size of the specks, bringing the splashes closer or further away from the plane of the workpiece. Several paints are used at the same time, which helps to create a multi-color pattern.

One of the modern ways of non-traditional drawing is bubble painting . To do this, you need shampoo, gouache, water, a sheet of paper and a cocktail tube. Shampoo, a little water are added to the gouache, stir and blow into the tube until foam forms. Then attach a sheet of paper to the foam, draw the details.

This technique developed from one interesting visual technique - blotography . This will require paper, ink or liquid gouache. In the center of the sheet, you need to drop a blot, the paper needs to be tilted to one side, then to the other, or blow on the blot. Thus, you can get the original image of the animal, the child's fantasy will tell you who it looks like.

Monotype can also be used to depict animals. The first way is to fold the sheet in half symmetrically. On the sheet, you can depict the reflection of a bear cub in the mirror surface of the water. To do this, take a landscape sheet and fold it in half, tint the upper part with light yellow (sky), and the lower part with blue (water). After drying the sheet, we apply a drawing of a bear cub with a pencil, and then cover it with gouache, then fold the drawing along the fold line and iron it to make an imprint on the underside of the sheet, we get a mirror image of the bear cub in the water. The second way - we apply paint on a plastic board, then with a wooden stick or a brush handle we scratch the image of objects - figures of birds and animals, put a sheet of paper on top, lightly press and remove, an imprint is obtained on the sheet.

stroke drawing allows you to focus on the shape, structure of animals, their movements. With the help of a stroke, you can tell about the character of the animal, convey its pricklyness or softness, kindness or aggressiveness, express a personal attitude towards the animal. Hatching is great for depicting hedgehogs and porcupines.

There is also a technique "drawing with threads" (nitkography) . Simple threads, gouache of different colors, drawing paper, paint sockets, a container for used threads are used. It is necessary to make pieces of thread (2-5 pieces) 7-10 cm long. Dip one piece of thread in paint and drive it along a sheet of drawing paper in different directions. To use gouache of a different color, take a clean thread. You can also dip the thread in paint, put it on one half of the sheet (randomly), then cover it with the other half, i.e. fold the sheet in half and carefully pull the thread out of there. Then we open the sheet and draw the resulting image.

In engineering "drawing with a cardboard edge" cardboard strips are used (height - 2 cm, length from 2 cm to 6 cm, it depends on the size of the object to be depicted; cardboard width is about 2 mm), drawing paper, gouache, paint rosettes, brush. Here, the edge of the cardboard needs to be painted with gouache, leaned against the paper and drawn over the sheet, leaving a trace of the paint. Depending on what object is depicted, the movement of cardboard can be straight, arcuate, rotational.

For technology "crumpled drawing" . Drawing technology: draw an object on a piece of paper with colored crayons, make a background around the object with wax crayons. The sheet of paper must be completely covered. Gently crease the drawing so as not to tear the paper, then straighten it, paint over the background and the picture with gouache. Without waiting for the paint to dry, wash off the gouache with a sponge under running water. The ink should remain in the cracks in the paper. "Paper Printing" . Drawing technology. Dilute gouache paint with water to the consistency of liquid sour cream. Crumple a piece of thick paper into a small lump, lower it into the paint. With this lump of paper, apply paint to the landscape sheet.

Many of the above techniques can be used in one − collage . In general, the following is important: it is good when a preschooler is not only familiar with various image techniques, but also does not forget about them, but uses them appropriately, fulfilling a given goal. For example, a child decided to draw summer in a village, and for this he uses a bitmap (grass), and the child draws the sun with his finger, draws fluffy animals with foam rubber, cuts out other animals from postcards, depicts the sky and clouds with fabrics, etc. There is no limit to improvement and creativity in visual activity.

It should be noted that the success of teaching non-traditional techniques largely depends on what methods and techniques the teacher uses to convey certain content to children. So, when teaching drawing, a wide variety of techniques and a wide variety of materials can be used.

Workshop for parents "Draw together" unconventional drawing

Inserting a picture

Compiled by: Malanich Irina Dariyevna, teacher of additional education

State educational institution of Khanty - Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug - Yugra "Nyagan boarding school for students with disabilities"

Nyagan 2015

Target : drawing the attention of parents to the value of the fine arts of children, to the benefits of non-traditional drawing techniques. Tasks: introduce parents to non-traditional drawing techniques; to promote understanding of the importance of the development of children's creativity.

Dear parents!

Today we will visit the country of Creativity, get acquainted with the traditions of this country and its features. Someone will tell us all this is known, but I really hope that some discoveries are waiting for everyone. Did everyone draw as a child? And who continues to draw now?

Drawing is an obligatory stage in the development of every person. We all drew in childhood: someone in albums, someone with chalk on asphalt, someone on wallpaper or linoleum. Creative activity is of great importance for the development and upbringing of children. Products of visual activity (drawings, crafts, etc.) are an image of reality that reflects the inner world of the child, his emotional experiences, relationships with the outside world, from the drawings you can determine the state of the intellect, his performance, the level of development of mental processes, mood. Creative activity can play a big role in the development of a child because of its accessibility. How to teach a child to draw if you yourself do not know how? Do not rush to get upset. There are many techniques with which you can create original work, even without artistic skills. Both you and your child will receive not only pleasure from such activities, but also a lot of benefits.

So, learn to draw unusual drawings with ordinary objects!

Draw raindrops with pva glue and hang the drawing vertically to dry, when the glue dries, transparent droplets will remain on the paper, similar to rain .

Finger painting




FOAM PUCK (small)


plant leaves (trees, flowers)






Plastic bottle

Our task is to help children open the door into the most amazing world - the magical world of children's creativity!

dare , fantasize!

Thank you for your attention!

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