Consultation for parents on innovative activities “Developing preschoolers' interest in visiting the museum. Consultation for parents "The role of the museum in the patriotic education of a preschooler on innovative activities



"To the museum with the child"

Summer is the best time to get in touch with nature. It is necessary to acquaint children with the secrets of nature, to cultivate their cognitive interest in it, to teach them to navigate in the diverse world of nature, to develop thinking, to enrich vocabulary, awakens aesthetic feelings, develops his creativity, prepares the child well for school.

One of the means of developing a preschooler's interest in nature is visiting natural history museums. In Moscow, there are excellent natural history museums - the Darwin Museum, the State Biological Museum. K.A. Timiryazev, which are designed for visiting parents with children of any age, including preschool.

Each of the parents wants to see their child educated and cultured, well versed in literature, art and painting. Based on the experience of impressions that children receive in the museum, they begin to better navigate the world of beauty and goodness, which is a guarantee of raising their general cultural level.

A visit to a museum is an event in the life of a child and a family, which gives pleasure to everyone: adults and children, and has an emotional impact on them. It is important that this trip to the museum leaves a mark on the soul of the child, so you should prepare for the visit.

The child needs to be told that he will be taken not to a simple museum, but to a museum of nature, which contains interesting and diverse material from the life of plants and animals.

At the same time, it’s good to take a camera with you to capture interesting moments of the excursion: against the backdrop of museum exhibits and traveling through its halls.

Once you have bought a ticket to the museum, give it to your child to present it at the entrance.

While viewing the exhibits, it is advisable to talk calmly, without disturbing other people. You should not run around the halls of the museum (remind the child that they are running on the street or in the gym) and touch the exhibits with their hands.

Guides work in the museum, they conduct excursions and acquaint visitors with the exhibits and expositions. If you do not use their services, you should keep in mind that museums have large halls and quite a lot of interesting things, so it is advisable to think in advance or orient yourself on the spot, what and how much to show the child. Children quickly get tired, they cannot receive a large amount of information at once. With children 3-5 years old, it is advisable to conduct an inspection lasting up to 30 minutes, with older preschoolers you can travel through the halls of the museum up to 1 hour if they are interested and do not show fatigue. Since the museum contains rich and varied expositions that cannot be viewed immediately, it is advisable and desirable to organize a visit to the museum more than once.

The process of a child's entry into the world of art is individual. The first visits are the strongest and deepest, so it is very important to carefully prepare for the first excursion. It depends on us adults whether the child wants to go to the museum again.

So, for example, in the Darwin Museum for the first time it is enough to see the exposition of the first hall and a film about nature, which is shown right there. In the museum, the child can play and relax. To do this, on the second floor on the rug there are large cubes (game modules). You can (taking socks with you) invite the child to play with them.

To consolidate the impressions of visiting the museum and further maintain interest, it would be good to buy animal figurines for the child, which are sold in the museum kiosk.

In the future, it is advisable to travel through the halls of the museum using booklets, which can be purchased at the entrance to the museum, finding exhibits in the hall and answering questions from the booklets.

At home, together with the child, it would be good to start collecting some kind of collection, for example, stones, stamps about animals or plants, organize a game in the zoo, etc.

Man has always had a desire for beauty. Each nation has its own culture, its own customs, its own traditions. We, adults, should contribute to introducing children to the large and complex world of beauty and nature. A visit to the museum should be a holiday for the whole family!

Preschool age is the most important period of personality formation, favorable for the formation of high moral feelings and civic qualities, which include a sense of patriotism. What we lay in the soul of a child now will manifest itself later, will become his life and ours. The basic stage in the formation of love for the motherland in children should be considered the accumulation of social experience of life in their region, the assimilation of accepted norms of behavior, relationships, familiarization with the world of culture. It is very important to instill in children a sense of love and affection for the natural and cultural values ​​of their native land, since it is on this basis that patriotism is brought up. Each of the parents wants to see their child educated and cultured, well versed in literature, art and painting. Based on the experience of impressions that children receive in the museum, they begin to better navigate the world of beauty and goodness, which is a guarantee of raising their general cultural level.

One of the forms of work with children on the formation of love for their native land is excursions to the museum.

All types of excursions develop the attention of preschoolers, because. their mental activity is directed and focused on some specific object or phenomenon. They can give the younger generation the opportunity to improve their intellectual level, develop observation, the ability to perceive the beauty of the world, i.e. contribute to the multilateral development of the individual.

Excursions for preschoolers, as one of the ways to organize direct educational activities with children, are not practiced so often now. First of all, this is due to the difficulties of organizing such work. However, we must understand that excursion activities are the best way to acquaint children with the objects and phenomena of nature, with the peculiarities of the organization of human life in a natural setting ...

Excursions to museums help to take a fresh look at the world. Acquaintance with the exhibits of museums helps to introduce children to the beautiful.

Finding themselves in an unusual solemn atmosphere, little sightseers begin to understand that you can learn and see a lot of interesting things not only while sitting at the TV, computer or reading a book, but also looking at sculptures, paintings, talking with the guide.

Target : creating conditions for the development of cognitive activity of pupils.


Form an idea about the museum; expand and deepen the knowledge of pupils about the history of their native land;

Develop logical thinking, curiosity, the ability to conduct a comparative analysis;

To cultivate love for the native land, respect for our ancestors, pride in the inhabitants of the region or city

Visiting a museum with preschoolers is not an easy task, requiring thoughtful preparation and clear organization.

To make the excursions interesting and productive, you need:

Establish contact with the tour desk or museum administration ( a representative of the museum may recommend contacting a guide who works with children of preschool age: he knows how to simply, but at the same time entertainingly and excitingly tell the kids about many of the museum's exhibits and about the museum itself).

Carry out work with parents (notify parents about going to the museum, tell the topic of the excursion, invite them to visit the museum with their children).

Prepare children for visiting the museum.

Give an idea of ​​what a museum is. Conduct discussions on the topic “Why do we need museums”. Which one of you has been to the museum? What does the word "museum" mean?

(The museum is engaged in collecting, studying, storing and exhibiting objects.)

There are many different museums in the world.

What types of museums are there?

(military, historical, applied arts, local history)

What is local history?

(Local history is a complete study of a certain part of the country, city or village, other settlements.)

P familiarize yourself with the rules of conduct in the museum

The rules of behavior in a museum are not much different from the rules in other places of culture - at exhibitions, in a theater or a library. However, even here there are significant features. - Do not make noise, do not run around the halls, do not push visitors, do not touch exhibits- everyone knows these rules, but the norms of behavior in the museum are not limited to them. All the museums of the world open their doors to visitors in the hope that in return they will receive respect and admiration for the treasures of the nation.

A visit to a museum is always a small holiday. The visitor enters this cultural institution in a special state of mind and soul, looking forward to meeting with beautiful and eternal art, wanting to get inspiration and delight.

- Therefore, from the very first step in the museum, you need to hand over all outerwear and bulky things to the wardrobe.

The task is specific - to get as much information about the exhibits as possible or to see the paintings and sculptures dearest to the heart.

After visiting the museum, the children who were on the excursion tell their friends about this event and share their impressions.

Tahmina Ibragimova
Consultation for parents of preschoolers "Visiting museums on weekends"

Every family should have activities that they enjoy.

perform together and which become a constant, expected

an integral part of life.

Family vacation is an important way to strengthen the family, and such a useful event as visiting museums with children, moreover, will help the family to broaden their horizons, teach them to understand and appreciate art.

It is from the first visiting the museum depends on how the child will later perceive such events. You need to lead the child to where he will be really interested. It is necessary to take into account the interests of the child, his natural inclinations and talents, but diversity in the choice is important. museums: perhaps the child will be interested in something else, it is important to expand their horizons. It's better to start small museums which can be examined quickly enough so that the child does not get tired. Therefore, the first museum visits It is better to combine with walks. Interested and customized

child so that he clearly knew: museum is home in which it is interesting, beautiful and unusual. Describing all the delights of the upcoming visit, parents should be based on interests child: "Today we're going to museum where we learn a lot about your favorite animals. Or: “You have a large collection of steam locomotives. But there is museum where you can get to know them better.

The child must know in advance where and why he is going, what he will see in a particular museum and strive to see it.

If in museum have questions, which you could not answer right away, when you come home, look into the encyclopedia or reference book and satisfy the interest of the young researcher. Yes, and the child, carried away by the search for an answer, will learn to use reference literature, which will definitely come in handy in life.

For children preschool museum available and necessary - if, of course, we seriously want to develop their abilities. In addition, we all so want our children to grow up cultured and well-mannered. Toddlers don't giggle at the sight of nude sculpture and nude painting. Everything they see they perceive attentively and benevolently. Therefore, in adults who begin to drive children in museum from early childhood, There is hope: V museum halls these boys and girls will get "vaccination" from bad taste and antisocial behavior.

But we must also take into account that some canvases can have too much influence on overly emotional children, so it’s better museum"route" work out in advance, taking into account the peculiarities of children's perception. The main thing is that each visiting of museum was positive and educational.

Direct acquaintance preschooler with museum collections- authentic historical exhibits, as well as the architecture of buildings, the interiors of the halls, have a huge emotional impact on children, and this is invaluable in shaping the personality and spiritual and intellectual potential of society as a whole. Children develop "image museum» , visual memory, artistic thinking and imagination develop, the progress of the general cultural level and the enrichment of visual activity are noticeable.

The main thing that opens in museum- adults and children in the process of such communication get to know each other deeper: parents given the opportunity to look at your child from the outside, hear him, talk not on the run, but in detail and thoughtfully, and for children such communication with parents also promises surprises - it is difficult for them to believe that dad or mom may not know something and discover something for themselves for the first time, which causes genuine surprise and joy.

Having worked with children in kindergarten for many years and based on my personal experience of raising my own children, I can confidently to conclude: accommodation in the city center, among historical buildings, including architectural monuments, visiting museums develops in children aesthetic taste, creative imagination, the ability to see and appreciate the beautiful. As adults, my children strive to be in the center of the city as often as possible, to follow and participate in cultural life. cities: visit various exhibitions, theaters, museums. Early familiarization of children with cultural values ​​helped to form the correct literate speech, develop imagination, inquisitiveness of the mind and thinking, learn the rules of etiquette, good manners. This once again confirms the fact that the foundations for the upbringing and creative development of children are laid in preschool age with active participation parents.

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The role of museums in the development of a preschool child.

In modern life, the role of the museum has become one of the most interesting pastimes and is often designed mainly for children and school audiences, interactive tours, museum holidays and art festivals.

Of course, museums are a related scientific discipline that studies museum forms of communication, the nature of the use of museum tools in the transmission and perception of information from the point of view of pedagogy.

Now a trip to the museum is regarded as an area of ​​educational activity aimed at shaping a child's value attitude to reality by revealing the historical and cultural contexts of the material and non-material realities of the surrounding world, regardless of their location.

With this approach, museum activities can be carried out both in the museum environment and in any other space - a kindergarten, school, additional education institution, at home, on the street, among wildlife, etc. And then not only the museum comes to the aid of the teacher, but the objective environment of the surrounding world itself, which has deep historical and cultural meanings, begins to play the role of the Teacher and Educator.

The task of the preschool teacher is to teach the child to recognize these hidden meanings in objects. Having decided on this step, it is necessary to realize and formulate the immediate tasks:

To teach a child to see the historical and cultural context of surrounding things, i.e. evaluate it from the point of view of the development of history and culture;

To form an understanding of the relationship of historical eras and their involvement in a different time, another culture through communication with historical and cultural monuments;

To form the ability to recreate the image of the corresponding era on the basis of communication with the cultural heritage, i.e. to the artistic perception of reality;

Develop the ability for aesthetic contemplation and empathy;

Show respect for other cultures;

To develop the ability and need to independently explore the world around us by studying the cultural heritage of different eras and peoples.

The main task is to help the child see the "museum" around him, i.e. to reveal to him the historical and cultural context of ordinary things surrounding him in everyday life, to teach him independently, to analyze, compare, draw conclusions. The inclusion of museums in the educational process is not as simple as it might seem at first glance.

In order for a child to be interested in visiting a museum, certain rules must be followed.

Rule one. It is necessary to seriously, purposefully prepare for a visit to the museum, and then consolidate the knowledge and impressions gained. The child is not prepared to perceive the complex symbolic language of the museum. The task of the teacher is to help the little man in this difficult and very important cognitive activity.

Rule two. It is necessary to be clearly aware of the ultimate task of one's activity - the formation of a creative personality capable of perceiving cultural heritage with interest and being aware of one's responsibility not only for its preservation, but also for the multiplication and transmission of this heritage to other generations.

The article was prepared by the educator d / s 69 Plaksina Ekaterina Sergeevna

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