Control wife of anton free. Anton Privolov: “Life is divided into “before” and “after” Anton has a free curly-haired friend


Privolov Anton Yurievich (born January 1, 1981) is a Russian actor and TV presenter. Since 2006, he has been the author and presenter of the Control Purchase program, which airs weekly on Channel One. In addition to working on television, he starred in episodes of several feature films. Currently, he is also engaged in the restaurant business.


Anton Privolov was born in Moscow on January 1, 1981. His mother was a French teacher at the time. And my dad was a musician. When Anton was only 6 years old, his parents divorced. The boy stayed with his mother, but at the same time he did not refuse to communicate with his father and still maintains contact with him.

Young Privolov never planned to connect his life with television. As a child, he dreamed of becoming a firefighter or a salesman. But while still small, he often performed at school at various concerts, actively participated in amateur performances. It is not surprising that Anton chose GITIS as an institute.

Interestingly, he managed to enter the university at the age of only 15 years. Privolov decided to go to the institute so early after his friends. The fact is that because of his high growth, the boy went to the theater school with the guys a couple of years older than him. And when the time came for them to act, Anton also decided to keep up with his friends. At the entrance exams, he attributed to himself an extra age, and when the truth was revealed, Privolov was already enrolled in the first year. In order not to expel a talented applicant, he was advised to buy a fake certificate in the subway passage. He did just that. And then, when he graduated from school as an external student, he brought real documents to the institute.

After graduating from GITIS, Anton Privolovov worked for some time at the Theater of the Russian Army. But the career of the actor did not work out. Therefore, Anton decided to try to become famous in a different way and entered the School of Film and Television.

By the way, an interesting fact from the biography - during the training, Privolov worked as a waiter in a cafe, which was located on the territory of Ostankino. His clients were often well-known television workers. And as Privolov himself later admitted, during this time he had a good time to study the manners and character of some of the regulars. And it was very useful to him at the beginning of his career on television. By that time, he understood quite well how and with whom one could behave.

Carier start

Anton Privolov has been working on television since 2001. His first experience was the position of the host of the Themis Secrets program on the TV Center TV channel. Then there was a small column "Time for your news". But this was not enough for Privolov. He wanted to work on the main channels of the country. And already in 2003 he was taken to Channel One.

There is also an interesting story connected with this, and again the case was not without deception. Young Privolovov was then actively looking for a new job, and once he offered several of his ideas to the leadership of the Good Morning program. They promised to call him back, but time passed, and there was no answer. And now, after some time, Privolov collided in the corridors of Ostankino with the assistant to the head of Good Morning. And he boldly enough said: “How are my headings? And then they called me here from NTV, they want to see me at home. ” In fact, Privolov did not have any offers from other channels at that time. It was pure bluff. But he succeeded. Privolov almost on the same day was taken to Channel One.

But the career on the First did not start very well. The very first shooting could end in failure and dismissal. Anton and another girl were sent to Manezhnaya Square in Moscow. The task was to film a survey of people on the street. But it so happened that on that day everyone was terribly not talkative, and the young people did not succeed.

As a result, they despaired of fulfilling the task of the editors, but before the likely dismissal, they decided to fool around a little on camera. They started asking each other questions and answering them themselves. Back on the channel, they showed the "footage" to the management, and a miracle happened. The management liked it. Privolovov and his girlfriend were immediately identified as the leading headings on Good Morning.

"Test Purchase"

The prototype of the famous program “Test Purchase” was the heading “OTK”, which Anton Privolov led on the same “Good Morning”. In 2006, it was decided to expand it to a full-scale format. Moreover, the first issues of the program were not devoted to food at all, but, for example, to animal cages and other useful things. But very quickly, "Test Purchase" refocused on food products.

We are not like the many scandalous talk shows on our television. Unlike them, we do not even need to search for topics for a long time. All topics are on the shelves.

The program differs in that it is not advertising in nature. It tries to tell only the truth, comparing products of well-known brands on a number of indicators. At first, there were cases that some producers who lost in TV shows were offended, offered money to avoid anti-advertising, some even filed a lawsuit. But today the program has already acquired such a status that famous brands are happy to be tested. And if they find shortcomings in the process, they consider it free advice, and correct the shortcomings.

Over the years of work at Control Purchase, Anton Privolov has become a highly qualified specialist in everything related to food. And at the same time acquired useful contacts in this area. Therefore, it came as no surprise to anyone when Privolov decided to open his own restaurant. It's called Puree.

Personal life and hobbies

Anton Privolov met his future wife while still studying at the School of Film and Television. At first, young people did not communicate with each other. But one day Anton invited Olga to the cinema, and from that day on they never parted. At first, they lived together in a civil marriage for about a year. And then Olga became pregnant, and the couple decided to legalize their relationship, and filed an application with the registry office.

Six months later, a son was born to the Privolny. They called him Plato. His wife Olga is currently also working on television, she is engaged in the production of documentaries.

In their free time, the Privolny family likes to travel and go to restaurants. Fortunately, Anton knows a lot about not only high-quality products, but also tasty and healthy food.

Childhood and family of Anton Privolov

Anton was born in Moscow. His father is a former musician, guitarist, and his mother worked as a French teacher. When Anton was only six, his parents divorced, but continued to communicate. Thanks to this, the boy was brought up by both his father and mother. He has the warmest memories of his family and childhood.

Anton did not always dream of becoming an actor, and even more so a television man, although he played in school productions. His dreams were different, he thought about the profession of a fireman, and about the profession of a salesman. However, having matured, he decided that he would be an actor.

Privolov went to the Palace of Pioneers and enrolled in a theater studio. He was very tall, so he got into a group of guys who are two years older than him. When many of them, after graduating from school, went to enter the RATI, Anton went with them for company. What was the surprise of the teenager when he was admitted to the course of Leonid Kheifets.

He did not hope for it, he just tried, being an adventurer by nature. Later, of course, he had to admit it. A way out was found - Anton acquired a fake passport in the underpass and handed it over to the admissions office. After graduating from school as an external student and having received a real certificate, he changed the fake to the original document.

During his studies, the young student worked as a waiter. To do this, he chose an institution not far from Ostankino. Frequent visitors there were stars who came to have a bite to eat or drink coffee. Anton looked at them and dreamed of how he would one day become an actor.

Privolov did his military service at the Theater of the Russian Army, where he ended up immediately after graduating from the institute. It is interesting that Pyotr Krasilov served at the Theater at the same time, but he was, as Anton says, “grandfather”.

The beginning of Anton Privolny's career in theater and television

Simultaneously with his work at the Theater of the Russian Army, Anton received an offer to try his hand as a presenter on the TVC channel. For a while the program existed, but soon it was closed. This was Privolov's first experience on television.

After demobilization, he again decided to work as a waiter, but did not last even a week. He decided to break into television, and for this he did not have enough education. Anton entered the Ostankino Television Institute and became a student at the directing department. The next place of study was the School of Film and Television.

"Alone with everyone": Anton Privolov

It seemed to the young man that he had only to graduate from the Film School, and he could immediately find a job without difficulty, but everything turned out to be completely different. Time passed, and he could not find a job.

Privolov's work on Channel One

Privolov, together with his friend, decided to look for work in an original way. They walked around Ostankino, knocked on all the doors and reported that they had fresh ideas and interesting finds regarding TV programs. Almost all the "senior" colleagues took their phones, promising to call back, but no one called back.

One day, friends opened the door of the studio where they filmed the program of Channel One - the well-known Good Morning. Larisa Krivtsova was in charge there at that time. She, like many others, also promised to call back. The guys gave her a whole list of headings they had thought up. Time passed, but she did not call. When they were again at Ostankino and met one of Krivtsova’s assistants in the corridor, as if nothing had happened, they asked if they were going to be invited in the near future, adding, to be convincing, that the NTV channel had already become interested in them. This little lie paid off. They called back almost immediately. So Privolov ended up on Channel One.

At first, the novice television man filmed small stories for the Good Morning program. The first task failed to complete as expected. The guys were supposed to conduct a survey among passers-by on Manezhnaya Square. No one wanted to answer their questions, so they started asking each other and giving answers themselves, fooling around all the time. Krivtsova liked this manner. So the debut on the First took place. Anton traveled around the villages, interviewed some "freaks", filmed stories about them. Soon, Privolovov began working at OTK, and even later, as the host of Control Purchase.

Privolny's work in the Test Purchase program

Becoming the host of a new program on the ORT channel, Anton was able to realize many of his ideas. Initially, "Test Purchase" was planned as an entertainment program, but then everything changed. Today in this program you can see the results of independent studies of the quality of certain products. Moreover, all stages are recorded by a video camera.

Anton Privolov about lemons

Privolov's plans include new projects. He says that in any case he wants to work, improving people's mood, that's why he came to television. "Test purchase" will forever remain Anton's favorite child. Like any creative person, he wants to move forward, create programs that would make people not only smile, but also think about many things.

Privolov does not forget about his acting profession. He likes "live" performances. Together with Kirill Serebrennikov, Anton has joint plans, it is possible that the audience will see him in some unexpected roles.

Personal life of Anton Privolov

Anton is married. His wife's name is Olga. They met at the Film School. At first, Olga did not impress him, but later the young people began to communicate and realized that they were very interested in each other. They got married in 2007, and then their son Plato was born.

The couple designed their new two-room apartment at their own discretion. They wanted to make it original. The walls and ceiling are the brightest colors. During the repair, Anton did a lot with his own hands.

Privolov opened a restaurant, calling it "Pure". It differs in that it cooks exclusively from seasonal products, while the prices are quite reasonable. The restaurant buys all products from farmers. Privolov's goal was to create a place where people would be pleased to come, where whole families would come. He succeeded and is very proud of the result.

At home, Anton cooks extremely rarely. If he does this, then he is more interested in the design of the dish, and not its content. Recently, he has given up eating meat, preferring vegetable dishes. Free time Privolov prefers to spend with his family. They go on vacation to beautiful places, live in tents, sometimes go abroad.

Once Anton took his son with him to participate in the program “Dinner Time”. There, together with Lyudmila Poryvai and Natasha Koroleva, they evaluated the food. It happens that in a store, buyers come up to a TV presenter with a request for advice, to make the right choice when buying some products, they recognize him on the streets, they come up, thank him.

All Russian viewers know Anton Privolny from the Test Purchase program. In this program, it helps to determine which products are of high quality, and they can be eaten without fear, and which ones are harmful to people's health. Not only ordinary housewives, but also experts listen to his opinion.

The program "Test Purchase" was remembered by the audience not only for useful advice, but also for the interesting presentation of the material. Its presenter Anton Privolov was always in a good mood and presented information with a bit of humor.

Anton is active and dynamic not only on the screen. He is the same in everyday life. This is how friends speak of him and, of course, his wife, Olga.

Fateful meeting

Olga often recalls how she met Anton. They studied together at the School of Film and Television. But it wasn't love at first sight. Moreover, young people did not pay attention to each other at all.

The girl considered Anton too boring. And Anton remembered his future wife as a red-haired and noisy girl in a short dress, with strange plush carrots.

While studying at the School of Film and Television, Anton did not want to be distracted by love relationships. He dreamed of roles in theater and cinema. This was his childhood dream. Before finishing school, he became a student of GITIS, and he had to receive a certificate of secondary education as an external student.

Olga's meeting with Anton, which marked the beginning of their relationship, took place a little later. It was decided by the whole group to go to the movie premiere at the cinema. But it so happened that only Olga and Anton came to the meeting. Despite the fact that there were two of them from the whole group, they did not give up on their plans and went to watch the film.

After the film, Anton invited the girl to take a walk. They walked and talked a lot. And it turned out that young people have a lot in common. Having found common interests, they began to communicate more often, and later began to meet. More after a while they began to live together.

For themselves, the lovers came up with an interesting rating system. Every day they evaluated each other for attentiveness, kindness, for relationships. Soon the couple came to the conclusion that they were made for each other and the right decision for them to start a family.

Family life

The wedding of Olga and Anton took place in 2007. The couple immediately began to equip their family nest in a separate apartment. To make the apartment truly “her own”, Olga decided to do design on her own.

Anton actively helped her in this. As a result, the apartment turned out to be bright and not like the others. Everything is bright and sunny in it, as in the life of the couple herself. The only thing missing in the apartment was children's laughter.

The desired baby in the Privolnov family appeared very soon. The little son was called the beautiful name Plato. But, along with the birth of a son, the first difficulties appeared that the couple had to overcome together.

The fact is that the child grew up painfully. Doctors, every now and then, made various diagnoses, which, fortunately, were not confirmed. But how many sleepless nights because of this, parents had to endure.

Interesting Notes:

Olga still recalls with horror how she heard from the doctor that her child was deaf. At that moment, the world turned upside down for her. Fortunately, the diagnosis was not confirmed. It’s just that the doctor, out of inexperience, did not know that babies up to two months old do not distinguish sounds well.

Not many families endure such tests. But Olga and Anton were not only able to survive all this, such situations even more united the family.

Professional activity and hobbies

Due to her son's health problems, Olga was not soon able to return to her professional activities. She made several documentaries, but she could not fully devote herself to work. Most of her time the woman spent at home with her son.

However, this does not mean that Olga leads a reclusive lifestyle. She became a support and ideological inspiration for her husband. When Anton came up with the idea to open his own restaurant, which would specialize in dishes from environmentally friendly and high-quality products, Olga helped him with the implementation of this idea.

It was she who drew up a clear business plan, determined who and what will do.

Now the restaurant "Pure" is open and popular among visitors. Among many others, it is distinguished by democratic prices and products used for cooking.

The successful running of the business helped the couple save enough money to purchase their own home. Here Olga used her design skills again. She sought to equip the house in such a way that it was cozy and joyful.

The couple also have a common hobby. They love to travel very much. And they love to do this not along well-known tourist routes, but to discover something new, unknown.

The Privolovs have already visited many interesting places and walked many unknown routes. And there is even more unknown ahead.

But in the summer there was information that Olga and Anton were getting a divorce. Allegedly, the reason for this was life in two cities. Having overcome her son's health problems, Olga returned to her favorite job. She was offered a job in St. Petersburg, where she left with her son. Anton remained to work in Moscow.

Feelings did not stand the test of distance but the couple maintained a good relationship. Or maybe fate will turn this way, then the couple will reunite again, remembering how good they were together.

Anton Privolov - TV journalist, presenter, biography, programs with his participation

Anton Privolov is a TV journalist, presenter, best known as the host of the Good Morning and Control Purchase programs. He was born on January 1, 1981 in Moscow (age 34) in Moscow. He studied at GITIS, in the workshop of Leonid Kheifets, where he tried to enter for the first time at the age of 15, hiding his age. He served in the Armed Forces at the Theater of the Russian Army. For some time he worked as a waiter in a restaurant, he came to television in 2001, worked in the program "Secrets of Themis" on TVC. According to Anton himself, he came at a very good time when there were personnel changes on the channel. Completed a course at the School of Film and Television. In the Good Morning program on Channel One, he led the OTK section. The high growth of Anton Privolny - 196 cm, sometimes caused a lot of inconvenience to cameramen during filming.

Since 2006, he has been the host of the Test Purchase program on Channel One. The program is dedicated to food products, during the program the buying jury tries products from different manufacturers, trying to determine the quality. The TV presenter found himself at the center of a small scandal when a former employee described in detail in her LiveJournal the methods of work of Privolov and his colleagues in preparing the releases of "Test Purchase". The former employee accused the creators of the transfer of falsification and distortion of facts. Representatives of Channel One and Anton Privolov denied these allegations and, in turn, stated that the employee was fired due to the fact that she herself used false information when preparing stories.
In 2013, Anton Privolovov founded the Puree restaurant. Further

Olga, who later became Privolov's wife, studied with him at the Internews School and did not pay any attention to him. However, she didn't make much of an impression on him either. It all happened by chance - from the whole group gathered in the cinema, they ended up in the cinema together. We watched the film and ... went to wander along the street, talked a lot and realized how easy and comfortable it was for them to be together.

After that, their dates became more and more regular and, in the end, they were ripe for a life together. The young began to live in their own apartment, which they received after the demolition of Anton's parental home. Having soon become a father, Anton Privolov, whose wife bore him a son, fully experienced all the "charms" associated with the appearance of the baby. The son grew up very restless, and even the doctors repeatedly made erroneous diagnoses, which knocked the couple out of the normal rhythm for a long time. It is very important that the experience contributed to the unification of the family, making it even stronger.

All this led to the fact that Olga was able to start working only after a fairly long period of time. In the future, they managed to save enough money and buy a house in the suburbs, which they had long dreamed of. Anton Privolov's wife supports all the undertakings of her husband, including her approval of his idea of ​​opening his own restaurant "Pure". In it, he is responsible for the menu and the purchase of products, and his friends - co-owners manage the rest of the business, his wife is also involved in the project. In addition, she makes a film about how waitresses work, since documentaries are her main specialty.

Anton actively leads the well-known and beloved by many program "Test Purchase", becoming a real professional in choosing really high-quality products that can benefit every customer. That is why the scope of his household duties includes the purchase of food.

Anton Privolov

Despite their busyness, the guys try to spend every free minute together. On vacation, they go to the most interesting and unusual places - Karelia, Nice, and there are many plans and "uncovered" corners of the earth ahead.

In addition, Anton is “drawn” to the acting path, because he graduated from GITIS at one time, when he entered which he did not yet have a diploma of secondary education! Despite the fact that the actor's career somehow did not work out, he became a fairly successful person on television.

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