A short New Year's tale. New Year: a terribly complicated affair


A bedtime story about the New Year - for new impressions, for your good mood, for a calm, happy sleep. New Year is a holiday that makes hearts kinder, gives hope for the best, fills the soul with warmth and joy. The New Year is full of secrets, miracles, surprises and magic. And it's adorable! Happy New Year! Peace, fulfillment of desires, happiness, understanding, beauty!

Listen to a fairy tale (6min 42sec)

Bedtime story about New Year

Once upon a time there lived Santa Claus. He was tall, stately and with a rich white beard. He lived in a beautiful mansion with painted shutters, a high porch and patterned glass in the lighted windows. Every winter, Santa Claus wished all the inhabitants of the Fairytale Forest a Happy New Year. The inhabitants of the Fairytale Forest dressed up in carnival costumes, and it was impossible to tell which of them was a fox and which was a hare. Santa Claus congratulated everyone, and often visited the neighboring Azure Forest to congratulate the local residents on the New Year.

One day a story happened. Early on, a small titmouse flew to Santa Claus and told him that Baba Yaga was asking him to come visit her.

- What does the venerable cheat want? – thought Santa Claus, but did not refuse the invitation.

“I’ll come by lunchtime,” said Santa Claus.

But he was unable to come to dinner, and he showed up at the house on chicken legs only in the evening. There was a stump right next to Baba Yaga's house. Santa Claus accidentally touched it with his staff, the stump swayed, shook himself off and mumbled:

— For some reason or other?

“Baba Yaga herself called,” answered Santa Claus.

“Come in,” the stump said peacefully.

Baba Yaga treated Santa Claus to bagels, and then said:

- In the Farthest, Farthest Forest, you, Red Nose Frost, have never been seen. But there were no Christmas trees there; Only sorcerer oaks grow there. Get ready, take the New Year tree there and gifts to the inhabitants of the forest.

- How will I go there? – asked Santa Claus. “My horses don’t even know the way there.”

“So be it, let’s go together in my mortar,” said Baba Yaga.

“But it will be too small for both of us,” said Santa Claus.

“Don’t worry about it,” Baba Yaga said.

- Why have you become so kind? – Santa Claus doubted.

- So, for once, you gave me a gift today - you gave me a new broom and repaired the stove, otherwise I, the old one, began to freeze completely.

And the next morning they decided to fly to the Far, Far Forest. Santa Claus put on a warm fur coat, took gifts and a New Year tree. But Baba Yaga found fur mittens and put on woolen socks, but she didn’t take any gifts, because Baba-Hedgehogs don’t give any gifts, and she even waved a broom.

Baba Yaga tapped her mortar with a broom, it immediately increased in size, Santa Claus and Baba Yaga sat in the mortar and flew away.

Whether it took a long time or a short time, they flew to the Far-Far Forest. When the inhabitants of the forest saw Baba Yaga flying, they hid in all directions.

Father Frost and Baba Yaga landed and gathered to congratulate the inhabitants of the Far, Far Forest on the New Year, but no one was there. They were screaming and screaming, but there was no one there. What to do? Whom should we congratulate?

And a small titmouse joined them in flight. When Father Frost and Baba Yaga were getting ready for the journey, she slipped into the pocket of Father Frost's fur coat, and sat there the entire way.

When Santa Claus and Baba Yaga began to look for animals and birds, she got out of her pocket and said:

- Don’t worry, I’ll bring animals and birds to you now.

And she flew off to look for the local titmice. I found them and told them that Father Frost and Baba Yaga had arrived to wish everyone a Happy New Year and give them gifts. And they brought something else.

It turned out to be a New Year's tree, which was seen by the inhabitants of the very Far, Far Forest, who came running to the Silver Glade. They were invited by numerous tits.

Residents of the most distant, distant forest gasped when they looked at the beautiful Christmas tree with toys, lanterns and lights. Santa Claus gave gifts to everyone, and Baba Yaga told a New Year's fairy tale. The little titmouse was asking riddles.

And when Santa Claus's clock struck twelve times, everyone shouted in unison:

- Happy New Year! Hooray!

And they danced together in circles. And then the little sparrow said that he was tired and wanted to sleep. The fox cubs, wolf cubs, and squirrels also wanted to sleep.

Well! Sleep is also a small holiday. A holiday of happy events and fabulous transformations. Children grow up in their sleep. This is great!

Grow up too, my friend. Gain strength and health. Santa Claus asked me to tell you that everything will be fine with you!

On long winter evenings, the best thing to do is read fairy tales. Winter tales for children- these are not only fascinating New Year's stories, but also magic, fabulous miracles and interesting adventures. What winter tales can you recommend? For different ages, these will be different fairy tales. Therefore, we will divide our review into 2 parts:

  • winter tales for kids
  • amazing New Year's tales for schoolchildren.

Winter is a wonderful time of year. Despite the cold winds and angry blizzards, under a white blanket of snow in the forest, in the field and even in the very center of the city, various unusual things can happen. So, I present to you my selections of winter tales.

Winter tales for kids

Winter tales for schoolchildren

This list includes fairy tales for elementary school. These are wonderful and familiar New Year's fairy tales, which are more suitable for pre-New Year and Christmas reading to schoolchildren.

This list of winter fairy tale books can be continued for a long time, but the ones I cited should also please your children and you, dear parents. I wish you a wonderful and interesting New Year's reading!

A fairy tale for primary schoolchildren about a New Year's miracle

Egorova Galina Vasilievna.
Position and place of work: teacher of home education, KGBOU "Motyginskaya comprehensive boarding school", Motygino village, Krasnoyarsk Territory.
Description of material: This fairy tale is written for primary school age. Therefore, it will be of interest to primary school teachers. This fairy tale tells about a little Christmas tree that really wanted to become a beauty on New Year's Eve. The content of the fairy tale is aimed not only at educating children of different ages, but also at instilling faith in the miracles of New Year's Eve and the power of magic. This fairy tale can be used in extracurricular reading lessons at school and for reading with the family.
Target: Formation of New Year's mood through the content of a fairy tale.
-educational: talk about the importance of belief in miracles and magic using the example of fairy tale heroes;
-developing: develop memory, attention, imagination, ingenuity, logical thinking, the ability to analyze and draw conclusions;
-educational: cultivate a sense of faith in miracles, empathy, and interest in reading fairy tales.
The Tale of a Little Christmas Tree.
This story took place in a fabulous winter forest, in which one could meet a beautiful squirrel, a bunny in a white fur coat, a gray toothy wolf, and a cunning fox. The marvelous forest was covered with a white blanket woven from a scattering of millions of snowflakes. And in this fairy-tale forest there was one wonderful little Christmas tree. It was the most ordinary green tree. She grew up surrounded by slender white birches, mighty pines, old spruces and the same neighboring fir trees.

With the arrival of harsh winter, the forest seemed to freeze in sleepy silence. Only occasionally will you hear the sound of a woodpecker extracting seeds from spruce cones. The winter sun rarely gave its warmth to the inhabitants of the forest. But our Christmas tree was not afraid of either severe frosts, snowstorms or blizzards. She felt warm and comfortable among the high snow. And she always had the same dream. It’s as if she’s turning into an elegant beauty, decorated with colorful lights, lots of toys and a bright star on the top of her head.
One morning a bunny ran past our Christmas tree.
- Good morning! - said the Christmas tree to the hare.
- Hello! - he answered.
- Where are you in such a hurry? - asked the Christmas tree.
- Don’t you know? After all, New Year is coming!
- New Year? What is New Year?
- New Year is a holiday, magic, gifts from Father Frost and Snow Maiden, fun, round dance, joy and laughter! – the bunny answered and galloped on.
The Christmas tree was left alone with her thoughts. She really wanted to see this holiday and receive a gift from Santa Claus. And before the New Year, our tree made a wish to become the beauty she saw in her dream.
And on New Year's Eve a miracle happened. The Christmas tree sparkled with bright lights, sparkled with the sparkle of fairy-tale toys and a large star sparkled on the top of its head.
All the inhabitants of the forest gathered to look at this miracle. And how joyful and fun it was for everyone to dance around the decorated Christmas tree, under which everyone found their New Year’s gift from Grandfather Frost and the Snow Maiden!

One day, all the inhabitants of the fairy-tale forest had a big quarrel and decided never to communicate with each other again. No one remembered exactly how the conflict began, but everyone was very stubborn and proud. Accumulated grievances did not allow them to take the first step, and the animals were bored alone. But still, this is a fairy tale about the New Year, so let's not talk about the bad.
The holidays were approaching, the forest inhabitants remembered last year's cheerful New Year's Eve and thought about how to celebrate such an important event this year. After all, no one was going to make peace. As a result, everyone decided to celebrate the New Year on their own.

Closer to the 31st, the first difficulties began. The squirrel decorated the Christmas tree with pine cones and nuts, but couldn’t think of anything to do with the lighting. “It’s okay, it’s also very beautiful,” she thought and became sad.
The Bunny had another problem - he found a beautiful garland and was already imagining the festive New Year's lights, but he couldn't reach the tree because he was too short.
The fox prepared a lot of festive dishes, decorated a small but neat pine tree and was about to celebrate when she suddenly remembered that she couldn’t sing at all. The New Year without songs could not fit into her head and this was the main reason for her frustration.
The wolf did not understand aesthetics, much less knew how to cook. The lack of festive mood, food and Christmas tree made him gloomy and angry. And Little Bear, having realistically assessed the situation, decided that sleeping through the New Year was a pretty good idea.
And a similar situation occurred in every house in the fairy forest. The New Year was sad and boring. This would be the end of our fairy tale, if not for the New Year's Magic.

A fairy tale about the New Year for children: why there is strength in unity

The animals seemed resigned to their situation and did not expect anything good or interesting. But on New Year's Eve they wanted to feel the holiday magic. Everyone remembered how beautiful and wonderful it was last year to have fun together near the largest Christmas tree in the forest. For some reason, they decided that New Year's magic was connected with this place and hurried there.
Very little time passed, and the whole forest company gathered near the large fluffy spruce. Seeing each other, they wanted to talk, ask about business, but remembered the quarrel. The animals suddenly became very ashamed. How can you be so stubborn and proud? How can you keep so many grudges to yourself? They understood each other without words and hugged tightly. The world no longer seemed so dim, but without New Year's lights, songs and fun it was very sad.

“How stupid we were. After all, we ourselves ruined our holiday. There is very little time left for the New Year; we won’t have time to really prepare,” the animals cried. At that moment it seemed that no one could change the situation.
“Stop being a ninny!” – suddenly a loud hoarse voice was heard. It was Little Bear, who was awakened by a noise near a large spruce tree. “We came together, and this is the main thing, because strength lies in unity. Let's quickly decorate the Christmas tree as much as we can, bring our own food and sing songs. Even if the holiday will not be so beautiful, we can still make it fun. Is not it?" – he continued.
The animals agreed, smiled and ran home. This time there are toys, candies, nuts and garlands. No one was sad anymore, everyone was in a hurry to be in time for the New Year.

What was their surprise when they returned and saw a beautiful decorated Christmas tree, New Year's lights, a snowman, colorful lights on other trees and a lot of sweets on the table, which appeared as suddenly as everything else. New Year's Magic came to the animals and gave them the real holiday they deserved. After all, they understood the main thing! Remember the moral of this fairy tale about the New Year - do not accumulate your grievances, learn to forgive others and do not be afraid to take the first step. Only together with friends can you find happiness and encounter magic.

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There is very little left before the start of the long New Year holidays, and you have work, preparation for the holidays, choosing gifts, and absolutely no time to relax, and maybe you don’t even have that “New Year’s mood” that everyone talks about so much.

Don't be sad! We have selected short stories and novellas by your favorite authors for you, which will improve your mood and will not take up much time. Read on the run and enjoy the New Year and Christmas!

"Gifts of the Magi".

14 minutes

Readers know this story almost by heart, but still remember it on Christmas Eve year after year. The story of two “stupid children” who sacrificed their most precious things for each other has inspired us for more than a century. Its moral is this: no matter how poor you are, love makes you both rich and happy.

"New Year's holiday of father and little daughter."

11 minutes

A very short and bright story about a man who spent the best years of his life on some kind of work unknown to the reader and did not notice how his daughter grew up.

In “New Year's Holiday...” one feels the coldness and hopelessness that the author himself experienced in an unheated St. Petersburg room in the terrible year 1922, but there is also that warmth that only close people can give. In the case of Green's hero, this is his daughter, Tavinia Drap, and in the case of the writer himself, his wife Nina Mironova.


25 minutes

Sasha is a thirteen-year-old teenager from a poor family, eccentric, embittered, accustomed to enduring beatings and insults. On Christmas Eve, he is invited to a Christmas party in a rich house, where the boy is surrounded by the clean and happy children of the owners. In addition to this, he sees his father's first love. The woman he still remembers.

But on Christmas, as we remember, miracles happen, and Sasha’s heart, which was still squeezed by an iron vice, melts when he looks at the toy angel. In an instant, his usual rudeness, hostility and callousness disappear.

"Christmas tree". Tove Jansson

15 minutes

A charming story about the unknown to science, but so beloved Moomintrolls. This time Tove Jansson described how a family familiar to readers celebrated Christmas. Not knowing what it is and how it is celebrated, the Moomin family managed to arrange a real holiday with a Christmas tree and gifts for whips (even more mysterious animals).

The story, of course, is for children, but adults will also enjoy re-reading it on New Year’s Eve.

"Anniversary". Narine Abgaryan

20 minutes

A realistic story, devoid of even a hint of magic, nevertheless leads to the most joyful New Year's thoughts. "Anniversary" is a story of friendship, old and new, breaking with an unpleasant past and hoping to fulfill all the promises made with the advent of the New Year.

"Not just for Christmas."

30 minutes

A fly in the ointment: a satirical story about how Christmas suddenly became a daily unbearable torture. At the same time, the whole essence of the holiday, its religious and moral overtones, came to naught because of people’s love for “tinsel.” A masterpiece from Nobel Prize winner in literature Heinrich Böll.

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1 hour, 20 minutes

Both adults and children know that the blacksmith Vakula, for the sake of Oksana’s slippers, had to make a deal with the devil himself. “The Night Before Christmas” is the brightest, funniest and most atmospheric thing in Gogol’s cycle “Evenings on a Farm near Dikanka”, so don’t consider it difficult, set aside an hour and a half for the pleasure of spending time with your favorite characters.

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