Short Christmas stories of Russian writers. Yuletide and Christmas stories in Russian literature of the 18th-21st centuries


Quickly, quickly, in a cheerful turmoil, and sometimes in a tiring bustle, New Year's Eve flew by. The last children's matinees have died down, the schoolchildren have gone on vacation, the chimes have already counted 12 strokes, and the New Year has come into force. Of course, there are plenty of fun and entertainment these days, but there is one activity, which today, unfortunately, is forgotten behind the roar of the TV. This is family reading.

Not all works are equally interesting to every member of the family. But there are some. They usually have two properties: the great talent with which they are created, and the event to which they are dedicated. The Nativity of Christ is what determines our future destiny, which goes beyond the bounds of this life. And Christmas stories remind us of this.

Selma Lagerlöf. "Holy Night"

The famous creator of "Niels' Miraculous Journey with Wild Geese" called her childhood very happy. And it's all because of my grandmother. The writer remembers with great love both herself and her wonderful fairy tales, stories and songs. “Holy Night” is a small work where Lagerlöf retells what sounded from the lips of his grandmother.

This story can be partly called an apocrypha with obvious folklore roots, but this does not harm the essence and meaning of the Event. It tells about a man who came to a shepherd to ask for some coals - he needed to warm his Wife and newborn Child. The world is cruel, as you know, but all the obstacles facing a person crumbled to dust: neither evil dogs nor a thrown stick harmed him, and the sheep continued to sleep peacefully when he walked to the fire on their backs. Yes, and he carried away the hot coals right in his cloak.

The bewildered shepherd asks him how this could happen. “I can’t explain it to you if you don’t see it yourself,” the man says.

And this is the main thing in the short, unhurried story of the writer. She reminds us with the words of her grandmother that the Christmas miracle takes place every year, and a star lights up, and angels praise God. And it is very, very important that our eyes (and I think we are talking about spiritual vision) see and our hearts perceive this miracle.

Ivan Shmelev. "Christmas"

These are perhaps the most famous memories of the holiday. And they are good because they can be read literally from infancy, from the age of five, and with pleasure return to them at any age. The amazing, unique language of the writer, who thinks and paints in a childish way, resonates with every soul. And although we are far from the atmosphere of the rich patriarchal merchant's house where Vanechka grew up, it's hard not to fall in love with that magical and at the same time such a real world of his childhood.

Usually children, especially those who are regularly read books, are sensitive to this atmosphere, they are not embarrassed by the abundance of outdated concepts and phenomena in the text, especially since this can be an occasion for a detailed conversation with their parents.

If the child is ready for such a conversation, you can explain to him that the writer is addressing his son, that they live in France, and Shmelev really misses the abandoned Motherland and wants the boy to understand how good Russia was lost to him forever.

Alexander Kuprin. "Wonderful Doctor"

This, as they say, textbook Christmas story reveals the holiday from one more side: it speaks of mercy. About how a person who has a lot of things to do, and a family, and gifts in his hands for the kids, is suddenly imbued with the misfortune of a completely unknown and completely unsympathetic person. And what is important here is not only the fact of helping a needy family, but also the fact that this beneficence was done, one might say, incognito. Indeed, only the next day, while receiving medicine from a pharmacist, Mertsalov learns that his benefactor is the famous military surgeon Nikolai Ivanovich Pirogov.

This story is a good basis for talking about mercy, about gratuitous help, about why, according to the Lord’s word, “let your left hand not know what your right hand is doing” (Matt. 6, 3-4).

Nikolay Leskov. "Christ visiting a man"

This is a deep and beautiful, but complex story: children will probably understand it from the age of 12, and even then with appropriate parental comments.

Christianity sets before us a task unknown to it: not only to forgive, but also to love the enemy

Here the theme of mercy deepens and becomes more complicated: the hero must not only show mercy, but show it to his blood enemy. “To whom much has been given, much will be required” (Luke 12:48) - Leskov confirms this truth by talking about a very pious person who lives like God, loves God, but is not ready to meet Him. Because Christianity sets before us a task, unknown to it and unbearable for a person: not only to forgive, but also to love our enemy.

“Christ Visiting a Man” is a story about a miracle that, on the one hand, can be explained in everyday life, and on the other, one can only marvel at the incomprehensibility of God's Providence and His ways. This is a real Christmas story with a very happy and deep ending: you involuntarily think about who received mercy - the one who asked, or the one who gave it?

Vasily Nikiforov-Volgin. "Silver Blizzard"

The boy from the story of Nikiforov-Volgin unusually subtly feels the atmosphere of the holiday. He lives in a simple but very believing family, he has wise, thoughtful parents, and he perceives Christmas not as a long-past event, but as something that is happening right here, right now:

“For a long time I stood under a snowstorm and listened to how the most beautiful and fragrant word in the world – “Christmas” – was walking in my soul with a cheerful wind. It smelled of blizzard and prickly coniferous paws.

“Father, having finished his work, began to read the Gospel aloud. I listened to his drawn-out reading and thought about Christ lying in the manger: “Probably it was snowing then, and little Jesus was very cold!” And I felt so sorry for Him that I wept.”

This is another childish look at Christmas - unlike Shmelyov's Vanechka from a rich Moscow house, the hero of the book is the son of a shoemaker. But he has the same feeling of a holiday - a fragile, eternal Miracle that has been happening for centuries.

Charles Dickens. "A Christmas Carol in Prose"

What good have we done? Who was pleased, who was encouraged, who was repulsed?

The story of the transformation of the soul of the old miser Skruzhd from the English classic is known to many. However, rereading it, we again and again reflect on the fruits of life - and not only the hero of the book: on the fruits of our own life. What good have we done? Who was pleased, who was encouraged, who was repulsed? And is there anything that can't be fixed?

However, Dickens argues that much can be corrected, even what seems to be predetermined. Jolly bells ring about this, and laughter in the living room, where Mr. Scrooge came to congratulate him after his night vision, is also about this.

"A Christmas Carol" can be re-read every year - it does not get boring. And you can do it together with children, revealing to them both the treasures of English literature and the possibilities of changing the human soul.

Hope Taffy. "Neighbour"

Holiday stories are different. It is not always possible to find a description of the festive service, Christmas tree, gifts and carols in them. They do not always talk about helping the poor and disadvantaged. The main thing in the works about the Nativity of Christ is the spirit of the holiday: the spirit of love that unites people, even from different countries.

The neighbor is a four-year-old French boy who goes to the neighbors - "larusses". They love guests, they always treat them, sing amazing songs and cook no less amazing soup - borscht. Russian Peer Noel, although he lives far in the North, brings gifts to all children, even those who have not polished their shoes well.

A surprisingly bright, albeit sad, story about the friendship of a Russian emigrant and a little Frenchman Paul, in which everyone who reads it carefully - both a child and an adult - will find something of their own.

Sergei Durylin. "The Fourth Magus"

Remember the hero of "War and Peace" Platon Korotaev, who broadcast the very people's truth? Perhaps, from the point of view of science, it has no basis, but it has an important, deep meaning. In Durylin's story, the old nanny claims that four wise men went to bow to Christ. The last was a "Russian man, a peasant" who got lost in the forest, "and the gift that he brought to God was taken away from him by evil people."

“‒ Nanny, what will he bring, the fourth, to the Christ Child if he comes from the forest?

“And the bread, dear,” answered the old woman. “What does a Russian peasant have besides bread?”

A story striking in its depth and poetry, with great respect and love tells about the piety of the old nanny, about love for the born Divine Infant.

James Harriot. "Christmas Kitten"

A short story by a famous veterinary writer about an incident that happened on Christmas Day. Harriot was not only a great specialist in his field, but also a believer. He, like no one else, felt God's love not only for people, but also for "little brothers."

This is a sad and bright story about love - real, active, which animals can show. About an amazingly smart and selfless cat who, before she died, managed to save and bring her baby to a person.

Harriot masterfully combines in his story the atmosphere of a holiday, subtle and ironic observations of animals and their owners and deep reflections on life, on the connection between everyday and spiritual events.

On Christmas days, the whole world, childishly froze in anticipation of a miracle, looks into the winter sky with hope and awe: when will that same Star appear? We are preparing Christmas gifts for our nearest and dearest, friends and acquaintances. Nikea also prepared a wonderful gift for their friends - a series of Christmas books.

Several years have passed since the release of the first book in the series, but every year its popularity is only growing. Who doesn't know these cute Christmas pattern books that have become an attribute of every Christmas? It's always a timeless classic.

Topelius, Kuprin, Andersen

Nicaea: a Christmas gift

Odoevsky, Zagoskin, Shakhovskoy

Nicaea: a Christmas gift

Leskov, Kuprin, Chekhov

Nicaea: a Christmas gift

It would seem, what could be interesting? All works are united by one theme, but as soon as you start reading, you immediately understand that each new story is a new story that is not like all the others. The exciting triumph of the holiday, many destinies and experiences, sometimes difficult life trials and an unchanging faith in goodness and justice - this is the basis of the works of Christmas collections.

We can safely say that this series set a new direction in book publishing, rediscovering an almost forgotten literary genre.

Tatyana Strygina, compiler of Christmas collections The idea belongs to Nikolai Breev, the general director of the Nikea publishing house — He is the inspirer of the wonderful Easter News campaign: on the eve of Easter, books are distributed ... And in 2013, I wanted to make a special gift for readers — collections of classics for spiritual reading , for the soul. And then the "Easter stories of Russian writers" and "Easter poems of Russian poets" were published. Readers immediately liked them so much that it was decided to release Christmas collections as well.”

Then the first Christmas collections were born - Christmas stories by Russian and foreign writers and Christmas poems. This is how the Christmas present series turned out, so familiar and beloved. From year to year, books were reprinted, delighting those who did not have time to read everything last Christmas or wanted to buy it as a gift. And then Nikaya prepared another surprise for readers - Christmas collections for children.

We began to receive letters from readers asking us to publish more books on this topic, shops and temples were waiting for new products from us, people wanted something new. We simply could not disappoint our reader, especially since there were still many unpublished stories. Thus, first a children's series was born, and then Christmas stories, ”recalls Tatyana Strygina.

Old magazines, libraries, collections, file cabinets - the editors of Nikea work all year round to present their readers with a gift for Christmas - a new collection of the Christmas series. All the authors are classics, their names are well known, but there are also not so famous authors who lived in the era of recognized geniuses and published with them in the same magazines. This is something that has been tested by time and has its own “quality guarantee”.

Reading, searching, reading and reading again, - Tatyana laughs. — When in a novel you read a story about how New Year and Christmas are celebrated, it often doesn’t seem like the main point in the plot, so you don’t focus on it, and when you immerse yourself in the topic and start purposefully searching, these descriptions, one might say, go by themselves into hands. Well, in our Orthodox heart, the story of Christmas immediately responds, immediately imprinted in memory.

Another special, almost forgotten genre in Russian literature is Christmas stories. They were printed in magazines, publishers specially ordered stories from famous authors. Christmas time is the period between Christmas and Epiphany. In Christmas stories, there is traditionally a miracle, and the heroes happily do the difficult and wonderful work of love, overcoming obstacles, and often the machinations of "evil spirits."

According to Tatyana Strygina, in the Christmas literature there are stories about fortune-telling, ghosts, and incredible afterlife stories...

These stories are very interesting, but it seemed that they did not fit the festive, spiritual theme of Christmas, they did not fit with other stories, so they just had to be put aside. And then we nevertheless decided to publish such an unusual collection - "Terrible Christmas stories."

This collection includes Christmas "horror stories" by Russian writers, including little-known ones. The stories are united by the theme of Christmas time - mysterious winter days, when miracles seem possible, and the heroes, having endured fear and invoking all that is holy, dispel the delusion and become a little better, kinder and bolder.

The theme of the scary story is very important from a psychological point of view. Children tell horror stories to each other, sometimes adults like to watch a horror movie. Every person experiences fear, and it is better to experience it with a literary hero than to get into a similar situation yourself. It is believed that scary stories compensate for the natural feeling of fear, help overcome anxiety and feel more confident and calm, ”Tatiana emphasizes.

I would like to note that an exclusively Russian theme is a harsh winter, a long sleigh ride, which often becomes deadly, swept roads, snowstorms, snowstorms, Epiphany frosts. The trials of the harsh northern winter gave bright stories to Russian literature.

The idea for the collection New Year's and Other Winter Stories was born from Pushkin's Snowstorm, notes Tatyana. - This is such a poignant story that only a Russian person can feel. In general, Pushkin's "Snowstorm" left a huge mark on our literature. Sollogub wrote his Snowstorm precisely with an allusion to Pushkin's; Leo Tolstoy was haunted by this story, and he also wrote his "Snowstorm". The collection began with these three Snowstorms, because this is an interesting topic in the history of literature ... But only the story of Vladimir Sollogub remained in the final composition. The long Russian winter with Epiphany frosts, snowstorms and snowstorms, and the holidays - New Year, Christmas, Christmas time, which fall at this time, inspired writers. And we really wanted to show this feature of Russian literature.”

In Rus', Christmas time (the period from Christmas to Epiphany, which before the revolution included the celebration of the New Year) has always been a special time. At this time, the old people gathered and told each other wonderful stories about what could be done on the eve and after Christmas. From these stories - sometimes funny, sometimes scary - Christmastide stories arose - a special kind of texts, the action in which could only take place on the New Year, Christmas or on the eve of Epiphany. This time reference has led researchers to consider them a kind of calendar literature.

The expression "Christmas stories" was first used in 1826 by Nikolai Polevoy in the Moscow Telegraph magazine, telling readers about how Moscow old people at Christmas time remembered their youth and told different stories to each other. This literary device was subsequently used by other Russian writers.

However, even at the beginning of the 19th century, narratives close to Christmastide stories about the search for a betrothed, the romantic translated ballads of Vasily Andreevich Zhukovsky "Lyudmila" and "Svetlana", Gogol's "The Night Before Christmas" were popular.

The Christmas stories familiar to us appear only after the forties of the 19th century, when Charles Dickens's collection A Christmas Carol in Prose was translated in Russia, and from that moment the genre flourished. Christmas stories are written by Dostoevsky, Leskov, Chekhov, and until the 80-90s of the 19th century, real masterpieces (“The Boy at Christ on the Christmas Tree”, “Vanka”) come out, but already at the end of the 19th century, the genre of Christmas stories begins to collapse.

Many magazines appeared in Russia, journalists and writers were forced every year at the same time to come up with texts on Christmas themes, which led to repetition and irony, about which Nikolai Leskov, one of the founders of the Russian Christmas story, wrote sadly. He, in the preface to The Pearl Necklace, named the signs of a good Christmas story: “ From the Christmas story it is absolutely required that it be timed to coincide with the events of the Christmas evening - from Christmas to Epiphany, that it be somewhat fantastic, have some kind of morality, at least like a refutation of a harmful prejudice, and finally - that it ends without fail cheerfully.

It should be noted that in the best examples of this genre one can rarely find a happy ending: much more often Chekhov, Dostoevsky and Leskov spoke about the tragedy of the life of a “little man”, that he does not use his chance or harbors false hopes. Vanka Zhukov on Christmas Eve writes a letter “to the village of grandfather”, and asks to be taken away from the city, but this letter will never reach the addressee, the boy’s life will remain difficult.

However, there were and are other stories with a happy ending, where good triumphs over evil, and the reader can get acquainted with them on the Thomas website, which contains modern examples of this genre. Be warned that we are talking about texts for adults.. A Christmas story for children is a topic for a separate conversation, which will definitely take place.

One of the best texts in our selection can be considered the tragic story of the boy Yurka and his drinking parents. "Yurka's Christmas". At first glance, this text does not leave the reader a chance for happiness and justice, but the Christmas miracle still happens, it opens in the fate of the protagonist, who managed to save himself and regain his loved one.

The reader will learn about the duel between St. Nicholas and Jack Frost (the English equivalent of Santa Claus) for the life of one artist.

Even from this small selection you can see how different a Christmas story can be. We hope that each of our readers will be able to find a text that will fill his heart with the experience of Christmas, help him take a fresh look at his life and at the same time give him a little joy and hope.

“There are holidays that have their own smell. On Easter, Trinity and Christmas, the air smells of something special. Even non-believers love these holidays. My brother, for example, interprets that there is no God, and on Easter he is the first to run to matins ”(A.P. Chekhov, story“ On the Way ”).

Orthodox Christmas is just around the corner! Many interesting traditions are associated with the celebration of this bright day (and even several - Christmas time). In Rus', it was customary to devote this period to serving one's neighbor, to works of mercy. Everyone knows the tradition of caroling - the performance of chants in honor of the born Christ. The winter holidays have inspired many writers to create magical Christmas stories.

There is even a special genre of Christmas story. The plots in it are very close to each other: often the heroes of Christmas stories find themselves in a state of spiritual or material crisis, the resolution of which requires a miracle. Christmas stories are imbued with light, hope, and only a few of them have a sad ending. Especially often Christmas stories are dedicated to the triumph of mercy, compassion and love.

Especially for you, dear readers, we have prepared a selection of the best Christmas stories from both Russian and foreign writers. Read and enjoy, let the festive mood last longer!

"Gifts of the Magi", O. Henry

A well-known story about sacrificial love, which will give the last for the happiness of its neighbor. A story about quivering feelings that cannot but surprise and delight. At the end, the author ironically remarks: “And I was just telling you an unremarkable story about two stupid children from an eight-dollar apartment who, in the most unwise way, sacrificed their greatest treasures for each other.” But the author does not make excuses, he only confirms that the gifts of his heroes were more important than the gifts of the Magi: “But let it be said for the edification of the wise men of our days that of all the donors these two were the wisest. Of all those who offer and receive gifts, only those like them are truly wise. Anywhere and everywhere. They are the Magi." In the words of Joseph Brodsky, "on Christmas everyone is a little magician."

"Nikolka", Evgeny Poselyanin

The plot of this Christmas story is very simple. The stepmother on Christmas very meanly acted with her stepson, he had to die. At the Christmas service, a woman experiences belated remorse. But on a bright festive night, a miracle happens ...

By the way, Yevgeny Poselyanin has wonderful memories of the childhood experience of Christmas - "Christmas Days". You read - and plunge into the pre-revolutionary atmosphere of noble estates, childhood and joy.

"A Christmas Carol" by Charles Dickens

The work of Dickens is the story of a real spiritual rebirth of a person. The main character, Scrooge, was a miser, became a merciful benefactor, from a lone wolf turned into a sociable and friendly person. And this change was helped by the spirits that flew to him and showed him a possible future. Observing different situations from his past and future, the hero felt remorse for his wrongly lived life.

"Christ's boy on the Christmas tree", F. M. Dostoevsky

A touching story with a sad (and joyful at the same time) ending. I doubt if it should be read to children, especially sensitive ones. But for adults, it's probably worth it. For what? I would answer with Chekhov’s words: “It is necessary that someone with a hammer stands behind the door of every happy, happy person and constantly reminds by knocking that there are unfortunate people, that, no matter how happy he is, sooner or later life will show him its claws.” , trouble will strike - illness, poverty, loss, and no one will see or hear him, just as now he does not see or hear others.

Dostoevsky included it in the "Diary of a Writer" and himself was surprised how this story came out from under his pen. And his writer's intuition tells the author that this very much could actually happen. There is a similar tragic story in the main sad storyteller of all times, G. H. Andersen - “The Girl with Matches”.

"Gifts of the Christ Child" by George MacDonald

The story of one young family going through difficult times in relationships, difficulties with a nanny, alienation from their daughter. The latter is the sensitive lonely girl Sophie (or Fauci). It was through her that joy and light returned to the house. The story emphasizes that the main gifts of Christ are not gifts under the Christmas tree, but love, peace and mutual understanding.

"Christmas letter", Ivan Ilyin

I would call this short work, composed of two letters from mother and son, a real hymn of love. It is she, unconditional love, that runs like a red thread through the whole work and is its main theme. It is this state that opposes loneliness and defeats it.

“Whoever loves, his heart blooms and smells sweet; and he gives his love just like a flower gives its scent. But then he is not alone, because his heart is with the one he loves: he thinks about him, takes care of him, rejoices in his joy and suffers in his sufferings. He doesn't even have time to feel lonely or think about whether he is lonely or not. In love man forgets himself; he lives with others, he lives in others. And that is happiness."

After all, Christmas is a holiday of overcoming loneliness and alienation, this is the day of the manifestation of Love ...

"God in the Cave" by Gilbert Chesterton

We are accustomed to perceive Chesterton primarily as the author of detective stories about Father Brown. But he wrote in different genres: he wrote several hundred poems, 200 stories, 4,000 essays, a number of plays, the novels The Man Who Was Thursday, The Ball and the Cross, The Flying Tavern, and much more. Chesterton was also an excellent publicist and deep thinker. In particular, his essay "God in the Cave" is an attempt to comprehend the events of two thousand years ago. I recommend it to people with a philosophical mindset.

"Silver Blizzard", Vasily Nikiforov-Volgin

Nikiforov-Volgin in his work surprisingly subtly shows the world of children's faith. His stories are thoroughly permeated with a festive atmosphere. So, in the story “Silver Blizzard”, he shows the boy with trepidation and love with his zeal for piety, on the one hand, and with mischief and pranks, on the other. What is worth one well-aimed phrase of the story: “These days I don’t want anything earthly, and especially school”!

Holy Night, Selma Lagerlöf

Selma Lagerlöf's story continues the theme of childhood.

Grandmother tells her granddaughter an interesting legend about Christmas. It is not canonical in the strict sense, but reflects the immediacy of popular faith. This is an amazing story about mercy and how "a pure heart opens the eyes with which a person can enjoy the contemplation of the beauty of heaven."

"Christ Visiting a Man", "The Unchangeable Ruble", "On Christmas Offended", Nikolai Leskov

These three stories struck me to the core, so it was difficult to choose the best one from them. I discovered Leskov from some unexpected side. These works of the author have common features. This is both a fascinating plot and general ideas of mercy, forgiveness and doing good deeds. Examples of heroes from these works surprise, cause admiration and a desire to imitate.

"Reader! be kind: intervene in our history too, remember what today’s Newborn taught you: punish or pardon? The one who gave you "the words of eternal life"... Think! This is very worthy of your thought, and the choice is not difficult for you ... Do not be afraid to seem ridiculous and stupid if you act according to the rule of the One Who told you: “Forgive the offender and get yourself a brother in him” (N. S. Leskov, “Under Christmas offended").

In many novels there are chapters dedicated to Christmas, for example, in B. Shiryaev’s “The Unquenchable Lamp”, L. Kassil’s “Konduit and Shvambrania”, A. Solzhenitsyn’s “In the First Circle”, I. S. Shmelev’s “The Summer of the Lord”.

The Christmas story, for all its seeming naivety, fabulousness and extraordinaryness, has always been loved by adults. Maybe because Christmas stories are primarily about goodness, about faith in a miracle and in the possibility of a person's spiritual rebirth?

Christmas is really a celebration of children's faith in a miracle... Many Christmas stories are devoted to describing this pure joy of childhood. I will quote the wonderful words from one of them: “The great feast of Christmas, surrounded by spiritual poetry, is especially understandable and close to the child… The Divine Infant was born, and to Him be praise, glory and honors of the world. Everyone rejoiced and rejoiced. And in memory of the Holy Infant in these days of bright memories, all children should have fun and rejoice. This is their day, a holiday of innocent, pure childhood…” (Klavdiya Lukashevich, “Christmas Holiday”).

P.S. In preparing this collection, I read a lot of Christmas stories, but, of course, not all that are in the world. I chose according to my taste those that seemed the most fascinating, artistically expressive. Preference was given to little-known works, so, for example, the list does not include N. Gogol's The Night Before Christmas or Hoffmann's The Nutcracker.

And what are your favorite Christmas stories, dear matrons?

Stories about Christmas by L. Charskaya, E. Ivanovskaya.

Interesting and informative Christmas stories for children of primary and secondary school age.

The legend of the first Christmas tree

When the little Christ was born, and the Virgin Mary, swaddled, laid Him in a simple manger for hay, Angels flew down from heaven to look at Him. Seeing how simple and wretched the cave and the manger were, they whispered softly to each other:

- He sleeps in a cave in a simple manger? No, that's not possible! It is necessary to decorate the cave: let it be as beautiful and elegant as possible - after all, Christ Himself sleeps in it!

And then one Angel flew to the south to look for something to decorate the cave with. It is always warm in the south, and beautiful flowers always bloom. And so the Angel picked up a lot of scarlet, like the dawn, roses; lilies white as snow; cheerful multi-colored hyacinths, azaleas; scored tender mimosas, magnolias, camellias; he also picked several large yellow lotuses... And he brought all these flowers to the cave.

Another Angel flew north. But it was winter there. Fields and forests are covered with a heavy cover of snow. And the Angel, not finding any flowers, wanted to fly back. Suddenly he saw a Christmas tree sadly green in the snow, thought and whispered:

- Perhaps, nothing that this tree is so simple. Let it, the only one of all the plants of the north, look at the little Christ.

And he took with him a modest northern Christmas tree. How beautiful and elegant it became in the cave when the walls, the floor and the manger were decorated with flowers! The flowers peered curiously into the manger where Christ slept, and whispered to each other:

— Shh!.. Hush! He fell asleep!

The little Christmas tree saw such beautiful flowers for the first time and was sad.

“Oh,” she said sadly, “why am I so ugly and unpretentious? How happy all those wonderful flowers must be! And I have nothing to dress myself with on such a holiday, nothing to decorate the cave with ...

And she wept bitterly.

When the Virgin Mary saw this, She felt sorry for the Christmas tree. And She thought: “It is necessary that everyone rejoice on this day, it is not necessary that this Christmas tree be sad.”

She smiled and made a sign with her hand. And then a miracle happened: a bright star quietly descended from the sky and adorned the top of the Christmas tree. And others followed her and decorated the rest of the branches. How suddenly it became light and cheerful in the cave! Little Christ woke up from a bright light, sleeping in a manger, and, smiling, reached out to a Christmas tree sparkling with lights.

And the flowers looked at her with surprise and whispered to each other:

Oh, how pretty she has become! Isn't she more beautiful than all of us?

And the Christmas tree felt quite happy. Since then, people have been decorating Christmas trees every year for small children to commemorate the first Christmas tree - the one that was decorated with real stars from the sky.

A beautiful, lush, young Christmas tree stands in a dense forest ... Neighbors-friends look at her with envy: “Who such a beauty was born into? ..” Friends do not notice that a disgusting, ugly branch has grown at the very root of the Christmas tree, which spoils smart young Christmas tree. But the Christmas tree itself knows about this bough, moreover, she hates it and grieves in every possible way and complains about fate: why did she reward her with such an ugly branch - a slender, pretty, young Christmas tree?

Christmas Eve arrived. In the morning Santa Claus dressed the Christmas trees with a magnificent snowy veil, silvered them with hoarfrost - and they stand decorated like brides, stand and wait ... After all, today is a great day for Christmas trees ... Today people will come to the forest to pick them up. They will cut down Christmas trees, take them to the big city to the market... And there they will buy Christmas trees as gifts for children.

And the beautiful Christmas tree is waiting for her fate... She can't wait, something awaits her?

Here the runners creaked, heavy peasant sledges appeared. A man in a warm sheepskin coat came out of them, with an ax tucked into his belt, went up to the Christmas tree and with all his strength hit the ax on its slender trunk.

The Christmas tree groaned softly and sank heavily to the ground, rustling its green branches.

- Wonderful tree! - said the old lackey Ignat, looking from all sides at the beautiful Christmas tree, which he had just bought at the market on behalf of the owner, a rich prince, for the little princess.

- Noble Christmas tree! he said.

And suddenly his eyes rested on a gnarled knot sticking out quite inopportunely on the side of our beauty.

- We need to level the tree! - Ignat said, and in one minute he swung a gnarled branch with an ax and threw it aside.

The pretty lady breathed a sigh of relief.

Thank God, she has been delivered from the ugly branch that so spoiled her fabulous beauty, now she is quite pleased with herself ...

The footman Ignat once more carefully examined the Christmas tree from all sides and carried it upstairs to the huge and luxuriously furnished princely apartment.

In the elegant living room, the Christmas tree was surrounded on all sides, and in some hour it was transformed. Countless candles shone on its branches... Expensive bonbonnieres*, golden stars, colorful balls, elegant trinkets and sweets adorned it from top to bottom.

When the last decoration - silver and gold rain streamed down the green needles of the Christmas tree, the doors of the hall flung open, and a lovely girl ran into the room.

The Christmas tree expected the little princess to throw up her hands at the sight of such a beauty, to jump and jump in delight at the sight of a lush tree.

But the pretty princess only glanced at the Christmas tree and said, puffing out her lips a little:

- Where is the doll? That's how I asked my dad to give me a talking doll, like cousin Lily's. Only the Christmas tree is boring ... you can’t play with it, but I have enough sweets and toys without it! ..

Suddenly, the pretty princess's gaze fell on an expensive doll sitting under the Christmas tree...

— Ah! - the girl exclaimed joyfully, - this is wonderful! Dear dad! He thought of me. What a lovely doll. My darling!

And the little princess kissed the doll, completely forgetting about the Christmas tree.

The beautiful tree was perplexed.

After all, the ugly, so ugly knot was cut off. Why did she - a magnificent, green-haired beauty - not cause delight in the little princess?

And the clumsy twig lay in the yard until a thin, poor woman, exhausted by everyday hard work, approached him ...

- God! No branch from the Christmas tree! she cried, leaning swiftly over the gnarled twig.

She carefully picked it up from the ground, as if it were not a gnarled twig, but some kind of precious little thing, and, carefully covering it with a handkerchief, carried it to the basement, where she rented a tiny closet.

In the closet, on a shabby bed, covered with an old wadded blanket, lay a sick child. He was in oblivion and did not hear his mother enter with a Christmas tree branch in her hands.

The poor woman found a bottle in the corner, stuck a gnarled Christmas tree branch into it. Then she took out the wax stubs she had kept in the shrine, which she brought from the church at various times, carefully attached them to a thorny branch and lit them.

The Christmas tree lit up with friendly lights, spreading around itself a pleasant smell of pine needles.

The child suddenly opened his eyes ... Joy shone in the depths of his pure, childish gaze ... He stretched his emaciated hands to the tree and whispered, beaming with happiness:

- She's so sweet! What a glorious tree! Thank you, my dear mother, for her ... It somehow became easier for me at once when I saw a cute lit tree.

And he held out his little hands to the gnarled branch, and the gnarled branch blinked and smiled at him with all its joyful lights. The gnarled bitch did not know what brought so much joy to the poor patient on a bright Christmas Eve.

* Bonbonniere - a box for sweets. (Ed.)

- Give, for Christ's sake, alms! Mercy, for Christ's sake!

No one heard these plaintive words, no one paid attention to the tears that sounded in the words of a poorly dressed woman who stood alone on the corner of a busy city street.

- Give me mercy!

Passers-by hurried past her, carriages rushed noisily along the snowy road. Laughter and lively conversation could be heard all around.

The holy, great night of the Nativity of Christ descended to the earth. She shone with stars, enveloped the city with a mysterious haze.

- Alms not for myself, for my children ... The woman's voice suddenly broke off, and she began to cry softly. Trembling under her rags, she wiped away her tears with stiff fingers, but they again flowed down her emaciated cheeks. Nobody cared about her...

Yes, she herself did not think about herself, that she was completely cold, that she had not eaten a crumb since morning. Her whole thought belonged to the children, her heart ached for them.

They sit, the poor, there, in a cold dark kennel, hungry, chilled, and waiting for her. What will she bring or what will she say? Tomorrow is a great holiday, all the children are having fun, and her poor children are hungry and unhappy.

What should she do? What to do? All the last time she worked as best she could, tore her last strength. Then she fell ill and lost her last job. A holiday has come, she has nowhere to get a piece of bread.

For the sake of the children, she decided, for the first time in her life, to beg. The hand did not rise, the tongue did not turn. But the thought that her children were hungry, that they would meet the holiday hungry, unhappy — this thought tormented her. She was ready for anything. And in a few hours she managed to collect a few cents.

“Alms, good people, give! Give it, for Christ's sake!"

And as if in response to her despair, the Annunciation of Vespers was heard nearby. Yes, you should go and pray. Perhaps prayer will lighten her soul. She will pray earnestly for them, for the children. With unsteady steps she wove her way to the church.

The temple is illuminated, flooded with lights. Everywhere there are a lot of people, everyone has cheerful happy faces. Hiding in a corner, she fell to her knees and froze. All boundless, maternal love, all her sorrow for her children poured out in fervent prayer, in muffled mournful sobs. "God help me! Help!" she cries. And to whom, if not to the Lord, the Patron and Defender of the weak and unfortunate, to pour out to her all his grief, all his spiritual pain? She prayed quietly in a corner, and tears streamed down her pale face.

She did not notice how the vigil ended, did not see how someone approached her.

- What are you crying about? came a soft voice behind her.

She woke up, raised her eyes and saw before her a small, richly dressed girl. Clear, childish eyes looked at her with sweet concern. Behind the girl was an old nanny.

- Do you have grief? Yes? Poor you, poor! These words, spoken in a gentle, childlike voice, touched her deeply.

- Woe! My children are hungry, they haven't eaten since morning. Tomorrow is such a big day...

- Didn't eat? Hungry? Horror appeared on the girl's face. "Nanny, what is it?" The kids didn't eat anything! And tomorrow they will be hungry! Babysitter! How is it?

A small child's hand slid into the muff.

"Here, take this, there's money here... how much, I don't know... feed the children... for God's sake... Oh, nanny, this is terrible!" They didn't eat anything! Is it possible, nanny?

Big tears welled up in the girl's eyes.

- Well, Manechka, do it! Their poverty! And they sit, the poor, in hunger and in the cold. Waiting for the Lord to help them!

“Oh, nanny, I feel sorry for them!” Where do you live, how many children do you have?

- The husband died - it will be six months. Three kids are left. I could not work, I was ill all the time. So I had to go around the world with my hand. We live not far, right here, in the basement, on the corner, in the large stone house of the merchant Osipov.

- Nanny, almost next to us, but I didn’t know! Come on, now I know what to do!

The girl quickly left the church, accompanied by an old woman.

The poor woman mechanically followed them. In the purse, which was in her hands, was a five-ruble note. Forgetting everything except that she could now warm and feed her children, she went into the shop, bought provisions, bread, tea, sugar, and ran home. There is still enough wood chips left, enough to heat the stove with them.

She ran home with all her might.

Here is the dark box. Three child figures rushed towards her.

- Mom! I want to eat! Did you bring? Dear!

She hugged all three of them.

The Lord sent! Nadia, turn on the stove, Petyusha, put on the samovar! Warm up, eat, for the sake of a great holiday!

In the kennel, damp and gloomy, the holiday came. The children were cheerful, warm and chatting. Mother rejoiced at their liveliness, their chatter. Only occasionally a sad thought came to mind - what's next? What will happen next?

- Well, the Lord will not leave! she said to herself, placing all her hope in God.

Little Nadia quietly approached her mother, clung to her and spoke.

“Tell me, mother, is it true that on Christmas night a Christmas Angel flies from the sky and brings gifts to poor children?” Say mom!

The boys also approached their mother. And, wanting to console the children, she began to tell them that the Lord takes care of the poor children and sends them His Angel on the great Christmas night, and this Angel brings them gifts and goodies!

- And the tree, mom?

- And a tree, children, a good, shiny tree! Someone knocked on the basement door. The children rushed to open the door. A man appeared, with a small green Christmas tree in his hands. Behind him is a pretty fair-haired girl with a basket, accompanied by a nurse who carried various bundles and packages behind her. The children timidly clung to their mother.

— Is it an Angel, mother, is it an Angel? they whispered softly, looking reverently at the pretty well-dressed girl.

The Christmas tree has been on the floor for a long time. The old nanny untied the packages, pulled out delicious buns, pretzels, cheese, butter, eggs, and cleaned the Christmas tree with candles and goodies. The kids still couldn't get over it. They admired the "Angel". And they were silent, not moving from their place.

Here you go, have a merry Christmas! came the voice of a child. — Happy holiday!

The girl put the basket on the table and disappeared before the children and mother had come to their senses.

The "Christmas Angel" flew in, brought the children a Christmas tree, gifts, joy and disappeared like a radiant vision.

Mom was waiting for Manya at home, warmly hugged her and pressed her to her.

- My good girl! she said, kissing her daughter's happy face. - You yourself refused the Christmas tree, from the gifts and gave everything to the poor children! You have a golden heart! God will reward you.

Manya was left without a Christmas tree and gifts, but she was all beaming with happiness. She really looked like a Christmas Angel.

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