Corporate competitions for the New Year are table-based. Games, various competitions on New Year's Eve for seniors


If you decide to spend New Year's Eve at home, then you will probably invite friends or relatives. And, in order not to turn the holiday into an ordinary feast, it would be good to think through the “cultural program” in advance, because it’s not all the time to consume all sorts of goodies and tell routine jokes. For example, games that can be played even at the table will greatly diversify your holiday and make it fun.

There are a lot of table games, but not every one of them is suitable for celebrating the New Year 2013. The mistress of the coming year is the Black Water Snake, and snakes are distinguished by wisdom, moderation and cannot stand vulgarity and impudence. But he also respects humor, surprises, real fun and laughter from the heart. Therefore, for New Year's Eve, games that both you and the hostess of the year will like are suitable. I present them to your attention:

"The Best Chef"

When the guests have already gathered at the table and even had a drink and a snack, bring a new complex dish, preferably a salad. Blindfold the participants and let everyone try this salad for 1 minute. The winner is the one who names the most ingredients from which it is made.


Write the names of different animals, birds and insects on pieces of paper in advance. Roll up the leaves and put them in a hat. Then each participant takes out a piece of paper. When all the leaves have been sorted out, everyone together must show with gestures and voice the animal that they got. I promise it will be extremely fun!

"Who loves what"

Invite the guests sitting next to you to tell them which part of their neighbor’s body they like the most and which they don’t really like. For example, I like the eyes, but I don’t like the liver. After this, invite the guests to kiss your neighbor what they like and bite what they don’t like. A few minutes of continuous laughter are guaranteed!

"Air Wishes"

Prepare more than 10-15 balloons in advance, in which you place small pieces of paper with cheerful wishes for the New Year written on them. During the celebration, invite guests to get as many wishes as possible. To do this, the ball must burst, but you cannot use your hands.

"Hunt for the Ball"

You can come up with another fun game with balls. Everyone should play and smart clothes won't hurt you. You need to prepare 10-20 balloons in advance and inflate them. Let all guests, of any age, tie a ball to both ankles. (By the way, if the company is purely youth and everyone has known each other for a long time, you can inflate “rubber products” instead of balloons).

So, on your signal, everyone should try to burst their neighbor’s balloon, but using only their feet to do this. And you need to protect your ball. Of course, it is better to take off your shoes so as not to accidentally injure someone. We play until the last surviving ball. Whoever has it left is the winner. The game is active and very fun.

"The most rich"

Draw high denomination banknotes in advance. When you start the game, choose 3 pairs. Let each girl hide these banknotes in her partner’s clothes, and under them too. Give this two minutes. Now the girls must change places and find the hidden money in the same 2 minutes. Men shouldn't tell them! The winner is the one who finds the largest amount. The winner in the new year will always have money.

“Guess who it is?”

Give your guests a small piece of paper and a pen. Everyone should briefly describe what is most beautiful about them. For example, “I have the most beautiful eyes,” “I am the most hard-working,” “I have the most beautiful dress,” “I have a kind heart.” Then roll up all the leaves and mix.

After which the guests take out one piece of paper and guess who wrote it. Whoever did not guess correctly is eliminated from the game. The one who gives the most accurate answers wins a prize.

"The Queen's New Outfit"

Divide guests into opposite-sex couples. Let the girls hold balls of colorful ribbons in their hands. The man must hold the end of the ribbon with his teeth and, without using his hands, wrap the ribbon around the girl, as if dressing her in a new outfit. The couple with the most original “clothes” wins.

“Where is the clothespin?”

This game is suitable for spouses or a couple close to each other. You need to blindfold both of them and attach multi-colored plastic clothespins, 10 in total, to their clothes in different places. At the signal, in 1 minute, they must find all the clothespins and remove them from each other. It's very fun to watch how they feel each other out in their search.

"My Snowy Half"

You will definitely want to go outside on New Year's Eve. If there is a lot of snow in the yard, you can arrange a fun game here too. To do this, the girls all together sculpt the man of their dreams from the snow, and the men, in turn, sculpt a beautiful woman. Not a snow woman, but one who could become their chosen one.

For decoration you can use watercolor paints, scrap materials, New Year's “tinsel”, “rain”, and even accessories and clothing items. The result is usually very funny and you will be guaranteed a cheerful continuation of the holiday. Don't be sad in the New Year, laugh and have fun! Happy holiday to you!

In the room you need to place “New Year’s signs” from New Year’s films in advance, for example, draw an arrow on the wall with the address st. Builders (“The Irony of Fate”), on the table there is a picture with a golden helmet (“Gentlemen of Fortune”), on the Christmas tree there is a magic wand (“Sorcerers”) and so on. At the “start” command, guests begin to look for these same New Year’s signs with their eyes. Whoever finds it first raises his hand and answers, and whoever gives the most correct answers wins and receives a prize.

In mittens? Yes Easy!

For this competition, you need to prepare identical stacks of bills in advance (print them on a printer or cut them out of colored paper). Each participant puts on gloves, or even better, mittens, and receives their own stack of money. At the “start” command, all participants begin counting money (to make it easier to count, all bills should be of the same denomination, for example, 100 rubles). Whichever guest is the first to correctly count New Year’s money in mittens and correctly name the amount receives a prize.

Painting together

For this competition you will need a large sheet of paper and pencils (markers, felt-tip pens) of different colors. Everyone is blindfolded. Starting with the first guest, the guys write a joint picture, randomly choosing the color of a felt-tip pen and drawing one of any New Year's element or attribute. The end result will be a rather fun and unique painting that will stay with the owner of the house. And guests, upon opening their eyes, will be somewhat surprised by the variety and arrangement of objects in the picture. In general, one way or another, it will be interesting.

Hidden cones

At the very beginning of the holiday, each guest receives a cone, which he must hide in his place so that other guests cannot guess where it is hidden. When all the guests are sitting at the table, have already drunk and refreshed themselves, the host announces that the time has come to show his deductive abilities as Sherlock. So, everyone takes turns naming the place where, in the participant’s opinion, the neighbor’s bump is hidden. The game goes on a chain. Whoever was declassified and whose lump was found, that is, they guessed where the participant hid it, is eliminated from the game, and the three participants who remain until the winner and who cannot be declassified are recognized as winners and receive prizes.

Secret Santa Clauses

Initially, even before the guests arrive, snowflakes are hidden under some plates (about 3) - orders from secret Santa Clauses. The host announces this and clarifies that the guests, under whose plates they are hidden, should not “split,” and the guest who is the first to guess who the secret Santa Claus is and names the names of all three will win and receive a prize.

New Year's fireworks

Each participant receives a package of multi-colored dragees, for example, M&M's. At the “start” command, participants arrange all the dragees on their plate by color: in one pile of dragees of one color, in another - of another, in a third - of a third, and so on. The participant who quickly distributes all the candies into color piles will be the winner.

Artistic whistling

Guests are divided into 2-3 teams. And each team in turn must “whistle” rather than sing the cheerful song “Jingle Bells”, because everyone knows the motive of this song. And at the end, by voting with applause (only honestly and objectively), they choose the winning team, which was friendlier, louder and more fun.

Get rid of the old this New Year

We all sometimes find it very difficult to part with old things. This is probably why in some countries there is such a tradition of getting rid of old things on New Year's Day. Therefore, each guest takes a “solemn oath” to throw away some old and unnecessary thing as soon as he gets home. Each participant writes on a piece of paper the name of the thing that he will definitely throw away (an old dress, an old saucepan, an old stool, and so on). Later, guests will provide a photo report and at the next “meeting” (get-together) all guests who kept their promise and said goodbye to the old thing receive prizes.

New Year - with a rhyming code

Each participant takes turns coming up with his own line, which must include the phrase “New Year” and a rhyme for this phrase. This line will be a code for the holiday, for example, “On New Year’s Day I eat and drink like a hippopotamus,” “On New Year’s Day we bought a kilo of Renklod sweets,” and so on. The participant who comes up with the most fun and “rhyming” line will receive a prize.

Last year's salad

Each guest receives a portion of last year's salad, in which bugs or cockroaches have infested - a plate with any bulk (buckwheat or rice) and raisins (each portion has the same number of raisins). At the “start” command, guests must get rid of all the cockroaches, that is, select all the raisins from the plate. Whoever is the first to turn last year's salad into a new one will win.

New Year is a holiday when a noisy company gathers around a large table with delicious dishes and has fun until the morning. Watching New Year's shows on TV on New Year's Eve can be very tiring.

To prevent guests from going to bed early, it’s worth preparing cool and funny New Year’s games at the table for a fun company or for the whole family. Usually, Father Frost and the Snow Maiden are involved in preparing competitions, but if the owner of the house uses ingenuity, he can create a truly fun and unforgettable New Year 2019 for his guests.

Funny mafia for the New Year

A collective game like mafia can easily be replayed in a New Year's style, where the main character will be the symbol of the coming 2019 - the Yellow Earth Pig. Instead of the mafia, maybe Santa Claus, and the city will fall asleep when there is a snowstorm outside and wake up on a sunny, frosty morning.

Civilians can be pelted with snowballs made of paper or cotton wool. You can cut out Santa Claus hats and use them instead of standard game cards. Here the presenter’s fantasy can take different turns.

The main thing is not to forget to explain the rules of the game to the guests so that the game will cause delight and laughter.

Cool Fantas for a fun company

Notes with tasks like playing Fanta can also be replayed in a new way. The rules of the game involve drawing out a task on a New Year's theme.

Examples for forfeits:

  • come up with a New Year's quatrain;
  • depict the symbol of the coming new year 2019 - the Pig;
  • parody Father Frost or Snow Maiden, etc.

Another variation of the New Year's game is pulling out notes and gifts. In the note you can write the action that the guest will need to perform with the gift he received. In this case, Santa Claus will take the gift out of the bag, and the note will be taken out by the Snow Maiden. The note suggests an action that will need to be performed with the drawn gift.

Examples of tasks for notes for the New Year:

  • hold the gift at arm's length for 5 minutes;
  • take a selfie with a gift;
  • give a gift to neighbors;
  • smell the gift for 10 minutes, etc.

Anything can be used as gifts. These could be ear sticks and a refrigerator magnet, or you could put socks or something edible as a gift. Here the imagination of the author of the competition is inexhaustible. Such a New Year's competition will give guests a lot of good mood and laughter.

Poetry game

For those who like to write poetry, you can arrange a New Year's poetry evening. The theme of the poem can be absolutely anything, the main thing is that the first phrase of the verse is: “On New Year’s Day, I definitely...”. Here all guests must show their imagination. The essence of the game is for each guest to take turns coming up with a phrase that will rhyme with the previous one.

You can write down these phrases to read and laugh at the end. The result will be a funny poem. The one who comes up with the last rhyme becomes the winner and receives a small New Year's souvenir.

Alphabet game

The host of the competition invites each player at the table to come up with a New Year's phrase or greeting. The first one to start gets the first letter of the alphabet, for example, the phrase “Aibolit wishes everyone a Happy New Year.”

The second player comes up with a phrase or congratulation for the next letter, etc. The goal of the game is to reach the last letter of the alphabet. It becomes interesting when the guest gets his turn to speak letters such as Y and B. The winner will be the one who says the last phrase starting with the letter Z.

Game for the New Year "Guess"

The New Year celebration lasts quite a long time, therefore, in order not to let guests get bored, it is necessary to come up with many different table competitions. For a company with a lot of strangers, a good competition would be “Guess.” The rules of the competition are simple: everyone writes some fact about themselves on a piece of paper, and the one who draws it out tries to guess who they are talking about. This competition will help guests get to know each other. “Nonsense” may turn out to be such table entertainment.

According to the rules of this competition, a sheet of paper is taken, on which everyone writes one line, folding the sheet so that the next player cannot see the written sentence. The result of such a creative process can be a long and funny story.

New Year's speed game

When it’s time for sweets at the table, you can organize a competition for teams to eat chocolate bars as quickly as possible. According to the rules of the competition, the participants of each team take turns taking a bite of chocolate, and the team that finishes the chocolate bar faster than the other wins.

Funny game "New Year's Toast"

Cool and funny New Year's games at the table will help cheer up bored guests. Since New Year's Eve lasts quite a long time, not every cheerful company will be able to sit out for so long. By raising your glasses, you can play a fun game called “New Year’s Toast.”

The rules are simple: each guest at the table is given a card with an abbreviation, for example, housing and communal services or traffic police, etc. The guest’s task is to make a toast, the words of which will begin with these letters.

New Year's Guessing Game!

This and similar competitions will certainly amuse even the most bored guest on New Year's Eve.

The New Year is coming soon and many housewives are already starting to look to prepare it for the New Year's holiday table. But you should remember that you shouldn’t just eat and drink on New Year’s Eve; therefore, you also need to think about your leisure time in advance. We will tell you several table games and competitions that you can play on New Year's Eve.

The most anticipated and beloved holiday by all, we start planning where and with whom we will celebrate it in early December, and maybe even earlier. As the New Year approaches, our minds are busy with recipes, cooking, and cleaning. And when the holiday is already on the threshold, we sit down at the table, open the champagne and eat all the salads and dumplings and realize that we did not have time to prepare for the most important part - the entertainment. While frantically searching the Internet for competitions, we understand that the holiday may be overshadowed. To prevent this from happening to you, let’s look at what entertainment for the New Year for a company, table games and competitions will be the best for celebrating the holiday.

"I am planning..."

"New Year's lottery"

When we gather with a group of friends, we make sure to prepare a gift for each of them, taking into account his individuality. What if you collect all the gifts in one bag, and friends take turns taking out a present from there and guessing who it was intended for. If they guess right, the gift goes to the rightful owner, if not, they keep it for themselves.

"New Year's ABC"

The presenter announces the start of the competition and uses his own example to explain what needs to be done. Since he is the first, he says a toast starting with the letter “A”, then we go through the alphabetical list and in a circle. The fun begins when the letters E, Yu, E, J appear.

"Book Prediction"

We are all familiar with such entertainment as fortune telling from a book. Someone wishes for a page and a line, opens the book and reads. In order not to overshadow the holiday with sudden pessimistic predictions, choose funny, maybe even children's and kind books.

"Secret Confession"

Another competition for intellectual book lovers. Those sitting at the table take turns naming and confessing to a “terrible crime” - which book of world classical literature they have not read.
"Musical pause"
This competition will require a little preparation. Select in advance a few popular songs that your company loves. Take the original part of the song, which is not easy to recognize, and make a selection of fifteen to twenty melodies. Whoever answered correctly first guessed it. The participant who scores the most points (one guessed song - one point) becomes the winner and is awarded a prize.

"Clear Speech"

Make small preparations. Print several tongue twisters on each card, give them to the participants and ask them to read them. It will be especially fun to play the game when you have drunk more than one bottle of sparkling wine.

"I never..."

Another confession. Participants share with each other what they have never done, but would really like to do. The winner is chosen by general vote.
"Noun and Adjective"
The presenter thinks of a word (noun) and tells the participant only what kind it is. Participants come up with an adjective for it and write it down on a card. Next, the presenter voices the hidden noun, and the participants take turns reading what they wrote. The game takes place at a fast pace.

"Remember all"

Participants take turns recalling a positive event that happened to the company in the past year. If a participant's memory fails, he is eliminated from the game. The last one remaining in the game and remembering the greatest number of funny and pleasant events receives a prize.


The presenter writes any question on a piece of paper, for example: “Why is the grass green”, folds it so that the word why is visible and passes it to the next player, when the piece of paper goes all the way around and returns to the presenter, the answers are read out loud.

"Moneyless Auction"

The presenter announces the lot and says that its owner will be the one who is the last to name something about it (this could be a description of the item, its qualities and characteristics). After each description (in one word), the presenter asks the question “Who is greater.” If nothing more is said, the prize goes to the last person to speak.

"Try to parody"

Prepare cards with famous, outrageous, funny people that everyone knows. Give them to the participants and ask them to sing a song in the spirit of, for example, Maxim Galkin or Evgeny Petrosyan. The one who does this most successfully and funnyly receives a prize.


Participants take their nose with their left hand, and their ear with their right hand; with a clap, change the position in the opposite direction. The game acquires special laughter and interest when the pauses become increasingly shorter. The winner is the participant who gets confused less than everyone else during the game.

"Corn and Peas"

Each private participant is given a plate containing green peas or corn and Chinese chopsticks. At the command of the host, the countdown begins - you need to eat everything on the plate the fastest, and you can take no more than one pea or corn at a time. The winner receives a prize, for example, personalized Chinese chopsticks.

"Amazing Creatures"

Participants are divided into two teams. Each team is given a sheet. A beginner draws the head of someone, such as a human, reptile, bird or any other animal. What is drawn is folded so that it is not visible and passed on to the next team member, who draws the torso. The third participant finishes drawing the legs. Then the paper is completely unfolded and the presenter asks a representative from each team to describe or tell the story of the origin of this creature and name it. The one whose story is more fun will win.

Spend the New Year fun, noisy and joyful. Don’t focus only on the festive table, take a little time to prepare and your guests will definitely appreciate your efforts. If you think about New Year's entertainment for the company in advance: table games and competitions, then your New Year will be super fun.

Happy New Year! Have a nice day and bon appetit))

There are many rounds of which can be played right between toasts without interrupting the festive banquet. Most of them require props that can easily be found in any apartment.

  1. Fishermen. You will need a rope about a meter long, two pencils or ballpoint pens and dried fish. If there is no fish, a Christmas tree toy can completely replace it. The rope is folded in half to determine where the middle is, and in this place the fish is tied by the tail. Pencils are tied to the ends of the rope and given to the players. At the judge's signal, the fishing players quickly wind the rope around the pencils, and the one who gets to the catch first wins.
  2. Guess the guest. The presenter prepares pieces of paper with inscriptions, which he attaches to each person’s forehead using thin tape. A variety of words are written on the pieces of paper, the fancier the better: Godzilla, bread slicer, Harry Potter's owl, last year's snow. Players must guess what is written on them using questions that can only be answered with "yes" or "no".
  3. Two truths. A great game for a group where not everyone has gotten to know each other properly yet. Each player reports three facts about himself, and only two are true. The rest try to guess the false message by voting.

Intellectual guests can be offered linguistic games based on searching for special words. For example, take turns making toasts for each letter of the alphabet or finding a serving item, dish, or small item on the table. Masters of the poetic word can be instructed to compose a burime on this topic.

Advice. Don't forget to prepare plenty of small prizes in advance: candy, calendars or candles.

The crocodile is a reason to laugh for the whole evening

Is there a game that doesn't get boring within a few hours? There is, and it is called “crocodile”. The beauty of this game is that it is remembered in moments of calm to raise the tone or defuse the situation. The rules must be explained to the guests at the beginning of the party and then enjoy the fun until the morning.

To play you need a regular clothespin. Players are divided into categories:

  • leading;
  • "hunter";
  • "victim".

The presenter chooses the time for the next round and the “hunter” to whom he hands the clothespin. The “hunter” assigns himself a “victim” and quietly attaches a clothespin to her clothes. Having completed this mission, the “hunter” gives a sign to the leader, and he announces: “The crocodile has escaped!” and starts counting down from ten. If during this time the “victim” finds a crocodile on him, the “hunter” will have to drink the penalty; if not, the laurels of the winner will go to him. The clothespin returns to the leader, and he insidiously waits for the next opportune moment.

Advice. Think about the little crocodile in the middle of another game, and a burst of fun will be guaranteed for a long time.

Driver - a fun relay race for a group of men

If in the house where the New Year is celebrated there are a couple of radio-controlled cars, then you can play the driver. To do this, participants will have to leave the table and even move it to the side or move to a freer room where there is no carpet on the floor. There should be at least two people who want to compete in driving agility, but it is better to split into two teams to create a real relay race.

The judge prepares a track for cars, preferably with obstacles in the form of shoes or boxes that will need to be driven around, and marks the start and finish points. He puts a glass of vodka on the cars. At his signal, players drive their cars along the track, trying not to spill the contents of the piles. The control panel is passed from player to player, the last of whom drinks what is left in the stack. The team that manages to deliver the most vodka to its destination wins. If you like the game, you can diversify it by loading the cars with sandwiches for snacks.

Advice. Since the liquid from the glasses will spill anyway, you will have to prepare a rag for cleaning, but it is advisable to take unbreakable containers themselves.

New Year's tree in youth style

The point of this idea is that girls act as Christmas trees. To transform them into a symbol of the New Year, many small unbreakable toys, such as foam ones, are prepared in advance, to which paper clips are attached using threads.

Several couples play. Young people are given boxes of toys and are tightly blindfolded. Within a certain time, they must attach as many toys as possible to the girls’ clothes. Spectators evaluate the degree of elegance of the newly appeared Christmas trees and choose the winning pair.

Of course, any game can be modified based on the preferences of a particular company. The main thing is that the New Year's party does not wither after the chimes, but seethes for a long time with the fun of a friendly atmosphere.

Games for adults for the New Year: video

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