Beautiful quotes by Yesenin. Poetry of the soul: a selection of quotes from poems by Sergei Yesenin

Every poet, every creative person is, first of all, an interesting personality who, in addition to his works, attracts with his non-trivial thoughts. The life of a poet is often emotional and multifaceted, therefore poetry can teach life, give advice in an important situation, solve an urgent problem. Someone reads poetry as a full-fledged canvas, while someone studies the work in detail, tearing it into quotes. Today, when the popularity of social networks has reached its peak, not knowing Sergei Yesenin's quotes means not knowing absolutely nothing about literature, about the poet and about his life.

Yesenin's quotes are interesting, if only because the life of this person belongs to a completely different era. Then everything was different - the cities were completely different, and people had completely different values, different from modern ones, even the sky seemed cleaner. The poet's statements, some important excerpts from poetry, combined with the biography of Yesenin himself, help us better understand how the poet and his contemporaries lived, what people thought about in those difficult times and what life was like.

Yesenin's quotes about love

In the life of any person, and even more so of a talented poet, love and all the heartaches that are associated with it play, if not a key, then a very important role. Often poets are inspired both by their beautiful and pure love, and rejected love - they dedicate whole odes to their chosen ones, and continue to write letters to them, even if they do not reciprocate. There are a great many such examples today, and each of them is original and interesting.

In the life of Yesenin, of course, love and fleeting loves were present on a colossal scale. The poet was a very attractive person for the fair sex, and successfully enjoyed such attention to his person. Despite such popularity, Yesenin himself knew how to feel sincerely so much that his lines still cause shivers.

In a funny way, I got stuck in my heart, in a stupid way I occupied my thoughts.

The poet says that love is not always a tragedy that leads to terrible consequences. Sometimes love is even funny. An adult, serious and understanding person finds many advantages in this feeling, even if the feelings are not mutual. The poet laughs at his love, because for him, a person taught by the bitter experience of his own past, to fall in love again is already an absurdity, however, which happened in his life.

And I know we both will
To mourn in resilient silence:
I'm for you - in a deaf fog,
And you will cry for me.

Sometimes love becomes just a memory, but the memory of this tender feeling can be kept for many years. So Sergei Yesenin, a subtle and sensual man, knew that if he truly loves, he will remember his chosen one in years and decades - until the end of his life he will remember both her features and the time spent with her . Here, the poet is sure that the chosen one will remember him and all those happy minutes that they managed to spend together.

Do not twist your smile, pulling your hands, -
I love another, but not you.
You yourself know, you know well -
I don't see you, I didn't come to you.
I passed by, my heart doesn't care -
I just wanted to look out the window.

Yesenin can by all means convince a woman that feelings for her have already cooled down. He is trying by hook or by crook to justify himself, to answer the question - why, despite the fact that he has no love for a woman, he continues to be in close proximity to her? What is it that attracts him so much? With these lines, Yesenin shows that there is no point in saving past love, and the best thing to do is to pass by without paying any attention to each other.

Love does not require bail,
With her know joy and trouble.
"You are mine" only hands can say,
That tore off the black veil.

These lines of Sergei Alexandrovich Yesenin make us understand that in order to express true, sincere love, it is not at all necessary to be a great speaker - just touch your loved one, feel his touch, and everything will become obvious, feelings will open and sparkle with new colors. And words are just a set of letters that are used in cases where you need to express your point of view in detail. Probably, the poet subtly felt, but often even he could not express his love in words. Poems in verse, but real sincerity cannot be put on paper - it must remain between two people in love, and touch is just what love shows.

Yesenin's quotes about life

The life of a poet is multifaceted and unusual, and, naturally, the life experience of a creative person is radically different from the experience of a simple person. Perhaps that is why poets' quotes on philosophical topics today have gained such truly global popularity - they talk about how to act in difficult situations, what is really important in this life, and what is not even worth paying attention to. Such statements of poets teach life to different generations and make you think about the transience of life.

I do not regret, do not call, do not cry,
Everything will pass like smoke from white apple trees.
Withering gold embraced,
I won't be young anymore.

This passage tells us that life does not stand still, everything changes, the years gradually pass. The saying hints at the fact that you need to fully enjoy your youth, because she is alone - she will never return, and in old age you simply cannot enjoy life like that. This quote also suggests that all problems go away, and even the most serious failures are not worth a human life. It is important to appreciate what is now, it is important to use every given opportunity to the maximum, not to give up because of small failures and live, live for real.

Well, which of us is big on deck
Didn't fall, vomit, or swear?
They are few, with an experienced soul,
Who remained strong in pitching.

Here Yesenin claims that life breaks many. Yes, life can be difficult, and it’s not worth condemning someone for a fall - after all, no one is immune from difficult life situations, but all these tests, as a rule, are given to us so that we learn a valuable lesson from them, change our attitude forever to life, corrected all the mistakes we made earlier and found the strength to move on, towards a big goal and a better life without such problems, troubles and failures. Yesenin says that there is no person who has not encountered trouble - it’s hard for everyone, however, some give up and give up, and someone stands firmly on their feet, realizing that such difficulties just need to be experienced.

If you touch the passions in a person,
Of course you won't find the truth.

Yesenin, a man with a rather violent character and wayward personality traits, perfectly understood that any dialogue between people should take place exclusively in a calm and positive manner. You should not hope that a person will honestly talk about his actions and feelings, if you hurt him to the quick, put pressure on sore spots and provoke a scandal - any goals must be achieved with calmness and restraint, otherwise you will fail in dialogue.

In thunderstorms, in storms
Into the hell of life
For severe loss
And when you're sad
To seem smiling and simple -
The highest art in the world.

Every person is sometimes a bit of an actor. In life, there are many different situations and circumstances in which it is simply forbidden to give up. Yesenin is sure that a strong person is able to smile through pain and sadness, even if he is torn apart from the inside - this is an indicator of willpower, this is what helps to survive the most difficult moments. Yesenin always smiled and had fun, it was not for nothing that he was known as a mischievous reveler, he could have fun even in the deepest depression, walking around taverns and reciting poems by heart - Yesenin knew how to live, and with his poems and sayings still teaches others to live.

Why are Yesenin's quotes so important?

A person who reads a classic work opens up many interesting secrets. For example, he learns about how the life of the times of the poet's life looked like, how people loved each other at that time. But some worldly wisdom is lost against the backdrop of a large volume of work, and not everyone can catch the main idea for themselves.

Separate quotes, cut out of the context of a large poem, often fit the most ordinary life situations - it is easy to recognize yourself here. Perhaps not everyone can explain their own state in their own words, and it is often simply necessary to convey it to others.

The sayings of the classics are often posted on personal pages on social networks - it can be a beautiful declaration of love, or a veiled cry for help, as a rule, people react with pleasure to beautiful words, taking them personally, and this life experience is transmitted from a person to a person, giving rise to an endless chain of memory about the poet and his life experience.

Sergei Yesenin is a great poet, a representative of the new peasant poetry and lyrics, the later works of the poet belong to Imagism. Yesenin's poems are distinguished by simple language, light rhyme and a variety of topics. We invite you to enjoy the work of the poet and read the lines from his most famous lyrical works. Our selection contains quotes by Sergei Yesenin about love, about life and, of course, about nature.

Sergei Yesenin came from a peasant family. Poetry began to write as a child. The first collection Radonitsa was published in 1916. Literally from the first poems, critics highly appreciated the work of the beginning poet. The poet himself did not divide his work into any stages, but it can be seen with the naked eye that the first half of the 20s of the 20th century was the most productive in the poet's work. During this period, Yesenin's collections such as Treryadnitsa, Confession of a Hooligan, Tavern Moscow, Poems, Sorokoust, Anna Snegina, Homeless Rus', Country of Scoundrels and others were published.

The central theme of the poet's work is love for the Motherland, and the poet himself has repeatedly spoken about this. The peculiarity of the poems is that Sergei Yesenin showed love for nature, love for his native land and love for a woman from his deep peasant soul. The inspiration for creativity was often nature and women. Muses for Yesenin were A. Izryadnova, Z. Reich, A. Duncan, S. Tolstaya and Shagane.

Another feature of the work of Sergei Yesenin is the specific use of colors. Each of the colors was endowed with a certain semantic load, for example, the poet associates the blue color with youth.

I do not regret, do not call, do not cry,
Everything will pass like smoke from white apple trees.
Withering gold embraced,
I won't be young anymore.

Youth, alas, is gone forever.

If you touch the passions in a person,
Of course you won't find the truth.

The truth lies in calmness and measuredness.

Well, which of us is big on deck
Didn't fall, vomit, or swear?
They are few, with an experienced soul,
Who remained strong in pitching.

Life breaks many, but not many find the strength to rise and move forward.

In a funny way, I got stuck in my heart, in a stupid way I occupied my thoughts.

Real feelings are always funny.

Whom to pity? After all, everyone in the world is a wanderer.
Pass, enter and leave the house again.

People in this world are only guests, sooner or later they leave.

Joy is given to the rude. Gentle is given sadness.

There are many injustices in life.

In thunderstorms, in storms
Into the hell of life
For severe loss
And when you're sad
To seem smiling and simple -
The highest art in the world

Keeping a smile on your face when there is pain in your heart is an art worthy of awards.

Face to face
Can't see faces.
Big is seen from a distance.

Distance opens the eyes to real values ​​that are simply not noticed up close.

We do not live, but we yearn.

You need to live to rejoice, not to yearn.

There's something beautiful about summer
And with the summer, the beautiful in us.

As for me, everything is beautiful in summer.

Time even crushes a stone.

Before time, no one and nothing can resist.

But even then
When all over the planet
The tribal feud will pass,
Lies and sadness will disappear, -
I will chant
With the whole being in the poet
sixth of the earth
With a short name "Rus".

You need to love and sing your land, wherever you are.

About love and life

You need to live easier, you need to live easier,
All accepting what is in the world.

Whatever happens in life, you just need to be able to accept any event.

And I know we both will
To mourn in resilient silence:
I follow you - in a dense fog,
And you will cry for me.

Lovers not only rejoice together, they are sad at the same time, even when they are at a distance from each other.

Life... I can't understand its purpose, and Christ didn't reveal the purpose of life either. He only indicated how to live, but no one knows what this can achieve ... Yes, but if this is a secret, then let it remain. But we still need to know why we live ... why is it, life? Why live? For all her petty dreams and aspirations, a wreath of delusion, woven from wild rose, is laid. Is it really impossible to figure it out?

To truly live, you first need to have a meaning in life.

Do not twist your smile, pulling your hands, -
I love another, but not you.
You yourself know, you know well -
I don't see you, I didn't come to you.
I passed by, my heart doesn't care -
I just wanted to look out the window.

If it doesn't matter, they just pass by.

In this life, dying is not new,
But to live, of course, is not newer.

In this life, it is not so easy to surprise with something.

Life is a deception with enchanting melancholy.

Where there is life, there lives not only joy, but also longing.

To live is to live like this, to love is to fall in love like that.
Kiss and walk in moonlight gold.
If you want to worship the dead,
Do not poison the living with that dream.

If you live, then to the fullest, if you love, then from the heart!

Love does not require bail,
With her know joy and trouble.
"You are mine" only hands can say,
That tore off the black veil.

Sometimes a touch can tell a lot more than simple words.

After all, you can not stop loving
How could you not fall in love...

To fall out of love, you must first fall in love.

About nature

The village drowned in potholes,
Blocked the huts of the forest.
Only visible, on the bumps and hollows,
How blue are the skies.

They do not look at nature, they admire it.

O Rus - raspberry field
And the blue that fell into the river -
I love to joy and pain
Your lake longing.
Flowers say goodbye to me
Bowing their heads down,
That I will never see
Her face and fatherland.
The golden grove dissuaded
Birch, cheerful language,
And the cranes, sadly flying,
No more regrets for anyone.

Love for a woman can pass, love for the Motherland never.

Snow flutters, spins,
It's white outside.
And the puddles turned
In cold glass
Where the finches sang in summer
Today - look! —
Like pink apples
On the branches of snowmen.
The snow is cut by skis,
Like chalk, creaky and dry,
And the red cat catches
Cheerful white flies.

Winter is like a fairy tale.

Silently flowing silver river
In the kingdom of evening green spring.
The sun sets behind the wooded mountains.
The golden horn emerges from the moon.

Life is a deception with enchanting melancholy.

You need to live easier, you need to live easier,
Accepting everything that is in the world.


In thunderstorms, in storms, in the coldness of life,
In case of heavy loss and when you are sad,
To seem smiling and simple -
The highest art in the world.


Who loved, he cannot love,
Who is burned, you will not set fire to.


If the holy army shouts:
"Throw you Rus', live in paradise!",
I will say: "There is no need for paradise, give me my homeland."

But I love you, meek homeland!
And for what - I can not figure it out.
Your short joy is merry
With a loud song in the spring in the meadow.


And the month will swim and swim,
Dropping oars on the lakes,
And Rus' will still live,
Dance and cry at the fence.

But even then,
When all over the planet
The tribal feud will pass,
Lies and sadness will disappear, -
I will chant
With the whole being in the poet
sixth of the earth
With a short name "Rus".


Foolish heart, don't beat!
We are all deceived by happiness.


You cried in the evening silence
And bitter tears fell to the ground,
And it was hard and so sad for me.
And yet we did not understand each other.
You rushed off to distant lands,
And all the dreams faded without color
And again I was left alone
Suffer soul without affection and greetings.
And often in the evening I sometimes
I go to places of cherished rendezvous,
And I see in my dreams your sweet image,
And I hear in the silence dreary sobs.

on other topics

May you be blessed forever
That came to flourish and die.

In this life, dying is not new,
But to live, of course, is not newer.

Joy is given to the rude. Gentle is given sadness.

If you touch the passions in a person,
Of course you won't find the truth.

To live is to live like this, to love is to fall in love like that.
Kiss and walk in moonlight gold.
If you want to worship the dead,
Do not poison the living with that dream.

And there is no wife or friend behind the coffin.

Kohl burn, so burn, burning.

You can't see face to face.
Big is seen from a distance.

Not everyone can sing
Not everyone is given an apple
Fall at someone else's feet.

Than to rot on the branches -
It's better to burn in the wind.

It is not always easy to sing about love, especially if you are in love with your Motherland, and with a woman, and even with a birch that grows under the window. This is called the love of life. It is about this quote by Sergei Yesenin. In every line of the author's poems one can hear anguish, moan, scream, passion. As if the poet wants to be heard by the “deaf”, to hear and feel the same as he himself feels. What is the secret of the popularity of the works of the author with a hooligan soul? Perhaps the bard himself will help us answer, or rather, his beautiful quotes:

  • Quotes about love and why did it mean so much in the poet's work?
  • The most famous sayings and aphorisms of Yesenin presented in our collection.
  • Eternal youth of the writer's creativity.

The great poet subtly noticed such things that seem ordinary to many. But at the same time, Sergei Yesenin knew how to tell in such a way that everyday life fell off the usual concepts, things and situations, like a husk. And the reader has already seen the true essence of the subject. And this metamorphosis of consciousness fascinated, like magic! The meaning of love in the works of the poet is great. Everything that the lyricist wrote about is imbued with a gentle and strong quality. It is everywhere, and in the relationship of a man and a woman, in admiring the beauty of the swan's hands, in the whirling of golden foliage, and even in the friendly shaking of Jim's paws. These and many other quotes about love, like a mirror, reflect the breadth of the soul that the writer had. His love extended so widely that it touched everything that surrounded the great poet. It was with love that he wrote, dedicating lines to a woman, and also: about life; about the Motherland; and about Russia.

Love is bathing, you need to either dive with your head, or not go into the water at all. If you wander along the shore knee-deep in water, then you will only be splashed with spray and you will freeze and get angry.

Learn to hate to death Then you will learn to love...

Live with an open mind It's like walking with your fly open.

Love does not require bail, With her know joy and trouble.

I would forever forget taverns, and I would give up writing poetry, if only to subtly touch my hand, and your hair is the color in autumn.

I guess I have too much warmth, Since I always meet cold ones.

It seemed that everything mattered to him, everything had meaning and was designed to awaken in us warmth and passion for what surrounds us. There is nothing better than love. And this is clearly shown by the author in his poems. Readers seem to be infected with a virus of tenderness and affection. Such power is possessed by the words and aphorisms of Yesenin, the poet of the village, shops and bird cherry trees, the edges of rains and bad weather, everything that is recognized to be called the Motherland. Our collection of Yesenin's most interesting quotes contains a golden stock of the poet's most beloved sayings. These catchphrases have long spread around the world and won respect for Russian poetry. The lines, like fabulous blue birds, soar easily, giving people a warm spiritual sadness and a dream.

While pride wins people are losing each other.

Love does not live for three years, Love does not live for three days. Love lives exactly as long as two people want it to live.

Don't give it to anyone with whom they are happy.

In the garden you would be stuffed, Frighten crows. To the liver tortured me From all sides.

We only love once like you can't die twice.

I asked the money changer today What gives for half a ruble fog, How can I say for the beautiful Lala In Persian gentle "I love"? And the money changer answered me briefly: They don’t talk about love in words, They only sigh furtively about love, Yes, eyes, like yachts, burn.

Each quote, woven from the words of the author, is the sound of rain, the light of a blue star, simple and stupid happiness. These strong figurative expressions on their wings take us to the land of dreams, where everything is so simple: there is happiness that the soul craves so much, and there is a path to it. A winding path runs out of childish enthusiasm and is lost around the turn of a mature appreciation of life. It is about this that the beloved author talks so simply and intelligibly with nostalgia for everything good.

Who loved is the one cannot love, who is burned, you will not set fire to.

Everybody's talking“I want a simple one for myself,” but no one will choose a chamomile among roses.

Light up the stove make a bed, my heart is in a blizzard without you.

Works that celebrate nature, beauty and love will never age. Yesenin chose such an eternal theme. He devoted his best statements and creations to what is really important in the life of any person. That is why the author's lyrics will always be modern. How much good and good the reader draws from the pictures that the author draws, using fantasy as a brush, and his talent as paint. His short but well-aimed expressions reach the goal and make not only the imagination, but also the feelings awaken. Everything that Yesenin said is conveyed in an emotional background, rhythm and sincerity.

In thunderstorms, in storms, in the coldness of life, in case of heavy loss and when you are sad, seeming smiling and simple is the highest art in the world.

Face to face- face not to be seen: a large one is seen at a distance.

I am a true friend and a terrible enemy, depending on whom, when and how!

our life- sheet and bed. Our life is a kiss and a whirlpool.

Learn to laugh when you're sad. Know how to be sad when it's funny. Know how to seem indifferent when your soul is not at all right.

If there are no flowers in the middle of winter so there is no need to worry about them.

Love for a woman may pass, love for the motherland - never. It's hard to sing about feelings. But the great bard did it. He seemed to put music and eternity into the basis of his creations. They will always exist and will never fade.

It is not always easy to sing about love, especially if you are in love with your Motherland, and with a woman, and even with a birch that grows under the window. This is called the love of life. It is about this quote by Sergei Yesenin. In every line of the author's poems one can hear anguish, moan, scream, passion. As if the poet wants to be heard by the “deaf”, to hear and feel the same as he himself feels.

  • Quotes about love and why did it mean so much in the poet's work?
  • The most famous sayings and aphorisms of Yesenin presented in our collection.
  • Eternal youth of the writer's creativity.
The great poet subtly noticed such things that seem ordinary to many. But at the same time, Sergei Yesenin was able to tell in such a way that everyday life fell off the usual concepts, things and situations, like a husk. And the reader has already seen the true essence of the subject. And this metamorphosis of consciousness fascinated, like magic!

The meaning of love in the works of the poet is great. Everything that the lyricist wrote about is imbued with a gentle and strong quality. It is everywhere, and in the relationship of a man and a woman, in admiring the beauty of the swan's hands, in the whirling of golden foliage, and even in the friendly shaking of Jim's paws. These and many other quotes about love, like a mirror, reflect the breadth of the soul that the writer had.

His love extended so widely that it touched everything that surrounded the great poet. It was with love that he wrote, dedicating lines to a woman, and also: about life; about the Motherland; and about Russia.

Love is bathing, you need to either dive with your head, or not go into the water at all. If you wander along the shore knee-deep in water, then you will only be splashed with spray and you will freeze and get angry.

Learn to hate to death Then you will learn to love... Live with an open mind- it's like walking with an open fly. Love does not require bail,
With her know joy and trouble. I would forever forget taverns, and I would give up writing poetry, if only to subtly touch my hand, and your hair is the color in autumn. I guess I have too much heat,
Because I always meet cold people.
It seemed that everything mattered to him, everything had meaning and was designed to awaken in us warmth and passion for what surrounds us. There is nothing better than love. And this is clearly shown by the author in his poems. Readers seem to be infected with a virus of tenderness and affection. Such power is possessed by the words and aphorisms of Yesenin, the poet of the village, shops and bird cherry trees, the edges of rains and bad weather, everything that is recognized to be called the Motherland.

Our collection of Yesenin's most interesting quotes contains a golden stock of the poet's most beloved sayings. These catchphrases have long spread around the world and won respect for Russian poetry. The lines, like fabulous blue birds, soar easily, giving people a warm spiritual sadness and a dream.

While pride wins people are losing each other.

Love does not live for three years,
Love does not live for three days.
Love lives just as long
How many two want her to live.

Don't give it to anyone with whom they are happy. In the garden you would be stuffed,
Frighten crows.
Tormented me to the liver
From all sides. We only love once like you can't die twice. I asked the money changer today
What gives a ruble for half a fog,
How to tell me for the lovely Lala
In Persian gentle "I love"?

And the changer answered me briefly:
Words don't talk about love
About love sigh only furtively,
Yes, eyes, like yachts, burn.

Each quote, woven from the words of the author, is the sound of rain, the light of a blue star, simple and stupid happiness. These strong figurative expressions on their wings take us to the land of dreams, where everything is so simple: there is happiness that the soul craves so much, and there is a path to it. A winding path runs out of childish enthusiasm and is lost around the turn of a mature appreciation of life. It is about this that the beloved author talks so simply and intelligibly with nostalgia for everything good.

Who loved is the one can't love
Who is burned, you will not set fire to.

Everybody's talking“I want a simple one for myself,” but no one will choose a chamomile among roses.

Light up the stove bed bed,
My heart is in a blizzard without you.

Works that celebrate nature, beauty and love will never age. Yesenin chose such an eternal theme. He devoted his best statements and creations to what is really important in the life of any person. That is why the author's lyrics will always be modern.

How much good and good the reader draws from the pictures that the author draws, using fantasy as a brush, and his talent as paint. His short but well-aimed expressions reach the goal and make not only the imagination, but also the feelings awaken. Everything that Yesenin said is conveyed in an emotional background, rhythm and sincerity.

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