Beautiful girls dance with their priests. We dance booty: how to learn how to do it beautifully


What is the booty dance called?

What kind of dance styles does not exist! And every year we are pleased with more and more new types of dances with interesting names. Now many girls dream of learning how to dance an exotic booty dance. They watch videos for hours, shake their booty in front of the mirror, attend dance lessons in this direction. What is the name of the booty dance, so sexy bright and groovy?

Booty Dance or Booty Dance

"Booty dance" - that's the name of the dance, where you need to shake your booty. It's not as easy as it might seem at first. Buti dance is a dance in which the girl makes active movements only with her buttocks, hips and stomach. The girl should have excellent plasticity and strength in her legs.

Booty dance is an incredibly sexy and spectacular performance. And it is not surprising, because the roots of such a dance direction go back to African tribes. Emphasizing a woman's natural sexuality attracts men.

If we talk about the name itself, then the phrase "booty dance" is translated as "dance of the priests". You may also hear that some people call the same dance "Booty shake", which literally means "shaking the booty". The name speaks for itself, it is the buttocks that play the main role in the dance. After watching a video where they shake their booty in the style of Booty dance, it will seem to you that the fifth points of the girls seem to come to life and live on their own separately from the rest of the body. The most suitable music for booty dancing is R&B and reggaeton.

Inside the booty dance, there are two main parts, which also have their own names. The active shaking of the buttocks that accompanies the whole process is called "rump shaking". Rotation of the hips and abdomen is called "hip rolling". The combination of ramp shaking and hip rolling is booty dancing.

A dance where they shake their booty can also be called Twerking. But if in Booty dance a girl combines the work of the buttocks with movements of the stomach and hips, then in Twerking she simply incredibly quickly makes translational movements of the booty. That is, Twerking is like one of the booty dance techniques.

Unfortunately, in Russia, the dance style where the booty is shaken is not yet very popular and many do not even know what it is called correctly. But after just a few demonstrations of their skills by dancers, the popularity of the booty dance is growing every day, and soon this action will be able to bypass such as. In fact, booty dancing is only an exotic and unexplored direction for us, today it is at the peak of popularity in other countries. This dance is called booty dance. It consists of Jamaican and African dance moves. The booty dance is sexy, alluring and uninhibited.

In addition to entertainment, booty dance also gives a woman care for her health. The main movements of this dance are a variety of booty movements, especially hip rotations, abdominal muscle tension, hip strikes and peculiar knee movements - we recommend watching the video lesson for beginners below. Thanks to such basic elements, during the performance of buti dance, the muscles of the press and hips are strengthened, blood rushes to this particular area of ​​the body, which positively affects the condition of the female organs and reproductive function.

Incendiary booty dance - basic movements

The main plus of booty dance is that you can learn it in the shortest possible time. It won't take you years to demonstrate your skills. In addition, there are a number of reasons why girls should pay attention to a new kind of booty dance - bootydance.

If you learn to dance booty:

  1. On the dance floor, you are guaranteed to be watched by hundreds of enthusiastic looks, and men will not deprive you of attention.
  2. The bootydance moves will help you keep your body toned by rhythmically tensing your abs and thighs.
  3. In everyday life, your behavior will also change - your gait will become graceful, and your movements will be feminine and plastic.
  4. Increased blood circulation in the hip area improves women's health.
  5. By feeling sexy, you gain confidence in yourself and your appearance.

In booty dance, there are two types of basic movements - these are hiprolling and bootyshake. Rolling is a movement that is carried out by the hips and abdomen. They are reminiscent of oriental dance and are an indispensable element of bootydance. But bootyshake is a squeezing of the muscles of the buttocks, which is performed to the beat of the music.

Booty dance videos - lessons for beginners

Let's try to learn the booty dance choreography.

It’s worth saying right away that before training, you definitely need to do a warm-up: spread your legs wide and bend them at the knees, then start moving your pelvis back and forth, right and left at a fairly fast pace. Then, with the same position of the legs, make several wide rotations of the pelvis in a circle.

Now let's start studying the movements of butidance directly.

  1. The first exercise: put your feet shoulder-width apart, tilt your body at an angle of forty-five degrees, sit down slightly, put your hands on your knees. Now imagine that your pelvis is like a plank that will be tilted up and down in each direction. In other words, you will alternately raise and lower one or the other buttock. Movements should be sharp and energetic. This element of dance can be performed both at a more relaxed pace and at an accelerated pace. When lowering and raising the buttocks occurs at the fastest pace, it looks very impressive.
  2. The second movement is called a breakdown. During its execution, you need to transfer the entire load from the lower back to the sacrum. To do this, sit down slightly on widely spread legs, retract the upper press and move only the pelvis. Since bootydance is a booty dance, you should not complement the brookdown with active hand movements.
  3. Now let's start studying the third movement called the shake. In the performance of the neck, the upper abs and back muscles are very important. Spread your legs wide again and sit down a little. Now do a high pelvic thrust while keeping the legs and the rest of the body still, and a smaller thrust. This is how alternating a high ejection up and a smaller ejection, you carry out the movement of the shake. By the way, you can dance the shake while sitting: sit down, put your heels together, toes apart, spread your legs so that your knees look in different directions, keep your back straight, and as if throw your pelvis up.

    Remember! During the execution of the neck and brukdown, the buttocks should be as relaxed as possible.

  4. The next movement of booty dance is the "eight". The exercise looks like this: stand straight, make your knees springy and draw a figure eight with the help of weight transfer, making semicircles with one hip on one side, and on the other. In this case, the body must be immovable, but it can be raised evenly or lowered by 45 °. Moreover, based on the rhythm of the song, the eight can be performed faster or slower. The dancing girl can even sit down completely, but don't forget about drawing the infinity sign with her hips.

All these movements require the girl to be in good physical condition. If you do not play sports at all, then after performing these movements, the muscles that were involved may hurt.

Brazilian Booty Dancing – Video

Everyone knows that the people of Brazil are quite temperamental and energetic people. Brazilian booty dances look very sexy, and act like a magnet for men. And all due to the fact that the stronger sex primarily pays attention to the hips of women. In Brazilian girls, they are always rounded and the butt is, as it were, slightly raised up. This shape of the hips is considered the sexiest, so watching her also in the bootydance dance is a pleasure.

To dance Brazilian booty dances, you must have toned buttocks and hips. We recommend that you go to the gym 2-3 times a week or train at home. Just 20 minutes a day - and your buttocks will take on a rounded, toned shape, which you really want to demonstrate in the bootydance dance. The most effective exercises for shaping the buttocks are squats and lunges. The following exercise gives a good result: when you stand on your legs wide apart and keep your body straight, bend your knees and sit down slightly 2-3 cm, hold your body in this position for 2-3 minutes. Then go down even lower by 3 cm and again wait 2 minutes. And so lower yourself until you feel that you no longer have the strength to continue the exercise.

Be sure to learn how to dance bootydance - this dance is guaranteed to give you self-confidence and plunge into the world of Brazilian temperament.

Are you a brave and confident woman? Constantly strive for self-improvement in terms of femininity? Then you should definitely not only find out what the booty dance is called, but also understand why you should do it.

Story. Title options

Stop guessing what the booty dance style is called. This is booty dance. This is a new exotic dance direction, which implies active work with the stomach. The rest of the body is isolated. In Russia, it is simply called - "shaking the booty", as it, in principle, is.

It is believed that booty dance refers to the Dancehall style, but in fact it takes its origins from African tribes. The dances of women living on the hottest continent in the world have always been rich in movements associated with work of the abdomen, rotation of the hips and sexy shaking of the buttocks. It is these elements that booty dance borrowed.

The benefits of booty dance, or Why should you learn how to dance it?

Once the answer to the question of what the booty dance is called has been found, it's time to move on to its benefits.

The first and perhaps the most important thing: women who know how to dance booty dance will not be left without the attention of men on any of the dance floors. A strong half of humanity recognizes this dance direction as a little funny, but does not deny its attractiveness and sexuality.

The second, which is also important for women: booty dance classes help to lose weight. During intense shaking of the buttocks and alternate relaxation and muscle contraction, calories are quickly burned, and a beautiful body is formed.

Third: booty dance classes teach you to control your body. After just a few lessons, you will notice that your gait has become more graceful, and your movements more plastic.

Fourth: ladies who are fond of dancing priests become much more self-confident.

And the last thing: booty dance improves blood circulation in the pelvic area, which is an excellent prevention of diseases of the female genital organs.

Booty dance dance elements

You already know what the booty dance is called, so it's time to get acquainted with its basic dance elements:

  • movements of the buttocks;
  • hip strikes;
  • vibrations in the buttocks;
  • "eight" hips;
  • rotation of the hips and lower back;
  • isolation of the buttocks from each other.

As you can see, the dance elements of booty dance have a slight resemblance to beli dance. Indeed, these directions are on the same parallel and have one more similarity - these are purely feminine styles.

Booty dance stereotypes

There are several stereotypes that have formed in society that are associated with this dance direction.

Some skeptics believe that anyone can dance the priest dance without training. What is it called, many do not even know what to say about complexity? A real booty dancer is a person with strong legs, incredible plasticity, a "live" belly, excellent stretching and inexhaustible energy. How many of your friends are like that? With almost 100% certainty, we can say no.

Another stereotype: booty dance is vulgar. Yes, the dance is frank, bright, sexy, but why is it worse than go-go, strip dans or erotic? Perhaps nothing. Buti dance is a stunningly beautiful, unusual and charismatic dance, there cannot be even the slightest doubt about it.

So, now you know what the booty dance is called, you know what advantages it has and what benefits it brings. Is it time to start learning? Many dance schools offer classes in booty dancing. Classes are held in a great atmosphere and great music, so they give only positive emotions. The best relaxation after a hard day's work is booty dance! It relieves nervous tension and raises the mood to the highest level!

Today, many clips have been created in which a girl dances her booty, in particular, such movements of the sirloin are the hallmark of Shakira and Beyoncé. The dance of these singers is simply mesmerizing, it is impossible to take your eyes off the rhythmic movements of the buttocks, as well as the plasticity and grace of the divas.

Learn to dance as well as they can, and this is best done in a specialized school under the guidance of an experienced instructor.

However, if you do not have such an opportunity, you can purchase a special video course or include a clip of one of the singers and start studying on your own.

Preparing for classes

How to learn to dance beautiful booty? First of all, this requires a huge desire. If you have too much of it, create the right atmosphere: clear your space, remove all things and objects that might get in the way and turn on appropriate music, such as hip-hop, Brazilian funk, or something similar.

Nothing should restrict your movements, so clothing should be comfortable and light. Turn on the lights and stand in front of a large mirror so you can watch yourself from the side. You can learn to dance at home only after warming up and stretching your muscles, otherwise you can interrupt your training for a long time due to an injury to your joints or tendons.

At first, it will be quite difficult, especially if you have previously neglected physical labor and sports. Therefore, experts advise you to first get yourself in shape a little: pump the muscles of the buttocks and abdomen.

There is nothing better than squats and classic press exercises called Scissors and Bicycle. Having become the owner of stronger and more prominent gluteal muscles, you can start exercising at home.

To learn how to dance Booty shake dance, which is called " shaking buttocks dance”, it is necessary to perform the movements in the following order:

  • stand facing the mirror and slightly bend your knees;
  • resting your hands on them, imagine that someone put a live fish in your panties and your task is to push it out with an alternate movement of the buttocks;
  • legs and arms should not move at the same time, the body should be kept straight.

Learning how to dance the booty incendiary: once this exercise is mastered, you can move on to the next one, which involves the movement of the booty and hip:

  • stand up straight, bend your knees slightly, place your hands at waist level;
  • start moving in a circle with the whole pelvis, first in one direction, then in the other direction;
  • having mastered this rather simple movement, you can move on to shaking your booty. Watch how the booty of the girl on the screen dances: her buttocks move rhythmically up and down. Do the same at first at a slow pace, gradually accelerating.

Beyoncé's movement technique

You can learn these movements at home. To do this, you need a little patience, perseverance, and after a couple of weeks of regular training, you will be able to surprise your loved one or your friends by showing a couple of moves at a party in a club.

Stages of training:

  • Stand straight with your feet slightly wider than shoulder width, knees slightly bent. Keep your shoulders straight and your back slightly arched so that your stomach sticks out a little forward;
  • now you need to bring the pelvis so that the lower back is a straight line, with your shoulders slightly lean forward;
  • push your butt back. To do this, the lower back needs to be slightly bent, the chest to lean forward, and the shoulders to be pulled back;
  • smoothly repeat all movements, gradually increasing speed. The exercise will be fully mastered if you move at maximum speed without losing the rhythm;
  • now you need to involve your hands in the process, because Beyoncé moves them too. Position them at chest level. Pull your elbows out, and turn your wrists forward. When bringing the buttocks back, the arms need to be slightly apart, and the chest should be pushed forward. When the butt goes down, they need to be brought together and the shoulders should be slightly forward;
  • Optionally, you can add a jump. Before you start shaking your booty, you just need to jump forward.

Shakira's movement technique

How to learn to sexy booty dance at home? Singer Shakira does it simply bewitchingly: in all her appearance, the feminine principle and a touch of primitive magic are felt.

To become the queen of the dance floor, you need to master the following step-by-step instructions:

  • IP is the same as in the previous technique;
  • start drawing a circle with your hips. This will help you relax and get in the right mood. Gradually increase the radius of movement;
  • to perform the famous " eight"It is necessary to perform a semicircle forward with the right hip, then to the side and do the same with the left hip when the right one finishes its movement;
  • this exercise should be repeated until it works well at high speed. It is very important to listen to music and move to its rhythm;
  • intermittent motion and jerks are not welcome. It is necessary to move smoothly, it is not forbidden to slow down and speed up again if the music requires it.

It seems to be nothing difficult, but beginners will have to try to master these two techniques from famous singers. However, with a great deal of perseverance, this will not be difficult to do. Good luck!

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