Beautiful spray painting. How to paint with spray paints



You are going graffiti. First you need to make a sketch, which is called a sketch. Drawing a beautiful and neat sketch is not an easy task. Although at first glance it may seem that this is not the case. If you are just getting started with graffiti, you need to practice sketching. Take a piece of paper, pencils, helium pens, felt-tip pens are also suitable and exercise, fill your hand.
Preference should be given to dense. Whatman is quite suitable for these purposes. Take your time. Take a pencil and start drawing strokes. Then you can correct the shortcomings. Then circle everything you drew with a felt-tip pen. Erase unnecessary pencil strokes with an eraser. Paint over the background and fill everything with color.
If you like your result and you are sure that you do not want to change anything else in it, then you can transfer the sketch to .
Now prepare your equipment. You need to decide on the choice of paint. You should also wear gloves and a respirator. Vapors of paint are poisonous, they can be poisoned. Your clothes should also be able to be stained with paint.

Now you need to choose a suitable wall. The most suitable option for you would be porous concrete or any primed surface. It is also possible on a metal surface, but it will first have to be degreased.
Try to draw in places that are specifically reserved for graffiti. Don't paint on top of other people's work. Or choose an inconspicuous wall.
If you have a wall in front of you, fully painted, but it seems quite suitable for your first creation. Try to see if your balloon covers the painting, and if it is clearly visible. Not all colors, especially light ones, can overlap other inscriptions the first time. It is extremely difficult to overlap black paints.
When you're at the wall, try sketching with a balloon in the air. When drawing graffiti, first of all, you need to take care of the background. The sketch is displayed first. This is done with the main background color. Even if you make a mistake, you can fix it. Do not stop the drips with a rag, otherwise you will get stains. Better wait until the paint dries. Color them in with the background color later.
Do not rush to direct the jet to a specific area of ​​​​graffiti. First, check if the cap is installed correctly. Test it by splashing it on the ground.
In rain and cold weather, the paint may not adhere well, and it will take a long time to dry. It is best to choose warm weather. Wind can also be a hindrance to drawing.

When people talk about spray paint, graffiti immediately comes to mind. The art of spray painting is much more than that! When wet, spray paints can create beautiful works of art on posters and walls. Usually surreal and phantasmagoric landscapes are painted with spray paints, and we will teach you how to paint a planet with a spray can, as well as help you hone your skills and find your own style in art.


Creating a masterpiece

    For drawing, choose a flat surface that is sufficiently ventilated. When painting with spray paints, getting pigments on the skin can cause irritation in the throat, eyes, headaches, drowsiness and nausea, so be careful.

    • Do not spray paint indoors to avoid skin contact. If the weather is windy, make sure the wind blows at your back and doesn't spray the paint in your face.
    • If you are painting indoors, install a fan to blow the fumes out with fresh air.
    • Put on a face mask that covers the respiratory organs from aerosols.
  1. Use plastic plates or other round objects to draw the planets. Can lids, old frisbees, buckets, or empty round containers will do. Create a composition by placing the plates where your planets will be.

    Outline your planets. Use black paint to draw the outlines of the planets.

    Paint over the interior of the planets. Remove the plates and paint over their inside. Red, yellow and orange are the best choices. Don't be afraid if you go outside the circle - paint over the entire inner part of the planets.

    Add textures. Outline the planets with a lighter shade of black. Carefully place a piece of paper over the drawn planet, then carefully peel it off. Your planet now has a cool texture.

    • Improvise with materials. Magazine pages, napkins, plastic bags, sponges, towels will help you create different textures.
    • Don't follow any rules. No brushes or other traditional means of painting - the purists of aerosol art do not recognize them.
  2. Draw the sky. Again, place the plates on top of the planets and paint over everything outside them with black, making the outlines of the planets clearer. In some places, you can add shades of blue or other colors.

    Draw stars. Take a can of white and spray it with a light pressure so that misty drops of constellations appear on a black background. It can be difficult to figure out at what angle and intensity to spray the stars without prior preparation, so practice on a separate piece of paper beforehand. Another option is to spray some paint on your fingers and print the stars one by one.

    Remove the plates to view your finished drawing. This cosmic sky will allow you to understand in general terms the possibilities of spray paints. Invent new patterns and improve your technique.

    Improving technique

    1. Understand how spray paint works. A small tube extends from the atomizer to the bottom of the can. It must be in contact with the paint in order for the paint to go up and spray.

      • Hold the can upright so the paint sprays evenly.
      • Experiment to learn how to spray paint. When the can is full, you can spray even holding it upside down.
    2. The tube in the can may become blocked - to avoid this, shake it as hard as possible.

      • Spray without stopping. Inside the can there is a ball that distributes the paint particles and allows it to be sprayed evenly. When you shake the can, this ringing sound is the sound of the balloon hitting the walls.
      • When you shake the can, hold it upside down: this allows the paint particles to collide with the liquid solvent more quickly. Shake the can for about a minute.
    3. Draw thin lines. If you learn how to spray the spray can in fine lines, your artwork will have fine detail and fine patterns.

      • To draw thin lines, hold the can close to the surface. If you are drawing on whatman paper, then you should tilt the can to bring it as close to the surface as possible.
      • To draw sharp lines, hold the can so that the top of the can is pointing in the direction of drawing. That is, if you draw vertical lines, hold the can vertically, if horizontal - horizontally.
      • Move as quickly as possible. To make the lines as thin as possible, move the can as quickly as possible. The longer you spray in one place, the more drops of paint will remain in that place.
    4. Learn how to fill with paint so that it does not wash off and does not lose color - due to precipitation and sun. Spray painting requires layering to keep the colors long lasting.

      • Learn to use lines. Do not paint over the surface with one stream of paint, learn to fill the space with different lines gradually.
      • At the end of each line, stop pressing on the spray can to avoid large spots.
      • Learn to paint in thin layers. They dry faster and retain their color and texture longer.
    5. Learn to draw dots. It is not easy, but it is achieved through practice. Hold the can upside down and spray until all the paint is out. Then click on the cap again to draw a dot. Practice a few times to learn how to stop spraying when necessary before drawing a dot.

      You can purchase different types of atomizers. All cartridges already have atomizers, but this does not mean that you cannot change them to caps of a different format.

      • Spray cans are sold with "male" and "female" valves - this may depend on the type of new sprayer.
      • Different types of sprayers are used on different brands and in different countries where spray paints are produced. Here are some types of caps:
        • Wide caps will help you draw wide lines, they are good for shading.
        • Stencil caps help to draw fine lines: they have barriers in front of the sprayer that allow only a very thin line of paint to pass through.
        • Drawing sprayers allow you to draw details and outlines.
      • Remove and replace nozzles with the utmost care. Unscrew the cap to remove it. Close the spray hole with your finger to avoid spilling paint.

    Developing your style

    1. Experiment with painting on different surfaces. Your technique will become your hallmark - when you create your artistic portfolio profile on the Internet. Most street artists work on non-porous smooth surfaces. That is, in addition to walls, you can use glass, car hoods, etc.

    2. You can find places where you can draw legally and without problems. Spray painting is not necessarily vandalism: graffiti is an important element of urban decoration in some cities.

      • Find outdoor wall painting projects to collaborate with other artists. In many cities, joint projects are organized on the art of street painting, including the use of aerosol paints.
      • In cities around the world, there are areas where artists can work on murals: Venice (California), Queens (New York), Melbourne (Australia), Warsaw (Poland), Paris (France), Taipei (Taiwan) and others. Look for similar neighborhoods in your city.
    3. You can try to sell your artwork. Since this type of fine art is a fairly new genre, many traditional galleries may not accept your work, but you can become a sole trader and sell your work.

      • You can also rent a booth at some trade show or flea market to show off your talent and sell a few pieces. Sometimes, in order to get a separate booth, you need to show your work to the exhibition committee, but sometimes you can just pay for your place. Search the internet for places that might be interested in buying your work.
      • Create an online portfolio so people can find your work online and buy it on ebay.
      • There is no limit to perfection. Let Hugo Montero, one of the main innovators of art, serve as your inspiration. At the height of his popularity, he presented his work at the New Orleans Center for Contemporary Arts and the Smithsonian Center in Washington, worked with MTV and continued to do street art. One journalist nicknamed him Can Gogh (eng. CanGogh - a play on words with the name of the famous artist and the word "can" - spray paint), which remained his nickname for many years to come.
    • Wear gloves to keep paint from getting on your hands. This is optional, but recommended.
    • Wear something you don't mind getting dirty when you go painting.
    • When buying a set of paints, it is better to ensure that they are of the same brand.


    • In some places, only people over the age of 18 can buy spray paint.
    • Do not draw if you are pregnant or have respiratory problems.
    • Try to avoid inhalation of paint. If you start feeling unwell or dizzy, stop spraying immediately and get some fresh air.

How to draw with a spray can?

Spray painting is a fairly popular hobby among today's youth. If you decide to master this type of art, but do not know where to start and how to paint with a spray can, then we suggest you read our article. Here we will talk about what a writer needs (this is someone who paints graffiti with a spray can), as well as talk about some rules for spray painting and give useful tips.

How to paint graffiti with a spray can

Step One - Sketching

First, take paper, a simple pencil, colored pencils, helium pens or felt-tip pens. Creating graffiti for a beginner begins with drawing a sketch. The sketch is a sketch of the future graffiti on the wall. With a simple pencil, outline the outlines of the future drawing, then make them brighter and clearer, then paint with felt-tip pens or pens the way it will look on the wall. After the full-fledged sketch is ready, you can proceed to the next step.

Step two - preparing materials

First, prepare the necessary cans of paint of the desired colors. Then you need to prepare caps - nozzles for cylinders. Keep in mind that you will need more caps than spray cans. Firstly, each spray can has its own cap, and secondly, you must have additional caps, as they often get clogged with paint, and in the process of creating graffiti they have to be changed. Before drawing, you need to check if the cap is installed correctly. This can be done by spraying a test portion of paint on an inconspicuous section of the wall.

Also, of course, we take a sketch with us. And be sure to take protective equipment with you - gloves (to save your hands from staining) and a respirator (to protect your respiratory organs). Basically, that's all you need.

Step three - graffiti

The sketch is drawn, all the necessary materials are prepared, and you can start spray painting! The video located on this page will clearly show you how to paint with a spray can. We will focus on the main points.

  1. The best weather for spray painting is warm and calm. In the cold, rain and wind, you, firstly, will not be pleasant and comfortable to work with, and secondly, the paint will not lie down and dry well.
  2. Pick up a sketch, carefully examine it, figure out how best it can be embodied on the wall.
  3. Put on protective equipment - a respirator and gloves.
  4. Prepare the surface for graffiti. It must be a clean, level, vertical surface. Usually graffiti is painted on the walls. Be careful when choosing a place for your art, graffiti is prohibited in some public places, so you can get vandalized! A primed surface or porous concrete works best. If you are going to paint on metal, then first degrease the surface with a solvent.
  5. We draw according to the following scheme: first we transfer the sketch to the wall, then we draw a sketch of the background, then the background itself, and after that - the outline of the graffiti, drawing the details of the graffiti is the final stage. When applying paint, you may find one trouble: it may begin to leak. This problem is quite common, and to reduce the risk of leakage, you should choose the right paint. Firstly, it should not be the cheapest, secondly, it must be fit for expiration date, and thirdly, the paint from the cylinder, when pressed with medium force, should lie evenly. But it happens that these conditions do not help to avoid smudges. To fix the situation, you need to wait until the leaked paint dries, and then paint over it with the background color.
  6. After you finish the graffiti, do not forget to put a tag - a kind of signature of the writer under the graffiti. This is considered good manners among writers.

We briefly told you how to spray paint graffiti. The rest is your constant practice, as well as learning from the video tutorials of the masters. Good luck!

We just got back from San Francisco and I got the idea of ​​spray painting as we walked along the piers from the Ferry Building to Fisherman's Wharf!
Although I studied art in school and painted in oils for many years, when I saw some street artists painting, super fast spray paintings, my forgotten dream of painting a galaxy woke up - I was so excited about the possibility of this technique. This technique allows you to make a picture in a few minutes, and not suffer for several days and weeks.
And a big bonus, this art requires no preparation! Anyone can spray paint with just a little practice!

Over the course of a week or two, I'll be sharing with you a more advanced spray painting technique, but in the meantime, you can see small portions of that technique. First, let's do a warm-up - paint a picture with a spray can in just 5 minutes, using only a few colors, how do you like that?

Tools and materials:

3M Mask 5201 - This mask costs about $20 but works great, I can't even smell the paint. If you plan on doing a lot of spray painting or other finishes, it's very important to use a mask!!
Spray Paint: I use Rust-Oleum Painter's Touch, and Metallic Blue, which are widely available. In this spray painting I used black, white, yellow, pink, orange and metallic blue, but you can choose any color like green and purple which we will use next time!
The base of the painting: The real one has a fairly large density and is 22" x 28" (painting size). For this simple painting we will be making about 14" x 14". Make sure to use the glossy side for paint!
Plastic pots, jars, lids of various sizes, anything with a round shape and a raised or hollow side so it doesn't touch the paint when over the painting
Newspaper, and a small piece of heavy paper such as a magazine cover

First, we'll start with the simple steps of creating a floating planet. Place some round objects where you want the planets to be placed and gently spray black paint to mark them.

Start with the first planet using 3-4 colors, and start with a light color, in this case yellow, and quickly move to the next shadow, orange, and then blue and dark, black, overlapping adjacent colors. Don't worry about staying within the outline of the planet. You can also go from dark to light in color, this is how easy it is to spray paint.
While the paint is wet, quickly tear off a piece of newspaper and apply it to the painted area of ​​the planet, very gently lowering your fingers and running them across the top of the sheet. This will lift and blend some of the colors and create a nice texture on the planets. Pick up the paper - we have the beginning of the planet!
Below is another sequence of steps with different colors to create a spray painting. After all the planets are painted, we will cover them with the same jars and lids, and create a space around them.

Starting at one corner using the dark colors of black and blue, work your way up using the lighter colors of orange, yellow and pink. This creates the feeling of light moving in space.

Now we can remove the lids and jars, and move on to the final spray painting and super fun steps: the stars! Apply white paint to a small piece of thick paper - enough paint, but not too much so that it doesn't drip. Hold the piece of paper close to the painting and click on the piece of paper over the places where you would like to have stars to create clusters of stars.
And more comets! They are made even easier - just place the jar upside down - placing the atomizer on the canvas, pointing the nozzle in the direction of the comet, and quickly click on the bottom of the jar.

Here is your 5 minute spray painting! Next time I'll share how to make a painting that uses different colors and a few extra techniques for creating galaxies, plus some tips and tricks!
Good luck and happy drawing!

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