A beautiful piece of paper for writing to Santa Claus. Letter from Santa Claus, template, sample, text


Template and sample letter to Santa Claus.

It's time to prepare a letter to Santa Claus. Let's find out how best to arrange it so that your wish will certainly come true.

Sample letter to Santa Claus from an adult: text, template

Here comes December. Everyone's favorite holiday is approaching - the New Year. This is the time of magic, wonderful metamorphoses and gifts. And no matter how old we are, we are all waiting for him with joyful impatience, deep down believing that he will change our lives for the better, finally, our dreams will come true and our cherished desires will come true.

What if you ask Santa Claus about it? Don't be too quick to laugh. After all, they say that one tenth of the letters sent to him are from adults.

In addition, according to psychologists, such a letter is a kind of summing up the results of the outgoing year and drawing up plans for the next. If you didn’t write to Santa Claus as a child and don’t know where to start, use our tips:

  • Start with greetings. Any letter begins with an appeal to the addressee. In addition, it is easier to start the presentation of your thoughts.
  • Write about the troubles that happened to you in the past year. If this year has been very difficult for you, put your sorrows and experiences on paper.
  • List your positive traits through which you have overcome difficulties. Do not skimp on kind words to yourself. Sometimes you need to praise yourself.
  • Especially if you successfully coped with unpleasant situations. But even if you did not have the strength to overcome the circumstances, describe how you tried and what you did.
  • Tell about experience gained. Be sure to write what life lessons you have learned by overcoming difficult situations.
  • Remember happy events. Describe all the good things that happened to you in the past year. Remembering that, you will often catch yourself thinking that you are smiling.
  • say the words thanks. List everyone to whom you are grateful for good events in life: people, nature, the Universe, God.
  • Tell me about your wishes. In this part of the letter, ask Santa Claus about what you would like to receive in the coming year. Feel free to ask as much as you want.
  • Perhaps, as you think about your wish list, you will rethink a lot and understand what is really important to you.
  • Describe how your life will change after getting what you want. Imagine that you have already received what you are asking for Santa Claus. Tell us what exactly will happen to you after the dream comes true.
  • Tell us about your plans. Make an initial plan to fulfill your desires. After all, you yourself can begin to change your life for the better. And Santa Claus will help you with this.
  • give thanks Santa Claus. Write words of gratitude for the fact that he paid attention to you.

Of course, one can take such a letter lightly. But many are sure that amazing magical things can happen on New Year's Eve. And it is at this time that the Universe is open to our thoughts, and the desire we have conceived can come true. Don't forget: miracles happen to those who believe in them!

Sample letter to Santa Claus from children: text, template

All children look forward to gifts for the New Year. Of course, you can just promise the child to buy what he wants. However, it would be more correct to still write a letter to Santa Claus. Several reasons:

  • Let your child believe in magic for as long as possible. Our children are growing up very fast. So let their childhood be filled with miracles and fairy tales.
  • In the process of writing a letter, the baby will have the opportunity to think carefully about his wishes. After all, asking the magical Grandfather for many gifts is ugly and impolite.
  • The child will be motivated to do good deeds. After all, such a letter is a kind of agreement between him and Santa Claus that a gift can be received if the child behaves well.
  • Writing a letter together is a great opportunity to get even closer to your child and learn about his dreams and hopes.

Some parents who did not write to Santa Claus in childhood do not know how to help their child come up with such a message. We offer you an approximate plan for writing a letter:

  • Greetings. Explain to your child that a letter should always begin with a polite address.
  • A little story about myself. Let the child introduce himself and tell a little about himself, his family, hobbies. This is a great opportunity for parents to find out how their child positions himself in the world and what really worries him.
  • Showing interest. Explain to your child that it is rude to ask for gifts right away. First, let him ask how Santa Claus feels, if he is tired of numerous things, who helps him on New Year's holidays.
  • Tell about your actions. In this part of the letter, the child should tell how he behaved throughout the year, about his grades, about whether he helped his loved ones.
  • Explain the need to be honest. And if the behavior of the baby was not always good, let him write about his ugly actions, promising that he will improve.
  • Statement of the request. Now you can ask for a gift. Say that no one likes greedy children. Therefore, you do not need to ask for an overly expensive gift.
  • You can write a small wish list and invite Grandfather to fulfill some of them at his discretion.
  • Promise. For the fact that Santa Claus will fulfill the request of the child, let him promise that he will study well, help his mother, correct his behavior, etc.
  • If you plan to invite Santa Claus home, let the kid learn a song or a poem, draw a picture, and do some crafts.
  • Thanks and goodbye. Explain that polite children always give thanks in advance for granting wishes. Let the child say goodbye and do not forget to say hello to the helpers of Santa Claus.

You can write a letter on an ordinary sheet of paper, decorating it with drawings or appliqué. And you can issue a message on a New Year's letterhead, which will add solemnity and importance to the event.

We offer you several holiday templates for addressing Santa Claus. Use the one that your child liked and help him design the letter beautifully.

You can send a letter in several ways:

  • “magical” when the message is placed on the windowsill under the open window or in the refrigerator, from where the kind Grandfather takes it.
  • by mail to the wizard's official address (don't forget to make a copy of the letter for yourself).
  • via the Internet (a method for "advanced" kids and their parents).

Official site for letters to Santa Claus on the Internet

On the Internet, many sites have appeared on which children are invited to fill out a letter - an appeal to Santa Claus. Often, such sites contain information containing the child's personal data, including the last name, first name, address and school number.

In addition, naive kids can write about the peculiarities of their family routine. This information can be used by scammers.

Therefore, dear parents, be vigilant and pay attention to the fact that the letter that your child writes to Santa Claus on the Internet does not contain the following data:

  • last name
  • date of birth
  • home address and telephone
  • school or kindergarten number
  • other personal information

We remind children and their parents that the official site for letters to Santa Claus is. This website does not contain any personal information about the child.

In addition, here you can learn a lot of interesting things about the life of a wizard and his assistants:

  • when Santa Claus celebrates his birthday
  • where does he live
  • how to relax in summer
  • what transport will he use to move around the country
  • how many letters of wishes from children have already been received

You can also send a letter to Santa Claus to his official email address: [email protected] .

How to send a letter to Santa Claus by mail in Veliky Ustyug?

The official residence of the Russian Grandfather Frost is a beautiful old city called Veliky Ustyug, which is located in the Vologda region. It is there that the fabulous post office is located, where numerous letters arrive, which the children send to the good wizard.

When sending your New Year's message to Grandfather by mail, correctly indicate his official address on the envelope. There are two of them:

  • main residence, where his fiefdom is located
    162390, Vologda region,
    Veliky Ustyug,
    santa claus mail
  • metropolitan branch
    109472, Moscow,
    Kuzminsky forest,
    Santa Claus

However, even in cases where the guys do not indicate the exact address, but simply send it to "Personally to Grandfather Frost", their letters are still sent to the fabulous post office in Veliky Ustyug.

So that your New Year's letter of wishes does not turn out to be unanswered, do not forget to fill out the envelope correctly:

  • put on a postage stamp
  • enter your last name
  • write a return address

Now in the post offices of some cities of the Moscow region, New Year's mailboxes are installed for letters addressed to Grandfather Frost. Employees of the departments assure that everything - all messages will be delivered to the wizard's house in his hometown of Veliky Ustyug.

Put a letter to Santa Claus in a decorated envelope

Be sure that the kind grandfather or his assistants will definitely answer your letter. Maybe it won't happen very soon.

After all, they have a lot of work on holidays. But make no mistake, the letters do not go unnoticed, especially if they are unusually designed and elegantly decorated.

How beautiful to write a letter to Santa Claus?

New Year is a bright and magical holiday. Around everything is decorated with tinsel, toys and garlands. Therefore, a message addressed to the good Santa Claus should also look elegant and festive.

Explain to the child that a good wizard will be very pleased to read such a letter. Let the child show his imagination, and you will definitely help him in this. Joint creativity can become a wonderful New Year's Eve family tradition that unites all family members.

Unusually and beautifully design a letter, you can use:

  • applications (stick glitter, rain, foil, pieces of cotton wool in the form of snow on cardboard).
  • drawings on the New Year theme (snowman, snowflakes, decorated Christmas tree, symbols of the coming year, etc.).
  • collage (composed of bright holiday clippings from magazines or postcards).
  • quilling techniques (light snowflakes look very impressive on a contrasting background).
  • an element embroidered with bright threads or beads, inserted into thick cardboard.
  • origami (from colored paper you can fold a Christmas tree or an asterisk).

Letter from the little ones

Depict not only Santa Claus, but also his assistants

Letter from a girl

Letter from a boy

In addition, on many sites you can download colorful New Year's forms and print them on a color printer. And the kid will insert his name, age and wishes into the finished form. Such messages look solid and "adult".

And if you assure such a letter with a “family coat of arms”, it will turn into a real serious “document”. Together with your child, come up with exactly how your family emblem should look (all members of the family, including grandparents, can take part in the discussion).

A pleasant surprise for the good old wizard will be a gift addition to the letter in the form of:

  • poems about himself or New Year's holiday
  • a beautifully carved snowflake or little animal enclosed in an envelope
  • crafts on the theme of winter

Making a letter to Santa Claus is already the beginning of a holiday that sets us up for magic and a fairy tale. Do not miss these joyful moments of life.

Be sure to include all household members in the process. You can take pictures of them hard at work on their work. These valuable shots will delight you more than once and fill your heart with warmth.

How to make a beautiful envelope for a letter to Santa Claus with your own hands?

A beautifully designed letter with New Year's wishes should be sent in the same festive New Year's envelope. For a "magic" way to send a letter to Santa Claus, you can make an envelope from a variety of materials:

  • glue paper or cardboard
  • sew from fabric
  • fold from old music sheets and tie with a ribbon

You can decorate the envelope with voluminous compositions from:

  • cones
  • small coniferous branches
  • rowan berries
  • fragments of broken toys
  • Christmas decorations
  • bright beads

In the event that you are going to send a message by mail, make a standard envelope, but with New Year's decoration. It's not difficult at all.

Use the ready-made patterns below, or download them from the Internet. You can cut a regular postal envelope and use it as a blank.

When decorating a festive envelope, heed our advice:

  • choose thick paper for it to ensure the safety of the letter itself.
  • the drawings on the envelope should not be smeared, so use acrylic or just a ballpoint pen /
  • Having decorated the envelope with volumetric elements, send your message by registered mail, having previously packed it.
  • Don't forget to attach a postage stamp.

You can also take an ordinary postal envelope and decorate it with a sticker or pattern on a winter theme. The main thing is that artistic elements do not cover the address of the recipient and sender. The face of Santa Claus or the face of a snowman looks original on the back of the envelope at the place of gluing.

Create to make your New Year's envelope stand out from many others and immediately attract the attention of Santa Claus. And who knows, maybe in this case it is your wish that the good wizard will fulfill in the first place?

Does Santa Claus send gifts by letter?

It's no secret that not all modern kids (especially older ones) believe in a magical Grandfather. And even, having written him a letter - a wish, they doubt that he really exists.

Confirmation of the fact that Santa Claus is a real wizard, and New Year's miracles happen, will be the gift received from him in response to a written message from the child. Since the old man has a lot of work on these holidays, you need to help him, thereby preserving the faith of his child in magic.

And there are several ways:

  • buy a gift yourself and put it under the Christmas tree with a note.
  • invite Santa Claus to your home (warn the child that you need to learn a rhyme or song).
  • send a parcel with a gift by mail.
  • use the services of the Russian Post, which offers several options for gifts for girls and boys. To do this, you need to place an order at the post office.

  • order a gift on the website of Santa Claus. The catalog includes board games, soft toys, calendars, magnets, etc. to choose from.
  • send a letter to Veliky Ustyug. In this case, your child will receive a congratulatory letter from Santa Claus. True, it can come in the summer. After all, the good old man has a lot of trouble - you need to congratulate everyone - all the kids who wrote to him. But the answer is sure to come.

Give a fairy tale to your children and loved ones, always keep faith in the New Year's miracle in your soul. And it will definitely happen!

Video: How to write a letter to Santa Claus?

You can download an excellent New Year's envelope for free, easily and simply, quickly, where to put letters to Santa Claus. A beautiful frame for such an envelope will set both adults and children in a positive mood. You can send such a letter to the address that the parents will get for the child. But, of course, the main addressee of the letter, which the child does not know about, is the parent himself. This fact of reality should not spoil the holiday for kids. How to do it with your own hands with a child.

Envelope to Santa Claus, templates can be printed directly from this article or from the link provided at the beginning of this material. With envelopes, everything is clear, but here's how to compose a letter and how to help your child formulate his thoughts correctly. Firstly, psychologists advise that while the child does not ask for help, you do not need to climb to him with your advice.

Talk to your child why write a letter to Santa Claus and that you need to not only ask for the desired gift, but also tell Santa Claus about your achievements and successes this year so that he understands that the child deserves this gift.
For many parents, it becomes a real revelation that in response to such a request, children write in a letter. Adults often judge from their bell tower and really don’t understand what is happening in the soul of a child, but such a letter will help to understand what is happening inside a little person and why exactly he himself believes that he deserved gifts, New Year and Christmas greetings from Santa Claus .

Secondly, if it is clear that the child has been suffering for more than a day, and the letter still cannot be written, carefully
you can offer your help. But here again, it is important not to take full responsibility only on yourself and write a letter for the child. Discuss together what events in the past year were important for the child, what results, he thinks he has achieved, what he can brag about, how to surprise Grandfather Frost so that he fulfills his cherished desire. Beautiful that you can do with your own hands.

How wonderful that children still believe in fairy tales! After all, a fairy tale makes life brighter and kinder. The Christmas tree sparkling with the lights of New Year's garlands, Santa Claus with the Snow Maiden and the fulfillment of all desires - this is a fairy tale brought to life. But how does the fairy-tale grandfather know about the desire? You should definitely write him a letter! Yes, not a simple letter, but on a beautiful New Year's letterhead, just as bright and festive. And you can download the form template for free. Click on the desired template to open the letter form in a new window, and from there you can download and print it.

Download and print the template - letterhead to Santa Claus

sample letter

Santa Claus is very smart, well-mannered and polite. Try to be the same. Begin your letter with a greeting, such as "Hello, Santa Claus." Please note that Santa and Frost are capitalized.

Now introduce yourself, otherwise how will Grandfather guess who the letter is from? Example: "My name is Artyom. I'm from the city of Novosibirsk."

Then, in a letter, you can tell a little about yourself, and after that write your innermost desire and the reason why it must be fulfilled without fail.

Don't forget to write "Goodbye" at the end of the letter.

Postal address for letters to Santa Claus

162390, Russia.
Vologda region,
Veliky Ustyug,
Santa Claus mail.

Please enter your correct postal address!

All messages to Santa Claus will be sure to be conveyed by the official partners of his fabulous Mail:

LLC "Metelitsa-TUR" Vyatskiye Polyany, st. Mira, 47, room 1
"Museum of Entertaining Sciences of Einstein", Volgograd, Lenin Ave., 70
"Museum of entertaining sciences of Einstein", Ulyanovsk, st. Lenina, 17
OOO "Torgovy Kvartal-Novosibirsk" Novosibirsk, st. Frunze, 238

All children love to write letters to Santa Claus, and sometimes adults dream of expressing all their desires on paper. In order for Santa Claus to receive the most beautiful envelope and send the gift for sure, you need to try hard. The letter should be pedantic, original, bright and interesting. Santa Claus does not like standard texts, so you need to surprise him with your excellent behavior, tell him about yourself and very diligently ask him to send the desired gift.

To make sure everything succeeds, we will help you arrange an envelope by providing Santa Claus with templates that you need to print at this link. Templates are selected for every taste and for any amount of text.

Postcard with the Snow Maiden

Grandfather Frost's favorite granddaughter is the Snow Maiden, it is her grandfather will never get tired of looking at. Therefore, it is worth choosing this particular envelope. It must be decorated in soft blue and blue. On the reverse side is a beautiful Christmas tree. You will need to put a letter in the printed envelope and wait for an answer from the kindest grandfather in the world.

Christmas tree card

The tree is a New Year's attribute. With a Christmas tree, every new year becomes magical and fabulous. It's great to dress up the forest beauty with toys, garlands and gingerbread, having fun running around. It's great to sing songs under the Christmas tree, and if you have a desire to convey your New Year's mood to Santa Claus, then you should print a delicate salad envelope with a decorated Christmas tree. On the front of the envelope on the left is a Christmas tree, under which gifts will be waiting for you soon. Therefore, rather write a letter to the fabulous grandfather.

Postcard with a New Year's toy

Christmas toys are a great outfit for a forest Christmas tree. Toys make the Christmas tree rich. Soon it will be necessary to dress up the forest beauty, and in order for Santa Claus to see what toys you are using, you should choose an envelope with the image of a New Year's toy. Fairy-tale grandfather loves beautiful decorations, will appreciate your efforts and give you the best present. You just have to wait for the new year and the New Year's surprise.

red new year letter

The red color is very bright and noticeable. Red attracts attention and makes you want to look at this color, so it is possible that if you choose such an envelope, Santa Claus will read your letter first. It's not for nothing that his fur coat is red, and red decorations look great on the Christmas tree. Print the envelope on a color printer, glue it and attach your letter. Good luck to you.

Blue letter asking for a gift

The blue envelope beckons. Such a letter will immediately interest Santa Claus. He will be interested in who chooses bold colors and what this child wants to receive for the new year. Therefore, try to write a letter beautifully. Sign the letter carefully, and do not forget that grandfather lives in Veliky Ustyug and is already waiting for your letter with great pleasure.

Postcard with Santa Claus flying on a parachute

If you dream that Santa Claus will fly to you with a letter on a parachute. Then you need to choose just such an envelope. Remember, dreams do come true. Therefore, it is worth opening an envelope, making a beautiful appeal to Santa Claus and promising that you will behave well and diligently in the coming year. Good luck and good gifts.

« How to write a letter to Santa Claus?- the child asks you with a smile on his face. If you shrug it off and say, “write whatever you want,” then spoil all the joy of this magical act. But for children, this can be a pleasant pastime. Therefore, the question “how to write a letter to Santa Claus”, as well as the text with the content of children's desires, must be treated with all due respect. Make this a fun game. Choose a beautiful envelope, make a festive decoration for it. It is also worth writing an appeal on a beautiful letterhead. How should a letter to Santa Claus begin? sample in our article will become your assistant.

A letter to Santa Claus in 2017 should be written now. Tell your child that the appeal needs to be written in advance so that the good grandfather has time to read and fulfill the wishes of children around the world. Can you tell a story about the delivery of a letter, when carrier pigeons carry the envelope through the snowy and beautiful forest of Veliky Ustyug to the main residence of Father Frost.

  • Tell the baby how many children Santa Claus will have to congratulate on the New Year. That is why the letter should be short and meaningful.
  • Explain that Santa Claus, like other people, is important politeness. The letter should begin with a greeting, do not forget the words “please” and “thank you”.
  • Remind them that it is important to write only about the most cherished desires. No need to repeat after others, it is better to imagine what will make you happy next year and ask for just that.

Letter to Santa Claus: text

To make it easier for your child to navigate when writing an appeal, show him a letter to Santa Claus - a template. We offer you 2 options:

"Hello, Santa Claus! I congratulate you on the upcoming holidays! I know how many things you have to do this year, so I will not distract you and write about my desires briefly. I tried my best in school to get good grades. He carried out all the instructions of his parents, asked for forgiveness if he broke or dropped something. Please give me a fire truck set that I really want! Thank you! Happy New Year!".
“Dear Santa Claus, hello! I am so happy for the upcoming holidays and really looking forward to the moment when we will decorate the Christmas tree with the whole family! I know that you see how we behave all year! I obeyed my parents and helped my brother. Please, if I deserve it, give me a new doll in a red dress that I saw in the store!

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