Short humorous stories for children. Games for children jokes, funny jokes, humorous stories, children's humor, school poems about school, stories about school life, contests, riddles, pictures


A short story with a lot of meaning is much easier for a child to master than a long story with several themes. Start reading with simple sketches and move on to more serious books. (Vasily Sukhomlinsky)


Grandfather Andrey invited his grandson Matvey to visit. The grandfather put a large bowl of honey in front of his grandson, put white rolls, invites:
- Eat, Matveyka, honey. If you want, eat honey with rolls with a spoon, if you want - rolls with honey.
Matvey ate honey with rolls, then - rolls with honey. I ate so much that it became difficult to breathe. He wiped his sweat, sighed and asked:
- Tell me, please, grandfather, what kind of honey is it - lime or buckwheat?
- And what? - Grandfather Andrei was surprised. - I treated you with buckwheat honey, granddaughters.
“Linden honey is still tastier,” said Matvey and yawned: after a plentiful meal, he felt sleepy.
Pain squeezed the heart of grandfather Andrei. He was silent. And the grandson continued to ask:
- And the flour for rolls - from spring or winter wheat? Grandfather Andrei turned pale. His heart clenched with unbearable pain.
It became hard to breathe. He closed his eyes and groaned.

Why say "thank you"?

Two people were walking along the forest road - grandfather and a boy. It was hot, they wanted to drink.
The travelers came to a stream. Cool water gurgled softly. They leaned over and got drunk.
“Thank you, stream,” Grandpa said. The boy laughed.
- Why did you say "thank you" to the stream? he asked his grandfather. - After all, the stream is not alive, will not hear your words, will not understand your gratitude.
- This is true. If the wolf got drunk, he would not say “thank you”. And we are not wolves, we are people. Do you know why a person says "thank you"?
Think who needs this word?
The boy thought. He had plenty of time. The road was long...


The mother swallow taught the chick to fly. The chick was very small. He clumsily and helplessly waved his weak wings. Unable to stay in the air, the chick fell to the ground and was badly hurt. He lay motionless and squealed plaintively. The mother swallow was very alarmed. She circled over the chick, screaming loudly and did not know how to help him.
The little girl picked up the chick and put it in a wooden box. And she put the box with the chick on the tree.
The swallow took care of her chick. She brought him food daily, fed him.
The chick began to recover quickly and was already chirping merrily and cheerfully waving its strengthened wings.
The old red cat wanted to eat the chick. He quietly crept up, climbed a tree and was already at the very box. But at this time the swallow flew off the branch and began to fly boldly in front of the very nose of the cat. The cat rushed after her, but the swallow deftly dodged, and the cat missed and slammed to the ground with all his might.
Soon the chick completely recovered and the swallow, with a joyful chirping, took him to his native nest under the neighboring roof.

Evgeny Permyak

How Misha wanted to outsmart his mother

Misha's mother came home after work and threw up her hands:
- How did you, Mishenka, manage to break off the wheel of a bicycle?
- It, mother, broke off by itself.
- And why is your shirt torn, Mishenka?
- Mommy, she broke herself.
- And where did your second shoe go? Where did you lose it?
- He, mother, lost himself somewhere.
Then Misha's mother said:
- How bad they are! They, the scoundrels, need to teach a lesson!
- But as? Misha asked.
“Very simple,” Mom replied. - If they have learned to break themselves, tear themselves apart and get lost on their own, let them learn to repair themselves, sew themselves up, stay on their own. And you and I, Misha, will sit at home and wait until they do all this.
Misha sat down by the broken bicycle, in a torn shirt, without a shoe, and thought hard. Apparently, this boy had something to think about.

Short story "Ah!"

Nadia didn't know how to do anything. Grandmother Nadya dressed, put on shoes, washed, combed her hair.
Mom Nadya was fed from a cup, fed from a spoon, laid to sleep, lulled.
Nadia heard about the kindergarten. It's fun for friends to play there. They dance. They sing. They listen to stories. Good for kids in kindergarten. And Nadenka would have been fine there, but they didn't take her there. Not accepted!
Nadia cried. Mom cried. Grandma cried.
- Why didn't you take Nadya to kindergarten?
And in kindergarten they say:
How can we accept her when she can't do anything.
Grandma caught on, mom caught on. And Nadia caught on. Nadia began to dress herself, put on her own shoes, wash herself, eat, drink, comb her hair, and go to bed.
As they found out about this in kindergarten, they themselves came for Nadia. They came and took her to the kindergarten, dressed, shod, washed, combed.

Nikolai Nosov


One day Petya was returning from kindergarten. That day he learned to count to ten. He reached his house, and his younger sister Valya was already waiting at the gate.
“I already know how to count!” Petya boasted. - I learned in kindergarten. Look how I now count all the steps on the stairs.
They began to climb the stairs, and Petya loudly counted the steps:

- Well, why did you stop? Valya asks.
“Wait, I forgot which step is next. I will remember now.
“Well, remember,” says Valya.
They stood on the stairs, they stood. Petya says:
- No, I can't remember that. Well, let's start over.
They went down the stairs. They started going up again.
“One,” says Petya, “two, three, four, five… And he stopped again.
- Forgot again? Valya asks.
- Forgot! How is it! I just remembered and suddenly forgot! Well, let's try again.
They went down the stairs again, and Petya started over:
One, two, three, four, five...
“Maybe twenty-five?” Valya asks.
- Not really! You just stop thinking! You see, I forgot because of you! Will have to start over again.
I don't want to at first! Valya says. - What it is? Up, then down, then up, then down! My legs already hurt.
“If you don’t want to, don’t,” Petya answered. “I won’t go any further until I remember.”
Valya went home and said to her mother:
- Mom, there Petya counts steps on the stairs: one, two, three, four, five, but then he doesn’t remember.
“And then six,” Mom said.
Valya ran back to the stairs, and Petya kept counting the steps:
One, two, three, four, five...
- Six! Valya whispers. - Six! Six!
- Six! Petya was delighted and went on. - Seven eight nine ten.
It’s good that the stairs ended, otherwise he would never have reached the house, because he only learned to count up to ten.


The children built a snow hill in the yard. They poured water on her and went home. The cat didn't work. He was sitting at home, looking out the window. When the guys left, Kotka put on his skates and went up the hill. Teal skates in the snow, but can't get up. What to do? Kotka took the box of sand and sprinkled it on the hill. The guys came running. How to ride now? The guys were offended by Kotka and forced him to cover the sand with snow. Kotka untied his skates and began to cover the hill with snow, and the guys poured water over it again. Kotka also made steps.

Nina Pavlova

The little mouse got lost

The mother gave the forest mouse a wheel made of dandelion stem and said:
- Come on, play, ride near the house.
- Pip pip pip! the mouse shouted. - I will play, I will ride!
And rolled the wheel down the path. I rolled it, rolled it, and played so much that I did not notice how I found myself in a strange place. Last year's linden nuts were lying on the ground, and above, behind the carved leaves, a completely foreign place! The mouse is quiet. Then, so that it would not be so scary, he put his wheel on the ground, and he sat in the middle. Sitting and thinking
“Mom said: “Ride near the house.” And where is now near the house?
But then he saw that the grass trembled in one place and a frog jumped out.
- Pip pip pip! the mouse shouted. - Tell me, frog, where is near the house, where is my mother?
Fortunately, the frog knew just that and answered:
- Run straight and straight under these flowers. Meet the newt. He has just crawled out from under the stone, lies and breathes, is about to crawl into the pond. From the newt, turn left and run along the path all straight and straight. You will meet a white butterfly. She sits on a blade of grass and waits for someone. From the white butterfly, turn left again and then shout to your mother, she will hear.
- Thank you! - said the mouse.
He picked up his wheel and rolled it between the stems, under the bowls of white and yellow anemone flowers. But the wheel soon became stubborn: it would hit one stalk, then another, then it would get stuck, then it would fall. And the mouse did not back down, pushed him, pulled him, and finally rolled out onto the path.
Then he remembered the newt. After all, the newt never met! And he did not meet because he had already managed to crawl into the pond while the little mouse was fiddling with his wheel. So the mouse did not know where he needed to turn left.
And again he rolled his wheel at random. Rolled up to the tall grass. And again, grief: the wheel got tangled in it - and neither back nor forward!
Barely managed to get him out. And then only the mouse remembered the white butterfly. After all, she never met.
And the white butterfly sat, sat on a blade of grass and flew away. So the little mouse did not know where he needed to turn left again.
Fortunately, the mouse met a bee. She flew to the flowers of red currant.
- Pip pip pip! the mouse shouted. - Tell me, bee, where is near the house, where is my mother?
And the bee just knew this and answered:
- Run downhill now. You will see - in the lowland something turns yellow. It's as if the tables are covered with patterned tablecloths, and on them are yellow cups. This is a spleen, such a flower. From the spleen go uphill. You will see flowers radiant like the sun and next to them - on long legs - fluffy white balls. This is a coltsfoot flower. Turn right from him and then shout to your mother, she will hear.
- Thank you! the mouse said...
Where to run now? And it was already getting dark, and no one could be seen around! The mouse sat down under a leaf and cried. And he cried so loudly that his mother heard him and came running. How happy he was for her! And she even more: she didn’t even hope that her son was alive. And they merrily ran side by side home.

Valentina Oseeva


Tanya's button came off. Tanya sewed it to her blouse for a long time.
“Well, grandmother,” she asked, “do all boys and girls know how to sew on their buttons?”
- I really don't know, Tanyusha; both boys and girls know how to tear off buttons, but grandmothers get more and more to sew on.
- That's how! Tanya said offended. - And you made me, as if you yourself were not a grandmother!

Three comrades

Vitya lost his breakfast. At the big break, all the guys had breakfast, and Vitya stood on the sidelines.
- Why do not you eat? Kolya asked him.
Lost breakfast...
- Bad, - said Kolya, biting off a large piece of white bread. - It's still a long way to lunch!
- Where did you lose it? Misha asked.
- I don't know... - Vitya said quietly and turned away.
- You probably carried it in your pocket, but you need to put it in your bag, - said Misha. But Volodya did not ask anything. He went up to Vita, broke a piece of bread and butter in half and handed it to his comrade:
- Take it, eat it!

Notebooks in the rain

At recess, Marik says to me:

Let's get out of class. Look how good it is outside!

What if Aunt Dasha delays with briefcases?

Throw your briefcases out the window.

We looked out the window: near the wall it was dry, and a little further away there was a huge puddle. Don't throw your portfolios into the puddle! We removed the straps from our trousers, tied them together, and carefully lowered our briefcases over them. At this time, the bell rang. The teacher entered. I had to sit down. The lesson has begun. Rain poured outside the window. Marik writes me a note: "Our notebooks are gone"

I answer him: "Our notebooks are gone"

He writes to me: "What shall we do?"

I answer him: "What are we going to do?"

Suddenly they call me to the blackboard.

I can’t, I say, I can go to the blackboard.

“How, - I think, - to go without a belt?”

Go, go, I will help you, - says the teacher.

You don't need to help me.

Did you happen to get sick?

I'm sick, I say.

How about homework?

Good with homework.

The teacher comes up to me.

Well, show me your notebook.

What's going on with you?

You'll have to put in a two.

He opens the magazine and gives me a F, and I think about my notebook, which is now getting wet in the rain.

The teacher gave me a deuce and calmly says this:

You are strange today...

How I sat under the desk

Only the teacher turned away to the blackboard, and I once - and under the desk. When the teacher notices that I have disappeared, he will be terribly surprised, probably.

I wonder what he'll think? He will ask everyone where I have gone - that will be laughter! Half a lesson has already passed, and I'm still sitting. “When, I think, will he see that I am not in the class?” And it's hard to sit under the desk. My back even hurt. Try to sit like this! I coughed - no attention. I can't sit anymore. Moreover, Seryozhka pokes me in the back with his foot all the time. I couldn't stand it. Didn't make it to the end of the lesson. I get out and say:

Excuse me, Pyotr Petrovich...

The teacher asks:

What's the matter? Do you want to board?

No, excuse me, I was sitting under the desk...

Well, how comfortable to sit there, under the desk? You were very quiet today. That's the way it's always been in class.

When Goga started going to first grade, he knew only two letters: O - a circle and T - a hammer. And that's it. I didn't know any other letters. And he couldn't read.

Grandmother tried to teach him, but he immediately came up with a trick:

Now, now, granny, I'll wash the dishes for you.

And he immediately ran to the kitchen to wash the dishes. And the old grandmother forgot about her studies and even bought him gifts for helping with the household. And Gogin's parents were on a long business trip and hoped for a grandmother. And of course, they did not know that their son had not yet learned to read. But Goga often washed the floor and dishes, went for bread, and his grandmother praised him in every possible way in letters to his parents. And read aloud to him. And Goga, sitting comfortably on the sofa, listened with his eyes closed. “Why should I learn to read,” he reasoned, “if my grandmother reads aloud to me.” He didn't even try.

And in class, he dodged as best he could.

The teacher tells him:

Read it right here.

He pretended to read, and he himself told from memory what his grandmother read to him. The teacher stopped him. To the laughter of the class, he said:

If you want, I'd better close the window so that it doesn't blow.

I'm so dizzy that I'm probably about to fall...

He pretended so skillfully that one day his teacher sent him to the doctor. The doctor asked:

How is your health?

Bad, - said Goga.

What hurts?

Well then go to class.

Because nothing hurts you.

How do you know?

How do you know that? the doctor laughed. And he lightly pushed Goga to the exit. Goga never pretended to be sick again, but he continued to evade.

And the efforts of classmates did not lead to anything. First, Masha, an excellent student, was attached to him.

Let's study seriously, - Masha told him.

When? Goga asked.

Yeah right now.

Now I will come, - said Goga.

And he left and didn't come back.

Then Grisha, an excellent student, was attached to him. They stayed in the classroom. But as soon as Grisha opened the primer, Goga reached under the desk.

Where are you going? - asked Grisha.

Come here, - called Goga.

And here no one will interfere with us.

Yah you! - Grisha, of course, was offended and immediately left.

No one else was attached to him.

As time went. He dodged.

Gogin's parents arrived and found that their son could not read a single line. The father grabbed his head, and the mother grabbed the book that she brought to her child.

Now every evening, - she said, - I will read aloud this wonderful book to my son.

Grandma said:

Yes, yes, I also read interesting books aloud to Gogochka every evening.

But the father said:

You really shouldn't have done it. Our Gogochka has grown lazy to such an extent that he cannot read a single line. I ask everyone to leave for the meeting.

And dad, along with grandma and mom, left for a meeting. And Goga was at first worried about the meeting, and then calmed down when his mother began to read to him from a new book. And even dangled his legs with pleasure and almost spat on the carpet.

But he didn't know what the meeting was! What did they decide!

So Mom read him a page and a half after the meeting. And he, dangling his legs, naively imagined that this would continue to continue. But when mom stopped at the most interesting place, he became worried again.

And when she handed him the book, he became even more excited.

He immediately suggested:

Come on, Mommy, I'll wash the dishes.

And he ran to wash the dishes.

He ran to his father.

The father strictly told him never to make such requests to him again.

He slipped the book to his grandmother, but she yawned and dropped it from her hands. He picked up the book from the floor and gave it back to his grandmother. But she again dropped it from her hands. No, she had never fallen asleep so quickly in her chair before! “Is it really,” thought Goga, “is she sleeping, or was she instructed at the meeting to pretend? Goga pulled her, shook her, but grandmother did not even think of waking up.

In desperation, he sat down on the floor and looked at the pictures. But from the pictures it was difficult to understand what was going on there.

He brought the book to class. But classmates refused to read to him. Even more than that: Masha immediately left, and Grisha defiantly crawled under the desk.

Goga stuck to a high school student, but he flicked his nose and laughed.

That's what a home meeting means!

That's what the public means!

He soon read the whole book and many other books, but out of habit he never forgot to go out for bread, wash the floor or wash the dishes.

That's what's interesting!

Who is surprised

Tanya is not surprised by anything. She always says: "That's not surprising!" Even if it's surprising. Yesterday, in front of everyone, I jumped over such a puddle ... No one could jump over, but I jumped over! Everyone was surprised, except Tanya.

“Think! So what? It's not surprising!"

I tried my best to surprise her. But he couldn't be surprised. No matter how much I tried.

I hit a sparrow from a slingshot.

He learned to walk on his hands, to whistle with one finger in his mouth.

She saw it all. But she wasn't surprised.

I tried my best. What I didn't do! He climbed trees, walked without a hat in winter ...

She wasn't surprised at all.

And one day I just went out into the yard with a book. Sat down on a bench. And began to read.

I didn't even see Tanya. And she says:

Marvelous! That would not have thought! He reads!


We made the original costumes - no one else will have them! I will be a horse, and Vovka a knight. The only bad thing is that he should ride me and not me on him. And all because I'm a little younger. True, we agreed with him: he will not ride me all the time. He rides me a little, and then he gets down and leads behind him, like horses are led by the bridle. And so we went to the carnival. They came to the club in ordinary costumes, and then changed and went out into the hall. I mean, we moved in. I crawled on all fours. And Vovka was sitting on my back. True, Vovka helped me - he touched the floor with his feet. But it still wasn't easy for me.

And I haven't seen anything yet. I was wearing a horse mask. I couldn't see anything at all, even though there were holes in the mask for the eyes. But they were somewhere on the forehead. I crawled in the dark.

Bumped into someone's legs. He ran into a convoy twice. Sometimes I shook my head, then the mask moved out, and I saw the light. But for a moment. And then it's dark again. I couldn't keep shaking my head!

I saw the light for a moment. And Vovka didn’t see anything at all. And all the time he asked me what was ahead. And asked to crawl more carefully. And so I crawled carefully. I didn't see anything myself. How could I know what was ahead! Someone stepped on my arm. I stopped right now. And he refused to move on. I told Vovka:

Enough. Get off.

Vovka probably liked the ride, and he didn't want to get off. He said it's still early. But still he got down, took me by the bridle, and I crawled on. Now it was easier for me to crawl, although I still could not see anything.

I offered to take off the masks and look at the carnival, and then put on the masks again. But Vovka said:

Then we will be recognized.

It's probably fun here, - I said. - Only we don't see anything ...

But Vovka walked in silence. He was determined to endure to the end. Get first prize.

My knees hurt. I said:

I will now sit on the floor.

Can horses sit? - said Vovka. - You're crazy! You are a horse!

I am not a horse, I said. You are a horse yourself.

No, you're a horse, - answered Vovka. - Otherwise we won't get a bonus.

So be it, - I said. - I'm tired.

Be patient, - said Vovka.

I crawled up to the wall, leaned against it and sat on the floor.

You are sitting? - asked Vovka.

I'm sitting, I said.

Well, okay, - Vovka agreed. - You can still sit on the floor. Just don't sit on a chair. Do you understand? A horse - and suddenly on a chair! ..

Music blared all around, laughing.

I asked:

Will it end soon?

Be patient, - said Vovka, - probably soon ...

Vovka also could not stand it. Sat on the sofa. I sat next to him. Then Vovka fell asleep on the couch. And I fell asleep too.

Then they woke us up and gave us a prize.

In the closet

Before class, I climbed into the closet. I wanted to meow from the closet. They'll think it's a cat, but it's me.

I sat in the closet, waited for the start of the lesson and did not notice myself how I fell asleep.

I wake up - the class is quiet. I look through the crack - no one is there. He pushed the door, and it was closed. So I slept through the whole lesson. Everyone went home, and they locked me in the closet.

Stuffy in the closet and dark as night. I was scared, I started screaming:

Eee! I'm in the closet! Help!

Listened - silence all around.

ABOUT! Comrades! I'm in the closet!

I hear someone's steps. Someone is coming.

Who is yelling here?

I immediately recognized Aunt Nyusha, the cleaner.

I rejoiced, I shout:

Aunt Nyusha, I'm here!

Where are you, dear?

I'm in the closet! In the closet!

How did you, dear, get there?

I'm in the closet, grandma!

So I hear that you're in the closet. So what do you want?

I was locked in a closet. Oh, grandma!

Aunt Nyusha left. Silence again. She must have gone for the key.

Pal Palych tapped on the cabinet with his finger.

There is no one there, - said Pal Palych.

How not. Yes, - said Aunt Nyusha.

Well, where is he? - said Pal Palych and knocked again on the cabinet.

I was afraid that everyone would leave, I would stay in the closet, and I shouted with all my might:

I'm here!

Who are you? asked Pal Palych.

I... Tsypkin...

Why did you climb up there, Tsypkin?

They locked me up... I didn't get in...

Um... He's locked up! But he didn't get in! Did you see? What wizards in our school! They do not climb into the closet while they are locked in the closet. Miracles don't happen, do you hear, Tsypkin?

How long have you been sitting there? asked Pal Palych.

Don't know...

Find the key, - said Pal Palych. - Fast.

Aunt Nyusha went for the key, but Pal Palych remained. He sat down on a chair nearby and waited. I saw his face through the crack. He was very angry. He lit up and said:

Well! That's where the prank comes in. Tell me honestly: why are you in the closet?

I really wanted to disappear from the closet. They open the closet, but I'm not there. As if I had never been there. They will ask me: “Were you in the closet?” I'll say, "I didn't." They will say to me: “Who was there?” I'll say, "I don't know."

But that only happens in fairy tales! Surely tomorrow mom will be called ... Your son, they will say, climbed into the closet, slept there all the lessons, and all that ... as if it’s comfortable for me to sleep here! My legs hurt, my back hurts. One pain! What was my answer?

I was silent.

Are you alive there? asked Pal Palych.

Well, sit down, they will open soon ...

I am sitting...

So ... - said Pal Palych. - So you will answer me, why did you climb into this closet?

Who? Tsypkin? In the closet? Why?

I wanted to disappear again.

The director asked:

Tsypkin, are you?

I sighed heavily. I just couldn't answer anymore.

Aunt Nyusha said:

The class leader took the key.

Break open the door, - said the director.

I felt the door being broken - the closet shook, I hit my forehead painfully. I was afraid that the cabinet would fall, and I cried. I rested my hands on the walls of the closet, and when the door gave way and opened, I continued to stand in the same way.

Well, come out, - said the director. And tell us what that means.

I didn't move. I was scared.

Why is he worth it? the director asked.

They took me out of the closet.

I was silent all the time.

I didn't know what to say.

I just wanted to meow. But how would I put it...

carousel in the head

By the end of the school year, I asked my father to buy me a two-wheeled bicycle, a battery-powered submachine gun, a battery-powered airplane, a flying helicopter, and table hockey.

I so want to have these things! - I said to my father. - They are constantly spinning in my head like a carousel, and this makes my head spin so much that it is difficult to stay on my feet.

Hold on, - said the father, - do not fall and write all these things on a piece of paper for me so that I do not forget.

But why write, they already sit firmly in my head.

Write, - said the father, - it doesn't cost you anything.

In general, it costs nothing, - I said, - just an extra hassle. - And I wrote in large letters on the whole sheet:




Then I thought about it and decided to write “ice cream” again, went to the window, looked at the sign opposite and added:


Father read and says:

I'll buy you ice cream for now, and wait for the rest.

I thought he had no time now, and I ask:

Until what time?

Until better times.

Until what?

Until next year ends.

Yes, because the letters in your head are spinning like a carousel, this makes you dizzy, and the words are not on their feet.

It's like words have legs!

And I've already bought ice cream a hundred times.


Today you should not go outside - today is a game ... - said dad mysteriously, looking out the window.

Which? I asked from behind my father's back.

Wetball, - he answered even more mysteriously and put me on the windowsill.

A-ah-ah ... - I drawled.

Apparently, dad guessed that I did not understand anything, and began to explain.

Vetball is football, only trees play it, and the wind is driven instead of the ball. We say - a hurricane or a storm, and they are a wetball. Look how the birch trees rustled - they are giving them poplars ... Wow! How they swayed - it is clear that they conceded a goal, they could not hold the wind with branches ... Well, another pass! Dangerous moment...

Dad spoke just like a real commentator, and I, spellbound, looked out into the street and thought that vetball would probably give 100 points ahead to any football, basketball and even handball! Although I didn't fully understand the meaning of the latter...


Actually, I love breakfast. Especially if mom cooks sausage or cheese sandwiches instead of porridge. But sometimes you want something unusual. For example, today or yesterday. I once asked my mother for today, but she looked at me in surprise and offered an afternoon snack.

No, - I say, - I would just like today. Well, or yesterday, at worst ...

Yesterday there was soup for lunch ... - Mom was confused. - Would you like to warm up?

In general, I did not understand anything.

And I myself don’t really understand how these today’s and yesterday’s look and what they taste like. Maybe yesterday's people really do taste like yesterday's soup. But what then is the taste of today? Probably something today. Breakfast, for example. On the other hand, why are breakfasts so called? Well, that is, if according to the rules, then breakfast should be called today, because they cooked it for me today and I will eat it today. Now, if I leave it for tomorrow, then it's a completely different matter. Although no. After all, tomorrow it will become yesterday.

So would you like porridge or soup? she asked carefully.

How the boy Yasha ate badly

Yasha was good to everyone, he just ate badly. All the time with concerts. Either mom sings to him, or dad shows tricks. And he gets along:

- Don't want.

Mom says:

- Yasha, eat porridge.

- Don't want.

Papa says:

- Yasha, drink juice!

- Don't want.

Mom and dad got tired of persuading him every time. And then my mother read in one scientific pedagogical book that children should not be persuaded to eat. It is necessary to put a plate of porridge in front of them and wait for them to get hungry and eat everything.

They put, put plates in front of Yasha, but he does not eat and does not eat anything. He doesn't eat meatballs, soup, or porridge. He became thin and dead, like a straw.

-Yasha, eat porridge!

- Don't want.

- Yasha, eat soup!

- Don't want.

Previously, his pants were hard to fasten, but now he dangled completely freely in them. It was possible to launch another Yasha into these pants.

And then one day a strong wind blew. And Yasha played on the site. He was very light, and the wind rolled him around the site. Rolled up to the wire mesh fence. And there Yasha got stuck.

So he sat, pressed against the fence by the wind, for an hour.

Mom calls:

- Yasha, where are you? Go home with the soup to suffer.

But he doesn't go. He is not even heard. He not only became dead himself, but his voice became dead. Nothing is heard that he squeaks there.

And he squeaks:

- Mom, take me away from the fence!

Mom began to worry - where did Yasha go? Where to look for it? Yasha is not seen and not heard.

Dad said this:

- I think our Yasha was rolled away somewhere by the wind. Come on, mom, we'll take the pot of soup out onto the porch. The wind will blow and the smell of soup will bring to Yasha. On this delicious smell, he will crawl.

So they did. They carried the pot of soup out onto the porch. The wind carried the smell to Yasha.

As soon as Yasha smelled the smell of delicious soup, he immediately crawled to the smell. Because he was cold, he lost a lot of strength.

He crawled, crawled, crawled for half an hour. But he reached his goal. He came to the kitchen to his mother and how he immediately eats a whole pot of soup! How to eat three cutlets at once! How to drink three glasses of compote!

Mom was amazed. She didn't even know whether to be happy or upset. She says:

- Yasha, if you eat like this every day, I won’t have enough food.

Yasha reassured her:

– No, Mom, I don’t eat so much every day. I correct past mistakes. I bubu, like all children, eat well. I'm a completely different boy.

I wanted to say "I will", but he got "boob". Do you know why? Because his mouth was full of apples. He couldn't stop.

Since then, Yasha has been eating well.


Are you good at secrets?

If you don't know how, I will teach you.

Take a clean piece of glass and dig a hole in the ground. Put a candy wrapper in the hole, and on the candy wrapper - everything that you have beautiful.

You can put a stone, a fragment of a plate, a bead, a bird's feather, a ball (you can use glass, you can use metal).

You can use an acorn or an acorn cap.

You can have a multi-colored patch.

It can be a flower, a leaf, or even just grass.

Maybe real candy.

You can elderberry, dry beetle.

You can even eraser, if it is beautiful.

Yes, you can have another button if it's shiny.

Here you go. Have you put it down?

Now cover it all with glass and cover it with earth. And then slowly clear the ground with your finger and look into the hole ... You know how beautiful it will be! I made a “secret”, remembered the place and left.

The next day my "secret" was gone. Someone dug it up. Some bully.

I made a "secret" in another place. And they dug it up again!

Then I decided to track down who was doing this business ... And of course, this person turned out to be Pavlik Ivanov, who else ?!

Then I again made a "secret" and put a note in it:

"Pavlik Ivanov, you are a fool and a bully."

An hour later, the note was gone. Peacock did not look into my eyes.

Well, did you read it? I asked Pavlik.

I didn’t read anything,” Pavlik said. - You're a fool yourself.


One day we were told to write an essay in class on the topic “I help my mother.”

I took a pen and began to write:

"I always help my mom. I sweep the floor and wash the dishes. Sometimes I wash handkerchiefs.”

I didn't know what to write anymore. I looked at Lucy. That's what she wrote in her notebook.

Then I remembered that I washed my stockings once, and wrote:

“I also wash stockings and socks.”

I didn't really know what to write anymore. But you can’t hand over such a short essay!

Then I added:

“I also wash T-shirts, shirts and shorts.”

I looked around. Everyone wrote and wrote. I wonder what they write about? You might think that they help mom from morning to night!

And the lesson didn't end. And I had to keep going.

“I also wash dresses, mine and my mother’s, napkins and a bedspread.”

And the lesson never ended. And I wrote:

“I also love washing curtains and tablecloths.”

And then the bell finally rang!

I got a "five". The teacher read my essay aloud. She said that she liked my composition the most. And that she will read it at the parent-teacher meeting.

I asked my mother very much not to go to the parent meeting. I said that my throat hurts. But my mother told my father to give me hot milk with honey and went to school.

The following conversation took place at breakfast the next morning.

Mom: And you know, Syoma, it turns out that our daughter writes compositions wonderfully!

Dad: It doesn't surprise me. She has always been good at writing.

Mom: No, really! I'm not kidding, Vera Evstigneevna praises her. She was very pleased that our daughter loves to wash curtains and tablecloths.

Dad: What?!

Mom: Really, Syoma, is it wonderful? - Turning to me: - Why have you never admitted this to me before?

I was shy, I said. - I thought you wouldn't let me.

Well, what are you! Mom said. - Don't be shy, please! Wash our curtains today. It's good that I don't have to haul them to the laundry!

I goggled my eyes. The curtains were huge. Ten times I could wrap myself in them! But it was too late to retreat.

I washed the curtains piece by piece. While I was lathering one piece, the other was completely washed out. I'm just tired of these pieces! Then I rinsed the curtains in the bathroom piece by piece. When I finished squeezing one piece, water from neighboring pieces was again poured into it.

Then I climbed onto a stool and began to hang the curtains on a rope.

Well, that was the worst! While I was pulling one piece of the curtain onto the rope, the other fell to the floor. And in the end, the whole curtain fell to the floor, and I fell on it from the stool.

I became quite wet - at least squeeze it out.

The curtain had to be dragged back into the bathroom. But the floor in the kitchen shone like new.

Water was pouring from the curtains all day.

I put all the pots and pans we had under the curtains. Then she put the kettle on the floor, three bottles, and all the cups and saucers. But water still flooded the kitchen.

Oddly enough, my mother was pleased.

You did a great job washing the curtains! - said my mother, walking around the kitchen in galoshes. I didn't know you were so capable! Tomorrow you will wash the tablecloth...

What is my head thinking

If you think that I am a good student, you are wrong. I study hard. For some reason, everyone thinks that I am capable, but lazy. I don't know if I'm capable or not. But only I know for sure that I'm not lazy. I sit on tasks for three hours.

Here, for example, now I'm sitting and I want to solve the problem with all my might. And she does not dare. I tell my mom

Mom, I can't do it.

Don't be lazy, says mom. - Think carefully, and everything will work out. Just think carefully!

She's leaving on business. And I take my head with both hands and say to her:

Think head. Think carefully… “Two pedestrians went from point A to point B…” Head, why don't you think? Well, head, well, think, please! Well, what are you worth!

A cloud floats outside the window. It is as light as fluff. Here it stopped. No, it floats on.

Head, what are you thinking? Aren `t you ashamed!!! “Two pedestrians went from point A to point B ...” Luska, probably, also left. She is already walking. If she had approached me first, I would have forgiven her, of course. But is she suitable, such a pest ?!

"...From point A to point B..." No, it won't fit. On the contrary, when I go out into the yard, she will take Lena by the arm and will whisper with her. Then she will say: "Len, come to me, I have something." They will leave, and then they will sit on the windowsill and laugh and gnaw on seeds.

“... Two pedestrians left point A for point B...” And what will I do?.. And then I will call Kolya, Petka and Pavlik to play bast shoes. And what will she do? Yeah, she'll put on a Three Fat Men record. Yes, so loudly that Kolya, Petka and Pavlik will hear and run to ask her to let them listen. They listened a hundred times, everything is not enough for them! And then Lyuska will close the window, and they will all listen to the record there.

"... From point A to point ... to point ..." And then I'll take it and shoot something right into her window. Glass - ding! - and shatter. Let him know.

So. I'm tired of thinking. Think do not think - the task does not work. Just awful, what a difficult task! I'll walk around for a bit and start thinking again.

I closed my book and looked out the window. Lyuska alone was walking in the yard. She jumped into hopscotch. I went outside and sat down on a bench. Lucy didn't even look at me.

Earring! Vitka! Lucy immediately screamed. - Let's go to play bast shoes!

The Karmanov brothers looked out the window.

We have a throat, both brothers said hoarsely. - They won't let us in.

Lena! Lucy screamed. - Linen! Come out!

Instead of Lena, her grandmother looked out and threatened Lyuska with her finger.

Pavlik! Lucy screamed.

Nobody appeared at the window.

Pe-et-ka-ah! Luska perked up.

Girl, what are you yelling at?! Someone's head popped out of the window. - A sick person is not allowed to rest! There is no rest from you! - And the head stuck back into the window.

Luska furtively looked at me and blushed like a cancer. She tugged at her pigtail. Then she took the thread off her sleeve. Then she looked at the tree and said:

Lucy, let's go to the classics.

Come on, I said.

We jumped into the hopscotch and I went home to solve my problem.

As soon as I sat down at the table, my mother came:

Well, what's the problem?

Does not work.

But you've been sitting on it for two hours already! It's just awful what it is! They ask the children some puzzles!.. Well, let's show your task! Maybe I can do it? I did finish college. So. “Two pedestrians went from point A to point B ...” Wait, wait, this task is familiar to me! Listen, you and your dad decided it last time! I remember perfectly!

How? - I was surprised. - Really? Oh, really, this is the forty-fifth task, and we were given the forty-sixth.

At this, my mother got very angry.

It's outrageous! Mom said. - It's unheard of! This mess! Where is your head?! What is she thinking about?!

About my friend and a little bit about me

Our yard was large. There were a lot of children walking in our yard - both boys and girls. But most of all I loved Lucy. She was my friend. She and I lived in neighboring apartments, and at school we sat at the same desk.

My friend Luska had straight yellow hair. And she had eyes! .. You probably won’t believe what her eyes were. One eye green as grass. And the other is completely yellow, with brown spots!

And my eyes were kind of grey. Well, just grey, that's all. Completely uninteresting eyes! And my hair was stupid - curly and short. And huge freckles on the nose. And in general, everything at Luska was better than mine. It's just that I was taller.

I was awfully proud of it. I really liked it when we were called “Big Lyuska” and “Lyuska Little” in the yard.

And suddenly Lucy grew up. And it became unclear which of us is big and which is small.

And then she grew another half a head.

Well, that was too much! I was offended by her, and we stopped walking together in the yard. At school, I didn’t look in her direction, but she didn’t look in mine, and everyone was very surprised and said: “A black cat ran between the Lyuski,” and pestered us why we quarreled.

After school, I now did not go out into the yard. There was nothing for me to do there.

I wandered around the house and did not find a place for myself. In order not to be so bored, I stealthily, from behind the curtain, watched Luska play bast shoes with Pavlik, Petka and the Karmanov brothers.

At lunch and dinner, I now asked for more. I choked, but ate everything ... Every day I pressed the back of my head against the wall and marked my height on it with a red pencil. But strange thing! It turned out that I not only did not grow, but even, on the contrary, decreased by almost two millimeters!

And then summer came, and I went to a pioneer camp.

In the camp, I always remembered Luska and missed her.

And I wrote her a letter.

“Hello, Lucy!

How are you? I'm doing well. We have a lot of fun at camp. We have the River Vorya flowing nearby. It has blue water! And there are shells on the beach. I found a very beautiful shell for you. She is round and has stripes. She'll probably come in handy for you. Lucy, if you want, let's be friends again. Let them now call you big, and me small. I still agree. Please write me an answer.

With pioneer greetings!

Lucy Sinitsyna"

I've been waiting a whole week for an answer. I kept thinking: what if she doesn’t write to me! What if she never wants to be friends with me again! .. And when a letter finally arrived from Luska, I was so happy that my hands even trembled a little.

The letter said this:

“Hello, Lucy!

Thanks, I'm doing well. Yesterday my mother bought me wonderful slippers with a white edging. I also have a new big ball, you will swing right! Hurry up, come, otherwise Pavlik and Petka are such fools, it’s not interesting with them! Don't lose your shell.

With pioneer salute!

Lucy Kositsyna"

On that day, I carried Lucy's blue envelope with me until evening. I told everyone what a wonderful friend Lyuska I have in Moscow.

And when I returned from the camp, Lyuska, along with my parents, met me at the station. She and I rushed to hug ... And then it turned out that I had outgrown Luska by a whole head.

This year, guys, I turned forty years old. So, it turns out that I saw the Christmas tree forty times. It's a lot!

Well, for the first three years of his life, he probably did not understand what a Christmas tree was. Manerno, my mother carried me on the handles. And probably, with my black little eyes, I looked at the painted tree without interest.

And when I, children, hit five years old, I already perfectly understood what a Christmas tree is.

And I was looking forward to this happy holiday. And even in the crack of the door I peeped how my mother decorates the Christmas tree.

And my sister Lelya was seven years old at that time. And she was an exceptionally lively girl.

She once told me:

When I was little, I really liked ice cream.

Of course, I still love him. But then it was something special - I loved ice cream so much.

And when, for example, an ice cream man was driving down the street with his cart, I immediately felt dizzy: before that I wanted to eat what the ice cream man was selling.

And my sister Lelya also exclusively loved ice cream.

I had a grandmother. And she loved me very dearly.

She came to visit us every month and gave us toys. And in addition, she brought with her a whole basket of cakes.

Of all the cakes, she let me choose the one I liked.

And my older sister Lelya was not very fond of my grandmother. And didn't let her choose the cakes. She herself gave her what she had. And because of this, my little sister Lelya whimpered every time and was more angry with me than with my grandmother.

One fine summer day, my grandmother came to our country house.

She arrived at the cottage and is walking through the garden. She holds a basket of cakes in one hand and a purse in the other.

I studied for a very long time. Then there were high schools. And the teachers then put marks in the diary for each lesson asked. They put some score - from five to one inclusive.

And I was very small when I entered the gymnasium, the preparatory class. I was only seven years old.

And I still didn’t know anything about what happens in gymnasiums. And for the first three months, I literally walked in a fog.

And then one day the teacher told us to memorize a poem:

The moon is merrily shining over the village,

White snow sparkles with a blue light ...

My parents loved me very dearly when I was little. And they gave me many gifts.

But when I got sick with something, my parents literally then showered me with gifts.

And for some reason, I often fell ill. Mainly mumps or tonsillitis.

And my sister Lelya almost never fell ill. And she was jealous that I got sick so often.

She said:

Just wait, Minka, I’ll also fall ill somehow, so our parents, too, I suppose will start buying everything for me.

But, as luck would have it, Lelya did not get sick. And only once, putting a chair by the fireplace, she fell and broke her forehead. She groaned and moaned, but instead of the expected gifts, she received several spanks from our mother, because she put a chair to the fireplace and wanted to get her mother's watch, and this was forbidden.

One day, Lelya and I took a candy box and put a frog and a spider in it.

Then we wrapped this box in clean paper, tied it with a chic blue ribbon, and put this package on the panel opposite our garden. As if someone was walking and lost their purchase.

Putting this package near the cabinet, Lelya and I hid in the bushes of our garden and, choking with laughter, began to wait for what would happen.

And here comes the passer-by.

When he sees our package, he, of course, stops, rejoices and even rubs his hands with pleasure. Still: he found a box of chocolates - this is not so often the case in this world.

With bated breath, Lelya and I are watching what will happen next.

The passer-by bent down, took the package, quickly untied it, and, seeing the beautiful box, was even more delighted.

When I was six years old, I didn't know that the Earth was spherical.

But Styopka, the master's son, with whose parents we lived in the dacha, explained to me what land is. He said:

The earth is a circle. And if everything goes straight, you can go around the whole Earth and still come to the very place where you came from.

When I was little, I really liked to have dinner with adults. And my sister Lelya also loved such dinners no less than I do.

First, a variety of food was placed on the table. And this aspect of the matter particularly fascinated me and Lelya.

Secondly, adults each time told interesting facts from their lives. And this amused Lelya and me.

Of course, the first time we were quiet at the table. But then they got bolder. Lelya began to interfere in conversations. Chattered endlessly. And I, too, sometimes interjected my comments.

Our remarks made the guests laugh. And mom and dad at first were even pleased that the guests see such our mind and such our development.

But then this is what happened at one dinner.

Dad's boss started telling some incredible story about how he saved a fireman.

Petya was not such a small boy. He was four years old. But his mother considered him a very tiny child. She fed him with a spoon, took him for a walk by the hand and in the morning she dressed him.

Once Petya woke up in his bed. And my mother began to dress him. So she dressed him and put him on his legs near the bed. But Petya suddenly fell. Mom thought he was naughty, and again put him on his feet. But he fell again. Mom was surprised and put him near the crib for the third time. But the child fell again.

Mom got scared and called dad on the phone at the service.

She told dad

Come home soon. Something happened to our boy - he can't stand on his legs.

When the war began, Kolya Sokolov could count to ten. Of course, it's not enough to count to ten, but there are children who can't even count to ten.

For example, I knew one little girl, Lyalya, who only counted to five. And what did she think? She said, "One, two, four, five." And missed three. Is this account! This is downright ridiculous.

No, such a girl is unlikely to be a researcher or professor of mathematics in the future. Most likely, she will be a housekeeper or a junior janitor with a broom. Since she is so incapable of numbers.

Works are divided into pages

Zoshchenko's stories

When in the distant years Mikhail Zoshchenko wrote his famous children's stories, then he didn’t think at all that everyone would laugh at cocky boys and girls. The writer wanted to help children become good people. Series " Zoshchenko's stories for children"corresponds to the school curriculum of literary education for the lower grades of the school. It is primarily addressed to children who are between the ages of seven and eleven and includes Zoshchenko's stories variety of themes, trends and genres.

Here we have collected wonderful Zoshchenko's children's stories, read which is a great pleasure, because Mikhail Makhalovich was a true master of the word. The stories of M Zoshchenko are filled with kindness, the writer unusually vividly managed to depict children's characters, the atmosphere of the youngest years, filled with naivety and purity.

You can read "Deniska's Stories" at any age and several times and it will still be funny and interesting! Since the book by V. Dragunsky "Deniska's stories" was first published, readers have fallen in love with these funny, humorous stories so much that this book is being reprinted and reprinted. And probably there is no such student who would not know Deniska Korablev, who became his boyfriend for children of different generations - he looks like classmates who get into funny, sometimes ridiculous situations ...

2) Zak A., Kuznetsov I. "Summer is gone. Save the drowning man. Humorous film stories"(7-12 years old)
Labyrinth (click on the picture!)

The collection includes two humorous film stories by Avenir Zak and Isai Kuznetsov, famous Soviet playwrights and screenwriters.
The heroes of the first story at first do not expect anything good from the upcoming holidays. What could be more boring than going all summer to three apparently strict aunts? That's right - nothing! So summer is gone. But in reality it's quite the opposite...
What if the photo in the local newspaper shows all your friends, but not yourself? It's so embarrassing! Andrei Vasilkov really wants to prove that he is also capable of feats ...
Stories about the merry summer adventures of unlucky and mischievous boys formed the basis of the scripts for two feature films of the same name, one of which, Summer Is Gone, was directed by Rolan Bykov. The book was illustrated by the outstanding master of book graphics Heinrich Valk.

3) Averchenko A. "Humorous stories for children"(8-13 years old)

Labyrinth Arkady Averchenko Stories for children Online store Labyrinth.

The heroes of these funny stories are boys and girls, as well as their parents, educators and teachers, who were once children themselves, but not all of them remember this. The author doesn't just entertain the reader; he subtly teaches adult lessons to children and reminds adults that their childhood should never be forgotten.

4) Oster G. "Bad advice", "Problem book", "Petka microbe"(6-12 years old)

Famous Bad Advice
Labyrinth Bad advice Online store Labyrinth.
MY-SHOP (AST publishing house)
MY-SHOP (Deluxe edition)

Petka microbe
Labyrinth Petka microbe

Not all microbes are harmful. Petka - just useful. Without people like him, we will not see either sour cream or kefir. There are so many microbes in one drop of water that it is impossible to count. To see these crumbs, you need a microscope. But maybe they are also looking at us - from the other side of the magnifying glass? Writer G. Oster wrote a whole book about the life of microbes - Petka and his family.

problem book
Labyrinth Taskbook

The word "Problem" on the cover of the book is not so attractive. For many, it is boring and even scary. But "Grigor Oster's Task Book" is a completely different matter! Every schoolchild and every parent knows that these are not just tasks, but terribly funny stories about forty grandmothers, baby Kuzya, circus performer Khudyushchenko, worms, flies, Vasilisa the Wise and Koshchei the Immortal, pirates, as well as Mryak, Bryak, Khryamzik ​​and Slyunik. Well, to make it completely funny, straight to the point of dropping, you need to count something in these stories. To multiply someone by something or, conversely, divide. Add something to something, or maybe take someone away from someone. And get the main result: to prove that mathematics is not a boring science!

5) Vangeli S. "Adventures of Gugutse", "Chubo from the village of Turturik"(6-12 years old)


These are absolutely wonderful atmospheric stories with a very peculiar humor and a pronounced national Moldavian flavor! Children are delighted with fascinating stories about the cheerful and courageous Gugutse and the naughty Chubo.

6) Zoshchenko M. "Stories for children"(6-12 years old)

Zoshchenko's labyrinth for children Labyrinth online store.
MY-SHOP Stories for children
MY-SHOP Stories for children
MY-SHOP Lyolya and Minka. stories

Zoshchenko knew how to find the funny in life and notice the comic even in the most serious situations. And he also knew how to write in such a way that every child could easily understand him. That is why Zoshchenko's "Stories for Children" are recognized as classics of children's literature. In his humorous stories for children, the writer teaches the younger generation to be brave, kind, honest and smart. These are indispensable stories for the development and education of children. They cheerfully, naturally and unobtrusively lay the main life values ​​in the children. After all, if you look back at your own childhood, it is not difficult to see what influence the stories about Lyola and Minka, the cowardly Vasya, the smart bird and other characters of stories for children written by M.M. once had on us. Zoshchenko.

7) Rakitina E. "Intercom thief"(6-10 years old)
Labyrinth (click on the picture!)


Elena Rakitina writes touching, instructive, and most importantly - extremely funny stories! Their heroes, the inseparable Mishka and Yegorka, are third-graders who are never bored. The adventures of the boys at home and at school, their dreams and travels will not let young readers get bored!
Open this book as soon as possible, meet guys who know how to make friends, and they will be happy to take into the company of everyone who loves fun reading!
The stories about Mishka and Egor were awarded the medal of the International Children's Literary Prize. V. Krapivina (2010), Diploma of the Literary Competition. V. Golyavkina (2014), diplomas of the All-Russian literary and artistic magazine for schoolchildren "Koster" (2008 and 2012).

8) L. Kaminsky "Lessons in laughter"(7-12 years old)
Labyrinth "Lessons of laughter" (click on the picture!)

MY-SHOP Laughter lessons
MY-SHOP The history of the Russian state in excerpts from school essays
OZONE Lessons in laughter
OZONE The history of the Russian state in excerpts from school essays

What are the most interesting lessons at school? For some guys - mathematics, for others - geography, for others - literature. But there is nothing more exciting than laughter lessons, especially if they are taught by the funniest teacher in the world - the writer Leonid Kaminsky. From mischievous and curious childish stories, he collected a real collection of school humor.

9) Collection "The funniest stories"(7-12 years old)
Labyrinth (click on the picture!)


The collection collected exceptionally funny stories from various authors, including V. Dragunsky, L. Panteleev, V. Oseeva, M. Korshunov, V. Golyavkin, L. Kaminsky, I. Pivovarova, S. Makhotin, M. Druzhinina.

10) N. Teffi Humorous Stories(8-14 years old)
Labyrinth (click on the picture!)

MY-SHOP Fascinating word creation
MY-SHOP Kishmish and others

Nadezhda Taffy (1872-1952) did not write specifically for children. This "queen of Russian humor" had an exclusively adult audience. But those stories of the writer, which are written about children, are unusually lively, cheerful and witty. And the children in these stories are simply charming - spontaneous, unlucky, naive and incredibly sweet, however, like all children at all times. Acquaintance with the work of N. Teffi will bring a lot of joy to both young readers and their parents. Read with the whole family!

11) V. Golyavkin "Carousel in the head"(7-10 years old)
Labyrinth (click on the picture!)


If everyone knows Nosov and Dragunsky, then Golyavkin is for some reason much less known (and completely undeservedly). Acquaintance turns out to be very pleasant - light ironic stories describing simple everyday situations that are close and understandable to children. In addition, the book contains the story "My Good Dad", written in the same accessible language, but much more emotionally saturated - small stories filled with love and light sadness for the father who died in the war.

12) M. Druzhinina "My cheerful day off"(6-10 years old)
Labyrinth (click on the picture!)


The book of the famous children's writer Marina Druzhinina includes funny stories and poems about modern boys and girls. What just does not happen to these inventors and mischievous people at school and at home! The book "My Merry Weekend" was awarded a diploma of the International Literary Prize SV Mikhalkov "Clouds".

13) V. Alenikov "The Adventures of Petrov and Vasechkin"(8-12 years old)

Labyrinth Adventures of Petrov and Vasechkin Online store Labyrinth.

Everyone who was once small knows Vasya Petrov and Petya Vasechkin in much the same way as their classmates. At the end of the 80s, there was not a single teenager who would not make friends with them thanks to the films of Vladimir Alenikov.
These old teenagers grew up and became parents, while Petrov and Vasechkin remained the same and still love ordinary and incredible adventures, they are in love with Masha and are ready to do anything for her. Even learn to swim, speak French and serenades.

14) I. Pivovarova "What is my head thinking about"(7-12 years old)
Labyrinth (click on the picture!)


The book by the famous children's writer Irina Pivovarova includes funny stories and stories about the funny adventures of the third grader Lucy Sinitsyna and her friends. The unusual, full of humor stories that happen to this inventor and prankster will be read with pleasure not only by children, but also by their parents.

15) V. Medvedev "Barankin, be a man"(8-12 years old)
Labyrinth (click on the picture!)


The story "Barankin, be a man!" - the most famous book by the writer V. Medvedev - tells about the hilarious adventures of school friends Yura Barankin and Kostya Malinin. In search of a carefree life, in which they don’t give deuces and don’t give lessons at all, the friends decided to turn ... into sparrows. And they have turned! And then - into butterflies, then - into ants ... But they did not have an easy life among birds and insects. Quite the opposite happened. After all the transformations, returning to normal life, Barankin and Malinin realized what a happiness it is to live among people and be a person!

16) About Henry "Chief of the Redskins"(8-14 years old)
Labyrinth (click on the picture!)


The story of hapless kidnappers who stole a child to ransom him. As a result, tired of the boy's tricks, they were forced to pay his father to save them from the little robber.

17) A. Lindgren "Emil from Lenneberg", "Pippi-Longstocking"(6-12 years old)

Labyrinth Emil from Lennebergi Online store Labyrinth.

A merry story about Emil from Lenneberg, written by the wonderful Swedish writer Astrid Lindgren and brilliantly retold into Russian by Lilianna Lungina, fell in love with adults and children all over the planet. This swirling little boy is a terrible mischief-maker, he will not live a day without playing pranks. Well, who would think of chasing a cat to check if it jumps well?! Or put on a tureen? Or set fire to the feather on the pastor's hat? Or catch your own father in a rat trap, and feed the piglet with drunken cherries?

Labyrinth Pippi Longstocking Online store Labyrinth.

How can a little girl carry a horse in her arms?! Imagine what can!
And this girl's name is Pippi Longstocking. It was invented by the wonderful Swedish writer Astrid Lindgren.
There is no one in the world stronger than Pippi, she is able to put even the most famous strongman on her shoulder blades. But not only Pippi is famous for this. She is also the funniest, most unpredictable, most mischievous and kindest girl in the world, with whom you definitely want to make friends!

18) E. Uspensky "Uncle Fedor, a dog and a cat"(5-10 years)

Labyrinth Uncle Fedor, dog and cat Online store Labyrinth.

Something happens all the time with the inhabitants of the village of Prostokvashino - not a day without adventures. Either Matroskin and Sharik will quarrel, and Uncle Fyodor reconciles them, then Pechkin is at war with Khvatayka, then Murka the cow is acting weird.

19) P.Maar Series about Subastic(8-12 years old)

Labyrinth Subastic Online store Labyrinth.
MY-SHOP Subastic, Uncle Alvin and Kangaroo
MY-SHOP Subastic in danger
MY-SHOP And on Saturday Subastic is back

An amazing, funny and kind book by Paul Maar will show what it is like for parents with a naughty child. Even if this child is a magical creature named Subastic, walking around only in a diving suit and destroying everything that comes to hand, be it a glass, a piece of wood or nails.

20) A. Usachev "Smart dog Sonya. Stories"(5-9 years old)
Labyrinth (click on the picture!)

This is the story of two funny and witty friends and their parents, whom they are very similar to. Vasya and Petya are tireless explorers, so they can't even live one day without adventures: either they reveal the insidious plan of the criminals, or they arrange a painter's contest in the apartment, or they look for a treasure.

22) Nikolai Nosov "Vitya Maleev at school and at home"(8-12 years old)

Labyrinth "Vitya Maleev at school and at home Labyrinth online store.
MY-SHOP Vitya Maleev from EKSMO
MY-SHOP Vitya Maleev in the Retro-classic series
MY-SHOP Vitya Maleev from Makhaon

This is a story about school friends - Vita Maleev and Kostya Shishkin: about their mistakes, sorrows and insults, joys and victories. Friends are upset because of poor progress and missed lessons at school, they are happy, having overcome their own disorganization and laziness, having earned the approval of adults and classmates, and, in the end, they understand that without knowledge you will not achieve anything in life.

23) L. Davydychev "The life of Ivan Semyonov, a second-grader and a repeater, full of hardships and dangers, is difficult"(8-12 years old)
Labyrinth (click on the picture!)


An incredibly funny story about Ivan Semyonov, the most unfortunate boy in the whole wide world. Well, think for yourself, why should he be happy? Learning for him is torture. Isn't training better? True, a dislocation of his arm and a nearly split head did not allow him to continue the work he had begun. Then he decided to retire. I even wrote a statement. Again, bad luck - a day later the application was returned and the boy was advised to first learn how to write correctly, finish school, and then work. The commander of the scouts is a worthy occupation, Ivan decided then. But here, too, disappointment awaited him.
What to do with this loafer and loafer? And that's what the school came up with: Ivan must be taken in tow. For this purpose, a girl from the fourth grade, Adelaide, was assigned to him. Since then, Ivan's quiet life has ended ...

24) A. Nekrasov "The Adventures of Captain Vrungel"(8-12 years old)

Labyrinth Adventures of Captain Vrungel Online store Labyrinth.
MY-SHOP Adventures of Captain Vrungel from Makhaon
MY-SHOP Adventures of Captain Vrungel from Planet
MY-SHOP Adventures of Captain Vrungel from Eksmo

Andrey Nekrasov's cheerful story about Captain Vrungel has long been one of the most beloved and sought after. After all, only such a brave captain is able to cope with a shark with a lemon, neutralize a boa constrictor with a fire extinguisher, make a running machine out of ordinary squirrels in a wheel. The fantastic adventures of Captain Vrungel, his senior assistant Lom and sailor Fuchs, who set off on a round-the-world trip on a two-seater sailing yacht "Trouble", have been pleasing more than one generation of dreamers, dreamers, all those who have a passion for adventure.

25) Y. Sotnik "How they saved me"(8-12 years old)
Labyrinth (click on the picture!)


The book includes well-known stories written by Yuri Sotnik in different years: "Archimedes" by Vovka Grushin, "How I was independent", "Dudkin is sharp", "The artilleryman's granddaughter", "How they saved me", etc. These stories are sometimes funny, sometimes sad, but always very instructive. Do you know how mischievous and inventive your parents were once? Almost the same as you. If you don’t believe it, read for yourself what stories happened to them. This collection of a cheerful and kind writer is for everyone who loves to laugh.

Great time - childhood! Carelessness, pranks, games, eternal "why" and, of course, funny stories from the life of children - funny, memorable, making you smile involuntarily.

publicly warned

One mother of a beautiful six-year-old son often has no one to leave her not always obedient child at home with. Therefore, sometimes she takes the baby with her to work (to the exhibition). On one of these days, the driver calls my mother and asks to pick up some booklets from the checkpoint. She leaves, and strictly punishes her son to sit still and not go anywhere. In general, it takes a certain time to search for a driver, arrange and pick up booklets, and deliver them to the right place. And so… Approaching her lady, she sees a bunch of people who laugh and take pictures of something on the stand. The son is not there! But there is an A-4 sheet attached to the stand, on which it is written in large letters: “I'll be there soon. What am I!”

This same mom once asked dad to play with her son while she cooks dinner. After a while, he hears a aching voice from the room: “Dad, I’m tired ... Can I go play?” Looking into the room, he sees this picture: dad lying on the sofa, and his son in full uniform (helmet, cloak, sword), marching back and forth along the sofa. To the question: "What is it?" - the son replies: “My dad and I play the King of the sofa!” Here is such a funny story about children that can not only make you plunge into your own memories.

Shh! Dad is sleeping

And here is another funny story about children from life. One mother left a three-year-old child with her father for just a couple of hours. He comes and sees such a picture: dad is sleeping sweetly on the sofa, on both hands he is wearing a toy from (a bunny and a fox). The child covered him from above with his small blanket, placed a high chair next to him, a cup of juice on it, and a mandatory attribute - a pot next to the sofa. He closed the door and himself sits quietly in the corridor, and when his mother comes in, he shows: “Shh! Dad is sleeping there.

The child watched the fairy tale about Scheherazade and, impressed by such a magical film, says to his beloved grandmother, who is wearing an oriental-colored robe: “Grandma, are you a Scheherazade?”

The baby does not eat well, and almost the whole family gathers to feed him. And everyone persuades the capricious boy to eat at least a spoonful. And even grandfather says: “You, granddaughters, don’t worry! I didn’t eat well as a child, so my mother scolded me for it and even beat me.” To such a sincere confession, the granddaughter replies: “That’s what I’m looking at, grandfather, that you have all false teeth ...”

Kitty Kitty Kitty

And this is a funny story about children from real life. One grandmother, in the past the head of the section, who at work and at home was not shy in expressions, for a certain period was engaged in raising her grandson. One fine day, this couple went to the store, where the grandmother had to stand in a long line. This occupation seemed boring to the grandson, and he decided to make friends with the shop cat:

Kitty! Kitty, kitty, come here.

The cat, apparently, was not interested in these tendernesses, and he hid under the counter. But the boy is stubborn! Persistent boy! Now, by all means, he needs to get the cat:

Kitty, kitty-kitty, come to me, my good one.

The animal has zero reaction.

Kitty, ...fuck, come here to..., I said, - continued the childish boyish voice. The queue fell with laughter, and the grandmother, grabbing her grandson under her arm, quickly retreated. And it seems like she even stopped using swear words.

About home canning

Mom and son salted and sorted out the broken ones. She threw them down the toilet. Between her and the child who came out of the toilet, the following dialogue took place:

Mom, stop salting the mushrooms!

How is it?

Because you constantly taste them for salt.

And what from this?

So you already poop them! I myself saw them floating in the toilet.

Once upon a time there was Little Red Riding Hood...

And this funny story about children, or rather, about the child of one busy daddy, who recently had a chance to put his son to bed. And the kid ordered dad to tell him an interesting bedtime story, namely his favorite one - about Little Red Riding Hood.

Once upon a time there was a little girl in the world, and her name was Little Red Riding Hood, - dad began his story, who came home from work very tired.

She went to visit her beloved grandmother, - he continued already half asleep, unable to fight sleep himself.

He woke up because his son was indignantly pushing him in the side:

Dad! What were the police doing there and who was Yuri Gagarin?

Where is the child?

A funny story about children from real life about how a negligent father forgot a child on a walk. And it was like that. He somehow showed initiative and proudly offered his candidacy for a walk with a five-month-old daughter on the street. Mom, knowing his irresponsibility, said to walk near the house. After an hour and a half, the joyful dad returns, though alone. Mom almost turned gray when she didn’t see the stroller with the baby. And he, it turns out, met a friend, and since he smoked, they stepped aside so that the child would not breathe smoke. Yes, and dad forgot while talking about the child. So I came home. I had to urgently run to that place; it's good that everything worked out.

And here is a funny story about children in kindergarten. Dad came to the nursery for the first time to pick up the child. The children were still sleeping at that moment, and the teacher, busy with something, asked the father to dress his child on his own, only quietly so as not to wake the sleeping babies. In general, the picture before her mother appeared like this: her beloved daughter in boyish pants, a shirt and other people's slippers. All weekend, the shocked woman imagined the poor boy, who, due to the circumstances, had to wear a pink dress. And all because dad mixed up the chair with clothes.

Funny stories about little kids

A 4-year-old daughter resorts to her mother with the question of whether she will be an apple.

Of course, - says the satisfied mom, - did you wash them?

Only then did my mother realize that the only place where her daughter could wash the fruit was the toilet, because only there did the baby get it.

Funny stories from the life of children are found at every step, and even in the central department store, where one day a mother was walking with her 4-year-old son. They pass by the department for the newlyweds.

Mom, - says the baby, - let's buy you such a beautiful white dress.

What are you, son! This is a dress for a bride who is getting married.

And you will come out, don't worry, - the boy reassures.

So I'm already married, son.

Yes? - the kid is surprised. “Who did you marry and didn’t tell me?”

So it's your dad!

Well, it's good that and not some unfamiliar uncle, - calming down, the boy said.

Mom buy a phone

5-year-old son asks his mother to buy him a mobile phone.

Why do you need him? - Mom is interested.

I really need it, - the boy answers.

Yes, but still? Why do you need a phone? - asks the parent.

So you and the teacher Maria Ivanovna always scold me for not eating well in kindergarten. And so I will call you and tell you to give cutlets.

No less funny story about children. This time we will remember the conversation of a 4-year-old kid with his grandmother.

Grandmother, please give birth to a baby, otherwise I have no one to play with. Mom and dad have no time.

So how do I give birth? I won’t be able to give birth to anyone anymore,” my grandmother replies.

A! I understand, - guessed Roma. - You're a male! I saw the program on TV.

On the track...

Funny stories from the life of children always return to childhood - easy, carefree and so naive!

Before leaving home, the teacher Elena Andreevna says to the 3-year-old boy:

We go outside, we will walk there and wait for mom. So go down the path to the toilet.

The boy left and disappeared. The teacher, without waiting for the baby, went in search of him. Going out into the corridor, he sees the following picture: between the two stands a confused boy with an expression of utter bewilderment on his face and says:

Elena Andreevna, did you say which path to go to the toilet: blue or red?

Here is such a funny story about children.

Motherland is calling!

Funny stories from the life of children at school also amaze with the unpredictability of students, their antics and resourcefulness. In one class there was a boy named Rodin. His mother was a teacher at the same school. Once she asked one schoolboy to call her son from the lesson. He flies into the classroom and shouts:

Motherland is calling!

The first reaction of students and teachers is numbness, misunderstanding, fear...

After the words: “Rodin, come out, your mother is calling you,” the class fell under their desks with laughter.

In one school, a teacher dictated to elementary school students an essay based on Prishvin's work. The meaning was how hard the life of a hare in the forest is, how everyone offends him, how he has to get his own food in the cold winter. Somehow the animal found a rowan bush in the forest and began to eat berries. Literally, the last phrase of the dictation sounded like this: "The fluffy animal is full."

In the evening, the teacher just sobbed over the compositions. Literally all the students wrote the word "full" with two letters "s".

In another school, one student constantly wrote the word "walk" through "o" ("shol"). The teacher got tired of correcting his mistakes all the time, and after the lessons she made the student write the word “walked” on the blackboard a hundred times. The boy did an excellent job with the task, and at the end he wrote: “I left.”

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