Summary of the fairy tale hare boast. Project (senior group) on the topic: Mini-project based on the Russian folk tale "Hare-braggart"


Once upon a time there was a hare in the forest: in the summer it was good, and in the winter it was bad - he had to go to the peasants to the threshing floor, steal oats.

He comes to one peasant at the threshing floor, and then there is a herd of hares. So he began to brag about them:

I don’t have a mustache, but a mustache, not paws, paws, not teeth, but teeth - I’m not afraid of anyone.

The hares told their aunt crow about this boast. The crow's aunt went to look for the braggart and found him under the kokorina. The hare was scared

Crow aunt, I won't brag anymore!

How did you boast?

And I don’t have a mustache, but a mustache, not paws, paws, not teeth, but teeth.

Here she patted him a little:

Boast no more!

Once a crow was sitting on the fence, the dogs picked it up and let's crush it, and the hare saw it.

"How can you help a crow?"

He ran up the hill and sat down. The dogs saw the hare, threw the crow - yes, after him, and the crow again on the fence. And the hare left the dogs.

A little later, the crow again met this hare and said to him:

Here you are, well done, not a boast, but a brave man!

Fairy tales are a universal and effective way of learning about the world and educating a child. Easy form, fascinating plot, special forms and well-established words - all this helps adults convey the most important truths to the baby using the language accessible to him.

Most of the total and especially popular with children. Getting acquainted with various inhabitants of the seas and forests, children perceive the world around them better. The Bouncer Hare is a famous Russian folk tale. As a didactic material, it is used even in the classroom at school.


Tales about animals are among the most ancient species. In them, the world where animals, birds, fish and insects can speak is presented as an allegorical reflection of the human. Animals often become the embodiment of our vices - cowardice, stupidity, boasting, greed, hypocrisy, cheating.

Among other popular heroes of folk tales, a separate group is occupied by a hare, a frog and a mouse. In the works they act as weak characters. Their insecurity can be played both positively and negatively. For example, in the fairy tale “The Bouncer Hare” (or “The Bouncer Hare”), a defenseless animal acts as a negative hero who must realize the wrongness of his behavior.

In the description of the characters, an allegory is manifested: the behavior of animals often evokes associations with the human way of life, makes the child find these connections and teaches him to critically evaluate certain situations and draw conclusions.

This type of folk art also conveys some features of speech: established forms of words (once upon a time there were, this is the end of the fairy tale, etc.), the originality of construction (the oral form often contributes to the fact that the fairy tale consists entirely of dialogues).


The work “Hare-bouncer” tells about a cowardly hare, who in the winter season had to earn his living by stealing oats from the peasants. When he once again ran to the threshing floor, he found a large number of his brothers there.

To stand out among them, the hare began to brag loudly: “And I, brothers, do not have a mustache, but a mustache, and I don’t have paws, but paws, and I don’t have teeth, but teeth, and I’m not afraid of anyone in this wide world - that's what I'm good at!

The rest of the cross-eyed, having met after that the crow aunt, told her what they had heard. She, in turn, began to tell everyone she met about this, but no one wanted to believe her. Then the crow decided to find the bouncer and see if he was lying.

Having met the hare, the aunt began to question him and found out that the oblique had invented everything. The crow took the word from the bouncer that he would not do this again.

One day the aunt was sitting on the fence when the dogs attacked her. The hare decided to save her and showed himself so that the dogs noticed him and chased him. He ran fast, so that the dogs could not keep up. And after that, the crow began to call him not a braggart, but a brave man.

The image of a hare

The bouncer hare at the beginning of the tale appears as one who puts himself above others. His image is of particular importance, since children tend to exaggerate the reality around them in their stories in order to seem more interesting than their friends.

Changing the hare, realizing that he was wrong will help the child understand that such behavior will not lead to anything good, but helping comrades is of real value.


The Russian folk tale "Hare-bouncer" has a moral, which is indicated at the end of the work. It says that words that are not supported by actions cannot be evidence. Only deeds can tell the best about a person. A kind fairy tale with a light but instructive plot will become the best ally in raising a child.

Alena Koverko
Synopsis of GCD on the development of speech "Hare - Bouncer"

to teach children to coherently, consistently and expressively tell small literary works with the help of leading questions of the educator; convey dialogical speech, changing intonations in accordance with the experiences of the characters; develop the ability to present the content close to the text, using the author's words and expressions. Cultivate a desire to listen carefully to the speeches of their comrades, to clarify and supplement them.

preliminary work: reading a fairy tale « bouncer hare»

Equipment: a picture of a hare, a thread, a piece of paper with a riddle, a toy hare, ball, Christmas tree, hare and crow masks

GCD progress:

Greeting, checking the readiness of children

Guys, let's say hello to our guests!

Children: Hello!

Today we will remember the fairy tale « hare - braggart» , answer questions and try to retell it.

caregiver: Look, the ball is flying. And what is this note tied to a string? Now I will read it. Yes, it's a mystery. Try it unravel:

Not a lamb and not a cat,

He wears a fur coat all year round.

Fur coat gray - for the summer,

For winter - a different color.

Children A: It's a bunny.

caregiver: Right!

caregiver: Whose paws does the hare have?

Children: A hare has hare paws.

caregiver: Whose tail does the hare have?

Children: A hare has a hare's tail.

caregiver: If a hare has long ears, then hare what?

Children: Long-eared.

caregiver: If a hare has a short tail, then what is it?

Children: Short-tailed.

caregiver: If a hare has long legs, then what is it?

Children: Long-legged.

caregiver: Came to visit us hare, come on bunny, don't be afraid. (A rabbit toy appears).

caregiver: Tell me, can you meet such a hare in the forest?

Children: No.

caregiver: Why?

Children: He is dressed.

caregiver: Where do you think this could come from? hare?

Children: From a fairytale.


Sit down, children, side by side (Children sit on chairs).

Let's talk nice

About Russian fairy tales, famous

And we are still interested.

Guys, we are already familiar with the fairy tale « Hare - braggart» let's remember it and answer the questions! And then we will try to retell it on our own.

caregiver: Guys, remember the name of the fairy tale?

Children: “hare bouncer».

caregiver: Why do you think the fairy tale is called “ Hare - braggart "? Who is the main character of the fairy tale?

Children: hare bouncer the protagonist of the story.

caregiver: Why is he braggart?

Children: hare bouncer because he always boasted praised himself.

caregiver: In front of whom boasted hare?

Children: In front of other hares.

caregiver: What did you say hare about his mustache, paws and teeth?

Children: He did not say a mustache, but mustache. Not paws, but paws. Not teeth, but teeth.

caregiver: Why do you think the hares talked about braggart aunt crow?

Children: The crow is the wisest and smartest bird in the forest.

caregiver: How did the crow punish the hare?

Children: The crow patted the hare by the ears.

caregiver: Why hare promised the crow no more boast?

Children: He was scared, and he probably realized that you can't brag.

caregiver: Why do you think hare decided to save the crow from the dogs?

Children: The hare was kind.

caregiver: How hare escaped from dogs?

Children: The hare ran very fast.

caregiver Q: How did the story end? What did the crow say to the hare?

Children: You Well done: Not braggart, but a brave man.

caregiver: Why did the crow call the hare a brave man?

Children: Hare not afraid of angry dogs.

caregiver: What do you think this story teaches us?

Children: No need boast You have to be kind and help people.

(Physical education minute).

one, two, three, four - (children stand in a circle, hands to shoulders,

The fingers are clenched into a fist. Extend fingers alternately

starting with index)

bunny puffed up his ears(raise bent arms to the head- "ears")

Here he is a gray wolf, wolf,

he clicks his teeth, clicks (children clapping, wolf snapping teeth)

Bunny, me, and you, and you, (spring squats)

We quickly hide in the bushes

now I suggest you listen to the dialogue between the hare and the crow!

Ksyusha and Sonya come out:

Kar-kar ... hello, hare.

Hello crow.

Well, tell me how are you boasted to the rabbits?

And I don’t have a mustache, but a mustache, not paws, but paws, not teeth, but teeth, I’m not afraid of anyone.

Look, it's not like this anymore. brag(crow pats a hare by the ears)

I won't, crow, I never will!

caregiver: And now go out into the circle, we will play the game “Finish the sentence”.

In summer, the hare is warm, and in winter. Cold.

In summer the hare is full, and in winter. hungry.

In summer hare gray, and in winter. white.

In summer, a bunny jumps on the grass, and in winter it jumps on. snow.

The hare was cowardly, but became. brave.

The hare ran slowly and then ran. fast.

The crow scolded the hare, and then became him. praise.

Now listen to the story again.

hare bouncer

(Russian folk tale in the processing of O. Kapitsa)

Once upon a time there was hare in the forest. In the summer he lived well, but in the winter he was hungry.

Once he climbed up to one peasant to steal sheaves in the threshing floor, he sees that there are already many hares gathered there. He started them brag:

I don’t have a mustache, but a mustache, not paws, but paws, not teeth, but teeth, I’m not afraid of anyone!

The bunny went back to the forest, and the other hares told aunt crow how hare boasted. The crow flew to look for a braggart. Found it under a bush and speaks:

Well, tell me how are you boasted?

And I don’t have a mustache, but a mustache, not paws, but paws, not teeth, but teeth.

The crow patted his ears and speaks:

Look no more brag!

scared hare and promised not to brag anymore.

Once a crow was sitting on the fence, suddenly the dogs pounced on it and began to rattle it. Saw hare, as dogs shake a crow, and thinks, it would be necessary to help the crow. And the dogs saw the hare, threw the crow and ran after the hare. Hare he ran quickly - the dogs were exhausted and lagged behind him.

The crow sits again on the fence, and hare sighed and ran to her.

Well, - the crow tells him, - you're done, don't braggart, but brave!

Retelling children using leading questions.

Guys, what did you do today?

What did you like the most.

I really liked the way you worked. (Select those children who were especially active). Well done. After a little rest, we blind you "plasticine fairy tale" based on a fairy tale « hare bouncer»

A fairy tale about a bunny for children who often boast and do not obey

The snowy winter has come. The whole forest was covered with snowdrifts, and the trees put on snow dresses. Bunnies and squirrels have already changed their summer coats for warm winter ones. Only the bunny Timoshka did not want to part with his gray fur coat, he really liked it.

- Timoshka, all the animals are dressed in warm fur coats. And for us hares, a white winter coat also helps to hide among the snow from wolves and foxes. In gray, they will easily find you.

“Timoshka, listen to your mother,” the brothers tell him, “winter can be cold, you will freeze.”

But Timoshka did not want to submit to any.

“Ha, what a wolf and a fox to me,” the bunny braved. — I am the fastest hare in the area. Let them catch up first!

Someone threw a snowball through the window. It was the squirrels who called the hare to play.

“Timoshka, apparently, I won’t have to let you go for walks until you obey,” said the hare mother, “it’s not safe for a bunny in a summer coat to go into the forest in winter.

But Timoshka was such a naughty bunny that he didn’t even listen to his mother’s warnings, but immediately jumped out the door.

“Son, just don’t go far from home,” his mother called after him.

But did Timoshka hear her? Will he listen to his mother?

Hares and squirrels sculpted a snowman. Someone even brought carrots for the nose, nuts for the eyes. Then the whole crowd built a snow city, played snowballs and hide and seek. They were having fun, and the day was so wonderful, sunny.

Suddenly, one little squirrel, who was hiding in a tree, saw a fox appear on the edge of the forest.

— Beware! Fox! he shouted.

The animals scattered in all directions, but the fox was already rushing towards them. The closest and most noticeable was Timoshka. The hare tried to run faster than usual, but the fox did not lag behind. Soon the forces began to leave Timoshka.

“What a good day,” the fox said as the hare fell exhausted near the tree. - The bunny-braggart himself! Today I will have a celebratory dinner.

Timoshka was trembling all over with fear. He had never seen a predator so close before. The bunny closed his eyes and...

“Ah, you little scoundrels,” he heard the voice of the fox. - I'll get to you, wait with me!

It was the squirrel friends who were throwing snowballs from the trees at the fox. They did not leave their friend alone in trouble. And Timoshka, taking advantage of the moment, rushed to run. Near the house his brothers and squirrels were waiting for him.

Timoshka, are you okay? they were worried.

“Yes, everything is fine,” the hare answered sadly. - Thank you friends. Without you, I would be lost, - and hurried home so that no one would see his tears.

And at home, he threw himself into the arms of his mother and wept bitterly. Mom stroked the hare on the head:

Timoshka, my beloved son!

He did not need to tell his mother anything, she would understand everything herself. And the hare mother did not scold her hare, it was more important for her that he was alive and well.

Illustration: Petra Brown

Abstract of a lesson on the development of speech

senior group

Topic: "Telling a Russian folk talebouncer hare »

Prepared by the teacher:

Kalinichenko A.N.


    Education of moral and ethical rules and norms, good attitude towards others on the example of positive fairy-tale characters.

    Teaching children to correctly perceive the emotional coloring of fairy tale stories, try to retell the essence


    Encourage children to actively listen to the story

    To expand the vocabulary, to consolidate in the active dictionary of children the words that characterize the heroes of the fairy tale.

    Learn to find a solution to a given problem.

    Develop speech activity.

    Cultivate kindness.

    Develop auditory attention and analyze the actions of the characters.

    To teach children to correlate emotional manifestations with the plot of a fairy tale, to express emotions in facial expressions.

    Draw conclusions about the content of the story.

Program content:

    Organizing time. A riddle-conversation about forest dwellers, a hare and a wolf.

    Main part. Reading a fairy tale by a teacher and retelling it by children

    Summary of the lesson.

Preliminary work:

    Introduction to fairy tale therapy

    Fairy tale reading and retelling

    Conversation with children about the plot

    Individual work with children on the plot of a fairy tale

vocabulary work : bouncer, paws-paws, teeth-teeth, dogs picked her up and let's crush.

Methods and techniques: introduction to fairy tale therapy, conversation, active listening, retelling, analysis of the tale.

Lesson progress

Organizing time.

The teacher invites the children to sit in a semicircle. Entrance to the fairy tale:

Guys, do you like to listen to fairy tales?

To be in a fairyland, I suggest you touch the magic glowing ball, pass it in a circle and say these words: “Fairy tale come!”

Guess what fairy tale came to visit us today? Hear riddles.


"Long-eared is very dexterous
Eats carrots in the morning.
He is from the wolf and the fox
Quickly hides in the bushes.
Who is he, this gray,
What is tumbling?
Gray in summer, white in winter,
Tell me, do you know him?"
Children's answers(Hare)

“The oblique does not have a lair,
He doesn't need a hole
Legs save from enemies
And from hunger bark ».


Main part

So, listen to the Russian folk tale "bouncer hare ».

“Once upon a time there was a hare in the forest: in summer it was good, and in winter it was bad - he had to go to the peasants to the threshing floor, steal oats.

He comes to one peasant at the threshing floor, and then there is a herd of hares. So he began to brag about them:

- I don’t have a mustache, but a mustache, not paws, paws, not teeth, but teeth - I’m not afraid of anyone.

The hares told their aunt crow about this boast. The crow's aunt went to look for the braggart and found him under the kokorina. The hare was scared

- Aunt crow, I won't brag anymore!

- How did you boast?

- But I don’t have a mustache, but a mustache, not paws, paws, not teeth, but teeth.

Here she patted him a little:

- Boast no more!

Once a crow was sitting on the fence, the dogs picked it up and let's crush it, and the hare saw it.

"How can you help a crow?"

He ran up the hill and sat down. The dogs saw the hare, threw the crow - yes, after him, and the crow again on the fence. And the hare left the dogs.

A little later, the crow again met this hare and said to him:

- Here you are, well done, not boastful, but brave!

Discussing the plot of a fairy tale . Mastering the content of the whole fairy tale, improving the skills of retelling.

Riddles, proverbs, sayings and poems about a hare

This small long-eared animal left a rather large mark on Slavic (and not only) folklore. They hunted a hare, made fun of him, wrote fairy tales, fables and stories about him. Many fables about hares are still circulating - the hare is not at all cowardly, or rather, it is no more cowardly than many other animals of similar sizes, it runs away from its large enemies solely because of its own defenselessness, since it has neither powerful paws nor huge teeth no hare. But with smaller predators, hares bravely fight: they fight off crows and magpies, other rodents.

There are a lot of proverbs and sayings about hares, many of the characteristic habits and habits of hares are noticed in them. True, having become a symbol of cowardice, the hare never managed to get rid of this stamp - in most sayings and proverbs about the hare, the theme of cowardice and timidity is somehow played up, although there are exceptions to this rule.

Defenselessness in front of a wolf or a fox made a hare a favorite character in fairy tales and poems, where this little animal triumphs over formidable predators not due to muscles and strength, but due to collectivism, wisdom and cunning.

But what happened this time with the hare?(children's answers).

Guys, listen to proverbs, sayings and signs about a hare:

The hare is gray: he has already seen troubles.
You won’t be faster than a hare, but they catch that one too.
You can't catch a hare without a dog.
The hare is not a coward, he saves himself.
You can't lure a hare onto a drum.
Cowardly as a hare, lascivious as a cat.
While the hare is in the bushes, do not put the cauldron on fire.
Chasing two hares and catching neither.
On the trail of a hare, they reach the bear.
The hare is a coward - and he loves to hunt.
You can't catch up with a hare on an arba.
Hare legs are worn.
Better to fight like an eagle than live like a hare.
The hare is fast, but there is no dispute.
And the hare will not run away from the crowd.
Do not look for a hare in the forest: it sits on the edge.
A hare from a fox, and a frog from a hare flies away without looking back.

Why is there such a rumor about hares?

And what was the Hare in the fairy tale? Why is she called a braggart?

Which character in the story do you like the most?

Who did the hare help out of trouble?

What was the first hare? What was the hare then, tell me, in a word?

- (children's answers). Right! Brave, resourceful, determined!

Would you like to have such a friend?

Guys, do you remember which of the animals was the hero of the fairy tale?

- Did you like the fairy tale? Fine.

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