Kristen Stewart: photo from Instagram. "From beauty to the beast": Kristen Stewart came to the party in honor of "Oscar"


The stage and fame attracted little Kristen from an early age, she was happy to participate in school Christmas productions. But the real popularity came with the film "Twilight", the vampire saga has become a cult film for teenage girls. Although critics have long been ironic about the acting of the main character, the "Twilight" saga was a real breakthrough for Kristen Stewart.

Surprisingly, it turns out that there are celebrities who are in no hurry to share their innermost with the whole world. Christian Stewart's official Instagram hasn't been updated in about three years. Previously, she wrote under the name @kristenstewart, but since 2013, not a single photo has appeared on the social network that the actress herself would add. What happened?

According to the girl herself, it's okay, she just suddenly discovered that she was not ready to share the details of her personal life on Instagram. Recently, information appeared in the press that Kristen Stewart has a real Instagram, which she regularly updates, but it is secret, only a few friends know his address. The movie star explained this by the fact that she often tours, so she strives to keep in touch with her friends. The link to her secret instagram account is unknown, from time to time the girl flickers on the network in the photo of her colleagues, but these are just small crumbs of her life.

Once upon a time, the star was credited with the lack of emotionality, but even in old photos it is clear that this is not so. She is different and this applies not only to her hairstyles and clothes, the girl is sad and having fun, laughing and fooling around with friends. We can only hope that Kristen Stewart's real Instagram becomes available again. Baby, we are over half a million and we are waiting for your return! Stay with us and be aware of all the Instagram news of your idols.

The scene has attracted Kristen since childhood. Born on April 9, 1990 in Los Angeles, Kristen felt drawn to the stage from a young age, and already in school Christmas productions showed that she was made for acting. How could parents in this situation prevent her from attending auditions and screen tests?

Already at the age of nine, Kristen got her first role in a serious film, and she got her first serious role in the film The Safety of Things in 2001. Because of her work in the cinema, the girl even left school, where, moreover, relations with classmates did not work out, and continued her studies at home. After that, the actress starred in several more films, of which the drama "Speak" and the thriller "Cruel People" can be distinguished.

However, fame overtook Stewart with the release of the vampire saga "Twilight", where she played Bella in love with a vampire. Teenagers (mostly girls) just fell in love with this movie. The real cult of "Twilight" caused an ironic reaction, but this did not diminish the success. Today, Kristen Stewart is associated primarily with the heroine of the "Twilight" saga, Bella Swan.

Kristen Stewart's facial expression on Instagram

Many viewers, to put it mildly, were skeptical about the expressiveness of Kristen's game. What to do, this is according to the scenario of her character - Bella really does not differ in emotionality. She is even singled out at competitions like the Razzie Awards, where they determine, among other things, the worst actors - of course, in the most unflattering sense. However, Kristen herself is much brighter and more interesting than her heroine, which can be seen even from her static photographs.

You can find Kristen Stewart Instagram at a simple address - @kristenstewart. It is enough to look at the photos to understand: the actress is not at all dull. She changes not only clothes and hair color, but also facial expressions, she knows how to smile, be happy, be positive and even sexy.

Unfortunately, Kristen Stewart hasn't posted any new photos on her Instagram since September 2013. Either she lost access to the account, or it became uninteresting to her. From time to time, photos with her appear in other stars, you can find them by the corresponding tag. However, in general, today Kristen Stewart is not an active Instagram user, alas. You can sympathize with her subscribers (there are almost half a million of them) that everyone is waiting for some kind of updates. Kristen's old publications, however, have not gone away, they can still be seen and discussed.

Ever since Kristen Stewart has been actively dating women, fans have a hard time recognizing her. And this is not surprising, because the actress has changed a lot in literally everything. Short hair, messy style, frequent lack of makeup - it seems that Kristen is now much more worried about making a statement with every appearance in public than about her career.

Another proof of this was her photos from the "red carpet" pre-party Oscar. The girl came to the party in a dubious way - an extremely short skirt and jacket, visually adding a few extra pounds to the already recovered actress. Kristen decided to complement this strange outfit with stockings peeking out from under her skirt and sloppy makeup.

On the net, Kristen was criticized not only for her terrible image, but also for the fact that lately she has not been able to please her fans at all, going further and further, in their opinion, towards total bad taste. At the same time, the Internet notes that a few years ago the actress looked great:

"I became masculine like Christina"

"And now it's so fashionable when stockings are visible from under the skirt, right? Here I am a village, I'll know"

"Kristen is so miserable and tasteless ... It's a pity ... And she gave such hopes at the beginning of her career"

"Beauty to Beast"

"It's a tin, she's completely gone bad! She was normal when she met men, but now a miracle is in feathers!"

"Why did she dress like an idiot, but I'm ashamed?"

However, model Stella Maxwell, with whom Kristen is now dating, on the contrary, had a blooming look at the same party. So it’s unlikely that the whole thing is just that the actress chooses the wrong partners for herself. Rather, the reason for this is her rebellion - however, it is not clear what it is against.

At the same time, Kristen is the face of the Chanel brand, which creates luxury clothes, often in a classic style. Netizens wonder how a company like this could ever do business with Stewart, as its appearance puts the entire brand in a negative light, and it's proven.

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