Cro-Magnon features of the structure. Ancient Cro-Magnon man - characteristics of lifestyle, tools, interesting facts with photos and videos


The comb-chapel type is attributed either to the Australoid group or to the group of Euro-African variants, which includes several ancient skulls of India, Asia Minor and East Africa (they will be discussed in the next chapter).

Indeed, there is some typological similarity between these variants: the Comb-Capella skull, in terms of a set of features, is closer to the Australoid or ancient EURAfrican variants than to the Negroid or any other. This conclusion has a rather specific content; it cannot be extended to other Upper Paleolithic skulls of Europe. In all likelihood, the combo-chapel type is related to the Eurafrican, and more distantly to the Australoid, unity of origin. Nevertheless, the emerging similarity is not such that the combo-chapel type could be included in the range of variants of the modern Australoid or even the Eur-African race. Neither one nor the other is characterized by a large nasion-prostion diameter, a relatively high symotic index, and other features.

The Cro-Magnon type is defined as Caucasoid. With such a definition, the complex of features of the brain box, jaws and nasal skeleton characteristic of Cro-Magnons is not consistent.

Among modern European population groups, there is not one that is characterized by a combination of a small nasal index and a low nose bridge, a symotic index of about 46, a relatively wide face and a low skull. It is difficult to point out any non-European group that fully reproduces such a combination of features.

The complex of Caucasoid features is presented more fully in the Solutrean type. Nevertheless, a special place should be given to this option, given the high nasal index, the relatively large width of the face, the small height of the arch in combination with the mesocranial index.

The Oberkassel skull is sometimes called Mongoloid. The basis for such a diagnosis is a large zygomatic width, a small auricular height of the braincase. In other signs there are no features of Asian races. In terms of the degree of flattening of the foreground of the facial skeleton, the Oberkassel skull almost does not differ from some Cro-Magnon skulls.

The Chancelad skull was originally identified as an Eskimo skull due to the combination of a narrow nose, a relatively wide face, and a high braincase. A. Keess and A. Vallois showed the fallacy of this opinion (Keith, 1931; Vallois, 1946). The skull of the Madeleine time from the Dordogne does not have the flattened cheekbones, flatness, alveolar prognathism and other features characteristic of the Eskimos. The Chancellade skull was brought closer to the Oberkassel skull (D. Montandon) and others. In fact, the similarity of these craniological variants is very small, and the sharp hypsicrania, large facial diameters, and other features exclude the possibility of including the Chancelad skull in the group of Caucasoid variants.

F. Weidenreich calls the Upper Paleolithic male skull from the upper cave of Zhou-Kou-Dian proto-Mongoloid, the first female skull is Melanesoid, and the second female skull is Eskimoid. Of course, these names express only a general impression and in no way establish a racial diagnosis. There are some similarities between all three skulls. As for the specific racial features, they are weakly expressed: the position of the eye sockets, the contour of the zygomatic arch in the male skull do not have signs of flattening specific to the Mongoloids. The symotic and nasoalveolar indices are not less than those of the Australoids or many of the upper pamolytic skulls of Europe. There is little specific similarity of female skulls with the types indicated by F. Weidenreich.

The Elmenteite skull is seen as one of the earliest variants of the East African (Ethiopian) race; the Oldowan type is brought closer to the modern Nilotic group, and the Boskop type to the South African and Hottentot. In the first case, there is only a limited similarity: the sloping forehead, the high height of the upper jaw and other features of the Elmenteite skull are not characteristic of the East African type. The Nilots, in contrast to the Oldowan variant, have a taller and more prognathous face, and a broader nose.

The Boskop type is similar to the Hottentot type in such specific features as a peculiar protrusion of the nape in combination with a straight forehead and an elongated flattened crown. Despite the incomplete coincidence of the craniometric characteristics of the Boskop and Middle Hottentot variants, these variants are so close in terms of a set of features that their genetic relationship should be recognized as quite probable.

The designation "proto-Australian" as applied to the skulls from Vadyak and Keilor also remains rather conditional, even if we mean not the Australians themselves, but the Indonesians of the Toala type. The latter are not characterized by large dimensions of the axes of the brain box and facial skeleton, a moderately developed superciliary. At the same time, the Keilor and Vadyak skulls have much in common with the large Upper Paleolithic skulls of Western Europe.

The Talgai skull is brought closer to the Australian one by some archaic features of the facial skeleton, i.e., features that are not specific enough to establish a genetic relationship between the variants.

This brief review leads to the following conclusions.

The Upper Paleolithic skulls differ from modern ones in the presence of certain features (Chapter 4) and therefore stand out in a special group - fossil neoanthropes. The craniological types of the Upper Paleolithic, along with the features included in the complex of features of one of the modern large anthropological groups, include features that are not characteristic of this group and are characteristic of other groups. Most often, the features of the Australoid, Negroid, Caucasoid types are combined.

Separate types of the Upper Paleolithic, according to craniological features (and probably also according to others), do not occupy a place within the limits of modern anthropological types, but between them.

Only in a small number of Upper Paleolithic skulls do signs of one modern group predominate. Such, for example, are the Boscopian, Solutrean (not Cro-Magnon!), perhaps Grimaldian types. But even in these cases there are differences between modern types and Upper Paleolithic. These latter must be defined as specific subtypes of the group. The question of the extent to which ancient types constitute the original forms of later groups must be resolved in each case separately. Craniological types that fully correspond to the variants of subsequent epochs have not been established in the Upper Paleolithic.

To the previous considerations it is necessary to add data on the territorial distribution of the craniological types of the Upper Paleolithic. An essential criterion in establishing a race is the confinement of a given complex of features to a certain delimited territory. Fossil neoanthropes do not have such a connection with a geographical province.

In the small space of the Dordogne department in the Aurignacian time, such different variants coexisted as Cro-Magnon and Comb-chapel. Moreover, in one locality, for example, in the Children's Grotto, in Monaco, skeletons of various types, Cro-Magnon and Grimaldian, were found, which gave rise to a number of little convincing hypotheses about the reasons for the diversity of types.

It has been suggested that the main population of Europe were tall "Caucasoid" Cro-Magnons, Grimaldian skeletons belonged to slaves, captives or concubines.

This kind of hypothesis is in clear contradiction with all known facts about the material culture and social structure of the Upper Paleolithic.

Identical characters and even similar complexes of characters are found in remote areas of the ancient ecumene. The Grimaldian type was found on the coast of the Mediterranean Sea and on the plains of Eastern Europe (Children's Grotto and Markina Gora on the upper Don). A narrow nasal skeleton has been found in Europe and tropical Africa. In these territories, forms with a large and with a small relief of the eyebrows, with a large and small height of the nasal bones were found. Alveolar prognathism is widespread in a wide variety of territories, but in the southern regions of the ancient ecumene there are forms that are weakly prognathous or almost orthognathic. If the craniological variants of the Upper Paleolithic belong to different races, i.e., groups of people that have developed in different geographical zones, in different environmental conditions, then the unlimited movement of individual tribes in different, even opposite directions throughout entire continents should be allowed. In this case, it must be recognized that tropical broad-nosed and prognathous groups moved north to the 50th parallel, while narrow-nosed orthognathic Caucasoid types penetrated into tropical Africa.

All these assumptions have such a low probability that they cast doubt on the possibility of attributing the craniological variants of the Upper Paleolithic to different races in the proper sense of the word.

Bunak V.V. The human skull and stages of its formation in fossil humans and modern races. Moscow, Academy of Sciences Publishing House, 1959, p. 165-167.

A, m. Cro Magnon. From the name of the Cro Magnon grotto in France, where in the second half of the 19th century. the skeletons of these people were found. Mn. Late Paleolithic people. ALS 1. We are civilized Cro-Magnons and will no longer understand the strange, idiotic truth about ... ... Historical Dictionary of Gallicisms of the Russian Language

CRO-MAGNON, nza, husband. Fossil man of the late Paleolithic era. | adj. Cro-Magnon, oh, oh. Explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov. S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Shvedova. 1949 1992 ... Explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov

- (nyo), nza, m., soul. (after the name of the Cro Magnon cave in France, where the fossils were first found). A man of the modern type that existed in Europe in the Upper Pleistocene. || Wed archanthropist, neanderthal, neoanthropist, ... ... Dictionary of foreign words of the Russian language

Exist., Number of synonyms: 1 person (86) ASIS Synonym Dictionary. V.N. Trishin. 2013 ... Synonym dictionary

A representative of an extinct race of people (Homo sapiens), the remains of which were first discovered in 1866 in France in the Cro-Magnon cave. At the end of the Paleolithic, the Cro-Magnon race inhabited Europe, North Africa, and Western Asia. Geological dictionary: in 2 volumes ... Geological Encyclopedia

The general name of the fossil people of the modern species, belonging to the neoanthropes and living about 40 thousand years ago ... Big Medical Dictionary

M. see Cro-Magnons Explanatory Dictionary of Ephraim. T. F. Efremova. 2000... Modern explanatory dictionary of the Russian language Efremova

Cro-Magnon, Cro-Magnon, Cro-Magnon, Cro-Magnon, Cro-Magnon, Cro-Magnon, Cro-Magnon, Cro-Magnon, Cro-Magnon, Cro-Magnon, Cro-Magnon, Cro-Magnon (Source: "Full accentuated paradigm according to A. A. Zaliznyak") ... Forms of words

Cro-Magnon- (2 m), R. cromagno/nza, Tv. cromagno/nce; pl. Cromagno / Ntsy, R. Cromagno / Ntsy ... Spelling Dictionary of the Russian Language

Cro-Magnon- Cro-Magnon / German / ... Morphemic spelling dictionary


  • Human. Superencyclopedia, I. Gusev. Man yesterday, today, tomorrow... What are we, who were we and what will we become in the future? Since ancient times, man has sought to know himself. Gradually, his conjectures and conjectures ...
  • Human. Superencyclopedia for the smart and inquisitive, I. E. Gusev. Man yesterday, today, tomorrow... What are we, who were we and what will we become in the future? Since ancient times, man has sought to know himself. Gradually, his conjectures and conjectures turned into ...

Cro-Magnons(Fig. 1) are the immediate ancestors of modern humans. This species, according to scientists, appeared more than 130 thousand years ago. Archaeological finds indicate that the Cro-Magnons lived for more than 10 thousand years in the neighborhood with another kind of people - the Neanderthals. In fact, Cro-Magnons have no external differences with modern people. There is another definition of the term "Cro-Magnon". In a narrow sense, this is a representative of the human race who lived on the territory of modern France, they got their name from the place where researchers first discovered a large number of remains of ancient people - the Cro-Magnon Gorge. But more often, Cro-Magnons are called all the ancient inhabitants of the planet. During the Upper Paleolithic period, this species dominated most of the land surface, with a few exceptions - in places where Neanderthal communities still remained.

Rice. 1 - Cro-Magnon


Unanimous opinion about how it appeared kind of Cro-Magnon not among anthropologists and historians. There are two main theories. Most scientists believe that this species appeared in the eastern part of Africa, and then spread through the Arabian Peninsula throughout Eurasia. Adherents of this theory believe that the Cro-Magnons later divided into 2 main groups:

  1. Ancestors of modern Hindus and Arabs.
  2. Ancestors of all modern Mongoloid peoples.

As for the Europeans, according to this theory, they are representatives of the first group, who migrated about 45 thousand years ago. Archaeologists have found a huge amount of evidence in favor of this theory, but still the number of scientists adhering to an alternative point of view has not decreased over the years.

In recent years, there is more and more evidence of the second version. Scientists who adhere to this theory believe that Cro-Magnons are modern Caucasians and do not include Negroids and Mongoloids in this type. A number of scientists insist that the first Cro-Magnon man appeared on the territory of modern Ethiopia, and his descendants settled in northern Africa, the entire Middle East, Asia Minor, most of Central Asia, the Hindustan Peninsula and all of Europe. They insist that the Cro-Magnons migrated almost in full force from Africa more than 100 thousand years ago, and only a small part of them remained in the territory of modern Egypt. Then they continued to develop new lands, the ancient people reached France and the British Isles by the 10th century BC, passing through the Caucasus Range, crossing the Don, Dnieper, Danube.


Ancient Cro-Magnon Man began to live in rather large groups, which was not observed in the Neanderthal. Often, communities numbered 100 or more individuals. The Cro-Magnons inhabiting Eastern Europe sometimes lived in dugouts, such a dwelling was a "discovery" of that time. Caves and tents were more comfortable and spacious compared to similar types of Neanderthal dwellings. The ability to speak articulately helped them understand each other better, they actively cooperated if one of them needed help.

The Cro-Magnons became more skillful hunters and fishermen, these people first began to use the "driving" method, when a large animal was driven into a pre-prepared trap, and there inevitable death awaited him. The first similarities of fishing nets were also invented by the Cro-Magnons. They began to master the harvesting industry, dried mushrooms, and stocked up on berries. They also hunted birds, for this they used snares and loops, while often ancient people did not kill animals, but left them alive, designed primitive cages for birds and admired them.

Among the Cro-Magnons, the first ancient artists began to appear, who painted the walls of the caves with different colors. You can see the work of ancient masters in our time, for example, in France in the Montespan cave, several creations of ancient masters have survived to this day. But not only painting developed, the Cro-Magnons sculpted the first sculptures from stone and clay, and were engaged in engraving on mammoth tusks. Very often, ancient sculptors sculpted naked women, it was like a cult, in those days it was not harmony that was valued in a woman - ancient sculptors sculpted women with magnificent forms. And also sculptors and artists of antiquity often depicted animals: horses, bears, mammoths, bison.

The dead tribesmen, the Cro-Magnons were buried. In many ways, modern rituals resemble the rituals of those years. People also gathered, also cried. The deceased was dressed in the best skin, they put jewelry, food, tools that he used during his lifetime. The deceased was buried in the fetal position.

Rice. 2 - Cro-Magnon Skeleton

Leap in development

The Cro-Magnons developed more actively than the Neanderthals assimilated by them and the common ancestors of both types of Pithecanthropus. Moreover, they developed in many areas, a huge number of achievements were made by this particular species. The reason for such an intensive development is Cro-Magnon brain. Before a child of this species was born, the development of his brain completely coincided with the intrauterine development of the brain of a Neanderthal. But after birth, the baby's brain developed differently - there was an active formation of the parietal and cerebellar parts. The Neanderthal brain after childbirth developed in the same directions as that of a chimpanzee. The Cro-Magnon communities were much more organized than the Neanderthal communities, they began to learn spoken language, while the Neanderthals never learned to speak. Development proceeded at an incredible pace, Cro-Magnon tools- these are knives, hammers and other tools, some of which are still used, since, in fact, no alternative has yet been found for them. The Cro-Magnon actively adapted to weather factors, their dwellings began to vaguely resemble modern houses. These people created social circles, built a hierarchy in groups, distributed social roles. Cro-Magnons began to realize themselves, think, reason, actively explore and experiment.

The emergence of speech among Cro-Magnons

Just as there is no unity among scientists on the issue of the emergence of the Cro-Magnon, so there is no unity with respect to another question - "how did speech originate among the first rational people?"

Psychologists have their own opinion on this matter. They argue, with an impressive evidence base, that Cro-Magnons adopted the experience of Neanderthals and Pithecanthropes, who had some rudiments of articulate communication.

Linguists of a certain kind (generativists) also have their own theory, supported by facts. However, it cannot be said that only generativists support this theory, many prominent scientists are on their side. These scientists believe that there was no inheritance from previous species, and the appearance of articulate speech is the result of some kind of brain mutation. Generativists, trying to get to the bottom of the truth and find confirmation of their theory, are looking for the origins of the proto-language - the first human language. So far, the disputes do not subside, and not one of the parties has exhaustive evidence of its correctness.

Differences between Neanderthal and Cro-Magnon

Cro-Magnons and Neanderthals are not so close species, moreover, they did not have a single ancestor. These are two species between which there was competition, skirmishes, and, possibly, local or general confrontation. They could not help but compete, as they shared the same niche and lived side by side. There are many differences between the two types:

  • body constitution, size and physiological structure;
  • skull volume, cognitive abilities of the brain;
  • social organization;
  • general level of development.

Studies conducted by scientists have shown that there is a significant difference in DNA between these two species. As for nutrition, there are also differences here, these two species ate differently, generalizing, we can say that the Cro-Magnons ate everything that the Neanderthals ate, plus plant foods. An interesting fact is that the body of Neanderthals did not absorb milk, and the basis of the diet of Neanderthals was the meat of dead animals (carrion). Cro-Magnons, on the other hand, only in rare cases, in cases where there were no other options, ate carrion.

Rice. 3 - Cro-Magnon skull

In the scientific community, disputes do not stop about whether these two species could interbreed with each other. There is plenty of evidence that they could. For example, it cannot be ruled out that in the structure and constitution of the body of some modern people, echoes of Neanderthal genes are sometimes traced. The two species lived in close proximity, mating certainly could have taken place. But scientists who claim that the Cro-Magnons assimilated the Neanderthals are opposed in disputes by other scientists, among whom there are famous personalities. They argue that after interspecific crossing, fertile offspring could not be born, that is, for example, a female individual (Cro-Magnon) could become pregnant from a Neanderthal, could even bear a fetus. But the born baby was weak to survive, and even more so to give life to his own offspring. These conclusions are supported by genetic studies.

Differences between Cro-Magnon and modern man

There are both minor and significant differences between modern man and his Cro-Magnon ancestor. For example, it was found that the average brain size of an earlier subspecies of humans was slightly larger. This, in theory, should indicate that the Cro-Magnons were more intelligent, their intellect was more developed. This hypothesis is supported by a small part of pundits. After all, a larger volume does not always guarantee a better quality. In addition to the size of the brain, there are other differences that do not cause sharp disputes. It is proved that the ancestor had more dense vegetation on the body. There is also a difference in height, it is noticed that over time and evolution people have become taller. The average height of the two subspecies differs significantly. Not only height, but also the weight of the Cro-Magnon was less. In those days, there were no giants weighing over 150 kilograms, and all because people could not always provide themselves with food, even in the required volumes. Ancient people did not live long, a person who lived to be 30 years old was considered an old man, and cases when a person experienced a 45-year milestone are generally rare. There is an assumption that the Cro-Magnons had better eyesight, in particular, they saw well in the dark, but these theories have not yet been confirmed.

About 40 thousand years ago, the Earth appeared neoanthropes- people of the present appearance, but more massive than modern people. Neoanthropes, or new people (from the Greek peoz. the newest person) is a generalized name for people of the current species (Home sapiens), fossils and now living.

The inhabitants of Europe, who are often referred to as the current species, who lived in the Upper Paleolithic era (from 50 to 20 thousand years ago) are called Cro-Magnons. The name of these people was given by a find in the grotto of Cro-Magnon in the valley of the river. Weser in France. There, in 1868, scientists discovered 6 human skeletons, ancient coals from fires, flint tools and sea shells, in which holes were made. The discovery that was found in the Cro-Magnon grotto was the first, after which a serious study of the ancient people of the modern type began, therefore all fossil neoanthropes are called Cro-Magnons.

The physical type of Cro-Magnons is characterized by the following features:

  • tall (for men - above 180 cm);
  • skull with large brain region;
  • elevated rounded cranial vault;
  • extensive, straight, wide forehead without continuous supraorbital ridge;
  • less developed face than most fossil hominids;
  • protruding chin.

The Cro-Magnons had a perfect culture, which is called the Upper Paleolithic. In Europe, the most famous cultures of the Upper Paleolithic are called Aurignac, Solutre and Madeleine, after the names of the places in France where the main finds were made.

Cro-Magnons made a real technological revolution in stone processing. Long and narrow plates were broken off from the prismatic core, from which various tools were then made. The Cro-Magnons began the development and study of new materials and fossils - bones and horns, which are sometimes called the plastics of the Stone Age. They had huge differences, for example, they had lightness, plasticity and ease of processing. With the advent of bone needles, awls and piercings, fundamentally new possibilities appeared in the processing of skins and in the manufacture of clothing. Animal bones of impressive size also served as material for the dwellings of ancient hunters and fuel for hearths. The technical equipment of people has grown - spear throwers, bows and arrows have appeared.

Cro-Magnon people almost ceased to depend on natural shelters such as caves and rock shelters, as well as other structures. They actively developed, engaged in extensive construction of dwellings where they needed - this created additional opportunities for long-distance migrations and the development of new lands. Only among the Cro-Magnons for the first time art appears - rock art, figurines made of bone and stone. The first drawings on the walls of the caves depicted animals, and only later in ancient painting and plastic art do plots appear, in which a person becomes a participant.

At that time, such a direction as - Art, apparently of magical significance, was actively studied and developed. Images of animals are accompanied by signs of arrows and spears, designed to facilitate the upcoming hunt. As a result, we can say that modern man, in the guise that he has in the modern world, has largely acquired all the qualities and experience precisely from the Cro-Magnon. Even in ancient times, this species was actively searching for food, shelter, studied new fossils, and developed. It was this active development that contributed to the further improvement of civilization.

Human traits. 3 long epochs of the main species. Were any Australopithecus ancestors of humans. Let's consider each form separately. Zinjantrop. A group of fossil higher primates. Ethiopian Paranthropus. Australopithecus. Australopithecus African. Anatomy. Reconstruction of appearance. Australopithecus sediba. Hard vegetable fibres. Australopithecus Afar. Robustus. known forms.

"Characteristics of the Cro-Magnons" - The first people of the modern type. France. Lanyard hole. People of the modern type. The first modern humans are neoanthropes. Cro-Magnon art. Bone objects of the Mesolithic people. Cro-Magnons. Eneolithic tools. The evolution of hominids. Primitive art. Characteristics of the Cro-Magnons.

"The Predecessors of Man" - The correct sequence of branches. Australopithecus group. Feeding on insects. human predecessors. Stone tools. Natural selection. Hominoid superfamily. Hominid groups. Primates. A skilled man. Modern great apes. Origin of the genus Homo. Ancestral group of higher primates. Background of anthropogenesis. Human Origins. Explain the drawing. Herd lifestyle.

"Ancient people" - The volume of the brain. Neanderthals. A skilled man. Cro-Magnons. Australopithecus. Homo sapiens. Australopithecus. Homo habilis. Neanderthals were of average height. The phylogenetic series of man. Homo ergaster. Australopithecus moved to upright posture. The volume of the brain is equal. Dryopithecus lived in trees. Dryopithecus. Upright man. The main stages of anthropogenesis. Modern view of anthropogenesis.

"The Ancestors of Man" - Evidence of the relationship of man and monkeys. Vestigial organs. Morphological and anatomical evidence of the origin of man from animals. Ancient people. Neanderthals. Views on the origin of man. Types of Australopithecus. Big races. Melanoderma. The main stages of anthropogenesis. The emergence and development of man. The man got out of the water. The race of man. Australopithecus. Cro-Magnon. Human. Women should give birth in water.

"Australopithecines" - The structure of the skeleton of an African Australopithecus. fossil remains. Australopithecus African. Australopithecus Afar. group burial. Anatomy. Origin. Brain. duration of coexistence. Finds. Location. South African Australopithecus. Australopithecus. Physical characteristics. Robustus. famous finds. Paranthropus. Two incomplete skeletons of this species were found during excavations in Malapa Cave.

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