Bathing circle for babies. Circle around the neck for swimming baby swimmer


The baby's acquaintance with water procedures occurs in the first month of his life. Many mothers begin to bathe their crumbs immediately after discharge from the hospital, instilling in them a love of hygiene from an early age. In most cases, this process gives newborns pleasure, because the aquatic environment is familiar to them.

To make the stay in the bathroom even more exciting and useful for the baby, as well as save parents from additional trouble, modern appliances help. This category includes a circle for bathing newborns, which will be discussed in our article.

Appearance and design of the accessory

The device consists of two inflatable chambers of different diameters, one of which is located inside the other. At the back of the circle there are waterproof Velcro, and at the front there is a notch for the chin. The ends of the accessory are bred to the sides, and after putting on the baby's neck, they are fixed with clasps. High-quality products of this plan do not have external seams, which eliminates discomfort during their use.

The surface of the circle is usually transparent, and the lower part is painted in bright colors. To attract the attention of the crumbs, rattles and balls are placed inside the accessory. Some models of devices are equipped with comfortable handles, for which parents can pull the baby towards them or direct it in the right direction. Musical circles that entertain the baby in the process of bathing are very popular among parents today.

When can a circle be used?

Many parents are interested in the question of how many months to start getting to know the crumbs with the circle. Since the circle is intended, including for newborns, you can bathe a child in it in the first month of life. However, pediatricians advise to carry out water procedures only after the umbilical wound has healed. Up to this point, you can wipe the body of the newborn with a damp terry cloth and wash it under running water. As soon as the umbilical wound heals, bathing should become a familiar ritual for the baby. Of course, you should not put a circle on the baby before the first immersion in water. He needs to adapt to a new environment, to feel all the delights of swimming. This will take 1-2 weeks.

Ideally, you should teach your baby to swim in a circle from the age of one month, when the umbilical wound heals and the baby gets used to regular water procedures. However, some parents rush things and start bathing the baby in the first days of his life. If everything is in order with the navel of the newborn, then you can introduce him to the circle already at the age of two to three weeks. And it does not matter that the baby is not holding his head yet. Thanks to the design of the circle, the neck muscles of the baby do not have any load. On the contrary, due to the secure fixation of the head, the child feels more comfortable. The use of the accessory is permissible up to the age of two.

Terms of use

To begin with, we will tell you how to put on a bathing circle for newborns around the neck. This should be done before the child is immersed in water. If we are talking about a baby who is not yet able to sit up on his own, the participation of two adults will be required. One will hold the baby in an upright position, the second will put a circle around his neck. To do this, you need to unfasten the Velcro and spread the edges of the camera to the sides. Next, you should put the circle on the child so that his chin falls into a special recess. The final step will be fixing the fasteners, taking into account the tightness of the accessory to the neck.

Maria Nadtochey, teacher of the Healthy Swimming School: “The problem is that using the circle requires sleight of hand from parents to put it on and then take it off. A child taken out of the bathroom becomes supercooled very quickly, which can lead to broncho-pulmonary diseases. Therefore, before using the circle, adults need to think about how and in what environment they will shoot it.

Now let's talk about how to bathe a baby in a circle. The first step is to introduce your child to a new subject. Let the child look at him, listen to the ringing made by the rattles, touch the surface with his palm. If putting the device on the baby's neck is accompanied by his screams and indignation, you should postpone bathing until tomorrow. Perhaps the baby is just not in the mood or he is suffering from colic. If the situation repeats itself the next day, then swimming in a circle will have to be postponed. It is better to put it in the bowels of the closet for a couple of weeks, then to resume attempts.

Bathing a newborn with a circle should be done in a large tub so that the baby can move freely. It is also permissible to use the attribute in water bodies at a depth of no more than 1 meter. In this case, it is necessary to constantly hold the circle by the handles, without releasing it for a second. Bathing in the bathroom also requires the constant presence of adults. When diving with an accessory for the first time, you should demonstrate to the baby all its capabilities. To do this, you need to move the circle in different directions, deploy and twist it. Over time, the baby will independently learn to choose the direction, change the position of the body, turning over either on the back or on the tummy. Since swimming takes a lot of energy from a child, the first sessions should last no more than 10 minutes. Gradually, this time will increase along with an increase in the degree of activity of the crumbs.

Related video: First swim with a circle

The benefits and harms of swimming circles

It is worth noting that the doctors' reviews of swimming circles are positive. Swimming with them has a beneficial effect on the physical development of the baby, helping to strengthen the back muscles. Among other advantages from the use of devices, it is worth highlighting:

  • improvement of lung function and stabilization of intrathoracic pressure;
  • hardening and strengthening the immune system;
  • prevention of colic and constipation;
  • improvement of metabolic processes;
  • equalization of intracranial pressure;
  • relaxing properties.

The above properties are possessed by any water procedures and swimming with a circle in particular. However, in addition to all of the above, the use of the accessory helps to reduce muscle tone. It also develops the child's coordination and motor skills. Moreover, babies regularly swimming with a circle sit down and start walking earlier than those peers whom their parents bathed in a baby bath.

Evgenia, mother of one-year-old Sergey: “With the birth of a child, my husband and I began to think about purchasing a bathing circle. Before that, I consulted with two pediatric neurologists. One vehemently recommended the circle to us, speaking about its benefits for the health of the child, the opinion of the second was absolutely neutral. Having acquired a circle, I began to bathe my son in it from the age of one month. The kid was delighted, splashed in the bathroom for 40 minutes. They bathed like this for up to six months, until the son learned to sit on his own. By this time, the circle had become uncomfortable for him, because. he was already reaching the bottom with his legs. Now we are bathing our son in a special seat, and the circle was left for the second baby.

However, if a child has certain ailments, the use of an accessory can bring not benefit, but harm to a small organism. These include:

  • birth injuries (clavicle fracture, damage to the brachial plexus, etc.) during the recovery period;
  • congenital bullous epidermolysis;
  • the presence of pustular inflammation in the cervical region
  • hypertensive-hydrocephalic syndrome.

In conclusion, it is worth noting that the newborn bathing circle is a real find for parents and their children. Adults do not have to constantly bend over the bath, supporting the baby, and the crumbs feel more free and independent. Having drunk enough in the bathroom, they fall into a deep restful sleep. The process of swimming with a circle gives the child a lot of positive emotions, contributing to his full physical development. A satisfied smile of a healthy and active baby is the best gift for parents.

Do you want to see your baby happy, so that the bathing process is not a torture and test for you, but a torment for the baby? Find out about a wonderful swimming accessory that will strengthen the baby's nervous system and make the bathing process easier for parents.

Many parents will be at a loss, someone will be interested in this and they will ask questions: how to use such a device, is it safe for the baby and from what month of life should you start using the circle around your neck for?

Accessory for swimming

First, let's get acquainted with the external representation of this lotion. The circle on the neck is similar to the usual swimming circle for swimming in the sea or in the pool, only, of course, smaller in size. It consists of two chambers, inflated alternately and connected with Velcro to form a horseshoe-like shape.

And if they unfasten in the process of bathing? Calm down and do not worry, when buying from a good and reliable seller, such an idea will not arise at all, so the main rule when purchasing is not to save on the health of your own child!

The circle is fixed around the neck, there is a special notch for the chin, for a more comfortable and convenient stay in it. Outwardly, it is very beautiful, bright and attractive design will not leave anyone indifferent, moreover, various rattles and bells are often located inside. It greatly facilitates bathing for parents, since you do not need to constantly hold your head. It can be used even for those who do not yet know how to hold it on their own.

Such a device will help to significantly save on the purchase of a special bath for bathing, because thanks to the circle you can safely allow the baby to move right in the bath.

No need now to rush head to the store and buy the first available circle. It is not so safe for every baby on the planet, there are proper contraindications. This is exactly the same as tablets for adults, you should not even buy without consulting a specialist. First of all, it is necessary to visit the appropriate doctors: a pediatrician, a neuropathologist and an orthopedist. Only after acceptance is it possible to purchase, and then, with a very careful examination of all the details of the goods.

It is necessary to properly familiarize yourself with the material from which the circle is made. Check the presence of valves for air injection, their serviceability, and whether there are any damages, punctures and a strong chemical smell! If one of this list already confuses and misleads you, you should refuse such a purchase and choose a better product.

From what age is it possible to use

There are no exceptions in this matter, you can bathe even from birth. But, you should follow the pediatrician's advice about not recommending bathing a baby with a circle whose umbilical wound has not yet healed.

The average age for such initial bathing is 1-1.5 months from. The completion will be the period of the onset of the two-year age of the baby.


Turning to contraindications, the presence of the following factors should be taken into account:

  • viral and colds;
  • irritation in the neck and other skin diseases;
  • muscle tone in an increased or decreased state;
  • increased intracranial pressure;
  • diseases of the musculoskeletal system (fractures, dislocations);
  • recovery period after birth injuries;
  • rehabilitation after injuries of the cervical and collarbones.

Again, if your child does not have contraindications from this list, you should still consult a pediatrician. As soon as he gives you the full right to bathe with a circle around your neck.

Proper preparation for swimming and how to put on a circle

After purchasing the product, with a thorough check of it in the store, you need to get and carefully straighten the product, opening all the valves. Further, everything is simple, as with the usual inflating of circles for swimming, first of all, the small chamber is filled with air, then the large one.

Air should be blown in measured small portions in order to completely straighten the circle from kinks and cracks, while not pumping it to an excessively hard state. After the end of the process, you need to close the valves and bend them inside the circle. As a result, if the boundaries of the upper and lower bases of the circle and the contour inside it are viewed separately to secure the baby’s chin and neck, it means that you have done the job and can safely put it on.

The main and basic rule is to wear a circle only indoors and not on the water!

  1. to prevent the presence of dust and other microbes on the surface of the circle, it is necessary to wash it with soap and warm water;
  2. position the child facing you, this will allow you to correctly put the circle around your neck and at the same time allow you to see and control his emotional state;
  3. if the baby still does not know how to hold the head on its own, then the help of the second parent will be required, which will support and eliminate difficulties when putting on;
  4. unfasten the Velcro and take both parts of the circle in different directions;
  5. insert the child’s neck into the resulting enlarged hole so that the chin falls into its intended recess, put on a circle and carefully fasten the Velcro;
  6. at the end, make sure that the circle does not compress the airways! The optimal distance between the circle and the neck should be 3 mm;
  7. now that the circle is put on, you can start the process of bathing, gradually immerse it in water so as not to frighten the baby, already overwhelmed with emotions.

For a better acquaintance of the baby with the circle, buy it in the bath with him, after that, let him play already in the room, and then feel free to bathe together.

Don't let your baby bathe for too long

Measure seven times, cut one - it should also be with the baby in the circle. Before bathing, make sure that the Velcro fasteners are properly and firmly fastened again.

Before bathing a child, almost every mother reads a lot of information, comes up with something new to make her baby happy, to turn bathing into something fabulous, unforgettable, and this is not surprising. That is why they came up with special swimming circles, thanks to which you can bathe the child without worrying about anything, however, you should not let the child swim for too long, since he is in a circle, then more effort is made to move around, as a result, spend the first swim for not more than 10 minutes.

Such a small person should also have water safety measures, so do not use a swimming facility to a depth of more than one meter, do not pump or lean heavily on the circle when bathing a baby.

This circle is not a lifesaver! Be vigilant and do not leave your child without your attention! Any error and distraction, even for half a minute, will cost your child his life. Observe and, if necessary, support the baby with a hand under the stomach or back.


The vast majority of pediatricians advocate the use of this device. It maintains muscle tone, strengthens the immune system and nervous system, normalizes the digestive process and metabolism. In addition to the beneficial qualities that affect the body, thanks to such swimming, the baby learns to float on the water almost independently, and after that, with confidence, he will be able to learn to swim without any diligence and a circle, including.

Most parents are happy with such an acquisition, and only a small proportion of those who are disappointed or have received negative effects, and then, because of non-compliance with simple safety rules and not familiarizing themselves with contraindication factors.


There are no significant disadvantages affecting the health and integrity of the baby. But again, failure to comply with the simplest rules and regulations can lead to irreparable consequences.

  • Too long swimming with a circle significantly increases the load on the spine, which is why it is necessary to properly approach the duration of the swim.
  • In the presence of one of the contraindications, the circle can no longer be used.
  • It is not recommended for use if the child has a weak muscle tone.
  • Not suitable for chubby and fat children.

The opinion of Dr. Komarovsky

Well-known and eminent supports the opinions of the majority, who vote positively about the swim ring on the neck. After all, parents cannot do without it, the process of bathing takes a long and exhausting twenty or even thirty minutes, standing in a bent position, the lower back of poor mothers or fathers suffers.

Therefore, you can trust the look of Evgeny Olegovich and confidently acquire a swimming ring for bathing in the bath, thereby not harming your health.

Examples of exercises with a circle

Long swim with a circle

To make the bathing unforgettable and impressionable, it is worth taking such an amount of water that the baby cannot touch the bottom with his feet, and also cheer with toys or dilute bath foam. First of all, while the baby is small, you can hold it in your hands and thereby attract it behind you, so he will learn to turn around in the water and work both with his arms and legs at the same time. Complicate the task over time.

The most popular type of play is to take special bath toys, ducks or fish are ideal, spread them on the surface of the water and have the child collect them.

Another variant of the game will be a kind of "swim". Having brought the child to the side of the bath, place him parallel to the surface of the water, stretch his legs and ask him to push off the surface with force. Exercise to perform the entire length of the bath.

As already mentioned, for many parents, this is a relief during the procedure for the baby. There are many more pluses than negative points, so you can be sure to buy or not. The main thing to know is that this is not only convenience, but also the possibility of independent movement on the water of the baby.

In the following video, you will learn about injuries from using a circle on the neck when swimming with a child:

04 Feb 2018 357

It is no secret that manufacturers of various products actively use the desire of parents to give their baby everything that will help him to be healthy, beautiful and smart. Designer clothes, shoes made using space technologies, educational games. And now a fashionable novelty: a newborn child prodigy swims with the help of a special inflatable ring worn around his neck. Is there any benefit from such bathing and how to properly organize swimming in the bathroom for children?

Pediatricians have been advocating for early infant swimming training for over 60 years. It is difficult to find a more suitable way for kids to harden, strengthen the musculoskeletal system, develop the vestibular apparatus and the ability to control their body. An inflatable swimming circle for babies will help normalize muscle tone, especially if the child's muscle dystonia is not organic, but functional. It often occurs when using a pillow to sleep, when the child first tries to sit or stand up, especially if he is prematurely “hurried” by his parents.

Hypertonicity in newborns may be a consequence of the immaturity of the nervous system, excessive excitability. Regular swimming, not only in the pool, but also at home in the bathroom, will help relieve stress and improve sleep even without medication.

What is the difference between an inflatable circle for bathing babies and the usual "rescue" ones?

First, it is worn around the child's neck.. Thanks to this, in any position of the baby's body, his head is always above the water.

Secondly, along the inner circumference of the circle there is a special wide area for the chin, which does not allow the baby to press it to the chest, risking choking. This is very important, since flexion hypertonicity is observed in children up to at least three months of age. That is, the baby is constantly trying to assume the position in which he was in his mother's womb: bending his legs, arms and head and bringing them to his tummy. Practical tip: Always make sure that splash water does not accumulate on the chin rest.

Thirdly, at the back, an inflatable bathing circle for babies is securely fastened with adhesive tape fasteners. Also, with their help, you can adjust the density of coverage of the neck. But it is important to remember that the free ends of the circle must be pressed against each other, otherwise there is a risk that the child will choke when swimming in the supine position.

How to put on an inflatable swimming ring

1. Inflate the circle as described in the instructions for use. It should not be overly elastic. As a rule, in safe products there are several valves for air supply at once, which must be “drowned” inside.

2. The child must sit or stand facing an adult who puts on an inflatable swimming circle. So you can easily check that the special recess is exactly under the baby's chin. In addition, it is important to monitor the reaction of the baby when fastening the Velcro, so as not to squeeze the neck too much.

3. Stretch the free ends of the circle so that the child's neck can pass between them, and put it on. The younger the child, the more difficult it is for an adult to do this alone, especially if the baby cannot yet sit steadily on his own. And often you have to not only stretch the circle and hold the baby’s body at the same time, but also lift his head by the chin in order to shut the mouth that has not opened in time. After all, the baby so wants to try everything by mouth.

4. Continuing to hold the child's head in a slightly raised position by the chin, fasten the Velcro at the back. At the same time, make sure that there is a very small gap (about 3 mm) between the inner edges of the circle and the baby’s neck. In this position, while swimming, water will not leak out, and the trachea with blood vessels will not be squeezed.

How to organize a baby swim in the bathroom

There are no fundamental differences between the basic principles of organizing swimming and bathing children. It is only necessary to more thoroughly wash and rinse the walls of the bathroom from the detergent and make sure that there are no drafts in the room. If the baby likes to frolic in the water for a long time, it should be 1-2 degrees cooler so as not to cause overheating.

If the child does not sleep well or has difficulty falling asleep, it is recommended to schedule the child's bath with a circle in the evening. Water will give the necessary emotional release, give pleasure and bring a feeling of fatigue. Sleep after swimming will become stronger and calmer.

To which of the children is a circle around the neck for swimming contraindicated?

Despite the undeniable benefits of water procedures, it is not recommended to use an inflatable circle for swimming:

  • with increased intracranial pressure: with hypertension-hydrocephalic syndrome, with viral infections;
  • in the recovery period after a birth injury: fracture of the clavicle, damage to the brachial plexus with the development of plexitis;
  • with congenital bullous epidermolysis, in which even slight friction against the skin of an inflatable circle can cause the formation of extensive wounds;
  • if there are even single pustular elements on the neck - a temporary contraindication, until recovery.

In these cases, it is better to use the old proven way to support children on the water - the hands of parents.

Many parents of infants have heard or already use inflatable rings to bathe a child in the bath. Moms and dads find this device convenient and absolutely safe. Is it really?

Swimming circles - is there any benefit?

Baby care necessarily involves bathing. Daily water procedures are shown to all healthy babies, as they contribute to hygiene, development and normalization of all important systems of the growing body:

  • musculoskeletal,
  • cardiovascular,
  • nervous
  • digestive.

A novelty has gained great popularity among young mothers and fathers - a special bathing circle. The bravest of parents, without hesitation, Is a bathing circle harmful?, put them on already on monthly babies.
The baby bath rings are horseshoe shaped and consist of two independently inflating chambers. The device is equipped with a notch for the chin, Velcro at the top and bottom and looks quite reliable.

Looking at a contented floundering baby, it doesn’t even occur to me that a bathing circle can be harmful. It seems that independent swimming has some advantages:

  • it is convenient for the mother, because both her hands are free and she does not have to endure an uncomfortable position in order to hold the child and wash him at the same time;
  • the child does not freeze, as his body is completely immersed in water;
  • arms and legs work freely and actively, thereby strengthening the muscles;
  • ears are protected from water ingress;
  • reduced risk of getting it in the mouth.

It turns out that not everything is so rosy. Pediatricians warn that baby swimming circle convenient only for parents, the benefits for the baby are very doubtful.

Is a bathing circle harmful?

Pediatric neurologists and orthopedists concluded that swimming circle definitely brings harm. They talk about the likelihood of injury to the fragile children's neck with this type of swimming. Of all spinal injuries, the most severe are those of the cervical spine, even in adults.

Babies up to 2 months generally do not hold their heads well due to weak muscles and ligaments of the cervical spine. A peanut with a circle splashes freely in the water, turning from side to side, from stomach to back. The body, which is heavy enough for the neck, “hangs” at the same time on it like on a thread. When positioned on the tummy, the very flexible and vulnerable cervical region is unacceptably long for the baby to bend back. Possible injury contribute to:

  • spontaneous movements of the baby in the water with arms and legs;
  • collision of the side of the floating circle with the wall of the bath;
  • repulsion of the baby with legs from the bottom of the container.

Chaotic movements with the head fixed in a circle can lead to subluxation of the vertebrae, their pinching and even, in severe cases, whiplash.

Whiplash injury - what is it?

The very definition of "whiplash" suggests the cause of the damage. The whip usually makes movements in one direction, then sharply in the other. In a person, they talk about a whiplash injury of the neck when the head leans forward, then, for some reason, jerks back, or vice versa. In this case, damage to the ligaments and intervertebral joints occurs. Such injuries are common in car accidents. For a floundering baby with his weak neck, swimming with a circle is similar to such a situation.

The danger is that even a slight unnoticed injury to the neck, which happened when swimming in a circle in the first months of life and forgotten by everyone later, can lead to impaired blood supply to the brain. And then, as a consequence, to serious neurological disorders, diagnosed only by 2-3 years.

If parents really don’t want to give up the device that makes life easier for them, then proper bathing of a newborn requires certain conditions to be met:

  • the circle is used at the age of not earlier than 3 months;
  • swimming time - no more than 10 minutes;
  • there should be a lot of water in the bath;
  • the baby should swim on the back most of the time.

Most babies cry and get scared when a circle is fastened around their neck. Nature itself seems to suggest that such methods of navigation are undesirable and a bathing circle can be harmful.

Recently, it has become fashionable to teach children to swim from the first days of life. In large cities, mothers with monthly crumbs are engaged in the pool, reinforcing the innate reflex of holding their breath under water in babies. At the age of six months, such children swim and dive on their own, sometimes feeling more comfortable in the water than on land. But not every parent decides to go swimming with their baby, and those who wish often do not have the opportunity to visit the pool. But many children are very fond of water procedures, and I want them to enjoy and benefit from bathing. What to do? To help you - a circle for This safe device will make bathing not just a hygienic procedure, but a fun and rewarding experience. Massage, entertainment, gymnastics, play - all this is bathing a newborn with a circle. At what age can you start such classes and how to do it correctly and safely? About this in our article.

The design of such a circle is elementary - it is one or two round air chambers with inflation valves. There are usually two clasps and handles that parents can use to hold the fixture. In some models, manufacturers add an element of the game - rattles or bells that make sounds when the child moves. When choosing a circle, pay attention to the edges of its inner surface so that they do not injure the delicate skin of the baby's neck. There must be a protrusion for the chin. If all these conditions are met, it will be absolutely safe with the circle. At what age do you start? You decide.

Manufacturers on the packaging usually indicate the age from birth to two years. However, if you decide to use it for the first month of your baby's life, be careful not to let the baby "fall through" into the newborn bathing circle. Feedback from many mothers suggests that the hole for newly born babies is a bit large, and in the first month or two it is necessary to either support the baby's head all the time, or not use the circle at all until the baby's head reaches the appropriate size.

Even if your baby does not yet hold his head, bathing a newborn with a circle (at what age does not matter) is possible. During such swimming, a child does not require effort and tension of the neck muscles, this is not dangerous, because specialists take part in the development of the circles, and the products are tested when they enter the market.

Those mothers and fathers who have back problems that do not allow bathing their baby, bending over, will appreciate bathing a newborn with a circle. At whatever age you would start, just inflate the circle, put it on the child and lower the baby into the water. Your child will swim on his own, without your help, turning over from his tummy to his back and back. It is especially useful to carry out this procedure before going to bed - if the water is a little cooler than usual, the child will actively move and spend energy. After that, deep sleep is guaranteed. If the water is warm, the baby's muscles will relax.

An alternative to the circle can be a bathing cap for newborns. It consists of foam sheets lined with fabric and two strings held by the parent. A child in such a cap swims only on his back, unlike a circle. The circle can also be used when swimming in open water: river, lake, sea. In this case, be sure to be nearby, supporting the baby and watching the waves! The cap is not recommended for use in open water.

Bathing circles for babies are gaining more and more popularity and recognition from loving parents. Affordable price, ease of use, safety are the main characteristics of this device. And yet there are still mothers who doubt the need to buy a bathing circle, convinced that nothing can be safer and more reliable than their hands. But is it really so?

What is a circle?

The design of the bathing circle is an inflatable chamber, consisting of two horseshoe-shaped circles that do not communicate with each other. Both chambers must be inflated before use. On the one hand, there are two reliable Velcro fasteners on the top and bottom, which cannot be unfastened in water. The circle has a special notch under the chin so that the baby feels comfortable while bathing.

The upper part of the circle is usually transparent with many different patterns, while the lower part is painted in a bright color. Many models have balls and rattles designed to attract the attention of the child. And some manufacturers make the circles musical, when a special device is activated, a melody starts playing.

What is the use of a circle?

Circle exercises are facilitated by:

  • strengthening the back muscles, which positively affects the overall physical development of the child;
  • improvement of metabolic processes in the body, contributing to adaptation to the outside world;
  • alignment inside the chest pressure and "turning on" all parts of the lungs;
  • development of the immune system, its hardening and strengthening;
  • prevention of constipation and colic;
  • normalization of intracranial pressure;
  • relaxation of the baby.

Water procedures in general and with a circle in particular are best done before bedtime. Hydrotherapy relaxes the muscles, and this is the key to a good night's sleep.

Children who regularly spend 15-30 minutes in the bathroom develop faster: they begin to sit, stand, walk earlier. And since it is difficult to hold a baby in your arms for a long time, the circle is a great helper.

Classes with a circle are relevant for children with impaired muscle tone. Swimming in a circle develops the motor skills and coordination of the child's movements.

Is it safe to swim with a circle and how to choose one?

Before use, the circle must be inflated, check whether it descends. After that, it is recommended to wash it with warm water and soap and dry it.

The circle tightly fits the neck, preventing the child's head from popping out of it, which allows him to stay afloat. At the same time, there is absolutely no load on the child’s neck and spine, but on the contrary, only benefit. Many circles are equipped with special handles for which parents can guide the baby. In such a circle, the child can freely roll over from the back to the stomach and back.

The first immersion of a child in a bath with a circle should take place at home in compliance with all safety measures. You need to put on the circle slowly, so as not to frighten the baby, lower it carefully into the water. Water should be at the usual temperature. It is better if someone will help during this procedure, to occupy and distract the child. If the child begins to act up, you should immediately pull him out of the water and remove the circle from the neck.

The purchase of this device must be carried out in large stores from trusted manufacturers. This is the only way you can be sure that the material from which the swimming circles are made is completely safe and non-toxic.

High-quality circles have strong walls and reliable fasteners that protect the baby from diving into the water. Properly made notch under the chin makes bathing comfortable.

However, there are not conscious manufacturers who want to save on production. In order to avoid purchasing a low-quality accessory, when buying, you should carefully inspect the product for damage, check its integrity. If the rattles get stuck, there are seams inside the small circle, the fasteners are not strong and there is a strong chemical smell - this is a reason to refuse to buy this item. A quality product should be packaged in a box, have a smooth finish and low odor.

Hello dear parents! We all want our kids to grow up strong and happy. But are we doing everything for this? It turns out that few people know that the usual daily procedures can actually be turned into useful and interesting activities that will subsequently serve as a real foundation for the health of the crumbs.

One of these is swimming. It can be carried out easily and simply, using a simple device. His name is an inflatable circle around the neck for bathing newborns. You can always buy it in specialized stores. The main thing is to choose the right one, as well as study the contraindications and features of use.

Practicing pediatricians have been talking about the need for early swimming for more than half a century, and they give quite weighty arguments in favor of their point of view.

Such pastime:

  • strengthens and develops the musculoskeletal and vestibular apparatus;
  • involves all muscle groups, thanks to which the baby masters motor skills faster (crawling, walking);
  • activates metabolic processes;
  • improves digestion and prevents colic and constipation;
  • contributes to the full disclosure of the lungs;
  • teaches you to control your body;
  • exhausting, helping children sleep soundly.

Moreover, it can be organized from the first days of a child's life in his own bathroom. The main thing is to comply with all conditions and ensure safety. How? Just with the help of an inflatable circle around the neck.

Bright and practical, it not only "frees the hands" of parents, but also relieves them of the typical problems inherent in caring for a newborn. For the most part, they come down to pain in the back and arms, due to constant tension and holding the child who is getting out. That is why he is popular.

2. When can it be used

Many people ask the question: “From what month of a baby’s life can an inflatable ring be used for swimming?”. So here it is worth mentioning that it all depends on its variety.

The fact is that there are products that are designed for children from birth to two years. In fact, it is better to use them if the baby's weight is 3 - 9 kg. How much do they cost? It depends on the manufacturer and the quality as well as their functionality.

3. Benefits of a neck circle

Is it possible to buy a regular circle and use it to bathe a newborn? No, because he simply will not be able to provide proper security. Judge for yourself: a special one is put on the child's neck, so that in any position the baby's head will be above the water.

In addition, it has a chin pad that prevents the baby from choking. The main thing is to make sure that water does not accumulate on it when bathing.

Where to buy a circle on the neck for newborns? In proven places, because the life of a child depends on it. I really like this store: They have a wide range and good prices.

4. Neck circle for swimming: instruction manual

The rules for using such a device are very often contained on its packaging. If they were not indicated by the manufacturer, you can always focus on the generally accepted ones.

So, how to use the circle on the neck for swimming:

  1. It is better not to take out a bathing circle for newborns brought in from the frost from the package until it warms up to room temperature. Otherwise, it may crack.
  2. Before the first use, it must be removed from the packaging, straightened and washed thoroughly with soap and water.
  3. It is important to follow the order of inflating the bathing circle. It has 2 separate chambers that need to be inflated in turn (first the bottom one, then the top one).
  4. You need to bathe the baby with him in a regular adult bath, otherwise he will not be able to actively move.
  5. Water should be poured so much that the child can swim, starting from the bottom with his legs. If it is too small, as a result of which he will have to lie down, he is unlikely to appreciate such a procedure.
  6. If the baby started crying when using the circle for the first time, it is better to postpone it for a few days.

Despite all the precautions and the structure of the product itself, in no case should a child be left in the water with a circle alone!

5. How to put on a swimming circle

First of all, you need to put the child facing you and turn the circle so that the special recess under the chin falls into place. One more hand, which will hold the baby, is not superfluous in this matter.

Stretch the free ends of the product so that the child's neck passes between them, and put it on.

Make sure that when fastening the Velcro, they do not squeeze it (there should be a gap between the inside of the circle and the neck of 2-3 mm), and the chin has taken its place.

6. Contraindications

You can not use a circle for swimming on the neck:

  • with increased intracranial pressure;
  • viral infections;
  • bullous epidermolysis;
  • the presence of pustules on the neck;
  • after fractures, dislocations and some birth injuries.

You can personally see the benefits of using a neck bathing circle thanks to this video:

7. Reviews


My husband and I chose the most beautiful circle, but the child did not like it. Never tried it, cried all the time.


I read the reviews and bought this swim ring. True, my daughter was already two months old, but her happiness knew no bounds. I splashed in the water for 40 minutes.


We had a lot of neurological problems. Doctors advised a circle in addition to the main therapy and everything worked out.

Therefore, do not be afraid to use the circle to bathe your baby! And also share this article on social networks and subscribe to our updates! See you later!

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