Round table "Museum and problems of cultural tourism". Round table - in a unique museum


On February 28, a round table meeting on the exhibition was held at the Andrei Rublev Museum "Water Images in Christian Art". The exhibition opened at the museum at the end of 2016 and was dedicated to the images of water in Christian art. As experts note, a wide range of various monuments, united by symbolic, allegorical, metaphorical images of water, makes it possible to trace different semantic aspects of its interpretation in Christian iconography.

In the Old Testament, water is the element from which, according to the Creator's plan, the first living beings appeared. She also acts as an instrument of God's wrath in the history of the Flood. In the New Testament, the meaning of water takes on a deeper philosophical content. This is, first of all, a symbol of spiritual purification associated with one of the most important events that all evangelists narrate about. At the exhibition, this plot was illustrated by a number of monuments, the oldest of which is the icon " Epiphany» of the end of the 15th century from the collection of the museum.

One of the themes associated with the New Testament symbolism of water is the depiction of springs, which, with all the variety of meanings, interpretations and interpretations, are associated with the idea of ​​spiritual salvation. In the lives of the saints, the water element is a common motif. Some saints, like the Old Testament Moses, control the water element, others perform their martyrdom in the waters, miraculously move on the water, save the drowning or appear on the waters to people. The exhibition featured about 70 diverse and rare works of Russian and European art of the late 15th - early 20th century from the collection of the Andrei Rublev Museum, corporate and private collections. In addition to icons, the exhibition includes works of graphics, monumental painting and decorative and applied art.

Round table on the exhibition " Images of water in Christian art aroused great interest among specialists. The event was attended by both Moscow art historians and guests from Sergiev Posad, Yaroslavl, Borovsk and other cities. Director of the Andrei Rublev Museum M.B. Mindlin delivered a welcoming speech to the participants of the meeting. Part of the reports of the round table was devoted to art history problems, the other - to the sacralization of water in the culture of the Old Believers of Tuva, Karakalpakia and Pechora. During the round table meeting, the following reports were made:

  • S.A. Kiryanova — « The image of the source in the icons "The origin of the honest trees of the Cross of the Lord

  • N.I. Komashko— « On Western European Sources of the Late Version of the Iconography of Our Lady Life-Giving Spring» (Museum named after Andrey Rublev);
  • IN AND. Osipov — « The Image of Water in the Life of Archpriest Avvakum» (Museum of the History and Culture of the Old Believers, Borovsk);

  • E.Ya. Zotova— « A mysterious source on a Moscow copper-cast icon Apostle John the Theologian and his disciple Prochorus» (Museum named after Andrey Rublev);
  • M.A. Chernov— « Sacralization of water among the Old Believers-chapels in the upper reaches of the Yenisei (Republic of Tuva)" (Magazine " Antiques. Art and collectibles»);

  • E.S. Danilko — « The Darya River and Holy Water: Religious Practices of the Old Believers - "Urals"» (Institute of Ethnography of the Academy of Sciences);
  • T.S. Kaneva, A.V. Afanasiev — « Water in the folk traditions of Ust-Tsilma» (Syktyvkar State University).

All messages evoked a lively response from the round table participants, who asked questions and actively participated in the discussions. The materials of the round table are supposed to be published in the next volume of the Museum Proceedings.


The State Hermitage is a recognized leader in organizing the most diverse forms of professional communication between museum staff. For decades, special classes, seminars, conferences, round tables on research work, storage organization, and restoration have been held. In recent years, in the new historical and economic conditions, topical issues of implementing development programs, image policy, strengthening public relations, special programs for various categories of visitors: children's, school, student audiences, Russian and foreign tourists have become an object of close attention.

The State Hermitage Museum, one of the few museums that has recognized tourists as an independent category of visitors, has created a department that works in a very responsible area for the preparation and implementation of the museum's "tourist product". The Department of Tourism and Special Programs of the State Hermitage initiated a round table discussion on the preparation and implementation of special programs for visitors in museums. The first Round Table "The Museum and the Problems of "Cultural Tourism"" was held at the State Hermitage Museum in April 2003 and was timed to coincide with the celebration of the 300th anniversary of St. Petersburg. It was attended by employees of St. Petersburg's leading museums and representatives of travel companies. The participants of the First Round Table recognized the relevance of the topic, proposed to make such meetings regular and, which is highly desirable, to prepare publications of a scientific and methodological nature.

A feature of the Second Round Table (2004) was a significant expansion of the circle of participants: employees of the museums of Kaliningrad, Arkhangelsk, Staraya Ladoga, other cities of Russia and sociologists took an active part in its work, bringing their vision of the actual problems of the museum's work with various categories of visitors. As a kind of summing up the work of the Round Table, a collection of materials was published, each article of which provided a reason for the formation of an independent special program. Since 2004, the publication of round table materials has become an annual event.

In April 2005, for the third time, the State Hermitage held an annual Round Table "The Museum and the Problems of "Cultural Tourism"". Museum practice has confirmed the relevance of the proposed topics, and every year the spaces of a fairly new problem for domestic museums began to expand. Traditionally, the agenda of the meetings of the Third Round Table included both theoretical reports and messages from museum staff on specific special programs. A certain emphasis was placed on the peculiarities of the work of "small" museums. The audience of the Round Table has grown significantly: foreign colleagues shared their experience and suggestions. Thus, the problems of "cultural tourism" were already considered by the participants in the context of world theory and practice.

On April 27, 2006 the Fourth Round Table "Museum and problems of "cultural tourism"" was held. The emphasis was placed on the specifics of tourist programs for children. The event brought together employees of leading museums in Russia, representatives of travel associations and companies, teachers of St. Petersburg universities. The topics of the Round Table have expanded significantly. Museum employees, teachers of higher educational institutions of the city, foreign colleagues made presentations and reports. For the first time, a guest from Australia (V. Soloukhin Literary and Theater Society) took part in the work of the Round Table. Such interest of foreign colleagues in the event emphasized that the results achieved by Russian museums, in turn, are of interest to the practice of international tourism.

The program of the Fifth Round Table (2007) included presentations on "hyperprojects" aimed at developing inter-museum communications and creating joint special programs.

In 2008, the Round Table "Museum and the Problems of "Cultural Tourism"" was included in the extensive museum program of celebrating the 100th anniversary of the birth of Academician Boris Borisovich Piotrovsky (1This Round Table clearly showed that along with an increase in the number of speakers, a group of regular participants in the event was formed, each message of which reveals new facets in the creative process of working with tourism projects.Representatives of Russian museums (Arkhangelsk, Kazan, Yekaterinburg, Petrozavodsk and others) are increasingly involved in the work.

In 2009, the Round Table became the seventh in a row.

The agenda was opened by a message from an employee of the Hermitage-Kazan Center, which is significant in its own way, since this year the State Hermitage opened another center - the Hermitage-Vyborg, and which has already become well known as the object of the tourist show Hermitage-Amsterdam ”, moved to a new, higher orbit, opening the first exhibition in the completely renovated Amstelhof building.

A feature of the Round Table held this year was the abundance of serious theoretical generalizations about the general problems of cultural tourism, the tourist potential of the city and the special role of the tourism component in the activities of museums.

Traditionally, the basis of the agenda was made up of reports presenting the results of the implementation of specific projects in specific circumstances. As always, the geography of the cultural institutions represented was surprising; in addition to numerous participants from St. Petersburg and Moscow were represented: Arkhangelsk, Kazan, Petrozavodsk, Ufa, Yaroslavl. It is interesting to combine cultural institutions of different nature in one project, for example, a theater and a museum. Employees from European museums presented their creative applications: Kassel (Germany) and Thessaloniki (Greece).

The Eighth Round Table in 2010 coincided with a significant date. In the year of the 65th anniversary of the victory in the Great Patriotic War, a special place was occupied in the program by the reports of the employees of the Kulikovo Field State Military Historical and Natural Museum-Reserve, the St. Isaac's Cathedral State Museum-Monument, the Battle of Borodino Panorama Museum military glory of Russia.

For the first time in all the years of the event, applications for presentations with reports were sent by 37 people, so the VIII Round Table, unlike all the previous ones, was held for two days.

In 2011, for the ninth time, the State Hermitage brought together at the Round Table representatives of cultural institutions, higher educational institutions and the tourism industry interested in creating new joint projects. For the first time, the discussion was attended by a representative of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation and Alan Watson, Lord Richmond, head of the consulting company CTN Communications, honorary chairman of the International Council of the Union of English Speakers, Lord Steward of the University of Cambridge.

It is noteworthy that this year many reports were prepared not by one, but by two or three authors.

In 2012, the Round Table will be the tenth in a row and, according to a good tradition, will be held over two days.

A wide range of specialists demand publications of reports and reports made in the Hermitage; The number of copies produced is increasing every year.

Round table on the topic: "Problems of medical education in the Russian Federation" was held at the Museum of the History of Medicine of Sechenov University

There are a lot of museums in Moscow, but this most important for a person is the Museum of the History of Medicine of Sechenov University. That is why it was here that, as part of the planned events, a round table was held on the topic: "Problems of medical education in the Russian Federation." The meeting was attended by the Minister of Health of the Russian Federation Veronika Skvortsova, Chairman of the State Duma Committee on Health Protection Dmitry Morozov, representatives of the Association "Council of Rectors of Medical Pharmaceutical Higher Educational Institutions", deputies of the State Duma of the Russian Federation.

The museum presented reports by the Director of the Department of Medical Education and Personnel Policy in Healthcare of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation Tatyana Semyonova on the topic “New Challenges in the System of Continuous Medical Education”, Chairman of the Association “Council of Rectors of Medical Pharmaceutical Higher Educational Institutions”, Rector of the First Moscow State Medical University named after I.M. Sechenov Petr Glybochkon on the topic “Improving the legislation of the Russian Federation in terms of implementing additional professional education programs” and Oleg Salagay, director of the Department of Public Health and Communications of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation on the topic “Development of volunteering and volunteering in healthcare”.

This time I managed to "kill two birds with one stone" - not only to become a member of the round table, but also to visit the halls of a unique museum. The Museum of the History of Medicine of the First Moscow State Medical University named after I.M. Sechenov was established in 1990 and stores about 80,000 exhibits in its funds. These are the memorial funds of outstanding figures of Russian medicine, the richest collection of medical instruments of the 18th-20th centuries, a collection of medals, tokens, badges related to medicine, a collection of pictorial and sculptural portraits of leading figures in medical science, a unique collection of books and teaching aids. Being a structural subdivision of the First Moscow State Medical University named after I.M. Sechenov, the museum regularly conducts thematic excursions for medical students and high school students, as well as sightseeing tours for everyone. The uniqueness of the museum is due to its location, and the content of the collection, and the nature of the services provided. The museum is located in the building of the General Clinical Outpatient Clinic named after Alekseeva, built in 1896 according to the project of the architect K. M. Bykovsky on the territory of the Clinical Town on the Devichye Pole. The building is an architectural monument.

The exposition "History of Russian Medicine from 1755 to 1940s" contains a portrait gallery of prominent figures of Russian medicine, whose names were associated with the history of the university. These are M. Ya. Mudrov, N. I. Pirogov, S. P. Botkin, I. M. Sechenov and others. Here you can also see the rarities of the museum collection: a set of tools designed by N. I. Pirogov, the head of an ancient Egyptian mummy, a gas analyzer created by I. M. Sechenov.

Hearing tested with this instrument

The history of the formation of medical education in Russia is represented by the first textbooks, unique medical instruments, devices, macro- and micropreparations of the 18th-20th centuries. Museum exhibits introduce the activities of prominent representatives of domestic medicine, such as F.I. Inozemtsev, G.A. Zakharyin, N.F. Filatov, N.A. Semashko and others. The memorial office of Professor V.D. Shervinsky - therapist, pathologist, founder of domestic endocrinology.

The exposition “Warriors in white coats. The history of medicine during the Great Patriotic War” was opened on the occasion of the 70th anniversary of the Great Victory. Interactive elements contribute to immersion in the atmosphere of wartime. A map of the USSR and Europe of 1941 is presented on the multi-touch table. By clicking on the dots on the map, visitors will be able to find out the history of universities during the war, whose graduates became military doctors. Thanks to doctors, more than 72 percent of the wounded soldiers were returned to duty. In contrast to these points are black marks - Nazi concentration camps, where fascist criminals conducted medical experiments on people. The installation in the tent shows a typical picture of the operation close to the front line. In similar conditions, in 1942, military doctor A. Razdyakonov carried out a unique operation to extract an unexploded mine from the body of a fighter. And the defused mine is on display.

One of the interactive showcases is dedicated to the feat of N. Troyan. She was awarded the Gold Star of the Hero of the Soviet Union for her participation in the operation to eliminate Hitler's governor in Belarus, Wilhelm Kube. After the war, N.V. Troyan was the vice-rector of the university. In the museum you can see the exposition "Memorial Cabinet of the Hero of the Soviet Union Nadezhda Viktorovna Troyan".

The basis of the museum's collection was made up of documents and monuments, carefully preserved by the staff of the Department of the History of Medicine of the university. The relics that were in clinics, educational departments of the university, family archives of teachers and doctors were also transferred to the museum. These are personal archives, libraries, furniture, photographs of famous clinicians and scientists, rare medical textbooks and manuals, anatomical atlases of the 16th-20th centuries, printed publications, a collection of dissertations, medical periodicals, alumni albums, devices, medical signs and commemorative medals. .

Of particular value are the memorial funds of outstanding scientists and doctors of the 19th-20th centuries - Sechenov and Korsakov, Serbsky and Karuzin, Shervinsky and Shaternikov, Minor and Konchalovsky, Spasokukotsky and Barykin, Priorov and Tareev, Abrikosov and Kovanov, Myasnikova, - says the director of the museum Galina Sinyaeva . - The collection of the Museum of the History of Medicine contains a unique collection, which is more than 2,000 items of storage of genuine medical instruments of the late 18th-20th centuries related to various fields of medicine. The equipment of the well-known at the end of the 19th century acoustic cabinet of the Yu. commission for improving the life of scientists. The museum exhibits artifacts that have been preserved in a single copy: monuments of culture and medical science, books, autographs, letters and manuscripts of leading figures of domestic medicine.

  1. Scientific session of the Seminar “Open Science. 2.0" in the House-Museum of M. Yu. Lermontov: report by K. V. Sarycheva "Lermontov and Goethe: on the issue of self-determination of the Russian poet"
    January 12, 2017
  2. Round table “Metamorphoses. Umka-translator » at the Museum of the Silver Age
    January 18, 2017
  3. Scientific session of the Seminar “Open Science. 2.0" in the House-Museum of M. Yu. Lermontov: report by A. Kalinina "Somatic vocabulary in the early lyrics of A. Akhmatova"
    February 02, 2016
  4. Scientific session of the Seminar “Open Science. 2.0” at the House-Museum of M. Yu. Lermontov: lecture by I. A. Kiseleva “The Theology of Nature in Lermontov’s Works”
    February 16, 2016
  5. Conference "Literary Links" based on the results of the scientific work of the GLM staff in 2016 in the House-Museum of A.P. Chekhov
    February 13, 2017
  6. Meeting of the Mandelstam Society "Osip Mandelstam and Moscow" in the House of I. S. Ostroukhov in Trubniki
    February 17, 2017
  7. Scientific meeting "The image of the Kamarinsky peasant in Dostoevsky and the contradictions of the Russian mentality" in the Museum-apartment of F. M. Dostoevsky
    February 26, 2017
  8. Scientific session of the Seminar “Open Science. 2.0” at the House-Museum of M. Yu. Lermontov: lecture by E. V. Glukhova “Lermontov in Religious-Philosophical and Symbolist Criticism at the Turn of the 19th-20th Centuries. »
    March 15, 2017
  9. Round table "Journal controversy as a phenomenon of Russian thought of the 19th century" in the Museum-apartment of F. M. Dostoevsky
    March 16, 2017
  10. Scientific session of the Seminar „Open Science. 2.0" in the House-Museum of M. Yu. Lermontov: lecture by N. N. Puryaeva "The myth of the cavalry girl: the image of N. Durova in Russian literature"
    March 23, 2017
  11. Scientific meeting "Alexander Zinoviev and Dostoevsky" in the Museum-apartment of F. M. Dostoevsky
    March 23, 2017
  12. Scientific meeting "Ukrainian Slavophilism": "Ukrainophilism" in the context of Russian social thought in the 1840s - 1860s. in the Museum-apartment of F. M. Dostoevsky
    March 29, 2017
  13. Scientific meeting dedicated to the 135th anniversary of the birth of K. I. Chukovsky in the House-Museum of K. I. Chukovsky
    April 01, 2017
  14. Joint conference of the House of Russian Diaspora named after A. Solzhenitsyn and the House-Museum of A. I. Herzen, dedicated to the grandson of A. I. Herzen - the surgeon P. A. Herzen in the House-Museum of A. I. Herzen
    April 05, 2017
  15. International Youth Conference "Eichenbaum Readings" in the House-Museum of M. Yu. Lermontov and the House of I. S. Ostroukhov in Trubniki
    April 07-08, 2017
  16. Round table "Revolution in children's literature" in the House of I. S. Ostroukhov in Trubniki
    April 27, 2017
  17. Round table "Museification of Darovoy Dostoevsky in the strategy and prospects of the Museum" Zaraisky Kremlin "" together with the researchers of the Museum "Zaraisky Kremlin" in the Museum-apartment of F. M. Dostoevsky
    May 17, 2017
  18. Conference dedicated to the 125th anniversary of K. G. Paustovsky in the House-Museum of A. P. Chekhov
    May 30, 2017
  19. Round table within the framework of the exhibition "Literary Atlantis" in the House of I. S. Ostroukhov in Trubniki
    June 16, 2017
  20. Scientific meeting within the framework of the XXXIII session of the Creative Problematic Seminar of Directors of Literary Museums of Russia. N. V. Shakhalova in the Museum of the Silver Age
    June 24, 2017
  21. Series of meetings "Consciousness aloud". Journey into Oral History. Guest - Nikolai Aleksandrovich Formozov, leading researcher at the Faculty of Biology of Moscow State University, researcher of the history of the GULAG in the House-Museum of B. L. Pasternak
    July 8, 2017
  22. Literary meetings "Poems an sich" in the House-Museum of B. L. Pasternak
    July 16, September 17, October 22, November 5, 2017
  23. "Draft biography of Boris Pasternak". Skype meeting with Rachel Licht, compiler of the database on the life and work of B. L. Pasternak, at the B. L. Pasternak House-Museum
    July 29, 2017
  24. "'Bottles in Vivonne' or what is hidden in the text of Marcel Proust". Conversation with the translator of Marcel Proust Elena Baevskaya in the House-Museum of B. L. Pasternak
    August 6, 2017
  25. Meeting with Ron Jones, addressee of Boris Pasternak's letter, at the B. L. Pasternak House-Museum
    August 10, 2017
  26. "Strugatsky Readings" in the House of I. S. Ostroukhov in Trubniki
    August 26, 2017
  27. Round table on Russian literature 1970–2000s. Lecture by Sergei Chuprinin at the House of I. S. Ostroukhov in Trubniki
    August 29, 2017
  28. Round tables on contemporary poetry “All Moscow. General collection "in the House of I. S. Ostroukhov in Trubniki
    3 and 8 September 2017
  29. Meeting of the Chekhov Commission under the Scientific Council for the History of World Literature of the Russian Academy of Sciences in the House-Museum of A.P. Chekhov
    September 7, 2017
  30. Scientific meetings jointly with the IMLI RAS on the preparation and organization of the International Conference "New about Tolstoy" in the Museum-apartment of A. N. Tolstoy
    September 9 and 21, October 17, November 14, 2017
  31. Round table "School Robinsonade" in the House-Museum of M. M. Prishvin
    September 17, 2017
  32. Round table for school teachers, organized by the scientific and methodological department of the GLM at the Museum of the Silver Age
    September 22, 2017
  33. Scientific session “Old Believers and Literature. The search for Holy Rus' at Mikhail Kuzmin (according to the diaries of the writer 1905 - 1907)”. By Elena Alexandrovna Ageeva, senior researcher at the Museum of History of Moscow State University. M. V. Lomonosov, curator of the theme "Old Believers" in the "Orthodox Encyclopedia", in the House-Museum of B. L. Pasternak
    September 23, 2017
  34. Series of meetings "Man in other people" in the House-Museum of B. L. Pasternak
    September 30, November 18, December 30, 2017
  35. Russian-American round table "Literary life of the 1990s: ideas and people" in the House of I. S. Ostroukhov in Trubniki
    October 13, 2017
  36. Round table for language teachers in the House-Museum of A.P. Chekhov
    October 18, 2017
  37. Lecture by RGGU Professor A. G. Gotovtseva “Myths of St. Helena” within the framework of the seminar “Open Science. 2.0" in the House-Museum of M. Yu. Lermontov
    October 20, 2017
  38. Meeting of the Shakespeare Society in the House-Museum of B. L. Pasternak
    October 21, December 09, 2017
  39. "Open seminar" in the House-Museum of B. L. Pasternak. Spiritual Implications. About T. Merton's essay about Pasternak, which was not published in Russian. In the essay, Merton examines the "Pasternak case" in the light of the confrontation between Christianity and totalitarianism. Scientific report by Elena Vaneyan
    October 25, 2017
  40. Scientific meeting dedicated to the day of memory of K. I. Chukovsky in the House-Museum of K. I. Chukovsky
    October 28, 2017
  41. Round table on the problems of exposition in the Literary Museum in conjunction with the Lomonosov School in the House-Museum of A.P. Chekhov
    November 2, 2017
  42. Scientific meeting “2017–1837. 180 years ago. At the Dostoevskys on Bozhedomka" in the Museum-apartment of F. M. Dostoevsky
    November 11, 2017
  43. Scientific session “Revolutionaries of Dostoevsky (based on the novel “Demons”). To the 100th Anniversary of the “March Breeze” Speech by V. M. Eremina at the Museum-Apartment of F. M. Dostoevsky >
    November 15, 2017
  44. Scientific session "The Revolution and the Fate of the Country in Russian Literature from Dostoevsky's "Demons" to Bunin's Cursed Days". Speech by N. K. Simakov at the Museum-apartment of F. M. Dostoevsky
    November 19, 2017
  45. Teacher's Day in Peredelkino. Natalia Leskis: "Boris Pasternak and Arseniy Tarkovsky: intersection of themes, genres, worldview", in the B. L. Pasternak House-Museum
    November 19, 2017
  46. Scientific meeting "European topic of the day" and "Russian solution of the issue". Speech by B. N. Tarasov at the Museum-apartment of F. M. Dostoevsky
    November 22, 2017
  47. Scientific session "Demons": film versions of the 20th - 21st centuries" Speech by L. I. Saraskina in the Museum-apartment of F. M. Dostoevsky
    November 26, 2017
  48. III International Scientific Conference "Alexey Tolstoy: Personality in the Context of the Epoch", together with IMLI im. A. M. Gorky, in the Museum-apartment of A. N. Tolstoy
    November 29 - December 01, 2017
  49. Scientific seminar "New in parsnip studies" in the House-Museum of B. L. Pasternak. Performances by Elena Vladimirovna Pasternak, Lazar Fleishman and Paolo Mancoso
    December 01, 2017
  50. Round table dedicated to Chinese poetry, with the participation of Mikhail Eremin and Yang Xiaobin at the Museum of the Silver Age
    December 03, 2017
  51. Scientific message "...While maintaining dignity." Correspondence of Vasily Aksenov. With a review and comments of Aksenov's correspondence of the late 40s and early 90s. of the last century, a literary critic, a friend of Vasily Aksenov in recent years and his representative in Russian publishing houses and editorial offices, Viktor Esipov, spoke at the B. L. Pasternak House-Museum
    December 9, 2017
  52. Round table "Museum and school: ways of interaction" in the House-Museum of K. I. Chukovsky
    December 9, 2017
  53. Round table "How to show literature and a writer at a modern exhibition?" as part of the Finishing of the exhibition dedicated to the 125th anniversary of M. I. Tsvetaeva "A soul that knows no limits ..." in the House of I. S. Ostroukhov in Trubniki
    December 14, 2017
  54. Open seminar "Stanislav Neuhaus and Boris Pasternak" in the House-Museum of B. L. Pasternak. Report by Marina Kuzicheva
    December 14, 2017
  55. "Teacher's Day in Peredelkino". Speech by the teacher of the "School on Khavskaya" Igor Markovkin in the House-Museum of B. L. Pasternak
    December 17, 2017

15:52 22.03.17

Program of the XV Round table "Museum and problems of cultural tourism"

When and where: from 6 to 7 April, St. Petersburg. XV Round table "Museum and problems of cultural tourism" April 6-7, 2017 PROGRAM April 6, 2017 (Thursday) Venue - State Hermitage Museum, Restoration and Storage Center "Old Village", Lecture Hall Address: St. Zausadebnaya, 37 "A", metro station "Staraya Derevnya" 9.30 - 10.00. Registration of participants of the Round table 10.00 - 13.00. Morning session of M.B. Piotrovsky, General Director of the State Hermitage. Greetings to the participants of the Round Table. EAT. Sirakanyan, Head of the State Hermitage Development Service. Greetings to the participants of the Round Table. Moderators: O.B. Arkhipova (State Hermitage), V.M. Akhunov (State Russian Museum), N.S. Zhukova (GMZ "Tsarskoye Selo") Reports and reports: 1. Matveev A.V., Mukhina A.V. (Omsk Regional Museum of Fine Arts named after MA Vrubel) Events to promote the Hermitage-Siberia Center project. 2015-2016 2. Datsenko S.A. (Exhibition Center "Hermitage Amsterdam") Killing success - Exhibition "1917. The Romanovs and the Revolution. End of the Monarchy" in the exhibition center "Hermitage Amsterdam". 3. Tikhonova M.S. (State Historical, Architectural and Art Museum-Reserve "Kazan Kremlin", Center "Hermitage-Kazan") Creation and implementation of museum and educational programs at temporary exhibitions. Experience of the Hermitage-Kazan Center. 4. Manokhina M.A. (State Historical, Architectural and Art Museum-Reserve "Kazan Kremlin", Center "Hermitage-Kazan") Presentation of intangible and tangible cultural heritage at the exhibition "Journey of Ibn Fadlan. The Volga way from Baghdad to Bulgar" in the Center "Hermitage-Kazan". 5. Siats R.I. (European Cultural Tourism Network, Brussels, Belgium) European Cultural Tourism Network and Cultural Routes. 6. Ozerova D.E. (Museum of the history of the city of Yaroslavl) "UNESCO unites us all" or the search for a tourist image of the city of Yaroslavl (on the example of the Museum of the history of the city of Yaroslavl). 7. Mamedova N.A. (State Historical and Architectural Museum-Reserve "Temple of Fire Worshipers - Ateshgah", Baku, Azerbaijan) Temple of Fire - Ateshgah in the context of intercivilizational dialogue. 8. Dzhandzhugazova E.A. (Plekhanov Russian University of Economics, Moscow) Crowdfunding as a tool for the development of museum and tourism projects. 9. Sriamkul S. (Institute of History, St. Petersburg State University) The problem of museumification in Thailand. 10. Akhunov V.M. (State Russian Museum, St. Petersburg) Flea markets in Europe - supermarket, museum, flea market. 11. Pumpuriņš T.R. (Cēsis History and Art Museum, Latvia) Programs for families in the museum. Experience of the Cēsis History and Art Museum. 12. Pchelyanskaya T.M. (State Museum of the History of Religion, St. Petersburg) The Youth Tourist Information Center is a new stage in the development of the Museum Quarter in St. Petersburg project. 13.00 - 13.30. Break 13.30 - 16.00. Daytime session. Venue - Lecture Hall 1. Musikhin A.Yu. (Saint-Petersburg branch of "NTK Intourist" LLC) Problems and prospects of domestic tourism development: the experience of "Intourist" company. 2. Lavrov O.B. (FGBUN Institute of Geology of the Karelian Scientific Center, Museum of Precambrian Geology, Petrozavodsk) Prospects for the development of historical and geological tourism in the Republic of Karelia. 3. Zhelnina Z.Yu. (Murmansk Arctic State University) Taste of travel: gastronomic aspects of cultural tourism. 4. Afanas'eva I.G. (Azov Historical-Archaeological and Paleontological Museum-Reserve) Innovations in the museum as the most important factor of tourist attraction. 5. Timofeeva L.S. (Institute of International Relations, History and Oriental Studies of the Kazan Federal University) Museums of Kazan in the Red Tourism market. 6. Mikhailova L.S. (Historical show "Myths and legends of St. Petersburg") Adaptation of the theater and museum space of the Historical show "Myths and legends of St. Petersburg" to receive tourists from China. 7. Tsvetkova E.A. (Museum "Grand Layout Russia", St. Petersburg) All flags are visiting us! 8. Kirova M.S. (International Tourism Academy, Moscow) "Scientific journey" as a form of interaction between museums and tourism. 9. Moreva M.V. (Nevyansk State Historical and Architectural Museum) Features of the organization of museum tourism on the example of the activities of the Nevyansk Museum. 10. Agishina T.I. (Elabuga State Historical and Architectural Museum-Reserve) The role of museums in shaping the tourist attractiveness of a small town on the example of the Yelabuga State Museum-Reserve. 11. Tyurnina S.A. (Syktyvda house of folk crafts "Zaran", Komi Republic) Yb village on the map of tourist routes of the Komi Republic. 12. Sholokhova V.V. (Museum-reserve M.A. Sholokhov, Stanitsa Vyoshenskaya, Rostov region) Experience of the State Museum-Reserve M.A. Sholokhov on the preservation and popularization of traditional customs and crafts. Interaction of the museum with the visitor. 13. Zakharova R.A. (Astrakhan State Art Gallery named after P.M. Dogadin) "The image of ancient beauty" in the graphics of G.K. Lukomsky from the collection of the Astrakhan Art Gallery. Performance time limit - 10 minutes 16.00 - 17.00. Break 17.00 - meeting in the lobby of Building X 17.00 - 18.00. sightseeing tour of the open storage of the Restoration and Storage Center "Staraya Derevnya" April 7, 2017 (Friday) Venue - State Hermitage Museum, Council Hall Address: St. Petersburg, Palace Embankment, 34, Small entrance 9.30 - 10.00. Registration of participants of the Round table 10.00 - 13.00. Morning session Moderators: O.B. Arkhipova (State Hermitage), T.M. Spider (Yusupov Palace on the Moika), A.V. Didenko (State Hermitage Museum) Reports and reports: 1. Emelina M.V., Perova I.I. (Astrakhan State Art Gallery named after PM Dogadin) Summer cultural and leisure project "Museum Yard" in the Astrakhan Art Gallery. 2. Eltysheva L.Yu. (Kungur Historical, Architectural and Art Museum-Reserve) Kungur Khlebnikovs. 3. Eremin A.V., Nikulina S.P. (Travel company "5th season", Belgorod), Shokova E.A. (Belgorod State Museum of Folk Culture) Belogorye. Unexplored Russia. 4. Epifanova N.S., Shchavina A.A. (Affiliate of AUK VO "Vologdarestavratsiya" cultural, educational and spiritual center "Bryanchaninov's Manor", Vologda region, Pokrovskoye village) "Year of Ecology - we are ready to receive tourists." 5. Vlasikhina E.V. (Literary and Theater Museum named after N.M. Dyakonov, Syktyvkar) To Seyty for inspiration. About the playwright Nikolai Dyakonov's favorite vacation spot. 6. Popova G.S. (Manor Spasskoye-Kurkino, Kurkino village, Vologda region) Life and fate of the Vologda estate Spasskoye-Kurkino. 7. Khazova N.N. (House of Childhood and Youth "House of Knowledge", Cherepovets) Cherepovets is the hot heart of the Russian North and the gates of the "Iron Field". 8. Tulegenov T.Zh. (State Historical and Cultural Reserve - Museum "Issyk", Esik, Kazakhstan) Welcome to the homeland of the "Golden Man": tourist and excursion services of the State Historical and Cultural Reserve - Museum "Issyk". 9. Gagina O.E. (State Vladimir-Suzdal Museum-Reserve, Vladimir) Multimedia in the art gallery - new opportunities. 10. Gorpenko-Myagkova I.Ya., Matvienko B.V. (Museum-theater "Bulgakov's House", Moscow) The role of multimedia in the development of the museum and theatrical space (on the example of the NP CPC "Bulgakov's House"). 11. Barichev S.G. (Project, Moscow) From audio guides to multimedia guides of the fourth generation. Where should museums go? 12. Stepanchenko V.A. (Company OOO "Radio Guide", St. Petersburg) How to make friends between technology and museums? Cultural experience of 10 years. 13.00 - 13.30. Break 13.30 - 16.15. Daytime session. Venue - Lecture Hall 1. Absalyamova A.B. (National Museum of the Republic of Tatarstan, Kazan) What will be the first House of the Tatar Book? 2. Khokhlova T.M. (Kaluga Museum of Fine Arts) Expansion of the theme of the exposition space of the museum in order to attract tourists. 3. Yakovenko A.V. (Museum "Nevskaya Zastava", St. Petersburg) "Along Obukhovskoy Oborona Prospekt": prospects for the development of a tourist route in the industrial area of ​​St. Petersburg. 4. Kostina Yu.V. (Memorial Museum of Cosmonautics, Moscow) The history of cosmonautics in the monuments of Moscow. 5. Fomichev V.I. (St. Petersburg State University of Economics) "Fort Konstantin" (Kronstadt) as a tourist and excursion object. 6. Kutepova M.A. (Museum of Soviet slot machines, St. Petersburg) Ways of survival of a small museum in the cultural capital (On the example of the Museum of Soviet slot machines). 7. Vataman V.P. (A branch of the Astrakhan State Art Gallery named after P. M. Dogadin "The House-Museum of B. M. Kustodiev") On the question of the visitor. Notes of a provincial museum worker. 8. Valegina K.O., Ioshchenko A.S. (State Museum of Urban Sculpture, St. Petersburg) Implementation of the program "Accessible Environment" in the State Museum of Urban Sculpture. 9. Efimov A.V. (GBOU "Gymnasium No. 540", St. Petersburg) The school museum is the first step in the education of modern tourists. 10. Shulyat'eva Yu.D. (National Research University "Higher School of Economics", St. Petersburg) The role of contemporary fine arts in the formation of a tourist destination brand. 11. Spiridonov S.L. (State Museum of Political History of Russia, St. Petersburg) History of the Russian Revolution 1917 - 1922: New Approaches in Museum Interpretation. Performance time limit - 10 minutes 16.15 - 17.15. Break 18.15 - sightseeing tour of the exposition of the State Museum of Political History of Russia. Address: St. Petersburg, st. Kuibysheva, 2-4

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