Mugs in the house of pioneers on Sparrow Hills. Mugs and studios


Vorobyovy Gory Educational Complex announced kit V free circles and sections..

Educational complex "Vorobyovy Gory" — the largest institution of additional education in Russia. It includes the Moscow Palace of Pioneers and 10 additional education centers. Of these, nine are located in the capital, one is in the Istra district of the Moscow region. In studios, art and technical workshops and sports schools more than 40 thousand children are engaged. They have access to over 700 training programs in various areas.

How to enroll in circles and sections

You can sign up for circles and sections of the Vorobyovy Gory educational complex on mos. en. To do this, you need to register and indicate the SNILS number in your personal account.

To sign up, you need to go to the section, then to the subsection, then go to the tab and click on the “Get a service” option. On the page that opens, select the stage of study and in the "Search" line enter the code of the desired center of additional education. After that, a list of available educational programs will appear. Among them, you must select a circle or section, enter the start date of classes and personal data, and then click the "Submit" button. After applying, all information will be sent to the e-mail specified during registration.

Achievements of the educational complex "Sparrow Hills"

Pupils of the educational centers of the Vorobyovy Gory complex take prizes in competitions and tournaments of the city, all-Russian and international level. Recently, a student of the children's and youth sports school named after M.M. Botvinnik won an international chess tournament in Germany, students of the Art Education Center won the Golden Button International Competition for the Industry of Needlework, Hobbies and Creativity, and the pupil of the Na Donskoy Center became winner of the All-Russian competition of scientific works schoolchildren "Junior".

A special place among the educational centers of the Sparrow Hills complex is occupied by the Moscow Palace of Pioneers. Among its graduates famous scientists, artists and athletes- Rolan Bykov, Nikolai Drozdov, Lyudmila Kasatkina, Alexander Pashutin, Leonid Nechaev, Marina Koshevaya, Sergey Ryazansky and many others.

Exactly one thing can be said about the Palace of Pioneers on Sparrow Hills: this is the best place in Moscow, and at the same time, it is not a Moscow place at all. It is not clear how it exists in this city, it is not clear how it exists at this time. The asymmetric green area is obliquely dissected by a regular grid of asphalt paths. On one side is a fifty-meter stainless steel flagpole. On the other hand, a light, elongated building with an observatory dome and a visor on disappearing columns. In the center - like a piece of glass of a typical Soviet cinema. There are modernist panels on the facades, and everything is very literal: pioneers, bonfires, pipes, Lenin - where without him. Behind the buildings connected in one complex, ash and walnut trees grow. It is quiet, there are no cars, schoolchildren are walking along the paths - even in the late autumn of 2014, the hopeful 1960s reign here.

The Palace of Pioneers began to be built immediately after the VI World Festival of Youth and Students in 1957, and opened on June 1, 1962 - six months remained before the publication of One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich, and an eternity before tanks in Prague. At the parade of pioneers, the red ribbon of the new building was cut by Nikita Khrushchev himself. The Palace of Pioneers is the physical embodiment of the thaw and all the best that was in the Soviet Union. The first post-war generation grew up in the country, which did not have to fight for its existence. And in order to satisfy their needs for creativity, for the first time in Soviet history, a place for an eternal holiday was created for children.

Palace of Pioneers
on Sparrow Hills

A masterpiece of Soviet modernism, the team of authors was awarded the State Prize of the RSFSR
in Architecture 1967

Architects: Igor Pokrovsky (supervisor), Felix Novikov, Viktor Egerev, Vladimir Kubasov, Boris Paluy, Mikhail Khazhakyan, Yuri Ionov (engineer)

Years of creation: 1958–1962

Complex area: 48 ha

Number of students: 15,500 schoolchildren

The construction of the complex became an event in the architectural life of the USSR: several concert and theater halls, swimming pools, a winter garden, an observatory and exhibition spaces were combined in one long building. The competition was won by young and unknown architects under the leadership of Igor Alexandrovich Pokrovsky (the future author of the development of Zelenograd) - everyone in the team of seven people was not even 35 years old. The project became their ticket to life: when the State Prize of the RSFSR in the field of architecture was established in 1967, it was the creators of the Palace of Pioneers who were the first to receive it.

The solution of the Pokrovsky team was radically different from everything that had happened before: these are very light, elegant buildings that fit well into the natural environment, united by a common laconic and clear style - the complete opposite of the excessive late Stalinist neoclassicism. Despite the half-century anniversary and the need for repairs, they still look fresh, modern and diverse. True, the architects did not manage to bring everything they had planned to the end: already in 1963, funding for the continuation of construction was curtailed.

The Palace of Pioneers on the Sparrow Hills is not limited to just one square or a modernist ensemble made with undeniable taste. It is much larger than its components, and, getting into this space, you can feel a touch of the sacred. Architecture is not only bricks, glass and reinforced concrete. Architecture always expresses the ideology and mood of society: by the difference between the spacious Novy Arbat and the bulky Akademik Sakharov Avenue, it is easy to imagine the difference between the beginning and end of the Brezhnev era. The Palace of Pioneers is a living utopia from the time when people believed that they would soon subdue thermonuclear fusion, create a just society and fly to distant planets on a shiny rocket. And therein lies its paradox.

This complex lives in a parallel reality - by the end of the 20th century, humanity experienced a crisis of faith in progress. No one is interested in a bright future anymore: why explore real space when you can discuss space adventures in Christopher Nolan's new film on social networks? And even more - the hope that things will be better in the future has been replaced by a fear of change and a desire to fence off the future, forget about its existence and return to the past, or at least leave everything as it is. But, being on Sparrow Hills, you do not feel this trouble: progress is great, and the future cannot but be beautiful. Because if it is not beautiful, then why live at all?

On the square near the Palace of Pioneers, it is easy to believe that everything will be fine. If only for this reason, in the late autumn of 2014 this is the best place in Moscow.

Photos: Polina Kirilenko

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