Winged phrases and expressions from Soviet times. Quotes from the movie "The Twelve Chairs"


A little more and it will be 20 years since the USSR was gone. A country in which many were born and lived for a sufficient number of years. Memory is a very selective thing. And remembers only the good, joyful or funny. The last one is especially nice. After all, the Soviet Union was, although a very strict "machine", but there was plenty of madness, paradoxes, and therefore uncontrollable laughter.

Funny phrases from the times of the USSR

The funniest phrases of that time have come down to us thanks to Soviet cinema, which is still popular and “watchable”. Ideology - generally Zhvanetsky cubed. Children from kindergarten were hammered into their unintelligent heads such nonsense, it is hard to believe that it was serious. They assured that in the USSR the happiest people, and the shops were empty. Sorry, there was nothing to eat. And what sometimes was, it was impossible to eat, that's why they ate, closing their nose and eyes.

Communist holidays almost every week. And everyone dropped out of school and work. And they drew stupid slogans. "Let's complete the study plan by 250%"! I have never seen a funnier phrase. How can you plan your studies in percentages? And how to understand this: to study at 250%!? Is it that everyone should be Einsteins and Lomonosovs, or else they will not be allowed into this very one, their "lure" - communism?

And this crazy agitation about communism, which is about to come, or in a year. Complete nonsense, but many believed. When there is no money at all. And why, because everything can be taken in stores for free, and as much as you want, without restrictions. But the funny thing is: you can work as long as you want, even all day, even for an hour, but you want, once a week, communism, everything is possible for everyone, paradise. And again, believe! Honestly. Why was this black seriously, it is not clear.

And Lenin is so smart, young. And, for some reason, he was more alive than all the living. This garbage was said and written on every corner. Although everyone knew that he was calmly lying to himself in his cozy mausoleum. Why he is more alive than all of us put together is also a mystery. And laughter, and sin.

And the songs, in general, are masterpieces of world humor. “I don’t have an address guys. My address is the Soviet Union! Write, in other words, to the village of grandfather, but what kind of village? So it's like her: the Soviet Union, Vasya Pupkov. Everything is simple.

“I’m not going to Siberia for money. And behind the smell of some kind of taiga! Oh how. What money, the smell of cedar and I'm ready even to Siberia, even to the Kolyma. To work for it, the main thing is that there is a smell. Again, they believed and went. But, having sniffed a little of the local smell, they quickly returned like that. Nothing, let's come up with new songs and funny phrases that the website offers, others will come in large numbers. And it was almost yesterday! Yes, gentlemen, the USSR is a treasure trove of idiocy and humor at the same time.

Winged expressions from your favorite films in the era USSR have already become a national treasure and we, repeating a funny quote, can no longer always remember what it is - folk wisdom or a phrase from our favorite movie? In principle, this is folk wisdom, the public domain. We just want to remind you of the funniest and most beloved quotes and indicate from which movie we took them into everyday life. Yes, and watch your favorite movie, too, will not hurt. More than one generation has grown up on these good films, beloved by us since childhood.

Soviet comedies will always be very popular! They will never become obsolete, but will only remind you of all the good things that once were in our now different countries. Almost everyone knows the name of the legendary Soviet director, screenwriter, actor, author of most of the favorite Soviet comedies! It was Leonid Gaidai who gave us these wonderful paintings! Low bow to the great director and great Man!

Catch phrases and expressions from films of the USSR era very popular and known to more than one generation as a keepsake. We have collected the most interesting, funny or memorable quotes from Soviet films. Some of them became winged, others were simply remembered.

Unusualness is always the way to unravel the mystery. (film "The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson")

Quotes from the movie "Prisoner of the Caucasus"

  • - To live as they say well.
  • - A good life is even better.
  • - Exactly!

Cursed be the day I sat down at the steering wheel of this vacuum cleaner!

May his carburetor dry up forever and ever.

A toast without wine is like a wedding night without a bride.

Let's drink so that our desires always coincide with our capabilities.

A student, a Komsomol member, an athlete, finally, she is just a beauty.

Pity the bird.

Please slow down, I'm taking notes.

Give me the horn, give me both horns.

Impossible to work, you give unrealistic plans.

  • - Think for three?
  • - It's a sin to laugh at sick people.

And a free ticket.
- to Siberia.

We will heal you. Alcoholics are our profile.

Where is our prosecutor?
-In the 6th ward, where Napoleon used to be.

I destroyed the chapel too?!
-No. It was before you - in the 14th century.

It's a shame. Didn't do anything, just walked in.

Quotes from the movie "Gentlemen of Fortune"

He who? Private engineer, and that's it. Well, what kind of life does he have? To work in the morning, back from work in the evening. Wife at home, snotty kids. Well, he goes to the theater, well, in the summer he will go to a sanatorium in Yalta. Longing is mortal. And you! You're a thief! Good Luck Gentleman! Stole, drank - in jail! Stole, drank - in jail! Romance!

  • - Pencil.
  • - E pansil.
  • - Table.
  • - E table.
  • - Young woman.
  • - Dude.
  • - Danger?
  • - Shukher.
  • - Tell a lie?
  • - Bullshit push.
  • - Beer?
  • - Nausea.
  • - Bad person?
  • - Radish.
  • - Good man?
  • - Forgot...

It's not a trifle for you to poke around in your pockets.

All! Kina will not be - the electricity is over!

Shut up, please, they made a daisy here, I remember - I don’t remember!

I'm a lousy jackal, I steal and steal, and I'm sitting here on the nix.

Buy a map, you bastard.

Dinner is served! Sit down to eat, please.

I’ll tear my mouth, get out of here, I’ll knock off my horns, I’ll blink my eyes, radish, sausage, Hamburg rooster, Nebuchadnezzar!

Who will plant him? He's a monument!

Quotes from the movie Gas Station Queen

  • - There are no victims?
  • - Judging by the beginning - there will be victims!

Each dude will still indicate.

What a driver, what a car.

It's just hard to get in touch.

Here you, fish, not a resort.

They put a wick here.

You should have sprayed at the hairdresser's with a spray bottle.

Longing is green in summer, yellow in autumn, white in winter.

He hit the young staff with care and attention.

Two for 100 and in one dish - I'm not used to half measures.

Cinema to the masses, money to the box office.

Let's not skimp on beauty.

It is not the place that makes the man, but the man the place.

Have indulgence for women's weaknesses.

Don't make people laugh. Ballerina.

You understand a lot about beauty.

Quotes from the movie "The Diamond Arm"

Even teetotalers and ulcers drink at someone else's expense!

Chief, it's all gone, it's all gone! The plaster is removed, the client is leaving!

Tsigel, tsigel ah-lu-lu!

Rousseau tourist - the appearance of morality!

Slipped - fell - lost consciousness - woke up - cast.

If a person is an idiot, then this is for a long time.

I'm not a coward, but I'm afraid.

So that you live on one salary.

So that I can see you in a coffin in white slippers.

Burdock! We will take this without noise and dust.

Ice cream for children, flowers for his woman.

Don't be afraid, Kozlodoev, I'll hit gently, but hard.

Even teetotalers and ulcers drink at someone else's expense.

Our people don't take taxis to the bakery.

Only aristocrats or degenerates drink champagne in the morning.

Whoever buys a pack of tickets will get a water pump.

I need to take a bath, have a cup of coffee...

Don't you have the same but without wings? No? Will seek.

There is no husband who has not dreamed of becoming a bachelor for at least an hour.

It's not my fault - he came!

  • - Did you attach it well?
  • -Don't worry, drunkard, you won't break it!

No, I can’t do that, I need to consult with the boss ...

Strike iron without leaving the cash register.

Quotes from the movie "Carnival Night"

There is a fun setting to celebrate the New Year.

We will not take Baba Yaga from outside, we will educate in our team.

Cats cut to a minimum.

I myself don’t like to joke, and I won’t let people.

We must educate our viewer, you cannot educate him with bare feet.

Let him draw, play himself, sing himself.

There is life on Mars, there is no life on Mars - this is still unknown to science, science is not yet up to date.

We see one star, two stars. Better, of course, five stars.

Quotes from the movie "Operation" Y "and other adventures of Shurik"

  • You should have gotten her attention with a simple, natural question. What did you ask?
  • - "How do I get to the library?"
  • - At three o'clock in the morning?! Idiot!

If I get up, you will lie down with me.

Oh! Are you sighted? Now you will be blind.

Well, citizens are alcoholics, hooligans and parasites! Who wants to work?

The work is worth it, but the time is running out.

Who does not work, he eats. Learn student!

Fuck, bespectacled!

Come on, bay me like spaceships ply the big theater.

Soon you will be wearing a wooden mackintosh and music will be playing quietly in your house, but you will not hear it.

We must, Fedya! Necessary!

Patience and work will grind everything - once, finished the job - walk boldly - two, without difficulty you can’t pull a fish out of the pond - three, work is not a wolf into the forest ... no, no ... this is not necessary.

Have you had accidents at a construction site? Will.

Do not forget. You have accounting in rubles, and I have in days.

Quotes from the movie "Ivan Vasilyevich Changes Profession"

I demand the continuation of the banquet!

Live to take, demons!

All that is acquired by overwork ... Three tape recorders, three foreign film cameras, three domestic cigarette cases, a suede jacket ... three jackets ...

Keep money in a savings bank! If, of course, you have them!

They say - the king is not real!

Walled up, demons! This is what the life-giving cross does!

Kazan took, Shpak ... No, he didn’t.

If I were your wife, I would also leave.
- If you were my wife, I would hang myself.

This is where I got in.

You will make a hole in me.

Fie on you. Fuck you again.

Where is the king?

You need to have a snack.

Eh! What a beauty! Lepota!

Caviar black, red. Yes, overseas eggplant caviar.

Leave me old woman - I'm sad.

Everybody dance.

I demand the continuation of the banquet.

And you will be cured, and you will be cured too, and I will be cured.

Quotes from the movie "Moscow does not believe in tears"

A good man must be made by himself, and not ready to receive.

  • - What if I say something stupid?
  • - Say it with a confident face, then it's called a point of view!

And at the same time, remember that everything and always I will decide for myself. For the simple reason that I am a man.

Do not teach me how to live, better help financially!

Getting married after two days of dating is just the height of frivolity. Everything must be well thought out. Five days!

Lord, I imagined this meeting of ours with you so many times, I thought up so many words of all sorts, but we met - and there is nothing to say. At first, I still loved you very much, I thought that it was your mother who confused you. Then I hated you to death. Then I terribly wanted you to know about my successes and understand how wrong you were. And now ... now I think .. if I had not burned myself so badly then, nothing would have come of me. I think it's a good thing you didn't marry me. Because then I would have missed each other in my life with my only, but very beloved person.

Quotes from the movie "Girls"

And I'm not going to get married! One is better - I want, I eat halva, I want - gingerbread!

Here I am walking beautifully along the street, and the men around me keep falling and falling ... And they themselves are stacked in piles!

  • - Allow me?
  • - Do you always dance with a cigarette? And in a hat? Well, I don't dance with them!

Yes, she washed you.

In the dining room and in the bath, everyone is equal.

Stew like in a sanatorium, every calorie in its place. We won't last long like this. We emaciate.

Small but imaginative.

This is not for you to boil potatoes. These are their shura-mura.

Nadya is already 28, she will knock here not only for Xan Ksanych, you will go for a goat.

That you are a tractor to test you.

You're sitting right. Housing is not expected this year.

Quotes from the movie "The Irony of Fate, or Enjoy Your Bath!"

Do they love for something? How do kids love it? Little ones, whose fontanel has not yet grown over? .. They love just like that, not on purpose.

What a filthy fish of yours!

Oh, the lukewarm has gone! Rub my back, please!

Well, you keep dropping me!

What are you watering me?! I'm not a flowerbed!

We have forgotten how to do big good stupid things. We stopped climbing out the window to the women we love.

There were kind people... Warmed up, robbed. That is, they picked it up, warmed it up ...

Well, how did they put you on the plane, you must remember?! "I must remember... but I don't remember...

Where did you meet Galya? She came to see me at the hospital. - Is she... sick?

I have a valuable broom there!

I am the mother of the world. I'll get everything ready and go to my friend.

I'm surprised you noticed it at all - you never know what's lying there!

Quotes from the movie "Office Romance"

  • - Imagine, Bublikov died!
  • - Why did he die? I did not give such an order... How did he die?

You are a woman, not a martinet. More spicy, spicier! And a playful smile! In general, let men think that everything is in order with you. Breathe. More elegant than plastic! And you don't have to bounce. You are not a pacer, but a woman.

Personally, I go to the service only because it ennobles me.

I have such an impeccable reputation that it is high time I was compromised.

If there were no statistics, we would not even suspect how well we work.

Have you bought new boots, Vera?
- Yes, I haven’t decided yet, Lyudmila Prokofievna. You like?
- Very defiant. I wouldn't take those. And if I were you, I would be interested in boots not during work, but after it.
- So, good boots, we must take.

Verochka, you will be fifty years old - we will collect you too!
- I won't live, I'm at a harmful job.

Chest forward!
- Breast? You flatter me, Vera.
- Everyone flatters you!

You are smart.
- When a woman is told that she is smart, does this mean that she is a complete fool?

Where is your door?
- Where necessary, there is a door!

Just please hurry up, I have a lot of things to do.
- Nothing, your bunch will wait. Nothing will be done to her.

Put Vera in her place! And don't touch it with your hands!

Not only are you a liar, a coward and impudent, you are also a fighter!
Yes, I'm a tough nut!

So, it turns out that everyone thinks I'm such a monster?
- No need to exaggerate. Not all...not such a monster...

And this is Shura - pretty, but, unfortunately, active. Once she was promoted to public work and since then they have not been able to push back.

A woman must be a mystery! The head is slightly raised, the eyes are slightly lowered, everything is free here, the shoulders are thrown back. The gait is free from the hip. Uninhibited free plasticity of the panther before the jump. Men do not miss such a woman!

Well, there she sits, in terrible roses!

Please don't interrupt! I myself will fall.

Don't hit me on the head, that's my sore spot!
- This is your empty space!

Well, what are your plans for tonight? What company? Will the men be there? Come on, introduce me. I'm a single woman now...

How do you like my hairstyle?
- To die - do not get up!
- I think so too.

Well, you see, you can, of course, teach a hare to smoke. In principle, nothing is impossible.
- You think?
- For a person. With intelligence.

We love you... deep down... somewhere very deep...

Quotes from the movie "Ordinary Miracle"

Today I'm going to party. Fun, good-natured - with all sorts of harmless antics. Prepare the dishes, plates - I'll beat it all. Remove the bread from the barn - I ... set fire to ... the barn ...

Something terrible is happening to me. Good something.

I want either music and flowers, or to kill someone.

Glory to the brave who dare to love, knowing that all this will come to an end. Glory to the madmen who live for themselves as if they were immortal!

You are attractive, I am damn attractive, so why waste time?

Quotes from the movie "Mary Poppins, Goodbye!"

  • - Where did you sleep last night?
  • “Ladies don't answer questions like that, because gentlemen don't ask them.

Quotes from the movie "Afonya"

  • - What is your name?
  • - Lyudmila.
  • - An honest mother, and I am Ruslan.

Quotes from the movie "Wedding in Malinovka"

My heart feels that we are on the eve of a grand nix.

Your three-inch eyes, with a well-aimed hit, ignited a fire-breathing fire in my heart. In a word, bam-bang! And to the point!

Because I am not a wife, but an angel.

Am I a woman or not? Didn't understand.

Let's leave beautifully.

Batko! Pennies!

Where? Where? For what?

Tube 15, sight 120, turn right bam-bang and past.

Do you have migraines?
- No, we don’t have anyone, only boredom.

And why am I so in love with you?

Frozen like the bottom of the sea.

Take everything, I'll draw myself some more.

The horses are drunk, the lads are harnessed.

Drop the knife. You make a hole, then you can't seal it.

Quotes from the movie "The Twelve Chairs"

Let me ask you as an artist of an artist: Do you know how to draw?

Quotes from the movie "Love and Doves"

Salt is a white poison.

So sugar is a white poison.

Sugar is a sweet poison.

Raisa Zakharovna, maybe with bread, huh?

Bread is generally poison!

No, I would have poisoned myself with pink salmon right now ... Well, the truth is to eat hunting!

Not "eat", but "eat".

Not "cho", but "what"!

Quotes from the movie "Striped Flight"

- Well, tell me, what is the use of you in life? Nothing but harm!

  • - They swim beautifully.
  • - Who?
  • “That group over there in the striped swimsuits.
  • - Comrades! Comrades, of course, I am not a lecturer.
  • - Nothing, we'll understand!
  • - I'm a tamer...

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Immediately after the end of the last school class, most of yesterday's students already know for sure which university they want to enter. But life is unfair, and situations are different. You can not get into the chosen and desired university, and the rest of the educational institutions seem unsuitable for a variety of reasons. Such a life “treadmill” can knock any person out of the saddle. However, the desire to become successful does not go anywhere.

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It also happens that everything goes well, you manage to successfully enter a university and everything is in order with training, but love happens, a family is formed and there is simply not enough strength or time to study. In addition, much more money is needed, especially if a child appears in the family. Paying for education and supporting a family is extremely expensive and one has to sacrifice a diploma.

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July 17 marks 27 years since the day when in the Soviet country during the Leningrad-Boston teleconference the phrase “We don’t have sex ...” was uttered by the Soviet participant of the teleconference Lyudmila Nikolaevna Ivanova, who answered the question about television advertising in the USSR: “Well, sex in us ... we don’t have sex, and we are categorically against it! After answering, another member clarified, “We have sex, we don’t have ads.” After the teleconference, only the phrase "There is no sex in the USSR" came into use. Below are 5 catchphrases that came out of the USSR.

1. "Bite the granite of science!"

In 1922, one of the leaders of the October Revolution, Leon Trotsky, proposed at the Fifth Congress of the Communist Youth Union to comprehend knowledge in order to participate in the fate of the world revolutionary movement: "learn, gnaw the granite of science with your young teeth, temper yourself and prepare for a change." The phrase "nibbling the granite of science" became really winged, Trotsky repeated it twice, after which it was remembered by "the conscious strata of the young proletariat and the advanced peasantry." By the way, since that time, many monuments to the “granite of science” have been opened. For example, in 2009 in Ukraine, in the city of Poltava, a monument was opened, which is a two-meter granite stone; and in the capital of the Chuvash Republic, the city of Cheboksary, a monument to a “granite block” weighing about two tons was opened.

2. "We'll show you Kuz'kin's mother!"

On June 24, 1959, Nikita Sergeevich Khrushchev, General Secretary of the CPSU Central Committee, during the first exhibition of US industrial products in Sokolniki, told US Vice President Richard Nixon that the USSR was also not far behind the American side and would soon present its inventions to the USA, which could be quite dangerous: “ We have at our disposal means that will have grave consequences for you ... We will show you Kuz'kin's mother yet! The Americans were stunned and considered that the “mother of Kuzma,” as they were literally translated, was a new weapon, more powerful than nuclear missiles. Later, in the report of the Central Committee of the CPSU to the XXII Party Congress on October 17, 1961, Khrushchev repeated the phrase that had already become famous.

3. “I already sent it, so I sent it!”

In 1983, the Soviet director Alexander Tatarsky shot the cartoon "Last Year's Snow Was Falling". He immediately stood out from all the others with his ironic intonation and phrases, a huge number of which became catch phrases. After the wife sends the protagonist for the Christmas tree, he says: “I already sent it, so I sent it!”. The expression quickly attracted attention and became popular.

4. “Life has become better, life has become more fun!”

On November 17, 1935, in a speech at the First All-Union Conference of Stakhanovite Workers and Workers, Joseph Vissarionovich Stalin uttered his inspiring phrase about the wonderful life in the USSR: “Life has become better, comrades. Life has become more fun." In the same year, Vasily Ivanovich Lebedev-Kumach wrote the song "Life has become better, life has become more fun." In 2008, Stalin's phrase became the slogan of the Stalin's Tender dumplings company. In general, this famous phrase is still remembered.

5. "Dyed bitch!"

In 1984, Vladimir Menshov filmed the Soviet comedy Love and Doves at the Mosfilm studio. The beloved heroine Nadezhda Kuzyakina reproachfully says in the film to her rival Raisa: “You are beautiful bitch!” After the release of the film, the female half of the population began to actively use the expression, which eventually became a new catchphrase.


On October 26, 1932, Stalin called the writers "engineers of human souls." This definition immediately became a "meme". Of course, this word was not known in the USSR, but there were more aphorisms with a viral effect in the Union than in modern Russia. The role of propaganda in the USSR was never underestimated. Socialist realism as a creative method was created largely to glorify the merits of Soviet power. Writers in the USSR were free in their artistic ambitions to a certain extent. When "engineering developments" went beyond the boundaries of the Party Plans, the reality for the "engineers" could change beyond recognition. Camps, exiles and even executions were the answer for miscalculations.

2. “There is NO SEX in the USSR!”

One of the favorite phrases of anti-Soviet people of all stripes, with which they wanted to demonstrate the absurdity of the Soviet way of life. In fact, not everything was so simple with this meme: journalism calls it a phrase taken out of its context. She sounded in 1986 during the Moscow-Boston teleconference "Women talk to women." An American asked: “In our TV advertising, everything revolves around sex. Do you have such TV commercials?” An unknown Soviet woman stood up and answered: “We don’t have sex, and we are categorically against it!”. Of course, the participant of the teleconference meant erotica and pornography, and not the absence of sexual intercourse in the Soviet Union as a fact. However, the meme has firmly settled in the minds of citizens: for example, it was adopted by some Soviet women who, jokingly, cut off the sexual claims of gentlemen.


Joseph Stalin uttered this full of positive phrase at the congress of "Stakhanovite" workers in 1935. Over time, after Khrushchev’s condemnation of the Stalinist cult, this meme began to be said summing up some unpopular decision of the authorities: the monetary reform of 1961, the abolition of payments on state loans, and an increase in food prices. The heroes of the film “Operation Y” paraphrase this meme. “To live, as they say, is good, but to live well is even better!”.


This call was the most widespread and recognizable in the USSR, as it stood as a slogan in every Soviet newspaper. However, ordinary people did not fully understand the greatness of this phrase and used it as a suggestion to have a drink after a working day.


The meme appeared in the element of the Russian language with the light hand of Vasily Lebedev Kumach, who wrote the almost eponymous song "Soviet Simple Man" in 1946. In particular, there were the following words:
Proudly walking along the pole,
Changes the flow of rivers
High mountains are shifting
Soviet common man.
It is curious that over time, Soviet citizens began to use this meme (with malicious irony) in relation to all sorts of crooks "living on unearned income." Probably due to the fact that the latter often covered themselves with the title of “simple Soviet person” during police interrogations.


This phrase was uttered by the writer Anatoly Safronov in 1958 at a meeting of the Union of Soviet Writers, at which Boris Pasternak was condemned, who published his novel Doctor Zhivago abroad. In the days of the late USSR, this meme was used to mock Soviet reactionary critics who opposed the publication in the Soviet Union of the works of Alexander Solzhenitsyn, Leonid Grossman, Vladimir Voinovich and others condemning the policy of Stalinist repressions.
Around the same time, the phrase was adopted by school teachers in literature, who so egged negligent students on.


This meme has firmly settled in the “phrase book” of a Soviet citizen: fathers scolded their sons with the help of his sons, shop foremen - lazy workers, district policemen - parasites. In addition, the phrase was replicated by millions of Soviet posters. The basis was taken from a quote from one of Lenin's works, where the leader of the USSR wrote: "He who does not work, let him not eat" - this is understandable to every worker. However, few people knew that Ilyich borrowed a phrase from the New Testament, the second letter of the Apostle Paul to the Thessalonians, which says: “For when we were with you, we bequeathed this to you: if anyone does not want to work, then do not eat.” The phrase was “inverted” in the film “Operation Y and Shurik’s Other Adventures” and sounded in a new way as “Who does not work, then eats. Learn student".

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