Who was the first woman on earth? Are you not the daughter of Lilith?


Many people have the question: "Did Adam have a wife before Eve"? To deal with this issue, you need to decide for yourself whether you believe that God created man.

If your answer is yes, then the basis of our study will be the Bible. This is the only source that reveals the truth to us.

The Bible is God's word, the word written by the Spirit of God and in which the plan of the Creator is revealed. Why does He create a person, what is his purpose, purpose and what future awaits him.

God has all wisdom, He is the best planner. He keeps his word and keeps it. Everything the Creator does has meaning and significance.

Sometimes we look at things from the position of the words of the people around us, but not everything that we hear is the truth and the truth. To find out the truth, you need to look at the primary source - the word of God himself, and perceive the picture of what is happening as a whole.

Adam's First Wife: The Creator's Plan for the First Woman

So, the Lord created man (Adam) in His own image and likeness. One person (!), not several.

God molded his body from the clay of the earth, breathed life into it, and the man became a living soul. So why did God create Adam? The Bible speaks of this - in order to communicate with a person, so that he would be like the Master - to have dominion over the earth, to control everything that the Lord has placed him over.

And God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them. And God blessed them, and God said to them: Be fruitful and multiply, and fill the earth and subdue it, and have dominion over the fish of the sea and over the birds of the air and over every living thing that moves on the earth. (Gen. 1:27-28)

Adam had both masculine and feminine qualities. God did not create a woman separately from the same clay, He created her from Adam's rib, thereby separating the feminine qualities. Subsequently, she will be given the name Eve ("mother of all living") by Adam himself. It was she who was the first woman on earth.

And the Lord God brought a deep sleep upon the man; and when he fell asleep, he took one of his ribs, and covered the place with flesh. And the Lord God created from the rib taken from the man a wife, and brought her to the man. And the man said, Behold, this is bone of my bones, and flesh of my flesh; she shall be called woman, for she was taken from man. (Gen. 2:21-23)

And Adam called his wife's name: Eve, for she became the mother of all living. (Gen. 3:20)

These events took place in the Garden of Eden and everything would have been fine if Adam had not disobeyed God, for which he was expelled from the garden along with Eve.

Having other wives

Eve was Adam's first and only wife. The Bible does not say anything about the presence of other people in the garden and outside it. Yes, this would deprive God's plan of any meaning.

God did not create people on the principle of a conveyor belt. One unique creation is enough for Him, besides, in Adam (potentially) there was all mankind, for the freedom from whose sin the Creator had to pay a very high price in the future.

Just as the seed of an apple contains information about the apple tree and its orchards, so the seed of a person contains information about a person and about all of humanity.

After the fall, man (and all mankind in him) lost the glory in which he was clothed. Communication with the Creator and dominion over the earth were lost, the future that the Lord had prepared for him.

Prepared before creation

The Lord knew that man would not stand before sin, and therefore prepared a Savior (Jesus Christ) even before the creation of the earth.

Knowing that you were not redeemed with corruptible silver or gold from the vain life given to you from the fathers, but with the precious Blood of Christ, as the immaculate and pure Lamb, who was intended even before the foundation of the world, but who appeared in the last times for you. (1 Pet. 1:18-20)

Christ came to redeem all mankind from the bondage of sin. And anyone who recognizes himself as a sinner and accepts Christ into his heart is reconciled with God again. And every child of God inherits eternal life with the Creator, who will give you to taste from one more tree - the tree of "LIFE".

Blessed are those who keep His commandments, that they may have the right to the tree of life and enter the city through the gates. (Book of Revelation 22:14)

The presence of other people, male or female, other than Adam and Eve would deprive God's plan of all meaning. God is not a God of chaos, but of order.

Look at everything that He has created - it makes sense. Throughout the creation of the Creator, His hand is visible. We ourselves are like Him - we create things that have a purpose.

But no one can revive any product of human hands. This is done only by the Creator — that's why He and God.

Lilith - Adam's first woman

“The crown of inaccessible constellations” - this is how Nikolai Gumilyov wrote about the mysterious and beautiful Lilith - the first wife of Adam. Her name is forbidden to orthodox Jews, she is admired by romantic poets and harsh feminists, she excites our imagination.
The story of Lilith is told from ancient apocryphal sources written at the same time as the Bible and not included in the traditional Old and New Testaments, as well as from the Kabbalistic work of the Zohar.
The Old and New Testaments were not always the way we see them now. These biblical writings have been altered and changed more than once. During the tenth Council of Rome, the final version was approved, and Christianity acquired official status throughout the world. So that nothing superfluous gets into Scripture, clergymen from different cities and countries gathered in Rome to agree on the text. Many sacred records were seized.
In deep grottoes near the Dead Sea, manuscripts with sacred writings were found that appeared much earlier than Christianity as such. Information from them did not appear in the Bible, so modern scientists cannot give a definitive answer to the question - What was so secret in the scrolls?
With the advent of Christianity, for example, the name Lilith became forbidden. It was equated with a curse, given an anathema, but still attracted the minds of mankind. It contains an inexplicable mystery, a riddle that you want to understand to the end.
History of Lilith
Most researchers believe that it is Lilith, the first wife of Adam, who is the author of the texts of the forgotten Gospel. The story told by the harlot could not be included in the text of the New and Old Testaments. Information about this proud and unconquered woman excites the minds of mankind. Why are they persistently trying to delete it from history? How did she become an outcast, the mention of which brings the clergy and true believers into real horror?
British Museum - The "Queen of the Night"
According to research, it was Lilith who was the first wife of Adam. God first created two people out of clay. The first woman was distinguished by incredible beauty and intelligence. Quite a bit of time passed, and she realized that she was in no way inferior to her husband, Adam. Her mental abilities were not inferior to those of men.
Lilith - Adam's first wife turned out to be very capricious, she refused to obey and agree with his opinion. The woman demanded that they make all responsible decisions together.
There is a belief that it was Lilith who became the founder of sexual pleasures - the “woman on top” pose and many others. The Church recognizes only the "worker-peasant" position in intimacy, and believes that this is just a way to procreate. The first woman on Earth held a radically opposite opinion. When the confrontation with Adam reached its peak, she decided to leave her husband.
Lilith's punishment
God could not allow such contention in the Garden of Eden, and therefore sent three strongest angels to Lilith. They had to direct the woman on the true path, repent and come to terms with their position. The heavenly creatures quickly caught up with the rebel and gave her a certain ultimatum - Lilith must become submissive and return to her husband Adam. Otherwise, she will be cast out of Eden and cut off from the grace of God.

The wayward girl chose freedom, and of her own free will left paradise, uttering the inexpressible name of God. At the same time, Lilith harbored a strong resentment against God, because he did not support her. She decided to dedicate her life to revenge.
The further life of the first girl - a few legends
Lilith, the first wife of Adam, left the Garden of Eden forever and reincarnated as a real demon-devil, representing a great danger to the stronger sex. The combination of vindictiveness and rebellion in the character of the girl allowed the negativity to take possession of her soul. She was abandoned, and she turned into a dangerous enemy for everyone - a devoted assistant to the Antichrist.
The beginning of the story, until the moment of Lilith's rebellion and her punishment, can be found very rarely. But the second part - the transformation of an ordinary woman into a real devil, is very common, since she was actively supported by churchmen.
During the dangerous period of the Inquisition, Lilith, Adam's wife was officially recognized as a monster. During this terrible period, there were only two main groups of women:
* Meek, pious and affectionate - the true descendants of Eve;
* Mysterious, wayward, too smart and educated, were considered the children of Lilith, and were sentenced to death.
The demon Lilith entered into a kind of contract with the angels. She will not enter a room with the name of one of these celestial creatures written on the door.
Lilith in The Book of the Beast
Most researchers of the phenomenon of Lilith - Adam's dangerous wife, quite often confirm their statements with information recorded in the "Book of the Beast". This is an integral part of the Bible, which describes the deeds of the Antichrist. They claim that the demon woman was created by the devil. At the same time, Lucifer pursued quite specific and understandable goals - to punish men for their love for God, to reveal their worst sides.
John Collier, Lilith (1892)
Lilith is a true seductress, testing the loyalty of married men to their wives. She had many children. It was from her that all kinds of demons, werewolves, terrible monsters, vampires, and other creatures went. Any criminal, maniac, evil and vicious person in ancient times was considered the offspring of the demon Lilith.
According to some apocrypha, during the period of marriage with Adam, this woman gave birth to a son - Cain. He had a part of the soul of Lilith, he killed Abel - the son of Eve. The rebel began to live forever, devoting herself to revenge and evil. Demons are able to resurrect and be reborn in a new body. Lilith may still be alive today.
The "Book of the Beast" speaks of the coming of the devil to Earth. This scripture indicates specific symbols that can bring a believer into real horror. Bride of Satan - Whore of Babylon. It is proved that this entity is Lilith. Since ancient times, her name has been synonymous with "fornication" and "debauchery." In the countries of the East there is a legend about the bride of the devil, who can kill newborns and the stronger sex.
Are the legends true?
Whether to believe these legends about Lilith, the rebellious wife of Adam, everyone decides for himself. Some modern researchers consider this girl the ancestor of feminism. It is this force that the representatives of the stronger sex are afraid of. There is a lot of tragedy in the legends about the freedom-loving girl.
She plays with the children, realizing that she will never be able to become a mother;
All the time looking for his home and family hearth;
She is offended and takes revenge on men, because Adam refused her and preferred another.
Lilith reveals the true male essence - the eternal thirst for sexual pleasure, deceit and infidelity. If these qualities are confirmed, it destroys the person.
The woman simply wanted to be "next to" her husband, not "behind him." For many centuries, they tried to denigrate and change the story of Lilith. Now it is almost impossible to know the truth. A femme fatale is always unhappy. Many people like her, everyone wants her, but in fact no one needs her. The combination of intelligence, beauty, strength and independence very often dooms a girl to loneliness.
Lilith in Hebrew means night, night. Instead of the name Lilith, the name First Eve is sometimes used.
Modern feminists have their own opinion about Lilith: Adam's wife was bold and extraordinary, she claimed that Adam is not God, but just a man. The church of that time, in which only men ruled, could not allow the appearance of such a woman in history. They were afraid of the strength of her spirit, sharp and inquisitive mind, courage. Men have always needed to justify their own human weaknesses and sins. To do this, they found Lilith - the fatal demon-seducer, who was to blame for their adultery and debauchery.
Who is she - the outcast wife of Adam - a demon or a symbol of a free woman? Everyone can independently answer this question. The only truth is that there is no evil without good, and vice versa.

According to legend, after parting with Adam, Lilith became an evil demon that kills babies (this character is also present in Arabic myths). In Mesopotamia, a similar name is given to a night demoness, who kills children and mocks sleeping men (men are also mentioned "lilu").

Lilith in Jewish tradition

Jewish sources speak of two Liliths:

  • The elder Lilith is the wife of Samael, queen and mother of demons.
  • The younger Lilith is the wife of Asmodeus.

In this case, we are talking about two hypostases of one devil.

Legends about the origin of Lilith

Three angels caught Lilith at the Red Sea, and she flatly refused to return to her husband.

After threatening to kill her, Lilith vowed that she had been sent by God and that although her "function" was to kill babies, she would spare any child protected by an amulet or a plaque bearing her name (possibly the names of angels). The angels punished her. There are three versions of this punishment in literature: a hundred of her babies will die every night; she is doomed to give birth to children - demons; or God will make her barren.

In Jewish life, the hairy and winged Lilith is especially known as a pest of childbearing. It was believed that she not only causes damage to babies, but also kidnaps them, drinks the blood of newborns, sucks the marrow out of the bones and replaces them. She was also attributed to the spoilage of women in labor and the infertility of women.

It is the legends that speak of Lilith as a killer of newborns that explain the tradition of hanging an amulet with the names of angels near the cradle of a Jewish child. Amulets and conspiracies for a woman in labor against Lilith should contain not only the names of the three angels who tried to return her, but also some of the names of Lilith herself: Batna (womb), Odem (redness) or Amorpho (without form). Also associated with this legend is the tradition of tying a red thread on a hand (usually a baby) - it is believed that Lilith is afraid of red. The night before the circumcision of an infant is especially dangerous - in order to protect the child from Lilith, his father must read passages from The Zohar and other books of Kabbalah all night long.

Lilith in the Kabbalistic tradition

According to Bacharach, "Emeq haMelekh, between Lilith and Samael is a blind Dragon. The dragon is castrated "so that viper (echidna) eggs do not hatch into the world." Those who hatch from such eggs are called Lilin. heads.

In the Middle Ages, the legend changed somewhat: Lilith was no longer a snake, but the spirit of the night. Sometimes she appears as an angel in charge of the birth of people, sometimes as a demon, annoying those who sleep alone or wander alone along the road. In the popular imagination, she appears as a tall, silent woman with long black flowing hair.

According to the Kabbalistic book Zohar, Lilith became the wife of Samael and the mother of demons.

Lilith in Modern Satanism

Lilith in modern demonology is no longer only a goddess devouring children. Being a friend of Satan (or Samael), she corresponds to one degree or another to all devils, all Black Goddesses. In this case, she is identified with Kali, Uma and Parvati, Hekate, Hel and Ereshkigal, although some traditions clearly separate the Dark Goddesses. Often we are also talking about the older and younger Lilith, for example, in Luciferian Witchcraft by Michael Ford (Luciferian Witchcraft, Michael Ford).

In this sense, the meaning is hidden in the name Lilith - Dark Mother, Black Femininity. In any case, the original meaning is also preserved - the Black Goddess, the destroyer of the embryos of Light.

From Adramelek, the ruler of all beauty, blinding the weak, the poison of the Wrathful Chaos flowed further and created the tenth anti-cosmic goddess, Lilith, and the eighth tip of the Opened Pentagram.

From Lilith, the queen of dark dimensions and the princess of wrathful chaos, the cold seed of the dragon of death flowed further and created the eleventh anti-cosmic demon, Princess Naama, and the tenth tip of the Opened Pentagram.

The methodology for committing this great sin is as follows - Zoroastrian and Jewish priests wrote that Ahriman-Samael does not have the ability to foresee, so that only through the union with Lilith, the Bride, who is also fire and Darkness, like her twin, can become an integral Adversary and gain the ability to foresee and also control their passions. This is the very essence of the processes of Magic, the path of Yezer Ha-Ra, the embodiment of the passions of the Magician. (M. Ford, Liber HVHI.)

Lilith. In Jewish myth, Adam's first wife. Later wife of Satan. According to many Demonologists, Lilith rules over succubi. Lilith is said to seek to destroy newborn babies. For these reasons, the Jews introduced the practice of writing formulas on doors designed to force Lilith to leave.

Lilith is the princess (princess) of Hell.

I am the mother of the Demon Tribe.
Like the night, I display the attributes of my power.
My unmerciful presence
Bleeds the universe.

It should be noted that the listed works belong to different traditions that have a different view of reality.

Lilith in astrology

The name Lilith in astrology refers to various objects:

  • Apogee of the Moon's orbit. This object is also called the Black Moon. It is important that the apogee can be true or apparent. In modern astrology, both options are considered.
  • The second focus of the lunar orbit. This object is also called the Black Moon.
  • The fixed star Algol.
  • Asteroid N 1181.
  • hypothetical planet.

Hypothetical planet. In 1898, Dr. Georg Waltemas from Hamburg announced the discovery of several additional Earth satellites. The satellite could not be found, but on the instructions of Waltemas, the astrologer Sepharial calculated the "ephemeris" of this object. He argued that the object is so black that it cannot be seen, except at the time of opposition or when the object crosses the solar disk. Sepharial also claimed that the Black Moon had the same mass as a regular one (which is impossible, since perturbations in the Earth's motion would be easy to detect).

Currently, this planet is not used in astronomy or astrology.

At the moment, an exceptional correspondence has been established between the name Lilith and the apogee (or second focus) of the moon's orbit. These two points are projected in turn into one point of the natal chart (always), so their qualities are indistinguishable for astrologers.

Depicted as an incomplete black moon above an inverted or equilateral cross, the horns of the sickle look to the right.

This point corresponds to the 8th house and the sign of Scorpio, which connects it with death and fate.

There is an idea that Lilith denotes manifestations of evil through lies, seduction by evil and wrong choice, as well as temptation.

According to other astrologers, it has an initial meaning in every destiny, marking the point of the Zodiacwhere the destined is accomplished.

In more modern sources, Lilith (Black Moon) is often associated with the Jungian archetype of the Shadow. In this case, it shows the hidden, unconscious side of a person.

The Black Moon is also called the point of the dark spirit. In this case, it determines the witch abilities of the born. It also shows objects of strong unconscious (unconscious) attraction.

The image of Lilith in world culture

Thanks to the great interest in Kabbalah, in Renaissance Europe, the legend of Lilith as the first wife of Adam became known in literature, where she took on the appearance of a beautiful, seductive woman. A similar idea of ​​Lilith appears in medieval Jewish literature, although in Jewish tradition Lilith's beautiful appearance is associated with her ability to change her appearance. The legend about her inspired the English poet Dante Gabriel Rossetti (-) to write the poem "Paradise Abode", in which Lilith the snake became the first wife of Adam, and God created Eve later. To take revenge on Eve, Lilith persuaded her to taste the forbidden fruit and conceive Cain, brother and murderer of Abel.

The image of Lilith, realizing " alternative mythology" and opposed to the usual image of Eve, gained great popularity among romantics.


The image of Lilith is repeatedly and differently beaten in world literature.

…Beware of her hair:
She's not a single teenager
Lost this hairstyle.

  • In Anatole France's story "The Daughter of Lilith", Lilith is the mother of the woman who seduced the protagonist. In the story, Lilith does not know good and evil, suffering and death:

“Suffering and death do not weigh on her, she does not have a soul, the salvation of which she needs to take care of, she knows neither good nor evil.”



  • snake lair(English) Serpent's Lair)

Summary: All the troubles of businessman Tom Bennett (Jeff Fahey) and his wife began with moving into a new apartment, where an archaeologist committed suicide. Suspicious neighbors, a strange black cat and erotic dreams with a black-haired stranger make Tom's life hectic. But when the sister of the deceased archaeologist appears - black-haired Lilith(Lisa Bee - as indicated in the credits, Lisa Barbusha - the real name of the actress) to pick up her brother's things, a real nightmare begins.

  • in the Supernatural series, Lilith is an incredibly powerful demon who seeks to free Lucifer from his underground imprisonment. What happens afterwards. To free Lucifer, it was necessary to remove 66 seals (in total there were more than 600). And the death of Lilith was the 66th and obligatory seal; the necessary vessel of Lucifer (Sam Winchester) removed this seal, for the sake of the release of which Lilith had to die.

Interestingly, the writers did not deviate from the myth and made Lilith a child-killing demon. In order to maintain her demonic power, Lilith had to feed on the blood of children.

  • in the film "Black Light" (2004), Lilith is a demon who has lost his memory, the best agent of a secret society. Only she, with her incredible abilities, can find and destroy an even greater evil - a demon that came to our world from the depths of centuries and brought with it a red plague that kills all life and devastates the Earth. And for this she only needs to remember everything.
  • in the movie "30 Days of Night: Dark Days" (2010) Lilith is the leader of the vampires.
  • film gulf stream under the iceberg
  • the True Blood series (2012) reveals that Lilith was created before Adam. And that she, like God, was a vampire. And Adam was created food for Lilith.
  • Lilith was the demon queen in the TV series Split: Blood Mystery.

Anime and animated films

  • Lilith is present in the Japanese anime series "Evangelion" as the main reason for the appearance of mysterious Angels on Earth, attacking the Japanese city of Tokyo-3, where the Nerv organization is located, investigating Lilith's body.
  • Lilith is also present in the Trinity Blood anime series as one of the children who led the colonists on Mars.
  • Lilith is one of the main characters in Yami to Boushi to Hon no Tabibito
  • Lilith - witch girl, alchemist's sister in the visual novel "Animamundi: Dark Alchemist"
  • Lilith - an insidious fairy, the spirit of a magic mirror in the anime / manga "Rosario + Vampire"
  • Hecate (identified with Lilith in modern demonology) is one of the leaders of the Masquerade in the anime "Shakugan no Shana"

Name use

The name Lilith is a popular female name among Armenians. Unlike the stereotype that has developed in world history and culture, in Armenia this name is considered to give its owner such properties and character traits as femininity, thriftiness, fertility.


  • Liber Azerate, TOTBL Order of the Black Flame, off. translation by E.T.
  • A.M.S.G. by V.Scavr, The Black Press, 2009.
  • ISBN 978-0-9669788-6-5
  • Liber HVHI, Ford M, Succubus Publishing, 2005
  • Luciferian Witchcraft, Ford M, Succubus Publishing, MMV
  • The Satanic Bible, Anton Szandor LaVey
  • Charles Fosse Assyrian magic (with a preface by V. V. Emelyanov)
  • Borges H. L. Bestiary: The Book of Fictional Creatures. M., 2000.
  • Woman in myths and legends: Encyclopedic reference book. Tashkent, 1992.
  • Encyclopedia of symbols, signs, emblems. M., 1999.
  • Ruslan Khazarzar Lilit and others
  • Rybalka A. "Encyclopedia of Jewish Demonology"


  1. Charles Alexander Moffat. The Fear of Lilith. Examining the Lilith Myth and the Male Fear of Dominant Women
  2. Kramer S. N. "History begins in Sumer"
  3. Judit M. Blair De-Demonising the Old Testament - An Investigation of Azazel, Lilith, Deber, Qeteb and Reshef in the Hebrew Bible. Forschungen zum Alten Testament 2 Reihe, Mohr Siebeck 2009 ISBN 3-16-150131-4
  4. Concise Jewish Encyclopedia (KEE), Volume 4, Col. 846-848
  5. Mythological Dictionary / Ch.ed. E. M. Meletinsky - M .: "Soviet Encyclopedia", 1990 - 672 p.
  6. Lilith, Symbols, signs, emblems: Encyclopedia / Auth.-comp. dr ist. sciences, prof. V. E. Bagdasaryan, Dr. of History. sciences, prof. I. B. Orlov, Dr. ist. Sciences V. L. Telitsyn; under total ed. V. L. Telitsyn. - 2nd ed. - M.: LOKID-PRESS, 2005.
  7. Liber Azerate, Temple of the Black Flame (Liber Azerate, TOTBL), off. translation by E.T.
  8. Luciferian Witchcraft, Succubus Publishing, Michael Ford, MMV
  9. Official website of the Temple of Lilith
  10. Book of Ten Invocations (Codex Decium), in English. and lat. languages ​​published in A.M.S.G., V.Scavr, Russian official publication
  11. The Complete Book of Demonolatry, S. Connoly, ISBN 978-0-9669788-6-5
  12. Inferion, Vox Inferni Press, 2008
  13. Goethe. Faust. Translation: Boris Pasternak, Moscow: State Publishing House of Fiction, 1960.
  14. Anatole France. Daughter of Lilith. Published: Anatole France. Collected works in eight volumes, volume 2. - M.: State Publishing House of Fiction, 1958. - 880 p. pp. 37-49. Translation by N. N. Sokolova
  15. D.L. Andreev, "Rose of the World", Book X chapter 4: "He (V.S. Solovyov) knew and knew well about the existence of the Great Whore and about the possible terrible substitutions that lie in wait for any insufficiently clear, insufficiently strengthened consciousness that caught the call of the Eternally Feminine through obscuring layers of passionate, contradictory emotions. But the existence of the great elemental of humanity - Lilith, the sculptor and guardian of the flesh of peoples, apparently remained unclear to him. He uses the expression "Common Aphrodite" two or three times, but, obviously, means an indefinite mixture of two principles: the elemental and the satanic."
  16. D.L. Andreev, "Rose of the World", Books V chapter 2, Books XII chapter 4
  17. Marina Tsvetaeva. "Just a heart..." Home Library of Poetry, Moscow: Eksmo-Press, 1998
  18. Vladimir Nabokov: Lilith
  19. Nabokov V. Collected works of the Russian period in 5 volumes. T.5. St. Petersburg, 2000. S.436-438 and comm. on p.753
  20. Whitley Strieber "The Dream of Lilith" (novel)
  21. Michael Byrnes. The Genesis Plague. - Reader's Digest Select Editions. Sydney & Singapore, 2011
  22. Lord Belial, Kiss the Goat, May 1995, released by No Fashion Records.
  23. Case No. 39 on Filmz.Ru
  24. Movie "Angel of Evil" on Horrorland.Ru


Few people know that Eve is not the first woman of Adam. Her predecessor, according to the teachings of the cabal, Hebrew teachings and Christian apocrypha, was Lilith, a demonic mythological creature created from clay and cast down from heaven.

Having created Lilith, God gave her, like a thing, at the disposal of Adam, with which she, being a real woman, could not put up with it. Lilith had a wayward character. She did not want to submit, become a slave to her man, because she had self-respect, her own views, opinions and worldview. She was also very beautiful and had a sense of adventure and freedom.

The cause of all troubles is willfulness

The reason for the disagreement that arose between Lilith and Adam, according to feminists, lies in sexual preferences. During intercourse, the woman allegedly wanted to be on top of her man, to which he could not agree. So he complained about his wayward wife to the Creator. And he was very angry with Lilith for such disobedience and tempers.

Fearing the wrath of God, Lilith fled from Eden. The woman uttered the secret name of the Creator and gained his power, she was able to rise into the air and rushed over the water surface. However, she was pursued. Having caught up with Lilith, three Angels - God's messengers, punished her for disobedience and ambition. There are three versions of the punishment for disobedience suffered by a woman. According to the first, she began to feel all the torment of hundreds of her own children who were dying every day. The next hypothesis says that Lilith could no longer give birth to a child. But she was not entirely barren, producing only demons. The last theory is that the beautiful Lilith was simply mutilated.

Her savior was the fallen angel Samael, who later became Lucifer. According to one version, Lilith descended into the underworld and became the wife of Satan himself. Just like this demon, Lilith yearns for retribution, being the embodiment of universal evil.

Imagine an angry woman who has been bullied repeatedly by men. Scary? It is precisely such a terrifying mythological Lilith that appears before us - the embodiment of everything dark, the image of which is often shown accompanied by snakes. And in this demoness, the negative feminine principle is most clearly and fully revealed: vengeful, vindictive.

According to Semitic teachings, she is the patroness of the night spirits, who seduced the representatives of the stronger sex, and then mocked them. Women and children, this ruthless queen of infernal demons destroyed.

Was it Lilith?

Scientists attribute the emergence of the myth of the existence of Lilith to the times when the matriarchal system was replaced by the patriarchal one. And perhaps the existence of such a story was necessary in order to show the perniciousness of the dominant behavior of a woman.

Over the centuries, the legend and Lilith has been transformed. But each time, the most disgusting acts and cruel atrocities were attributed to this demoness: devouring children, spoiling women in childbirth, killing their lovers, intercourse with demons.

Submissive Eve, created from Adam's rib, is, as it were, the opposite of the wayward, proud, free Lilith. Perhaps it was precisely because of disobedience, disobedience to the Lord, that the image of Lilith was removed from the religious teachings of Christians and Muslims. Recently, there are more and more sources testifying to the existence of the mythological image of the first woman of Adam - Lilith.

(c) "Lilith" March 2010

forbidden name

Tatiana Gosteva

Our consultant - George Indulen, historian, theologian


Who are you - the descendants of Lilith?

"Inaccessible constellations crown" - t as Nikolai Gumilyov wrote about the mysterious and beautiful Lilith, Adam's first wife. Her name is forbidden to orthodox Jews, she is admired by romantic poets and harsh feminists, she excites our imagination. Maybe you have her genes in you too. But is it worth awakening such a dangerous memory of ancestors? ..

The story of Lilith is told according to ancient apocryphal sources written at the same time as the Bible and not included in the traditional Old and New Testaments, as well as according to the Kabbalistic work of the Zohar, according to popular beliefs and myths.

Red beast

God created Lilith at the same time as Adam from red clay. When she opened her eyes, they reflected a clear sky and turned blue. And the shade of her hair, according to some legends, remained reddish, like potter's clay. Lilith was an ardent, temperamental woman, equal in everything to Adam, and quarreled with him because of the problem of power: who is on top during sex. At the dawn of civilization, people drew parallels between the leading party in sexual intercourse and in life: whoever is on top is in charge. Therefore, the proud and touchy Adam took the proposal of his girlfriend to switch places as an attempt to humiliate his manhood and categorically refused to lie under it. Lilith became angry, rose into the air - she possessed the God-given ability to levitate - and was transported from paradise to earth.

Adam complained about the obstinate girlfriend to God and asked him to return the fugitive. God thought about how he could influence Lilith, because he endowed people with free will and now he could not take Lilith with his miraculous power back to paradise. And then he sent three angels for Lilith with a mission - to persuade the fugitive to return, if possible with kindness and affection. And if she becomes stubborn and wants to stay on earth, threaten her with the fact that from now on and forever and ever, part of the children born by her will die in infancy.

More woman than mother

The messengers of God found Lilith in hot places, on the seashore, where she indulged in love joys with the locals. Mystics and some theologians suggest that in ancient times, before the fall of Adam and before the rebellion of Lucifer, special angels inhabited the earth and looked after it. If you believe the same Old Testament, the angels were not at all incorporeal and very eager for love pleasures (Genesis, chapter 6, p 2). They probably did not suffer from the "male complex" characteristic of Adam, and Lilith, pleased with her new life, did not succumb to persuasion, she refused to return to paradise to the unloved man.

Then the divine messengers resorted to threats and said that Lilith would have to pay for her willfulness with the life of her future offspring. Such frank blackmail Lilith angered. She chose to lose her children, but not her personal freedom. And repeatedly refused to return to Adam.

Seal of Lilith

Among the ancient Sumerians, during whose time the legend of Lilith was born, such female behavior was socially permissible, albeit atypical. For the Jews - outrageous and disgusting: how can a woman prefer her personal happiness and freedom to the joys of serene motherhood? But what about the commandment to “be fruitful and multiply”? In Jewish folklore, Lilith was considered incredibly dangerous, it was forbidden to call her by name, so as not to accidentally lure her to the house, and turned into a symbol of everything dark, fatal and at the same time delightfully seductive in female nature. She was credited with the ability to appear at night to men and "terrible way", from the top position, to seize the unfortunate. The men did not experience any suffering from this, rather the opposite, but in the morning they felt somehow awkward. And Lilith was endowed with an insidious property: she could move into a God-fearing Jewish wife and make her experience an orgasm. After that, lilims appeared in the light of a woman - children with the seal of Lilith. At birth, lilims were noted by a dark strip of thick hairs on the back, running along the spine to the tailbone. They grew into physically strong people, indomitable and rebellious, pugnacious and quick-tempered. If sex did without otherworldly intervention, then the Jewish woman had neither an orgasm, nor the risk of giving birth to a hairy and malicious "lilim".

Where did Eve come from

But back to our story. So, Adam yearned for loneliness, and God decided to create for him another girlfriend, passive and obedient. He did not dare to sculpt her from clay and dust - suddenly, again, as stubborn as Lilith, it will turn out. And he made it from Adam's rib. Eve was born - something like a clone of her husband, with the same interests and outlook on life. She was incredibly close to Adam, but at the same time, due to the similarity of natures, he missed her. Maybe that's why Eve became interested in an apple from the tree of knowledge - suddenly an outlandish fruit will entertain her husband and please her. And it turned out that it was the quiet and submissive Eve who pushed Adam to sin: she succumbed to the serpent's persuasion to step over the divine ban, tasted the apple herself and treated her husband.

In many theological writings, they try to lay the responsibility for the fall on Adam - he did not show power, did not control the naive fool Eve. There is some truth in this - Adam always lacked strength of character: he wanted to seem cool, but he was an ordinary gullible bumpkin. But if we follow exclusively the logic of events, it turns out that with the independent, straightforward and strong Lilith, he did not do stupid things and lived in paradise for his own pleasure, and as he got the quiet and obedient, cunning and manipulative Eve as his wife, he lost immortality and flew like a bullet from a blissful paradise into a cruel earthly life. At the same time, quiet sweet Eve brought a fatal curse on all women - to give birth to their children in pain. Only Lilith remained free from him.

How did the later life of Lilith. queen of hell

Years passed. People multiplied on earth - the descendants of Adam and Eve. According to one of the legends, the eternally young and immortal Lilith became the friend of the most gifted and most beautiful of the angels close to God, Lucifer - such women always choose the best. Lucifer was jealous of God for people whom he could not stand for their insignificant and petty character, and made a riot in heaven. It can be assumed that Lilith pushed her beloved to the struggle for power and supported him in ambitious aspirations.

Lucifer was defeated and was cast into hell along with his angels. Lilith remained with him, his beloved, not only because she was distinguished by special devotion, but also in order to maintain her significance: it is better to be the first in hell than the second in heaven. Or even in heaven.

According to popular beliefs, Lilith is still alive, periodically visits the earth and stays among people. She is subject to instantaneous movement from one point of the earth to another and astral travel to all worlds, except for the highest - the one where paradise is located. She has not eaten from the tree of knowledge, and she knows neither evil nor good. She is well versed in people and in her own benefit, knows what is good for her and for those she loves, and nothing else worries her.

Children of Lilith

All descendants of Lilith are divided into two branches. First: Lilith's children from ordinary men. They have incredible sex appeal and despise all laws except their own opinion. In the family, they seem to be strangers, not like brothers and sisters, they prefer evening and night to daylight. People are drawn to them, but for them a noisy society is painful. They have excellent health, they digest any food. Due to the legacy of Lilith, some of them are able to leave the body during sleep and travel the world. Easily contact with the souls of dead people.

The second branch: children born to Lilith from angels who once visited the earth, and then from demons similar to angels in their fundamental principle. Angels and demons have a supernatural gift to change the structure of matter and turn one substance into another. From them, Lilith's children were given pyrokinesis - the gift to ignite objects with their eyes, werewolf - the ability to turn into animals and birds, vampirism - the craving to absorb someone else's energy or blood for the sake of immortality and eternal health, the ability to pass through walls. And a dark gift to kill a person with a glance - through cardiac arrest or thickening of blood in the vessels.

Why is Lilith's offspring small?

Firstly, because among her children infant mortality is high due to a fatal curse, and few survive to adulthood.

Secondly, some of the genetic traits that the children of Lilith herself and creatures as different from humans as angels and demons possessed turned out to be incompatible with normal life. For example, it is difficult for an infant with the gift of pyrokinesis to survive, igniting everything around in a fit of resentment and anger. According to the legends, predatory Werewolves and blood-eating vampires were brutally exterminated in the Middle Ages.

Gradually, all the unusual, inhuman features of Lilith's children were blocked by nature. It is assumed that they are stored in "silent" genes, transmitted like a sealed letter to offspring, but do not appear externally, so that Lilith's children survive on their own and can give viable offspring.

What such "silent" genes

Only 5 percent of human genes carry useful information about the structure and development of our tissues, about our character and abilities. Everything else is incomprehensible fragments and tightly closed and unreadable sections, which are called "silent" genes. What is encoded in them, none of the scientists really knows.

One of the silent genes, according to geneticists, is associated with the sharpness of smell. A similar gene works great in monkeys and helps mating. And we have it blocked. Why? Because its activation would lead to excessive selectivity in choosing a partner. Women would give up many useful, intelligent and kind husbands and chase after males who are stupid or vicious, but physically, and therefore also in the nose, suitable. For a person, unlike animals, it is more profitable to choose a partner or partner according to social status, and not according to the degree of health of future children. Not only children of parents who are ideally compatible in physiology survive, but also children of the most skillful and cunning, the most hardworking and persistent. Blocking the smell gene has expanded the range of possible partners for us. A person has an incentive to think and do. And we have become even more resilient.

The assumption that "silent genes" store the most incredible genetic information - up to the ability to fly, is not so far from the truth. After all, somewhere out there the whole plan of human development is encrypted - from one cell, through the stage of a fish with gills to a bipedal erectus. Why not the ability to levitate in the storerooms of genetic data?

Why do we need so much extra genetic information

We never know what we will need in the future. For example, there will be a global flood. And humanity will not die out - we already have gills in our genetic set. For several generations, you look and a “gill-breathing man” will form, people will return to the water and survive.

How to determine if you are a descendant of Lilith

l You were in fragile health as an infant. Your parents told you that you suffered a serious illness or miraculously escaped death as a result of a fatal combination of circumstances.

l You have reddish or black hair (blonds arose quite recently, 11,000 years ago, in Scandinavia due to a random gene mutation)

l and gray, blue or blue eyes.

l You have noticeable hairs growing on the third phalanx of your fingers.

l You give birth easily.

l You are calm about children and admit that there is enough happiness in the world without them.

l You are very sexy, attracted to many men, and highly value male beauty and physical attractiveness.

l You have colorful and exciting dreams.

l You are madly in love with cats.

l You never get bored alone.

l You are indifferent to public morality and observe its norms only when it is beneficial for you.

l You have your personal principles that are very dear to you, and you are ready to make sacrifices for them.

l You know how to make others do what you want.

If you answered yes to seven or more points, the blood of Lilith is definitely present in you.

Now read the next six paragraphs.

l You have strange tastes in food - you like tatar steak, or a mixture of salty and sweet, or sour and bitter, sometimes you are drawn to taste a flower or chew a leaf from a tree.

l In a dream, you often save someone or fight.

l In a dream you often fly.

l Dogs are afraid of you.

l When you stare at a person's back, he stumbles.

l You are indifferent to the sight of blood.

Do you agree with five statements? Perhaps in you, besides the blood of Lilith, there is something angelic or demonic.

Is it possible to awaken in oneself the "sleeping genes" of Lilith, which are responsible for mystical abilities.

Theoretically - yes, strong stresses. During stress, the body frantically looks for any opportunity to escape. A powerful hormonal storm is trying to reshape the structure of DNA. You look, some crazy gene will take and be unlocked and you will start to see people through and through, to distinguish the peristalsis of someone else's intestines. Or you will half-move into the other world and contemplate two layers of the event at the same time: what happens in our reality, and those changes that take place in the astral plane. Tiring, similar to schizophrenia, but gives a new approach to life. Perhaps, in case of a serious illness, you will acquire the ability to pump out energy from those around you, you will recover, your gift will remain with you, and loved ones around you will begin to weaken and suffer. When this happens spontaneously, it is not your fault: the instinct of self-preservation removed the blocks and ensured the survival of your personality. With the complications of the survival process, you coexist peacefully or fight courageously.

If you deliberately "bungee jump" and put yourself on the brink of survival to awaken your "silent genes", then you are responsible for the consequences. You do not know what will awaken in your body. It is unlikely that you will regain the ability to turn into a she-wolf at midnight. But to disinhibit the predatory instincts in oneself - cruelty, ruthlessness, contempt for the weak - is possible without much difficulty. Do you want it?

Daughters of Lilith

Carla Bruni (born 1968)

As a true daughter of Lilith, she is well versed in people and is successful with men, she easily climbs the career ladder: first, a model, then a singer. Carla disregards morality: she posed nude and is proud of her nudes, as she has something to show. At 33, she gave birth to a son from a twenty-three-year-old student, Raphael Enthovin. In fact, she had an affair with his dad, but she preferred to give birth to a child from someone who is younger. Subsequently, Rafael became a professor and host of several popular radio programs. Among her lovers are Mick Jagger, Eric Clapton, Kevin Costner, Donald Trump, former French Prime Minister Laurent Fabus. She did not marry anyone, but French President Nicolas Sarkozy. Of course, he is not Lucifer, but something demonic is present in him.

Aspasia (Johann-Emilia-Lisette Rosenberg, married Elsa Pliekshane (1865--1943)

The real daughter of Lilith, who became famous as a poetess and playwright, did not limit herself to erotic adventures. In difficult times for an independent woman, after an unsuccessful first marriage and the ruin of her parents, she earned enough to lead a brilliant bohemian life and love the one she wanted. She chose a poor, timid aspiring poet Rainis as her husband. Supported with advice, money, a kind word. In a difficult moment in Berlin, she nobly gave him the translation of Goethe's Faust, ordered by her. Thanks to Aspasia, Janis Pliekšans turned into Janis Rainis and became famous.

And these are not the daughters of Lilith

Marina Tsvetaeva (1892--1941)

She would like to become Lilith. She refers to herself by her name in poetry. But not all women who are not adapted to everyday life and housekeeping are the daughters of Lilith. Lilith cannot be a chronic loser in love, which was Marina Tsvetaeva. It is unthinkable for Lilith to vegetate in a marriage with an unloved husband, suspect that he is an employee of the hated NKVD, and put up with it. And Lilith's daughter would never have committed suicide, because she would not have returned, contrary to her desire and the voice of her intuition, from Paris to Stalinist Russia.

Scarlett O'Hara, character in Gone with the Wind by Margaret Mitchell

She is a typical frightened Eve, who was deprived of the opportunity to run a household, dress up, have fun and take care of her family. Unlike Lilith, she tries to solve all her problems through marriage and material support from men. Does not attach much importance to the sexual side of life. Strongly attached to the land, to relatives and household. He knows how to survive, but he does not know how to live for his own pleasure.

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