Who was Genghis Khan by nationality. Genghis Khan - "Mongol" with a Slavic appearance


The world famous name Genghis Khan is not really a name - it's a title. After all, khans in Rus' were called military princes. The real name of Genghis Khan is Timur, or Timur Chin (in a distorted pronunciation of Temujin or Temujin). The prefix Genghis denotes rank, position, rank, in other words - rank and title.

Temujin received the high title of a major military leader thanks to his military merits, his desire to support and protect a strong united united Slavic state with a large and reliable army.

The discrepancy between the name Temujin - Temujin is now explained by transcription problems of translations from different foreign languages. Hence the discrepancy in the title: Genghis Khan or Genghis Khan, or Genghis Khan. However, the Russian version of the sound of the name - Timur, which for some reason is least of all used by historians and scientists, does not fit into this system of explanations, as if they do not notice his name. Historians in general have problems with the spelling and pronunciation of the famous names of figures whose life belongs to that period, can be easily explained with the help of false statements that there was no written language in all countries of the world at that time.

And the deliberate distortion of the name of the people "Moguls" and its transformation into "Mongols" cannot be explained by anything other than a large-scale organized system of distortion of the facts of the past.

Genghis Khan. Strong personality in world history

The main source by which historians study the life and personality of Temujin was compiled after his death - "The Secret History". But the reliability of the data is not obvious, although it was from him that classical information about the appearance and character of the ruler of the Mongol tribes was obtained. Genghis Khan had a great gift as a commander, had good organizational skills and self-control; his will was unyielding, his character strong. At the same time, the chroniclers note his generosity and friendliness, which kept his subordinates attached to him. He did not deny himself the joys of life, but was alien to excesses, incompatible with the dignity of a ruler and commander. He lived a long life, retaining his mental abilities and strength of character until his advanced years.

Let historians argue today what letter to write in this or that name, something else is important - Temujin lived a bright, charismatic life, rose to the level of a ruler, played his role in world history. Now he can be condemned or praised - perhaps his actions are worthy of both, a moot point, but it is no longer possible to change something in historical development. But to find the truth among the imposed sea of ​​distortions of real facts is very important, as well as to convict the lie itself.

Disputes about the appearance of Genghis Khan - the field of historians

The only portrait of Genghis Khan (Emperor Taizu) recognized and permitted by historians is kept in Taiwan in the National Taipei Palace Museum.

An interesting portrait of the Mongol ruler has been preserved, which historians obsessively insist on considering the only authentic one. It is kept in the National Museum of Taiwan, in the Taipei Palace. It is prescribed to consider that the portrait (590*470 mm) has survived from the time of the Yuan rulers. However, modern studies of the quality of fabrics and threads have shown that the woven image dates back to 1748. But it was in the 18th century that the global stage of falsification of the history of the whole world, including Russia and China, passed. So this is another falsification of historians.

The exculpatory version says that such images are copyrighted works, and the author has the right to his own vision of the face and character. But the portrait was clearly woven by the hands of a skilled craftswoman, fine lines of wrinkles and folds on the face, hair in a beard and braid are so detailed on it that there is no doubt that a real person is depicted. That's just who? After all, Genghis Khan died in 1227, that is, five centuries before the start of the process of massive falsifications.

Miniature of Marco Polo "The Crowning of Genghis Khan". The great commander is crowned with a crown with trefoils - an attribute of European rulers.

Undoubtedly, historical and cultural heritage has come down to our days since the reign of the Manchus. From the Middle State, they were handed over to the next conquerors and transported to Beijing. The collection contains more than 500 portraits of rulers, their wives, sages and great people of the era. Portraits of eight khans of the Mongol dynasties, seven wives of khans have been identified here. However, again, skeptical scientists have a question of authenticity and reliability - are they the khans, and whose wives?

Chinese hieroglyphic writing was radically "modernized" by several rulers in a row. And who needed such labor costs? All the same figures from the Torah, putting things in order in the annals and destroying the "extra" traces.

During the change of the alphabet, manuscripts were brought from all over the Chinese empire and completely rewritten. And the "outdated" originals were stored in the archive? No, they were simply destroyed as they did not comply with the new rules!
That's where the scope for distortion ...

Is this the Khan, and is it the Khan

Until recently, the drawing was considered "medieval" now - a confirmed fake, one of many claiming that Chigis Khan is a Mongoloid.

There are many similar reproductions of Genghis Khan from different eras and authors. A drawing by an unknown Chinese master, made with ink on silk fabric, is quite common. Here Temujin is depicted in full growth, on his head is a Mongolian hat, in his right hand is a Mongolian bow, behind his back is a quiver with arrows, his left hand lies on the hilt of a saber in a painted scabbard. This is the same typical image of a representative of the Mongolian race.

What did Genghis Khan look like? Other sources

A Chinese drawing from the 13th-15th centuries depicts Genghis Khan falconry. As you can see, Genghis Khan is not a Mongoloid at all! A typical Slav, with a chic beard.

In a Chinese drawing of the 13th-14th centuries, Temujin is depicted hunting with falcons, here the master depicted him as a typical Slav with a thick beard.

No Mongoloid!

M. Polo in the miniature "The Crowning of Genghis Khan" depicts Temujin as a pure Slav. The traveler dressed the entire retinue of the ruler in European clothes, crowning the commander with a crown with trefoils - a clear attribute of European rulers. The sword in the hands of Genghis Khan is truly Russian, heroic.

The ethnic group of the Borjigins has not survived to this day.

The well-known Persian scientist-encyclopedist Rashid ad-Din in the "Collection of Chronicles" presents several images of Genghis Khan with truly Mongolian features. However, a number of historians have proven that the Borjigin tribe, from which Genghis Khan came, have other facial features that are fundamentally different from the Mongoloid group of peoples.

"Borjigin" in translation into Russian means "blue-eyed". The eyes of the ancient Mughal family are "dark blue" or "blue green", the pupil is edged with a brown rim. In this case, all the descendants of the genus should look different, which is not visible in the archive images of the alleged Temujin family that are allowed for general use.

Genghis Khan.

Russian researcher L.N. Gumilyov in the book "Ancient Rus' and the Great Steppe" describes the disappeared ethnic group as follows: "The ancient Mongols were ... a tall, bearded, fair-haired and blue-eyed people ...". Temujin stood out for his tall stature, majestic posture, had a wide forehead, wore a long beard. L.N. Gumilyov brought out the concept of passionarity, and it is to her that he attributes the complete disappearance of small ethnic nationalities, many of which have not survived to this day in their pure form, including the Borjigins
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Death of Genghis Khan

Death of Genghis Khan.

Several “plausible” versions were invented, each has its own adherents.

1. From falling from a horse when hunting for wild horses - the official option.
2. From a lightning strike - according to Plano Carpini.
3. From an arrow wound in the knee - according to the story of Marco Polo.
4. From the wound inflicted by the Mongolian beauty Kyurbeldishin-khatun, the Tangut khansha - a Mongolian legend.
One thing is clear - he did not die a natural death, but they tried to hide the true cause of death by launching false versions.

The place of burial is classified. According to legend, the body rests on Mount Burkhan-Khaldun. There are also buried: the youngest son Tului, with children Kublai Khan, Mongke Khan, Arig-Buga and other children. There are no tombstones in the cemetery, so as not to be plundered. The secret place is overgrown with dense forest and is protected from European travelers by the Uryankhai tribes.


It turns out that the Mongol Genghis Khan was a tall, fair-haired Slav with blue eyes !!! These are the Mughals!

In addition to the "official" false evidence recognized by science, there are others that are not noticed by the "luminaries", according to which Timur - Genghis Khan does not look like a Mongoloid at all. Mongoloids have dark eyes, black hair and short stature. No similarity with the Slavic-Aryans. However, it is not customary to talk about such a discrepancy.

After such unexpected results, I want to check how other figures of the Mughal nationality looked like in the era of the three-hundred-year-old Mongol-Tatar yoke.

There is still no reliable information on this issue. Some scientists are of the opinion that he was a Turkicized Aryan, originally from Kashgaria. Other historians are inclined to believe that he was a Mongol.

Confirmation that he was of Turkic origin is the fact that correspondence with the Western kings Genghis Khan was conducted in the Jurassic language, and not in Mongolian. There is also a Chingizite stone, on which an inscription from the time of the great conqueror, also written in Turkic, has been preserved. From this information, scientists conclude that Genghis Khan wrote and spoke in Turkic, therefore, he was a Turk. The children of Genghis Khan were also named in the Turkic manner: Tule, Jochi, Chagatai, Ukitai.

Other historians agree that he did not belong to the Tatar tribe. Unlike the Mongols, the Tatars, as well as their modern descendants, the Buryats, Kalmyks, belonging to the Turks, were his worst enemies. When Genghis Khan was nine years old, the Tatars poisoned his father.

The reason to doubt his Mongolian origin is the description of his appearance: gray-green eyes, red hair. Such features of appearance are unusual for the Mongols, and very different from his fellow tribesmen.

Scientists also do not reject the version that Genghis Khan has Kazakh roots. According to available data, Genghis Khan was born (Temirshin - a marching name from "temirshi" - "blacksmith") was born in 1155 on the territory of modern Mongolia in the kiyat clan (the name of the Kazakh clan). Translated from Kazakh, his name sounds like Shyngyskhan, and means: "shyn" - the highest peak in the mountains, "gys" - a beam. The full name is translated as "high radiant khan." It is also known that the mother of Genghis Khan was also from the Kazakh family.

He received his new name "Genghis Khan" (or Khan of the East) in 1206 during a general meeting of the rulers of cities. Taking into account the fact that such clans as Argyn, Kiyat, Zhalair, Merkit, Kazakhs took part in this meeting, and there was an opinion that Genghis Khan belongs to the Kazakhs. All the tribes described above are Kazakh, of Mongolian origin. The Mongols, at that time, did not live in the territory where Genghis Khan was born.

As confirmation that Genghis Khan was not a Mongol, the head of state never had the title of khan among the Mongols (they have a similar title called kontaishi). And the title of khan was with the Turkic rulers.

The version that Genghis Khan was Chinese seems very interesting. In China, even the mausoleum of Genghis Khan was erected, and he was also included in the list of honorary emperors of China. There is no official evidence that he is of Chinese origin.

Genghis Khan, Tamerlane, Babur - the names of these commanders are known not only in Central Asia, but also far beyond its borders. If the national identity of Babur does not raise any doubts, then several ethnic groups are fighting for Genghis Khan and Tamerlane at once.

Kaktakto I decided to figure out who these great people really were by nationality.


Zahir-ad-din Muhammad Babur is a Central Asian and Timurid ruler of India and Afghanistan, commander, founder of the Baburid dynasty.

Babur was born in Ferghana, and his family tree shows that he was the great-great-grandson of Tamerlane on the paternal side, and on the mother side, a descendant of Chingizids.

He considered Chagatai his native language, although from childhood he also spoke and read Farsi fluently.

According to some information, Babur could be a descendant of the Barlas Turks, who, after the defeat by the grandson of Tamerlane, Shah Uzbek, assimilated with the local population.


Timur (Tamerlane) is a Central Asian Turkic commander and conqueror, founder of the Timurid Empire.

Photo: Russian Planet

Timur was born on April 8, 1336 in the village of Khoja-Ilgar near the city of Kesh (now Shakhrisabz, Uzbekistan) in Central Asia.

Timur's childhood and youth were spent in the mountains of Kesh. In his youth, he loved hunting and equestrian competitions, javelin throwing and archery, and had a penchant for war games.

His father, Muhammad Taragay or Turgay, was a military man from the Mongolian Barlas tribe.

Since childhood, Timur's native language is believed to have been the Chagatai (Jagatai) language of the Turkic group. This language is also called Old Uzbek.

Thus, if we take the origin of Tamerlane by his father, he has Mongolian roots, and by the place of birth - Uzbek.

Genghis Khan

Genghis Khan is the founder and first great khan of the Mongol Empire, who united the scattered Mongol and Turkic tribes, the commander who organized the conquests of the Mongols in China, Central Asia, the Caucasus and Eastern Europe. He is the founder of the largest continental empire in the history of mankind.

Photo: www.habr.com

The ancestor of Genghis Khan was Borty-Chino, the great progenitor of the Mongols.

Genghis Khan was born in 1155 in the family of Yesugei-Bagatur from the Borjigin clan, from which the Irun Mongols (true Mongols) originated.

Among the Kazakhs, there is a popular opinion that Genghis Khan was the founder of the Kazakh people (although the Kazakh horde separated from the Golden Horde only in the middle of the 15th century. Genghis Khan founded the empire at the beginning of the 13th century).

There is also evidence that Genghis Khan had a Caucasoid appearance. And in the burial of members of the Borjigin clan, to which Temujin belonged, recently excavated by South Korean archaeologists, the men buried there found a typically European Y-chromosome haplogroup R1. So, perhaps, Genghis Khan had European roots.

There is still no reliable information on this issue. Some scientists are of the opinion that he was a Turkicized Aryan, originally from Kashgaria. Other historians are inclined to believe that he was a Mongol.

Confirmation that he was of Turkic origin is the fact that correspondence with the Western kings Genghis Khan was conducted in the Turkic language, and not in Mongolian. There is also a Chingizite stone, on which an inscription from the time of the great conqueror, also written in Turkic, has been preserved. From this information, scientists conclude that Genghis Khan wrote and spoke in Turkic, therefore, he was a Turk. The children of Genghis Khan were also named in the Turkic manner: Tule, Jochi, Chagatai, Ukitai.

Other historians agree that he did not belong to the Tatar tribe. Unlike the Mongols, the Tatars, as well as their modern descendants, the Buryats, Kalmyks, belonging to the Turks, were his worst enemies. When Genghis Khan was nine years old, the Tatars poisoned his father.
The reason to doubt his Mongolian origin is the description of his appearance: gray-green eyes, red hair. Such features of appearance are unusual for the Mongols, and very different from his fellow tribesmen.

Scientists also do not reject the version that Genghis Khan has Kazakh roots. According to available data, Genghis Khan was born (Temirshin - a marching name from "temirshi" - "blacksmith") was born in 1155 on the territory of modern Mongolia in the kiyat family (the name of the Kazakh family). Translated from Kazakh, his name sounds like Shyngyskhan, and means: "shyn" - the highest peak in the mountains, "gys" - a beam. The full name is translated as "high radiant khan". It is also known that the mother of Genghis Khan was also from the Kazakh family.

He received his new name "Genghis Khan" (or Khan of the East) in 1206 during a general meeting of the rulers of cities. Taking into account the fact that such clans as Argyn, Kiyat, Zhalair, Merkit, Kazakhs took part in this meeting, and there was an opinion that Genghis Khan belongs to the Kazakhs. All the tribes described above are Kazakh, of Mongolian origin. The Mongols, at that time, did not live in the territory where Genghis Khan was born.
As confirmation that Genghis Khan was not a Mongol, the head of state never had the title of khan among the Mongols (they have a similar title called kontaishi). And the title of khan was with the Turkic rulers.

The version that Genghis Khan was Chinese seems very interesting. In China, even the mausoleum of Genghis Khan was erected, and he was also included in the list of honorary emperors of China. There is no official evidence that he is of Chinese origin.

The nationality of Genghis Khan, one of the greatest commanders in history, is still a mystery. This debate has been going on for centuries. So what nationality was Genghis Khan, "shaker of the universe", according to the modern version?

Until recently

Until recently, the answer to this question was unequivocal and no one doubted it. It was believed that by nationality Genghis Khan was a Mongol. But gradually, scientists had information that a number of historical facts relating to this significant person were distorted.

General information

If you look at what the great Abai wrote about the nationality of Genghis Khan, it becomes clear that he was born in Mongolia in 1155. It belonged to the Kiyat family. Information has been preserved that in 1206 he became khan. It was then that the boy, originally named Temuchin, received the name Genghis Khan. This name was translated as "Khan of the East". At the same time, the fact that the kurultai at which this took place was Kazakh indicates that Genghis Khan was a Kazakh by nationality.

It is important to take into account that the births gathered on that day belong to the Kazakh ones. However, they are called "Kazakhs of Mongolian origin".

Those who answer the question about who is Genghis Khan according to the nation, answer that he was a Kazakh, provide information that the Genghisides - the descendants of the great Khan - were of this nationality. It was they who were the rulers of Kazakh society until the 20th century. The rules here are "white bone" - aristocrats.

Chinese version

The question of what kind of nation Genghis Khan was also worries the Chinese. For example, a mausoleum to the great commander was erected in Beijing. He was also officially included in the list of emperors of China. In the course of a conversation with the Chinese, it becomes clear that for them it is an axiom that this nation is related to Genghis Khan in a hereditary way.

Reasons for disputes

The reasons for the disputes over the origin of this historical figure are very clear. Its use is very convenient for the formation of the state ideology. And it is quite possible to lay such a great figure in its foundation.

Accurate Facts

At the moment, regarding the nationality of Genghis Khan, only one thing can be stated with accuracy - he was not a Tatar. On the contrary, they were blood enemies throughout the life of the great commander.

The Tatars poisoned his father when the boy was only nine years old. According to the descriptions of Temuchin's external data that have survived to this day, he did not have a Mongolian appearance. His hair was red, and his eyes were gray-green. This was not characteristic of the Mongols. But it must be borne in mind that such descriptions are given by a person who lived half a century after the death of the commander. And probably, we are talking about a genetic mutation, and perhaps the source should be treated with caution.

The very name of Genghis Khan has separate interpretations. So, the Mongols called the sea Genghis, it was a deity in shamanism. Probably, it was associated with the god Tenrgi. There is also a translation of the name as "Khan by the will of the Eternal Blue Sky."

Academician Anatoly Olovintsov's version

According to the academician, in the 13th century there was no Mongolian nation in the steppes of Eurasia. There were only Turks, and Genghis Khan belongs to them. All this people was divided into many tribes. And only when Temujin gathered them into a single state, it received the name of Mongolia. This word is translated as "eternal army."

The discovery that the great commander was a Turk, Anatoly made by studying many historical documents over a long period of time. It is noteworthy that history does not store words, but there are many of them in the Turkic dialect.

In addition, Genghis Khan corresponded with the kings of the West. And the correspondence was carried out in the Turkic language. In messages to descendants, letters to a number of rulers, all texts were also drawn up in the Turkic language. In addition, a Chingizite stone has been preserved. It was created back in the days when the commander himself was alive. The inscriptions on it are made in the same language. If the Mongolian language was actively used in those days, it would be pointless to write exclusively in Turkic. From this, the academician concludes that Genghis Khan himself spoke the Turkic language.

On the origin of the Mongols

This people did not exist, this is an exclusively political name. The same is happening, for example, in the US. A nation of Americans lives there. And who are they? These are the British, Italians, Africans and many other people from various countries. In addition, once the citizens of the Russian Federation were the Soviet people, but they did not speak the Soviet language. Each nation had its own language.

When Genghis Khan was alive, the Turks lived in the steppes. Among them were Tatars, and Kereis, and Jalairs, and Naimans. In the annals, there is evidence that once a Chinese envoy Menghong arrived to Genghis Khan. The ruler himself at that time was on a campaign. And when the envoy talked with the governor of Genghis Khan Mukhali, he asked him who he himself was. Mukhali said to himself that he was a Tatar.

From all this it follows that in the environment of the commander there were people of various nations. And creating a single state, he united the peoples into one. Mongolia was chosen as the name for such a motley formation. It was a neutral word and at the same time quite loud - "eternal army." About the disputes regarding whether Genghis Khan was a Kazakh, the academician says that it makes no sense for any people to attribute the great commander to their nation. After all, he was a Turk, and having formed a state, he became a Mongol. He was buried in this country, according to the surviving information, he himself ordered it.

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