Who should start a log of three-step control. Guidelines for the organization and implementation of three-stage control over the state of labor protection


The system of control over the state of conditions and labor protection

The purpose of monitoring the state of conditions and labor protection is to prevent industrial injuries, occupational diseases through the implementation of a set of measures.
The organization must establish and timely adjust methods for periodically assessing the compliance of the state of labor protection with the current legislation (state regulatory requirements for labor protection), develop and ensure the functioning of processes for regular monitoring, measuring and recording the effectiveness of operations that can affect working conditions. These processes should include:
- carrying out the necessary qualitative and quantitative assessments in accordance with the established requirements, the goals of the organization in the field of labor protection;
- measuring the results of compliance with the established criteria (normative indicators) of functioning and state regulatory requirements for labor protection;
- registration of accidents, occupational diseases, incidents and other evidence of insufficient efficiency of the labor protection management system;
- registration of data and results of control and measurements sufficient for subsequent analysis of the results of operational control over compliance with the objectives of labor protection and development of the necessary corrective and preventive actions;
- surveys of the health status of workers;
- monitoring and recording data on the health of workers exposed to certain hazards.

The organization must have data on the regulatory requirements for verification of equipment and control and measurement equipment and ensure timely maintenance and verification of these facilities. A record of the verifications carried out should be recorded and kept.
Control over the state of labor protection is one of the main elements of the OSMS and is aimed at:
- checking the compliance of the state of working conditions of employees with state regulatory requirements for labor protection;
- fulfillment by managers and specialists of official duties on labor protection;
- identification and prevention of violations and deviations from the requirements of state standards of the SSBT, rules, norms, instructions for labor protection;
- taking effective measures to eliminate identified deficiencies.
In addition, when monitoring the state of labor protection, the results of attestation of workplaces are analyzed, an assessment is made of the safety of production, the effectiveness of collective and individual protection equipment.
The main types of control are:
- administrative and public (operational) control;
- departmental control;
- state control;
- public control.

Administrative and public (operational) control happens, as a rule - two-, three-stage.
First stage- carried out by the immediate supervisor of the work (foreman, shift engineer, mechanic, foreman, etc.) directly at the site, daily before the start of work (during the shift). The condition of workplaces, the serviceability of equipment, tools and fixtures, the operation of ventilation units, the condition of sanitary facilities, the availability of instructions and posters on labor protection, the availability and serviceability of personal protective equipment are checked.
In case of detected deficiencies, measures are taken to eliminate them, with a log entry.
On the second step operational control is carried out by the head of the structural unit (head of the workshop, laboratory, service, etc.) with the representative of the committee (commission) for labor protection, labor protection specialists and other department services at least once a month (the day is set based on the schedule checks).
The state of conditions and labor protection at one of the sites is monitored, while checking, in addition to the list of positions of the first stage:
- serviceability and compliance of production and auxiliary premises, equipment, transport and lifting equipment with the requirements for safe operation;
- timeliness of surveys and testing of protective equipment, equipment, lifting machines, vessels;
- fulfillment of schedules for routine inspections, repairs, etc.;
- implementation of measures based on the results of certification of workplaces, etc.;
Detected deficiencies are eliminated, a log entry is made. If it is impossible to perform any activity, a memorandum (service) note addressed to the chief engineer is drawn up.
Based on the results of the audit, an order is issued for the unit with specific measures and conclusions.
On the third step operational control is carried out by the chief engineer of the enterprise (technical director), together with the chairman of the committee (commission) for labor protection, with the head of the labor protection service and other specialists of the organization, at least once a quarter. The state of conditions and labor protection in one of the workshops (sections) is monitored, while checking, in addition to the list of positions of the second stage:
- implementation of measures to eliminate the shortcomings identified during the second stage of control;
- implementation of planned measures to improve working conditions and labor protection, including the activities of the "Labor protection" section of the collective agreement, measures for acts of accidents, as well as the implementation of orders, instructions, instructions on labor protection, instructions, control and supervisory authorities and recommendations committee (commission) on labor protection;
- organization of training and testing of knowledge of managers and specialists of structural divisions;
- organization of medical examinations and other preventive measures;
- the performance of other tasks, the solution of which is included in the functions of the heads of structural divisions and chief specialists of functional services, is checked.
The results of the survey (inspection) are documented in an act with the issuance of an order for the organization, the results are considered at a production meeting of the audited structural unit.
The General Director once a year conducts a comprehensive survey of the state of labor protection of one of the structural divisions of the organization with a discussion of the results of inspections at a meeting or general meeting. Based on the results of the check, an order is issued.

departmental control. Carried out by a higher organization:
- when conducting comprehensive inspections of subordinate organizations;
- when conducting targeted inspections of the state of conditions and labor protection in subordinate organizations;
- at the request of employees of subordinate organizations.

State control. State supervision and control over compliance with labor legislation and other normative legal acts containing labor law norms by all employers in the territory of the Russian Federation is carried out by the federal labor inspectorate.
State supervision over compliance with the rules for the safe conduct of work in certain industries and at some industrial facilities, along with the federal labor inspectorate, is carried out by the relevant federal executive bodies exercising the functions of control and supervision in the established field of activity.
Intradepartmental state control over compliance with labor legislation and other regulatory legal acts containing labor law norms in subordinate organizations is carried out by federal executive authorities, executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, as well as local governments in the manner and on the conditions determined by federal laws and laws subjects of the Russian Federation.
State supervision over the precise and uniform implementation of labor legislation and other normative legal acts containing labor law norms is carried out by the Prosecutor General of the Russian Federation and prosecutors subordinate to him in accordance with federal law.

public control. In accordance with Article 370 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, trade unions have the right to monitor compliance by employers and their representatives with labor legislation and other regulatory legal acts containing labor law norms, their compliance with the terms of collective agreements and agreements.
Employers are obliged, within a week from the date of receipt of the requirement to eliminate the identified violations, to inform the relevant trade union body about the results of consideration of this requirement and the measures taken.
Trade union labor inspectors, authorized (trusted) persons for labor protection of trade unions have the right:
- exercise control over compliance by employers with labor legislation and other regulatory legal acts containing labor law norms;
- conduct an independent examination of working conditions and ensuring the safety of employees;
- take part in the investigation of accidents at work and occupational diseases;
- receive information from managers and other officials of organizations, employers - individual entrepreneurs on the state of conditions and labor protection, as well as on all accidents at work and occupational diseases;
- protect the rights and legitimate interests of members of the trade union on the issues of compensation for harm caused to their health at work (work);
- present employers with demands to suspend work in cases of a direct threat to the life and health of employees;
- send employers submissions on the elimination of identified violations of labor legislation and other regulatory legal acts containing labor law norms that are mandatory for consideration;
- to check the state of conditions and labor protection, the fulfillment of the obligations of employers, provided for by collective agreements and agreements;
- take part in the work of commissions for testing and commissioning of production facilities and means of production as independent experts;
- take part in the consideration of labor disputes related to violation of labor legislation and other regulatory legal acts containing labor law norms, obligations stipulated by collective agreements and agreements, as well as changes in working conditions;
- take part in the development of draft federal laws and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation, laws and other regulatory legal acts of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, regulatory legal acts of local governments containing labor law norms;
- take part in the development of drafts of by-laws and regulations that establish state regulatory requirements for labor protection, as well as coordinate them in the manner established by the Government of the Russian Federation;
- apply to the relevant authorities with a demand to bring to justice those guilty of violating labor legislation and other acts containing labor law norms, concealing the facts of accidents at work.
To ensure public control over the observance of the legitimate rights and interests of employees in the field of labor protection, authorized (trusted) persons for labor protection of the trade union or labor collective are elected in all structural divisions of the organization.
Authorized (trusted) persons for labor protection of trade unions have the right to freely check compliance with labor protection requirements and make proposals, mandatory for consideration by officials of organizations, employers - individual entrepreneurs, to eliminate the identified violations of labor protection requirements.
Based on the recommendations of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation, organizations can develop regulations on authorized representatives that take into account the specifics of forms of ownership and economic activity.
When organizing public control over labor protection in an organization, it must be taken into account that the successful fulfillment of the assigned tasks and functions by authorized persons is possible provided that they receive the necessary assistance and support from the administration of the organization, trade unions and other representative bodies authorized by employees, state control and supervision bodies, union inspectors.
The Institute of Commissioners is created to organize public control over the observance of the legitimate rights and interests of employees in the field of labor protection at enterprises and organizations of all forms of ownership, regardless of the scope of their economic activity, departmental subordination and the number of employees.
Depending on the specific conditions of production, several authorized persons may be elected in a structural unit. The number, procedure for their election and term of office may be stipulated in a collective agreement or other other joint decision of the employer and the representative body of employees. Elections of authorized representatives are recommended to be held at a general meeting of the labor collective for a period of at least 2 years. It is not recommended to elect authorized employees who, by their position, are responsible for the state of labor protection in the organization.
The authorized persons are, as a rule, members of the organization's labor protection committee (commission).
The authorized representatives organize their work in cooperation with the heads of sections (subdivisions), elected trade union bodies or other representative bodies authorized by employees, with the labor protection service (specialist) and other services of the organization, with state bodies for supervision of labor protection and trade union inspection.
Commissioners periodically report at the general meeting of the collective that elected them, and may be recalled before the expiration of their powers by decision of the body that elected them, if they do not perform the assigned functions or do not show the necessary exactingness to protect the rights of workers to labor protection.

More information about the work of authorized (trusted) persons for labor protection can be found in the article: "Public control of labor protection in the organization"

Authorized (trusted) persons for labor protection of trade unions and other representative bodies authorized by employees must undergo training and testing of knowledge on labor protection in training organizations of federal executive authorities, executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation in the field of labor protection.

Occupational health and safety management system audit

The organization should develop and timely update plans and methods for auditing the OSMS.
An audit of the labor protection management system is carried out for:
- determining the presence in the organization of a functioning OSMS, determining the compliance of the OSMS with the requirements of labor protection, the provisions of the policy in the field of labor protection;
- determining the quality of the functioning of the OSMS, assessing the effectiveness of achieving goals, fulfilling tasks (measures) for labor protection, the timeliness of their adjustment;
- consideration and accounting of the results of the previous audit of the labor protection management system;
- presentation of information on the results of the audit of the OSMS to the management of the organization.
The audit plan for an OSHMS should be based on the results of an occupational risk assessment and the results of previous internal audits of the OSHMS.
The audit methods of the OSMS must comply with the requirements for their conduct, purpose, frequency, qualifications and competence of the persons performing the audit.
Based on the results of the audit, the OSMS prepare reports.
Where possible, an OSHMS audit is carried out by persons who are not directly responsible for labor protection and are not dependent on the activity being audited.

Three-stage control is one of the ways to monitor the state of conditions and labor protection in the organization, labor discipline in the workplace, compliance with labor safety standards, norms, rules, instructions and other legal acts on labor protection. Its main task is:

  • implementation of a set of measures for labor protection;
  • determination of employees responsible for timely verification of the state of labor protection;
  • elimination of shortcomings identified at three successive steps.

The employer is not obliged to introduce three-stage control in the organization. However, it can become a reliable system for the prevention of industrial injuries. It should be understood that the three-stage control will give noticeable results only if the entire staff of the organization, from workers to top management, will consistently and persistently fight for the improvement of working conditions.

What you need to implement three-step control

The main condition for the organization of three-stage control is presence of a trade union or other representative body of workers in the organization. A lot depends on the chairman of the trade union in matters of labor protection. He must organize public control, manage the work of labor protection commissioners, negotiate with the head of the organization.

It will also be necessary form a labor protection committee, which will organize joint actions of the employer and employees in this area. The Committee has the following responsibilities:

  • organizes an inspection of the state of conditions and labor protection at workplaces;
  • informs employees of the results of these inspections;
  • collects proposals for the section of the collective agreement on labor protection.



labor protection specialist, AstraZeneca Russia (Moscow)

The demand to form an occupational safety committee may come from employees. In this case, the employer is obliged to support the initiative and include its representatives in the committee.

The size of the labor protection committee depends on the size of the organization, the specifics of production, the number of structural divisions and other features. It is determined by mutual agreement of the parties - the employer and employees (Article 218 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

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Three-stage control is most relevant for large manufacturing organizations. This system is often found in enterprises where safe work is organized according to the old rules developed during the Soviet era.

An example of an industry where three-step control would be effective is construction. So, the general contractor, who works with many subcontractors, cannot always fully control the order and compliance with labor protection requirements at the facility. Hence the high probability of accidents and other incidents.

However, almost all violations of labor protection can be avoided if a three-stage control is organized and carried out at each site.

How to carry out a three-step control

The organization of three-stage control is usually carried out by the head of the company, the labor protection service and the head of the trade union or other representative body of workers. Control is carried out:

  • at the first stage - at the site of the unit, in a shift or brigade;
  • at the second stage - in the unit as a whole;
  • at the third stage - in the organization as a whole.

The results of the three-stage control are reflected in the Journal of three-stage control over the state of conditions and labor protection (hereinafter referred to as the Journal of three-stage control).

First step of control

Control at the first stage daily before the start of work is carried out by the heads of sections (foremen, heads of sections, shift supervisors) together with a member of the trade union authorized for labor protection. At this stage, you need to check:

  • whether the violations identified during the previous audit have been eliminated;
  • the state of working conditions at each workplace;
  • condition of passages and driveways;
  • the presence of protective and signal fences;
  • the presence of the necessary tools and equipment for the work;
  • safety of technological equipment, lifting and transport vehicles;
  • compliance with the rules for warehousing materials, blanks, fixtures;
  • the availability, serviceability and correctness of the use of personal protective equipment by employees;
  • the state of electrical safety and compliance by employees with electrical safety rules when working on electrical installations and with power tools;
  • employees have certificates, work permits, other documents for the performance of work with increased danger.

Identified violations must be eliminated immediately. This process is controlled by the immediate supervisor of the work in this area. If the violations cannot be eliminated by the site, then the immediate supervisor of the work, upon completion of the inspection, reports this to the superior. Together they will decide what actions need to be taken to eliminate errors and appoint employees responsible for their implementation.

The employee who conducted the inspection, or the head of the site, makes a record of the identified violations in the Three-Step Control Log. Under the record, the authorized representative for labor protection of the trade union or other representative body of workers must sign.

If at the first stage of control a gross violation of labor protection is detected, which can harm the health of employees or lead to an accident, then work is suspended until the violation is eliminated. At the same time, in the log of three-stage control, the inspectors make an entry that it is recommended to suspend work until the violations are eliminated.

The head of work must inform his subordinates about all discrepancies found. In addition, he daily reports on the state of labor protection at his site to a higher manager.

Second stage of control

Responsible for control at the second stage is the head of the workshop, department, construction site with the participation of a labor protection representative from the trade union. At this stage, representatives of the technical services of the unit (for example, the services of the chief mechanic, chief power engineer, chief technologist), a specialist in the labor protection service of the organization can join the check.

  • organization, frequency of carrying out and results of the work of the first stage of control;
  • implementation of measures planned after previous inspections at the first and second stages of control;
  • implementation of orders of the head of the organization and the trade union on labor protection issues;
  • fulfillment of instructions of state supervision and control bodies;
  • implementation of measures developed as a result of the investigation of accidents;
  • serviceability and compliance of production equipment, vehicles and technological processes with the requirements of regulatory legal acts on labor protection;
  • observance of schedules of scheduled preventive repairs of mechanisms, equipment, technological modes of operation;
  • the state of labor protection in subdivisions, the presence of posters on labor protection, signal colors, safety signs;
  • availability and serviceability of protective, signaling and fire-fighting equipment and devices, instrumentation;
  • timeliness and quality of instructing employees on labor protection;
  • the availability and correct use of personal protective equipment by employees;
  • condition of sanitary facilities and devices;
  • observance of the established regime of work and rest, labor discipline.

Violations that cannot be eliminated on the spot are recorded in the Log of three-stage control in the form of comments. The head of the structural unit must organize measures to eliminate violations and once a month report to the labor protection committee on the state of conditions and labor protection in his structural unit.


Vladimir MASLOV,

director of the Privolzhsky branch of LLC "HS-Attestatsiya" (Nizhny Novgorod)

The employer should create an inspection schedule for each stage of the three-stage control. This will allow inspections to be carried out on time and not to cross inspections at different levels with each other.

Third stage of control

Control at the third stage is carried out by a commission headed by the head of the organization or the chief engineer and the chairman of the trade union committee. It also includes the head of the labor protection service, the technical service and the authorized labor protection officer from the trade union.

Control is carried out at least once a quarter (usually once a month), while checking:

  • organization, frequency of carrying out and results of work of the first and second stages of control;
  • keeping a log of three-stage control;
  • implementation of measures provided for by collective agreements, agreements on labor protection and other documents;
  • implementation of measures developed as a result of the investigation of severe and group accidents and accidents;
  • technical condition and maintenance of buildings, structures, premises, workshops and territories adjacent to them;
  • execution of orders and instructions, instructions and instructions of state supervision bodies;
  • provision of employees with sanitary facilities and devices;
  • organization of training and briefings on labor protection.

Based on the results of the inspection, the commission draws up an act, and the identified violations are recorded in the Journal of three-stage control of the unit in which the inspection was carried out.

In addition, the head of the organization considers the results of the third stage of control with the participation of the heads of structural divisions, chief specialists, and representatives of the trade union organization. Together they develop measures with the help of which it is possible to eliminate the identified shortcomings and violations, and the head of the enterprise appoints the executors and the deadlines for the implementation of these measures. Minutes are drawn up based on the results of the meeting.

After that, if necessary, the head issues an order to bring to disciplinary responsibility employees who have committed violations of labor protection or are guilty of unsatisfactory organization of work in this area. And vice versa: employees who have achieved positive results in work on labor protection can be encouraged.

Answers to your questions

Is an occupational safety specialist obliged to deprive employees of bonuses for violations of labor protection?

Is the labor protection engineer obliged to punish with the deprivation of the bonus or punish the employees of the enterprise for non-compliance with labor protection requirements? Is it legal?
Maxim FEDORTSEV, labor protection engineer (Kazan)

The decision to reward employees and, accordingly, to deprive them of their bonus is made by the employer. The labor protection specialist can write out orders to eliminate violations to employees who violate safety requirements, and also suggest that the manager hold certain employees accountable. Based on these proposals, the employer will decide on the deduction of bonuses for violators.

Is it necessary to create an occupational safety service in an organization with a small number of employees?

We have 340 employees and one occupational safety specialist in our company. Is it necessary to create a labor protection service with such a number of employees?
Victoria ZINCHENKO, Human Resources Officer (Kirov)

In your case, it is not necessary to create a labor protection service in the organization. This decision is up to the employer. According to the recommendations, if the number of employees at the enterprise does not exceed 700 people, and the workplaces are recognized as safe, then individual specialists can deal with labor protection. In organizations that employ more than 700 people, they create a labor protection bureau (from three to five employees) or a labor protection department (from six employees).

Is it possible to transfer workers to a 12-hour working day if working conditions are recognized as harmful?

One of the production sites is considering changing the work schedule from eight hours to 12 hours. Professions: non-ferrous metal processing line operator and annealer. According to the results of the AWP, class 3.1 - 3.3. Are there any regulations on this matter that allow such a schedule or, on the contrary, prohibit it?
Olga KOROLKOVA, specialist in labor protection, industrial safety and ecology (Irkutsk)

If the working conditions of workers are recognized as harmful, they should be given a reduced working time - no more than 36 hours per week. On the basis of an industry agreement and a collective agreement, with the written consent of the employee, the working week can be increased up to 40 hours with the payment of monetary compensation to the employee (

Three-stage (administrative-public) control in the OT management system is the main form of control by the administration and the trade union committee over the state of working conditions and safety at workplaces, as well as compliance by officials and all employees with the requirements of labor legislation, standards, rules, norms, instructions and others. normative and technical documents on labor protection.

The three-stage method of monitoring the state of OT applies to all workshops, production and divisions of the enterprise.

First stage:

First stage OT state control (1 stage) held daily on a mandatory basis in all areas of the main and auxiliary production foreman (head of the site) together with the foreman and public inspector according to the OT of the trade union group 10-15 minutes before the start of the work shift, as well as during the shift for workshops with a large territorial dispersion.

During the first stage of control, inspectors bypass all workplaces on the site (order), check their compliance with the requirements of health, safety and security:

They are convinced that the equipment, equipment, tools and fixtures are in good condition (by inspection, interviewing workers, etc.);

Make sure that all employees have and use the appropriate protective equipment - overalls, safety shoes, safety devices, PPE;

Make sure that all employees have no health complaints and are in working condition;

They check whether the workers violate the requirements of TB, PS and PB, provided for by the standards, rules, instructions and technological processes:

They check whether the ventilation units are working, the sufficiency of lighting in the workplace, the compliance of the microclimate at the site (order);

They check the absence of clutter (passages, access to electrical panels, fire extinguishing equipment, etc.), cleanliness at workplaces on the site (on order), correct storage of materials, products and waste;

If violations and shortcomings are found, measures are taken to eliminate them;

make an entry in the log of the 1st stage of monitoring the state of the OT of the site on the inspection and on the identified violations of the OT requirements. On the order, proposals for eliminating violations and creating safe UT, the implementation of which depends on other workshops, the foreman writes in the journal of the first stage, located with the senior builder of the order - (responsible deliverer).

Upon detection of violations that can lead to an accident, accident or fire and which can only be eliminated by other areas (mechanics, energy, etc.), the foreman is obliged to immediately notify the management of these areas or the head of the unit (written report, entry in the journal second stage, etc.) on the need to eliminate the identified violations.

Every day, one or two hours after the start of the work shift, the site manager (site manager, senior foreman) is obliged to go around all the workshop sites and check the quality of the first stage control of the OT condition by the foremen, familiarize themselves with the contents of the entries in the log of the 1st stage.

If there are violations of the OT requirements, the head of the site controls their elimination, and, if necessary, organizes their elimination by the site or with the involvement of other services and sites in the manner established in the unit.

Senior builder (responsible deliverer) of the order regardless of the checks carried out by the foremen of the departments, daily checks the state of HSE, PS and PB and enters the results of the check into the log of a three-stage control of the order FROM status. Proposals to eliminate the identified deficiencies entered in the journal of the three-stage order control are considered by the senior builder (responsible deliverer) for the performers, and, if necessary, are entered in the book (list) of shift-daily tasks.

The right to record proposals for eliminating deficiencies in HSE, PS and PB in the log of the first stage for the section (order) is given to representatives of the management of the enterprise, bodies of State supervision and control, heads of departments (shops) and sections, senior foremen, foremen, senior commissioner for labor protection of the trade union committee enterprises, OOT employees, authorized for OOT departments (workshops) conducting work on the order, senior builders, builders of the order.

Heads of sections, senior foremen, foremen whose workers perform work on order are required to get acquainted daily with the entries in the three-stage control log from the senior builder (responsible deliverer) and take measures to eliminate deficiencies within the specified time.

Second step:

Second step OT state control (stage 2) carried outonce a week personally by the head of the structural unit with the participation of: an authorized trade union committee of the department for labor protection, mechanics, power engineering, other necessary heads of the division of the workshop (department), an engineer for labor protection.


It is allowed to carry out the 2nd stage of monitoring the state of the OT by the deputy heads of the structural unit in separate areas. In this case, an order must be issued for the unit, agreed by the chief engineer (deputy chief engineer). Conducting the 2nd stage by the deputy head of the unit does not relieve the head of the unit of responsibility for the frequency and quality of its implementation.

The second stage of control of the state of OT on the order is carried out by the main builder of orders with the participation of the senior builder of the order (responsible deliverer), heads of sections conducting work on the order (including the electrical installation company).

The second stage is carried out according to a separate schedule agreed with the chief engineer (deputy chief engineer), but at least once every ten days.

When carrying out the 2nd stage of monitoring the state of OT, the inspectors must:

Check the order and quality of the first stage of control at production sites and orders;

Walk around the workplaces of production sites, orders and check their compliance with health and safety requirements;

Check the fulfillment by the site managers, foremen, senior builders, builders of the measures for labor protection of the collective agreement, the monthly work plan for labor protection, orders and orders of the management of the enterprise and division, the instructions of the OOT, the inspection of Rostekhnadzor, Gossannadzor, Gospozhnadzor, the state inspection for labor protection, representations of the senior authorized trade union committee according to OT;

Check the implementation of measures and proposals adopted during the previous inspections of sites for I and 2 levels of control.

Decisions and proposals made during the implementation of the 2nd stage of monitoring the state of OT must be recorded by the inspectors in the log of three-stage control, which is available to the head of the unit, section, senior builder of the order.

The right to write in the journal of the 2nd stage (the 1st stage on the order) is given to: the management of the enterprise, workshops, senior foremen, representatives of regulatory state bodies authorized by the trade union committee of the enterprise and divisions, employees of the OT, builders of 5, 6, 7 departments, OGS (3 departments ), UVENU, employees of the CDP and NIPTB Onega, who supervise the observance of technological processes.

Third step:

Third step monitoring the state of OT (stage 3) in divisions and on orders is carried out by the chief engineer, deputy heads and deputy chief engineers according to the schedule for the 3rd stage, approved by the head of the enterprise and agreed by the trade union committee, with the participation of the main specialists of the enterprise (Chief Technologist, Chief Welder, Chief Mechanic, Chief Energy, Chief Metrologist, Chief Acoustic, Chief Ecologist, Head of the RCC, Head of the IO, Head of the OOT), senior representative of the trade union committee of the enterprise for OT, representatives of HRC-3. At stage 3 inspections, the presence of the head and chairman of the trade union committee of the structural unit is mandatory, which provide information-report on the ongoing work on labor protection and the state of labor safety in the unit.

When carrying out the 3rd stage of monitoring the state of OT, the inspectors must:

Bypass the division, order, production and check its compliance with the requirements of TB, PS and PB;

Check the fulfillment by the head of the subdivision, the senior builder of the order of the planned measures for occupational health and safety, the comprehensive plan for occupational safety, the Collective agreement (including agreements for occupational safety); orders and orders of the management of the enterprise on labor protection issues, representations of the trade union committee, instructions of the labor protection department and state regulatory and supervisory authorities;

Pay special attention to the organization and conduct of inspections of the 1st and 2nd stages of monitoring the state of OT;

Check the implementation of measures and proposals adopted during the previous inspections of the 3rd stage of control;

Make a decision on the issues proposed by the administration of the division, the department of builders, to further improve the state of OT, the solution of which depends on other divisions of the enterprise;

Decisions and proposals made in the course of the implementation of the 3rd stage of monitoring the state of OT, write down in the journal of the three-stage control of the unit, order.

Based on the results of the 3rd stage, an order is issued by the head of the unit within a week.

If necessary, based on the results of the 3rd stage, an administrative document for the enterprise is issued (the document is prepared by the audited unit).

The journal of the three-stage control of the workshop (stage 3) has the right to write: the management of the enterprise, chief specialists and their deputies, the management of the OOT, the chairman of the trade union committee and the senior authorized representative of the trade union committee for labor protection.

Question from a visitor

Please explain how the three-step control log is filled out. It is the graph - the signatures of the controlling persons. Who is at each stage of verification?

Response to the visitor


The first stage of control is carried out by the head of the relevant structural unit of the site (team, shift).

Control is carried out every day, during the working shift.

At the first check (I stage):

  • implementation of measures to eliminate violations identified during the previous audit;
  • location and availability of the necessary tools, fixtures, blanks, etc.;
  • condition of passages, passages, transitions;
  • equipment safety;
  • compliance with electrical safety rules by employees;
  • proper ventilation;
  • availability and observance by employees of labor protection instructions;
  • availability and use of personal protective equipment by employees;
  • employees have labor protection certificates, work permits for performing work with increased danger.

The results of the check are recorded in the log; which must be kept by the head of the site - the master, in the prescribed form.

The second stage of control is carried out by the head of the structural unit (workshop, department, production or site).

The frequency of inspections of the second stage is weekly according to the schedule approved by the head of the structural unit and agreed with the labor protection specialist ...

At the second stage, they check (stage II):

  • implementation of measures according to the first and second stages of control;
  • implementation of administrative documents on labor protection (orders, instructions, instructions);
  • serviceability of technological equipment and its compliance with regulatory documentation;
  • compliance by employees with the rules of electrical safety, fire safety;
  • observance of schedules of preventive repairs of production equipment, ventilation units;
  • condition of labor protection stands, availability and condition of labor protection posters, signal colors and safety signs;
  • availability and condition of protective, signaling and fire-fighting equipment and devices, instrumentation;
  • compliance with safety rules when working with hazardous and fire-explosive substances and materials;
  • timeliness and quality of instructing employees on labor safety;
  • use of personal protective equipment and overalls by employees;
  • providing workers with therapeutic and preventive nutrition, milk and other preventive means;
  • condition of sanitary facilities and devices;
  • observance of the established regime of work and rest.

The control results are recorded in the journal.

The third stage of control is carried out by the labor protection commission once a month.

At the third stage, they check (stage III):

  • implementation of measures for the first and second stages of control;
  • implementation of organizational and administrative documents on labor protection (orders, instructions, instructions);
  • implementation of measures specified in plans to improve working conditions, collective agreements, agreements on labor protection;
  • implementation of measures based on the materials of the investigation of severe and group accidents;
  • technical condition and maintenance of buildings, structures, premises of workshops and adjacent territories;
  • compliance of equipment with the requirements of normative and technical documentation on labor protection;
  • efficiency of ventilation installations;
  • the provision of workers with overalls, footwear and other personal protective equipment, the correctness of their issuance, storage, organization of washing, cleaning and repair;
  • provision of employees with sanitary facilities and devices, their condition;
  • organization of medical and preventive services for employees;
  • condition of labor protection cabinets;
  • the condition of labor protection stands, their timely and correct execution;
  • organization and quality of training and briefings of employees on labor safety;
  • readiness of the personnel of the structural divisions of the organization to work in emergency conditions;
  • observance of the established regime of work and rest, labor discipline.

Based on the results of the control, an act is drawn up. In case of violations, an order is issued.

The labor legislation of the Russian Federation provides for various types of labor protection control. The choice depends on production factors. Regular monitoring provides for the improvement of working conditions and the implementation of preventive instructions, which will help prevent accidents at work and exclude the possibility of developing occupational diseases among employees of the organization.

Regular or freelance inspectors are responsible for carrying out the control. This may be the manager of the structural division of the company. If we are talking about state control, then representatives of the executive branch monitor compliance with labor protection rules.

Inspection of enterprises takes place on the basis of legal acts drawn up by functional instances, which contain labor protection requirements, possible traumatic cases for a certain specialty, as well as sanitary standards for working with production facilities. In the event of a work-related injury, an employee can count on the payment of material compensation.

The main body responsible for verifying compliance with the conditions of the OT is the Prosecutor General's Office of the Russian Federation. The work of local enterprises is regulated by subordinate prosecutors.

Types of control

current GOST R 12.0.006-2002 includes a list of types of labor protection control that allow you to determine how carefully labor protection rules are observed, as well as develop a plan for improving labor protection in an organization based on an up-to-date analysis. The following types of supervision can be applied in a company:

  • current (implies the implementation of planned OSH activities);
  • constant (continuous control over the conditions of the production process);
  • multilevel;
  • reactive;
  • interior;
  • external (after its implementation, the branch or workshop receives a certificate of conformity).

Important! Only those employees who have undergone initial OSH training may be involved in any of the above assessment activities. Initial briefing is mandatory for all employees who enter a new workplace.

Affiliation of inspectors

Based on the affiliation of those involved in the assessment of labor protection at the enterprise, a classification of types of control is distinguished, which can be state, intradepartmental and public.


This type of supervision is carried out by employees of relevant state bodies. Both federal and local control can be carried out. State control over labor protection is regulated by the norms of Russian legislation (Article No. 360 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

Read also On responsibility for ensuring safe working conditions and labor protection


Intradepartmental control of labor protection is carried out by leading institutions. So, they can check working conditions in a department of a lower rank. The verifier and the verifier must be part of a certain structure (stock company, concern, etc.). The functioning of labor protection services also takes place within the framework of internal control.


Such oversight is inherent in all liberal states where freedom of speech is valued. Public control should be carried out directly by citizens, and any person can act as the initiator of the check. In most cases, foundations, social groups, media representatives, and trade union members use this right. This method has been developing especially actively in recent years, when it is possible to publish the results of checking the working conditions at the enterprise on the pages of social networks.

There are also technical and social control over the state of labor protection. Control over the state of labor protection of the first type is referred to as labor tools, and the purpose of the second is to check the activities of the employees themselves (in particular, whether they comply with the rules of labor protection). Also, social assessment concerns the boss himself, who undertakes to provide suitable working conditions at the enterprise.

Control frequency

Depending on how often the control is carried out at the enterprise, the following types of supervision are distinguished:

  • constant;
  • operational;
  • selective.

The permanent type will be used during the regular assessment of the state of OT during production (monitoring is used daily). The purpose of this supervision is to check the operability of equipment and the serviceability of protective devices in organizations where high-risk work is carried out. The workplace should have fire extinguishers and special clothing for emergencies (especially in situations where active work with flammable substances takes place).

Operational control implies a periodic assessment of working conditions at the enterprise, which is carried out by the branch manager together with trade union members. The purpose is to check compliance with sanitary and hygienic requirements, working tools and equipment.

Sample control is carried out on a certain day once a month. For its implementation, an expert group is assembled, which includes an engineer for labor protection and the head of a structural unit. Compliance with regulatory legal acts is checked and control over the provision of conditions for the performance of labor functions. The fact that regular or extraordinary safety briefings have been conducted can also be checked.

Read also The procedure for the implementation of state management of labor protection


1st step

Supervision is the responsibility of the leading person (foreman, foreman, foreman, etc.). It passes only on the site of the enterprise for which it is responsible. Control over the operation of equipment, sanitary standards, compliance with labor protection is carried out regularly before the start of work. Any violations must be recorded in writing in the occupational safety log.

2nd step

The check is carried out by a higher person - the head of the branch. The inspection program does not have significant differences, however, the manager may be interested in the implementation of schedules for reading briefings, repairs, inspections of a certain area, etc. Also, the manager, who is often accompanied by a member of the OHS commission, can check the fact of equipment and protective equipment examination. All violations are recorded in the journal, and the subordinate manager may be required to explain why certain working conditions were not observed.

3rd step

It takes place under the guidance of the head of the company, while a large-scale assessment of each workshop and branch of the enterprise is carried out. The manager is interested in whether the shortcomings identified in the first two stages of the audit have been eliminated. In addition, monitoring of medical examinations, planned measures to improve labor safety in organizations is carried out.

The results of the check are fixed by an order in two copies, after which it is analyzed at a meeting of the commission. A comprehensive examination by the director is usually carried out no more than once a year.

Evaluation rules

  1. The inspector must have an official certificate, which contains information about his authority.
  2. The head of the branch is warned in writing about the inspection, if it is not about regular supervision.
  3. Passes must be prepared for the participants of the expert group, otherwise they may not be allowed to participate in the process.
  4. Members of the commission must adhere to the principles of confidentiality and return papers submitted for verification in their original form. The instructor has the right to request any documents with which he can operate.
  5. Usually, two stages of assessment are distinguished - work with the documentation of the inspected unit and verification of the technical component of the branch.
  6. During the inspection, the inspector should give recommendations on how to eliminate deficiencies.

How effectively control is carried out depends on the level of its organization and the chosen methods of supervision. This is especially true for production sites where high-risk work is carried out. Bodies involved in labor protection may request acts that describe labor relations. The number of documents subject to verification may include an employment contract, which indicates the essential working conditions.

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