Who is Sasha's husband. Biography of Alexandra Savelyeva


Today's article will tell about a popular Russian singer, who is also a pleasant and interesting girl. Our readers will definitely be interested in the creative path of Alexandra Savelyeva, because there were several unexpected episodes that are remarkable for everyone.

Next, we will describe all the memorable episodes from her life and fate, the path to fame among a wide audience, and also connect the past and present of the star. Let's not talk in vain, but immediately proceed to the analysis of the biography.

It is rare to find a situation where ordinary fans miss information regarding the external data of stellar personalities. Especially if this is a young singer in the very dawn of her strength. Therefore, fans of her work rarely bypass such information as height, weight, age. How old is Sasha Savelyeva, often asked by those who get to know the personality of the model and singer. There is nothing to hide - Alexandra's approximate height is 168 centimeters, and her weight is no more than 51 kilograms.

Most recently, Sasha Savelyeva celebrated her 34th birthday. Photos of youth and now, as you understand, it is pointless to compare. Unless you take absolutely children's photos from the family album.

Biography 👉 Sasha Savelieva

The biography of Sasha Savelyeva begins in 1983, in one of the capital's maternity hospitals. Father Vladimir Savelyev and mother Nadezhda were engaged in science and had scientific titles. As soon as the girl has learned to walk, her parents begin to help her find herself.

At the age of three, Alexander is given to figure skating, where Irina Moiseeva, a famous figure skater, acted as a teacher. After some time, the girl is enrolled in the Olympic reserve. As she will note later, the amazing physical shape was acquired thanks to an athletic childhood.

At the age of five, Savelyeva begins her studies at a music school. As a result, she mastered two directions - flutes and piano. By the way, both classes were completed with excellent marks. Already during her studies, she participated in various concerts in Moscow, in particular, in the Kremlin. Here a dilemma arose - to give preference to sports or music. As you already understand, the further biography completely depended on this choice.

Deciding to develop in terms of music, she immediately felt the support of loved ones. Alexandra begins to study at the theater and music school, at the folklore department. Participation in various choral ensembles left positive impressions and also affected the future fate of the girl.

Having received a secondary education, Sasha submits documents to two universities - Gnesinka and the school. Schnittke. Both schools accept the candidacy, and she again has to make a choice. This time, Savelyeva preferred the Gnessin School. In her student years, she organizes a musical group that performs her own songs. Local festivals and concerts accepted the team very willingly.

2002 was marked by the launch of the Star Factory. Savelyeva decided to try her hand and goes through the qualifying round. As a result, she ends up in the Fabrika women's group with three more girls. At the end of the project, the team took second place.

A year later, one of the participants leaves the group, because she wants to continue her studies. Such castling negatively hit the initiative of the "Factory". In numerous interviews, Savelyeva said that they managed to become close friends and become a single musical family. But, despite this, the team continues its work and gains popularity. Some compositions settle in the Russian charts for a long time. Not without prestigious awards and titles from various publications. By the way, in 2006, three receive the second Golden Gramophone award. All four of them.

Video clips also received well-deserved popularity on television. In 2010, there were again changes in the composition, which will be repeated several more times. Of course, Savelyeva is thinking about a solo career, and in her free time she takes various steps in this direction.

Recently, fans have begun to be interested in news, like "Sasha Savelyeva and Kirill Safonov, latest news" in 2017. The fact is that various rumors about disagreements in the family appeared in the press. The couple themselves do not confirm this, and hint that all this is the tricks of ill-wishers.

Personal life 👉 Sasha Savelieva

The personal life of Sasha Savelyeva is a frequent target for journalists, because here you can always find regular gossip or rumors. When she participated in the Ice Age, she met Alexei Yagudin, and for some time they had an affair. However, he was not destined to result in official relations - the young people broke up.

In the winter of 2008, Kirill Safonov met Alexandra. The romantic relationship lasted almost two years, and after the couple decided to get married. As we said earlier, the star couple is under the constant eye of journalists who spread various untrue rumors.

Family 👉 Sasha Savelieva

At the beginning of the article, we mentioned that Sasha Savelyeva's family was connected with science. If you go deeper, the father of the future singer is a candidate of physical and mathematical sciences. The exact area of ​​\u200b\u200bactivity of the mother cannot be named, however, Alexandra herself said that the professions of parents are interconnected.

When the girl had to choose her future fate, her parents helped and supported in every possible way. Despite the fact that they did not insist on any one option - both were ready to accept any view of their daughter on their future profession.

Children 👉 Sasha Savelyeva

The children of Sasha Savelyeva are also a rather discussed topic in the media. All due to the fact that the couple does not yet have children. The singer herself notes that they have been planning a child for a long time in order to give even more comfort to the family home. However, for both spouses, the career ladder and creativity are still a priority.

Often, information appears in yellow publications that Sasha Savelyeva gave birth to a son or daughter. So far, it is impossible to obtain confirmed data about this - either the spouses hide something well, or simply such information is in the nature of gossip.

Husband 👉 Sasha Savelyeva - Kirill Safonov

Sasha Savelyeva's husband, Kirill Safonov, was born in 1973 and is also a public person. In certain circles, he is very famous as an actor.

Before marrying Sasha, he was married to a woman named Elena, who had nothing to do with acting. Also, Cyril had a daughter from this marriage.

The wedding of Cyril and Alexandra took place in the spring of 2010, and, as the invited guests note, it was very magnificent. They describe their happy family life very simply - someone likes cinema, someone likes musical art. Everyone is busy doing what they do best.

Instagram and Wikipedia 👉 Sasha Savelieva

It is hard to imagine a modern star who does not maintain a page on a social network. Our singer is no exception, moreover, she actively uses the Internet, and often uploads various photographs. Whether they are from a vacation or another performance, all photos will certainly appear on social networks and delight fans.

Thus, Sasha Savelyeva's Instagram and Wikipedia are quite popular among fans and ordinary people who are interested in the singer's work or her personal life outside the stage.

Sasha Gray managed the impossible - from an "adult" actress to turn into an actress of a big movie, a musician and a public figure. The real name of the actress is Marina Khentsis. She was born in 88 in Sacramento, USA.

At 18, she moved to Los Angeles, having saved some money at a diner job. About how she decided to act in films for adults, Sasha herself gives conflicting information. According to one information, she independently chose this career, since from a young age she was interested in this genre of cinema. According to another, her common-law husband, Ian Cinnamon, persuaded her to do so. Sasha Gray's husband was much older than the girl when they met. At first he posed as a spy, and then persuaded him to participate in adult films.

Be that as it may, Gray began working in the adult industry as soon as she reached the age of majority, and in a couple of months she starred in more than 40 films. She was predicted a great future in this industry, as her obvious talent was noted.

A year later, she received the award, which is awarded to actors in adult films. The actress instantly appears on the covers of magazines such as Penthouse, Playboy and Rolling Stone. Serious film critics even wrote about her, for example, in The New York Times they wrote about her that she amazes with the extremeness and intellectual seriousness of what she does on the screen.

Despite such a resounding success in the industry and the obvious pleasure of the filming process, in 2011 the star officially announced that he was leaving this business and was no longer going to play in adult films. However, this does not mean that nothing more will be heard about her. Sasha Gray continues to work as a model and actress, but in films more familiar to the general public.

So, one of her most notable works was her participation in the Oscar-winning director Steven Soderbergh's film "Call Girl". Soderbergh himself admits that he has never met actresses who would talk like Sasha Grey.

She always gave the impression of intellectual development, was interested in independent cinema and had the makings of a serious actress. However, the film received unflattering reviews among critics, largely due to Gray's work.

In addition to film work, she is engaged in industrial music. She is a vocalist and DJ. Sasha is also trying to conduct socially significant work, as she supports organizations seeking equal pay for men and women, expresses agreement with the protest of the Pussy Riot group, advocates for the modernization of the health care system in the United States and the creation of an actors' union.

Sasha Savelyeva (full name Alexandra Vladimirovna Savelyeva) is a popular singer and just an interesting girl. There were many memorable episodes in her career, and therefore the story of her life and fate will certainly be of interest to our readers. In this article, we will try to shed light on the most interesting moments from the past of our today's heroine, as well as tell a little about her plans for the future.

The early years, childhood and the family of Sasha Savelyeva

Sasha Savelyeva was born on December 25, 1983 in Moscow. In the Russian capital, she studied and grew up. Here, our today's heroine began to show interest in music and creativity for the first time. However, sports first appeared in her life.

From the age of three, Alexandra began to study in the figure skating section in the group of the famous figure skater Irina Moiseeva. Here she began to make her first serious successes. And therefore, very soon, the teachers and the entire coaching staff began to consider her as one of the most promising students. Soon Sasha easily got into the Olympic reserve group, where she continued her studies.

Around the same period, music also appeared in the life of our today's heroine. At the age of five, she began studying flute and piano at a music school. And here, too, she very soon moved to the leading roles. Already in childhood, she began to perform at various concert venues - in the Moscow conservatories, in the Palace of Congresses and even in the Kremlin. Thus, at some point, Sasha Savelyeva and her parents faced a difficult choice - music or sports?

Our today's heroine chose music, and her family fully supported this decision. Soon, the young artist began to perform in the children's folklore ensemble "Kuvichki", as well as to study at the theater and music school in the department of folk music. As a musician, the girl made serious progress, and therefore she hardly ever had to regret the chosen path.

At some point, Sasha suddenly realized that she could not imagine her life without music, and therefore, after graduating from a comprehensive school, she did not even think about who she should be in adulthood.

Sasha Savelyeva. Solo performance.

She applied immediately to two music universities - the Gnessin School and the Schnittke School. As a result, it was possible to enter both educational institutions at once, so Savelyeva had to make a difficult choice between two prestigious universities. Our today's heroine chose "Gnesinka" and already here for the first time organized her own musical group.

She composed music, wrote poetry, and also performed with her team at various competitions and festivals. In parallel with this, the future star of the "Star Factory" honed her skills at a music university. Here she learned to love folk music, and also received a diploma in the specialty of the leader of a folk ensemble.

Star Trek Sasha Savelyeva - "Star Factory" and great success

In the fall of 2002, Sasha Savelyeva successfully passed the casting of the Star Factory project and became one of the participants in the first season of the famous television project. As part of this program, she managed to successfully reach the final, where she later began to perform as part of the "girl" group "Factory".

Sasha Savelyeva (gr. Fabrika) - parking queen

As part of this team, she began to appear on stage with Ira Toneva, Sati Casanova and Maria Alalykina. Subsequently, over the years, the composition of the group members changed several times. Currently, it consists of three participants - Sasha, Ira, as well as Ekaterina Lee, who has been added to them.

After participating in the Star Factory project, the group of our today's heroine instantly became popular. Their composition "About Love" became one of the main hits of 2002. Subsequently, the named song brought the girls their first "Golden Gramophone".

It is worth noting that this prestigious award was not the only one in the career of Sasha Savelyeva and other members of the famous women's group. Having taken its place in the world of Russian show business, the Fabrika group subsequently received many prestigious prizes. Among them there are three Golden Gramophone awards, the Stopudovy Hit award, as well as a special prize from Glamor magazine in the nomination of the best pop group of the year.

As for Sasha Savelyeva herself, she has repeatedly been included in the list of "The 100 Most Beautiful People of Moscow", and has also received some other prestigious awards.

However, the main successes of the singer are still associated with her participation in the Factory group. According to the artist herself, she values ​​​​this project very much and always tries to maintain friendly relations with other members of the team.

It is noteworthy that as one of the soloists of the Factory, the girl managed to establish herself not only as a good singer, but also as an excellent model. So, in particular, Sasha's photographs have repeatedly appeared in Maxim, XXL, 7 Days magazines, as well as many other publications. Many of Savelyeva's photo shoots were erotic in nature.

Sasha Savelyeva now

Currently, Sasha Savelyeva is also working on new projects as part of the Fabrika group. From time to time, rumors appear in the media about the singer's allegedly upcoming solo project. However, she herself has not yet commented on such news. In addition, in recent months, the girl also devotes a lot of time to the house and her beloved spouse. But more on that later…

Personal life "Star Factory"

A few years ago, a graduate of the Star Factory was in a romantic relationship with the famous figure skater and showman Alexei Yagudin. For some time, rumors about their supposedly upcoming wedding were even actively discussed in the press. However, in the end, the relationship of the two celebrities ended in a completely different way - a break.

In April 2010, our today's heroine married a famous Russian actor

Alexandra Vladimirovna Savelyeva is a talented Russian singer who shone for many years as part of the Fabrika musical group. The girl was always drawn to the beautiful, tried to conquer everyone with grace, a smile, and often changed her hobbies.

Perhaps there might not have been a singer Sasha Savelyeva in the world if she tried to realize herself in other areas. Savelyeva could become a famous athlete and Olympic champion in figure skating. Sasha wanted to become a choir conductor, so she might not get into the Fabrika musical group.

Height, weight, age. How old is Sasha Savelyeva

Currently, numerous fans want to know what Sasha Savelyeva's height, weight, age are. How old is Sasha Savelyeva - also a popular request on the Internet.

Alexandra Savelyeva was born in 1983, so she recently turned 33 years old. According to the sign of the Zodiac, Savelyeva belongs to the persistent, purposeful, stubborn, businesslike, hardy Capricorns.

The eastern horoscope gave Sasha the sign of the Boar, endowing her with such character traits as truthfulness, straightforwardness, luck, and thriftiness.

Savelyeva's height is one meter and sixty-eight centimeters, and her weight is measured at around fifty kilograms.

Biography of Sasha Savelyeva

The biography of Sasha Savelyeva began in 1983, when she was born in one of the Moscow maternity hospitals. The girl was very restless, so her parents decided to take her to some kind of sports section. So three-year-old Sasha began to figure skating, and was even enrolled in an Olympic reserve school.

At the age of five, the little girl discovered her musical talent, so she entered a music school. The girl mastered the flute and piano, began to perform on the capital's stages. At this time, I had to choose between sports and music, Sashenka chose the latter.

The girl ended up in a theater studio, where she sang as part of the Kuvichki choir. She even thought about becoming the conductor of a children's choir.

After graduating from school, Sasha entered two higher educational institutions at once - the Gnessin School and the Schnittke School. Her choice fell on the “gnesinka” and the choral department, already at that time the girl organized her own musical group.

Fame came to Savelyeva after she got on the television show "Star Factory". In 2002, the girl became a member of the Fabrika VIA, as part of which she constantly received the prestigious Golden Gramophone and Stopud Hit awards.

Savelyeva starred in videos directed by Fyodor Bondarchuk and Alan Badoev for the group. Sasha starred for the covers of fashionable men's magazines, including in candid photo shoots. Periodically appears in commercials.

Alexandra Savelyeva tried herself as a TV presenter of the Duel show. Now the girl is engaged in a solo career and is even going to release an album.

Sasha Savelyeva and Kirill Safonov latest news 2017 talk about the fact that the couple is happy together. Although information about the divorce constantly appears in the press, the guys only laugh at it and claim that they will always be together.

Personal life of Sasha Savelyeva

The personal life of Sasha Savelyeva is stormy and interesting, since the girl has always been the object of desire for numerous fans. Fragile and beautiful Sasha was in the spotlight from a young age.

When Savelyeva became famous, she constantly appeared on the pages of glossy magazines with some famous and not very young man, who was immediately attributed to her potential suitors.

In 2007, Sasha began a stormy romance with figure skater Alexei Yagudin. Young people met on the set of the Ice Age project, and then social networks were full of stories about their relationship.

Much has been said about their upcoming marriage, but the relationship between Lesha and Sasha was never legalized. Moreover, Yagudin soon married Totmyanina and became the father of a beautiful boy.

Family of Sasha Savelyeva

Sasha Savelyeva's family was absolutely non-musical, however, her parents did everything to ensure that the baby developed and grew up healthy.

Alexandra's father - Vladimir Saveliev- a scientist, he even became a candidate of physical and mathematical sciences, and my mother also had a Ph.D. She left everything as soon as little Sashenka was born.

The Saveliev family lived very poorly in the nineties, however, the baby was carefully protected from all the horrors of the nineties. Parents-scientists did everything possible so that Sashenka had food and clothes, classes in sections and a music school.

Children of Sasha Savelyeva

The children of Sasha Savelyeva are still in the project, because the girl is too busy with her career. Although after Sasha began to live with Kirill Safonov, she began to think about her little son.

Young people, of course, are thinking about having a baby, but they are very busy filming and performing. This makes pregnancy almost impossible.

Articles that Sasha Savelyeva gave birth to a son are just rumors. Most likely, this beautiful couple will soon have a long-awaited baby.

Husband of Sasha Savelyeva - Kirill Safonov

Sasha Savelyeva's husband, Kirill Safonov, appeared in her life in 2008. The young people met at a party in a nightclub, and a romantic relationship began between them.

The couple hid their romance from everyone, because Cyril was afraid of how his daughter from his first marriage would perceive this news. Nastya soon found out about her dad's new family and even became close to Sasha.

In 2010, Cyril and Sasha entered into a legal marriage, their wedding was truly luxurious and bright. This event took place in the Tsaritsyno estate, which is located in the Moscow region.

Savelyeva after that began to assert that her family had changed her very much, although the girl cannot imagine her life without career growth and work. Quite often, the guys go on tour and don’t see each other for a long time, so they try to bring romance, tenderness and beauty into everyday life. Cyril can turn even an ordinary trip to the store into a dizzying date.

Alexandra is not jealous of her husband's numerous admirers, believing that only love and trust can save any marriage.

Instagram and Wikipedia Sasha Savelyeva

Instagram and Wikipedia Sasha Savelyeva, as well as her pages on social networks, are available and quite official. On the page dedicated to the singer Sasha Savelyeva on Wikipedia, it is possible to find very little information that relates to her life.

Quite a lot of facts can be found about the videos in which she starred, as well as about the awards she won. Sasha's childhood and youth are very streamlined, and almost nothing is known about who her husband is. The Wikipedia article is not very informative, so it needs to be improved and supplemented with new facts.

On her Instagram page, Sasha Savelyeva constantly posts new posts that will be of interest to each of her 585,000 subscribers. Photos and videos constantly appear on her page that relate to her touring activities and the filming of new videos.

Alexandra Vladimirovna Savelyeva. She was born on December 25, 1983 in Moscow. Russian singer, TV presenter, actress. Soloist of the pop group "Factory".

Father - Vladimir Viktorovich Savelyev, candidate of physical and mathematical sciences.

Mother - Nadezhda Alexandrovna Savelyeva.

From the age of four she started skating, was engaged in figure skating under the guidance of the famous figure skater Irina Moiseeva. Soon she was enrolled in the Olympic reserve. However, it turned out that the girl was afraid of jumping. She recalled: “I remember we were put in a line and taught to jump one and a half turns. And I was, to put it mildly, very uncomfortable. In the end, my parents realized that this was not mine, and I left figure skating.”

In parallel with sports, she was fond of music - from the age of five she studied at the music school. Dunayevsky in the class of flute and piano, she graduated with honors. From early childhood, she dreamed of becoming a singer: "I remember climbing onto a chair or a stool and trying to perform something."

The family supported her passion for music and sent Sasha to study at a school with an aesthetic bias. In addition to ordinary subjects, children were engaged in chorus, art, acting, folk art. She chose a folklore class, where they created their own small ensemble called Kuvichki. The ensemble's repertoire included many folk songs. She worked in the ensemble until graduation. The ensemble "Kuvichki" became the winner of various competitions, they traveled a lot with concerts in Russia, performed in the concert hall named after. Tchaikovsky, with the Osipov Orchestra at the Olimpiysky.

After graduation, she decided to continue her musical education. She entered two music schools at once: in Gnesinka - in folklore, and also in the Schnittke school - in the choral conductor department. She was accepted into both, but she chose folklore. Graduated from the State Medical University. Gnesins - Department for the training of leaders of folk choirs and folklore ensembles.

While studying at Gnesinka, she sang in the Barefoot group (Boss and Company), they performed folk and pop songs. Then she began to write her songs - words and music, but they were not performed by the group. But her songs later entered the repertoire of the Fabrika group.

While studying in her fourth year at a music school, Sasha heard an announcement on the radio about the recruitment of participants in the new Star Factory project. And she decided to take part in the casting.

Igor Matvienko appreciated the girl's talent. At first, she got into a group of four - along with Sasha Berdnikov and Sasha Ostashonok (the guys later began to perform as part of the Roots group). Then Igor Matvienko reformed the team, creating a female and male group. After the final concert, the girl group was named "Factory". In the group, in addition to Sasha and Sati, Maria Alalykina also sang. The latter soon left the group. And they were left alone.

Sasha Savelyeva with Irina Toneva and Sati Kazanova

The audience very well received their songs “It’s not my fault”, “About love”, “Romance”, “The sea is calling”, “Lyolik-sun”, “We are so different”, “Factory girls”, “Light the lights”, etc.

The Fabrika group became the winner of the Stopud Hit, Golden Gramophone, and Glamor awards.

In May 2010, Sati Casanova left the Factory, deciding to pursue a solo career. She was replaced by Ekaterina Lee, a former Hi-Fi soloist.

In 2013, Alexandra Savelieva began her solo career while working in a group.

Sasha Savelyeva - What is love

In July 2013, Fabrika presented a video for the song Don't Be Born Beautiful. On the set of the video, Ekaterina Lee suffered a back injury, which is why both her participation and the group's concert activities were suspended. In February 2014, Ekaterina Lee made an official statement on her page on the social network about her departure from the group, as well as the end of her artistic career. In the same month, Alexandra Popova, a participant in the TV project I Want in VIA Gro, joined the group.

In 2015, at the Golden Gramophone anniversary ceremony, the band received an award for the song Lyolik. The group also recorded the song "Love".

In 2016, the group presented the single "And I'm behind you", and in 2017 - the song "Butterflies". Clips were filmed on them.

Sasha Savelyeva with Irina Toneva and Alexandra Popova

In 2012, Sasha Savelyeva became the face of the Palette ICC collection of hair dye Dazzling Blondes.

In October 2014, together with actor Konstantin Kryukov, she became the host of the Duel fencing show on the Russia 2 channel.

Since 2006, he has been acting in films, making his debut in the film "Hello, I'm your dad!". Then she appeared in the films "Snow Angel", "Club", "New Year's Matchmakers", "Women on the Edge", etc.

The growth of Sasha Savelyeva: 168 centimeters.

Personal life of Sasha Savelyeva:

She was in a relationship with a figure skater. Their romance began on the Ice Age show. There were rumors about their wedding, but it never came to that. “It happens that people stop understanding each other. So Lesha and I stopped,” Savelyeva explained. At the same time, they parted as friends. Already after the break, Sasha noted: "Lesha is a very decent, well-mannered and intelligent young man, and at the same time a real romantic."

At the turn of 2009 and 2010, the singer began an affair with an actor. He is 10 years older than her. A few months later, the actor has already called the blonde to marry. On April 17, 2010, the couple married secretly from the public.

Information about the breakup of the couple appeared in the media more than once, Sasha once commented: “Such notes in the press do not give me discomfort: I just don’t read them. Six years ago, various articles also appeared claiming that Savelyeva and Safonov were breaking up. Then I got caught a note where, on the contrary, it was reported that they were going to get married. How we both laughed, because at that time we were already married, signed secretly from everyone! But the journalists, apparently, were looking for a "sensation" in the hope that maybe they would get "in the ten »".

According to Savelyeva, she matured in her marriage to Safonov, "the formation of my personality" took place. "I'm starting to realize why something happens this way and not otherwise. It's like a veil falls from my eyes. I used to look at life through rose-colored glasses," she admitted.

Sasha Savelyeva and Kirill Safonov - Evening Urgant

At the end of March 2019. The couple had a boy. The baby was born weighing only two kilograms.

Filmography of Sasha Savelieva:

2006 - Hello, I'm your dad! - episode
2007 - Snow Angel - a girl renting an apartment with Jeanne
2008 - Club (season 4) - cameo
2010 - New Year's matchmakers
2012 - Both fathers and children - cameo
2013 - Women on the verge - Anna Rusyaeva

Singles by Sasha Savelyeva:

As part of the Factory group:

2003 - About love
2003 - Oh mom, I fell in love
2003 - The sea is calling
2003 - Factory girls
2004 - 5 minutes
2004 - Lelik
2004 - Rybka
2005 - He
2005 - Beyond the horizon
2005 - I'm not guilty
2006 - Malina
2006 - Romance
2007 - White-white
2007 - Light up the lights
2008 - We are so different
2009 - And I want to love so much
2010 - I will kiss you
2010 - Ali Baba
2011 - Stops
2012 - She is me
2012 - Films about love
2013 - Don't be born beautiful
2015 - Secret
2015 - Fell in love
2016 - And I'm behind you
2017 - Butterflies

Video clips of Sasha Savelyeva:

As part of the Factory group:

2003 - About love
2003 - The sea is calling
2003 - Factory girls
2004 - Rybka
2005 - I'm not guilty
2006 - Romance
2007 - Light up the lights
2008 - We are so different
2010 - Ali Baba
2010 - I will kiss you
2011 - Stops
2012 - She is me
2012 - Films about love
2013 - Don't be born beautiful
2015 - Secret
2016 - And I'm behind you
2017 - Fell in love
2017 - Butterflies


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