Who is Tatyana Bulanova's husband? Tatyana Bulanova personal life: I'm the wrong wife


Tanya’s father, Ivan Petrovich, graduated from the Leningrad Higher Naval School of Underwater Diving, served as a torpedo miner in the North, then, with the advent of missile submarines, he was one of the first to become the commander of a missile warhead. In 1968 he graduated from the Naval Academy and remained there to work as head of the laboratory. He retired in 1990 from the post of deputy head of the weapons department with the rank of captain of the first rank.

Tatyana's mother, Nina Pavlovna, is a photographer by profession, but she devoted her life to her family, which had two children - Tanya and her older brother Valentin, who also became a military man, a submariner, like his father.

They thought to name the girl who was born Marta, because... she was born in March, her mother wanted to name her Marina, but... Tatiana's dad's name is Ivan, they were afraid that "Marivanna" would sound.

Tanya was an obedient, but, like most children, a somewhat stubborn child, but the word “parents” was very authoritative for her.

Tanya spent her childhood in St. Petersburg, and the future singer went to the dacha for the entire summer. According to Tanya, it was “a bright spot in life.”

Tanya did not go to kindergarten; her mother took care of her. At the age of 5, Tanya fell in love with Andrei Mironov, because of the attractiveness of his talent. It was a short but very strong feeling.

While studying in the first grade, Tanya attended rhythmic gymnastics classes, but because of music school she had to quit. Gymnastics was replaced by a trampoline; Tanya really liked doing flips and somersaults in the air, but her mother, having seen enough of children with broken collarbones, took her daughter out of the section.

Tanya didn’t really like going to school and dreamed of finishing it as soon as possible. But nevertheless, she studied well and was an excellent student until the fourth grade, then the first fours appeared. Among her classmates, Tanya did not stand out in any way. Even at discos, boys rarely invited her to dance. Either they were afraid of her unapproachable appearance, or her small stature. She, like every girl, had crushes at school. Tanya recalls: “I was so unapproachable. And I kept beating around the bush. I liked one boy, a neighbor in the country, and I loved, hiding, watching his house, outside the window. And if I saw him, when he went out onto the porch , for me it was the height of bliss. And that’s all - I didn’t even want him to ever see me..."

Best of the day

There were no professional musicians in the Bulanov family, but Tanya’s parents instilled a love of music. Tanya became interested in music thanks to her mother. I graduated from music school with a degree in piano, but Tanya didn’t really like studying there, but there were very good teachers at the school. The only pleasant memory during the 7 years of studying at a music school was the graduation party, where Tanya sang for almost all the performers, hiding behind the decorations.

The brightest moments of childhood and first loves are associated with the dacha, which is located on the banks of the Neva, not far from Lake Ladoga, where Tanya recharges her energy. As a child, Tanya staged small performances with friends at the dacha. They turned on the Accord-203 player, the shed next to the house served as a stage, and there were dressing rooms in the attic. Behind the curtains that served as backstage, they placed speakers and turned on records and sang songs by famous performers. Quite a lot of people gathered at such concerts, and a poster about the upcoming performance was hung outside the local store. Even the Lenin Sparks newspaper wrote about this.

Tanya loved modern music. “When I was at school, I was terribly in love with Vitya Saltykov and the Forum group. I also liked Vladimir Kuzmin. Among our school friends there was a whole group of Forum fans. Our fandom was expressed in the fact that we did not miss a single one "Forum" concert in the city, and they had a lot of concerts then. I, of course, terribly dreamed of meeting Vitya and was sure that I was exactly the girl with whom he would be happy. And then I stopped being a fan. Somehow we We went backstage after the concert to get an autograph, and he seemed tired and completely unfriendly. He muttered something and turned his back. Then I was terribly offended, I couldn’t understand how this was possible?! She said that I didn’t need anything from him. autograph, and left... And now, no matter how tired I am after the concert, no matter how bad the mood is, and even if a hundred people are standing, I will give everyone an autograph so as not to inadvertently offend anyone. The person who came to my concert , should fully enjoy communicating with me. This is a lesson that Viktor Saltykov once taught me. After all, I do all this for them, my viewers, and if they like me, then I shouldn’t disappoint them. I should value this attitude towards myself and “worth” it. It is the fans who help me avoid mistakes in many ways and support me on my creative path. Many artists treat fans as something unworthy of their attention, but in vain. They think about their "I" and do not think about who made them this "I". Why then work? Almost all artists began by revering their idol, but for some reason almost everyone is afraid to admit it."

At the age of 13, Tanya learned to smoke, but her mother was able to understand her and did not set any prohibitions, this led to Tanya herself thinking and realizing that she was doing something wrong.

My brother showed Tanya the first chords on the guitar while playing yard songs. At the age of 15, Tatyana herself began to play urban romances on the guitar. She loved Isabella Yuryeva and Zhanna Bichevskaya very much, and still loves them. Especially when Bichevskaya sang Bulat Okudzhava’s songs in her own arrangement - she really liked it. Tanya learned these songs and even taught the girls she knew to play them on the guitar. In the 7th grade, they bought Tanya a “Rus” tape recorder and she sang all the songs she knew with a guitar. The result was 3 or 4 cassettes. The school held performances in which Tanya participated, performing songs by B. Okudzhava and Zh. Bichevskaya with a guitar. But still, Tatyana did not intend to be a singer. She wanted to serve in the theater, she even imagined herself standing on stage, with a hall in front of her, many, many people there, and an exchange of energy fields taking place. Tanya wanted to become a dramatic actress and even at school, in the 6th grade, she wrote the essay “I want to be like Alisa Freundlich.”

While studying in the 8th grade, I had to choose a profession in order to undergo practical training. Having a specialty in “seller of non-food products,” Tanya had the opportunity to try it at “Children’s World”; she understood that, because she is shy and somewhat reserved, then she needs to somehow loosen up, communicate with people in order to overcome herself.

Tanya has three friends. They grew up with one in the country together, her name is Tanya. With the second, with Yulia, they studied at school together from the first grade, sat at the same desk, and with the third, with Lena, they studied at a music school.

After school, Tanya decided to enter the Leningrad State Institute of Culture named after Krupskaya. She believed that after graduation she would have experience and would be a “springboard” to enter a theater institute. But the dreams did not come true.

In 1987, Tanya entered the Institute of Culture, but she couldn’t get into the specialty she wanted, so she had to transfer to another, to the evening department of the library faculty, specializing in librarian-bibliographer. She completed two courses quite successfully, although she didn’t really like it there. She was interested in history, English language and literature, and the rest... While studying at the institute, Tanya simultaneously worked in the library of the Naval Academy at the foreign department. Tanya didn’t really like the work, but it turned out to be very useful, because... in the short time that she worked, Tanya read a lot of interesting books. Tanya came to the conclusion that positive results can be derived from everything. And failure can sometimes even be more useful than constant luck. But, having learned that the studio school at the St. Petersburg music hall was recruiting students, Tanya, from her third year at the Institute of Culture, went there in the fall of 1989 to the vocal department, where she studied for about a year. Then, in 1989, this institution was equal in level of education to a theater school. Thanks to the teacher, Tanya was able to perform what she liked. Mikhail Meyerovich Vayman made her more musical, he helped her understand and help her move away from the pop-cheap stage. The vocal teacher was Yulia Varlamovna Lordkipanidze. Unfortunately, she has already died. It’s not entirely accurate to say that it was she who gave Tanya her voice, but she remembers many of her tips.

Soon, in December 1989, Tatyana met Nikolai Tagrin, who was the leader of the Summer Garden group. The teacher Mikhail Meyerovich Vayman knew Kolya from his work in the Yabloko group. One day they met by chance in the subway and Nikolai asked if there were any promising singers in the studio. Mikhail Meyerovich said that he has one, “but she cannot appear anywhere and work anywhere in parallel, because she is still studying and should only study.” Those were the rules there. And almost incognito, he brought Kolya into the studio to show Tanya from afar. It was winter, after class Tanya went outside, and the guys and Kolya were waiting for her in the car. On the street, Kolya approached her while she was waiting for the tram. Tanya was a little scared at first, but then she, of course, recognized him - he began to name some mutual acquaintances and said that he was looking for a lead singer for the group, asked if she wanted to sign up song. Tatyana agreed.

A little about the group "Summer Garden": it was assembled in November 1989 in St. Petersburg, and at different times it included: guitarist - Nikolay Kablukov, arranger - Sergey Shmelev, drums - Mikhail Nikiforov, sound engineer - Andrey Deykov, keyboards - Igor Krasavin, producer - Nikolai Tagrin, group entertainer - Alexander Alterman (stage name Alexander Sashin). The group also included: Alexander Portalimov (until 1993) - guitar, Andrey Bogolyubov (until 1997) - keyboards, Nikolai Tagrin, until 1996, also performed on stage and played bass guitar.

The first song was recorded in January 1990, it was the song “Girl”.

The first broadcast on the radio was in the program “Happy Chord”, and the song was heard by one friend, with whom Tanya studied at the studio school, she asked Tanya if it was she who was singing, the voice was very similar... Tanya was still trying to convince everyone that someone else was singing, I was afraid that they would be kicked out of the studio school. And the secret became completely clear when Tanino’s performance was shown for the first time on TV in February 1990 - there was no getting away with it, I had to admit it. The school reacted surprisingly calmly to her work.

The first performance was on April 16, 1990 on the stage of the assembly hall of the Technological Institute, there were about ten people in the hall, but the singer was still received very well.

The rise of Tanya Bulanova began with... failure. Not from that first concert, where even 10 people still listened to her, but from a real failure in front of an audience of thousands of people at a sports concert complex. "Summer Garden" performed last among the groups "warming up" the audience before the performance of the group "Kar-men". The audience, already tired of unknown performers, clearly did not appreciate the new voice, which was also “lost” in constrained and somewhat ridiculous movements. All five of Bulanova's songs were accompanied by indignant shouts. But she bravely sang to the end. It would seem like a failure, a whole month of work on the first album went down the drain, but suddenly Tanya realized that her fear had disappeared: the worst that could happen had happened. There is nothing more to be afraid of.

Tanya was very nervous before going on stage, and therefore, at her very first performances, her mother poured a little vodka into a baby food jar - “for courage.” Before going on stage, Tanya took a few sips and felt bolder. But then Tanya realized that if she wanted to engage in creative activities, she couldn’t survive on the “jar”, ​​she had to somehow overcome her fears of the public.

The first tour of Tanya and the “Summer Garden” group took place in the town of “Sosnovy Bor” near St. Petersburg.

After the next tour, Tanya had to return to study, because... at that time she was still enrolled in the studio school. During the tour, she had a certificate that she had sprained her leg and therefore could not attend classes, but by the time the certificate expired, Tanya did not have time to return, and when she arrived, she took the documents and left such a famous and promising music hall for an unknown group , which she has absolutely no regrets about now. Live work was more interesting than the measured life of a student, and public recognition was more important than the “crust” of a diploma. Tanya believes that there are no coincidences in life, everything has its own destiny.

Touring for Tanya is doing what she loves, drinking energy from the audience, giving them her energy. And the opportunity to lose weight, Tanya believes that the thinner she is, the better. Tanya considers the best recipe for staying in great shape to be the habit, developed over the years, of not eating after 6 pm. The only exceptions are holidays - New Year and Birthday.

But touring sometimes has its downsides - flights. Tanya is afraid of airplanes, this fear has been since childhood, and it is somehow subconscious and very difficult to fight, which is why the singer mostly travels by train.

In her first interview, which Tanya gave to M. Sadchikov, she told everything about herself and after that she believed that they would not interview her again, and it was so interesting that after 6 months the journalists kept asking and asking something. Tanya always answered the truth, but then she realized that it was better not to tell everything, that some questions could be kept silent.

In 1991, Tanya with the group "Summer Garden" takes part in the festival "Yalta-91", performs in the television program "Ogonyok" with the song "No matter how it is" (1991). The first victory was in the summer at the “Shlager-91” competition in St. Petersburg, where Tanya and the “Summer Garden” group submitted her candidacy just for the sake of airing on television. There Tatyana received the “Grand Prix” by performing the song “Don’t Cry.” It so happened that “Summer Garden” was noticed and began to be invited to various musical parties, since they were then held in St. Petersburg every month. There was such a TV program “Top Secret”, the director liked them, he liked them creatively, and they began to be taken to more and more big concerts. This served as a kind of promotion, because the public then went to concerts quite actively. Then Summer Garden met Igor Popov, a businessman from Riga. He was quite an influential man back then. Popov took the group to several of his Fortuna programs. Thanks to him, Tanya met Vladimir Matetsky and Raymond Pauls, who wrote songs for her. At first, Nikolai Tagrin wrote mainly for Tanya, made arrangements, and she did not take much part. The guys showed the material and they developed the idea. There was a definite task of writing dance music for young people.

Subsequently, Tanya performed in many cities, and in 1993 she and the group came to the Far East, there were concerts every day for two weeks in a row, and the halls were full. That’s when Tanya, sitting in the dressing room, realized for the first time that, after all, having flown so many kilometers across the whole country, even here everyone knows and loves her, which means she is still a famous singer.

At one of the performances in 1993, Tatyana was presented with the first hippopotamus - white, fluffy, with a pink bow, and there was a baby sitting in its tummy. He became her talisman. In one of her interviews, Tanya mentioned her favorite toy, and she was literally inundated with these toys. Tanya began to be given not only small plush hippos, their size is not limited in any way, the singer has both very tiny ones that fit in the palm of her hand, and human-sized animals. Tanya says that her affection is completely justified. No one will deny that it is difficult to find a more attractive and clumsy animal; there is something so touching and defenseless about them. Each hippo is a piece of the fan’s soul; they are practically family members.

Tatyana gave birth to her son Sasha on March 19, 1993. Due to their mother's frequent tours, they rarely see each other and are very bored. Tanya recalls: “Until six months of pregnancy, I continued to work and went on tour. It was a very difficult period in my life, it had probably never been so difficult before. At this time we were also recording “Strange Meeting.” On March 12, I arrived from a recording from Moscow, and gave birth on the 19th. I was terribly afraid that everything would happen to me on the train. I didn’t sleep at night, listening to all these movements. But emotionally, it was probably one of the best periods... "

In 1992-1994, Tatyana Bulanova and the Summer Garden group experienced the peak of their popularity. Their tours were constantly sold out, this was especially noticeable in the provinces. When Tatyana went on tour to Sochi, the pilgrimage of fans began already on the train. Bulanova was not allowed to pass in her native St. Petersburg either. Once he and his mother went to McDonald's, but barely crossed the threshold when one of the visitors immediately shouted: “Oh, Tatyana Bulanova has come to us!” The piece didn’t go down my throat, I had to forget about the hamburgers and run for my life.

In 1994, Tatyana Bulanova and “Summer Garden” turned out to be leaders in the number of cassettes sold - more than 200 thousand.

The following year, Tanya experienced a whole wave of ridiculous rumors about herself. First, the Petersburg Express newspaper divorced her from her husband. However, according to Express Newspaper, Tanya found solace in an alliance with the Summer Garden keyboardist Andrei Bogolyubov.

Another “canard” was the rumor that Bulanova... hanged herself. The rumor was so persistent that the singer herself had to refute it through the media.

Another portion of rumors about Bulanova was devoted to her alleged love affairs with her colleagues in the pop scene. Either she was credited with an affair with Vladimir Presnyakov Jr., then with Dmitry Malikov, or even with composer Igor Kornelyuk. The latest rumor was born out of a joke. Bulanova and Kornelyuk performed together in the anniversary “Program A”, where Tatyana put on a veil for fun. And among the spectators there were people without a sense of humor, who spread the news about the upcoming marriage of the composer and singer. They say that even Kornelyuk’s friends almost believed this rumor.

Meanwhile, in June 1996, one of the rumors - about the death of the singer - was almost confirmed. Tanya says: “I have a guardian angel. And, apparently, a very caring one. I was in a terrible accident. It was on election day, June 16. I was rushing along a country highway, overlooked something and... well, I jumped off the road at full speed and flew very far. The only thing that saved me was that I was wearing a seat belt, although just a few minutes before the accident I had a crazy thought to unfasten - the road was straight, there were no police officers in sight. And here, probably, an angel - keeper and whispered in my ear - don’t you dare. It was a miracle: the car was in pieces, and I only had bruises, bumps and hysterics - either laughter or tears..." And everyone who saw the car in which she was lying said, that she was saved by her guardian angel. And for a long time Tanya could not get to the church and say thank you. Then she finally went... She believes that there is someone above us. And faith helps us think that we came from somewhere here on this earth.

After so many years of creative activity, Tanya’s mood is not very easy to spoil. Previously, this could be done literally with one word, a look. Now Tanya tries not to pay attention to it. But if the mood still deteriorates, there is such a remedy as crying into the pillow - and everything will pass.

Tatyana does not like unnaturalness, she does not understand star fever - creativity ends with star fever, because the artist loses the sensitivity of the soul. And without this it is impossible. From an interview with T. Bulanova: “I lead a rather secluded life, and even in our house, not everyone knows that they live next door to the artist. It always seems to me that when I walk down the street, no one will recognize me. And when, Contrary to my expectations, they suddenly recognize me, I get very lost... They almost always take me by surprise. When they ask point blank: “Is that you?”, I lower my eyes and always hope that I will sneak by like a mouse and remain unrecognized."

Tanya loves her hometown very much - St. Petersburg, its embankments, bridges, the Neva, she says, “if you fall in love with this city, then it’s forever.” But for some reason some people still think that she lives in Moscow. Tanya considers Moscow to be something like a suburb of St. Petersburg. She says that she lives in St. Petersburg and works in Moscow.

In October 1996 The first solo concerts took place in Moscow at the Variety Theater under the title “My Russian Heart”. These were the first concerts with dancing; A. Dukhova’s show ballet “Todes” took part in the concert. Tanya was very worried. Present in the hall were Alla Pugacheva, Kristina Orbakaite, Nadezhda Babkina, Lyubov Uspenskaya, Irina Saltykova. It was very pleasant when, after the concert, Alla Borisovna approached Tanya and said a lot of warm words to her, saying that “this is the only concert where you could cry and laugh from the heart.”

In 1996, after the release of the album “My Russian Heart,” recorded together with composer Oleg Molchanov, information appeared in the press that Tanya had changed her image. In fact, “Summer Garden” began their creative journey as a dance group, and each album had 2-3 lyrical songs - this is the law of the genre. And at first it was the slow compositions that gained the most popularity, such as “Don’t Cry”, “What a Pity”, “Only You”. There is a misconception that the singer has such a sad repertoire. Every album has lyrical songs, but maybe recently they have become less bright than dance songs.

Tatyana took part in the filming of the TV series “Streets of Broken Lanterns” and “Gangster Petersburg”, in which she performed songs by St. Petersburg authors. During filming, the singer met composer Andrei Ivanov and poet Dmitry Rubin, who created such hits as “Invite the Lady to Dance” performed by A. Pugacheva, “Meeting on the Way” (M. Boyarsky). The authors made a fundamental contribution to the creation of several albums of lyrical, nostalgic songs by Tanya Bulanova - “Birthday”, “Love”.

In 1999, the singer decided to experiment with her creativity and recorded the album “Flock”, close in style to rock music. In the video for the song “The Wind Sang” from this album, the singer was unrecognizable; even her first and last name remained in the video only with the first two letters - TaBu. Of course, such a step on the part of the singer was assessed as very bold, but not entirely understandable. But many fans liked the experiment, and Tatyana herself prefers such songs, although the album did not have much commercial success. Tanya did not dare to continue her career as a rock singer. Although this stage did not carry a negative connotation, it was important for Tanya Bulanova not to stand still, not to lose herself in creativity.

The year 2000 was marked by a very noticeable turn in Tanya’s singing activity. A young DJ TsvetkoFF, full of energy and ideas, was involved in creating the arrangements. This is how Tanya’s new disc “My Dream” appeared, which took all the leading positions in the charts of Russian radio stations. The bright hit of 2000 was the composition of the same name from the new album. It turned out that this was the kind of music they were waiting for from Tanya Bulanova. The next disc with the song “Golden Time” became popular a month before its release: “thanks” to pirates who managed to steal the phonogram and multiply copies of “Golden Time” throughout the country. As a result, the original album had to be renamed “Gold of Love”.

Another experiment was Tanino’s collaboration with the young group “Cardinal”. Three songs were recorded together, two of which were cover versions of the most famous hits of the groups “Rammstain” and “Wimpscut”.

With the release of the album "This is a Game", recorded, like the album "My Dream", in collaboration with Oleg Popkov, Tatyana again became one of the leaders of the music charts.

In 2003, Tanya performed for the first time with her son Alexander, they did a wonderful job of singing several children's songs together.

At the final concert “Song of the Year 2003,” Tatyana was awarded a memorial prize named after K.I. Shulzhenko for her contribution to the development of national song, thereby emphasizing the nationwide recognition and love for the singer.

When asked if you have a life credo, Tanya replies: “The main thing is not to envy anyone. But this is difficult, because envy is inherent in absolutely everyone, some to a lesser extent, some to a greater extent. Envious people are unhappy people , and at one time I managed to cope with envy and learn to enjoy life, this is my main secret in life.”


1. "White bird cherry", 2004

2. "Love", 2003

3. “This is a game”, 2002

4. "Collection", 2002

5. "Red on White", 2002

6. "Gold of Love", 2001

7. "Summer Dream", 2001

8. "Birthday", 2001

9. "My Dream", 2000

10. "Flock", 1999

11. "A Woman's Heart", 1998

12. “If you endure it, you will fall in love,” 1997.

13. "Strange Meeting", 1996

14. "My Russian Heart", 1996

15. "Return ticket", 1996

16. "Soon the pain will go away", 1995.

17. "I'll Drive You Crazy", 1995

18. "Betrayal", 1994

19. "Strange Meeting", 1994

20. "Strange Meeting", 1993

21. "Ballads", 1993

22. "Big Sister", 1992

23. "Don't Cry", 1991

24. "25 carnations", 1990

Tatyana Bulanova admitted that she does not rule out a new marriage, despite the fact that she still lives with her ex-husband.

After Tatyana Bulanova divorced football player Vladislav Radimov, she focused on her career and raising her youngest son Nikita. Fans of the couple believe that they can still get back together, but the ex-lovers are in no hurry to make loud statements.

Bulanova recently gave an interview to reporters in which she talked about her personal life after the divorce. As it turned out, the star does not rule out getting married again. Tatyana does not talk about when this might happen. The artist prefers not to make plans, believing that everything has its turn.

“Although I am free, my friends do not match me. They understand that it will be as destined by fate. An acquaintance recently said to me: “Tanya, are you at the market?” At the market, yes, just a bride of marriageable age,” the celebrity shared.

The artist decided to break up with Vladislav Radimov in 2016, which she announced to subscribers of her Instagram page. “Thank you for these 11 years! Yes, there were a lot of things, both good and not so good, but I am grateful to fate for meeting you. And know that you still remain a dear person to me and you can always count on my help and support in everything!”, with these words Tatyana addressed her husband on social networks.

Despite the fact that the couple separated, they decided not to leave.

“The circumstances are such that we live in the same area. We celebrated my birthday together, Vladislav invited me, I agreed. Maybe I’m some kind of iron, but I don’t see anything bad in it,” Tatyana said in Boris Korchevnikov’s program. The artist also denied rumors about Radimov’s infidelities. According to the singer, they broke up for other reasons.

In addition, Tatyana and Vladislav are still connected by their common son Nikita, in whose upbringing they continue to take part, Telenedelya notes.

By the way, not long ago Tatyana’s new video for the song “In the house where my sadness lives” was released. According to the plot of the video, the artist becomes the lover of an architect who is so passionate about his work that he forgets about his other half. As a result, the couple decide to separate. Years later, Tatiana's heroine returns to the place where she was happy with her husband and indulges in memories. Video director Rustam Romanov admitted that Bulanova was very easy to work with. “This is the first time I have seen such a calm person. She doesn’t interfere with the process at all, follows instructions and does it great,” he said.

Tools Vocals, guitar, piano Genres pop music, chanson, folk Teams "Summer garden" Awards bulanova.com Media files on Wikimedia Commons

Tatyana Ivanovna Bulanova(born March 6, 1969, Leningrad, USSR) - Soviet and Russian pop singer and actress. Honored Artist of Russia (2004). Two-time winner of the National Russian Ovation Award.

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    ✪ Tonight with Andrey Malakhov. Tatiana Bulanova. Issue dated 02/18/2017


Childhood and youth

Father - Ivan Petrovich Bulanov (1933-1998), who graduated from the Saratov Naval Preparatory School (SVMPU) and the Higher Naval Diving School, served as a torpedo-miner in the North. With the advent of missile submarines, he was one of the first to become the commander of a missile warhead. In 1968 he graduated from the Naval Academy and began working as head of the laboratory. He retired in 1990 from the post of deputy head of the weapons department with the rank of captain of the first rank. He died after a serious illness.

Mother - Nina Pavlovna Bulanova - is a photographer by profession.

The Bulanov family has two children - Tatyana Bulanova and her older brother Valentin Bulanov, who, like his father, became a submariner. While studying in the first grade, she attended rhythmic gymnastics classes, but because of her studies at a music school, she was forced to leave gymnastics. Tatyana Bulanova became interested in music thanks to her mother, and graduated from a music school with a degree in piano. By the age of 15, she began playing urban romances on the guitar. In 1987, she was enrolled in the evening department of the library faculty, specializing in librarian-bibliographer.

While studying at the institute, Tatyana simultaneously worked in the library of the Naval Academy in the foreign department. Having learned that the studio school at the Leningrad Music Hall was recruiting students, Bulanova, from her third year in the fall of 1989, went to the vocal department, where she studied for about a year. At that time, this educational institution was equal in level of education to a theater school. In December 1989, Tatyana met Nikolai Tagrin, who at that time was the head of the Summer Garden group, and later became the husband and father of Tatyana’s first child. Together with this group, Tatyana Bulanova recorded her first songs, and later began touring the cities of Russia. Bulanova's stage debut took place on April 16, 1990 on the stage of the assembly hall.

Carier start

In 1991, Tatyana and the “Summer Garden” group took part in the “Yalta-1991” festival and performed on the television program “New Year’s Blue Light” with the song “As if it weren’t so.” In the same year, she was awarded the Grand Prix for her performance of the song “Don’t Cry” at the “Shlyager-1991” competition. Subsequently, Bulanova performed in many cities and regions of Russia.

In 1992, the album “Elder Sister” was released, where Tatyana first acted as a composer, composing music for two songs.

Soon the group recorded the album “Strange Meeting”, the songs from which were written by the poet Sergey Patrushev. Two songs from the album were awarded the Song of the Year award: “Lullaby” (1994) and “Tell me the truth, Ataman” (1995). Later, the album “Betrayal” was recorded, but due to Tatyana’s pregnancy, its release had to be postponed. In 1994, the album “Betrayal” was released.

In 1995, Tatyana entered into a contract with the SOYUZ studio and recorded the album “Return Ticket” in collaboration with Ilya Reznik. The album was released in March 1996, and as the singer herself admits, it was not very successful, and Tatyana decided to change her image.

Peak of popularity

In 1996, together with composer Oleg Molchanov and poet Arkady Slavorosov, Tatyana recorded the album “My Russian Heart,” thanks to which Tatyana began to gain popularity. One of the songs from the album, “My Clear Light,” was awarded such awards as “Golden Gramophone” and “Song of the Year” and became a hit in 1996. The singer also takes part in the filming of the television film “Old Songs about the Main Thing 2” with the song “Tenderness”. The concerts are sold out at the Rossiya State Cultural Center in Moscow, and the concerts are broadcast on radio and television.

In January 1997, Tatyana continued to collaborate with Oleg Molchanov and Arkady Slavorosov. In the spring, a video was released for the song “My Beloved,” directed by Vladimir Shevelkov. In September 1997, the album “Endure and Fall in Love” was released and 3 more video clips were shot: “Crake”, “Endure and Fall in Love” and “So the Sun Has Set”. In the same year, Tatyana receives her second Golden Gramophone for the song “My Beloved” and participates in the Song of the Year festival with the song “Endure and Fall in Love.”

1998 - present

In 1998, the singer’s collaboration with the SOYUZ studio came to an end. The album “A Woman’s Heart” was recorded, but its release had to be postponed until the end of the year due to the crisis in the country.

On September 27, 1999, Tatyana released an album in the style of rock music, “The Flock,” written by Oleg Molchanov. A video clip was shot for the song “The Wind Sang”. The singer also starred in the TV series “Streets of Broken Lanterns”, “Gangster Petersburg”, “Caution, Modern! 2", in which she played herself and also performed several songs.

In 2000, together with St. Petersburg DJ Tsvetkoff, a remix of the song “Buy and Sell” was made, which was never released. In December 2000, an album of dance music, the songs for which were written by Oleg Popkov. The song “My Dream” became the winner of such awards as “Golden Gramophone” and “Song of the Year”. Video clips were shot for 3 songs from the album. In March 2001, the album “Birthday” was released.

In the summer of 2001, the album “My Dream” was re-released under the new name “Summer Dream”, which included 2 new songs and 4 remixes. Later the album “Gold of Love” was released.

In 2002, the disc “Red on White” was released, which included cover versions of songs by the group “Ramstein” together with the group “Cardinal” and the first four albums were re-released as part of the “Summer Garden”. In the same year, Tatyana recorded the album “This is a Game” in collaboration with Oleg Popkov. In December, a presentation took place at the Metelitsa club. Video clips were shot for 4 songs from the album. In 2003, Tatyana released the album “Love”, together with Andrei Ivanov. In August 2003, the song “Angel” was released, for which a video clip was shot.

At the same time, the singer had a conflict with Channel One. At the festival "Song of the Year 2003" with the songs “Angel” and “Tenderness”, the singer was awarded the K. I. Shulzhenko Prize for her contribution to the development of national song. On November 23, 2004, Bulanova was awarded the title “Honored Artist of the Russian Federation.”

In April 2004, the disc “White Bird Cherry” was released. 3 video clips were shot for songs from the album. In May 2005, the album “The Soul Flew” was recorded. Both albums were released at ARS studio. In the summer of 2005, Tatyana divorced her husband and producer Nikolai Tagrin.

On October 18, 2005, Bulanova married for the second time, to football player Vladislav Radimov. On March 8, 2007, their son Nikita was born.

In 2007, Bulanova, together with Oksana Robski, released her autobiography, entitled “Territory of a Woman.” In the same year, he starred in V. Aksenov’s feature film “Love Can Still Be...”, which was released on DVD in 2008.

In 2008, Tatyana participated in the NTV channel project “Superstar 2008. Dream Team” and reached the final. In 2009, the hit “Endless Story” was recorded, the composer of which was the lead singer of the group “Vintage” - Alexey Romanov. The song is successfully rotated on Russian Radio and receives the Song of the Year award. Another track, “My Trance,” together with Noel Gitman, failed commercially, but gained some fame.

Video clips were presented at the beginning of 2014 "Happy New Rock" and “Never say never.” In February 2014, she became a participant in the transformation show “Exactly” on Channel One, making parodies of such musical performers as Natalie, Sandra, Patricia Kaas, Modern Talking, Britney Spears and others. In the summer, the singer released songs "Dimka" And "Time".

In 2015, he will present several solo novelties: "Not you"; "Childhood"; "Do not let me go"; "In my cinema"; "Don't be afraid of love."

The video for the song is being filmed in March. "Childhood", directed by Oleg Gusev. In April 2015, Tatyana received the second “Chanson of the Year” award for the song "Flower"(together with S. Lyubavin). At the end of 2015, Tatyana receives the Golden Gramophone award (Best songs for 20 years, Russian radio) for the song "My clear light"(Sixth figurine).

A bright new product comes out on December 11, 2015 "Don't be afraid of love" written by the famous songwriter Gutseriev and composer Konstantin Kostomarov.

On December 13, 2015, Tatyana became the winner of the “Road Radio Star” award for the fifth time, performing the songs “Don’t Let Me Go” and “My Clear Light.”

Before the New Year, two duets are released: “The Snow Is Spinning” (together with S. Lyubavin) and “Peter” (together with A. Arabov).

In 2016, three duet compositions were released: “And you love” (together with V. Vanin); “Farewell, my love” (together with K. Metov) and “Until Dawn” (together with G. Titov). Solo compositions coming out “It’s me” (music by D. Maidanov, lyrics by M. Aliger and D. Maidanov); “Territory” and “April” (music and lyrics by O. Popkov).

In mid-April, Tatyana receives the third "Chanson of the Year" award for the song "Don't be afraid of love." At the end of April, Tatyana has her own official video blog on You Tube https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCvsbbNjo6h43V7Usn_TzY5Q/featured

On November 28, 2016, the long-awaited video clip for the song is released "Don't be afraid of love." The director of the video is Oleg Gusev. The singer also starred in the youth film "Yof", playing herself.

On December 11, 2016, Tatyana became the winner of the “Road Radio Star” award for the sixth time, performing the following songs: "Don't be afraid of love" and"My beloved" . The singer is divorcing Vladislav Radimov, having lived with him for 11 years.


  • 1991 - Grand Prix of the festival “Shlyager-1991”, song “Don’t Cry”
  • 1992 - National Music Award "Ovation" - "Debut of the Year"
  • 1994 - Title “Best Singer of the Year” in the “Soundtrack” Hit Parade of the newspaper “Moskovsky Komsomolets”
  • 1996 (I) - Russian Radio Award “Golden Gramophone”, song “My Clear Light”
  • 1996 - Title “Best Singer of the Year” in the “Sound Track” Hit Parade of the newspaper “Moskovsky Komsomolets”
  • 1997 - Alla magazine award “for the most unexpected and successful change of image”
  • 1997 (II) - Russian Radio Award “Golden Gramophone”, song “My Beloved”
  • 1999 (IV) - Russian Radio Award “Golden Gramophone”, song “A lot is not a little”
  • 2000 (V) - Russian Radio Award “Golden Gramophone”, song “My Dream”
  • 2000 (V) - Russian Radio Golden Gramophone Award, St. Petersburg, song “My Dream”
  • 2001 - Award for the “Stylish Things” program, STS TV channel
  • 2001 (VI) - Russian Radio Award “Golden Gramophone”, song “You Didn’t Love”
  • 2001 (VI) - Russian Radio Award “Golden Gramophone”, St. Petersburg, song “Golden Time”
  • 2002 - Silver Disc Prize, TVC channel
  • 2002 (VII) - Russian Radio Golden Gramophone Award, St. Petersburg, song “Don’t Cry”
  • 2003 - Anniversary Diploma of the Soundtrack Hall of Fame
  • 2003 - Memorable Prize of the television festival “Song of the Year” named after K. I. Shulzhenko “for contribution to the development of national song”
  • 2004 - Memorial Prize “Sound Track”
  • 2004 - Diploma and memorable prize of the “Silver Disc” program
  • 2004 - Awarded the title “Honored Artist of the Russian Federation”
  • 2010 - Order of “Honor and Courage” from the Ministry of Internal Affairs Veterans Foundation “for achievements in cultural activities for the benefit of the Russian state”
  • 2011 - Awarded the title “Woman of the Year 2011”
  • 2011 - Victory in the project “Dancing with the Stars”
  • 2011 - Award “Chanson of the Year”, song “Flower” (together with S. Lyubavin)
  • 2011 - Peter FM Award
  • 2012 - First prize “Road Radio Stars”, song “Flower” (together with S. Lyubavin)
  • 2012 - 3rd Peter FM Prize
  • 2012 - Victory in the category “Performer” - award “20 successful people of St. Petersburg 2012”
  • 2012 - Winner of the “Road Radio Star” award (St. Petersburg, 12/09/2012), song “Women’s Friendship” and “These are the Things”
  • 2013 - Winner of the “Road Radio Star” award (St. Petersburg, 12/08/2013), song “My Clear Light”
  • 2014 - Winner of the “Road Radio Star” award (St. Petersburg, 12/14/2014), song “My Clear Light”
  • 2015 - Award “Chanson of the Year”, song “Flower” (together with S. Lyubavin)
  • 2015 - (XX) Russian Radio Award “Golden Gramophone” song “My Clear Light”
  • 2015 - Winner of the “Road Radio Star” award (St. Petersburg, 12/13/2015), song “My Clear Light” and “Don’t Let Me Go”
  • 2016 - Award “Chanson of the Year”, song “Don’t be afraid of love” (04/16/2016, Moscow, Kremlin)
  • 2016 - Award “Chanson of the Year”, songs “Don’t Let Me Go” and “Don’t Be Afraid of Love” (04/17/2016, St. Petersburg, Oktyabrsky Concert Hall)
  • 2016 - Winner of the sixth award “Road Radio Star” (St. Petersburg, 12/11/2015), the song “Don’t be afraid of love” and “My beloved”
  • 2017 - Award “Chanson of the Year”, songs “April” and “Cry, Love” (04/09/2017, St. Petersburg, Oktyabrsky Concert Hall)

A television

In 1996, Bulanova participated in the program “Field of Miracles” with the song “Tenderness”. As a prize, she received tangerines and roller skates. In the same year, the performer participated in one of the episodes of the “Guess the Melody” program. In 1993-1997 she participated in the TV game “L-Club”.

In 2007, Tatyana took part in the Two Stars project together with Mikhail Shvydkiy.

In 2008, she took part in the show “You are a Superstar” on the NTV channel, where she entered the top five.

In 2008, Tatyana Bulanova became the host of the television program “Collection of Impressions with Tatyana Bulanova” on the 100TV channel, and since February 28, 2010, one of the hosts of the 100TV channel talk show called “It’s Not a Man’s Business.”

In 2011, she became the winner of the television project “Dancing with the Stars”.

Since May 2, 2012, she has become the host of the talk show (reality show) “Between Us, Girls” on Channel One.

From October 27, 2013 to December 29, 2013 - participates in the “Battle of the Choirs” project on the Russia 1 TV channel, where for the first time he becomes the mentor of a choir from Voronezh and the Voronezh region.

Since March 2, 2014, she has become a participant in the transformation show “Exactly” on Channel One.

Images in the transformation show “Exactly”:

  • Natalie - “Oh, God, what a man” - March 2, 2014 (19 points out of 25)
  • Zhanna Bichevskaya - “Across the wild steppes of Transbaikalia” - March 9, 2014 (25 of 25)
  • Edita Piekha - “Manzherok” - March 16, 2014 (22 of 25)
  • Natalia Vetlitskaya - “Look into your eyes” - March 23, 2014 (21 of 25)
  • Patricia Kaas - “Mon mec à moi” - March 30, 2014 (25 out of 25) “Best performance of the episode”
  • Marilyn Monroe - “I wanna be loved by you” - April 6, 2014 (25 of 25)
  • Victor Saltykov - “Horses in Apples” - April 13, 2014 (21 of 25)
  • Alla Pugacheva - “It’s Time” - April 20, 2014 (25 of 25)
  • Sandra Cretu - “Maria Magdalena” - April 27, 2014 (24 of 25)
  • Britney Spears - "Oops!.. I Did It Again" - May 11, 2014 (22 of 25)
  • Marylya Rodovich - “Kolorowe jarmarki” - May 18, 2014 (25 of 25)
  • Thomas Anders - "You're My Heart, You're My Soul" - May 25, 2014 (23 of 25)
  • Cesaria Evora - “Besame mucho” - June 1, 2014 (25 of 25)
  • Ardis Fagerholm - "Ain't Nobody's Business" - June 8, 2014 (25 of 25)
  • Lyubov Uspenskaya - “Lyuba, Lyubonka” - January 1, 2015 (New Year’s performance)

Since July 16, 2017, she has become a participant in the show “Three Chords” on Channel One.

Song of the year

Final songs:

Year Name of the song Music Words
Song of the Year 1994 Lullaby I. Dukhovny S. Patrushev
Song of the Year 1995 Tell me the truth, chieftain I. Dukhovny S. Patrushev
Song of the Year 1996 My clear light O. Molchanov A. Slavorosov
Song of the Year 1997 Endure - fall in love I. Zubkov K. Arsenev
Song of the Year 1999 A little not a lot O. Molchanov K. Krastoshevsky
Song of the Year 2000 My dream O. Popkov O. Popkov
Song of the Year 2001 Golden time O. Popkov O. Popkov
Song of the Year 2003 Tenderness A. Pakhmutova N. Dobronravov, S. Grebennikov
Song of the Year 2003 Angel N. Kablukov S. Sharov
Song of the Year 2004 Autumn in the eyes I. Latyshko I. Latyshko
Song of the Year 2004 White bird cherry O. Pakhomov O. Pakhomov
Song of the Year 2009 Endless story A. Romanof A. Romanof, A. Kovalev, A. Sakharov

Intermediate songs that participated in the Song of the Year:

Year Name of the song Music Words
Song of the Year 1993 What a pity A. Bogolyubov A. Bogolyubov
Song of the Year 1993 Blue ocean R. Pauls I. Reznik
Song of the Year 1994 Only you A. Bogolyubov A. Bogolyubov
Song of the Year 1994 Lullaby I. Dukhovny S. Patrushev
Song of the Year 1995 Tell me the truth, chieftain I. Dukhovny S. Patrushev
Song of the Year 1996 Phoenix R. Pauls I. Reznik
Song of the Year 1997 Will endure, fall in love I. Zubkov K. Arsenev
Song of the Year 1998 Landrail O. Molchanov A. Slavorosov
Song of the Year 1999 Dead flowers O. Molchanov A. Slavorosov
Song of the Year 2000 I deceived O. Molchanov K. Krastoshevsky
Song of the Year 2003 Call O. Popkov O. Popkov
Song of the Year 2003 Balloon in the blue sky O. Popkov O. Popkov
Song of the Year 2004 That's how things are (remix) N. Kablukov S. Sharov

Song of the year in Kyiv:


Son Alexander (born March 19, 1993) Son Nikita (born March 8, 2007)


Studio albums

Year Album title Label
1 "25 carnations" Magnetoalbum; CD - "Union", 2002
2 "Do not Cry" Magnetoalbum; vinyl - “Russian Disc”, 1991; CD - "Union", 2002
3 "Elder sister" Magnetoalbum; vinyl - “Russian Disc”, 1992; CD - "Union", 2002
4 "Strange Meeting" Magneto album - APPF "Bekar" and "Soyuz", 1993; vinyl - APPF Bekar and Aprelevka Sound Inc., 1993;
CD - APPF "Bekar" and "Russian Supply", 1994, "Triary", 1994, "Soyuz", 1996
5 "Treason" Magneto album - APPF "Bekar" and "Soyuz"; vinyl - Aprelevka Sound Inc.; CD - UEP, 1994, "Union", 2002
6 "Return ticket" "Union"
7 "My Russian heart" "Union"
8 “If you endure it, you will fall in love” "Union"
9 "Woman's Heart" "Extraphone"
10 "The Pack" "Iceberg-music"
11 "My Dream" "Iceberg-music"
12 "Birthday" "Grand Records"
13 "Gold of Love" "Iceberg-music"
14 "Red on White" "The Mystery of Sound"
15 "It's a game" "Iceberg-music"
16 "Love" "Arthur-music"
17 "White bird cherry" "ARS-Records"
18 "The soul flew" "ARS-Records"
19 "Love and miss" "Quad-disc"
20 "Romances" Bomba-Peter


Year Album title Label
1 "Ballads" UEP
2 "I'll drive you crazy" CD - "Union", 1996
3 "The pain will go away soon" CD - "Union", 1996
4 "The Best" "Union"
5 "Summer Dream" "Iceberg-music"
  • Forgive me for all
  • Heart of Granite (2000) (author A. Ruzhitsky)
  • Rowan beads
  • Cloudberry
  • White horse - black horse
  • What were you like?
  • Lock
  • It's spring in the city (with Russian size)
  • Alarm melody
  • We are champions
  • Leaf's Song
  • Present
  • Dance
  • Near the window
  • Daisies hid (with A. Apina and N. Koroleva)
  • How much does love cost
  • I will not be back
  • Aircraft
  • Endless story
  • Secretly around the world
  • White rosehip
  • Let there be peace
  • Female friendship (with Athena)
  • Forever
  • I can not take it anymore
  • White snow
  • Promise (with N. Kablukov)
  • Mom (from the gr. “Sun of Khmari”)
  • Sadness (song by V. Tsoi)
  • Dorozhenka (with Vasiliev)
  • Wounded birds (with S. Pereverzev)
  • Let's not be sad (with S. Rogozhin)
  • Past
  • The only home
  • Hung up (Madonna song)
  • Flower (with S. Lyubavin)
  • You keep me warm
  • Cheremshina
  • Fly Away (aria from The Canterville Ghost)
  • Good girls (with A. Tsoi, A. Stotskaya)
  • Farewell to childhood
  • Something didn't come true
  • Officers' wives (with M. Tishman)
  • Love comes in different forms
  • My trance (with Noel Gitman)
  • And I'm young
  • Arithmetic of love
  • Wingless love (with Dj TsvetkoFF)
  • It's spring in St. Petersburg (with "Russian size")
  • Stars
  • Starlight Night
  • Winter sea
  • Someone came down the hill
  • Leningrad rock and roll
  • Forest deer
  • Love that no longer exists
  • Moscow doesn’t believe in tears (with S. Penkin)
  • My love
  • Don't cry (Superstar 2008 version)
  • Separation, you are separation
  • Troubadour
  • You gave me roses
  • Closing the Circle (Superstar 2008)
  • Got it into my head (with Sasha Popov)
  • Late autumn (with A. Dragunov)
  • Plasticine clouds
  • Lullaby of the Bear (from the group “Adventures of Electronics”)
  • My unrequited love (Festive concert for Victory Day 2009)
  • Women's happiness (with T. Ovsienko)
  • Take me with you
  • Snowflake (with A. Tagrin)
  • The shore of a bygone childhood (with A. Tagrin)
  • Troubadour (with V. Saltykov)
  • Such a short summer
  • Everything will be my way
  • School waltz (song by S. Rotaru)
  • My clear light (in Chinese)
  • Signs (The sky sends us signs)
  • Like a current running through the body
  • Never say never (with A. Lominsky)
  • Bridges are raised (with A. Inshakov)
  • Tenderness (with L. Zykina)
  • Tenderness (with R. Ibragimov)
  • Duets

    • T. Bulanova and A. Bill - “Night Swimming”
    • T. Bulanova, N. Koroleva, A. Apina - “The daisies hid” (“Old songs about the main thing-2”)
    • T. Bulanova, M. Boyarsky, I. Kornelyuk, prof. Lebedinsky - “5 minutes”
    • T. Bulanova, Lada Dance - “Mamma Mia”
    • T. Bulanova, gr. “Russian size” - “It’s spring in the city”, “It’s spring in St. Petersburg”
    • T. Bulanova, gr. "Beasts" - "Rains are pistols"
    • T. Bulanova, Natalya Koroleva - Jewish medley songs
    • T. Bulanova, Tatyana Ovsienko - Women's happiness (cover version)
    • T. Bulanova, Jasmine, Alsou, Lera Kudryavtseva, I. Dubtsova - “Sleep, my sunshine”
    • T. Bulanova, Mark Tishman - “Officers’ Wives”
    • T. Bulanova, Sergei Lyubavin - “Flower”
    • T. Bulanova, Athena - “Women’s Friendship”
    • T. Bulanova, gr. "Adventures of Electronics" - "Lullaby of the Bear"
    • T. Bulanova, M. Boyarsky - “How much is love?”, “Love”, “The only home”
    • T. Bulanova, A. Aleksin - “On New Year’s Eve”
    • T. Bulanova, Tea for Two - “Moscow Doesn’t Believe in Tears” (project “Superstar-2008”)
    • T. Bulanova, Lolita, L. Senchina - “Diamonds” (project “Superstar-2008”)
    • T. Bulanova, M. Shvydkoy - “Lonely Accordion”, “How Many Good Girls” (project “Two Stars”)
    • T. Bulanova, E. Dyatlov - “Petersburg-Leningrad” (project “Two Stars”)
    • T. Bulanova, A. Tsoi, A. Stotskaya - “Good Girls” (“New Year in the village of Glukharevo”, 2010)
    • T. Bulanova, cardinal - “Anti-love”,
    • T. Bulanova, cardinal - “Wreath of barbs” (cover of the group: Wumpscut:)
    • T. Bulanova, cardinal - “Let there always be sun” (Rammstein cover)
    • T. Bulanova, O. Popkov - “Just the Wind”
    • T. Bulanova, N. Kablukov - “Promise”
    • T. Bulanova, S. Pereverzev - “Wounded Birds”
    • T. Bulanova, Burning - “How the rain ends” (TV series “OBZh”)
    • T. Bulanova, S. Penkin - “Love that no longer exists” (Superstar-2008)
    • T. Bulanova, S. Rogozhin - “We won’t be sad!”
    • T. Bulanova, A. Popov - “Got it into my head”
    • T. Bulanova, A. Inshakov - “Bridges Raised”
    • T. Bulanova, K. Kostomarov - “From this day”
    • T. Bulanova, A. Lominsky - “Never say never”
    • T. Bulanova, F. Kirkorov - “Anisya”
    • 4 B. Dedenev 27 “Wounded Birds (duet with Sergei Pereverzev)” Filmography

    The peak of Tatyana Bulanova's popularity came in the dashing 90s, when the whole country fell in love with her lyrical and soulful compositions. The performer's creative biography had many difficulties, however, she was able to retain the love of her fans to this day, demonstrating her artistic abilities in various fields.

    Despite the fact that Bulanova has been performing in public for about thirty years, only now has she realized how great it is to sing on stage.

    Childhood and first hobbies

    The future singer was born in 1969 in Leningrad. Her father, Ivan Petrovich, was a submariner, and her mother, Nina Pavlovna, was a photographer. Her older brother Valentin also grew up in this friendly family, who followed in his father’s footsteps and became a submariner. In relation to children, parents used methods of complete democracy, raising them by example.

    Happy childhood years.

    In her childhood, Tanya studied at a music school and for some time attended the rhythmic gymnastics section. Even then, she demonstrated excellent vocal abilities, which were noted not only by her family, but also by her teachers. Despite this, her parents advised the girl to choose the profession of a librarian, however, for the first time she was unable to enter the cultural institute. In order not to sit idle, she got a job in the library of the Naval Academy, where her father taught at that time. After work, Bulanova studied at preparatory courses. Having become a university student, she studied there for three years, and then moved to a school-studio at the Leningrad music hall, where she was able to improve her vocals.

    Building a successful career

    During her student years, she met Nikolai Tagrin, who was captivated by her singing. The musician was then looking for a soloist for his group “Summer Garden,” and Tatyana soon took her place. For the sake of a musical career, the girl dropped out of music hall studies and began performing and touring with the group. Her vocal debut happened in 1990 on the stage of the assembly hall of the Leningrad Institute of Technology, however, that day the aspiring singer sang with a sore throat, which affected the quality of her performance. A year later, the group became famous: they took part in the Yalta festival, and then appeared in the TV show “New Year’s Blue Light” and the “Hit” competition, where Bulanova was awarded the Grand Prix for the song “Don’t Cry.” The following concerts made her a favorite of many listeners, who enjoyed listening to her hits such as “What a pity”, “Don’t cry”, “Betrayal”, “White bird cherry”, “I love and miss” and others.

    The photo shows Tatyana Bulanova in her youth.

    The Summer Garden group toured the country a lot and performed at various musical events. During her creative career, the singer recorded more than 20 albums, and also sang a duet with Tatyana Ovsienko, Natasha Koroleva, Evgeny Dyatlov, Anita Tsoi and others. Like many artists, she was a participant in many television projects, such as “Two Stars”, “Dancing with the Stars”, “Battle of the Choirs”, “Exactly” and others. Having expanded her creative range, Tatyana was a talk show host and also starred in films: “Old Songs about the Main Thing,” “Streets of Broken Lanterns,” “Gangster Petersburg,” “Love Still May Be,” “Daddy’s Daughters” and others.

    From the latest news about the stage star, it is known that her new songs “Don’t be afraid of love”, “April” and Cry, Love” were liked by listeners, and also received the “Chanson of the Year” award. In addition, Bulanova starred in the debut film of the aspiring director “Yof”, where she played herself completely free of charge.


    For several years, the singer’s career and personal life were inextricably linked. She created her first family with Nikolai Tagrin, whom she married in 1992. A year later, the couple became parents: their son Alexander was born. According to Tatyana herself, this union was very unique, since in material terms she was independent and did not depend on her husband. The stage star bought an apartment and made renovations with her own money, without counting on her husband’s help. Having existed for 13 years, this marriage still cracked. Having separated from her husband in 2005, Bulanova married a new lover, who turned out to be footballer Vladislav Radimov. In 2007, their son Nikita was born.

    In the photo, Tatyana Bulanova with her husband Vladislav Radimov.

    Bulanova’s children are not growing up as unspoiled guys who respect their parents. There is a big age difference between the sons, but they get along well with each other. The singer also developed a very warm relationship with her older brother Valentin, who is 12 years older than her. Even in her childhood, she always looked forward to her brother, who was studying at a military school. To this day they are close people and true friends.

    But in the relationship with her second husband, not everything was smooth: already in 2013, rumors appeared about the couple’s divorce, but then they still managed to overcome the emerging crisis. However, the idyll in the family did not last long, and at the end of 2016 Tatyana announced her separation from her husband. Despite this, the former spouses continue to live under the same roof and raise their common son. They improved their relationship, which pleases the artist herself. The eldest son still lives with his star mother, but will soon move into his own home. Alexander received his education at the University of Trade and Economics, choosing the faculty of food technology, however, he did not get a job in his specialty. He currently works for a large coffee chain as a barista. The son is dating a girl, so Bulanova is already looking forward to grandchildren from him.

    The singer with her sons Nikita and Sasha.

    For many years, the star has been pleasing her fans with her beautiful appearance and slender figure (height – 160 cm; weight – 51 kg). To achieve this, she had to try many remedies and diets. Tatyana was able to find her remedy, using the advice of Elizabeth Taylor, who did not eat after five in the evening and tried not to abuse meat. In addition, the singer tries to get enough sleep, applies moisturizer, and also maintains a positive attitude.

    42-year-old ex-Zenit football player Vladislav Radimov seems to be at the center of a scandal again. According to journalists, the coach again had problems with the traffic police. The source, who wished to remain anonymous, witnessed an emotional conversation between Tatyana Bulanova’s ex-husband on a topic that was important to him.

    It is alleged that Radimov communicated with Zenit security officers. A man literally flew into one of the bars in St. Petersburg, animatedly talking about something to his interlocutor on the phone. There were few people in the establishment, so Radimov was not afraid of being heard. He reported something in detail to his friend. The correspondent's source is sure that Radimov is in trouble with the law.

    “He said strange things about being “in the house” and “needing support.” The words “may be imprisoned” and “criminal” were heard. I did not immediately understand that Radimov was talking about himself. Then three men drove up to the bar and began giving football players advice and calling some acquaintances. At this time, Radimov several times mentioned “problems with the traffic police,” an eyewitness is quoted in the press.

    Apparently, the expression “in the house” is due to the fact that the bar on Bolshoy Prospekt of Vasilyevsky Island is located in close proximity to the apartment where Radimov lived in his marriage to Bulanova. After the couple separated, they continued to live under the same roof. The singer noted in an interview that she was quite happy with this turn of events. In addition, the football player can communicate with his son Nikita in the same way as before the official termination of the relationship.

    In the “Family Album” program, the heir of Tatiana and Vladislav said that he calmly reacted to the news of his parents’ separation. “It’s just that if they got divorced, that’s their personal problem. They got divorced... It doesn’t concern me,” the boy shared. The artist added that her relationship with Radimov became “even better than it was.” The ex-spouses celebrate family holidays together and live peacefully in the same house. Moreover, Bulanova still considers the athlete a very close person.

    By the way, this is not the first time Vladislav Radimov has encountered problems with the law. In 2016, the football player was stopped by traffic police for speeding. It turned out that the man did not have his license with him. In addition, Vladislav refused to undergo an alcohol test. As a result, Radimov was ordered to pay a fine of 30 thousand rubles and was deprived of his driver’s license for 18 months.

    After a recent incident, Bulanova’s ex-husband had to conduct conversations with Zenit security officers. A source told Piter.TV that he saw a specialists’ car near the bar where Radimov ran.

    For more than 20 years, he has been delighting audiences with his songs. The artist is quite closed in her personal life - entries on her blog are available only to those whose subscription is approved by the singer. Recently, Tatyana satisfied the burning interest of fans by answering Lera Kudryavtseva’s questions in the studio of the “Secret to a Million” program.

    The singer recalled how her romance with Vladislav Radimov began. At that time, she was married to her producer Nikolai Tagrin, but insoluble problems had long accumulated in the family.

    According to Tatyana, she did not immediately tell her first husband about her affair with Vladislav. When it became clear that the new relationship put an end to her marriage, the singer confessed everything to Nikolai Tagrin. The husband agreed to the divorce and forgave the artist. To this day, Nikolai Tagrin is Tatyana Bulanova’s sound engineer and producer.

    The eldest son of Tatyana Bulanova, Alexander Tagrin. Still from the program “Secret to a Million”

    Despite the fact that Tatyana maintained a friendly relationship with her first husband, the divorce hit their common son hard. Nikolai Tagrin could not forgive the fact that Alexander quickly became friends with Vladislav Radimov. The father considered this behavior of his son to be a betrayal and broke off communication with him for seven years.

    25-year-old Alexander Tagrin also appeared in the studio of the “The Secret is Not a Million” program. Tatyana Bulanova’s eldest son explained that in the last two years the ice between him and his father has been gradually melting, and he hopes to establish closer communication with Nikolai.

    At the beginning of spring, the singer said that she bought an apartment for her eldest son with a mortgage. Alexander Tagrin graduated from the University of Trade and Economics with a degree in food technology, but now works as a barista. According to the singer, purchasing an apartment for her eldest grandson was the last will of her mother, who died last August. Nina Pavlovna put a lot of effort into raising her grandson while her daughter went on tour, and dreamed of helping Alexander with housing.

    Tatyana Bulanova's calling card is her songs about unhappy love, which make you want to cry. As for the singer’s personal life, everything was the other way around. She was happy in her family relationships.

    With her first husband, despite the divorce, she managed to maintain friendly relations. As for the second marriage, everything worked out well here too. The couple have been together for 13 years and have a child together.

    But more and more often on pages on social networks you can see posts by Tatyana Bulanova about unhappy love and betrayal. This prompted fans to think that Tatyana’s relationship was not going well and perhaps she would repeat the fate of the heroines of her songs.

    First husband

    As often happens, the singer’s first husband was her colleague Nikolai Tagrin. He was the leader of the Summer Garden group, in which Tatyana also performed. Their marriage lasted 13 years. The marriage produced a son, who was named Alexander.

    This period in Tatyana’s life was the most successful. Her tearful songs are becoming popular. Her fame is growing and the singer spends almost all year round in different cities and countries on tour. She and her husband left their little son to be raised by their grandmothers.

    The marriage of Nikolai and Tatiana was not entirely standard. Its main oddity was that the spouses had a separate budget. Tatiana earned money for herself, and Nikolai for his own needs. But despite this and other oddities in the marriage, it lasted quite a long time. Even after separation, the ex-husband and wife maintain good relations and tell each other about everything.

    Romance with a football player

    The singer met her second husband, Vladislav Radimov, on the project “A Star Speaks to a Star.” They took part in it together. At that time she was already a famous singer, and he was just a beginner football player.

    A romance began between him, despite the age difference. Their relationship developed very rapidly, despite the fact that Radimov at that time lived in a civil marriage with Yulia Izotova. It is Izotova who will repeatedly reproach Bulanova for ruining their marriage. Although Bulanova doesn’t think so at all. It claims that problems in the relationship with Izotova began before the football player met her.

    Be that as it may, the ending of the romance between Tatiana and Vladislav was the guy’s declaration of love at the top of the Eiffel Tower. After the confession, the couple did not hesitate to get married and celebrated it in October 2005.

    Life after marriage

    From the outside, the relationship between Tatiana and Vladislav seemed very harmonious. The footballer improved his relationship with the singer’s son from his first marriage. He was able to make friends with Alexander. Soon news appeared about Tatyana's pregnancy. She gave birth to her husband a beautiful son, whom they named Nikita.

    After the birth of her son, the singer began to devote more time to her family. She practically did not tour and only occasionally took part in musical projects. Vladislav continued to play for Zenit St. Petersburg. A few years later, Bulanova decided to revive her fame and began to visit Moscow more and more often. Long distance relationships have had a negative impact on family life.

    Living in two cities caused frequent quarrels. The singer also noted Vladislav’s explosive character. She said that their life was like a real volcano. The couple blamed each other for the breakdown of their relationship. News about the couple's possible divorce was increasingly appearing in the press. But they were able to overcome this crisis in their relationship.

    In honor of this, a new tradition appeared in the family. They began to celebrate annually “Family Rescue Day.” The first time they celebrated it was in Spain. Bulanova says that this country has become a landmark for their relationship. A year earlier, they had already come here to improve family relationships.

    Interesting notes:

    A trip to sunny Spain only helped to overcome the crisis for a while. For a while, the quarrels stopped and the couple lived happily again. But it didn't last long. No matter how hard Tatyana and Vladislav tried to preserve their relationship, they failed. After 11 years of marriage, the couple decided to divorce.

    Reasons for divorce

    Many people are concerned about the question of what could have caused the couple to divorce after so many years of marriage. According to people close to the couple, The reason for the breakup was Vladislav’s constant infidelities.

    The footballer is credited with numerous novels. One of them is allegedly with the daughter of a famous jeweler, Anna Ananova. He met her in one of the nightclubs in St. Petersburg. The girl loved to spend her free time there. After some time, information about an affair with fitness trainer Irina Yakovleva leaked to the network. But the girl denied all rumors about an affair with a football player.

    Now the singer’s heart is open to new love. In an interview, she herself admitted that living with her is quite difficult. The future contender for her heart needs to learn to accept her in any way, be it cheerful, angry or tired. I want to believe that she will still meet her love for life.

    The peak of Tatyana Bulanova's popularity came in the dashing 90s, when the whole country fell in love with her lyrical and soulful compositions. The performer's creative biography had many difficulties, however, she was able to retain the love of her fans to this day, demonstrating her artistic abilities in various fields.

    Despite the fact that Bulanova has been performing in public for about thirty years, only now has she realized how great it is to sing on stage.

    Childhood and first hobbies

    The future singer was born in 1969 in Leningrad. Her father, Ivan Petrovich, was a submariner, and her mother, Nina Pavlovna, was a photographer. Her older brother Valentin also grew up in this friendly family, who followed in his father’s footsteps and became a submariner. In relation to children, parents used methods of complete democracy, raising them by example.

    Happy childhood years.

    In her childhood, Tanya studied at a music school and for some time attended the rhythmic gymnastics section. Even then, she demonstrated excellent vocal abilities, which were noted not only by her family, but also by her teachers. Despite this, her parents advised the girl to choose the profession of a librarian, however, for the first time she was unable to enter the cultural institute. In order not to sit idle, she got a job in the library of the Naval Academy, where her father taught at that time. After work, Bulanova studied at preparatory courses. Having become a university student, she studied there for three years, and then moved to a school-studio at the Leningrad music hall, where she was able to improve her vocals.

    Building a successful career

    During her student years, she met Nikolai Tagrin, who was captivated by her singing. The musician was then looking for a soloist for his group “Summer Garden,” and Tatyana soon took her place. For the sake of a musical career, the girl dropped out of music hall studies and began performing and touring with the group. Her vocal debut happened in 1990 on the stage of the assembly hall of the Leningrad Institute of Technology, however, that day the aspiring singer sang with a sore throat, which affected the quality of her performance. A year later, the group became famous: they took part in the Yalta festival, and then appeared in the TV show “New Year’s Blue Light” and the “Hit” competition, where Bulanova was awarded the Grand Prix for the song “Don’t Cry.” The following concerts made her a favorite of many listeners, who enjoyed listening to her hits such as “What a pity”, “Don’t cry”, “Betrayal”, “White bird cherry”, “I love and miss” and others.

    The photo shows Tatyana Bulanova in her youth.

    The Summer Garden group toured the country a lot and performed at various musical events. During her creative career, the singer recorded more than 20 albums, and also sang a duet with Tatyana Ovsienko, Natasha Koroleva, Evgeny Dyatlov, Anita Tsoi and others. Like many artists, she was a participant in many television projects, such as “Two Stars”, “Dancing with the Stars”, “Battle of the Choirs”, “Exactly” and others. Having expanded her creative range, Tatyana was a talk show host and also starred in films: “Old Songs about the Main Thing,” “Streets of Broken Lanterns,” “Gangster Petersburg,” “Love Still May Be,” “Daddy’s Daughters” and others.

    From the latest news about the stage star, it is known that her new songs “Don’t be afraid of love”, “April” and Cry, Love” were liked by listeners, and also received the “Chanson of the Year” award. In addition, Bulanova starred in the debut film of the aspiring director “Yof”, where she played herself completely free of charge.


    For several years, the singer’s career and personal life were inextricably linked. She created her first family with Nikolai Tagrin, whom she married in 1992. A year later, the couple became parents: their son Alexander was born. According to Tatyana herself, this union was very unique, since in material terms she was independent and did not depend on her husband. The stage star bought an apartment and made renovations with her own money, without counting on her husband’s help. Having existed for 13 years, this marriage still cracked. Having separated from her husband in 2005, Bulanova married a new lover, who turned out to be footballer Vladislav Radimov. In 2007, their son Nikita was born.

    In the photo, Tatyana Bulanova with her husband Vladislav Radimov.

    Bulanova’s children are not growing up as unspoiled guys who respect their parents. There is a big age difference between the sons, but they get along well with each other. The singer also developed a very warm relationship with her older brother Valentin, who is 12 years older than her. Even in her childhood, she always looked forward to her brother, who was studying at a military school. To this day they are close people and true friends.

    But in the relationship with her second husband, not everything was smooth: already in 2013, rumors appeared about the couple’s divorce, but then they still managed to overcome the emerging crisis. However, the idyll in the family did not last long, and at the end of 2016 Tatyana announced her separation from her husband. Despite this, the former spouses continue to live under the same roof and raise their common son. They improved their relationship, which pleases the artist herself. The eldest son still lives with his star mother, but will soon move into his own home. Alexander received his education at the University of Trade and Economics, choosing the faculty of food technology, however, he did not get a job in his specialty. He currently works for a large coffee chain as a barista. The son is dating a girl, so Bulanova is already looking forward to grandchildren from him.

    The singer with her sons Nikita and Sasha.

    For many years, the star has been pleasing her fans with her beautiful appearance and slender figure (height – 160 cm; weight – 51 kg). To achieve this, she had to try many remedies and diets. Tatyana was able to find her remedy, using the advice of Elizabeth Taylor, who did not eat after five in the evening and tried not to abuse meat. In addition, the singer tries to get enough sleep, applies moisturizer, and also maintains a positive attitude.

    Celebrity biography – Tatyana Bulanova

    Russian singer Tanya Bulanova won wide popularity and the love of the public in the 90s with her bright and memorable songs, many of them were lucky enough to become hits of those years. They were known and listened to everywhere.


    Tanya was born on March 6, 1969 in the city of Leningrad. Another older brother, Valik, was brought up in the family. Mom had a creative job - she was a photographer, but she died when the girl was very young. The father, a military man by profession and vocation, took upon himself the upbringing of the children. Her father, Ivan Petrovich, served in the North in a military unit as a torpedo miner. The brother followed in his father’s footsteps and chose the same profession.

    Starting from the first grade, the girl was engaged in rhythmic gymnastics, and she also combined her studies at a regular school with classes in the “music school”. The load was too great, so I had to give up gymnastics. It was thanks to her mother that Tanya began to become interested in music, and thanks to her, she graduated from music school, choosing a piano class. From the age of 15 she was fond of romances and playing the guitar. And in 1987 she entered the Leningrad Institute of Culture, choosing the department of librarianship. While still a student, Tatyana worked part-time as a librarian at the Naval Academy. While working there, Tatyana learned the fateful news for herself that students were being recruited into the Leningrad Musical Hall.

    The beginning of a creative journey

    Leaving her studies at the Institute of Culture, she enters there. At the same time, while working, Tatyana meets her first husband. This is how personal relationships and a solo career began in the “Summer Garden” group, which Nikolai led. Bulanova begins recording her first songs and begins touring the cities of Russia. The first time he performed a solo concert took place at the Technological Institute in 1990 on the stage of the assembly hall. A year later, Tatyana was invited to take part in the then popular festival “Yalta-1991”. A little later, she was invited to participate in the filming of the program “New Year's Blue Light.” In the same year, she was invited to another significant project in the musical environment - “Hit - 1991”, at the same competition Tatyana received the Grand Prix for her excellent performance of the song “Don’t Cry”. Then there were numerous tours to different cities of Russia.

    Tatyana Bulanova in the group "Summer Garden"

    After a while, the group recorded an album, the lyrics for the songs were written by the poet Sergei Patrushev. Some songs became so popular that they were awarded the “Song of the Year” award. In 1994, a new album, “Betrayal,” appeared. In 1995, Tatyana was offered to work with Ilya Reznikov, so the new album “Return Ticket” was released in 1996. According to the singer herself, the album was released not as successful as planned and as she imagined it. After this, Tatyana decides to change her image.

    Years of fame and popularity

    The year 1996 was famous for Tatyana with the release of an album called “My Russian Heart”, in collaboration with the poet Arkady Slavorosov, the music for the songs was written by composer Oleg Molchanov. This album brought fame and popularity to the singer. And the song “My Clear Light” became known everywhere, almost everyone listened to it and knew it, and it brought the singer the “Golden Gramophone” and “Song of the Year” prizes. This song can be called a hit of the year 1996. The same year was marked by the beginning of the filming of the television film “Old Songs about the Main 2.” Tatyana was invited to participate in the filming. This was a definite success in my creative career. The television film was broadcast on both radio and television. Since 1997, the singer began releasing a series of videos, which also became popular.

    From 1998 to 2004, the singer was actively involved in recording songs and releasing albums. Almost every year a new album was released. From 2005 to 2007 there was a short break in creativity associated with the birth of a son. In 2007, Bulanova is working on the release of her autobiography, which is called “Territory of a Woman.”

    So different! - Tatiana Bulanova

    The return to filming takes place in 2008, Tatyana begins work in the project “Superstar 2008”. Since 2009, he has been actively recording new songs, videos, and tracks.

    Personal life

    Having entered the Leningrad Musical Hall and studied there for a year, Tatyana meets her first husband Nikolai Tagrin there, this happened in 1989. In those years, Nikolai led his own musical group, “Summer Garden”. The young people got married, and in 1993 their son Alexander was born; their family life continued for 13 years.

    Tatyana Bulanova with her first husband - Nikolai Tagrin

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