Who wrote the ballet ruslan and lyudmila composer. "Ruslan and Lyudmila" on the Voronezh stage


"Ruslan and Lyudmila", the finale of the performance. Photo by Alexander Samorodov

Towards the end of 2016, the Voronezh Opera and Ballet Theater presented the premiere of the ballet in the version of V. Agafonnikov "Ruslan and Lyudmila" (staging by the artistic director of the "Kremlin Ballet" Andrei Petrov). Colorful, Russian in spirit, the performance based on the poem by A. Pushkin and the opera turned out to be a match for the troupe's artists and attracted the audience, who reacted vividly to its two-act action.

For the first time, Ruslan and Lyudmila was staged by A. Petrov back in 1992. Then the theater headed by him was only in its third year. The choreographer faced an important task - not just to compose a good performance, but to make a serious bid for a large full-length, original ballet. In fact, it turned out that the new performance became both the hallmark of the theater and one of the most sought-after works in the repertoire of the Kremlin Ballet. It was these arguments that served as the reason for inviting A. Petrov to Voronezh for the production.

Preparing a new version of the ballet specifically for the Voronezh theater, the director took into account the specifics of the ballet troupe and individual characteristics (the number of artists and the direction of the repertoire). In contrast to the large space of the Kremlin concert venue, the Voronezh theater stage enlivened and concretized the action, made it possible for A. Petrov to find other dramatic moves. As a result, individual episodes of the performance were slightly cut, and the rich acting component of the action benefited many talented ballet dancers.

How and why could opera music become the basis of the Ruslan and Lyudmila ballet? The answer to this question is simple: A. Petrov was carried away by the opera rich in images of the outstanding Russian composer. Her lyrical melodiousness and popular plot provoked the choreographer to a creative experiment: to take, if not ballet, but well-known classical music by ear and breathe dance content into it. In this matter, the choreographer was helped by the composer Vladislav Agafonnikov, who made an orchestral version of the work for the ballet and created some thematic links in it.

"Ruslan and Ludmila". Gorislava - Ekaterina Lyubykh, Ratmir - Mikhail Vetrov. Photo by Alexander Samorodov

In "Ruslan and Lyudmila" there is a clear impact of multi-figure compositions from grand ballets ("Gardens of Naina"), the harmonious combination of dance and pantomime can be attributed to the practical experience taken by Petrov literally from the hands of the master of drama ballet Rostislav Zakharov, and the plastically meaningful, deep the meaning of the monologues (Ruslan's monologue, Svetozar's lament) convinced of a direct influence on the choreographer of creativity. However, despite the various influences, the performance looks like a complete dance canvas, in which the continuity of various traditions is felt. And this is the main success of A. Petrov, who managed to preserve and increase these traditions.

A significant role in the audience's perception of Pushkin's ballet was played by the artistic design of Marina Sokolova (1939-1992), whose scenery and costumes were carefully restored under the direction of Valery Kochiashvili, chief designer of the Voronezh Opera and Ballet Theatre. Creating visual images of the performance, Sokolova decided to turn to the origins of Russian folk art. Her stage paintings are directly related to folklore, fairy-tale characters (mermaids, firebirds, owls, the cat Bayun). Obviously, the artist drew her inspiration from various forms of folk art: from Khokhloma and Gorodets painting, from drawings of Vologda lace and Pavlovo Posad shawls, from the plastic forms of a Dymkovo toy.

"Ruslan and Ludmila". Lyudmila - Svetlana Noskova, Ruslan - Ivan Negrobov. Photo by Alexander Samorodov

One of the important advantages of the performance is the presence in it of roles of different nature and scale, where the artists of a small but talented troupe were able to prove themselves. So, the main part of Lyudmila was given to an experienced, lyrical dancer Svetlana Noskova. With inspiration and temperament Ivan Negrobov performed the part of Ruslan, in whose arsenal there are both free technique, artistry, and the premier's presentation. Dmitry Trukhachev picked up bright acting colors to create the image of the cowardly and skittish Varangian knight Farlaf. Slender, plastically gifted Mikhail Vetrov boldly appeared in the party of the Khazar Khan Ratmir. The Khazar princess Gorislava Ekaterina captivated Lyubykh with the soft, bewitching plasticity of an oriental girl, faithful to her beloved Ratmir. The insidious sorceress Naina was performed by the artistic Yana Cherkashina, who has a light jump. The dramatic dance part of Svetozar went to Denis Kaganer, who created a colorful image of the Russian prince - Lyudmila's father. The dwarf wizard Chernomor, in the interpretation of Vadim Manukovsky, did not look like a terrible villain, but a naively vicious, pompous king, whose power ended after Ruslan deprived him of his long beard. The corps de ballet dancers (actors in the grid, the warriors of the Head, the virgins of Naina, the retinue of Chernomor) coped with all their parts diligently and purely according to the drawing.

"Ruslan and Ludmila". Gardens of Chernomor. Photo by Alexander Samorodov

Great and time-consuming tutoring work with the artists was carried out by the teachers of the Voronezh theater Lyudmila Maslennikova and Pyotr Popov. Zhanna Bogoroditskaya, one of the first and brightest performers of the part of Lyudmila, provided them with serious support. The energy of the theater's chief choreographer Alexander Lityagin made it possible to mobilize the ballet troupe, as a result of which the artists were able to show their best performing qualities.

The orchestra conducted by the conductor, artistic director of the theater Andrey Ogievsky showed an attentive attitude to the dramaturgy of the musical work, as well as to the dance tempos.

The appearance of the ballet "Ruslan and Lyudmila" in the repertoire of the Voronezh Opera and Ballet Theater is a landmark event associated with the restoration of the best traditions of classical ballet. This performance has a significant prospect of growing popularity among the audience in many ways (plot, music, choreography, artistic design), but, above all, because of loyalty to eternal values ​​- friendship and love. The development of a repertoire policy in this vein will undoubtedly bring success and a stable existence to the theater.

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The ballet "Ruslan and Lyudmila" was created on the basis of the works of two great creators of the Russian land - the poet A.S. Pushkin and composer M.I. Glinka. This performance is not just a charming fairy tale, but a philosophical parable about eternal, like the world, human feelings: true love that overcomes betrayal and deceit. Pushkin's lines are filled with love for the characters, whose feelings are not fictional, but real. Young, carefree Lyudmila, fearless Ruslan, in love with the pleasures of Ratmir, Gorislava, who retained her love for the young man who rejected her. The magical characters of the poem that the main characters encounter, drawing them into the world of miracles, as if checking the truth of the feelings of lovers, forcing them to make their choice.
The great Russian composer M. Glinka conceived his opera a few months after Pushkin's tragic death in a duel, dedicating his work to his memory. In the ballet version of the opera, created by the famous composer, professor of the Moscow Conservatory Vladislav Agafonnikov, a number of musical abbreviations were made, the vocal and choral sections were reworked for the orchestra, and the necessary musical connections were made. The ballet "Ruslan and Lyudmila" attracts not only with the dance and director's finds of the outstanding choreographer of Russia Andrei Petrov, but also with luxurious scenery and costumes made by the wonderful theater designer Marina Sokolova.
The premiere of the play "Ruslan and Lyudmila" by the Kremlin Ballet Theater took place on March 31, 1992 and was enthusiastically received by critics and the public.

Choreographic fairy tale in 2 acts
Libretto by A. B. Petrov (based on the poem by A. S. Pushkin and the libretto of the opera of the same name by M. I. Glinka)
Staged by the Ballet Theater of the Kremlin Palace of Congresses 1992
Director and choreographer ANDREY PETROV


Under a mighty oak, the singer-storyteller Bayan plays the harp... Ruslan and Lyudmila meet under the wide crown of the oak. Their love is still a secret for everyone, and in the morning Lyudmila must choose a groom for herself.

There is a festive revival in the gridnitsa of the Grand Duke Svetozar. Everyone is looking forward to which betrothed Lyudmila will choose. The suitors of the princess appear: the arrogant Varangian knight Farlaf and the dreamy Khazar prince Ratmir. Ratmir is pursued by Gorislava, who is in love with him, with a plea to abandon the idea of ​​intermarrying with the prince of Kyiv.
Here is Ruslan. The opponents look at each other suspiciously. Ludmila appears. Her choice has long been made. The squad and the prince praise the young couple. The wedding ceremony begins. The young are brought under the curtain with honors... Thunder... Lightning...
The sinister figure of Chernomor appears. Everyone freezes. Enchanted by Chernomor, Lyudmila freezes. The evil sorcerer and his prisoner disappear.
Everyone woke up. Ludmila is not. Ruslan is in despair. Svetozar promises Lyudmila as a wife to the one who returns his daughter to him. All three knights swear to do so. Opponents leave Kyiv.

2 picture
Fairy forest. Naina pursues Finn with her love. He rejects her. She vows revenge.
Ruslan goes through the forest and comes to the home of the good Finn. The owner welcomes Ruslan cordially. Ruslan sees Lyudmila and Chernomor in the smoke of the magic fire. Ruslan thanks Finn and leaves to look for Chernomor's castle.
Naina lies in wait for Farlaf. She promises him Lyudmila. The coward is ready for anything. His joy knows no bounds. Naina gives him what he dreamed of: a soft bed and a table with food. Overwhelmed by wine and gluttony, he falls asleep, forgetting about Lyudmila.

Ruslan enters the field: traces of a bloody battle, the remains of heroes are visible. Death Valley makes a painful impression. Ruslan is tired. Doubt gnaws at him. Will I find Lyudmila, or maybe I will fall like these unknown warriors? Suddenly Ruslan sees a hill, with the brilliance of the moon it comes to life - in front of the hero is the head. The head crumbles into many warriors. The battle is fierce, the forces are unequal, but Ruslan emerges victorious. The warriors are scattered: in place of the head is a magic sword.

Naina conjures, attracts knights. Her retinue is a swarm of ugly old women, but at the gesture of the sorceress they turn into beautiful maidens. And Naina herself becomes a young beauty. The forest comes alive with a wonderful oriental palace. Naina is waiting for the victim, preparing a poisoned drink for her.
Gorislav relentlessly follows Ratmir, but he is relentless. He longs to find Lyudmila, although Gorislav is dearer and closer to him, but the stubbornness of the proud prince is boundless. Ratmir leaves the weeping Gorislava and enters Naina's palace. Fairy maidens, wine and refreshments - now he lost his shield, and sword, and helmet. Here is the seductive hostess. The charms of Naina make Ratmir forget about everything in the world. Gorislava appears in the palace, bringing Finn and Ruslan with her. Together they release Ratmir from the spell.

Morning. Lyudmila wakes up in Chernomor's castle. Everything here is alien to her. The servants want to feed her marvelous dishes. Chernomor appears. Wanting to achieve the love of Lyudmila, he takes the form of Ruslan. Lyudmila feels deceit, and the spell is dispelled. In front of her is a dwarf. Lyudmila tangles the villain's magical beard.
The servants of Chernomor come out in a solemn march, carrying the dwarf and his beard. Lyudmila is solemnly planted in front of Chernomor. Wizard Power Parade. The whirlwind of lezginka captures everyone. Both thrones are rushing in a circle. Lyudmila is already almost without feelings. The dwarf approaches his victim with laughter...
The sound of a horn is heard. This is Ruslan calling Chernomor to battle. The sorcerer enchants Lyudmila and draws his sword. A short but fierce fight, and the dwarf carries Ruslan under the clouds.

2 picture
Ruslan runs in with the severed beard of Chernomor. Lyudmila sleeps like a witch's dream and does not recognize her lover. Sobbing Ruslan carries Lyudmila away. Ratmir and Gorislava came to the aid of Ruslan.

Naina drags the shaking Farlaf - his hour has come. Fear makes him submit. They follow the trail of Ruslan.

Night in the steppe. Ratmir and Gorislava leave for the forest. Ruslan guards Lyudmila's sleep, but, tired, falls asleep. Naina and Farlaf appear. Naina forces Farlaf to raise his sword against Ruslan. Farlaf plunges his sword into the knight's chest and kidnaps Lyudmila. Naina is jubilant. Suddenly, Finn appears. In his hands he has two vessels - with dead and living water. He heals Ruslan's wounds.
Ruslan, Ratmir and Gorislav rush to Kyiv. Finn's blessing overshadows them. Naina is defeated, her plans are destroyed,

Farlaf, having kidnapped Lyudmila, brought her to Kyiv. But no one can wake her from her magical sleep. She doesn't even recognize her father...
The prince mourns his daughter. Unexpectedly for everyone, Ruslan appears. Farlaf begs for mercy. Ruslan's love awakens Lyudmila. Happiness and jubilation in the halls of Prince Svetozar. Russians praise the brave knight and the young princess...

"The legends of ancient times" are told in the language of classical dance: the mutual love of Ruslan and Lyudmila, her abduction by Chernomor, the rivalry of contenders for the hand and heart of the Kiev princess - the cowardly Farlaf and the proud Ratmir, Chernomor and the magical power of his beard ...
Anger, deceit and cowardice are overcome by justice, good heroic strength and love.

M. I. Glinka - V. Agafonnikov


Ballet in two acts

Libretto by Andrei Petrov, based on the poem by A. S. Pushkin and the opera by M. I. Glinka

Choreographer - People's Artist of the Russian Federation, laureate of the Moscow Prize Andrey Petrov

Set Designer - Marina Sokolova

The ballet was created based on the poem by A. Pushkin and the opera by M. I. Glinka, where fairy-tale magic coexists with reality, and history and fiction are seasoned with mild irony.

The weighty lightness of Pushkin's line acquires monumentality in the philosophical images of the famous opera. “The legends of the ancient times,” told in the language of classical dance: the mutual love of Ruslan and Lyudmila, her abduction by Chernomor, the rivalry between contenders for the hand and heart of the Kiev princess - the cowardly Farlaf and the proud Ratmir, Chernomor and the magical power of his beard ...

Anger, deceit and cowardice are overcome by justice, good heroic strength and young love.

The performance is accompanied by the Orpheus Radio Symphony Orchestra.

Artistic director and chief conductor - Sergey KONDRASHEV.

Duration: up to 2 hours 25 minutes (with intermission).



There is a festive revival in the gridnitsa of the Grand Duke Svetozar. Everyone is looking forward to which betrothed Lyudmila will choose. The suitors of the princess appear: the arrogant Varangian knight Farlaf and the dreamy Khazar prince Ratmir. Ratmir is pursued by Gorislava, who is in love with him, with a plea to abandon the idea of ​​intermarrying with the prince of Kyiv.

Here is Ruslan. The opponents look at each other suspiciously. Ludmila appears. Her choice has long been made. The squad and the prince praise the young couple. The wedding ceremony begins. The young are brought under the curtain with honors... Thunder... Lightning...

The sinister figure of Chernomor appears. Everyone freezes. Enchanted by Chernomor, Lyudmila freezes. The evil sorcerer and his prisoner disappear.

Everyone woke up. Ludmila is not. Ruslan is in despair. Svetozar promises Lyudmila as a wife to the one who returns his daughter to him. All three knights swear to do so. Opponents leave Kyiv.


Fairy forest. Naina pursues Finn with her love. He rejects her. She vows revenge.
Ruslan goes through the forest and comes to the home of the good Finn. The owner welcomes Ruslan cordially. Ruslan sees Lyudmila and Chernomor in the smoke of the magic fire. Ruslan thanks Finn and leaves to look for Chernomor's castle.

Naina lies in wait for Farlaf. She promises him Lyudmila. The coward is ready for anything. His joy knows no bounds. Naina gives him what he dreamed of: a soft bed and a table with food. Overwhelmed by wine and gluttony, he falls asleep, forgetting about Lyudmila.


Ruslan enters the field. Death Valley makes a painful impression. Ruslan is tired. Doubt gnaws at him. Suddenly Ruslan sees a hill, at the brilliance of the moon it comes to life - in front of the hero is the Head. The head crumbles into many warriors. The battle is fierce, the forces are unequal, but Ruslan emerges victorious. The warriors are scattered: in place of the head is a magic sword.


Naina conjures, attracts knights. Her retinue is a swarm of ugly old women, but at the gesture of the sorceress they turn into beautiful maidens. And Naina herself becomes a young beauty. The forest comes alive with a wonderful oriental palace. Naina is waiting for the victim, preparing a poisoned drink for her ....

Gorislav relentlessly follows Ratmir, but he is relentless. He longs to find Lyudmila, although Gorislav is dearer and closer to him, but the stubbornness of the proud prince is boundless. Ratmir leaves the weeping Gorislava and enters Naina's palace. Fairy maidens, wine and refreshments - now he lost his shield, and sword, and helmet. Here is the seductive hostess. The charms of Naina make Ratmir forget about everything in the world. Gorislava appears in the palace, bringing Finn and Ruslan with her. Together they free Ratmir from Naina's spell.



Morning. Lyudmila wakes up in Chernomor's castle. Everything here is alien to her. The servants want to feed her marvelous dishes. Chernomor appears. Wanting to achieve the love of Lyudmila, he takes the form of Ruslan. Lyudmila feels deceit, and the spell is dispelled. In front of her is a dwarf. Lyudmila tangles the villain's magical beard.

The servants of Chernomor come out in a solemn march, carrying the dwarf and his beard. Lyudmila is solemnly planted in front of Chernomor. Wizard Power Parade. The whirlwind of lezginka captures everyone. Both thrones are rushing in a circle. Lyudmila is already almost without feelings. The dwarf approaches his victim with laughter...
The sound of a horn is heard. This is Ruslan calling Chernomor to battle. The sorcerer enchants Lyudmila and draws his sword. A short but fierce fight, and the dwarf carries Ruslan under the clouds.


Ruslan runs in with the severed beard of Chernomor. Lyudmila sleeps like a witch's dream and does not recognize her lover. Sobbing Ruslan carries Lyudmila away. Ratmir and Gorislava came to the aid of Ruslan.


Naina drags the shaking Farlaf - his hour has come. Fear makes him submit. They follow the trail of Ruslan.


Night in the steppe. Ratmir and Gorislava leave for the forest. Ruslan guards Lyudmila's sleep, but, tired, falls asleep. Naina and Farlaf appear. Naina forces Farlaf to raise his sword against Ruslan. Farlaf plunges his sword into the knight's chest and kidnaps Lyudmila. Naina is jubilant. Suddenly, Finn appears. In his hands he has two vessels - with dead and living water. He heals Ruslan's wounds.

Ruslan, Ratmir and Gorislav rush to Kyiv. Finn's blessing overshadows them. Naina is defeated, her plans are destroyed.


Farlaf, having kidnapped Lyudmila, brought her to Kyiv. But no one can wake her from her magical sleep. She doesn't even recognize her father...

The prince mourns his daughter. Unexpectedly for everyone, Ruslan appears. Farlaf begs for mercy. Ruslan's love awakens Lyudmila. Happiness and jubilation in the halls of Prince Svetozar. Russians praise the brave knight and the young princess...

On January 14, 2016, the audience of the Opera and Ballet Theater was shown the ballet "Ruslan and Lyudmila" (which premiered quite recently, at the end of December), staged by the artistic director of the Kremlin Ballet Theater Andrei Borisovich Petrov. The performance turned out wonderful - the audience was shown not just a classic in the best sense of the word, but a classic of the highest standard: Pushkin's plot, Glinka's music and Petrov's production. The fact that the Voronezh Opera and Ballet Theater has become the second and only venue (besides Moscow) where this ballet is staged also causes separate joy and pride.

The history of this ballet is interesting in itself. For the first time, a ballet with this name was staged in Moscow on December 16, 1821 (a year and a half after the publication of Pushkin's poem itself) and became the first stage production of both Ruslan and Lyudmila and Pushkin's works in general. Even then, many fantastic episodes were embodied on the stage (for example, the head of a giant turned into a detachment of warriors, etc.). In the year of Pushkin's death, the greatest Russian composer of that time, Mikhail Ivanovich Glinka, began work on the opera Ruslan and Lyudmila, without even having a finished libretto, and the opera was staged in 1842. And already in our time, A.B. Petrov returned to the roots and staged a ballet to Glinka's music in 1992 - and the Voronezh audience can see the result.

The ballet "Ruslan and Lyudmila" is one of those infrequent cases when it is difficult to draw a line between the performers of the main parts and the extras: both perform their roles so well and with enthusiasm! Chernomor's retinue, Naina's assistants, the prince's crackers, Finn's wise elders - all performed their roles with the same dedication as the main characters of the ballet, and Chernomor (Vadim Manukovsky) skillfully conveys his feelings not only with dance, but also with pantomime.

However, the performance is not only music and actors, but also costumes and scenery, and here the directors have many reasons for pride, and the audience - for joy. The artistic design of the ballet was created by the great master of her craft - Marina Alekseevna Sokolova (1939-1992). She drew ideas for costumes and scenery for "Ruslan and Lyudmila" from Russian folk art - that's why the curtain with mermaids, firebirds and the cat Bayun, and the costumes of the prince and his subjects, and the prince's palace turned out to be bright, memorable, unique and surprisingly accurate match the atmosphere of the show. Costumes and decorations in the oriental style were also a success and demonstrated many original solutions - the living throne of Chernomor, his servants with headdresses in the form of fruit vases and the ceremony of combing the beard of an evil wizard separately delight the audience, although, in fact, the whole performance is a stream of continuous joy.

On the Voronezh stage, the romantic poem of yesterday's lyceum student Pushkin turned into a work about eternal values ​​- love, friendship, mutual assistance, and in combination with a fascinating plot, great music, magnificent design and professional skills of the actors, a new outstanding performance has turned out that will delight more than one generation of viewers !

Text - Evgeny Kiselev

Ballet "Ruslan and Lyudmila"

Ticket price: 900-2500 rubles
The cost of one ticket includes reservation and delivery services.
Specify the exact cost and availability of tickets by phone from the site. Tickets are available.

Duration: 2 hours 30 minutes

Ballet in two acts
M. Glinka, V. Agafonnikov

Libretto - Andrey Petrov, based on the poem by A. S. Pushkin and the opera by M. I. Glinka
Choreographer - People's Artist of the Russian Federation, laureate of the Moscow Prize Andrey Petrov
Set Designer - Marina Sokolova

Under a mighty oak, the singer-storyteller Bayan plays the harp... Ruslan and Lyudmila meet under the wide crown of the oak. Their love is still a secret for everyone, and in the morning Lyudmila must choose a groom for herself.


There is a festive revival in the gridnitsa of the Grand Duke Svetozar. Everyone is looking forward to which betrothed Lyudmila will choose. The suitors of the princess appear: the arrogant Varangian knight Farlaf and the dreamy Khazar prince Ratmir. Ratmir is pursued by Gorislava, who is in love with him, with a plea to abandon the idea of ​​intermarrying with the prince of Kyiv.

Here is Ruslan. The opponents look at each other suspiciously. Ludmila appears. Her choice has long been made. The squad and the prince praise the young couple. The wedding ceremony begins. The young are brought under the curtain with honors... Thunder... Lightning...

The sinister figure of Chernomor appears. Everyone freezes. Enchanted by Chernomor, Lyudmila freezes. The evil sorcerer and his prisoner disappear.

Everyone woke up. Ludmila is not. Ruslan is in despair. Svetozar promises Lyudmila as a wife to the one who returns his daughter to him. All three knights swear to do so. Opponents leave Kyiv.

2 picture

Fairy forest. Naina pursues Finn with her love. He rejects her. She vows revenge.

Ruslan goes through the forest and comes to the home of the good Finn. The owner welcomes Ruslan cordially. Ruslan sees Lyudmila and Chernomor in the smoke of the magic fire. Ruslan thanks Finn and leaves to look for Chernomor's castle.

Naina lies in wait for Farlaf. She promises him Lyudmila. The coward is ready for anything. His joy knows no bounds. Naina gives him what he dreamed of: a soft bed and a table with food. Overwhelmed by wine and gluttony, he falls asleep, forgetting about Lyudmila.


Ruslan enters the field: traces of a bloody battle, the remains of heroes are visible. Death Valley makes a painful impression. Ruslan is tired. Doubt gnaws at him. Will I find Lyudmila, or maybe I will fall like these unknown warriors? Suddenly Ruslan sees a hill, with the brilliance of the moon it comes to life - in front of the hero is the head. The head crumbles into many warriors. The battle is fierce, the forces are unequal, but Ruslan emerges victorious. The warriors are scattered: in place of the head is a magic sword.


Naina conjures, attracts knights. Her retinue is a swarm of ugly old women, but at the gesture of the sorceress they turn into beautiful maidens. And Naina herself becomes a young beauty. The forest comes alive with a wonderful oriental palace. Naina is waiting for the victim, preparing a poisoned drink for her.

Gorislav relentlessly follows Ratmir, but he is relentless. He longs to find Lyudmila, although Gorislav is dearer and closer to him, but the stubbornness of the proud prince is boundless. Ratmir leaves the weeping Gorislava and enters Naina's palace. Fairy maidens, wine and refreshments - now he lost his shield, and sword, and helmet. Here is the seductive hostess. The charms of Naina make Ratmir forget about everything in the world. Gorislava appears in the palace, bringing Finn and Ruslan with her. Together they release Ratmir from the spell.


Morning. Lyudmila wakes up in Chernomor's castle. Everything here is alien to her. The servants want to feed her marvelous dishes. Chernomor appears. Wanting to achieve the love of Lyudmila, he takes the form of Ruslan. Lyudmila feels deceit, and the spell is dispelled. In front of her is a dwarf. Lyudmila tangles the villain's magical beard.

The servants of Chernomor come out in a solemn march, carrying the dwarf and his beard. Lyudmila is solemnly planted in front of Chernomor. Wizard Power Parade. The whirlwind of lezginka captures everyone. Both thrones are rushing in a circle. Lyudmila is already almost without feelings. The dwarf approaches his victim with laughter...

The sound of a horn is heard. This is Ruslan calling Chernomor to battle. The sorcerer enchants Lyudmila and draws his sword. A short but fierce fight, and the dwarf carries Ruslan under the clouds.

2 picture

Ruslan runs in with the severed beard of Chernomor. Lyudmila sleeps like a witch's dream and does not recognize her lover. Sobbing Ruslan carries Lyudmila away. Ratmir and Gorislava came to the aid of Ruslan.


Naina drags the shaking Farlaf - his hour has come. Fear makes him submit. They follow the trail of Ruslan.


Night in the steppe. Ratmir and Gorislava leave for the forest. Ruslan guards Lyudmila's sleep, but, tired, falls asleep. Naina and Farlaf appear. Naina forces Farlaf to raise his sword against Ruslan. Farlaf plunges his sword into the knight's chest and kidnaps Lyudmila. Naina is jubilant. Suddenly, Finn appears. In his hands he has two vessels - with dead and living water. He heals Ruslan's wounds.

Ruslan, Ratmir and Gorislav rush to Kyiv. Finn's blessing overshadows them. Naina is defeated, her plans are destroyed,


Farlaf, having kidnapped Lyudmila, brought her to Kyiv. But no one can wake her from her magical sleep. She doesn't even recognize her father...

The prince mourns his daughter. Unexpectedly for everyone, Ruslan appears. Farlaf begs for mercy. Ruslan's love awakens Lyudmila. Happiness and jubilation in the halls of Prince Svetozar. Russians praise the brave knight and the young princess...

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