Who is considered a young specialist in education. Features of the payment of lifting to young professionals

The state took care of the employment of graduates of universities and even secondary vocational schools - after graduating from an educational institution, they were sent to work in their specialty at enterprises and within 3 years after completing their full-time studies were considered young specialists.

This status gave certain benefits, for example, an enterprise that a young specialist was assigned to was obliged to provide him with housing. If the enterprise did not have a free housing stock or a hostel and young specialists were forced to rent housing, it was paid from work.

For several years now, the government of the Russian Federation has been talking about the need to at least partially return the distribution and the status of “young specialist” to labor legislation.

Benefits for former students

In the new edition of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, federal legislation, laws of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation related to the sphere of labor relations, the concept of "young specialist" is absent. But in some regulatory legal acts regulating issues of labor relations, there are such definitions as “young worker” and “young specialist”.

The mention of recent graduates is found in the Labor Code of the Russian Federation only in Article 70, which stipulates a probationary period for employment. It says that tests are not carried out for those who have received secondary vocational education or higher education in educational programs that have state accreditation and for the first time go to work in the specialty they have received within one year from the date of receiving professional education of the appropriate level. Thus, it can be considered official for those who are "young worker" or "young professional".

According to it, in order to become a member of some regional programs that support these categories of workers and receive benefits provided for them, you must meet the following criteria:
- have a diploma of education issued by a higher educational institution with state accreditation;
- for the first time to start working in the specialty received at the university;
- get a job within a year after graduation.

Benefits provided for graduates of pedagogical and medical universities, due to the lack of specialists, exist in many subjects of the Russian Federation.

In some constituent entities of the Russian Federation where such programs operate, additional requirements and criteria may be provided that contain labor law norms and apply only to workers in a particular industry.

To maintain the prestige of work in state and municipal structures, the state provides young professionals with a number of preferences. Some of them are a set of certain non-property rights, but in general, incentives are expressed in monetary terms. Further, the types of existing benefits, the mechanism for their provision will be described in detail, and the definition of the concept of "young specialist" will also be given.

Table of contents:

Who is considered a young professional

Formally, this concept is not enshrined in any legislative act. Those. there is no point in looking for a clear wording either in the Labor Code of the Russian Federation or in other documents. Moreover, this status is mostly regional, because at the federal level, there are no specific benefits for this category.

The only thing is that some regional legislative acts (which actually provide for the possible provision of benefits) indicate a number of requirements that a subject must meet in order to be called a young specialist. These requirements include the following:

  • in most cases, the age should not be more than 35 years;
  • the presence of a special education received either in a state university or in a commercial institution with a valid accreditation (the level of education does not matter);
  • labor activity should take place at the enterprise of the public sector.

It turns out that in fact there is no status under the name "young specialist". In order to receive promotion from the state, a person must meet the above requirements.

IMPORTANT! Each subject of the federation develops separate rules for the provision of benefits. At the federal level, there are only a few advisory explanations in this regard. Therefore, in different parts of the country, young professionals may have completely different requirements.

Age of young specialist

As already mentioned, the age limit should not exceed 35 years. In some subjects of the federation, candidates for state preferences must not be older than 30 years.
In this regard, the regions are given complete freedom of decision. The main thing is that the target program works properly. Benefits in any expression are valid for 3 years (a value that applies to almost all regions of the country).

In accordance with established practice, the conditional status of a young specialist is valid until the age of 35. In some exceptional cases, it may be extended for an indefinite period. This applies to cases:

  • continuing education in order to obtain a degree;
  • military service in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation;
  • stay of a specialist on maternity leave.

IMPORTANT! Some commercial structures have their own local support programs for young professionals. They have nothing to do with state support, and when changing jobs, moving to a public position, a specialist can count on participating in a targeted program.

Measures to support young professionals

Unfortunately, there are no federal instruments yet, because Each region has its own support program. IN In general, assistance to young professionals is expressed in the following way:

  • lump-sum payment upon initial employment;
  • provision of rental housing;
  • issuance of preferential loans for the purchase of own housing;
  • reimbursement of transportation costs;
  • reimbursement of expenses for pre-school education of children.

With regard to concessional loans, the difference here lies in the exemption from the obligation to make a down payment, for example, under a mortgage agreement. For most borrowers, this is a significant help.

The sphere of education

Naturally, in most cases, education and healthcare are a priority. For example, in Moscow there is a city law “On measures to provide teaching staff for educational institutions in Moscow”, which provides for targeted assistance to young professional teachers.

Under its terms, a specialist must have an appropriate pedagogical education, and go to work in an educational institution of general education no later than 3 months from the date of receipt of the diploma. Age must not exceed 35 years.

St. Petersburg also has a separate legislative act called the law "On measures of social support for employees of state educational institutions." The requirements are identical to those in Moscow, but with only one significant amendment - the age of a specialist should not exceed 30 years.

IMPORTANT! Despite the fact that the programs are targeted, the initial application for benefits should not come from the leadership of the educational institution, but from the youngest professional. Please check with your local education department for information on eligible benefits.

In Moscow, the majority of preferences for young workers in the field of education have a monetary value. Depending on qualifications for employment, a lifting cash payment is issued. Then, over the next 3 years, 40% of its value is added to the fixed salary, and for those who have a diploma with honors - 50%. Half of the transportation costs are also compensated separately.

In St. Petersburg, monetary benefits are calculated in base units. The size of one base unit is 8432.00 rubles. A one-time payment of 6 basic units is provided for incoming specialists, regardless of the level of education. If a new employee has a diploma of higher education with honors, then the amount of the payment is increased to a maximum limit of 8 base units. Here, as well as in Moscow, the specialist is compensated for half of the transport costs.


Currently, the federal targeted program "Zemskoy Doctor" is operating in Russia. According to its terms, a young specialist can be paid a lifting amount in the form of 1 million rubles. To participate in this program, the candidate must have a specialized medical education, and conclude an agreement with a medical institution in a rural area for a period of at least 5 years. Work in urban medical institutions is not taken into account.

In addition, for specialists in this category, the state also provides for possible assistance to improve living conditions. There are several options here:

  • provision of housing for indefinite rent;
  • provision of land;
  • a loan on favorable terms (similar products are available in all banks operating with the presence of state capital).

Funds received under the program "Zemskoy Doctor" are targeted - i.e. they should be aimed at improving living conditions. This is the main task and purpose of this program. We remind you that for clarification of information, you must contact the local department of education. Employees of this department are required to provide comprehensive information on each request. Plus, here a young specialist can also receive detailed explanations on how to take advantage of the preferences laid down by law.

If we compare modern Russia and the USSR, we can find a hundred big and small differences. Moreover, they are hidden in all spheres of human life. For example, in the eighties, young specialists, after graduating from secondary specialized and higher educational institutions, received apartments or houses. Get acquainted with the information on how to issue a Muscovite social card for a student and what to do in case of loss,.

What about today? What can young professionals expect after graduating from universities? What do they owe by law? In accordance with a government decree in 2018, a number of graduates of secondary and higher specialized educational institutions can count on a number of additional supports.

So, you first need to know that it is customary to call a young specialist a graduate of an elementary, secondary or higher professional educational institution who decided to receive a specialty during the first calendar year after directly graduating from a university, college or university.

A young specialist, from a legal point of view, has special rights, obligations of the bearer of this status and guarantees. To date, there are a number of signs that determine the status of a young specialist. These include the following:

  • Firstly, specialists in this category will definitely have to receive full-time education. Moreover, the opportunity to study at a secondary or higher institution should be given by the state, namely, by a targeted direction.
  • Secondly, graduates of educational institutions will definitely have to receive a diploma, which confirms the completion of training and passing the final certification.
  • Thirdly, the graduate must be sent to work in accordance with the legislative decree of the government of the Russian Federation. When applying for a job, there must be an appropriate legal certificate.

Attention! If one of the above conditions is not met, then the graduate will not be able to directly receive the status of a young specialist.

In addition, you need to know that today the state provides lifting payments only to certain categories of graduates:

  • Firstly, to young people who have been trained in a higher or secondary educational institution of a medical type. Read the guide on how to apply for and receive unemployment benefits.
  • Secondly, those who have completed a full course of vocational training in pedagogical institutions.
  • Thirdly, assistance is also provided to future young professionals who have graduated from colleges and universities of Russian Railways.

Attention! If the employer fails to fulfill the last prescribed condition, then he will be obliged to pay the state the money that was spent on the education of a specialist.

The severance of relations between the parties is possible if there is a complete or partial liquidation of the company. Also, labor relations can be terminated if a young specialist has the status of a temporarily disabled person, or cannot perform his professional duties due to a special health status. There are a number of cases that are described by the labor legislation of the Russian Federation.

What payments are due?

In accordance with a government decree for a certain period of time, specialists who have a special status are entitled to the following financial support options:

  • One-time material payments;
  • Monthly allowances (regular);
  • Payments provided to young professionals once a calendar year.

Attention! In some regions of the country, certain payments may be abolished, in the absence of proper funding for the subject of the federation. You should check with the specialists of local Pension Funds in more detail.

Payments to teachers

To date, in accordance with the developed legislative project, all young specialists who are employed in the field of pedagogy can receive the following types of material payments:

  • First of all, such employees are provided for the first three years with an additional payment in the amount of forty percent of the size of one teacher's salary. The same specialists who graduated from a university with a red diploma are entitled to fifty percent of the employee's salary.

Attention! Young professionals can receive additional payments, regardless of how they received their education and what work experience they had before that moment.

You can only get paid at one job. This suggests that a specialist must work in one place, chosen by him personally, for at least three years. This is written in the order of the Department of Education. On average, the amount of lump-sum payments to young professionals is about fifteen thousand rubles.

Attention! Funds for the payment of allowances and lump-sum allowances are allocated from the regional budget. Consequently, its size may vary depending on each specific subject of the federation.

Payments to doctors

As for young professionals who have graduated from medical educational institutions, they can also count on additional benefits. The main condition is the provision of their services at the place of receipt of the direct target referral.


Watch a video about lifting for young teachers:

The main rule that young professionals must adhere to is to be inquisitive. After all, today about additional material benefits, graduates in some regions of the country may simply be unknown. Therefore, it is necessary to independently find out at universities and social support services for the population about all sorts of options for benefits and additional payments. Otherwise, there is a possibility that "the award will never find a fighter."

The government of the Russian Federation and local municipal authorities are interested in finding jobs for graduates of higher and secondary specialized educational institutions. To achieve this goal, introduced benefits for young professionals both from the state and from the authorities of local city and village administrations.

In this article, we will look at what benefits are provided for young professionals what you need to get them and how to get young professional status for benefits.

Who is considered a young specialist according to the Labor Code of the Russian Federation

The Labor Code of the Russian Federation in Article 70 introduces a ban on employers to set probationary periods for graduates of higher and secondary specialized educational institutions, which they graduated less than a year ago. This is the only benefit for young professionals established by the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. Moreover, federal legislation does not regulate benefits for young professionals in any way, and even the very definition of the status of “young specialist” is not spelled out either in the Labor Code or in other laws of the federal level.

However, in the regional legislation, benefits for young professionals are presented more broadly, and the main criteria for obtaining such benefits are also highlighted there. The criteria for determining the status of a young specialist include the following:

  1. The age of a specialist is up to 35 years in most regions and up to 30 years in some;
  2. Compulsory education received in an educational institution with state accreditation in full-time education. To receive benefits, specialists with primary vocational, secondary vocational and higher education, that is, lyceums, vocational schools, technical schools, institutes and universities, are allowed. In addition, in some regions, an additional condition for obtaining benefits has been adopted - education on a budgetary basis;
  3. Mandatory employment immediately after receiving a diploma in public sector enterprises.

Since the benefits for young professionals are at the mercy of the regional authorities, the benefits themselves, lump-sum payments and other measures of social support at state enterprises are mainly determined by intradepartmental industry agreements. In the non-state sphere, support for young specialists is carried out independently by enterprises on the basis of internal regulatory legal acts.

Thus, in many cases, support for specialists is carried out at enterprises independently, therefore it is better to find out all information about support measures when applying for a job, in particular, this information should be published in the collective labor agreement of the enterprise. Also often there is a document such as the “Regulations on the status of a young specialist”, which indicates the conditions for receiving benefits by graduates, their working conditions, the amount of payments and the conditions for receiving them.

Age limit for young professional status

Depending on the region of employment, the age limit at which an employee still has the right to use benefits as a young specialist is set to 30 or 35 years. The status of a young specialist is assigned once and is valid for up to 3 years from the date of assignment.

However, there are exceptions in which the status of a young specialist is extended to 6 years. It could be:

  • When studying in postgraduate or adjuncture full-time education;
  • When in
  • While in military service.

Social support for young professionals

Mostly measures to support young professionals established by regional authorities by internal legislative acts. If you look at it, then all social support comes down to providing young professionals with the following guarantees:

  • Guaranteed lump sum payment for primary employment after graduation;
  • Compensation for the use of public transport;
  • Providing young professionals with corporate housing or providing subsidies for the purchase of an apartment (as an option, providing a loan for the purchase of an apartment or house on favorable terms);
  • Reimbursement of expenses for the maintenance of children in kindergartens (in full or in part);
  • Provision of an interest-free loan for the establishment of a household.

Young professionals employed in the public health and education sectors have the highest percentage of benefits.

So, in the Decree of the Government of Moscow "On measures to provide teaching staff for educational institutions in Moscow" No. 172-PP dated March 23, 2004. criteria have been established according to which the status of a young specialist and, accordingly, priority in obtaining benefits are given to specialists who meet the following conditions:

  1. The presence of higher pedagogical or secondary vocational education;
  2. Age not older than 35 years;
  3. Start of professional teaching activity no later than 3 months after graduation.

At the same time, the main thing here is age and work in pedagogy. For example, a teacher at a school under the age of 35 has every reason to be considered a young specialist and enjoy all the benefits, regardless of the fact that his diploma may have nothing to do with pedagogy.

Interestingly, for St. Petersburg, the age threshold established by the Law of St. Petersburg "On measures of social support for employees of state educational institutions" No. 107-27 of April 03, 2007, is only 30 years. The same age limit is set for young specialists in the city of Saratov, in accordance with the law of the Saratov region No. 96-ZSO "On social support for young specialists of public sector institutions of the Saratov region" dated August 03, 2011.

As you can see, measures for the social support of teachers are published in the form of laws of the city or region. Therefore, the situation with the support of young professionals in a particular region can be clarified in the department of education in your region of work.

For young healthcare professionals, the situation is not so encouraging: benefits for young doctors are provided by the state only when they move to work in the countryside. Then, according to federal law No. 326-FZ of November 29, 2010 “On Compulsory Medical Insurance in the Russian Federation”, young medical specialists are entitled to benefits if they meet the following criteria:

  • Employment and living in rural areas;
  • Age up to 35 years;
  • Employment contract concluded for a period of 5 years.

Benefits and payments for young professionals in the field of education and pedagogy

As we have already mentioned, for specialists in the field of education, the status and benefits for university graduates starting their careers are established not by federal, but by regional legislation. For Moscow and St. Petersburg, this process goes like this:

Benefits and payments to young specialists in pedagogy and education in the city of Moscow:

A young specialist in education in Moscow receives a one-time cash payment, and in addition to it, an increase in salary in the amount of 40% of his rate. Red diploma students receive a 50% bonus, also for three years from the date of their first employment.

Muscovites also receive compensation of 50% of the fare in public transport in the amount of 15% of the rate.

However, the additional load is not taken into account in the calculation of additional payments. When working for one and a half or two rates, the teacher will receive additional payments only for one.

Benefits and payments to young specialists in pedagogy and education in St. Petersburg:

In St. Petersburg, the situation is different: salary supplements in the northern capital are not provided, however, when finding a job, specialists are entitled to lump-sum payments in the amount of:

  • 6 basic units of the rate for all specialists who graduated from higher and secondary specialized educational institutions with a state diploma;
  • 8 basic rate units for excellent students who graduated with honors.

Transport costs are reimbursed at a rate of 50% for any public transport, except taxis, for all young professionals under 30 years of age during the first three years of employment.

To receive the due payment, you must submit an application to the Department of Education of St. Petersburg or to the social security authority.

Social support for young healthcare professionals

Social support for young doctors is established at the federal level, but only for doctors working in rural areas. Federal Law No. 326-FZ defines payments for doctors who have moved to work in the countryside in the amount of up to 1 million rubles under the all-Russian social program Zemsky Doctor. To receive a payment, a necessary condition is the conclusion of an agreement with the local administration at the place of work in rural areas.

A prerequisite for obtaining a lift is a higher medical education and work in a specialty in a rural area for at least 5 years. If the contract is terminated before the expiration of 5 years, part of the amount received is returned. In order to support young doctors, the state also undertakes to provide them with housing either by providing an apartment or a house for living, or by providing a land plot for building a house, or by compensating part of the loan or loan amount for the purchase of an apartment (house).

A million rubles of lifting is not taxed, since it has a targeted direction specifically for. This money can be spent either on reimbursement of part of the loan by the state for the purchase of housing or on repayment of a mortgage loan with funds under the Zemsky Doctor program.

Regional initiatives for the social protection of medical workers

To attract specialists to work in rural areas, regional authorities establish additional measures. For example, in the Pskov region, measures to support not only doctors with higher education, but also specialists with secondary education are legislatively fixed. For them, additional to the state lump-sum payments in the amount of.

Lifting for young professionals is one of the ways to motivate graduates of professional educational institutions to work in their specialty. How do you get a young man to prefer a low-profile job as a schoolteacher, with all the hassle that goes with it, to quiet work in some office center as an assistant to an important boss? That's right: offer money!

How right it is to choose a place of employment, based on purely material motives and putting aside ambitious thoughts about life's purpose "on the back burner" - a question for lengthy reasoning. If we work with the facts, we can state that now young specialists are entitled to more than worthy financial support at the start of their careers.

Young specialist - who is it?

The term "young specialist" in federal legislation occurs only once - in Art. 70 of the Labor Code, which prohibits employers from appointing internships to professionals who graduated from a university / college less than a year ago (provided they work in the profession). At the same time, the Labor Code does not specify who should be classified as a “young specialist” and who should not.

Privileges for young professionals are fixed by regional laws - based on their postulates, one can judge the conditions for obtaining preferential status. Here are the conditions we are talking about.

    Age - up to 35 years. In some regions and for some professions, a stricter limit is set - up to 30 years.

    Completion of the full-time department of the university / secondary educational institution with state accreditation and the presence of a diploma of the established sample. Only “state employees” students can count on privileges - “payers” for “bonuses” after graduation have nothing to rely on.

    The graduate found a job within 12 months from the moment of receiving a diploma in a budgetary organization.

If a graduate went to work in a private company, then he receives only those privileges that are described in the regulatory legal acts of this company. Neither the state nor the region will help him.

The status of a young specialist is assigned to a citizen only once for a period of up to 3 years. The term can be extended to 6 years if a citizen, for example, was drafted into the Russian army or went on maternity leave.

What payments are due?

Young professionals can count on such privileges.

    Lifting for young professionals. This is the amount that is paid to a new employee at a time when joining the state. You can find out how much lifting for young professionals by reading the regional regulations - the amount depends on the region and on the profession.

    Salary supplement. The allowance is paid monthly for the entire period while the status of a young specialist is relevant. The actual size of the allowance depends on the size of the salary; its relative size is, as a rule, 40% - for ordinary specialists, 50% - for graduates who have bothered to get a red diploma.

    Mortgages on preferential terms. A young specialist has the right to expect that 30% of the cost of housing that he takes on a mortgage will be paid by the municipality.

A graduate who finds a job not in the region where he lived receives other compensations.

    For moving.

    For the transportation of furniture and personal belongings.

    Daily allowance for each day spent on the road.

Benefits for young teachers

About 100,000 rubles are provided to young teachers from the capital as lifting allowances. Also, Moscow teachers receive a monthly allowance of 40-50%. The exact amount of the allowance depends on the color of the diploma.

In St. Petersburg, the size of the lump sum payment depends on the color of the diploma. Excellent students will immediately receive more than 67 thousand rubles, and specialists who have completed their studies with blue diplomas will receive 50 thousand rubles. Teachers from the northern capital are not entitled to a monthly allowance, but they are entitled to claim compensation for half of the cost of travel in public transport.

The issuance of lifting is also practiced in provincial cities, but there we are talking about much less significant amounts - from 10 to 20 thousand rubles. The most favorable conditions are offered in Irkutsk. In this city, young teachers are paid a lump sum of 50,000 rubles plus an allowance of 60% of the salary during the first year. In the second and third years of work, the teacher is also paid extra, but less - 36% and 24%, respectively.

Benefits for young doctors

The amount of lifting for young medical professionals is approximately 3 salaries. Young doctors also receive a monthly supplement of 30-40% of their salary. Some regions are starting to pay bonuses to young doctors before they successfully complete their diploma. This is customary, in particular, in the Rostov region - on the Don, beginner doctors are given an additional scholarship from the 4th to the 6th year of the university. Interns in Rostov receive 5,000 rubles in addition to their basic salary.

The biggest bonuses are given to young doctors who agree to move to the countryside as part of the Zemsky Doctor program. They are given a one-time payment of 1 million rubles! However, a newly-made rural doctor will not be able to squander his million in online roulette - lifting young professionals in rural areas have strictly targeted. The money can be spent solely on improving their own living conditions. For a million, for example, you can build a house on a plot, which will be provided to the zemstvo doctor for construction completely free of charge.

A prerequisite for receiving a lump-sum payment for work in the village is the signing of a 5-year contract by the doctor. If a young specialist decides to quit without completing the “five-year plan”, he will have to return part of the lifting.

How to get lift?

The procedure for getting a lift for a young specialist is quite standard and does not require a lot of effort from the applicant - just collect a package of documents, transfer it to a responsible organization and wait for the money. Teachers need to contact the regional department of the Ministry of Education, doctors - to the local MHIF. The required documents for obtaining a lift include:

    The original diploma plus a copy.

    Copy of work book.

    Employment contract.

    Payment application.

The application form will be provided to the young specialist in the organization where he applied.

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