Who is the glory of the Polunin. Vyacheslav Polunin: biography, personal life, interesting facts, photos


Born June 12, 1950. Father - Polunin Ivan Pavlovich. Mother - Polunina Maria Nikolaevna, trade worker. Wife - Ushakova Elena Dmitrievna, actress, works with her husband. Children: Ushakov Dmitry; Polunin Pavel, studying at a music school in St. Petersburg; Polunin Ivan, plays on stage with his parents.

He is spoken of as a genius, his performances are called classics, and there are passionate admirers all over the world. All this now that he was fifty.

And it all started in childhood, in the small town of Novosil, in the Oryol region. In the classroom, he thought about his own and rarely listened to teachers. He has retained this to this day: he always thinks about his own, although he still learned to listen over the years. Especially the auditorium. He hears the breath of everyone in it, because his performance changes depending on this breath.

Intermittent excited breathing of the hall can provoke his most unexpected unplanned trick. And then he can go straight to the viewer. Or suddenly an incredible huge pause hangs over the hall. Treatises can be written about Polunin's pauses, for they contain all his wisdom. In a pause, he - a mime - knows how to say everything that cannot be said either with words or actions.

He was often expelled from school lessons for being inattentive and constantly making the whole class laugh with his hilarious antics. In the 2nd or 3rd grade, he first saw the film "The Kid" with Chaplin. But my mother did not let me watch it to the end: the film was on television late at night, and she turned off the TV. He cried until morning. And a few months later I was already walking in huge shoes, with a cane, Chaplin's gait around the school. And then he began to compose all sorts of things and show them. First in the yard to friends, then at regional competitions. Despite the fact that he spent part of the lessons in the schoolyard, he graduated from school and went to Leningrad with the secret hope of entering a theater institute.

Maria Nikolaevna was not happy with this choice, she wanted her son to become an engineer. It was not possible to enter the theater institute, in his own words, because of "some sounds that he did not pronounce." I had to study engineering.

But the engineering career did not take place. Vyacheslav left the institute and entered the Leningrad Institute of Culture, where he later began to teach. His Leningrad period was marked by the creation in 1968 of the first group with the beautiful name "Litsedei" and independent studies of the then new art of pantomime.

Passion for pantomime arose not just as a tribute to fashion. Her smooth movements replaced the often too definite, and therefore almost meaningless at that time, word. When everything and everyone was subject to censorship, when every word had to be flooded, pantomime remained free. All this, including the failure in the entrance exams to the theater institute, provoked Vyacheslav Polunin's interest in the silent art of mimes.

The then "Litsedei", headed by Polunin, successfully worked in the field of eccentric comic pantomime. They were invited to large joint concerts and even on television. Vyacheslav spent all his free time in libraries, where he was seriously engaged in self-education. He still spends every free moment with a book. Going to the bookstore is a whole ritual.

Among these books there are a huge number of art albums, because painting, sculpture, architecture, design, graphics, caricature are the most important food for his imagination. And this fantasy gives birth to its own pictures on the stage, which have nothing to do with imitation and repetition.

The turning point for Vyacheslav was the New Year - 1981. He called the editorial office of the "New Year's Light" and said that he had a completely new number. True, there was no number by that moment, but there was a premonition, a premonition. There was a hunch that a new character was needed, unlike anyone else. Thus Asisyai was born - a small, naive and quivering little man in a yellow overall with a red scarf and red shaggy slippers. He was born exactly when Polunin's miniatures received recognition, and their author himself received various prizes, including second place at the All-Union Variety Artists Competition. I was born because there was an irresistible need to break through to something new, unknown, unusual.

From that moment on, moving towards the unknown, sometimes seemingly unreal, became the norm for him, the answer to many, sometimes very difficult situations in life and work.

In 1982, Polunin gathered about 800 mime artists from all over the country in Leningrad for the Mime Parade, which has now become a legend. In 1985, at the festival of youth and students, within which a pantomime and clowning workshop was organized, he brought clowns to Moscow from the then still inaccessible West, among whom were the titled "king of fools" Django Edwards from Holland and the most shockingly serious and caustic - Franz Josef Bogner from Germany.

Vyacheslav Polunin became the organizer of the All-Union Street Theater Festival in Leningrad (1987). More than 200 participants, including children and critics, were abandoned on a desert island in the Gulf of Finland. From this island, boat trips were organized to different parts of Leningrad and the region, during which the actors of plastic and clown theaters mastered the difficult art of street comedians.

In 1988, the "Actors", who created five performances during their existence - "Dreamers", "Churdaks", "From the Life of Insects", "Asisyai Revue" and "Catastrophe", - celebrated the 20th anniversary of their theater with their own funeral, believing Stanislavsky, who said that the theater is dying after 20 years of its existence. On the occasion of the funeral, the first All-Union "Congress of Fools" was convened, during which it was discussed in detail whether the great stage reformer was right. The funeral took place in all forms: first, speeches at the coffin, or rather, coffins; then a mourning procession through the streets and, finally, a solemn rafting of burning coffins along the Neva.

In 1989, a miracle happened, whose name is "Caravan of Peace", a European festival of street theaters. It was a unique theatrical city on wheels that plied the roads of Europe for half a year. Polunin's efforts made possible the implementation of this project, which has not been equaled either before or after ...

Then the "Academy of Fools" was created, which launched a grandiose project to revive the carnival culture in Russia, the traditions of which, it turns out, were preserved in Polunin's homeland. Vyacheslav spent the first stage of the project at his own expense. There was no money for the second stage, and then he left Russia on tour around the world. These tours have been going on for more than seven years.

Today Polunin lives in London, where he rents a large house. But his main home is in a car in which not only his family and his friends and colleagues travel the world with him, but also a library and a video library, which a serious collector can envy. His books and films live in the same wagon trailer, scenery and props are based, and a workshop is equipped. Always with you a small TV with a VCR, a complete office equipment that can be deployed anywhere.

The Western press called Russian clown Vyacheslav Polunin "the best clown of the world", "the best clown of the era", he received the most prestigious theater awards in different countries, including the Edinburgh Golden Angel, the Spanish Golden Nose, and the Laurence Olivier Award. At home, in Russia, in 2000 he was awarded the Triumph Prize.

V. Polunin has a lot of new ideas and plans in his head. This is the work together with I. Shemyakin on the performance "Diabolo", and the hope to organize the International Theater Olympiad in Moscow in 2002 with the support of the capital's mayor's office. “Let’s invite folk, street, square theaters, mimes, circus performers, jugglers,” Polunin dreams, “and we’ll learn something like that. I love to have a crazy, reckless life, endless improvisations ... "

Polunin works very hard and does not know how to rest. But he knows how to live in pleasure - both on stage and outside it. He can be tough, prudent, invulnerable, but only because, in essence, he, like any real artist, is both vulnerable, and not very adapted, and reverent. He is the person who creates the holiday.

    Actor, clown, mime; was born on June 12, 1950 in Novosil, Orel region; graduated from the Leningrad Institute of Culture; in 1968 he created a pantomime studio in Leningrad, which later became the Clown mime theater "Litsedei", until 1988 it was ... ... Big biographical encyclopedia

    - (b. 06/12/1950, Novosil, Kursk region), clown, actor. Laureate of the second prize of the All-Union competition of variety artists (1979); Winner of the Triumph Prize (2000). He graduated from the pop department of GITIS. Mime actor, clown, author and director of clown ... ... Cinema Encyclopedia

    - (b. 1950), Russian director, mime. Founder and leader of the clown mime theater "Litsedei" (1979-92). Polunin's hero Asisyai is a touchingly naive dreamer, dreamer. Under the direction of Polunin, the performances "Dreamers", "Actors" (both 1979), ... ... encyclopedic Dictionary

    Vyacheslav Ivanovich Polunin (June 12, 1950, Novosil, Oryol region) actor, director, clown, People's Artist of Russia (2001). Contents 1 Biography 2 Filmography 3 Links ... Wikipedia

    Vyacheslav Ivanovich Polunin- Even at school, he was passionate about clowning, but he did not receive a professional circus education. After school, Vyacheslav worked at a factory, then entered the Faculty of Economics of Leningrad State University. Left the third year... Encyclopedia of Newsmakers

    - ... Wikipedia

    Vyacheslav Zholobov Name at birth: Zholobov Vyacheslav Ivanovich Date of birth: June 3, 1947 (1947 06 03) (65 years old) Place of birth: Moscow, RSFSR ... Wikipedia

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    - "HELLO, STUPID!", Russia, Goskino/Luch/Mosfilm, 1996, color, 116 min. Urban fairy tale, melodrama. Yuri Kablukov, a conscientious washer of Moscow monuments, and in the recent past a philologist, spending another night under the window of his ex-wife, firmly ... ... Cinema Encyclopedia

    Below is a list of People's Artists of the Russian Federation by year of awarding the title ... Wikipedia

The artist Slava Polunin, according to the plan of his parents, was supposed to grow up as an engineer, however, not having lasted a year at the institute, he began to master the art of pantomime - a couple of years later his alter ego, the clown Asisyai, became perhaps the most famous mime and clown in Russia. Polunin took the art of pantomime and clowning extremely seriously: in 1968 he created the clown theater "Litsedei", in 1982 he assembled a "Mim Parade" of more than 800 artists, a few years later he brought the main mimes and clowns of the Western world to the USSR, and then organized the All-Union Street Theater Festival, bringing together more than 200 artists on a desert island near Leningrad. At the zenith of fame, he was not afraid to bury the Litsedei on a grand scale - literally putting coffins on stage - and switched from pantomime to clowning. During his life, he staged more than 30 performances, including the "snow show", which took place around the world with phenomenal success. He likes to get involved in seemingly unrealistic projects and dreams of not missing a single holiday.


City where I live

planet Earth


Where he was born

Oryol Region

Who was born

at Ivan da Marya

Where and what did you study

love for nature - in the forest;

clowning - in animals, drunkards, madmen, children, as well as in the theater library;

perseverance - from mom;

analysis - at the economic institute;

success - on other people's mistakes;

patience - in time;

fun creativity with friends - in the theater studio;

something about everything - at the Institute of Culture;

scope, passion and sadness - in Russia;

to be happy today and now - in India;

the art of living - in France;

live excitedly - with the granddaughter

Where and how did you work?

started with scrap on asphalt concrete, and then always on stage and always with pleasure

Academic degrees and titles

Andersen's official ambassador to Russia,

President of the Academy of Fools

What did he do

created five theaters, staged 30 performances, traveled to 48 countries, went on stage 7,000 times to see 1,000 happy people every night


became joyful and happy

public affairs

consider theater a social activity

Public acceptance

Important life events

First created and invented

clown Asisaya;

clowning theater in Russia;

"Vsyaki-Byaki" - a new training system;

Snowstorm and many other theatrical images;

Academy of Fools;

the moving festival of street theaters "Caravan of Peace";

I develop the concept of "Modern carnival, or theatricalization of life"

Brought to clean water

ship of fools

Successful projects

I consider all projects successful, even if they failed or have not yet taken place

Known for being


I'm interested

with a gang of friends and family, get involved in an unrealistic project, implement, swear that never again ... then all together in the forest, on the lawn with beer and crayfish, ponder the next, even more unrealistic

Well I don't like

boiled onions and gray life


achieve everything, go everywhere, try everything and not miss a single holiday

And generally speaking

I am a happy man. I have been lucky and lucky all my life. I was lucky that I was born on this planet, at this time, in this country, among these stupid and wise, quiet and passionate people.

I love to work to the point of exhaustion, walk to the point of fatigue, look to the point of pain in my eyes, soak up the endless kilometers of fields, forests, mountains flying towards you. Dive into nature and get lost in it, enjoy the inexplicable and reckless rampage of her imagination.

I tremble with pleasure when I see the amazing and unreal animals of Australia - all these platypuses and anteaters, kangaroos and koalas, who, like real clowns, all have a huge pocket and put their future into it. And these lush colors of everything that is around... And the incredible turquoise of a butterfly the size of two of your palms...

I envy and absorb tons of energy of the joy of life that meetings with Colombia, Cuba, Spain, Italy, Ireland give ...

I am delighted and reassured by the enormous power of balance and calmness of Siberians, Canadians and Australians.

And the female beauty and meekness of the Tahitians, whose faces do not leave the Gioconda mysterious

When Asisyai appeared on stage, the audience groaned with laughter. And then there was a ringing silence. Everyone understood that a touching story of a lonely man had just unfolded before his eyes. All the performances of the famous "Lyceums" were both funny and deeply philosophical. It seemed that the clown was playing himself, but in fact he had already met his Fuji, ready to share laughter and tears, victories and defeats with him.

Hand in hand

Thin and fragile Lenochka appeared in the theater when the "Actors" had already celebrated their tenth anniversary. She was immediately given the name Fuji for the outward resemblance to the inhabitants of the Land of the Rising Sun.

Vyacheslav Polunin was still married at that time, Galina worked with him. Over time, the marriage cracked, Vyacheslav's wife left the theater, and later they filed for a divorce. Now next to the clown was Elena. She gradually turned from a simple clowness into the main assistant and muse of the touching Asishaya.

"Litsedei". / Photo: www.kinoword.ru

They worked so hard that they did not have enough time for an official painting. Then Vyacheslav and Elena made a radical decision: to go to the registry office and persuade the employees to sign them for the received, without long waiting.

They came to the registry office with backpacks on their shoulders and went straight to the administrator. At first, the administrator decided: the couple was just joking. But a funny man with disheveled hair and a charming girl next to him were able to touch her.

Vyacheslav and Elena were really very convincing, they simply had no choice. If they are not signed right now, they may simply no longer have time for all these bureaucratic ceremonies. As a result, the administrator gave up, and Vyacheslav and Elena now had the official status of husband and wife.

True, they celebrated the wedding only after 20 years - only then did they have time. During a tour in Hawaii, Vyacheslav gathered all the members of the troupe on the ocean and arranged a real wedding. The bride was in a white dress, and the groom was in the first suit in his life. The fun, as expected, continued until the morning.

"A man cannot get tired when he is happy"

He always lives in accordance with his dream. At the same time, dreams change in every period of life. When he decided to build a house for his family, he associated a mill, a tent and a ship with this concept. He built a ship in Moscow, where their theatrical center is located, a tent in St. Petersburg - where they have an apartment, and a mill in Paris, where a real laboratory of ideas is located.

Paris turned out to be not just a house, but a place where everyone can become happy. All rooms of the Mill are themed. For example, the Nostalgia room is decorated with old photographs, and almost all items in it are decorated with real lace woven by Elena.

The toilet is a real travel room, maps hang on the walls and suitcases are drawn, and arrows point to the places where the family has been. At the entrance to the travel room, the guest is greeted by a real locomotive whistle.

A special magical room has been arranged for Mia's granddaughter, where there is a door for adults and a small door locked with a tiny key - especially for the baby. The toys brought by Vyacheslav Polunin from different cities and countries live in this room.

By inviting guests, the family includes them in the process of co-creation. If a guest is placed in a themed room, then he immediately becomes the character of this space. He is handed auxiliary props and awaits an invitation to tea.

Only on the first evening in an amazing house, the guest simply rests, then joins the duty in the kitchen, on Thursdays he invites all the household members, receiving them in full accordance with the image of his character.

Even the dinners in this house are unusual, they are colorful. If lunch is green today, then all food should be exclusively green: from compote to the main course. Or yellow the next day.

The laws of existence at the Mill are unshakable and created in order to make life boring and always create. According to Vyacheslav Polunin, in the process of creativity, a person becomes happy, and it is impossible to get tired of happiness.

Recipe for Happiness

When the Polunin family visits different countries, they often have to roam from apartment to apartment. Not all neighbors are ready to put up with the eccentricities of this family. They can let airplanes out of the window all day, and then clean them up together. As a teenager, the son could roller-skate on the roof, and Boris Grebenshchikov sing songs until the morning in their apartment. True, it happens that after the move, former neighbors call them and ask them to return, because it's boring without them.

Even Polunin accepts people for work, focusing not only on their professional qualities, but also on whether he wants to cuddle with this person.

Elena Ushakova fully supports all her husband's ideas, enthusiastically joins in their implementation. And he also makes sure that the husband does not lose phones, cards, money.

One of the most touching and famous numbers of Vyacheslav Polunin is a miniature about loneliness.


Actor, director, clown, People's Artist of Russia Vyacheslav Ivanovich Polunin was born on June 12, 1950 in the town of Novosil, Orel Region, in a family of trade workers.

Even at school, he was passionate about clowning, but he did not receive a professional circus education. After school, Vyacheslav worked at a factory, then entered the Faculty of Economics of Leningrad State University. From the third year he went to the Leningrad Institute of Culture, where he simultaneously taught the art of pantomime.

In 1968, at the Palace of Culture. Lensoviet Polunin created a pantomime studio, from which the Clown-mime-theater "Litsedei" eventually grew. By the beginning of 1971, the core of the future theater was formed. In 1974, the first performance was released, in 1975 - the play "The Actors". Since 1981, the theater has worked on the stage of the Palace of Youth in Leningrad. During its existence, performances have been created: "Dreamers", "Churdaks", "From the Life of Insects", "Asisyai Revue", "Catastrophe", a musical miniature "Blue-Blu-Blu-Canary", 15 programs have been released.

Among the programs created by Polunin: "Carnival", "Baden-Baden", "Night on Bald Mountain", "Dreamers", "Catastrophe", "Diabolo", "Snow Action".

Polunin became a milestone in 1981, when on the television "New Year's Light" he performed with a new number "Asisyai", portraying a small, naive and quivering little man in a yellow jumpsuit with a red scarf and red shaggy slippers. His calling card was the number "No".

In 1982, Polunin gathered in Leningrad (now St. Petersburg) about 800 pantomime artists from all over the country for the Mime Parade, and in 1985 he organized the Pantomime and Clownery Workshop in Moscow, dedicated to the XII International Festival of Youth and students, at the opening of which, at the invitation of Polunin, the most famous clowns in the world arrived, including Django Edwards from Holland and Franz Josef Bogner from Germany.

In 1987, Vyacheslav Polunin organized the All-Union Street Theater Festival in Leningrad, which brought together over two hundred actors of plastic and clown theaters.

In 1988, having celebrated its twentieth anniversary with its own funeral, on the occasion of which the first All-Union "Congress of Fools" was convened, the Theater "Litsedei" ceased to exist.

In 1989, on the initiative of Polunin, a unique project "Caravan of the World" was launched - a theater on wheels, which organized circus performances in European cities for six months.

In 1990, the united theater of European countries "The Wall" was created.

Polunin founded the "Academy of Fools", which launched a grandiose project to revive the carnival culture in Russia. In 1993, he organized the first festival of female clowns in the world with a typically Russian name "Women-fools".

In 1993 he left Russia for the Du Soleil Circus in Canada. Since 1994 he has been living in England, where he works at the Hackney Theater in London, although, by his own admission, he does not know English. He leads the life of a wandering clown, visited countries that have a very deep cultural tradition associated with clowning, comedy, fairground, folk theater. Communication with the whole world enriched the work of Polunin.

Vyacheslav Polunin also starred in films, including without clown makeup: "Only in a musical" (1980), "Unbelievable" (1983), "And then Bumbo came" (1984), "Four clowns under one roof" (1985) ), "How to become a" star "(1986)," Kill the Dragon "(1988), in Eldar Ryazanov's lyrical comedy" Hello, fools "(1996)," Hoffmaniada "(2009).

In 2001, he organized a clowning festival in Russia as part of the Third Theater Olympiad - "Ship of Fools".

In 2003, Vyacheslav Polunin brought to Moscow his performance "Snow show" (Snow show / "snow show"), gathering full houses in any city and on any continent.

In January 2010 at the Children's Musical Theater. Natalia Sats hosted the jubilee performance "Snow Show".

Vyacheslav Polunin - People's Artist of Russia (2001), laureate of the second prize of the All-Union Variety Artists Competition (1979); laureate of the Lenin Komsomol Prize (1987), laureate of theatrical awards: the Edinburgh Golden Angel (1997), the Spanish Golden Nose, the Laurence Olivier Prize, the national independent Triumph Prize (2000), the Tsarskoye Selo Art Prize laureate (2000), laureate Prize named after K.S.Stanislavsky and many other highest theatrical awards.

For his show "Live Rainbow" by the Queen of Great Britain, Vyacheslav Polunin was awarded the title of "Honorary Citizen of London".

Polunin lives in London, where he rents a large house. But his main home is in a car in which not only his family and his friends-colleagues travel the world with him, but also a library and a video library, which a serious collector can envy.

Vyacheslav Polunin is married and has three sons.

In 2010, the Paulsen publishing house released in Moscow a photo album by the famous photo artist Vladimir Mishukov "Full Moon", dedicated to Vyacheslav Polunin.

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