Who is closer to you: Stolz or Oblomov? (USE in Literature). Essay I - Oblomov Oblomov in me or my personal


The image of Oblomov and the meaning of the concept of “Oblomovism” was deeply and fully explained by Dobrolyubov in the article “What is Oblomovism?” The main features of Oblomov are apathy, laziness, inactivity. The hero is only 32 years old, and he is deprived of any interest in life. All day he lies on the couch, contemplating the walls and ceiling. But Ilya Ilyich was not born like that! As a child, he had a lively, inquisitive mind. Oblomov received an education that opened the way to life for him. Once he dreamed of serving Russia, believing that "all life is thought and work, work, though obscure, dark, but continuous." True, even in his youth, he perceived work as a feat.

Oblomov has a "crystal, transparent soul", in the words of Stolz. He is honest, kind, sincere. He is loved by those around him. But the main, all-conquering quality of Oblomov is laziness. This laziness grew out of the soil of the serfdom. Ilya Ilyich was used to getting everything without making any effort - there were servants and serfs for work. He is even proud that he himself has not put on a stocking all his life, the coals in the fireplace have not interfered. “I never endured cold or hunger, I didn’t know the need, I didn’t earn bread for myself, and in general I didn’t do dirty work.” "Black deed" is the lot of the serfs. Oblomov is a gentleman. He believes that this alone already puts him above others. This opinion was brought up by the owners of Oblomovka, who were sure that Ilyusha Oblomov, a hereditary nobleman and heir to the estate, should occupy a “special” position. But in order to take a "special" place, it was necessary to make efforts at the university, in the service. Oblomov did not want to "disturb" himself; he did not consider it necessary to work to become like other Petersburg officials. It was easier, lying on the couch, to prove his exclusivity to the serf servant Zakhar.

Oblomov thinks in categories learned from childhood in Oblomovka, without revising them and without updating the changing life accordingly. He perceives the life and customs of Oblomovka as the norm, and all other life - as "the eternal running around of start-ups." Oblomov condemns the hustle and bustle of St. Petersburg because of his own inertia, but objectively turns out to be right. “What is there to look for? interests of the mind, heart? Just look where is the center around which all this revolves: it is not there, there is nothing deep, touching the living. All these are dead people, sleeping people, these members of the world and society are worse than me! ... Aren't they the dead?

Oblomov begins to read, but reading tires him. He tries to analyze his life and his character, but in the midst of this introspection "insensitively", imperceptibly falls asleep. Oblomov does not want changes, he is afraid that "life will not touch him." He only lies on the couch and sleeps, and he even "desires to sleep in his sleep." The dreams to which he sometimes indulges do not go beyond a well-fed and calm life. material from the site

In Oblomov's Dream, Goncharov depicts the idyll of a patriarchal fortified village. On the one hand, the epic nature of such an existence is emphasized, but at the same time, Oblomovka is shown as a sleepy kingdom, and the Oblomovites are shown as sleeping god-tyrs. Goncharov speaks of those powerful inclinations that Oblomov had, but which forever "fell asleep" without developing. Oblomov turned out to be useless nowhere and to no one, even to himself. “It began with the inability to put on stockings, and ended with the inability to live,” Stolz sums up, and Zakhar exclaims: “Why were you born into God's world?” Oblomov is both a product and a victim of the conditions, the environment. As a victim, he is objectively the accuser of modern society: “Either I did not understand this life, or it is no good.”

In Goncharov's novel, the phenomenon was called "Oblomovism". In the article "What is Oblomovism?" Dobrolyubov gave an explanation of this concept, showed its origins and character.

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  • the image of Oblomov and the meaning of the concept
  • how many serf souls did Oblomov have
  • the meaning of the concept of Oblomovism
  • concepts received by Oblomov in childhood, youth

In the novel "Oblomov" Ivan Alexandrovich Goncharov considers such a problem as "Oblomovism", which arose during the period of economic changes in the country. This phenomenon did not allow the development of many talents and inclinations of people. And people began to appear, whose character is displayed by the main character, Oblomov. But still there were still progressive figures such as Stolz, who were completely opposite to Ilya Ilyich. For me, the image of Andrei Ivanovich Stolz is closer than the image of Oblomov. Consider how the author reveals these characters through examples.

First, the characters are different in origin. Oblomov - from a wealthy noble family. Everyone in his family is used to the fact that the peasants always do everything for them. The atmosphere in the Oblomovs' house is shown especially vividly in "Oblomov's Dream": "Everything is dead, only from all corners there is a variety of snoring for everything

us and frets."

Stolz is from a poor family, where everyone did all the work themselves.

Secondly, the upbringing of the characters is completely different. Labor for the Oblomov family is torment and punishment. Parents laid in Ilya a love of peace and sleep. While the father of Andrei Ivanovich taught his son prudence and accuracy, and also instilled a love of activity.

Thirdly, the characters are distinguished by their way of life. Oblomov spends his life on the couch, does nothing, is not interested in anything. Stolz, on the other hand, is constantly on the move. Thanks to his hard work, he became a rich man.

Thus, we can conclude that Stolz is closer to me, because he is a real living person who is used to achieving everything himself.

Updated: 2018-03-21

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Today is the last day of my work in the theater. Tomorrow begins the long-awaited vacation. I am very tired for this fatal 226th season for me. I got sick all over. On other days, I took up to ten tablets to somehow relieve the pain that tormented my body. How many nights have there been during this season during which I did not doze off for a minute from the pain tearing my body apart ... Why am I so sick? .. For myself, I have long determined the cause of my illnesses and pain: “I am Oblomov” . I have been working for the sixth year in my very beloved Ulyanovsk Drama Theater. I.A. Goncharova. And today, on the last day of my work, my favorite cultural institution gave me the best gift that a person like me can dream of: at the end of the 226th season, a conference dedicated to the celebrations held in honor of the day was held within the walls of our ancient building. the birth of my favorite classic of world literature, Ivan Aleksandrovich Goncharov.
Today, June 18, 2012, he would have turned 200 years old. I, like all progressive mankind, was looking forward to this great holiday. But when it came, I didn't even have the strength to celebrate it. The day before, I went to the garden in the morning. As I later realized, I did it in vain ... I wanted to cut a huge bouquet in my garden and lay it at the monument to I.A. Goncharov, which is located near the Ulyanovsk Regional Scientific Library. IN AND. Lenin. But a berry distracted me along the way. Huge fields of strawberries met me on the way. I ate it, and typed it into a jar, and was so carried away by the absorption of the berry that, looking at the clock, I realized that I was late for work. Thus, without reaching my site and without cutting flowers from the flower beds for my beloved classic, for the second time on his birthday I did not present flowers to him. The first case when I did not lay a bouquet at his monument is described in detail in my story “The Goncharov Phenomenon or a Bouquet of Irises”. When I ran home, out of breath, I remembered that today at fifteen o'clock I do not have to go to work.
That bouquet of daisies that I brought from the garden on Thursday looked chic, but it was already indecent to carry it as a gift to the Goncharov monument. Frustrated, I lay down on the sofa, fell asleep and slept until ten o'clock in the morning.
Waking up, she quickly got dressed, ran for sweets to commemorate Goncharov with her employees, and went to work.
Thus, I get to the “Opening of the V International Conference dedicated to the 200th anniversary of I.A. Goncharova. I almost didn’t manage to watch “Opening ...”: our administrator Valentina Ivanovna Pustokhod did not allow me to be in the auditorium and forced me to sit all alone in the lobby of the second floor (what can you do work first of all). She, of course, did not understand how much I wanted to be in the hall, so without irritation, but with annoyance, I arrived completely alone outside the auditorium.
But at the “Plenary session of the V International Scientific Conference dedicated to the 200th anniversary of I.A. Goncharov, our boss Yaroslav Vladimirovich Andronov let me go, because he decided that there was no need for me to stay in an empty lobby.
I returned to the auditorium and began to listen carefully to the speakers. I especially liked two speakers: the first and last, the fourth one is the famous German translator Vera Bisicki. I was so happy that Vera Biszycki was so close to the image of Oblomov, that Oblomov was so popular in Germany. Back in 2006, in the essay "Germany", written by me for my matchmaker M.I. Arbeeva, after a three-week stay in this country, I noticed that Russians and Germans are very similar in many ways. And this discovery literally shocked me. I even thought then that, perhaps, that is why in the 20th century we fought among ourselves all the time, exterminating our best representatives of one and the other nation in these terrible bloody wars, cultivating the Stolts and exterminating the Oblomovs, forgetting that violation of them quantity in the right proportions always leads to tragedies. Therefore, we, Russians and Germans, like no one else in the world, understand that life without the Oblomovs is impossible ...
Throughout the novel, people go to Oblomov, and not he - to them. Oblomov is an extremely self-sufficient person. At the beginning of the novel in the morning, Oblomov receives one visit after another, and he has no one to talk about business with.
Volkov, a dandy, discussed with him the whole wardrobe, all the main St. Petersburg houses, all friends, all upcoming visits, holidays, dinners, but he failed to infect Ilya Ilyich with this rich diversity in life. Volkov evoked only pity and compassion in him: “Ten places in one day - unfortunate! thought Oblomov. - And that's life! - He strongly shrugged his shoulders - Where is the man? What does it break down and dissolve into? Of course, it's not bad to look into the theater and fall in love with some Lydia ... (Volkov's new passion, approx. N.N.) She's pretty! In the countryside, picking flowers with her, riding is good: yes, ten places in one day - unfortunate! - he concluded, rolling over on his back and rejoicing that he did not have such empty desires and thoughts, that he did not loom around, but lay right here, maintaining his human dignity and his peace.
Another call interrupted his thoughts.
A new guest has entered.
The new guest is the careerist Sudbinsky, who was going to invite him “to ride to Ekateringof ... for festivities ...”, whose invitation Oblomov politely declined, and then also politely waited for his friend to leave the apartment, since this serviceman tired him with his reasoning about service. He talked only about positions, promotions, awards. Despite the fact that Sudbinsky and his colleagues received fairly high amounts for their service, Oblomov did not envy them. He sincerely sympathized with them and felt sorry for them ... After all, the poor, unfortunate Sudbinsky also got married for the sake of a career and money ... Sudbinsky speaks only of his own, he does not hear Oblomov ...
“Stuck, dear friend, stuck up to his ears,” thought Oblomov, following him with his eyes. - And blind, and deaf, and dumb for everything else in the world. And he will come out into the people, in time he will turn things over and pick up officials ... We also call this a career! And how little a person is needed here: his mind, will, feelings - why is this? Luxury! And he will live his life, and much, much will not move in it ... And meanwhile he works from twelve to five in the office, from eight to twelve at home - unfortunate!
He experienced a feeling of peaceful joy that from nine to three, from eight to nine he could stay on his sofa, and he was proud that he did not have to go with a report, write papers, that there was scope for his feelings and imagination.
Oblomov was philosophizing and did not notice that a very thin, black-haired gentleman, overgrown with sideburns, a mustache in a goatee, was standing by his bed. He was dressed with deliberate casualness."
Oblomov is bored with Penkin, who came after Sudbinsky, a man who writes a lot, an innovator in journalistic and writing work. But Penkin doesn’t care about Oblomov’s problems either: he is constantly busy, because “... the entire editorial office is at Saint-Georges today, from there we’ll go for a walk. And at night write and, than light, send to the printing house. - Penkin is justified.
Saying goodbye to him, Oblomov again becomes perplexed.
“Writing at night,” thought Oblomov, “when to sleep, then? And go and earn five thousand a year! It's bread! Yes, write everything, waste your thought, your soul on trifles, change your beliefs, trade your mind and imagination, force your nature, worry, boil, burn, not know peace and move somewhere ... And write everything, write everything like a wheel, like a car: write tomorrow, the day after tomorrow, the holiday will come, summer will come - but he keeps writing? When to stop and rest? Unhappy!"
“But they call again.
- What kind of rout do I have today? - said Oblomov and waited for someone to enter.
And a very nondescript man came to Oblomov, but not bad, but rather persistent, and also persuaded Ilya Ilyich to go to the festivities in Yekateringof. But Oblomov, who was very concerned about the content of the letter written by the headman, as well as the unexpected move to another apartment, clearly had no time for festivities ...
And the inconspicuous Alekseev imperceptibly disappeared into the room, without giving any practical advice to the frustrated Oblomov.
He was replaced by Tarantiev, whom Stolz, Oblomov's closest friend, considered an animal, “a man of smart and cunning mind; no one is better than him to judge some general worldly question or legal complicated case ... "
Mikhei Andreevich Tarantiev took an active part in Oblomov's problems.
He immediately determined that the headman Oblomov was a swindler, and began to insist: “Tomorrow move to my godfather’s apartment, on the Vyborg side ...”
Oblomov slightly moved away from the shock that occurred after visiting Tarantiev - again the call ... The doctor appeared ... He missed Oblomov and appeared himself, since the master had not invited him for a long time.
But the reception ended in the most pleasant way. The final visit was the most joyful and unexpected. Andrey Ivanovich Stolz has arrived!!! Stolz is trying to stir up a friend, brings Ilya Ilyich into the light, introduces him to Olga Sergeevna Ilyinskaya, who will fall in love with Oblomov.
A sad letter from the headman informing Ilya Ilyich about serious financial troubles, moving to the Vyborg side, the love of Olga Sergeevna Ilyinskaya - all these unexpected events were perceived by Oblomov as well as many Soviet people - perestroika.
Unlike Ilya Ilyich, I did not live the way my soul demanded. From the age of three, I realized that there is a very important human feeling - a sense of duty, which contained many moral concepts that made me not interfere with others, and also demanded that a small child in his behavior not stand out from the crowd. As a teenager, I firmly knew that more important than the concept of "I want" - there is even more important - "I must!"
And Oblomov's state of mind was destroyed by the concept of "Necessary." I became a Stolz! Not that Goncharov’s talented, enterprising Stolz, who is known to everyone from Goncharov’s novel Oblomov, but an ordinary Soviet, mediocre Stolz, which helped me survive perestroika, post-perestroika, paying for this survival with my soul.
The only thing that I could not destroy Oblomov's in myself was the desire to always be myself. And until now, if loving close people try to force me to change my essence, then they run into my silent opposition. I have always wanted to be loved for who I am. At the same time, I myself always accept people as they are, I do not demand sacrifices from them or changes in my internal and external state. This, of course, does not mean that I myself do not try to improve my body and soul, but I never reach insanity in this matter ...
At every opportunity, I like to lie on the sofa with great pleasure, dream, philosophize, but most of all I like to fantasize. I do not tell anyone about my fantasies, they are so personal in nature that they are unlikely to be of interest to others. Of course, as a creative person, I often compose fairy tales, tales, fantasy, stories, novels, poems, poems. But these are not at all the stories that I enjoy alone with myself. Perhaps that is why I still have unusual, fabulously beautiful color dreams, in which I, at my sixty-four years old, fly in the golden rays of a mysterious light. I often do not want to clean the apartment, wash the dishes, but I do all this because it is necessary! I still go to work. And, probably, I will serve in the theater for a long time, because the life-affirming, energetic Stolz constantly ousts Oblomov from me, a kind, sincere, powerful fighter for the purity of my soul ...
I will never give myself pleasure - to live the way I want, without interfering with other people with my way of life, as Oblomov always did ...
I have two daughters, two grandchildren, two granddaughters and a sister who hardly need me. But they love me very much and take care of me, probably in gratitude for the fact that I am trying with my last strength to keep in myself a piece of the sweet and immortal Oblomov, created by our great countryman ...


Hello Hope! Today I came across your opinion on the page of Zoya Orlova, you commented on her article. And then I went to your page and read everything related to Goncharov on it. This is my favorite writer. And of all the images he created, I, like you, most sympathize with Ilya Oblomov. I sympathize - did I say? No, no, I... I love him. And you know, before reading this novel, I did not believe that there could be a love for a literary hero, but I had to believe it from my own experience.
And that is why I am always very happy when I meet a person on the Internet who likes Ilya. (and I have read many articles, even dissertations) True, there are not so many of them. After all, many are still under the hypnosis of the opinion of Dobrolyubov, and of Stolz. True, not everyone, unlike the latter, appreciates a pure soul in Ilya. Slip the novel so, lightly. And to understand the novel, to understand the protagonist, you need to read thoughtfully, carefully. And more than once, as well as any work of Russian classics. Although I'm telling you this, you yourself wrote it in the "bouquet of irises" ...
Your essay was written in 2012. It's been seven years. But I think you keep a warm feeling so far. I flatter myself that you will agree to talk to me about this novel. Maybe you are on VK, but if not, then here, on prose.ru, there are private messages. It will be difficult to communicate live, as I understand it, you live in Ulyanovsk, but I’m near St. Petersburg ... Although I was in Ulyanovsk this summer. Yes, precisely because of Goncharov. And yet - because of the Volga. So, I hope for a favorable answer))) And if you don’t answer, thanks anyway for the good opinion about Ilya. Thank you.
And finally, a little about me. My name is Serafima, I am 15 years old, I have been studying Goncharov since I was 12. I live, as mentioned earlier, near St. Petersburg, the city of Vsevolozhsk with my parents and five sisters. I'm in the 10th grade. You can answer here, or in private messages on this site. You can also type in VK (if you are there) "Seraphim Solnyshkin" - there are two of us, but the second one is from Moscow. Thanks again.

The protagonist of Goncharov's novel is Ilya Ilyich Oblomov. This is a man "about thirty-two or three years old, of medium height, of pleasant appearance, with dark gray eyes." He, "a nobleman by birth, a collegiate secretary by rank, has been living without a break for the twelfth year in St. Petersburg."
Oblomov evokes feelings of amazement in me, as well as contempt and pity. He amazes with his fantastic laziness. Where has it been seen - lying on the couch all day without getting up, and not experiencing any comfort from this. He says he hasn't found something to his liking. Something to spend your life on. Nonsense! If he wanted to find, he certainly would have done it. But Oblomov did not show stubbornness and therefore, wanting to justify himself, told Stolz that there was no fire in his life, that it began with extinction. He simply did not want to light this fire in himself, unconsciously protected his soul from this. Sparks only flared up in it from time to time, only to immediately go out again.
Oblomov despised society, high society. Their members he called the dead, sleeping people, worse than himself. He may be partly right, but not all society consists of such people. Among them, for sure, there would be bright personalities who stand out from the crowd, not under the control of public opinion. But Oblomov considered himself above this vain world and did not want to start any relationship with the people of the world. So, from this we can conclude that Oblomov is unwilling to do anything other than lying on the couch. There he was occupied with an exceptionally important, in his opinion, business - a dream of improving the estate and how he would live there with his wife and children. But the ability to dream is inherent in every person. There is nothing wrong. The bad thing is that Oblomov did nothing to make the dream come true. He could not overcome the obstacle on the way to the goal. At the first obstacle, he stumbled and stopped without moving on. So it is with the elder's letter. Oblomov knew that decisive measures had to be taken so as not to go bankrupt, but he did not take it, but only worried, and even then not for long. As an ostrich hides its head in the sand, so it went into itself, into a world invented by it. These attempts to escape from reality indicate cowardice and weakness. And this always causes disgust and contempt. Only Oblomov's strong feeling for Olga pushed him to go to the ward. Love for her filled his heart with warmth and enthusiasm. But no matter how strong the feelings were, they still could not defeat the Oblomov essence, the lordly beginning in him. With his weak character, Oblomov pushed his only love away from him.
In the end, the contempt for the hero in me turns into pity. Still, he was a man with a kind heart and a sincere soul. I regret that he could not overcome himself, that he lived his life without meaning, did not find out what could be good in it, except for food and “doing nothing”.
I want fewer people to be like Oblomov, so that everyone enjoys life and is sure not to be lazy to fulfill their dreams.

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