Who heads the Taganka Theater now. Actors of the Taganka Theater


In the building at the corner of earthen Val and Upper Radishchevskaya streets, an amazing one is located. He successfully survived the test of both fame and split, and today continues to defend the right to his own vision and reading, carefully preserving the traditions of his founding director, Yuri Lyubimov. The performances of "Taganka" are distinguished by the bright personalities of the actors, the gambling and intellectual game, the use of the entire palette of arts in the productions: music, dance, circus.

The theater was officially founded in 1946 and experienced its second birth in 1964 with the arrival of the legendary director Yuri Lyubimov. In those years, Moscow experienced a real surge in cultural life - a whole galaxy of young ambitious actors appeared in the capital, delighting the audience with new productions. But even against this background, Taganka immediately managed to loudly declare itself: the first performance by Yu. Lyubimov, “The Good Man from Sezuan” based on the play by Bertolt Brecht, instantly glorified the theater and still collects full houses. The theater continues to admire the past of Taganka, where the legendary Vladimir Vysotsky, Valery Zolotukhin, Veniamin Smekhov played and where the best performances of that time were staged.

The era of Lyubimov and Vysotsky

The Taganka Theater revived the traditions of Vakhtangov and Meyerhold. His bold performances were filled with a sense of creative freedom: they were always distinguished by an innovative approach and topical reading of a work of art. Yuri Lyubimov, familiar with the systems of E. Vakhtangov and, combined these concepts in his work and introduced elements of Brecht's epic theater into them. The viewer was actively involved in what was happening on the stage, feeling like a full participant in the action.

Most of the performances were staged without a curtain, with minimalist scenery and complex technical structures. Leading artists of the country worked on them: S. Barkhin, D. Borovsky, E. Kochergin, E. Stenberg. Together with Yuri Lyubimov, they created the history of "Taganka", releasing resonant performances - "A Hero of Our Time" (according to), "Antimirs" (according to A. A. Voznesensky), "The Master and Margarita" (according to M. A. Bulgakov), banned by the censorship "Alive" (according to B.P. Mozhaev) and many others.

The Taganka actors, bright and multifaceted, demonstrated a variety of talents: excellent vocal skills, plasticity, pantomime; in some productions, even shadow theater was involved. Many of them made their debut on this stage and received national recognition and fame: Alla Demidova, Boris Khmelnitsky, Anatoly Vasilyev, and others. But, perhaps, one of the brightest stars of the theater was Vladimir Vysotsky. Each of his roles became a real event in the cultural life of Moscow; performances with his participation gathered incredible sold-out crowds with long queues for an "extra ticket". In 1971, Hamlet staged by Lyubimov with Vladimir Vysotsky in the title role, Alla Demidova as Gertrude and Veniamin Smekhov as Claudius thundered throughout the country.

The split and the search for a new path

theater building

The theater building was rebuilt from the Vulkan cinema, one of the first in Moscow. In the 70s - 80s of the XX century the theater was reconstructed. For this work, the authors of the project - architects A. Anisimov, Yu. Gnedovsky, and others - received the State Prize of the USSR and the Prize of the International Academy of Architecture. Nowadays, the theater has three halls with stages for 800, 500 and 150 seats. The main stage is a transformable hall. In 2015, Vysotsky Street appeared next to the theater, on which the State Cultural Center "V. S. Vysotsky Museum" is located in house number 3.

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"We want Kibovsky or one of his deputies to listen to us and agree with our arguments. against the appointment now of any artistic director of the theater. Now is not the time for this,” said Felix Antipov, chairman of the artistic council.


The troupe motivates its decision by the fact that the theater is to be overhauled and the performances are played on other people's venues. "There won't be any premieres now anyway. The main thing is to make repairs, and there you can think about the artistic side of things", Antipov explained.

Note in early March, actress Irina Apeksimova was appointed the new director of the Taganka Theater, who replaced Vladimir Fleischer in this post. After that, it became known that several employees of the theater wrote a letter to the Department of Culture with a request to appoint Yevgeny Gerasimov, chairman of the Moscow City Duma commission on culture, as artistic director. However, most of the troupe did not support this candidacy, which caused a conflict in the theater.

According to Antipov, in the near future Apeksimova will go to see Kibovsky with a request to postpone the appointment of an artistic director. We add that after the departure of Yuri Lyubimov from the theater in 2011, the director and artistic director was Valery Zolotukhin, who died in 2013. Since then, the theater has no artistic director.

taganka. theatre. en

The Taganka Theater (Moscow Taganka Drama and Comedy Theater) is a Moscow drama theater founded in 1946, transformed in 1964 by Yuri Lyubimov.

History of creation

Theater on Taganka

The Moscow Drama and Comedy Theater was founded in 1946; Alexander Plotnikov became the chief director, the troupe consisted of students from Moscow theater studios (including Gottlieb Roninson) and actors from peripheral theaters. The first premiere of the new team was the play "The People is Immortal" based on the novel by Vasily Grossman.

In the early 60s, the Drama and Comedy Theater turned out to be one of the least visited theaters in the capital - in January 1964, Plotnikov had to resign, Yuri Lyubimov, at that time better known as an actor of the Theater. Vakhtangov.

Lyubimov came to the theater with his students from the Shchukin school and their graduation performance - “The Good Man from Sezuan” based on the play by B. Brecht. The performance was the debut on the professional stage for Zinaida Slavina, Alla Demidova, Boris Khmelnitsky, Anatoly Vasiliev.

Lyubimov significantly updated the troupe, producing an additional set of young artists - Valery Zolotukhin, Inna Ulyanova, Veniamin Smekhov, Nikolai Gubenko, Vladimir Vysotsky, actor and director Ramses Dzhabrailov came to the theater, and in the future Lyubimov constantly replenished the troupe with young actors, mainly graduates of the Shchukin school : Leonid Filatov, Felix Antipov, Ivan Bortnik, Vitaly Shapovalov and many others came to the theater from the Vakhtangov school in the late 60s. From the former troupe of the Drama and Comedy Theater, Tatiana Makhova, Gottlieb Roninson, Yuri Smirnov, Vsevolod Sobolev came to court. Lyubimov added the clarifying name “on Taganka” to the former name, and very soon the Moscow theatergoers reduced the official name of the team to “Theatre on Taganka” and simply “Taganka”.

Yuri Lyubimov was fascinated by the ideas of Brecht's "epic theater": "In this playwright," he wrote, "we are attracted by the absolute clarity of his worldview. It is clear to me that he loves what he hates, and I passionately share his attitude towards life. And to the theater, that is, I am fascinated by Brecht's aesthetics. There is the Shakespeare Theatre, the Molière Theatre, there is also the Brecht Theatre…” Having headed the Drama and Comedy Theatre, Lyubimov hung three portraits in the foyer: B. Brecht, E. Vakhtangov and Vs. Meyerhold; later, at the insistence of the district committee of the party, K. S. Stanislavsky was added. The kinship of Lyubimov's Taganka with the Stanislavsky Theater remained problematic for specialists, but the lessons of Meyerhold, Vakhtangov and especially Brecht were easily recognizable in all performances of the so-called "classical" Taganka (until 1981).

Under the leadership of Lyubimov, Taganka immediately gained a reputation as the most avant-garde theater in the country. Like the early Sovremennik, the theater dispensed with a curtain and almost did not use scenery, replacing them with various stage structures. The performances actively used pantomime, shadow theater, music was used in Brechtian style. In the 60-70s it was one of the most visited theaters in the capital.

Among the performances in the early years, poetic performances prevailed: “Comrade, believe ...” (according to A. S. Pushkin), “Listen!” (according to V. Mayakovsky), "Antimirs" (according to A. Voznesensky), "The Fallen and the Living" (about poets who died in the war), "Under the Skin of the Statue of Liberty" (based on the poem by E. Yevtushenko). Later they were replaced by numerous dramatizations of prose works: “Mother” by M. Gorky, “What is to be done?” N. Chernyshevsky, “... And the Dawns Here Are Quiet” by B. Vasiliev, “The Master and Margarita” by M. Bulgakov, “The House on the Embankment” by Y. Trifonov, etc.


Theater on Taganka and the Commonwealth of Taganka Actors

In the 1980s, the theater experienced a series of crises caused by the departure of the main director Lyubimov abroad and the subsequent deprivation of his citizenship of the USSR.

In 1992, the theater broke up in two. Part of the troupe, under the leadership of Gubenko, formed a new theater "Commonwealth of Taganka Actors" and occupied the new building of the Taganka Theater, the rest of the troupe, led by Lyubimov, remained in the old building, which was rebuilt from the cinema (electric theater), built in 1911 by architect G. A. Gelrich.

In 2011, as a result of a conflict with actors, Yuri Lyubimov left the theater. For a year and a half, Taganka was headed by Valery Zolotukhin as director and artistic director; On March 4, 2013, he resigned for health reasons, and Vladimir Fleisher, who previously headed the Meyerhold Center, was appointed the new director the next day.


On March 26, 2014, a letter was sent to the Speaker of the Federation Council Valentina Matvienko from representatives of the theater's alternative trade union. It was said that the signatories were afraid of turning the theater "into a stronghold of the white ribbon liberals" in connection with the appearance on the stage of the theater of projects "in the spirit of the odious Gogol Center", which "propagates its views and goals from the stage of Taganka ". The theater management is considered guilty, which "zealously attracts all the "swampy" screamers to the stage of the famous theater, providing them with a platform for the proclamation of destructive pro-Western ideas and technologies, which are in fact permissiveness."

Senator from the Kurgan region Oleg Panteleev, in turn, accused the theater that "these performances promote violence, homosexuality, pedophilia, suicide." As examples, he stated that the theater allegedly hosted a documentary festival "Maidan", which was attended by young people with bandages of the Ukrainian organization "Right Sector", the writer Dmitry Bykov was ordered a play with a parody of security agencies, on the day of the theater's half-century anniversary a benefit performance for musician Yuri Shevchuk was scheduled, and on May 9, the premiere of the play "Dreams of War" "with offensive content" is expected. The official urged "to influence the situation in our beloved theater, where famous actors performed, to stop the process of collapse and preserve the high traditions of the Russian repertory theater, to give a due rebuff to immorality." Valentina Matvienko suggested sending an appeal to the head of the Ministry of Culture along with a letter from the trade union. Director of the Taganka Theater Vladimir Fleisher called Panteleev's statements unreliable.

The Ministry of Culture redirected the request to the Department of Culture of Moscow, to which the theater is subordinate. The head of the press service of the Moscow department, Alla Semenysheva, said that the Moscow mayor's office considers Oleg Panteleev's statements about the Taganka Theater to be "a lie" and will demand a public apology from the senator because "none of the theses of the senator is true."

Artistic directors

Yu. P. Lyubimov

    Alexander Plotnikov (1946-1964) Yuri Lyubimov (1964-1984) Anatoly Efros (1984-1987) Nikolai Gubenko (1987-1989) Yuri Lyubimov (1989-2011). Valery Zolotukhin (2011-2013)

Theater troupe

People's Artists of Russia

    Felix Antipov (since 1968) Ivan Bortnik (since 1967) Lyubov Selyutina (since 1974) Zinaida Slavina (since 1964) Yuri Smirnov (since 1963)

Honored Artists of Russia

    Anna Agapova Timur Badalbeyli Anatoly Vasiliev Alexei Grabbe Anastasia Kolpikova Alexander Lyrchikov Larisa Maslova

The Taganka Theater was founded in 1946. But his real story begins almost two decades later, when Yuri Lyubimov took over as chief director. He came with his graduation performance, which caused a resonance from the very first show. on Taganka, involved in the productions of Lyubimov in subsequent years, became known throughout the country. Among them are Vladimir Vysotsky, Valery Zolotukhin, Leonid Yarmolnik.

Short story

The theater was founded a year after the end of the war. Then it was called differently. The first production at the Drama and Comedy Theater, the main director of which was A. Plotnikov, was a play based on the work of the writer Vasily Grossman.

Yuri Lyubimov, who took Plotnikov's place in 1964, came to the theater with his students. The first performance of the new director was The Kind Man from Sichuan. The leading actors of the Taganka Theater at that time were Boris Khmelnitsky, Anatoly Vasiliev, Alla Demidova.

Lyubimov regularly updated the troupe. He gave preference to graduates of the Shchukin school. So, in the mid-sixties, Vladimir Vysotsky, Nikolai Gubenko, Valery Zolotukhin came to the theater. A few years later, the director invited Ivan Bortnik, Leonid Filatov, Vitaly Shaposhnikov to the troupe.


The Taganka Theater soon became known throughout the country as the most avant-garde. Lyubimov almost never uses scenery. His productions cause incessant controversy among critics. Actors of the Taganka Theater become real stars. In the sixties and seventies, every Soviet intelligent person dreams of getting into Lyubimov's productions.

In the eighties, Yuri Lyubimov went abroad. During this period, the popularity of the theater falls. Nikolai Gubenko becomes the leader. Then, after the return of Lyubimov from exile, the theater undergoes a reorganization. For several years, the position of artistic director has been occupied by Valery Zolotukhin.

Today, the actors of the Taganka Theater are Dmitry Vysotsky, Anastasia Kolpikova, Ivan Bortnik and others.

Vladimir Vysotsky

The theater has gone through different times. The composition of the troupe was constantly updated. But the name of this actor, even more than thirty years after his death, is forever associated with him.

Vladimir Vysotsky has been an actor at the Taganka Theater since 1964. He was involved in sixteen years of work in fourteen productions. In a few of them - in the lead role. However, the theater is partly obliged to Vysotsky for such a loud glory that swept throughout the Soviet Union. Millions dreamed of getting into the production of Hamlet. However, not even every inhabitant of the capital managed to purchase the coveted ticket.

For the first time, Vladimir Vysotsky appeared on stage as the Second God in the production of The Good Man from Sichuan. Then there were works in such performances as "Anti-Worlds", "Ten Days That Shook the World", "The Fallen and the Living". In 1966, the premiere of "The Life of Heliley" took place. In this production, Vysotsky played the main role.


Actors of the Taganka Theater, who played in the production based on Shakespeare's work:

  1. Vladimir Vysotsky.
  2. Veniamin Smekhov.
  3. Alla Demidova.
  4. Natalya Sayko.
  5. Ivan Bortnik.
  6. Alexander Filippenko.

The play premiered in 1971. The production received many positive reviews, despite the fact that it was innovative for the Soviet theater scene. In addition, it was easy to consider criticism of the authorities that existed at that time. The role of Hamlet for Vysotsky became, according to many, the pinnacle of his acting skills. At the same time, some modern critics believe that the actor succeeded in this role, with the exception of the famous monologue "To be or not to be", the key to the plot. Vysotsky, according to professionals, could not play a doubt. This actor could only "be".

"Crime and Punishment"

The play premiered in 1979. Raskolnikov was played by Alexander Trofimov. Boris Khmelnitsky took the stage as Razumikhin. The Taganka Theater was the most visited in Moscow. And the production based on the work of Dostoevsky aroused no less public interest than the performances of Hamlet and The Life of Galileo. A year and a half after the premiere, the performer of the role of Svidrigailov passed away. On July 25, 1980, the Taganka Theater, whose playbill was known to all the capital's theater-goers for the next few days, was closed to the audience: Vladimir Vysotsky died. The performances were canceled, but not a single person returned the ticket to the box office.

Valery Zolotukhin

This actor played more than twenty roles in the Taganka Theater. Including in the play "Vladimir Vysotsky", which premiered in 1981. Actors of the Taganka Theater involved in this production:

  1. Ekaterina Varkova.
  2. Alexey Grabbe.
  3. Anastasia Kolpikova.
  4. Anatoly Vasiliev.
  5. Tatiana Sidorenko.
  6. Sergei Trifonov.

In 2011, Zolotukhin was appointed director of the theater. This event was preceded by a scandal caused by disagreements between Lyubimov and the actors. Two years later, Zolotukhin left the post of director. At the end of March 2013, the actor and director passed away.

Anatoly Vasiliev

This actor came to the theater in 1964. He acted in films a little, but was involved in most of Lyubimov's productions. Anatoly Vasiliev is an actor of the Taganka Theater, who devoted more than fifty years to it. The last production in which he played was a play based on Kafka's phantasmagorical work "The Castle".

Other actors

Leonid Yarmolnik worked at the Taganka Theater for several years. He was involved in only a few performances. Among them are Rush Hour, The Master and Margarita, The Fallen and the Living.

Vitaly Shaposhnikov has been an actor at the Taganka Theater since 1968. In 1985 he moved to Sovremennik. But two years later he returned to the walls of his native theater. Shaposhnikov played foreman Vaskov in the production of "The Dawns Here Are Quiet", the main role in the play "Emelyan Pugachev". After the death of Vysotsky, the actor went on stage in the role of the scoundrel Svidrigailov. Also, Vitaly Shaposhnikov was involved in the performances "Tartuffe", "Mother", "Fasten your seat belts."

Boris Khmelnitsky played Woland in a production based on Bulgakov's novel The Master and Margarita. He also has theatrical works in such performances as "The Life of Galileo Galilei", "Pugachev", "Three Sisters".

Dmitry Vysotsky has been an actor at the Taganka Theater since 2001. Involved in the following performances:

  1. "Venetian Twins"
  2. "Woe from Wit".
  3. "Eugene Onegin".
  4. "Master and Margarita".
  5. "Arabesques".
  6. "Lock".

In the performance based on the famous work of Mikhail Bulgakov, Vysotsky plays the main role.

"The Fallen and the Living"

The play premiered in 1965. It is dedicated to the writers and poets who participated in the Second World War. Poetic works by Mayakovsky, Tvardovsky, Svetlov were used in the performance. Mikhail Kulchitsky - a young poet who died at the front in 1943 - played the role of Pavel Kogan - the author of romantic works, who also did not return from the battlefield - was played by Boris Khmelnitsky.

"House on the Embankment"

In 1980, Yuri Lyubimov staged a performance based on the novel by Yuri Trifonov. In those distant Soviet years, this was a rather bold act. Much was known about the Stalinist terror of the thirties, but it was dangerous to talk about these tragic pages in Soviet history so loudly. The premiere of "House on the Embankment" was an exciting event in the cultural life of Moscow. The main roles were played by Valery Zolotukhin and

"Doctor Zhivago"

The premiere of the performance based on the novel, for which the author was awarded the Nobel Prize in 1965, took place two years after the collapse of the Soviet Union. The director managed to preserve the unique poetics of Pasternak. The production used the music of Alfred Schnittke.

Other performances that once went on the stage of the Taganka Theater:

  1. "Electra".
  2. "Teenager".
  3. "Medea".
  4. The Brothers Karamazov.
  5. "Sharashka".
  6. "Socrates".

"Master and Margarita"

Yuri Lyubimov is the first theater director who brought the plot of a great novel to the stage. The production uses works by composers Prokofiev, Strauss and Albinoni. The performance has been running for more than a quarter of a century. Reviews of the audience about him are different: from negative to enthusiastic. However, Lyubimov's staging style has always evoked mixed responses from the public.

The masters in the performance are played alternately by Dmitry Vysotsky and the role of the protagonist's beloved is played by three actresses: Maria Matveeva, Alla Smirdan, Anastasia Kolpikova. Pontius Pilate is played by Ivan Ryzhikov. Other actors involved in the production:

  1. Alexander Trofimov.
  2. Nikita Luchikhin.
  3. Erwin Haas.
  4. Sergei Trifonov.
  5. Timur Badalbeyli.
  6. Alexander Lyrchikov.


The premiere of the performance based on Gogol's most mystical story took place in October 2016. This production is an unusual combination of texts by the Russian classic and compositions by musician Venya D'rkin, who passed away in 1999. Khoma Bruta is played by Pannochka - Alexandra Basova.

What performances does the Taganka Theater present in 2017?


  1. "Elsa" (January 14).
  2. "Venetian Twins" (January 15).
  3. "Vladimir Vysotsky" (January 25).
  4. "Golden Dragon" (January 26).
  5. "Faust" (February 1).
  6. "Old, old fairy tale" (February 5).
  7. "Master and Margarita" (February 7).
  8. "Eugene Onegin" (February 11).
Is the ingenious legacy of director Yuri Lyubimov "thrown into the trash" to "cut" the budget?

In the theatrical life of the "anti-crisis period" of the country, many conflicts arise. They are always based on the discrepancy between the standards of the administrative-command system and the desires of the creators. Reality "proclaims": "geniuses" have died out, and managers appointed "from above" are inclining a pure, virgin culture to a "fall". It is difficult to imagine public opinion about this or that product of culture today without "calculating" budget appropriations. The modern theater has signs of everyday drama, in the center of which the "all-consuming repair" becomes a stumbling block between the "creator" and the "destroyer". About what is "repair" in a cultural institution - the artificial formation of bureaucrats and corrupt officials or "new education for the development of art" - read the material On the eve.RU.

Today the capital (and Russia as a whole), in the opinion of most experts in theatrical craft, is faced with the problem of a shortage of strong, talented leaders. So, director of the theater "Lenkom" Mark Varshaver noted that he was ready to work "from morning to night", but only "for a genius." However, today there are no such leaders, he believes. "This is the misfortune that exists in Moscow. If there is no creativity, this is not a theater. There are walls, repairs, material "victory" that many theaters do not have. The main thing is where to get directors. Where to get a creator? Warsawer commented.

In Moscow alone, specialized universities graduate 60-80 administrative specialists annually. However, it is extremely difficult for theaters to find an intelligent employee in this "line", the "administrative" head of Lenkom noted.

The "happy" directors of Moscow theaters, whom they consider themselves to be, loudly repeat that a tandem of an artistic director and director is necessary for prosperity. Where this is not the case, the "director's theater" model is being implemented.

This practice has recently been widely used by the Ministry of Culture and city cultural departments. However, not everyone supports the concept that there is no artistic director. Especially if the role of the "two-headed eagle" in the management of the theater is played by a person "outside the system", the so-called result of the "appointment leapfrog" initiated by the cultural authorities.

The "consequence" of this, to put it mildly, risky policy was the appointment of an actress Irina Apeksimova in March 2015, to the post of director of the Taganka Theater - a place where the "Varangians" who promised "big changes" were not very fond of before. The new head of "Taganka" - personnel decision ex-head of the department of culture of the capital Sergey Kapkov taken "at the end" of his career. Crisis manager Apeksimova, as expected, should complete the renovation of the premises of the historical building of the theater, as well as harmonize the creative process in the team.

The arrival of Apeksimova in the theater was taken extremely sharply by the troupe artists Her first actions to dismiss a number of employees from the administration and accounting departments, of course, were not met with "applause". The actors are outraged by the "new" course of continuing the "old" restoration of the theater instead of the approved repertoire plan and the preservation of their native stage, the "know-how" of the space invented by the masters. The "titans" of art announced a picket on April 23, and, if necessary, its continuation in the form of a hunger strike. In addition, the artists of "Taganka" made an appeal to the organization for the protection of human rights and intend to complain to the prosecutor's office.

Director of the Moscow Bureau for Human Rights, member of the HRC under the President of the Russian Federation Alexander Brod confirmed that he had received a call from the Russian Trade Union of Cultural Workers. It says in particular:

"The situation in the theater is catastrophic. Repairs started in violation of the state contract, the schedules are all violated. According to experts, there is no emergency condition in the theater. However, false documents are being issued about the accident rate. Probably to justify the unreasonable spending of funds for repairs from the Moscow budget."

The "signers" also claim that the brilliant legacy of director Yuri Lyubimov (died on October 5, 2014 at the age of 97) is "thrown into the trash", and the absence of an artistic director and a clear artistic policy "destroys" the theater.

For clarity: since the summer of 2014, the Taganka Theater has not been fully functional: old performances are not played, new ones are not staged.

"To our pleas and requests to give us an artistic [director] to preserve the legendary repertoire of Lyubimov, as well as 11 performances that were staged under Zolotukhin, the troupe and creative workshops, we received only deathly silence, or a reply that this issue was not being considered. There are the certainty that, by recommending spending money on the restoration of the theater due to an imaginary accident rate, they want to kill the troupe of one of the most iconic theaters in the world",- emphasized theater actress Tatyana Sidorenko.

The artists take a consolidated position, believing that the statement about the accident rate of the building is "outright slyness." According to their data, in 2012-2014. a study of the foundation was carried out, which was found to be satisfactory, with the exception of certain areas.

"Who needs to spend hundreds of millions of our taxpayers' money? It is not clear on what grounds they want to change the previously approved reconstruction project. This will lead to the fact that the theater will stop for 3-4 years, and as a result - to its destruction",- added Sidorenko.

The price of the state contract for the repair of the building is 157 million 610 thousand rubles. During the dismantling of the structure, the contractor revealed that a number of sections of the theater building were in disrepair. However, they were not reflected in the design estimates, said Deputy Head of the Moscow Department of Culture Dmitry Ipatov. In this regard, it is necessary to conduct an additional survey in order to stop the repair or make adjustments to the reconstruction project. According to him, the experts of the Department of Cultural Heritage conducted a visual inspection of the state of the object and drew up an act, which indicated the following conclusions: for a detailed study, it is necessary to conduct a comprehensive instrumental examination of the structure and soil. Thus, the state contract has been suspended, which excludes the presence of "employed" under the roof of the Taganka theater, Ipatov specified.

Apeksimova said that at the time of her arrival - March 6, 2015 - the state task for the first quarter of 2015 had not been fulfilled. "Further repertoire was not planned, venues were not rented. Until the end of this season (April-May) it is not possible to rent other premises, because it is quite late to do it, the repertoire is made up everywhere. I, just like you, get acquainted with the information, why the renovation was suspended. I ask the Department of Culture how we will continue to exist",- the new head of the theater commented on the situation.

Actor Ivan Ryzhikov, in turn, notes that if we consider this case as "some kind of business project", then there are "signs of a raider takeover."

“Over the past two years, budgetary funds have been irrationally spent, the state task has been reduced, the efficiency of performance indicators has fallen sharply. Artists do not receive allowances. There is a clear lobbying for the expansion of the scope of repair work that our theater "so needs"", he complains. When appointing a director, no one consulted with the troupe, decisions were made "behind the scenes". “Today, almost all the senior management has been fired - the accounting department and the economic department, highly qualified people who worked under Lyubimov and Zolotukhin. positions were taken by new employees whose qualifications remain in doubt, Ryzhikov says.

In its history, "Taganka" experienced 4-5 overhauls, but labor activity never stopped. Here, the new leadership "in order to avoid the effect of a house of cards" banned any rehearsals and creative contacts in the theater, the artist emphasized. The theater in the person of Apeksimova does not have a development plan, he added.

According to Ryzhikov, the artists have no choice but to "slander". “We are often accused of writing letters. We are artists, we want to play, not write letters, but they leave us no hope. We write to Sobyanin. All this stops at the level of Mr. Pechatnikov, who answers me that the troupe safely plays on all other venues in Moscow", - says the artist. "Well-being" is measured by 4-5 performances per month.

Professor at Moscow State University Lomonosov, political scientist Sergei Chernyakhovsky I am sure: we must try to save the theater, because in the end, in the dispute between the actor and the administrator, the actor always remains right. "It is not normal when the director of the theater is appointed in addition to agreeing with the team. It is sad if the director cannot find a common language with the actors. There is a theatrical principle of leadership in politics. There is a chief director, a prima and a director. All disasters come from the fact that one wants to unite everything. The fact that this has become possible in the theatrical sphere is doubtful by the very nature of this sphere. Economic and administrative decisions must depend on artistic ones, " he commented.

The "legs" of the conflict, according to the expert, "grow" from the Department of Culture of Moscow, which created another conflict in the theatrical environment . "There is a difference between a construction site and a theater. The department talks about conclusions, contract numbers, but not a word about the creative process and actors," - Chernyakhovsky said. The department allegedly acts according to the usual "corruption scheme": it concludes a contract, starts working, then asks for additional funding. In this case, it is quite reasonable, in his opinion, to talk about a special investigation and appeal to the prosecutor's office.

Artistic Director of the Theater at the Nikitsky Gates Mark Rozovsky invited the actors to spend less energy, nerves and time on "paperwork" and focus on preserving and developing the creative tradition of the legendary theater - the theater of "live, poetic, metaphorical". "The theater is movement, if it is not there, dead things will come,"- he said. The director wished the artists to "revive" the artistic creed, which will allow them to create a precedent, to attract public attention through creative expression, even performing "on the rocks" . "We need to engage in creativity, start making stunning theater projects as soon as possible. Then you will come to life and begin to believe this person. Anyone who is passionate, who will lead, will give impetus to the development of the Taganka Theater. No repair can interfere with creativity," - he said.

"Tagantsy" do not support this idea, relying on their rights guaranteed by the terms of the collective agreement. Artists do not want to see "a beautiful, promoted actress, a charming girl" with a new economic policy "in their pocket", they demand a creative leader from the city authorities.

These same artists, by the way, themselves became the catalyst for the current state of Taganka. Previously, they actively advocated for Yuri Petrovich Lyubimov to leave his home, recalled Head of the State Academic Theatre. E. Vakhtangov Kirill Krokk. Today they are speculating on the director's name. "That shouldn't be discounted either," he noted. The founder does not have to agree with the staff on the appointment to the position of director. This has never happened and never will, Krokk stressed. "The director is a profession, not a trade union leader that we choose. The founder, trusting this person, shifts responsibility for the theater to him. Elections are outside the legal law in force in Russia,"- explained the director.

The first thing to do is to try to start working together with Apeksimova, and not engage in squabbles and writing complaints, Krokk is sure. "I understand that this is already the norm for you. No matter who the department of culture appoints, I am convinced that the trade union will lead this line that is detrimental to the theater, even oppose the director with experience and experience. This is a given of today," he concluded.

Moscow City Duma in the face Chairman of the Commission on Culture and Mass Communications Yevgeny Gerasimov took on the responsibility of supervising this issue and asked Apeksimova in two weeks to "provide" the creative concept for the development of the Taganka Theater. The prospects of "becoming one family" and establishing a dialogue in the name of preserving the creative heritage of Lyubimov are still vague. "Taganka", full of "fire of anger", destroys the very process of creation, and the new director has nothing to offer as an alternative.

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