Who won the hand in the 18th psychic battle. All winners of the "Battle of Psychics" of all seasons: their names, surnames and short biography


On December 24, 2016, the country is waiting for the last final release of the 17th season of the Battle of Psychics. Everyone froze in anticipation - who became the winner, everyone hoped for the victory of their favorite favorite. Four participants went to the final: Daria Voskoboeva, Nadezhda Shevchenko, Marilyn Kerro, and Swami Dasha. The winner of the 17th battle of psychics will be determined soon.

The battle of psychics season 17 finale - photos and names of the finalists of the last part of the show

4th place

Daria Voskoboeva- fighting witch, mother of two children, while participating in the battle, Darya is 36 years old. She claims that she put blocks on other participants on the show and took away other people's skills and abilities, but as they say, in war, all means are good.

Participants of previous battles came to support Daria at the final: Natalya Banteeva, Tatiana Larina. During the appeal to the audience, Daria performed a magical rite, but unfortunately, this did not help, the fighting witch took an honorable fourth place with a score of 61,235 people.

3rd place

Nadezhda Eduardovna Shevchenko- a hereditary witch of many faces, divorced, has a son, at the time of participation in the battle 52 years old. Claims that he sees and knows how to communicate with the souls of the dead. The gift was inherited from her grandmother. At competitions, the battle often turned to "dead souls" who helped her pass the test.

The audience fell in love with Nadezhda for her sense of humor and straightforwardness. According to Nadezhda Eduardovna, the main thing for her is helping people, not winning, but at the final the witch was excited and, like the rest of the participants, was looking forward to the results of the vote. 76,266 people voted for Nadezhda, this is the third result.

2nd place

Marilyn Cerro- fashion model, calls herself a witch, was born on September 18, 1988 in Estonia. Marilyn's participation in season 17 caused indignation and indignation among many participants, the witch returned for the third time for her hand. For the first time, Mary participated in 2013 and took second place, losing to Alexander Sheps, the second time Marilyn returned to the “Battle of Psychics” in the 16th season, but this time she took second place, the victory went to Victoria Raidos, this did not stop the Estonian witch and she returned for the 17th season. At the first participation, Mary did not speak Russian and used the services of an interpreter, having learned the language, she returned with renewed vigor.

On the final, Marilyn said that the 17th season was the easiest mentally. For herself, Mary concluded that victory in the battle is not important, for her the victory "over oneself" is important. For the third time, Marilyn Kerro took second place, 488,532 people cast their votes for her.

Psychic Battle Season 17 Winner - 1st Place

The winner of the 17th season of the show "Battle of Psychics" on TNT was Swami Dashi- (real name and surname Peter Smirnov). Swami Dashi is a master of Eastern practices, a yogi, he lived in India for almost 20 years, where he studied the culture of working with the body, Osho's aum meditation, spiritual practices, as a result of which he completely changed his worldview. Dashi conducts author's seminars, lectures and trainings in various cities of Russia and the world.

At the show, people watched with bated breath how he passes the tests and what methods he uses: a bell, a tambourine, a whistle, a quick whirl and breathing meditations. Swami Dashi became the most mysterious and secretive participant in the battle, according to him, he deliberately hides his life from outsiders, he is about 50 years old, has three children and a wife.

From the very beginning of the project, he declared himself as a strong participant, justifying it in the final and taking first place. At the end of the TV show, Swami Dashi said that at the beginning of the project, he was inexperienced and insecure, at the end of the show he gained a huge irreplaceable experience.

There are a huge number of tattoos on the man’s body, mainly images of animals, Swami Dasha’s totem animal is a wolf. Dasha always came to the tests in ordinary jeans and a hat, and even at the finals he did not change his taste.

Photo by Swami Dasha

During the announcement of the results, Dashi stood with his eyes closed, and only when he heard that he had become the winner of the “Battle of Psychics -17”, he smiled and thanked his guardian angel and family. 720,761 people voted for him, the total number of votes was 1,346,000.

The voting results show a huge gap in the votes, which confirms the great love of the audience for Swami Dashi.

On the TNT channel, the mystical project “The Battle of Psychics” season 19 started on September 22. All the participants, among whom were shamans, sorcerers, even clowns, were eager to receive the "Blue Crystal Hand". The show ended on December 16, and on December 22 it became known who took what place, who got the main prize.

In the final of the "Battle of psychics" were 3 participants. All of them successfully passed the tests for 3 months, which differed significantly from those that the participants of previous seasons had to pass. The finalists of the 19th season were Aida Grifal and Timofey Rudenko with Grigory Kuznetsov.

Who and what place took in the "Battle of psychics" season 19

The number of participants in the "Battle of Psychics" in the 19th season traditionally amounted to 12 people represented by:

  1. Aida Grifal, who inherited a gift from her gypsy grandmother;
  2. Artemy and Vladimir Nikar, twins;
  3. Varvara Panina, who has mastered magic on the Internet;
  4. Vitaly Bortsov, ex-police officer who served in hot spots;
  5. Georgy Malinovsky, sorcerer, participant in season 16;
  6. Grigory Kuznetsov, whose vocation is runic and sexual magic;
  7. Manana Marshunova, a clairvoyant from a simple village in Georgia;
  8. Maria Schweide, an orphan whose parents were killed;
  9. Natalya Abramovich, a stillborn witch;
  10. Svetlana Nazarova, for whom food is cemetery land;
  11. Timofey Rudenko, clairaudience schizophrenic;
  12. Julia Kotova, singer, countertenor.

So, the places between the finalists are distributed as follows:

I place - Timofey Rudenko;

II place - Aida Grifal;

III place - Grigory Kuznetsov.

The winner of the show admitted during the first test that he was a schizophrenic. Meanwhile, viewers found some interesting information about him on the net: it turns out that the man participated in KVN and Comedy Battle for many years, so he was not taken seriously on the show, they were considered not a psychic, but a showman.

Timofey Rudenko said that he began to hear voices after the death of his father. At first it was difficult for him to control them, they drove him crazy. Now he knows how to enter this state whenever he wants. It was difficult for a man to pass the tests: he literally “passed through himself” many of them. However, he knew that his relatives were always with him, beloved. When Timofey Rudenko was named the winner, he did not hold back his tears.

Even the most hardened skeptics were amazed by the amazing abilities that psychics showed. And finally, the awards ceremony took place at which Marat Basharov announced the name of the winner. And of course, he was the most good-natured and bright magician and esoteric Swami Dashi, whose real name is Peter Smirnov. It was he who received the well-deserved award and deserves to be called the most powerful psychic of the season, writes wordyou.ru. As for the witch Marilyn Kerro, she got the second place. Perhaps this will give her a chance to take part in the project for the fifth time.

Swami Dashi was born in St. Petersburg on August 22. But Swami lived in India for a long time, almost 20 years. It was there that he taught the spiritual arts and yoga. The real name of Swami Dasha is Peter Smirnov. Peter, at 62, looks much younger than his age, which is noted by all the people around him.

In his youth, he went in for sports and even took part in the Tokyo Olympics. Peter participated for the Russian team. If we turn to personal life, then here everything is completely shrouded in secrets. It is only known that Dashi is married and has children. His wife is a master of sports in the field of rhythmic gymnastics - Irina Nogina. She could hardly contain her emotions while watching the "Battle of Psychics". From the revised data, it follows that Swami has two sons and a daughter.

Swami Dashi became the winner of the project of the 17th season of the Battle of Psychics

Do you know all the winners of the "Battle of Psychics" of all seasons? If not, then we recommend reading the article. It contains names, surnames, as well as a brief biography of these extraordinary people.

Natalia Vorotnikova (Season 1)

For the first time, the show "Battle of Psychics" was aired on the TNT channel in February 2007. It was attended by 9 people. The winner of the first season was the clairvoyant and healer Natasha Vorotnikova. She was born on April 10, 1974. Single. Have no children. In her family, many have paranormal abilities.

Season 2 Winner - Zuliya Radjabova

A native of Dagestan communicates with the souls of dead people through fire and water. Zulia can tell about the past, present and future of a person by looking at his photograph. At the "Battle of Psychics" she always successfully passed the test. As a result, the audience recognized her as the best of the best. Radjabova is married. Raising a son.

Mehdi Ebrahimi Wafa (Season 3)

Born June 8, 1973 in Iran. She has been living in Moscow for many years. He has a Russian wife who gave him a son. From the age of 9, Mehdi began to predict the death of people, and at 17 he discovered the gift of clairvoyance.

Tursunoy Zakirova - the best psychic of the 4th season

She was born in the Tajik city of Kairakkum. Married. She has three children and the same number of grandchildren. The gift of clairvoyance appeared in Zakirova after the death of her mother. In the mid-1980s, she was diagnosed with breast cancer. The woman was able to cure herself (for several years).

(Season 5)

She was born on July 4, 1965 in Tajikistan. She is Korean by nationality. She received the gift of clairvoyance from her grandmother. The audience of the "Battle of Psychics" liked Lilia very much. They appreciated her openness, kindness and sense of humor. Hegay is divorced. Raises two sons.

Alexander Litvin (best in the 6th season)

The former customs officer was not going to the "Battle". But his sons persuaded him to go to the qualifying tests. inherited from his mother and grandmother. In the midst of filming, Litvin had grief. His wife died. The man found the strength to continue participating in the "Battle".

A few years ago, Alexander Litvin married for the second time, to the young darling Alena. Now they have two small children. The older sons received their stepmother well.

Alexey Pokhabov - Season 7

A nice and good-natured guy was born in 1983 in the city of Achinsk. He graduated with a degree in law. Lesha discovered extraordinary abilities in himself at the age of 19.

The best psychic of the 8th season - Vladimir Muranov

A native of Zvenigorod, he lived for almost 7 years in one of the Indian monasteries. It was there that he discovered that he had psychic powers. Upon his return to Russia, he began to help people suffering from various diseases. Muranov believes that all the winners of the "Battle of Psychics" of all seasons are strong and interesting in their own way. Vladimir is married. He has a daughter.

St. Petersburg witch Natalya Banteeva

The ninth season of "Battle" was very hot. After all, the participants often found out the relationship between themselves. The winner was a witch from St. Petersburg. Fate was cruel to her. Mother never loved Natasha. Once the girl got in touch with a bad company, started smoking, drinking and taking drugs. I visited a psychiatric clinic and prison. Even as a teenager, Banteeva became interested in magic. After leaving prison, she continued her practice.

Mohsen Naroozi (Season 10)

The clairvoyant from Iran does not speak Russian at all. Therefore, on the set, he was accompanied by an interpreter. Mohsen Naroozi sees the past and the future with his eyes closed. He can read people's minds.

Season 11 of the show "Battle of Psychics": Vitaly Gibert

A red-haired guy with a radiant smile was born in 1988 in the capital of Kalmykia - Elista. The gift of clairvoyance began to manifest itself in him in childhood. The winner of the 11th season of "Battle" is confident that every person can set himself up for success, health and wealth. The main thing is to think positively.

Elena Yasevich (Season 12)

She was born on December 12, 1978 in Belarus. From the age of 7 he sees the human aura. To call the souls of dead people, she uses In her youth, she got hooked on drugs, but was able to stop in time. Lena has been divorced for several years now, raising her daughter alone.

Dmitry Volkhov

In the 13th season of the Battle of Psychics, the victory went to the servant of the pagan cult Veles. We are talking about He successfully passed all the tests. During his participation in the program, Dima gained a whole army of fans.

Alexander Sheps

Like all the winners of the "Battle of Psychics" of all seasons, he has an attractive appearance and incredible abilities. From his youth, Alexander has been fond of magic and esotericism. The young man sees the souls of dead people and communicates with them. On the project, Sheps met his love - a red-haired beauty. He was recognized as the best psychic of the 14th season. But he was ready to give up victory in favor of his beloved.

Julia Wang (Season 15)

One of the most mysterious participants of the "Battle" was born in Latvia in 1981. She is a model, designer and perfumer. From an early age he sees dead people, visits cemeteries. Calls himself "spirit of Chaos".

Season 16 Winner - Rydos Victoria

She was born in December 1976. Currently lives in St. Petersburg. Married. She is raising a three year old daughter. At the "Battle of Psychics" she successfully coped with all the tests. Victoria Rydos called the spirits with the help of the "Book of the Dead" and special candles.


The article listed all the winners of the "Battle of Psychics" of all seasons. These are bright, interesting people with incredible abilities.

On September 22, 2018, the 19th season of the Battle of Psychics show began on TNT. Clairvoyants, sorcerers and shamans from Russia and countries of near and far abroad clashed for the title of the winner of the Battle of Psychics and the main prize - a blue crystal hand. Filming of the 19th season began on July 31, 2018 and ended on December 16, 2018. All episodes of the Battle of Psychics can be watched online in high quality here: link

Participants of the Battle of Psychics Season 19

1. Timofey Rudenko - clairaudience schizophrenic
2. Aida Grifal - inherited a gift from a gypsy grandmother
3. Grigory Kuznetsov - owns runic and sexual magic
4. Julius Kotov - singer, counter tenor
5. Manana Marshunova - Georgian clairvoyant from a remote village
6. Maria Schweide is an orphan, her parents were killed
7. Varvara Panina - learned magic on the Internet
8. Natalya Abramovich - a witch, was born dead
9. Vitaly Bortsov - former police officer, served in hot spots
10. Svetlana Nazarova - eats graveyard soil
11. Artemy and Vladimir Nikara are twins
12. Georgy Malinovsky - a sorcerer, participated in the 16th season

Battle of Psychics season 19 - who won?

The name of the winner of the eighteenth season of the Battle of Psychics on TNT became known on the night of December 15-16 during the filming of the awards ceremony. They became (45.13%). Second place - Aida Grifal (27.92%). Third place - Grigory Kuznetsov (26.95%).

The winner of the nineteenth Battle of Psychics will be announced on TNT on December 22, 2018. The results of the popular vote in VK radically differed from the official results:

Filming of the BE-19 final took place in the Stakheev mansion, located at st. New Basmannaya d. 14 building 1, also known as the Central House of Children of Railway Workers. You can watch how the finale was filmed in this video:

Battle of Psychics season 19 - all issues

Battle of psychics 19 season 1 issue 09/22/2018 ( link)
Battle of psychics 19 season 2 release 09/29/2018 ( link)
Battle of psychics 19 season 3 release 10/06/2018 ( link)
Battle of psychics 19 season 4 release 10/13/2018 ( link)
Battle of psychics 19 season 5 release 10/20/2018 ( link)
Battle of psychics 19 season 6 issue 10/27/2018 ( link)
Battle of psychics 19 season 7 issue 11/03/2018 ( link)
Battle of psychics 19 season 8 release 11/10/2018 ( link)
Battle of psychics 19 season 9 release 11/17/2018 (

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