Who is buried at the Kremlin wall list. Stalin and Brezhnev - in good condition


The necropolis near the Kremlin wall, located in the very center of the capital - on - has long become a stumbling block between those who demand its transfer, and those who consider it indecent. The fact is that the Kremlin necropolis is a memorial burial, which means that the ashes of those who rest here can only be transferred with the permission of relatives. No such notice appears to have been received by the authorities.

So how did the necropolis near the Kremlin wall appear?

The history of the emergence of the necropolis near the walls of the ancient Kremlin

The first burials on Red Square took place back in 1917. This was the beginning of the creation of the Kremlin necropolis here. At that time, the victims of the October uprising in Moscow were interred and buried in a mass grave in a plot allotted by the revolutionary committee of the city near the Kremlin wall. About 200 people were buried in two burials, but over time, the number of mass graves increased to almost two dozen. This revolutionary tradition of mass graves in the early years of Soviet power was only stopped towards the beginning of the 1930s.

The first separate burial in the necropolis near the Kremlin wall in Moscow took place in 1919, when the revolutionary and statesman Yakov Sverdlov was buried here. Further, more, the churchyard was already a place of honor and began to gradually expand. Military leaders, the party elite of the country of the Soviets, and even foreigners, prominent figures of the communist movement from abroad, were buried here.

After the death of Vladimir Ilyich Lenin, the center of the memorial was built for the leader, which was erected on this site in 1924 according to the project of the architect.

The laying of urns with the ashes of prominent figures in the walls of the Kremlin began in the 1930s. The memorial plaques themselves were installed at the bottom, but then they began to be installed directly into the niche. The columbarium is located to the left and to the right of the Moscow Kremlin standing here.

In addition to party and government officials, the ashes of prominent scientists and famous people of the Soviet Union, including Sergei Pavlovich Korolev and Yuri Alekseevich Gagarin, lie in the main necropolis of Moscow.

The last burials in the necropolis near the Kremlin wall took place in the mid-80s of the last century: in 1984, an urn with the ashes of Dmitry Fedorovich Ustinov was installed in the Kremlin wall, and in 1985 the body of the then General Secretary Konstantin Ustinovich Chernenko was buried.

Here is just a part of the list of those who rest on the churchyard built near the walls of the ancient Kremlin.

Who is buried in the Kremlin acropolis?

Separate graves:

  1. Sverdlov Yakov Mikhailovich
  2. Frunze Mikhail Vasilievich
  3. Dzerzhinsky Felix Edmundovich
  4. Kalinin Mikhail Ivanovich
  5. Zhdanov Andrey Alexandrovich
  6. Stalin Joseph Vissarionovich
  7. Voroshilov Kliment Efremovich
  8. Budyonny Semyon Mikhailovich
  9. Brezhnev Leonid Ilyich
  10. Suslov Mikhail Andreevich
  11. Andropov Yury Vladimirovich
  12. Chernenko Konstantin Ustinovich

Urns with ashes in the Kremlin wall of the necropolis (part of the list):

  • Kirov Sergey Mironovich
  • Gorky Alexey Maksimovich
  • Chkalov Valery Pavlovich
  • Raskova Marina Mikhailovna
  • Krupskaya Nadezhda Konstantinovna
  • Shaposhnikov Boris Mikhailovich
  • Tolbukhin Fedor Ivanovich
  • Vyshinsky Andrey Yanuarievich
  • Gagarin Yury Alekseevich
  • Rokossovsky Konstantin Konstantinovich
  • Grechko Andrey Antonovich
  • Ustinov Dmitry Fedorovich
  • Kosygin Alexey Nikolaevich
  • Keldysh Mstislav Vsevolodovich
  • Zhukov Georgy Konstantinovich
  • Zetkin Clara
  • Krasin Leonid Borisovich and others ...

Necropolis near the Kremlin wall

Necropolis near the Kremlin wall - a memorial cemetery on Moscow's Red Square, near the Kremlin wall and in the wall itself, which serves as a columbarium for urns with ashes. The burial place of state, party and military leaders of the Soviet state, participants in the October Revolution of 1917. In the 1920s-1930s, foreign communist revolutionaries (John Reed, Sen Katayama, Clara Zetkin, Fritz Heckert and others) were also buried there.

History of the Necropolis

mass graves

The necropolis began to take shape in November 1917.

On November 5, 7 and 8, the Sotsial-Democrat newspaper published appeals to all organizations and individuals to provide information about those who fell during the October armed uprising of 1917 in Moscow, fighting on the side of the Bolsheviks.

On November 7, at a morning meeting, the Moscow Military Revolutionary Committee decided to arrange a mass grave on Red Square and scheduled a funeral for November 10.

On November 8, two mass graves were dug: between the Kremlin wall and the tram rails that ran parallel to it. One grave started from the Nikolsky Gate and stretched to the Senate Tower, then there was a small gap, and the second went to the Spassky Gate. On November 9, newspapers published detailed routes of funeral processions in 11 city districts and the hours of their arrival on Red Square. Given the possible dissatisfaction of the inhabitants of Moscow, the Moscow Military Revolutionary Committee decided to arm all the soldiers participating in the funeral with rifles.

On November 10, 238 coffins were lowered into mass graves. In total, 240 people were buried in 1917 (14.11 - Lisinova and 17.11 - Valdovsky) (the names of 57 people are known for sure).

Later, 15 more “mass graves of the fighters of the revolution” appeared near the Kremlin wall, who died at different times of their own death and were later buried in common graves, or died together in disasters (for example, in the crash of an air car in which Artyom (Sergeev) and a number of others died). Bolsheviks). After 1927 this practice ceased.

As a result, more than 300 people were buried in mass graves, the exact names of 110 people are known. In the book of Abramov, a martyrology is given, in which 122 more people are indicated, who, most likely, are also buried in mass graves.

In the early years of Soviet power, on November 7 and May 1, an honorary military guard was posted at the Mass Graves, and the regiments took the oath.

In 1919, Ya. M. Sverdlov was buried for the first time in a separate grave on Red Square.

In 1924, the Lenin Mausoleum was built, which became the center of the necropolis.

Burials in the 1920s-1980s

Subsequently, the necropolis was replenished with two types of burials:

  • especially prominent figures of the party and government (Sverdlov, and then Frunze, Dzerzhinsky, Kalinin, Zhdanov, Voroshilov, Budyonny, Suslov, Brezhnev, Andropov and Chernenko) are buried near the Kremlin wall to the right of the Mausoleum without cremation, in a coffin and in a grave. In the same grave, in 1961, the body of I.V. Stalin, taken out of the Mausoleum, was buried. Above them are monuments - sculptural portraits by S. D. Merkurov (busts on the first four burials in 1947 and Zhdanov in 1949), N. V. Tomsky (busts of Stalin, 1970, and Budyonny, 1975), N. I. Bratsuna (bust of Voroshilov, 1970), I. M. Rukavishnikov (busts of Suslov, 1983, and Brezhnev, 1983), V. A. Sonin (bust of Andropov, 1985), L. E. Kerbel (bust of Chernenko, 1986).
  • most of the people buried in the necropolis in the 1930s-1980s were cremated, and the urns with their ashes were immured in the wall (on both sides of the Senate Tower) under the memorial plates, which indicate the name and dates of life (114 people in total). In 1925-1936 (before S. S. Kamenev and A. P. Karpinsky), urns were mostly walled up on the right side of the Necropolis, but in 1934, 1935 and 1936 Kirov, Kuibyshev and Maxim Gorky were buried on the left side; starting from 1937 (Ordzhonikidze, Maria Ulyanova), burials completely moved to the left side and were carried out only there until 1976 (the only exception is G.K. Zhukov, whose ashes were buried in 1974 on the right side, next to S.S. Kamenev); from 1977 until the cessation of burials, they again “returned” to the right side.

Regardless of whether the burial was really carried out in a grave near the wall or by immuring an urn with ashes into the wall, the USSR mass media used the wording “buried in Red Square at the Kremlin wall". In the late 1960s, when funerals in the necropolis began to be regularly shown on television, Soviet viewers began to notice the discrepancy between the official wording and the actual ritual. A group of fifteen specialists from the Institute of the Russian Language of the USSR Academy of Sciences turned to the Central Committee of the CPSU with a proposal to use the wording "The urn with the ashes was installed in the Kremlin wall" in the case of cremation. A few weeks later, an official response came from the Central Committee of the party with the decision to leave the old wording unchanged, and no justification for this decision was given.

Politicians who were in disgrace or retired at the time of death were not buried near the Kremlin wall (for example, N. S. Khrushchev, A. I. Mikoyan and N. V. Podgorny rest at the Novodevichy cemetery).

In the event that a particular person was posthumously condemned by the party, his burial in the Kremlin wall was not liquidated (for example, the urns with the ashes of S. S. Kamenev, A. Ya. Vyshinsky and L. Z. Mekhlis were not touched).

In the necropolis near the Kremlin wall, in addition to the party and state leaders of the USSR, there are the ashes of outstanding pilots (1930s - 1940s), dead cosmonauts (1960s - 1970s), prominent scientists (A.P. Karpinsky, I.V. Kurchatov, S. P. Korolev, M. V. Keldysh).

Until 1976, all those who died with the rank of Marshal of the Soviet Union were buried near the Kremlin wall, but, starting with P.K. Koshevoy, marshals were also buried in other cemeteries.

After the death of V. I. Lenin, I. V. Stalin, Yu. A. Gagarin, M. A. Suslov, L. I. Brezhnev, Yu. V. Andropov, D. F. Ustinov, K. U. Chernenko The country was in state mourning. The funeral of especially prominent people on Red Square was broadcast on the radio, and from the beginning of the 70s on Central Television. The first funeral, which was shown on Central Television, was the funeral of cosmonauts Dobrovolsky, Volkov and Patsaev, who died during their descent to Earth on June 30, 1971. In the future, the funerals of A. N. Kosygin, M. A. Suslov, L. I. Brezhnev, A. Ya. Pelshe, Yu. V. Andropov, D. F. Ustinov, K. U. Chernenko were also shown on television.

The last one whose ashes were placed in the Kremlin wall was D. F. Ustinov, who died in December 1984. The last to be buried in a grave near the Kremlin wall was K. U. Chernenko (March 1985).

The last person planned to be buried at the Kremlin wall was A. A. Gromyko, who died in July 1989 (although he was already a pensioner at the time of his death). However, taking into account his own will and at the request of his relatives, he was buried at the Novodevichy cemetery. After that, the question of burying someone in the Kremlin necropolis was never raised again. The issue of issuing a permit for burial in the Kremlin necropolis is currently in the exclusive competence of the President of the Russian Federation.


On June 28, 1918, the Presidium of the Moscow City Council approved a project according to which mass graves should be framed with three rows of lindens.

In the autumn of 1931, blue spruces were planted along the mass graves instead of lindens. In Moscow, under conditions of low temperatures, blue spruce does not take root well, it almost does not produce seeds. For more than 15 years, the scientist-breeder I.P. Kovtunenko (1891-1984) worked on this problem.

Until 1973, in addition to firs, mountain ash, lilac and hawthorn grew in the necropolis.

In 1973-1974, according to the project of architects G. M. Vulfson and V. P. Danilushkin and sculptor P. I. Bondarenko, the necropolis was reconstructed. Then banners made of granite, wreaths on marble slabs, vases for flowers appeared, new blue fir trees were planted in groups of three (since the old ones, growing as a solid wall, blocked the view of the Kremlin wall and memorial plaques), the stands and granite of the Mausoleum were updated. Instead of four firs, one was planted behind each bust.

The fate of the Necropolis

In 1953, a resolution was adopted by the Council of Ministers and the Central Committee of the CPSU on the liquidation of the necropolis and the transfer of the ashes of those resting near the wall, as well as the bodies of Lenin and Stalin, to the Pantheon being designed; soon this project was forgotten.

Since 1974, the necropolis has been protected by the state as a monument. In the 1990s - 2000s, the question of liquidating the necropolis was repeatedly raised (for political, religious or other reasons).

During the opening of the Federal War Memorial Cemetery, its chief architect announced the possibility of transferring the remains from the necropolis near the Kremlin wall to this cemetery and creating a special columbarium for this purpose.

mass grave

List of those resting at the Kremlin wall

Separate graves

  1. Chernenko, Konstantin Ustinovich (1911-1985)
  2. Budyonny, Semyon Mikhailovich (1883-1973)
  3. Voroshilov, Kliment Efremovich (1881-1969)
  4. Zhdanov, Andrey Alexandrovich (1896-1948)
  5. Frunze, Mikhail Vasilyevich (1885-1925)
  6. Sverdlov, Yakov Mikhailovich (1885-1919)
  7. Brezhnev, Leonid Ilyich (1906-1982)
  8. Dzerzhinsky, Felix Edmundovich (1877-1926)
  9. Andropov, Yuri Vladimirovich (1914-1984)
  10. Kalinin, Mikhail Ivanovich (1875-1946)
  11. Stalin, Joseph Vissarionovich (1878/79-1953)
  12. Suslov, Mikhail Andreevich (1902-1982)


Andreev Pavlik, Baskakov T. A., Valdovsky Ya. M., Vever O., Virzemnek O. K., Voytovich V. E.

« Dvintsy»: Sapunov E. N., Voronov A. P., Skvortsov G. A., Timofeev A. T., Zaporozhets A. P., Nazarov I. A., Usoltsev M. T., Trunov N. R., Gavrikov Ya. V., Vladimirov S. V., Inyushev A. A., Nedelkin T. F., Timofeev G.

"Kremlin": Dudinskiy I. A., Agafoshin S., Goryunov S., Zvonov, Zimin I., Ivanov I., Kokorev S., Kosarev A., Kospyanik P., Krashenilnikov V., Leshchikov A., Lizenko F., Lysenkov F., Petukhov I., Romanov V., Ryzhev M., Smirnov A., Sologudinov F., Soplyakov, Fedorov S., Khokhlov S., Tsipliakov S., Shefarevich V.

Elagin G. L., Zveynek Ya. E., Kireev A. A.

Lisinova L. A., Mikhailov L. F., Morozov V. E.

"Scooters": Tomsky G.V., Drozdov F., Esaulov D.

Sakharov, Snegirev N. M., Stepachev I. G., Sukharev A. A., Shiryaev S. A., Shcherbakov P. P.


Vantorin A.I., Tyapkin P.G., Erov I.S.,

Barasevich F. K., Gadomsky A. V., Draudyn M., Zasukhin P. A., Kvardakov A. V., Kuchutenkov A. A., Pekalov S. M., Pryamikov N. N., Smilga I. I. ., Horak A., Shvyrkov E. P.

Zveinek G. P., Zagorsky V. M., Volkova M., Ignatova I. M., Kvash A. L., Kolbin, Kropotov N. N., Nikolaeva A. F., Razorenov-Nikitin G. N., Safonov A. K., Titov G. V., Khaldina A. N., Tankus S. N., Mokryak M. I., Stankevich A. V.

Podbelsky V. N., Bocharov Ya. I., Khomyakov I. M., Yanyshev M. P., Osen A., Armand I. F., John Reed, Kovshov V. D.

Karpov L. Ya., Rusakov I. V.,

aircar accident

Abakovsky V. I., Artyom (Sergeev F. A.), Gelbrich O., Konstantinov I., Strupat O., Freeman D., Hewlett V. D.

Urns with ashes

Afonin E. L., Zhilin I. Ya.

Vorovskiy V.V., Vorovskaya D.M.

Nogin V. P., Likhachev V. M.

Narimanov N.

Voikov P. L.

Urns with ashes

Left side (right to left) Right side (right to left)
  1. Ordzhonikidze Grigory Konstantinovich (1886-1937)
  2. Kirov Sergei Mironovich (1886-1934)
  3. Kuibyshev Valerian Vladimirovich (1888-1935)
  4. Gorky Alexei Maksimovich (1868-1936)
  5. Ulyanova Maria Ilyinichna (1878-1937)
  6. Chkalov Valery Pavlovich (1904-1938)
  7. Krupskaya Nadezhda Konstantinovna (1869-1939)
  8. Serov Anatoly Konstantinovich (1910-1939)
  9. Osipenko Polina Denisovna (1907-1939)
  10. Raskova Marina Mikhailovna (1912-1943)
  11. Kravchenko Grigory Panteleevich (1912-1943)
  12. Pamfilov Konstantin Dmitrievich (1901-1943)
  13. Yaroslavsky Emelyan Mikhailovich (1878-1943)
  14. Nikolaeva Claudia Ivanovna (1893-1944)
  15. Shaposhnikov Boris Mikhailovich (1882-1945)
  16. Shcherbakov Alexander Sergeevich (1901-1945)
  17. Potemkin Vladimir Petrovich (1878-1946)
  18. Vakhrushev Vasily Vasilyevich (1902-1947)
  19. Compatriot Rozalia Samoilovna (1876-1947)
  20. Tolbukhin Fedor Ivanovich (1894-1949)
  21. Vladimirsky Mikhail Fedorovich (1874-1951)
  22. Efremov Alexander Illarionovich (1904-1951)
  23. Mekhlis Lev Zakharovich (1889-1953)
  24. Shkiryatov Matvey Fedorovich (1883-1954)
  25. Kuzmin Anatoly Nikolaevich (1903-1954)
  26. Vyshinsky Andrei Yanuarievich (1883-1954)
  27. Govorov Leonid Alexandrovich (1897-1955)
  28. Yudin Pavel Alexandrovich (1902-1956)
  29. Likhachev Ivan Alekseevich (1896-1956)
  30. Nosenko Ivan Isidorovich (1902-1956)
  31. Zavenyagin Avraamiy Pavlovich (1901-1956)
  32. Malyshev Vyacheslav Alexandrovich (1902-1957)
  33. Zhuk Sergey Yakovlevich (1892-1957)
  34. Petrovsky Grigory Ivanovich (1878-1958)
  35. Tevosyan Ivan Fedorovich (1902-1958)
  36. Krzhizhanovsky Gleb Maximilianovich (1872-1959)
  37. Kurchatov Igor Vasilyevich (1903-1960)
  38. Nedelin Mitrofan Ivanovich (1902-1960)
  39. Khrunichev Mikhail Vasilyevich (1901-1961)
  40. Vannikov Boris Lvovich (1897-1962)
  41. Khrulev Andrey Vasilyevich (1892-1962)
  42. Antonov Alexey Innokent'evich (1896-1962)
  43. Dygai Nikolai Alexandrovich (1908-1963)
  44. Kucherenko Vladimir Alekseevich (1909-1963)
  45. Kuusinen Otto Wilhelmovich (1881-1964)
  46. Biryuzov Sergey Semyonovich (1904-1964)
  47. Kozlov Frol Romanovich (1908-1965)
  48. Kurashov Sergey Vladimirovich (1910-1965)
  49. Korolev Sergey Pavlovich (1907-1966)
  50. Rudakov Alexander Petrovich (1910-1966)
  51. Ignatov Nikolai Grigorievich (1901-1966)
  52. Stasova Elena Dmitrievna (1873-1966)
  53. Malinovsky Rodion Yakovlevich (1898-1967)
  54. Komarov Vladimir Mikhailovich (1927-1967)
  55. Voronov Nikolai Nikolaevich (1899-1968)
  56. Gagarin Yuri Alekseevich (1934-1968)
  57. Seregin Vladimir Sergeevich (1922-1968)
  58. Sokolovsky Vasily Danilovich (1897-1968)
  59. Rokossovsky Konstantin Konstantinovich (1896-1968)
  60. Meretskov Kirill Afanasyevich (1897-1968)
  61. Timoshenko Semyon Konstantinovich (1895-1970)
  62. Eremenko Andrei Ivanovich (1892-1970)
  63. Shvernik Nikolai Mikhailovich (1888-1970)
  64. Dobrovolsky Georgy Timofeevich (1928-1971)
  65. Volkov Vladislav Nikolaevich (1935-1971)
  66. Patsaev Viktor Ivanovich (1933-1971)
  67. Zakharov Matvey Vasilyevich (1898-1972)
  68. Krylov Nikolai Ivanovich (1903-1972)
  69. Konev Ivan Stepanovich (1897-1973)
  70. Grechko Andrey Antonovich (1903-1976)
  71. Yakubovsky Ivan Ignatievich (1912-1976)
  1. Haywood, William Dudley (1869-1928)
  2. Landler Jeno (1875-1928)
  3. McManus, Arthur (1889-1927)
  4. Rutenberg Charles Emil (1882-1927)
  5. Vladimirov Miron Konstantinovich (1879-1925)
  6. Ustinov Dmitry Fedorovich (1908-1984)
  7. Kostandov Leonid Arkadyevich (1915-1984)
  8. Pelshe Arvid Yanovich (1899-1983)
  9. Bagramyan Ivan Khristoforovich (1897-1982)
  10. Kosygin Alexey Nikolaevich (1904-1980)
  11. Fyodor Davydovich Kulakov (1918-1978)
  12. Keldysh Mstislav Vsevolodovich (1911-1978)
  13. Vasilevsky Alexander Mikhailovich (1895-1977)
  14. Zhukov Georgy Konstantinovich (1896-1974)
  15. Kamenev Sergey Sergeevich (1881-1936)
  16. Karpinsky Alexander Petrovich (1846-1936)
  17. Heckert Fritz (1884-1936)
  18. Tovstukha Ivan Pavlovich (1889-1935)
  19. Smidovich Pyotr Germogenovich (1874-1935)
  20. Dovgalevsky Valerian Savelyevich (1885-1934)
  21. Menzhinsky Vyacheslav Rudolfovich (1874-1934)
  22. Steingart Alexander Matveyevich (1887-1934)
  23. Usyskin Ilya Davydovich (1910-1934)
  24. Vasenko Andrei Bogdanovich (1899-1934)
  25. Fedoseenko Pavel Fedorovich (1898-1934)
  26. Lunacharsky Anatoly Vasilyevich (1875-1933)
  27. Katayama Sen (1859-1933)
  28. Goltsman Abram Zinovievich (1894-1933)
  29. Baranov Pyotr Ionovich (1892-1933)
  30. Gusev Sergey Ivanovich (1874-1933)
  31. Svidersky Alexey Ivanovich (1878-1933)
  32. Olminsky Mikhail Stepanovich (1863-1933)
  33. Stopani Alexander Mitrofanovich (1871-1932)
  34. Kirkizh Kupriyan Osipovich (1888-1932)
  35. Pokrovsky Mikhail Nikolaevich (1868-1932)
  36. Stuchka Pyotr Ivanovich (1865-1932)
  37. Yuri Larin (Mikhail Zalmanovich Lurie) (1882-1932)
  38. Triandafillov Vladimir Kiriakovich (1894-1931)
  39. Mikhailov-Ivanov Mikhail Silverstovich (1894-1931)
  40. Lepse Ivan Ivanovich (1889-1929)
  41. Skvortsov-Stepanov Ivan Ivanovich (1870-1928)
  42. Tsyurupa Alexander Dmitrievich (1870-1928)
  43. Krasin Leonid Borisovich (1870-1926)


Address: Moscow, Red Square, Kremlin wall

Address: Moscow Red Square
Foundation date: 1917
Coordinates: 55°45"12.9"N 37°37"10.1"E

One of the most famous graveyards of the capital is located next to Red Square. The unusual necropolis has the status of a memorial and causes a lot of controversy. Some demand that the remains of those buried there were transferred to ordinary cemeteries, while others argue that everything should be left unchanged and stored as a piece of the country's history.

The history of burials on the territory of the Kremlin

It is not exactly known when the first burials appeared in the Moscow Kremlin. Over the centuries, there have been many cemeteries in the city center. It was customary to bury commoners near the walls of the Kremlin. On the site from Nikolskaya to the Spasskaya towers, there were 15 churchyards - according to the number of temples that existed inside the Kremlin.

Richer and more eminent citizens were buried inside the Kremlin walls. Grand dukes, tsars and members of royal families found their last refuge in the Archangel Cathedral, church patriarchs - in the Assumption Cathedral, in the very center of the Kremlin.

In 1557, Tsar Ivan IV the Terrible personally participated in the burial of the famous Moscow holy fool Vasily the Blessed. The saint was buried in the cemetery of the Trinity Church in the Kremlin Moat, where later, at the will of the sovereign, the majestic Intercession Cathedral was built. Graveyards at the Kremlin churches existed until the middle of the 17th century, and then burials began to be carried out in ordinary city cemeteries.

mass graves

During the days of the October armed uprising that took place in 1917, there were many dead in the city. In early November, the new authorities, through the newspaper, turned to Muscovites with a request to provide information about everyone who fought on the side of the Bolsheviks. When the dead were collected, two large graves 75 meters long were dug between the Kremlin wall and the tram tracks that ran along Red Square.

The solemn funeral took place on 9 November. Several funeral processions came to Red Square from different parts of the city, and the next day 238 coffins were buried in the graves. The church authorities objected to mass burials near the Kremlin without a funeral ceremony, and in order to protect the funeral participants, they were armed with rifles. V. I. Lenin spoke at the funeral ceremony, and a choral cantata to poems by the poet Sergei Yesenin was performed.

The names of only 57 people from the first buried people have survived to this day. The fact is that many participants in the October events could not be identified, since their bodies were destroyed by explosions.

Over the following years, several more mass graves appeared near the walls of the Kremlin, where they buried people who died a natural death, died during catastrophes or from terrorist acts. In 1921, the victims of the accident on the Moscow-Tula railway were buried here. Abakovsky, a self-taught engineer, designed a railcar with an aircraft engine capable of reaching speeds of up to 140 km / h and called it an “aero wagon”. Near Serpukhov, the car derailed, resulting in the death of 7 people, including the designer himself.

Every year on the Day of International Solidarity of Workers - May 1 and on the anniversary of the October Revolution, a guard of honor was placed near the necropolis, and the soldiers took the oath. The practice of burial in common graves near the Kremlin wall continued until 1928. In total, more than three hundred people rest in mass graves, but the names of only 110 of them are reliably known.

Personal niches and graves

The first to be buried separately from everyone else was Yakov Sverdlov, who died in 1919. By that time, he was acting as chairman of the All-Russian Central Executive Committee, that is, he was the formal head of the republic.

Among those who rest in the urns, it is worth mentioning the writer Maxim Gorky, Lenin's younger sister - Maria Ulyanova and his wife Nadezhda Krupskaya, one of the organizers of the mass repressions of the Red Army Lev Mekhlis, military leader Georgy Zhukov, scientist Mstislav Keldysh and pilot Valery Chkalov. Next to them lie the first Soviet cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin and the famous designer Sergei Korolev. Until the mid-1970s, marshals of the USSR were buried in the necropolis.

Grave of I. V. Stalin

In some cases, the dead were buried without cremation. M. V. Frunze, Ya. M. Sverdlov, A. A. Zhdanov, F. E. Dzerzhinsky, K. E. Voroshilov, S. M. Budyonny, M. I. Kalinin, L. I. Brezhnev, M. A. Suslov, Yu. V. Andropov and I. V. Stalin. The last to be buried in a separate grave was K. U. Chernenko, but after 1985 the practice of such burials was stopped.

Regardless of whether the deceased was cremated or not, the inhabitants of the country received an official message about the "burial near the Kremlin wall." It is noteworthy that burials in such an honorable place have always been awarded to those who were in favor in power. Disgraced politicians - Nikita Khrushchev, Anastas Mikoyan and Nikolai Podgorny got a place in another part of Moscow - at the Novodevichy cemetery.

Today, more than 400 people lie at the wall. It is noteworthy that 50 of them are citizens of other countries. Almost all of them were communists or prominent figures in the political movement. Near the Kremlin there was a place for the American John Reed, the German Clara Zetkin and the Japanese Sen Katayama.

Decoration of the necropolis and burial traditions

The first improvement of the new cemetery was carried out in the spring of 1918. The ground above the burials was leveled and decorated with turf. Flower beds were planted on the territory, electric lighting was installed, and a memorial plaque was fixed on the Senate Tower.

In 1924, the wall was lined with trees and shrubs. In 1931, the rows of lindens were replaced by slender blue spruces. The trees were constantly monitored, and if one of them dried up, a new one was immediately planted instead.

Monuments and tombstones of the same type did not appear at the cemetery immediately, but only in the 1930s. After the war, under the leadership of the architect Isidor Aronovich Frantsuz, individual graves and mass graves were united into a common architectural ensemble and connected to the guest stands of the mausoleum. The tombstones were decorated with red granite and bronze laurel branches, and the names of the dead appeared on the slabs near the mass graves.

The last alteration of the necropolis was carried out in the 1970s. Bowed red granite banners, stone flower vases and laurel wreaths were added to the decor. At the same time, ornamental shrubs growing near the graves were removed, and blue spruces were planted instead.

Days of mourning were declared several times in the country, when state flags were flown at half mast and entertainment programs were not broadcast on television. Cinemas, concert venues and theaters were closed in all cities. Schoolchildren did not attend classes, and mourning meetings were held at factories and enterprises. Some funerals were shown on TV so that all citizens of the country could see them.

The military post near the mausoleum existed until 1993, and then it was abolished. True, after 4 years, a guard of honor was installed near the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier.

And who likes it, apparently, to have a cemetery in a place of festivities.

On November 7, the Moscow Military Revolutionary Committee decided to arrange a mass grave on Red Square and scheduled a funeral for November 10.

On November 8, two mass graves were dug - between the Kremlin wall and the tram rails that lay parallel to it. One grave started from the Nikolsky Gate and stretched to the Senate Tower, then there was a small gap and the second went to the Spassky Gate.

On November 10, 238 coffins were lowered into mass graves. In total, 240 people were buried in 1917 (14.11-Lisinova and 17.11.-Valdovsky) (the names of 57 people are known for sure.

Later, 15 more mass graves of revolution fighters appeared near the Kremlin wall, either who died at different times and then buried in common graves, or who died together in catastrophes (for example, during the crash of an air car in which Artyom (Sergeev) and a number of other Bolsheviks died ). After 1927 this practice ceased.
As a result, more than 300 people were buried in mass graves, the exact names of 110 people are known. Abramov's book contains a martyrology, which lists another 122 people who, most likely, are also buried in mass graves.

In the early years of Soviet power, on November 7 and May 1, an honorary military guard was posted at the Mass Graves, and the regiments took the oath.

In 1919, Ya. M. Sverdlov was buried for the first time in a separate grave on Red Square.

In 1924, the Lenin Mausoleum was built, which became the center of the necropolis.

Burials in the 1920s-1980s

Subsequently, the necropolis was replenished with two types of burials:
especially prominent figures of the party and government (Sverdlov, and then Frunze, Dzerzhinsky, Kalinin, Zhdanov, Voroshilov, Budyonny, Suslov, Brezhnev, Andropov and Chernenko) are buried near the Kremlin wall to the right of the Mausoleum without cremation, in a coffin and in a grave. In the same grave, in 1961, the body of I.V. Stalin, taken out of the Mausoleum, was buried. Above them are monuments - sculptural portraits by S. D. Merkurov (busts at the first four burials in 1947 and Zhdanov in 1949), N. V. Tomsky (busts of Stalin, 1970, and Budyonny, 1975), N. I. Bratsuna (bust of Voroshilov, 1970), I. M. Rukavishnikov (busts of Suslov, 1983, and Brezhnev, 1983), V. A. Sonin (bust of Andropov, 1985), L. E. Kerbel (bust of Chernenko, 1986).
most of the people buried near the Kremlin wall in the 1930s-1980s are cremated, and the urns with their ashes are immured in the wall (on both sides of the Senate Tower) under the memorial plates, which indicate the name and dates of life (total 114 people). In 1925-1936 (before S. S. Kamenev and A. P. Karpinsky), urns were mostly walled up on the right side of the Necropolis, but in 1934, 1935 and 1936 Kirov, Kuibyshev and Maxim Gorky were buried on the left side; starting from 1937 (Ordzhonikidze, Maria Ulyanova), burials completely moved to the left side and were carried out only there until 1976 (the only exception is G.K. Zhukov, whose ashes were buried in 1974 on the right side, next to S.S. Kamenev ); and from 1977 until the cessation of burials, they again “returned” to the right side.
In the necropolis near the Kremlin wall, in addition to the party and state leaders of the USSR, there are the ashes of outstanding pilots (1930s-1940s), dead cosmonauts (1960s-1970s), prominent scientists (A.P. Karpinsky, I.V. Kurchatov, S. P. Korolev, M. V. Keldysh).

Until 1976, all those who died with the rank of Marshal of the Soviet Union were buried near the Kremlin wall, but, starting with P.K. Koshevoy, marshals were also buried in other cemeteries.

The last person buried at the Kremlin wall was K. U. Chernenko (March 1985). The last one whose ashes were placed in the Kremlin wall was D. F. Ustinov, who died in December 1984.


A. I. Rogov. Moscow.

List of those buried in Red Square near the Kremlin wall.

Abakovsky, Valerian Ivanovich (5.X.1895 - 24.VII.1921) - designer of the air car. Died in a plane crash. Antonov, Alexei Innokent'evich (15.IX.1896 - 18.VI.1962) (K. s). Ariand (Steffen), Inessa (Elizaveta) Fedorovna (26.IV.1874 - 24.IX.1920). Artem (Sergeev), Fedor Andreevich (7.III.1883 - 24.VII.1921).

Afonin, Efim Lavrentievich (1871 - 21.VII.1922) - member. RCP (b) since 1917, member of the civil. wars, ch. Moscow City Council, worked in MOZO. Baranov, Pyotr Ionovich (6.IX.1892 - 5.IX.1933) (K. s). Biryuzov, Sergei Semenovich (VIII.21.1904 - X.19.1964) (K. s). Bocharov, Ivan Yakovlevich (1888 - 8.III.1920) - participant in October. revolution in Moscow Military Revolutionary Committee of the Basmanny District, member. Moscow City Council. Waldovsky, Jan (d. Nov. 1917) - Red Guard worker, participant in Oct. Revolution (buried 17.XI.1917). Vannikov, Boris Lvovich (September 7, 1897 - February 22, 1962) (K. s). Vasenko, Andrey Bogdanovich (28.XII.1899 - 30.I.1934) - engineer. He died during the catastrophe of the stratospheric balloon "Osoaviakhim" (K. s). Vakhrushev, Vasily Vasilievich (28.II 1902 - 13.I.1947) - owl. state figure. Hero of the Socialist Labor (K. s). Vladimirov, Miron Konstantinovich (15.XI.1879 - 20.III.1925) (K. s). Vladimirov, Stepan Vladimirovich (d. 1917) - Ensign of the 642nd Sterlitamak Regiment. Died during Oct. fighting in Moscow. Vladimirsky, Mikhail Fedorovich (20.II.1874 - 2.IV.1951) (K. s). Voikov, Petr Lazarevich (1888 - 7.VI.1927). Voitovich, Vasily Ermolaevich (1891-1917). Volkova, Maria (d. 29.IX.1919) - worker, member. RCP(b) since 1918, an employee of the MK RCP(b). She was mortally wounded in an explosion in the building of the Moscow Committee of the RCP (b) in Leontievsky Lane on September 25, 1919. Borovsky, Vatslav Vatslavovich (15.X.1871 - 10.V.1923). Voronov, Alexander Petrovich (1894 - 27.X.1917) - soldier of the 303rd Senno regiment. Member RSDLP (b) since 1917. Died during Oct. revolution in Moscow in battle with the junkers on Red Square. Vyshinsky, Andrey Yanuarievich (10.XII.1883 - 22.XI.1954) (K. s). Gavrikov, Yakov Vasilievich (d. 27.X.1917) - soldier of the 303rd Senno regiment. He died in battle with the junkers on Red Square. Heckert, Fritz (March 28, 1884 - April 7, 1936) (K. s). Gelbrich, Oscar (d. 24.VII.1921) - member of the Communist Party of Germany, delegate to the 1st Congress of the Profintern. Killed during an air wagon accident. Govorov, Leonid Alexandrovich (22.II.1897 - 19.III.1955) (K. s). Goltsman, Abram Zinovievich (24.XII.1894 - 5.IX.1933) - owl. part. and Mrs. figure. Member VKP(b) from Apr. 1917. Died in an aircraft accident (K. s). Gorky, Alexei Maksimovich (March 28, 1868 - June 18, 1936) (K. s). Gusev, Sergei Ivanovich (1.I.1874 - 10.VI.1933) (K. s). Dzerzhinsky, Felix Edmundovich (30.VIII.1877 - 20.VII.1926). Dovgalevsky, Valerian Savelyevich (November 23, 1885 - July 14, 1934) (K. s). Dygay, Nikolai Alexandrovich (11.XI.1908 - 6.III.1963) - owl. part. and Mrs. figure. Member CPSU since 1929. Prev. Executive Committee of the Moscow City Council (K. s). Efremov, Alexander Illarionovich (23. IV.1904 - 23.XI.1951) - Sov. part. and Mrs. figure. Member VKP(b) since 1924 (K. s). Zhdanov, Andrey Alexandrovich (26.II 1896 - 31.VIII.1948). Zhilin, Ivan Yakovlevich (1871-1922) - member of the civil. wars, ch. Moscow City Council. Member RSDLP since 1902. Died of tuberculosis. Zhuk, Sergey Yakovlevich (22.III (4.IV).1892 - 1.III.1957) - engineer, acad. Academy of Sciences of the USSR (1953). Member CPSU since 1942. Hero of the Socialist. Labor (1952) (K. s). Zavenyagin, Avraamy Pavlovich (1 (14). IV. 1901 - 31. XII. 1956) - owl. part. and Mrs. figure. Member CPSU since 1917. Twice Hero of the Socialist. Labor (K. s). Zagorsky (Lubotsky), Vladimir Mikhailovich (1883 - 25.IX.1919). Zaporozhets, Anton Petrovich (d. 27.X.1917) - soldier of the 144th Kashirsky regiment. He died in battle with the junkers on Red Square. Zemlyachka, Rosalia Samoilovna (1.IV.1876 - 21.I.1947) (K. s). Ignatova, Irina Matveevna (d. 25.IX.1919) - worker, participant in October. revolution, ch. RCP(b) since 1917, an employee of the Khamovniki District Committee of the RCP(b). She died during an explosion in the building of the Moscow Committee of the RCP (b) in Leontievsky Lane on September 25, 1919. Inyushev, Andrei Alekseevich (d. 1917) - ensign of the 143rd Dorogobuzh regiment. Died Oct. 1917 in the battle for the Soviet. power in Moscow. Kalinin, Mikhail Ivanovich (7(19).XI.1875 - 3.VI.1946). Kamenev, Sergei Sergeevich (4.IV.1881 - 25.VIII.1936) (K. s). Karpinsky, Alexander Petrovich (26.XII.1846 (7.I.1847) - 15.VII.1936) - President of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR (K. s). Karpov, Lev Yakovlevich (18.II (2.III.1879 - 6.I.1921). Katayama, Sen (5.XII.1859 - 5.XI.1933) (K. s.) Kvash (d. 25. IX.1919) - First Secretary of the Bureau of Subbotniks at the MK RCP (b.) He died during an explosion in the building of the MK RCP (b) in Leontievsky Lane on September 25, 1919. Kirkizh, Kupriny Osipovich (September 29, 1888 - 24. V.1932) (C.S.) Kirov (Kostrikov), Sergei Mironovich (15(27).III.1886 - 1.XII.1934) (C.S.) Kovshov, Vitaly Dmitrievich (1895 - 12.XI. 1920) - member of the RCP(b) from March 1917, in 1918 - chairman of the Zlatoust Military Revolutionary Committee, participant in the civil war, assistant commander of the 8th rifle division, then brigade commander. Killed in battle with Bulak-Balakhovich's gang. Kozlov, Frol Romanovich (18.VIII.1908 - 30.1.1965) - member of the CPSU from 1926. Hero of Socialist Labor (1961) In 1957-64 - member of the Presidium of the Central Committee of the CPSU, secretary of the Central Committee of the CPSU Kolbin (d. 25.IX .1919) - a student of the Central School of Party Workers. Died during an explosion in the building of the Moscow Committee of the RCP (b) in Leontievsky Lane 25.IX.1919 Konstantinov, Ivan (12.VIII.1887 - 24.VII.1921) - activist of the Bulgarian Communist Party, delegate to the 1st Congress of the Profintern. Died in a plane crash. Kravchenko, Grigory Panteleevich (5.X.1912 - 23.II.1943) - owl. pilot. Twice Hero of the Owls. Union (K. With). Krasin, Leonid Borisovich (15.VII.1870 - 24.XI.1926) (K. s). Krzhizhanovsky, Gleb Maximilianovich (12 (24) .1.1872 - 31.III.1959) (K. s). Kropotov, Nikolai Nikolaevich (8.XI.1873 - 25.IX.1919) - desk. worker, member Moscow City Council. He died during an explosion in the building of the MK RCP (b) in Leontievsky per. 25.IX.1919. Krupskaya, Nadezhda Konstantinovna (26.II.1869 - 27.II.1939) (K. s). Kuzmin, Anatoly Nikolaevich (2.XI.1903 - 29.X.1954) - owl. part. and Mrs. figure. Member CPSU since 1926 (K.s.). Kuibyshev, Valerian Vladimirovich (25.V (6.VI).1888 - 25.I.1935) (K. s). Kurashov, Sergei Vladimirovich (1.X.1910 - 27.VIII.1965) - min. health care of the USSR, member. CPSU since 1938 (K. s). Kurchatov, Igor Vasilievich (12.I.1903 - 7.II.1960) - owl. scientist. Member CPSU since 1948. Acad. Academy of Sciences of the USSR, member. Presidium of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR. Thrice Hero of the Socialist. Labor (K. s). Kuusinen, Otto Wilhelmovich (4.X.1881 - 17.V.1964) (K. s). Kucherenko, Vladimir Alekseevich (18.VII.1909 - 26.XI.1963) - owls, state, party. and scientific doer (K. s). Member CPSU since 1942. Deputy. chairman of the Gosstroy of the USSR (K. s). Kuchutenkov, Alexander Amarosevich (d. 21.I.1918) - a worker in the workshops of the Moscow-Kazan railway. D. Krasnogvardeets. Landler, Jene (November 22, 1875 - February 24, 1928) (K. s). Larin (Yu. Larin), Mikhail Alexandrovich (4.VII.1882 - 14.I.1932) (K. s). Lepse, Ivan Ivanovich (2.VII.1889 - 6.X.1929) (K. s). Lisinova (Lisenyan), Lyusik (d. XI.1917). Likhachev, Vasily Matveyevich (1882 - X.1924) - revolutionary figure. movement, in 1906 - member. MK RSDLP; from Apr. to Oct. 1917 - Secretary of the MK RSDLP (b). Member Presidium of the Moscow City Council, before. MSPO and MSH. Likhachev, Ivan Alekseevich (15.VI.1896 - 24.VI.1956) (K. s). Lunacharsky, Anatoly Vasilyevich (11 (23) XI. 1875 - December 26, 1933) (K. s). Mac Manus, Arthur (1889-1927) (K. s). Malyshev, Vyacheslav Alexandrovich (16.XII.1902 - 20.II.1957) (K. s). Menzhinsky, Vyacheslav Rudolfovich (1.IX.1874 - 10.V.1934) (K. s). Mekhlis, Lev Zakharovich (13.I.1889 - 13.II.1953) (K. s). Mikhailov-Ivanov, Mikhail Silverstovich (November 3, 1894 - September 27, 1931) - owl. state activist, member Presidium of the Supreme Economic Council of the USSR (K. s). Mokryak, Mark Isaevich (1886 - 23.X.1919). Nazarov, Ivan Alekseevich (d. 27.X.1917) - soldier of the 480th Danilovsky regiment. Killed in battle for the Soviets. power in Moscow (K. s). Narimanov, Nariman Najar-ogly (2 (14). IV. 1870 - 19. III. 1925). Nedelin, Mitrofan Ivanovich (9.XI.1902 - 24.X.1960) (K.S.). Nedelkin, Timofei Fedorovich (d. 1917) - soldier of the 15th Special Regiment. Killed during the battles for the Soviets. power in Moscow. Nikolaeva, Anfisa Fedorovna (d. 25.IX.1919) - Secretary of the Railway District Committee of the RCP (b). She died in an explosion in the building of the MK RCP (b) in Leontievsky per. 25.IX.1919. Nikolaeva, Claudia Ivanovna (13.VI.1893 - 28.XII.1944) (K. s). Nogin, Viktor Pavlovich (2(14).II.1878 - 22.V.1924). Nosenko, Ivan Isidorovich (1.V.1902 - 2.VIII.1956) - owl. part. and Mrs. figure. Member CPSU since 1925 (K. s). Olminsky, Mikhail Stepanovich (3.X.1863 - 8.V.1933) (K. s). Ordzhonikidze, Grigory Konstantinovich (12 (24). X. 1886 - 18. II. 1937) (K. s). Osen, Augustilia (d. 4.VIII.1920) - Swedish society. activist. Delegate of the 2nd Congress of the Comintern. Tragically died during the aviation. competitions. Osipenko, Polina Denisovna (8.X.1907 - 11.V.1939) - owl. pilot, Hero of the Soviet Union. She died in the line of duty (K. s). Pamfilov, Konstantin Dmitrievich (25.V.1901 - 2.V.1943) - owl. state figure. Member VKP(b) since 1918 (K. s). Pekalov, Semyon Matveevich (d. 4.IV.1918) - policeman. He died during a fight with bandits near the Ustinsky bridge. Petrovsky, Grigory Ivanovich (4.II.1878 - 9.I.1958) (K. s). Podbelsky, Vadim Nikolaevich (XI.1887 - 25.II.1920). Pokrovsky, Mikhail Nikolaevich (17(29).VIII.1868 - 10.IV.1932) (K. s). Potemkin, Vladimir Petrovich (23.X.1878 - 23.II.1946) (K. s). Pryamikov, Nikolai Nikolaevich (1888-1918). Razorenov-Nikitin, Georgy Nikitich (1886 - 25.IX.1919) - member. RCP(b) since 1917. Killed in an explosion in the building of the MK RCP(b) in Leontievsky per. 25.IX.1919. Raskova, Marina Mikhailovna (March 28, 1912 - January 4, 1943) - owl. pilot. Hero of the Owls Union (K. s). Reed, John (October 22, 1887 - October 17, 1920). Rusakov, Ivan Vasilievich (1877 - 18.III.1921) - member. RCP(b) since 1904. Member. Presidium of the Moscow City Council. Died in Kronstadt. Rutenberg, Charles Emil (July 9, 1882 - March 2, 1927) - Secretary of the US Communist Party. Member ECCI. He died in prison in the USA. According to his will, his ashes were transferred to Moscow (K. s). Sapunov, Yevgeny Nikolaevich (1886 - 27.X.1917) - soldier, commander of the "Dvintsev" company of the 303rd Senno regiment of the 76th infantry division. Killed in battle for the Soviets. power in Moscow. Safonov, Alexander Kononovich (1875 - 25.IX.1919) - participant in the revolution. movement. Member RCP(b) since 1904. Member. RVS 2nd Army. He died in an explosion in the building of the MK RCP (b) in Leontievsky per. 25.IX.1919. Sverdlov, Yakov Mikhailovich (23.V (4.VI).1885 - 16.III.1919). Svidersky, Alexei Ivanovich (March 20, 1878 - May 10, 1933) (K. s). Serov, Anatoly Konstantinovich (20.III.1910 - 11.V.1939) - owl. pilot. Hero of the Owls Union. Killed during the aviation. catastrophes (K. s). Skvortsov-Stepanov, Ivan Ivanovich (8.III.1870 - 8.X.1928) (K. s). Smidovich, Pyotr Germogenovich (7.V.1874 - 16. IV.1935) (K. s). Smilga, Ivan (1898 - XI.1917) - worker. Member RSDLP(b) from Oct. 1917. Red Guard, participant in Oct. revolution in Moscow. Killed in the 1st Mosk. detachment of the Red Guard in the battle against the Whites in November. 1917 in Yekaterinoslav. Stalin (Dzhugashvili), Joseph Vissarionovich (XII.21.1879 - III.5.1953). Stankevich, Anton Vladimirovich (1862-1919) - general of the tsarist army. Commanding a division of the Red Army near Orel in 1919, he was betrayed by the chief of staff, who defected to the Whites. Once in captivity, Stankevich categorically refused to serve in the White Army, for which he was hanged. After the defeat of the whites near Orel, the body of A. B. Stankevich was transported to Moscow and on November 10. 1919 buried in Red Square. Stopani, Alexander Mitrofanovich (9.X.1871 - 23.X.1932) (K. s). Strupat, Otto (d. 24.VII.1921) - German. communist, delegate to the Congress of the Profintern. Died in a plane crash. Stuchka, Petr Ivanovich (July 26, 1865 - January 25, 1932) (K. s). Tevosyan, Ivan Fedorovich (4.I.1902 - 30.III.1958) (K. s). Timofeev, Alexander (d. 27.X.1917) - soldier of the 303rd Senno regiment. Killed in battle for the Soviets. power in Moscow. Timofeev, Gabriel (d. 1917) - soldier of the 1st Nevsky Regiment. Killed in battle for the Soviets. power in Moscow. Titov, Grigory Vasilievich (Kudryavtsev Alexander Ignatievich) (1886 - 25.IX.1919) - an active participant in Oct. revolution in Moscow and civil. wars in Ukraine and Belarus. Member RCP(b) since 1912. Died during an explosion in the building of the MK RCP(b) in Leontievsky per. 25.IX.1919. Tovstukha, Ivan Pavlovich (23.II.1889 - 9.VIII.1935) (K. s). Tolbukhin, Fedor Ivanovich (16.VI.1894 - 17.X.1949) (K. s). Triandofillov, Vladimir Kiriakovich (14.III.1894 - 12.VII.1931) (K. s). Trunov, Nikolai Rodionovich (1889 - 29.X.1917) - junior non-commissioned officer of the 719th Lisogorsky regiment. He died during the capture of the city administration in the battle for the Sov. power in Moscow. Ulyanova, Maria Ilyinichna (18.II.1878 - 12.VI.1937) (K. s). Usoltsev, Mikhail Timofeevich (d. 27.X.1917) - soldier of the 303rd Senno regiment. Mortally wounded in battle for the Sov. power in Moscow. Usyskin, Ilya Davidovich (13.XI.1910 - 30.I.1934) - engineer. Member Komsomol since 1927. Died during the catastrophe of the Osoaviakhim stratospheric balloon (K. s). Fedoseenko, Pavel Fedorovich (1.V.1898 - 30.I.1934) - an active participant in the civil. war, pilot-aeronaut. He died during the catastrophe of the stratospheric balloon "Osoaviakhim" (K. s). Freeman, John (d. 28.VII.1921) - leader of the labor movement in the United States and Australia. Delegate of the 2nd and 3rd congresses of the Comintern. Died in a plane crash. Frunze, Mikhail Vasilyevich (21.1(2. 11).1885 - 31.X.1925). Khaldina, Anya (d. 25.IX.1919) - an employee of the MK RCP (b). She died during an explosion in the building of the MK RCP(b). Haywood, William (Bill) (4.II.1869 - 18.V.1928) (K. s). Khomyakov, Ivan Mikhailovich (1886 - 17.IV.1920) - an employee of the Moscow Conservatory. Member RCP(b) from May 1917. Died in the line of duty. Khrulev, Andrei Vasilyevich (30.IX.1892 - 9.VI.1962) (K. s). Khrunichev, Mikhail Vasilyevich (4.IV.1901 - 2.VI.1961) (K. s). Hewlett, William John (d. 24.VII.1921) - English figure. labor movement, communist. Delegate of the 3rd Congress of the Comintern. Died in a plane crash. Zetkin, Clara (5.VII.1857 - 20.VI.1933) (K. s). Tsyurupa, Alexander Dmitrievich G. 18(30).VIII.1870 - 8.V.1928) (K. s). Chkalov, Valery Pavlovich (2.II.1904 - 15.XII.1938) (K. s). Shaposhnikov, Boris Mikhailovich (20.IX.1882 - 26.III.1945) (K. s). Shvyrkov, Yegor Petrovich (d. 4.IV.1918) - policeman. He died in a fight with bandits near the Ustinsky bridge. Shkiryatov, Matvey Fedorovich (15.VIII.1883 - 18.I.1954) (K. s). Steingart, Alexander Matveevich (23.IV.1887 - 19.II.1934) (K. s). Shcherbakov, Alexander Sergeevich (10.X.1901 - 10.V.1945) (K. s). Yudin, Pavel Alexandrovich (31.V.1902 - 10.IV.1956) (K. s). Yanyshev, Mikhail Petrovich (1883 - VII.1920). Yaroslavsky, Emelyan Mikhailovich (19.II.1878 - 4.XII.1943) (K. s).

1 Surnames of persons about whom special biographical information is given in the FIE. articles are given without explanation. Letters (К. с.) mark the names of persons whose urns with ashes are buried in the Kremlin wall. Dates of life, as a rule, are given as they are carved on tombstones. Some of the dates in this list have been updated.

PySy from Mikhalych:
As you can see, in the center of Moscow there is a huge pompous cemetery.
Burying Lenin is no big deal.
And what to do with the rest?
After all, very worthy people are buried there, and not just leaders of the party and government.

Necropolis near the Kremlin wall- a memorial cemetery on Moscow's Red Square, near the wall (and in the wall serving as a columbarium for urns with ashes) of the Moscow Kremlin. The burial place of prominent figures (mainly political and military) of the Soviet state;

in the 1920s-1930s, foreign communists were also buried there (John Reed, Sen Katayama, Clara Zetkin).

History of the necropolis

mass graves

The necropolis began to take shape in November 1917.

On November 5, 7 and 8, the Social Democrat newspaper published appeals to all organizations and individuals to provide information about those who fell during the October events of 1917 in Moscow, fighting on the side of the Bolsheviks.

On November 7, at a morning meeting, the Moscow Military Revolutionary Committee decided to arrange a mass grave on Red Square and scheduled a funeral for November 10.

On November 8, two mass graves were dug: between the Kremlin wall and the tram rails that lay parallel to it. One grave started from the Nikolsky Gate and stretched to the Senate Tower, then there was a small gap, and the second went to the Spassky Gate.

On November 9, newspapers published detailed routes of funeral processions in 11 city districts and the hours of their arrival on Red Square. Given the possibility of White Guard provocations, the Moscow Military Revolutionary Committee decided to arm all soldiers participating in the funeral with rifles.

On November 10, 238 coffins were lowered into mass graves. In total, 240 people were buried in 1917 (14.11 - Lisinova and 17.11 - Valdovsky) (the names of 57 people are known for sure).

Later, 15 more mass graves of revolution fighters appeared near the Kremlin wall, who died at different times of their own death and were later buried in common graves, or died together in disasters (for example, during the crash of an air car in which Artyom (Sergeev) and a number of other Bolsheviks died) .

After 1927 this practice ceased.

As a result, more than 300 people were buried in mass graves, the exact names of 110 people are known. In the book of Abramov, a martyrology is given, in which 122 more people are indicated, who, most likely, are also buried in mass graves.

In the early years of Soviet power, on November 7 and May 1, an honorary military guard was posted at the Mass Graves, and the regiments took the oath.

In 1919, Ya. M. Sverdlov was buried for the first time in a separate grave on Red Square.

In 1924, the Lenin Mausoleum was built, which became the center of the necropolis.

Burials in the 1920s-1980s

Subsequently, the necropolis was replenished with two types of burials:

  • especially prominent figures of the party and government (Sverdlov, and then Frunze, Dzerzhinsky, Kalinin, Zhdanov, Voroshilov, Budyonny, Suslov, Brezhnev, Andropov and Chernenko) are buried near the Kremlin wall to the right of the Mausoleum no cremation, in the coffin and in the grave. In the same grave, in 1961, the body of I.V. Stalin, taken out of the Mausoleum, was buried. Above them are monuments - sculptural portraits by S. D. Merkurov (busts on the first four burials in 1947 and Zhdanov in 1949), N. V. Tomsky (busts of Stalin, 1970, and Budyonny, 1975), N. I. Bratsuna (bust of Voroshilov, 1970), I. M. Rukavishnikov (busts of Suslov, 1983, and Brezhnev, 1983), V. A. Sonin (bust of Andropov, 1985), L. E. Kerbel (bust of Chernenko, 1986).
  • most of the people buried near the Kremlin wall in the 1930s-1980s were cremated, and the urns with their ashes were immured in the wall (on both sides of the Senate Tower) under the memorial plates, which indicate the name and dates of life (total 114 people) . In 1925-1936 (before S. S. Kamenev and A. P. Karpinsky), urns were mostly walled up on the right side of the Necropolis, but in 1934, 1935 and 1936 Kirov, Kuibyshev and Maxim Gorky were buried on the left side; starting from 1937 (Ordzhonikidze, Maria Ulyanova), burials completely moved to the left side and were carried out only there until 1976 (the only exception is G.K. Zhukov, whose ashes were buried in 1974 on the right side, next to S.S. Kamenev); from 1977 until the cessation of burials, they again “returned” to the right side.

Politicians who were in disgrace or retired at the time of death were not buried near the Kremlin wall (for example, N. S. Khrushchev, A. I. Mikoyan and N. V. Podgorny rest at the Novodevichy cemetery).

In the event that a particular person was posthumously condemned by the party, his burial in the Kremlin wall was not liquidated (for example, the urns with the ashes of S. S. Kamenev, A. Ya. Vyshinsky and L. Z. Mekhlis were not touched).

In the necropolis near the Kremlin wall, in addition to the party and state leaders of the USSR, there are the ashes of outstanding pilots (1930s-1940s), dead cosmonauts (1960s-1970s), prominent scientists (A.P. Karpinsky, I.V. Kurchatov, S. P. Korolev, M. V. Keldysh).

Until 1976, all those who died with the rank of Marshal of the Soviet Union were buried near the Kremlin wall, but, starting with P.K. Koshevoy, marshals were also buried in other cemeteries.

The last person buried at the Kremlin wall was K. U. Chernenko (March 1985). The last one whose ashes were placed in the Kremlin wall was D. F. Ustinov, who died in December 1984.


On June 28, 1918, the Presidium of the Moscow City Council approved a project according to which mass graves should be framed with three rows of lindens.

In the autumn of 1931, Blue Spruces were planted along the mass graves instead of lindens. On our land, under conditions of low temperatures, blue spruce does not take root well, it almost does not produce seeds. For more than 15 years, the scientist-breeder Kovtunenko, Ivan Porfiryevich (1891-1984) worked on this problem.

Until 1973, in addition to firs, mountain ash, lilac and hawthorn grew in the necropolis. And in the 1920s, the palm tree also grew, but subsequently the palm tree did not take root.

In 1973 - 1974, according to the project of architects G. M. Vulfson and V. P. Danilushkin and sculptor P. I. Bondarenko, the necropolis was reconstructed. Then banners made of granite, wreaths on marble slabs, vases for flowers appeared, new blue fir trees were planted in groups of three (since the old ones, growing as a solid wall, blocked the view of the Kremlin wall and memorial plaques), the stands and granite of the Mausoleum were updated. Instead of four firs, one was planted behind each bust.

The fate of the necropolis

In 1953, a resolution was adopted by the Council of Ministers and the Central Committee of the CPSU on the liquidation of the necropolis and the transfer of the ashes of those resting near the wall, as well as the bodies of Lenin and Stalin, to the Pantheon being designed;

soon this project was forgotten.

Since 1974, the necropolis has been protected by the state as a monument. In the 1990s-2000s, the question of liquidating the necropolis was repeatedly raised (for political, religious or other reasons); however, this is contrary to the current legislation, which prohibits the transfer of ashes without the will of relatives (for most of those buried near the Kremlin wall, it is difficult to obtain such consent, not to mention the fact that not all those buried in mass graves are known by name).

List of those resting at the Kremlin wall

Separate graves

(from right to left)

Chernenko Konstantin Ustinovich (1911-1985)

Budyonny Semyon Mikhailovich (1883-1973)

Voroshilov Kliment Efremovich (1881-1969)

Zhdanov Andrei Alexandrovich (1896-1948)

Frunze Mikhail Vasilyevich (1885-1925)

Sverdlov Yakov Mikhailovich (1885-1919)

Brezhnev Leonid Ilyich (1906-1982)

Dzerzhinsky Felix Edmundovich (1877-1926)

Andropov Yuri Vladimirovich (1914-1984)

Kalinin Mikhail Ivanovich (1875-1946)

Stalin Joseph Vissarionovich (1878/79-1953)

Suslov Mikhail Andreevich (1902-1982)

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