Where can you go after college without an exam. Distance learning without exam


In MIREA - Russian Technological University, it is possible to enter on the basis of vocational education.

On the basis of vocational education, admission is possible both by the results of the Unified State Examination and by internal exams, and according to statistics, internal exams are passed more successfully than the Unified State Examination. If you have valid USE results, then when submitting documents, you can choose to count the existing USE or take an internal exam. It is also possible to combine the results of the USE and internal exams.

You can get acquainted with the programs of entrance examinations and examples of past years in the section entrance examinations.

The university provides an opportunity to study in an accelerated period on the basis of vocational education through the transfer or recertification of subjects from your diploma. The possibility of accelerating learning is established by the director of the institute or branch after enrolling in the 1st course. Please note that transferring to an individual accelerated plan is a university right, not an obligation!

MIREA - Russian Technological University implements more than 100 of the most popular educational programs - you can get acquainted with them in the "Guide to specialties".

Graduates of colleges and technical schools can enter state-funded places on a par with school graduates - the competition is held overall according to the points scored based on the results of entrance examinations. Admission on a contractual basis is possible without competition when passing exams for minimum positive scores.

Admission procedure

Submit documents


Deadlines for receiving documents:

Admission to part-time education is carried out only in branches in the city of Stavropol and in the city of Fryazino. List of required documents:

  • document proving identity and citizenship
  • diploma of vocational education (or its copy)
  • medical certificate in form 086-u (ONLY for applicants on 11.05.01)
  • 2 matte photos 3×4 (for applicants for the internal exams of the University)
  • other documents that give advantages for admission

More information about the admission procedure can be found here:.
We recommend that you sign up for the submission of documents in advance.

Choose what to count as an entrance test:
count the results of the exam or take internal exams


Applicants on the basis of vocational education can independently choose what to count: the Unified State Examination or internal exams. To participate in the competition, you must pass the entrance tests for the minimum scores:

Submit original and


A prerequisite for admission to the university is the submission of documents on time:

Form of study

Deadline for submission of documents Required documents

Full-time and part-time forms of education (budget, 1 stage of enrollment)

  • Diploma original
  • Application for consent to enrollment
Full-time and part-time forms of education (budget, 2nd stage of enrollment) August 6
  • Diploma original
  • Application for consent to enrollment

Full-time and part-time forms of education (paid)

Is it possible to go to college after college or technical school? This question is often asked by students and graduates of colleges. To get an answer, you should understand the rules that guide higher educational institutions, as well as the rights of applicants.

Why do some people go to college first and not to college?

Schoolchildren after completing their studies in the 11th grade choose their future place of study. Many are attracted to universities, and only a few focus on colleges. Individuals who decide to enroll in any college can be divided into several categories:

  • people who do not even think about getting a higher education;
  • applicants who do not score enough points to enter the chosen university.

For the second category, college is a very good option. After the end of the secondary school, it will be possible to try your hand at admission again. During the years of study at the college, it will be possible to learn the material for passing the entrance exams, to fill in the gaps in knowledge.

Another plus will please those applicants who are thinking about whether it is possible to enter the institute after college without the exam. People with education are given the opportunity to take exams within the walls of a higher educational institution. As a rule, institutes post programs of entrance examinations on their official websites. They contain a list of topics for repetition, sample tests.

Applicants' rights

When entering a university, you should familiarize yourself with the rights that applicants have:

  1. If you wish, you can apply simultaneously to 5 universities (in each of them for one, two or three specialties). This will increase your chances of getting in. At the same time, choose universities of different levels. Apply, for example, to some well-known Moscow institutes and to less popular ones. If you fail to enter the first or second university, then perhaps you will be enrolled in the third, fourth or fifth.
  2. Is it possible to go to college after college for another specialty - a question worth paying attention to. Each applicant is not limited in his choice. If you do not like the specialty for which you studied, then at the university you will have a chance to change it.

Choosing an institution after college

When thinking about whether it is possible to enter an institute after a college or technical school, pay attention to one nuance. After graduating from college in a particular specialty, you can enter the university for a similar area of ​​training for an abbreviated form. For example, in a college, an applicant studied "Accounting, analysis and audit". In a university that has such a specialty, it is allowed to enter an abbreviated form.

There are also institutions on the basis of which colleges operate and train personnel in similar specialties. In such educational institutions, you can immediately ask in which areas of training an abbreviated form of training is possible. It carries out recalculation of disciplines. As a result, the training period is reduced. At the same time, some applicants ask if it is possible to enter the institute after college for the 3rd year. Such a system is not currently in use.

Choosing a specialty and preparing for exams

Immediately decide on the specialty in which you want to enroll. See what entrance tests it provides, and start preparing in advance. Exams, as a rule, are 3 or 4. 4 entrance tests are passed in such areas of training, where you need to demonstrate your talent, physical or professional skills.

If you do not have enough knowledge, sign up for preparatory courses. They are in every university. Institutes prepare for passing general education subjects and creative, professional tests. It should be noted that all courses are paid.

Passing the Unified State Examination instead of entrance examinations at the university

College graduates, when entering a university, have the right not to take exams developed by an educational institution. It is possible to pass the exam. If you like this option more, then contact the center for organizing the unified state exam. You will need to register for those disciplines that you need for admission. Registration for the exam begins annually on December 1 and ends on February 1. You must complete your application during this period. Otherwise, you will take entrance exams at the university.

Why is it sometimes worth choosing to pass the exam? Is it possible to go to college after college on a budget? These are 2 related questions. Let's answer the last one first. Receiving is possible. However, for this it is recommended to apply with the results of the exams to several universities at once to participate in the competition. You can even send documents to an educational organization located in another city. You do not need to go to the entrance examinations (if there is no creative and professional exam).

Submission of documents

Documents can be submitted in different ways: in person, through mail operators, via the Internet, through a proxy. However, not all of them can be provided by the chosen university. First, ask the admissions office if you can go to college after college by sending documents by mail or via the Internet.

Documents are almost everywhere required the same:

  • statement;
  • passport;
  • diploma of education or certificate;
  • photos;
  • medical certificate (it is not needed in all areas and specialties).

Some universities provide for preliminary registration of applicants in a special system - a person fills out an electronic form, enters all information about himself. This is done in order to speed up the registration of applicants at the university, because the members of the selection committee will not have to enter any data into the system themselves. They just check the information and accept the documents.

Choice of full-time and part-time forms of education

Is it possible to enter the institute after college for full-time education? Yes, you can. There are no barriers to this legislation. When entering a university, you can choose a full-time department (as a rule, there are more state-funded places on it than on correspondence courses). On a full-time basis, students attend lectures every day and do their homework. They actively participate in the life of a higher educational institution, take part in various scientific events, creative competitions, sports events.

If you wish, you can choose to study part-time. It combines the advantages of full-time and part-time forms. One of them is that there are many classes with a teacher. Experts explain topics, give some practical advice. In distance learning, students independently study the material. There are very few lessons with a teacher. Another advantage of the part-time form is the lower cost of education compared to the full-time department. This form is suitable for those people who could not pass on the budget. On full-time distance learning will be able to reduce their costs.

Choice of absentee form

Some applicants like it better. If you choose it, you will be able to work in the specialty that you received in college. You do not need to visit the university every day. For part-time students, they make a schedule, taking into account the fact that many people work.

There are budget places at the correspondence department. It all depends on the chosen specialty. Most often, there is no opportunity to get a free education in prestigious and sought-after areas of training.

In conclusion, it is worth noting that the question of whether it is possible to enter an institute after a college or technical school is not so difficult. It's quite real. Admission is almost no different from admission after high school. There are only a few nuances that we considered (abbreviated form of training, passing entrance tests at a university). It is also worth noting that without the exam, based on the results of entrance examinations, you can enter a free place. And if budget places are not provided for the chosen specialty, is it possible to enter the institute after college without the Unified State Examination on the off-budget? Yes, you can become a student if you pass the competition, because each university determines a specific number of free and paid places.

You can get a second education for various reasons. Someone wants to improve their skills and is engaged in the study of areas adjacent to their specialty. Someone is chasing prestige and a beautiful resume. And someone understands that they made a mistake in choosing after school, and decides to turn in a completely different direction.

In any case, before you run to the admissions office, look at another level. There are 3,500 secondary specialized educational institutions in Russia, the vast majority of which are state-owned. There are approximately the same number of colleges and technical schools among them.

Many, like universities and academies, give a chance to get an education remotely. Almost every college or technical school has an evening department.

Why can secondary specialized education be better than higher education?


The time for which you will receive a specialty in college is 3-4 years. In college - 2-3 years. At the university - 4–6 years. When you are no longer 16, spending another couple of years studying subjects that will not be useful is pointless.

Specific specialty

If you decide to change your profession, secondary specialized education gives you more chances to get ready-made professional skills. The university gives more general knowledge, college and technical school are specific.


If you went to university after high school, you can go to college for free.

In the Russian Federation, general accessibility and free of charge, in accordance with federal state educational standards, of preschool, primary general, basic general and secondary general education, secondary vocational education, as well as free higher education on a competitive basis, if a citizen receives education at this level for the first time, are guaranteed.

Federal Law No. 273-FZ "On Education in the Russian Federation"

Even if the budget options do not suit you (for example, there are very few evening and correspondence free departments), the cost of education will be lower than at a university.

Universities will cost 40-300 thousand rubles a year. Colleges - at 30-150. The specific price depends on the region, and on the specialty, and on the rating of the educational institution. But the price tag of the best college is about the level of an average university. But the choice of colleges that are ready to train you for 30-50 thousand is many times more.


The conditions for enrolling for a second education differ for each university and college. But entrance examinations in many colleges, especially for evening classes, are effortless. Even the number of exams is less than in the university.

According to statistics, last year, out of ten applicants to universities, one entrant entered. In colleges, the ratio is five to one.


After work, you pick up your child from kindergarten, stand in traffic, go to the store, run to the gym or to a second job. But now you are learning! We need to cancel everything and hurry to the lecture. In history, if you study in the specialty "banking". Or for physical education (and this subject is available in almost all federal education programs). It's not even funny.

So, in the secondary school, the program of general subjects is much simpler. For the most part, you don't even have to attend, just bring your first diploma and write the appropriate application. At the same time, special subjects are taught at a high level.

Accelerated Learning

After college, you have a new profession on your hands. And the opportunity to grow in it, to get at least a third, at least a fourth degree, mastering accelerated university programs (undergraduate studies) in parallel with a new job.


Colleges train students for jobs. The number of practical classes will go off scale, after graduation you will come to the workplace and calmly start working.

Of course, we are talking about a good college. But you won't go to the bad one, will you?


I already foresee a wave of comments: “All employers require higher education!”. In fact, an employer is more likely to hire a person with work experience, albeit in a different field, and a college diploma, than a graduate of an eminent university who has seen work only in rare practices. And well-known colleges are quoted no worse than many universities.

And now, for objectivity, let's talk about the cons.


Decide what you are looking for. If you want scientific work and in-depth study of a particular field, go to university. If you want a certificate, go to the courses. If you need management skills, read books. From the college and technical school you need to expect very specific results, and not the ability to do everything at once. Secondary specialized education is still narrowly focused.


It's not about qualifications, experienced and knowledgeable people teach in colleges. But they are accustomed to dealing with children who often come after the ninth grade. It is more difficult for them to switch to adults, and this often leads to distortions. Evening students are either expected to have 200% attendance, or they are forced to draw posters and wall newspapers, or they threaten to give a lower score, not realizing that no one will scold you at home for a three or four. Sometimes it is annoying, but it helps to remember childhood.

Is secondary vocational education suitable for you as a second?

Answering the question “How to enter the tower without the exam (full-time, in absentia, remotely)?” it is advisable to consider three legal options for admission: through a college, through a retake, through a foreign institution. Where can I enter, or rather, which universities are allowed to enter without passing exams? It is worth noting that the list of these educational institutions is not secret, however, you will not see a sign on the assignment of each of them that the institute is recruiting students for education without the Unified State Examination. Let us consider in more detail the legal options for entering an institute, university, university for higher education without passing the notorious USE.

First option

Without the Unified State Examination, it is possible by law to enter a college, and after receiving a secondary vocational education, it is possible, by law, without the Unified State Examination, to enter an institute and study under an abbreviated program.

This is the first version of a legal and official way to get a higher education without passing the exam, that is, through entering a college.

Second option

Enroll in any foreign university and later transfer to a Russian university without passing the Unified State Examination. There are a number of Russian universities that can help with this if, for some reason, the applicant does not have the necessary USE results, or he did not pass it at all.

This option is not obvious, not as simple as it seems, but in practice it exists and it can be used absolutely legally and legally.

Third option

Less popular, but also the place to be. If the results of the exam are unsatisfactory, in this case, the law provides for its retake. Thus, you can study with a tutor and eventually score the required number of points for admission in compulsory subjects - "mathematics" and "Russian language" and additional subjects, at the choice of the applicant.

One of the disadvantages of this option is the lost time for preparation and retake and the lack of guarantees that during the retake it will be possible to score the desired number of points.

The current legislation in the field of education allows you to enter a university, university, institute for higher education without passing the unified state exam - the Unified State Examination. In general, anyone can enter. Someone after the army, someone after college, there are students who want to study remotely (in absentia) and they graduated from school at a time when the USE was not mandatory for everyone. And some of the applicants simply did not score the required number of points and at the same time do not want to wait for a retake or the next set.

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