Where did the host of the live program go? Continuation: Malakhov turned to Ernst with a request for a woman


Russian television star Boris Korchevnikov is still one of the most enviable bachelors in Russia. Thousands of fans have become interested in a man since the release of the series "Kadetstvo". What is known about the personal life of the popular Russian TV presenter, journalist and actor Boris Korchevnikov, read in our article.

The future journalist and TV presenter was born in Moscow. This event happened on 20.07.1982. The boy's parents divorced early, so he was brought up by one mother. Her work was connected with the theater. In it, Irina Leonidovna worked as a deputy chief engineer. A little later, she took the post of director of the puppet theater. exemplary. Therefore, as a child, Boris Korchevnikov spent a lot of time in the theater. The boy was noticed by theater directors and began to willingly invite to participate in productions. In the theater of O. Tabakov, the young actor played more than 10 roles.

It is not surprising that after graduating from school, Boris expressed a desire to get an acting education. However, along with this, he dreamed of becoming a journalist. Therefore, he applied immediately to 2 educational institutions: Moscow State University at the Faculty of Journalism and at the Moscow Art Theater.

It was extremely difficult to make progress in 2 educational institutions at the same time. Boris Korchevnikov preferred to choose Moscow State University and did not fail, because it was the profession of a journalist that brought him great popularity.

Television career

Even in his youth, before graduating from Moscow State University, Boris Vyacheslavovich Korchevnikov worked as a host of children's information programs.

Since 2002, he became a staff correspondent for the information service of the NTV channel. Korchevnikov prepared information stories for the programs "Today", "Personal Contribution", "Protagonist".

In 2008, the journalist switched to the STS channel. Korchevnikov tried himself as a presenter, he worked in the program "Details". In parallel with his work on this channel, he created his own projects, including:

  • "Romania. Albania. Two destinies";
  • "Concentration camps. Road to hell";
  • "I want to believe!".

In the project "I want to believe!" the journalist investigated the issue of "denigrating the Russian church", interviewed bloggers and famous personalities who spoke sharply against the church. This work has received mixed reviews. Boris Korchevnikov was accused of bias, but this only added to the journalist's popularity.

Career moved forward and it was only necessary to take successful steps. This is exactly what the leader did. Since May 2013, Boris Korchevnikov began working on the Rossiya channel in the Live program.

Boris Vyacheslavovich Korchevnikov hosts "Live" on the Russia channel

Of course, one cannot fail to note today's successes of a professional in his field. He has already established himself in leadership positions. Since 2017, Boris Korchevnikov has been the CEO and producer of the Spas channel.

In addition, Boris Korchevnikov starred in popular films more than once. He has roles in the series "Kadetstvo", "New Year's Tariff", "Guys and Paragraph". He showed himself to be such a talented person.

Beloved and wife of Boris Korchevnikov

The name of Boris Korchevnikov's beloved is Cecil Sverdlov. The girl is from France. However, Cecile is French only by birth. She spent her school years in Moscow. Cecile Sverdlova graduated from GITIS, and after that she starred in such films as "New Year's Marriage", "If You're Not With Me" and others.

From unverified sources it is known that young people met for several years in a row. It is worth noting that Boris and Cecile are both deeply religious people. The lovers were seen together in temples, at presentations and various festivals.

A few years ago, Cecile and Boris were “married”. News feeds of well-known Russian publications were full of headlines "The actor of the TV series "Kadetstvo" got married."

After the appearance on the Russian Internet of rumors about the marriage of Boris Korchevnikov, the man's fans did not decrease. Even married, he was and remains an incredibly interesting man for the female audience of viewers.

A number of publications described in detail the details of the "wedding". Boris's fans read the news, which said that the TV presenter did not want to organize a magnificent celebration. Together with a banquet and a bright photo shoot for the press, young people chose to sign without witnesses. Only the closest people knew about the wedding of Boris and Cecile.

So was Boris really married?

In an interview (in December 2015), Boris stated that he was not married to Cecile. Information about his wedding is fiction. By the way, this fact from the personal life of the TV presenter is mentioned on the Wikipedia page of Boris Korchevnikov.

The press hastened to marry the TV presenter. Boris confirmed that he was indeed romantically involved with Cecile. Officially, the couple did not fix them.

Later, Boris said that he and Cecile broke up. The man wanted to maintain exclusively friendly relations with his ex-lover. It is not known whether Boris succeeded in his plan.

The opinion of a colleague about Korchevnikov's beloved Cecil Sverdlova

A colleague from the Tsargrad TV channel said that Cecile is an unusual girl. She came to work with her mother, who was waiting for the end of her daughter's working day. During the breaks, my mother fed Cecile, and later she made sure that the girl got home. According to a colleague who identified herself as Catherine, Cecile has not yet “grown up” before marriage. If a girl is pursued everywhere by her mother, then what kind of family life can we talk about.

It is not known whether what a certain Catherine told is true. Perhaps the girl is just envious

la success Cecile and decided in this way to take revenge on her, humiliating Boris Korchevnikov in the eyes of fans.

Does the leader have children?

Despite the fact that Boris Korchevnikov was allegedly married, he has no children from Cecile. He and his "wife" were in no hurry to continue the race. The TV presenter and actor prefers not to talk about his personal life. Nevertheless, it is known that Boris Korchevnikov has no children for sure. The man believes that babies should be born exclusively in a full-fledged loving family. As long as he does not foresee one, Boris does not consider it necessary to think about offspring.

In an interview with Timur Kizyakov, Boris admitted that he had repeatedly tried to start a family. Unfortunately, none of the attempts were successful.

The man grew up without a father, so he, like no one else, knows how important a full-fledged family is for a child. For a very long time, he dreamed of hosting Timur Kizyakov, the host of the program “So far, everyone is at home.” Boris is bitter that on the set of his family, only one mother was sitting at the table. A man wants to have a big family. The TV presenter admits that even his mother Irina Leonidovna Korchevnikova dreams of grandchildren.

Boris believes that both mom and dad should take part in raising a child. These people have a very strong influence on the baby, they cannot be “separated”. The concepts of husband and father are inseparable for Boris. But the mother of the TV presenter believes that the future daughter-in-law will have a difficult time in marriage with her son. The woman says that Boris' chosen one must be incredibly patient. Only in this case, happiness will reign in the family.

Boris Korchevnikov believes that if he had a father in childhood, he himself would definitely have a family now. A man would like to start a family, looking at the example of his parents.

Where did Boris Korchevnikov live with his "wife"?

From unverified sources, it is known that Boris Korchevnikov registered the former chosen one in his apartment in Moscow, where, most likely, young people lived. Subsequently, this information was made public on the website of the Moscow City Court after Boris flooded the neighbors. It is worth recalling that the neighbors decided to file a lawsuit against the actor. To their regret, they failed to receive compensation for the material damage caused.

It is not known whether Boris Korchevnikov subsequently discharged his “mother-in-law,” or whether Cecile is still listed as a tenant of his Moscow apartment.

Who is the TV presenter's father?

Who is to blame for the fact that Boris Korchevnikov has not yet started a family? We have already mentioned that the TV presenter himself considers the absence of a father in his life to be the main reason why at 35 he is still single.

Boris's father's name is Vyacheslav Evgenievich Orlov. He left Boris' mother Irina Leonidovna Korchevnikova when she was pregnant. The son saw his father for the first time at the age of 13.

Vyacheslav Evgenievich worked as the director of the Pushkin Theater, and later became the theater's present. In 2015, Boris Korchevnikov's father passed away. The man died at the age of 70. It is worth noting that Vyacheslav Orlov also has a daughter. She is 12 years older than Boris. The woman's first and last name are unknown. The only thing Boris Korchevnikov's fans know is that his sister works as a primary school teacher.

Memoirs of Boris Korchevnikov about his father

The former host of "Live" Boris Korchevnikov does not blame his father for the fact that he did not have a personal life with his mother. Shortly before the death of a parent, the TV presenter invited him to meet and chat. It turned out that the man was not healthy. Boris recalls that his father constantly smoked and drank a lot of coffee. The TV presenter understood that his father would die soon. He could barely hold back his tears. Despite the fact that Vyacheslav Evgenievich did not live with his family, Boris still does not consider him a stranger. He did not want his father to die alone, so he was next to him at that moment.

The host said that the father died holding his hand in his hand. During his lifetime, the father managed to introduce his son to his sister. Boris admitted that he was glad to find another loved one.

Boris Korchevnikov's father suffered for a long time and tried to fight death. In one of the interviews, the TV presenter said that for several months his father was in a coma. Boris tried to support him as best he could. It is painful for a man to realize that there is one less person close to him in the world. Having found his father only at the age of 13 (while periodically not communicating with him for several years), Boris still speaks of his parent with exceptional warmth.

It is worth noting that Vyacheslav Evgenievich Orlov did not take part in raising his son and did not help his family. Nevertheless, Boris continued to consider him a father and even discussed his personal life with him with unsuccessful attempts to start a family.

One of Boris's vivid memories from childhood is how he looks for his father in every man in the theater, asking: “Are you my dad?”

Boris Korchevnikov's mother, Irina Leonidovna Korchevnikova, says that when her son asked where his dad was, she answered the guy that he left because Boris behaved badly. In the program “So far, everyone is at home,” Timur Kizyakov noted that such an approach to the child was somewhat inhumane on the part of the mother.

Predictions for Boris Korchevnikov from a numerologist

Numerologist Klara Kuzdenbaeva predicted Boris Korchevnikov's imminent marriage.

Clara said that Boris is a man with a broad soul. He gets satisfaction from helping those in need. The TV presenter had no chance to remain in the shadows. Boris was destined to become a famous person.

What the mother of Boris Korchevnikov said was confirmed by the numerologist Klara Kuzdenbaeva - the TV presenter has some difficulties with solving everyday issues. For example, it is useless to ask him to nail a shelf in the bathroom, as he does not tolerate physical labor. Fortunately, the negative attitude towards physical labor concerns only everyday life.

Boris is an emotionally rich person. He is generous and loves to give gifts. Clara Kuzenbaeva also noted that the TV presenter has an incredibly strong sexual energy. That's why girls love him.

What else did Klara Kuzenbaeva say?

Boris Korchevnikov (see photo) marries at 37. Clara Kuzenbaeva believes that it is at this age that the TV presenter will improve his personal life, a wife and children will appear. His chosen one should be very patient and a little greedy. Why greedy? Boris loves to overspend. He needs someone to control him.

The numerologist noted that Boris is poorly versed in people. The TV presenter has a poorly developed intuition. He is often blunt and impatient. Many people don't like it. Others begin to be afraid of a man because of this.

According to Clara Kuzdenbaeva, Boris is a real minion of fate. That is why those around him forgive him those shortcomings that are rarely put up with. A person born on July 20 (Boris Korchevnikov's birthday) is able to decide other people's destinies without knowing it, the numerologist noted.

Another numerologist gave Boris advice to be more attentive to his health.

Why did Boris Korchevnikov leave Live?

Recently it became known that Andrey Malakhov will take the place of the host in the program "Live", and Boris Korchevnikov leaves the channel. Boris's fans were interested in whether the presenter was really leaving of his own free will, or he was "asked" to leave.

Boris Korchevnikov himself said that after his departure, the program will already be the same as before. It is worth noting that the working group that participated in the release of "Live" earlier remains to work with Andrey Malakhov.

The TV presenter denied rumors about the connection of his departure with health problems. Boris noted that all problems are solvable.

Fans of the TV presenter believe that the pet’s departure from the Live Broadcast program is due to the fact that Boris was offered a position on the Spas channel. Now he is the general producer and CEO of the channel.

Most recently, Andrey Malakhov loudly left Channel One and the post of host in the rating show "Let them talk." This topic was actively discussed in the press, and the host's fans wondered where they could now see their idol.

As it became known, Malakhov will take the place of Boris Korchevnikov in the TV show "Live", broadcast on the channel "Russia 1". Only one question remained open, what will the ex-leader of "Live" Boris Korchevnikov now do.

Unlike his successor, Andrey Malakhov, the showman Korchevnikov does not have the habit of keeping his plans for the future a secret from his fans. Boris almost immediately shared them with subscribers on his page on the social network.

The leader, at all, was not upset by the change of work. According to Korchevnikov himself, the end of any stage of life is always wonderful, because of the beginning of something new that follows it. At the moment, the TV presenter is working on the Orthodox channel Spas.

Boris accepted his new job as a gift of fate, because it is on this channel that he will be able to talk about the most intimate and important thing that every person has in life.

Fans of the TV presenter, who are aware of the reverent attitude of the idol to religion, positively received this news. The page on the social network of Boris Korchevnikov is literally littered with messages of congratulations and wishes of good luck at the new workplace from loyal fans.

Boris Korchevnikov, latest news: Korchevnikov received a new offer

As it turned out, Boris Korchevnikov really has cancer. And for a long time struggling with this disease. Moreover, as the channel's employees said, the host began to lose his hearing due to illness. Korchevnikov himself also admitted that he hardly hears. Such health problems have become a serious obstacle to work.

Korchevnikov never hid his deep religiosity. He actively follows the Orthodox calendar, congratulating his subscribers on social networks on church holidays, keeps fasts, dips in the hole at Epiphany. By his behavior, Boris brings true values ​​\u200b\u200bto the masses and tries to popularize religion among the youth of the country.

In a recent interview for a popular print publication, Korchevnikov said that he considers the real enemy of the Russian Orthodox Church (this topic is now especially popular in the media) not bloggers, and not anti-Orthodox groups, but sin.

The activities of Orthodox activists who beat representatives of sexual minorities, and the St. Petersburg deputy Vitaly Milonov, who initiated the law banning the propaganda of homosexuality in St. Petersburg, Korchevnikov did not support. And he noted that "the promised gospel apocalypse is inevitable ... here, on Earth, evil will win and is already winning."

34-year-old TV presenter Boris Korchevnikov left the talk show "Live" on "Russia-1".

It turns out that he received an offer to head the Orthodox channel Spas, and he accepted it. According to the current general director and producer of Spas, Boris Kostenko, the legal registration of Korchevnikov on the TV channel will still take place, but the decision on the appointment has already been approved by the patriarch.

At first, he combined work on two channels, but he understood that sooner or later he would need to make a choice and this choice fell not in favor of "Live".

Boris Vyacheslavovich Korchevnikov is a Russian actor, journalist and TV presenter. He is known to viewers as one of the central characters of the series "Kadetstvo" and the host of the program "Live", from where he left in early 2017.

Childhood and first roles

Boris Korchevnikova was born on July 20, 1982 in Moscow. Mom, Irina Leonidovna Korchevnikova, worked at the Moscow Art Theater: first as an assistant to Oleg Efremov, later she was the deputy director of the theater and director of the Moscow Art Theater Museum. Boris grew up without a father. With him, the director of the theater. Pushkin Vyacheslav Evgenievich Orlov, he met only at the age of 13.

As a child, Boris spent a lot of time at work with his mother. Sitting in her office, he usually drew or read, sometimes he walked around the theater. He preferred to draw those whom he saw - they were mostly actors. From the age of 7, he began to go on stage himself. In his professional "baggage" - more than ten roles played in the performances of the Moscow Art Theater. A.P. Chekhov and the Studio Theater under the direction of Oleg Tabakov

Eight-year-old Borya was entrusted with children's roles in twelve productions. Of these, the favorite was "The Cabal of the Saints" based on Bulgakov's play. He especially liked the scene where he had to lie in the harpsichord for a long time - at this time he could look with interest through the gap of the audience sitting in the hall. The role was small, but he had a small dialogue with Oleg Efremov, who played in this performance. Boris was also involved in the performances "My dear, good ones", "Boris Godunov" and "Matrosskaya silence", where he appeared on stage with Yevgeny Mironov.

Borya became interested in journalism very early. When he turned eleven, his mother took him to the television center on Shabolovka, where they were recruiting for a new TV show. So Boris became a reporter and TV presenter of the Tam-Tam News program on the RTR channel. Then he became the host of the Tower program on the same RTR, designed for the youth contingent of viewers.

In 1998, when it was time to go to college, Boris decided to try his luck at two universities at once. The young man assured that he would be able to prepare for two entrance exams without any problems, since he had already combined work in the theater and on television. And so it happened - he entered both the Faculty of Journalism of Moscow State University and the Moscow Art Theater School, but still chose Moscow State University. It was not easy to enter, but it was very interesting and easy for a young man to study.

Actor career. "Kadetism"

In 2001, the aspiring journalist became a freelancer for NTV, and a year later he was hired as a full-time reporter. At the same time, he began acting in films and commercials. So, in the early 2000s, he appeared in a couple of scenes of the series Thief-2 and Happiness for Rent.

In 2006, having successfully passed the casting, he began acting in the television series "Kadetstvo", where he played the role of a positive character - Suvorov's Sinitsin, the son of a hereditary military man.

The shooting of the series, which tells about the daily life of young cadets, went on for almost two years (2006–2007), 12 hours a day, so Boris had to take a long vacation from NTV. There were other difficulties: he, a 24-year-old young man, had to play a 15-year-old teenager. In addition, he, who long ago decided that he had completely mastered the intricacies of the acting profession in the theater, now changed his point of view - it was not easy to work, he had to deal with uncertainty. The advice of Vladimir Steklov, who played Ensign Kantemirov and Alexander Porokhovshchikov (General Matveev) in Kadestve, helped the actor.

Boris Korchevnikov on TV

In 2009, Boris became the author and host of the TV program “I want to believe!” on STS. The essence of the program was to investigate historical myths like the Holy Grail or Atlantis. Comments on the air were given by well-known scientists and experts of world renown. To create each issue, Boris had to travel a lot, communicate with people.

"I want to believe" with Korchevnikov. "Mozart was poisoned by the Freemasons"

In 2010, Korchevnikov, together with Sergei Shnurov, became the host of the History of Russian Show Business series of television programs, a 20-episode documentary project. The presenters managed to make out the domestic music scene: the rock wave of Andrei Makarevich and Viktor Tsoi, the phenomenon of Yulia Volkova and Lena Katina from Tatu, the popularity of Zemfira, and the decline of show business, which, according to the creators of the documentary cycle, occurred in 2010 from glut of the public.

In the same 2010, Boris played in the historical documentary television film for children "Guys and Paragraph". Korchevnikov played Paragraph, a well-read hero who told children about Orthodox culture, the most ancient cities of Russia and the boyar republic.

In 2011, Boris and Vasily Utkin began hosting the History of Russian Humor TV program. The format was similar to the "History of Russian show business" - the same 20 episodes, the story began again from 1987. The heroes of the program were Yevgeny Petrosyan and the Full House, Gorodok contingent represented by Yuri Stoyanov and Ilya Oleinikov, the characters of the most popular sitcoms of the 2000s, sketch shows like Our Russia and humorous programs like Comedy Club. Even a transition to a new format of humor was considered - funny pictures on social networks.

In early 2013, an NTV journalist showed an investigative film with the provocative title "I don't believe it!". It shows the personal vision of a journalist (Orthodox Korchevnikov) - he believed that they were trying to deliberately denigrate the ROC. He listed Vladimir Pozner, Leonid Parfyonov, blogger Rustam Adagamov and philanthropist Viktor Bondarenko among these "militant anti-clericals".

"I do not believe!". A film by Boris Korchevnikov

In May 2013, Korchevnikov began broadcasting "Live" on the channel "Russia 1", replacing Mikhail Zelensky, who switched to the program "Vesti. Moscow". "Live" is a talk show similar in format to "Let them talk" with Andrey Malakhov. The studio discussed "fried" topics: violence, murder, betrayal and other sensational public events.

Fight between Boris Korchevnikov and Dzhigurda

So, on "Live" they discussed jokes about the death of Zhanna Friske, the divorce of Alexander Kerzhakov and Ekaterina Sofronova, the death of a Russian orphan adopted by the Americans.

The creators of the program were often accused of unprofessionalism. Of the most high-profile cases - a program about an ex-wife

Boris would really like to play on stage, but he understands that, not being a certified specialist, he will not suit any talented director, and he does not want to act in low-quality films.

In 2015, doctors suspected a brain tumor in Boris Korchevnikov. He made a tomogram, and the diagnosis was confirmed. The tumor was identified as benign, but surgery was still necessary. During the surgery, a nerve was injured, which caused Boris to have hearing problems.

Boris Korchevnikov now

In February 2017, Boris Korchevnikov announced his departure from "Live". He did not name specific reasons, but the media began to exaggerate rumors that the tumor had returned, and this time in a malignant guise.

However, the presenter himself did not give any comments about the “illness”, it is likely that the departure was caused by other personal reasons. Or perhaps the offer to head the Orthodox channel "Spas" seemed to him more profitable. One way or another, in August 2017, Andrey Malakhov took the place of the host of "Live". The new presenter invited Boris Korchevnikov to the first issue of "Live"

In September of the same year, the media reported on the imminent launch of a new author's program by Boris Korchevnikov on the air of Rossiya 1. The show called "The Destiny of a Man" is dedicated to the amazing stories of interesting people.

The producer of the program "Let them talk" with Andrei Malakhov, Natalya Galkovich, officially left Channel One. And now he will do a similar talk show "Live" on "Russia". On the eve of her departure, she confirmed information about the radical decision of the team - to submit applications that were immediately signed by the leadership of the First.


"Only 15 people left in the end .. - They have already found a replacement, the shooting is going on in a normal schedule."

But if everything seems to have settled down on the First, then the storm is just beginning on Rossiya.. - It's just that she has such a character and manner of leading that none of the members of the team wants to work with her. To avoid a mass exodus of employees, they decided to tell them that she would only come to meetings and planning meetings, and not lead. This, of course, is not true."

As the site wrote, Andrey Malakhov has already been introduced to the "Live" team. This was forced to do by Boris Korchevnikov, who was fired from the channel. The general director of "Russia" told the team that he had brought "the best host in the country." And he went to all the conditions of Malakhov, both creative and financial.

Boris Vyacheslavovich Korchevnikov was born on July 20, 1982 in Moscow. Russian TV journalist, TV presenter and actor.

Mother - Irina Leonidovna Korchevnikova (born July 2, 1946), Honored Worker of Culture of the Russian Federation, since 1973 she worked at the Moscow Art Theater. A.P. Chekhov as deputy chief engineer, assistant to Oleg Efremov, then deputy director. Since 2000, she has been the director of the Moscow Art Theater Museum. At the moment he is the director of the S. V. Obraztsov Puppet Theater. In 2007 she was awarded the Order of Honor.

Boris grew up without a father. The husband left Korchevnikov's mother when she was pregnant. For many years, Boris did not communicate with the man who gave him life. He . “As a child, I wandered around the theater, went into offices and asked:“ Are you my dad? ”, - he said.

Nevertheless, he is familiar with him - they met when Boris was 13 years old.

Father - Vyacheslav Evgenievich Orlov, previously worked as the head of the artistic and production part of the Vladimir Mayakovsky Theater for director Andrei Goncharov, then for more than 30 years he worked as the director of the Pushkin Theater. In September 2012, he left his post for health reasons, becoming president of the theater. He died on October 13, 2015 at the age of 70. In addition to Boris, he also has a daughter (12 years older than Korchevnikov), works as a primary school teacher.

Since 1990 - from the age of 8 - he took part in the performances of the Moscow Art Theater. A.P. Chekhov and the Studio Theater under the direction of O.P. Tabakov. Played more than 10 children's roles.

In 1994-1997, he was a presenter and reporter in the Tam-Tam News (RTR) children's program.

Since 1998 - presenter and reporter in the program for youth "Tower" (RTR).

In 1998, he entered the acting department of the Moscow Art Theater School and the journalism department of Moscow State University at the same time, but chose Moscow State University as his alma mater. He was very diligently preparing for admission to the Faculty of Journalism, he advises applicants to read more fiction of different genres. By his own admission, it was very difficult to enter the Faculty of Journalism of Moscow State University, and it was interesting and easy to study (despite the fact that he once retaken the style of the Russian language 6 times).

He also studied stage speech and announcer skills from the leading teacher in this field, one of the country's leading announcers, the former head of the actor's skill studio at the State House of Broadcasting and Sound Recording. Kachalov USSR State Radio and Television Felix Tobias.

In 2003 he graduated from the Faculty of Journalism of Moscow State University.

In 2003-2005, in Germany and the USA, he passed exams for knowledge of German and English.

Since 2001, he worked freelance, and since 2002 - as a full-time correspondent for the information service of the NTV channel (prepared reports for the programs "Today", "The Other Day", "Personal Contribution", "Country and World", "Profession - Reporter", "Protagonist" and etc.).

In 2008, he was the presenter in the documentary film “Romania. Albania. Two Fates” from the cycle “Planet of Orthodoxy”.

In 2009 - host of the documentary series "Concentration camps. Road to hell"(6 films, TV Center TV channel).

In 2010-2011 - creative producer of the STS channel.

In 2012 - one of the leading documentary projects "Soviet Stage. From gopniks to rockers"(12 episodes were filmed, the project never went on the air, STS channel).

On January 20, 2013, the premiere of a documentary author's film-investigation took place on the NTV channel "I do not believe!" which caused a wide public outcry.

In 2013 - one of the leading documentary projects "History of Russian humor"(20 episodes were filmed, only 4 aired, STS channel).

Boris Korchevnikov about how he became the host of the program "Live"

May 24, 2013 - one of the hosts of the gala concert "Day of Slavic Literature and Culture - 2013" on Red Square (live broadcast was carried out by the Kultura TV channel).

July 25, 2013 was one of the hosts of the gala concert "1025 years of the Baptism of Rus'" on Red Square. May 9, 2015 - one of the leaders of the Immortal Regiment campaign. May 13, 2015 - participant in the production "The Heirs of Prince Vladimir: Timeline - Countdown".

He took part in the filming of the TV game "Cube" for Channel One, but the broadcast did not go on the air, since Boris became the host of the talk show "Live" on the competitor channel - "Russia-1".

Scandal with the film "Provocateurs"

On April 24, 2012, Arkady Mamontov's film "Provocateurs" dedicated to the group "Pussy Riot" was shown on the Russia-1 channel. One of the invited guests was Boris Korchevnikov, during the program he announced that his father was Jesus Christ, and his mother was the Mother of God. Novaya Gazeta journalist Irina Petrovskaya noted that none of the program participants called these ambiguous words blasphemy and blasphemy, which they very actively accused the group members of. In an interview, Boris Korchevnikov explained that he meant "the same thing that the Church has in mind, calling the Mother of God the mother of all Christians, and the main prayer to the Lord - starting with the words" Our Father "".

Scandal with the film "I do not believe!"

On January 20, 2013, the NTV channel showed Korchevnikov’s investigative film “I don’t believe!”, The creators of which promised to tell about “who is behind the attempts to denigrate the church, what is the result of the campaign and whether its screenwriters have succeeded.” The film, which was not announced on the channel's program, tells how "paid bloggers and political technologists" operating "under the guise of contemporary art" organize informational attacks on the church. Bloggers Rustem Adagamov and Igor Bigdan, gallery owner Marat Gelman, collector and philanthropist Viktor Bondarenko are named among the critics of the church in the film, TV presenters Vladimir Pozner and Leonid Parfyonov are also shown.

Boris Korchevnikov. I do not believe!

On December 14, 2012, Andrey Malgin reported that Korchevnikov, together with an assistant, illegally invaded Malgin's house to film his own program and, despite his objections, began to film and ask questions. Having sent the journalist away, Malgin wanted to file a complaint with the police about the invasion of the home and covert filming.

The creators of the program were interviewed by the leader of the Yabloko party Sergei Mitrokhin and blogger Rustem Adagamov. Fearing a montage, Mitrokhin posted the full version of his interview to Korchevnikov.

Leonid Parfenov, who became a defendant in the film and had previously worked with Korchevnikov, had a negative attitude towards his film. The journalist noted the transition to the individual, which the creators resorted to, and compared the film with the era of the 1940s, "when students reported where necessary about the anti-nationality of their teachers and so on."

Konstantin Eggert, a columnist for the Kommersant FM radio station, criticized Korchevnikov's film, pointing out the lack of logic in his work, distortion, editing and ignorance of the creator himself. The journalist described the film as "a helpless agitation even as a propaganda tool."

According to Elizaveta Surganova from Lenta. ru, Korchevnikov's film was shot extremely biased. Thus, the filmmakers did not explain the essence of the claims against the Orthodox Church and its priests. According to the journalist, with such films, the leadership of NTV pits its own journalists against each other, because both the former (Leonid Parfyonov, Evgeny Kiselyov) and the current (Vadim Takmenev) employees of the channel were attacked by Korchevnikov.

Korchevnikov is included in the sanctions list by Ukraine for his position on the conflict in the East of Ukraine and the annexation of Crimea to Russia.

In February 2017, it became known that. However, he was eventually replaced.

On May 3, 2017, with the blessing of His Holiness Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and All Rus', he was appointed General Director and General Producer of the public Orthodox TV channel Spas, replacing Boris Kostenko.

Interested in foreign languages. Fluent in German and English. He specially went to Germany and Great Britain to improve his spoken language by communicating with native speakers.

The growth of Boris Korchevnikov: 175 centimeters.

Personal life of Boris Korchevnikov:

He categorically refuses to talk about his personal life. Because of this, rumors often arise, which subsequently do not receive confirmation.

Boris Korchevnikov has been dating the actress for a long time. She was born in France but grew up in Moscow. She starred in the films “Moscow. Three stations”, “New Year's marriage”, “If you are not with me”.

For a long time, the press wrote about Cecile as Korchevnikov's wife. However, in December 2015, he stated that he had never been married, but "information in the press about the wedding with actress Cecil Sverdlova - she was premature".

In April 2016, the couple got married officially. But already in August 2017, Korchevnikov announced that they had divorced: “We didn’t have a family.”

Boris Korchevnikov and Cecil Sverdlova

On August 7, 2015, in the program “Live”, Korchevnikov announced that on July 14, 2015 he underwent surgery to remove a benign brain tumor that affected the auditory nerve.

In August 2017, Boris clarified: “Later it turned out that this is not the worst thing that can happen to a person. That this tumor is many years old, and I lived with it. It is very rare, they say, it is one in a hundred thousand. And it's not the brain, it's in the head. I had a trepanation on the advice of doctors. Then we already found out that they live with her and she could not be removed. ... It cannot be said that the operation was successful. There were very serious consequences. Often people after such an operation get up on their feet, sometimes after three days, sometimes after a week. I was rocked for three weeks.”

“What happened to me is not cancer. Not oncology. Of course, there were many exaggerations in this regard. In the press, especially in recent days. Lots of lies. But this is a disease that made me, an adult man who has always been involved in sports, was successful in his profession, for the first time in his life made me feel like nothing - weak, infirm, ”he said.

Filmography of Boris Korchevnikov:

1997 - Sailor silence (film-play) - David, schoolboy
2002 - Thief 2. Happiness for hire - Maxim Makeev
2003 - Another life - Seva
2006-2007 - Kadetstvo - Ilya Sinitsyn, Suvorov
2008 - Tariff "New Year" - Pashka, Alena's friend
2010 - Landing Batya - Ryabushkin
2010 - Black ram - Bear
2011 - Guys and Paragraph - Paragraph

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