Where did Irina Otieva disappear to? What does a great singer look like now? Irina Otieva fell victim to a terrible curse What is Irina Otieva doing now


Irina Adolfovna Otieva. She was born on November 22, 1958 in Tbilisi. Soviet and Russian jazz singer of Armenian origin. Honored Artist of Russia (1997).

The father's surname - Otiev - is a Russified Armenian surname Otyan or Otiyan. Her father comes from the ancient dynasty of Armenian princes Amatuni.

Parents were doctors: father Adolf - a surgeon, oncologist, also a physician and mother Elena.

She has an older sister, Natalia, who also became a doctor.

Irina graduated from a music school in piano. From a young age, she began to take part in performances with various groups.

At the age of 17, she began working in the jazz ensemble of Yuri Chugunov, with whom she became a laureate of the festival of Soviet jazz music in Moscow.

In 1976 she entered the pop department of the State Musical College. Gnesins (graduated in 1980, class of M. L. Korobkova). At the same time, she was a soloist in Igor Bril's jazz ensemble and studied at the Moscow Experimental Jazz Studio, in the class of jazz vocals.

In 1979 she became a soloist with a jazz orchestra conducted by Oleg Lundstrem.

In 1982 she received the first prize in the All-Russian competition for the best performance of a Soviet song. In the same year she became a laureate at the Berlin competition "8 Hits in the Studio".

A new success came in 1983, when she won the first prize at the VII All-Union Competition of Variety Artists and the Grand Prix at the International Song Competition of the Baltic Countries, held in Sweden, in the city of Karlshamn.

In 1985, she left the jazz orchestra of Oleg Lundstrem and began working in the Moscow Concert Organization. Then I created my own group. "Stimulus Band".

In 1986, Otieva became a laureate of the International Song Festival in Sopot, receiving a special prize for performing skills. And the following year she became a laureate at the television festival Song of the Year with the song "House of Cards" (V. Reznikov - L. Vinogradova).

In 1989 she graduated from the State Pedagogical Institute. Gnesins - pop faculty in the vocal class of y. In the same year she became a laureate of the International Television Competition "Steps to Parnassus".

Sometimes it was compared with. Because of this, there were even rumors that the artists quarreled over rivalry. However, Otieva herself denied this: “I never quarreled with Pugacheva in my life. I just said it like it is. I really never wanted to be like her. But not only her, I don’t want to be like anyone at all. strange! I'm not a double. I feel different. I want to be individual, it seems to me that I look quite holistic."

In the late 1980s and early 1990s, she participated in many major international programs: Stars of Europe in Stockholm, Bratislava Lira, Inter-Talent in Prague. She has toured in Bulgaria, Germany, Poland, Cuba, Czech Republic, Korea, Slovakia, Vietnam, USA, Japan, Denmark, Sweden and others.

Irina Otieva - Spell

In 1994, at the final festival "Song of the Year", Irina Otieva received a special prize "For the preservation of creative individuality."

In the mid-1990s, she performed at the J. V. C. World Jazz Festival, which was held in New York at Lincoln Center - on the same stage with Ray Charles and Stevie Wonder.

In 1996, the singer released a CD called "Twenty Years in Love". The album includes songs performed from 1979 to 1995, starting with "The Last Poem" (a song from the movie "You Never Dreamed of...") and ending with the last composition "Passion" for that period.

In 1997, she was awarded the title of Honored Artist of Russia.

In 2003, she joined the Yabloko party, however, she did not show much activity in the political field.

Since 2006, she began to teach vocals at the Music Academy. Gnessins at the new pop-jazz daytime department that opened there.

In 2011, the singer was awarded a nominal Star to perpetuate the names of prominent figures of the 21st century, installed on the Glory of the Fatherland Square in Moscow. In the same year, she was awarded the academic title of "Professor" and the title of Honorary Academician of the International Academy of Culture and Art.

Dislikes publicity, ignores social events.

“I’m practically not friends with anyone in show business. Because I don’t go to parties, and even if I go somewhere, I’m bored. I’ve seen so much, I’m already tired of it all. she says.

The growth of Irina Otieva: 157 centimeters.

Personal life of Irina Otieva:

Despite the fact that Irina has always been successful with men, she has never been married.

For a long time she lived in a civil marriage with her concert manager Alexei Danchenko. Separated in 1995.

On March 19, 1996, she gave birth to a daughter, Zlata, she has a patronymic Alekseevna, her mother's surname is Otieva. As the artist said, she could not get pregnant for a long time. “I even screamed at God. I said: all evil spirits give birth, all kinds of creatures give birth, but normal people do not give birth. After that I got pregnant. Apparently, my cry reached him,” she recalled.

Zlata entered the university to study at the Faculty of Journalism.

The singer is very frank in interviews on intimate topics. She bluntly says that she loves young men. She reported about her last friend that he was 16 years younger than her.

"I have a fan. But I'm not going to get married officially. I don't hide it. We visit him from time to time. We just go to places where few people can recognize us, follow us, peep. Although, in principle, we do nothing wrong : he is not married, I am not married. He just does not need publicity: he is not a PR man, he has nothing to do with show business, and, frankly, this show business is already sick of me. We feel good together in a relationship of beautiful silence. He is cute, interesting and , as I love, young," she said.

“Although I had more interesting precedents. One was twenty years old, the other was twenty-seven. Somehow it turns out like this. You see, I don’t perceive old men, I can only deal with young people. I’m interested in them, they they light me up, I myself become incendiary and young with them," she noted.

Filmography of Irina Otieva:

1980 - You never dreamed of ... - vocals (uncredited)
1980 - Snow wedding - vocals
1981 - Hat - Galka's vocals (the role of Tamara Akulova)
1982 - Enchanters - vocals by Alena Sanina (songs "The Mystery of a Woman", "Witch River" and "They Say, But You Don't Believe")
1984 - TASS is authorized to declare ... - voice-over vocals (not in the credits)
1989 - Rouen maiden nicknamed Pyshka - vocals by Elizabeth Rousset - "Dumplings" (role of Natalia Lapina)
1991 - Thirst for Passion - singer in a restaurant
1993 - Revenge of the jester - singer
1995 - Old songs about the main thing 1 - general store saleswoman
1998 - The denouement of "Petersburg secrets" - vocals (romance "Candles are melted")

Discography of Irina Otieva:

1984 - Irina Otieva sings
1984 - Music is my love
1985 - Irina Otieva with the orchestra of Oleg Lundstrem
1985 - Stars of the Soviet Estradi
1987 - Rock and Roll
1988 - Nostalgia for myself
1993 - Don't cry, baby
1994 - What do you think about it?
1996 - 20 years in love
1996 - Old songs about the main thing. Part 1
1997 - Wedding, wedding!
2001 - My angel

Honored Artist of Russia, laureate of international competitions. Voice range - 3 1/2 octaves.
Irina Otieva was born under the sign of Scorpio (November 22) in Tbilisi. From an early age she was associated with music: she graduated from a music school in piano, performed in various vocal and instrumental ensembles, and participated in competitions. The first victory of Irina Otieva is the laureate at the jazz festival, which was held in Moscow in 1976. In the same year, Irina Otieva entered the pop department of the State Musical College. Gnesins, which he graduated from in 1980. At the same time, she is a soloist of the Igor Bril jazz ensemble and studies at the Moscow Experimental Jazz Studio, in the class of jazz vocals.
Upon graduation, Irina Otieva received an invitation to a jazz orchestra conducted by Oleg Lundstrem.
Having worked there until 1985, Irina Otieva performed such popular songs as "One Hundred Hours of Happiness", "Two", etc. During her work in the orchestra, Irina Otieva became the owner of many awards. In 1982 - the first prize in the All-Russian competition for the best performance of a Soviet song. In the same year - the laureate at the Berlin competition "8 hits in the studio".
In 1983 - the first prize at the VII All-Union Competition of Variety Artists and Grand Prix at the International Song Competition of the Baltic Countries (Sweden, Karlshamn). At these competitions, Irina Otieva performed jazz in Russian for the first time. But for this success, Irina Otieva was "rewarded" with violent discontent from the Ministry of Culture of the USSR and the State Concert. The role of a jazz singer is assigned to her, which went against the Soviet performing style. Irina Otieva is no longer filmed in television programs, broadcast on the radio and is not allowed to go abroad, which turned into almost three years of oblivion.
In 1985, Irina Otieva began working at the Moscow Concert Organization and created the Stimulus Band group, with which she has worked to this day. In 1986, Irina Otieva participated in the Sopot competition, where she received the title of laureate and a special jury award for high performing skills. In 1989, Irina Otieva graduated from the State Pedagogical Institute. Gnesins (variety faculty in the vocal class of I. D. Kobzon) and becomes a laureate of the International Television Competition "Step to Parnassus". During these years, Irina Otieva has been participating in many major international programs:
"Stars of Europe" in Stockholm, "Bratislava Lira", "Inter-Talent" in Prague. She toured in Bulgaria, Germany, Poland, Cuba, Czech Republic, Korea, Slovakia, Vietnam, USA, Japan, Denmark, Sweden and others. , and in 1995 Irina Otieva performed at the World Jazz Festival J.V.C. - in New York at Lincoln Center on the same stage with Ray Charles and Stevie Wonder.
In 1995, Irina Otieva had a daughter, Zlata. In 1996, Irina Otieva celebrates the 20th anniversary of her creative activity, which is accompanied by the release of the CD "Twenty Years in Love". The album includes songs performed from 1979 to 1995, starting with "The Last Poem" (a song from the movie "You Never Dreamed") and ending with the last composition "Passion" for that period. In 1997, Irina Otieva was awarded the title of Honored Artist of Russia. Her songs have been included in more than 20 records and music collections on various media. Irina Otieva starred in two feature films ("Thirst for Passion" directed by A. Kharitonov and "Jester's Revenge" directed by B. Blank) and sang songs in more than 60 films. In her concert performances, Irina Otieva performs parts on almost all musical instruments, including drums. He has a unique voice with a range of three and a half octaves. At the end of 2000, Irina Otieva prepared material for a new album, which was called "My Angel".
"Irina Otieva sings" (LP-minion - Melody, 1984),
"Music is my love" (LP - Melody, 1984),
"Rock and Roll" (LP-minion - Melody, 1987),
"Nostalgia for Myself" (LP - Melody, 1988),
"Don't cry, baby" (LP - Melody, 1993),
"What do you think about it?" (CD, MC - Sintez Records, 1994),
"20 Years in Love" (CD, MC - Soyuz, 199

Irina Otieva was very popular in the Soviet Union, and later in Russia in the 80s and 90s. Many people fell in love with her work, thanks to the melodrama “You never dreamed of”, where Irina sang the song “I'm sailing away, and time carries me from edge to edge”. However, Otieva is no longer a pop, but still a jazz singer. Some are sure that she owes her voice to her roots.

Otieva or Otiyan?

Irina Adolfovna Otieva is a native of the Georgian SSR. She was born in 1958 in the capital of the republic, Tbilisi. It was there that Irina spent her childhood and youth. From there, in the 70s, she left to conquer Moscow, where she entered the Gnessin School.
Irina's parents were Armenians by nationality. If you shift the name of the artist to the Armenian way, you get "Otiyan". “Otieva” is already a Russified version, the authorship of which belongs to the singer herself.
The fact that the Otiyans lived in Georgia is not really something out of the ordinary. Representatives of this nationality settled on the territory of this country, and in Tbilisi itself in particular, even in antiquity. That is why many local Armenian clans are hundreds of years old. The family of Irina Otieva was no exception.

The ancient family of Amatuni

The singer is one of the descendants of the Armenian princely family of Amatuni, information about which dates back to the 4th century. The founders of this clan lived on the territory between the salt lakes of Van (modern Turkey) and Urmia (modern Iran).
One of the representatives of Amatuni, Vakhan, was a famous commander and commander of the king of Great Armenia Trdat III. It is noteworthy that it was under this ruler, or rather in 301, that Christianity became the state religion. Members of the Amatuni dynasty are also mentioned as vassals of other eminent families of Artsruni and Mkhargrdzeli.
According to the charter of the Georgian king Erekle II of 1784, the princely origin of the Amatuni surname was confirmed by kinship with the ancestor who had this title. In the 19th century, the Amatunis were inscribed in the genealogical book of the Tiflis province.

2017! where and how the famous jazz singer Irina Otieva lives now is of interest to all her fans and not only.

Having retired three years ago and sadly celebrating this event, Irina did not stop living her life, which had already taken shape. She still teaches at the Gnesinka, continues to tour, although not with the same activity.

She is invited to sing at corporate parties and in various concerts. The singer's new life may seem dull, but in her own words, that's enough for her. After all, it is no longer possible to lead a touring life with such activity as in youth.

Sometimes she is invited to various shows, but not as a singer, but as an expert or guest. Here, on one of them, no one recognized the famous singer. She looked very bad: haggard and thin, with loose skin and disgusting makeup.

This program blew up the entire Internet, the fans decided that Otieva was seriously ill. It’s good that these assumptions were not confirmed, but I can 100% believe that she is undergoing a weight loss course. Only with a sharp drop in weight and ignoring physical exercises, the following picture occurs: the skin sags, and facial features “blur”.

Irina has always been a lady of medium fullness and looked beautiful and familiar to the viewer. Having dramatically lost weight, she began to look not like a slender, well-groomed middle-aged woman, but turned into a tired lady of indeterminate age. Just, when going on a diet, do not forget about physical exercises so that the skin is toned and not flabby - this is advice for those who want to lose weight. But, and the singer got what happened.

Irina lives a simple life, keeps in close contact with her numerous Armenian relatives, in the summer she goes to the dacha with her household, where she likes to dig in the beds and, by the way, grows a good crop. She rarely goes to social events because she is bored there.

According to the singer herself, she is not friends with anyone from show business, but she simply does not want to drink “according to the protocol” - in this evil type of activity it is almost impossible to find real friends due to constant touring or elementary envy of successful ones.

However, Otieva has not ceased to be the idol of millions of people. Her voice and manner of performance will forever remain in people's hearts as an example of jazz creativity.

And it doesn't matter if she performs at concerts, sings in various programs and on the radio, true fans of creativity will never stop admiring her voice.

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