Hen Russian folk tale. Russian folk tale chicken ryaba


In the morning they look, and instead of an emerald egg - well done, but before that handsome - neither in a fairy tale to say, nor to describe with a pen. Sleeping on the stove in a heroic sleep. "Holy, holy, but where does he come from here?" - Grandfather and Baba exchanged glances. The rooster crowed. Well done woke up, stretched, sat down ...

Good morning, good people! - said the good fellow.

Hello, killer whale, hello, - Grandfather and Baba answered in unison. - Who will you be?

They call me Ivan Tsarevich, and I come from your lands - the son of the late tsar and tsarina, peace be upon them ...

Yes, how is that? Grandfather and Baba were surprised. After all, we have a queen, Amdev, who rules over us! True, people are talking about how she exhausted the rightful heir, but go ahead, guess what in those tales is true and what is a lie.

Is Amdev now on the throne of my ancestors?! the prince exclaimed sadly. - Apparently, people were telling the truth, but I thought that she would not succeed ...

On the eve of my birthday, - Ivan Tsarevich began the story, - there was a ball in the palace. I was told that some person, attractive and nice, wanted to meet me after dancing in the palace park. I arrived at the meeting place before the end of the dance. I sat down on my favorite invisible bench under a sprawling tree. It covered her so well that from two steps it was not clear whether anyone was sitting on it or not. Until that ill-fated evening, I loved to sit there with my fiancee Maryushka. So this time I sat on this bench, so that I could see the whole alley, on which a mysterious stranger appeared ... Oh, it would be better if she didn’t appear: gray-haired, bony, not teeth, but fangs, a hooked nose with a chin kisses, all clothes in rags, mincing gait, some kind of squeaky-screeching voice ...

Holy Fathers, but this is Amdev, - said Baba, crossing herself. - Just now I was in Stolgrad at the market and saw her there.

People say that Amdev is a witch, - Grandfather added. - All the worldly people groan from her atrocities, they remember you and your father and mother with a kind word. There will be great joy for all when you return to the throne.

They say that the servants of Amdev walk in the city, unrecognized among people, and find out about the desire to overthrow her, and therefore she is supposedly invincible.

Is there really no place where her sorcery would not work? Where could one talk without fear of Amdev's servants? asked Ivan Tsarevich, looking round.

There is such a place - the only one in the capital city, in the cathedral, where your ancestors rest, Vanyusha. This place is sacred, - Grandfather and Baba answered. - That's where you can talk, not being afraid of Amdev and her servants - they have no way there. Amdev cannot find out about the conspirators outside the capital. But as soon as you set foot on the land of the capital city, then do not talk too much, acre of the cathedral - blink, you will not have time - you will find yourself in a dungeon.

Well, so, - continued Ivan Tsarevich, - I am sitting, hiding, on a bench and I hear this witch muttering under her breath: I’m going to ruin it today,” she laughed. And suddenly I see - for a moment she was enveloped in some kind of smoke, or fog, and when it cleared, I saw a beauty. She was so beautiful that for a moment I forgot who she really was and… almost fell in love with her. She apparently hoped so. But I wouldn't trade my fiancee Maryushka for anyone! When Amdev moved away from the tree under which I was, I came out of hiding, and approaching her, pretended that I had just arrived.

Next? .. - We just talked to her. We exchanged compliments, she hinted that she had secretly loved me for a long time. I replied that if my heart had not been given to another, it would have belonged to her. At these words, fierce hatred and anger flashed in her eyes. Suddenly, the sky darkened, lightning flashed, thunder boomed, a terrible wind arose, which swept the whole ball in the blink of an eye. And then, amidst this terrible roar, I heard a voice: “Ha-ha-ha! Finally, I will deal with the prince, and at the same time with his bride - I will turn into chickens and sell them in the market. Ha-ha-ha-ha-ah! .. ”Then everything started spinning, spinning, the white light faded. Circles swam before my eyes, among them Amdev’s laughing face, then the sad image of Maryushka, then her ring, then the faces of the father and mother, asking not to leave the throne to the witch, who will bring a lot of grief and suffering to people.

What is true is true - Amdev brought us many troubles and misfortunes, Grandfather and Baba lamented.

- ... I woke up on your stove, - the young man finished the story, - and I won’t know what to do next.

Ivanushka, just now you mentioned some kind of ring. What is this ring? asked grandfather.

The ring is - not easy - magical. Maryushka said that her uncle-gardener gave her this ring with a pebble in memory of her great-grandmother, who, they say, was a fairy ... If you turn the pebble, you can turn into either a celestial bird, or a forest beast, or a creeping reptile, - Ivan Tsarevich explained.

With such and such a ring, it is possible to penetrate into the palace unnoticed and learn how to defeat Amdev, - Baba realized.

First, Maryushka must be found, - the young man said sadly, and I don’t even know where she is. Is she alive?

Do not grieve, prince, we will find your beloved beauty, - the Grandfather of the young man encouraged. Baba, and Baba, you seem to have said that when you bought Chicken Ryaba, there was another chicken sitting next to you?

And it’s true, Grandfather, that second hen was bought by a grandmother from a neighboring village, which is a few miles from here.

In the next morning they went to that village. We found the grandmother who bought the second chicken - Pestrushka. We went to her yard ...

Look, Grandfather, that chicken, - Baba said, seeing the chickens pecking at the millet, - such a motley one.

Yes, you look, Baba, this Pestrushka has chickens. Why should we take it with them? - answered Grandfather.

Maybe with them, - Ivan Tsarevich said thoughtfully. - After all, Ryaba the Hen had no chickens, she herself, as you say, laid an emerald egg! Here, with Pestrushka, everything is different, - the good fellow added in thought, - and how he looked into the water. - What if a magical egg, thanks to which Maryushka can be disenchanted just like me, will be laid by one of those hens that is now running around with her mother Pestrushka? ..

The mistress of Pestrushka turned out to be a cunning woman and did not believe in the fairy tale about the emerald testicle. And our trinity returned home with the whole chicken family only late in the evening.

Publication date: 11/18/2016 . Publication date: .

The tale about Ryaba the chicken was actually not quite the same as we were told in childhood, but a little more complicated. This is an example of a "chain" tale.
There were different options in different areas. So you decide which one is better to tell your children.

Saratov region
Dear testicle

An old man lived with an old woman. And they had a chicken ryabushechka, an old old woman. She laid an egg in the porch on a shelf, on a rye straw. No matter where the mouse came from, it cracked this testicle.
The grandfather is crying, the woman is grieving, she has broken her leg, the tyn has become loose, the oak tree has knocked off its leaves. Popov's daughter went for water, broke buckets, came home without water.
Popadya asks: “Why are you a daughter, did you come without water?” She says: What a grief for me, what a great one for me: “An old man lived with an old woman. And they had a chicken ryabushechka, an old old woman. She laid an egg in the porch on a shelf, on a rye straw. No matter where the mouse came from, it cracked this testicle. The grandfather is crying, the woman is grieving, she has broken her leg, the tyn has become loose, the oak tree has knocked off its leaves. And I went for water, broke the buckets, broke the yoke. Even if you are a priest, leave the pies out the window with grief!
Popadya with grief and threw the pies out the window. Pop goes: "What are you doing, pododya?" And she replies: “What a grief for me, what a great one for me. An old man lived with an old woman. And they had a chicken ryabushechka, an old old woman. She laid an egg in the porch on a shelf, on a rye straw. No matter where the mouse came from, it cracked this testicle. The grandfather is crying, the woman is grieving, she has broken her leg, the tyn has become loose, the oak tree has knocked off its leaves. Our daughter went for water, broke the buckets, broke the yoke. And with grief I left all the pies out the window.
And you, priest, at least hurt yourself on the jamb with grief!
The pop ran away, but how he hit the jamb! Here he died. They began to bury the priest and celebrate the wake. What an expensive egg!

(Tales of the Saratov region. Saratov, 1937. P. 147-148).

Voronezh region
chicken ryabushka

There lived a grandfather and a grandmother. And they had a chicken ryabushka. The hen was not simple, which means that she laid golden eggs. Here the ryabushka laid a golden egg, such a large one, it's a pleasure to look at. Grandfather saw an egg and calls his grandmother. They began to praise the chicken ryabushka. And then the grandfather says: “Put a testicle in a good place so that it can be seen. Well, they put it down. Put and do not fall in love. Enjoyed all day. And my grandparents had a purring cat, very angry to mice. And when grandfather and grandmother went to bed, the purr began to
run with the mouse. Thought to eat it. The mouse is here and there - you can’t get anywhere from the cat. She saw an egg, wanted to hide behind it - and dive onto the shelf. And the egg on the shelf could not resist and fell to the floor and broke. Grandfather and grandmother get up in the morning. Give, they think, we will admire the testicle. Look, there is no egg on the shelf. Lying on the floor and broken everything as it is. Grandfather and grandmother began to wail and went to complain to the ryabushka. And the hen says to them: “Don’t cry, grandfather, don’t cry, grandmother! The chicken ryabushka will lay another golden egg for you, better than the previous one.

(From Danshina Natalya Mikhailovna (1892), Krasovka village, Gribanovsky district, in 1969 / / Folk tale of the Voronezh region. Modern records. Voronezh 1977, ed. Kretov. P. 17, N 1.)

Vologda region
There was an old man, yes an old woman

There was an old man, yes an old woman. And they had a colorful hen. She laid a testicle at Kot Kotofeich under the window on a fur coat. Look, the mouse jumped out, returned with its tail, blinked its eye, kicked with its foot, broke the egg. The old man cries, the old woman cries, the broom plows, the mortar dances, the pestles are pounded. The priestly girls went to the well for water, and they were told that the egg had been broken. The girls broke buckets with grief. Popadya was told that she planted pies under the stove without memory. They told the priest, the priest ran to the bell tower, to ring the alarm. The laity gathered:
"What happened?" Here the laity began to fight among themselves out of vexation.

(Sokolovs, 142. From Elizaveta Panteleevna Chistyakova, Pokrovskaya village, Punem volost, Kirillovsky district, Novgorod province.)

Ukrainian plot
Chernihiv region
Chicken Ryaba

There lived a grandfather and a woman. They had a chicken ryaba. The chicken laid an egg, not a simple one - a golden one. Grandfather beat, beat - did not break. Baba beat, beat - did not break. The mouse ran, touched the tail, the testicle fell and broke. The grandfather cries, the woman cries, and the hen cackles: - Don't cry, grandfather, don't cry, woman: I'll lay you an egg, not a golden one - a simple one!

Ryabonka Chicken

Live did, yes woman. Dida had a chicken ryabenka. A chicken on an egg, and a mouse jumped out at the window, waving its tail, the egg fell and broke. They began to cry. The hen laid another egg; Toda the chicken disappeared two days later.

(Ploskoye village, Nezhinsky district of Chern.).

Poltava region
Did and Baba

Buv sobi did and baba. Mali sobi chicken ryabushka.

Did weep, the woman weep, the gates creak, forty chirps.
A magpie flew, strength on a oak tree. Feed the magpie oak: “Why are you chirping?”, “Hey, oak, oak. If you knew, then you would lower the leaves. Oak leaves let go.

The hen laid an egg, the woman is sweet, she broke the egg.
Did weep, the woman weep, the gates creak, the magpie chirps, the oak leaves are lowered.
Come bull. Pitae goby: “Why are you lowering the leaves?” "As if you knew, then you would have forgotten the ryuzhki."
Buv sobi did and baba. Mali sobi chicken ryabushka.
The hen laid an egg, the woman is sweet, she broke the egg.
Did weep, the woman weep, the gates creak, the magpie chirps, the oak let the leaves go, the bull-calf pozbyv.
The bull went to the water. Drink water: “Why are you beating the ryuzhki?” “Water to her, water, as if you knew, then you would become bloody.”
Buv sobi did and baba. Mali sobi chicken ryabushka.
The hen laid an egg, the woman is sweet, she broke the egg.
Did weep, the woman weep, the gates creak, the magpie chirps, the oak leaf let go, the goby pozbyvav, the water became blood.
The priest's hired hand came for water: "Water, water, why have you become blood?" "Divko, divko, as if you knew, then you would have stayed in the vidra."
Buv sobi did and baba. Mali sobi chicken ryabushka.
The hen laid an egg, the woman is sweet, she broke the egg.
Did weep, the woman weep, the gates creak, the magpie chirped, the oak leaves let go, the goby pozbyvka, the water became blood, the hired wife stayed.
The hired hand came home. Puup pitae: "What have you been to?" "Hey priest, priest, as if you knew, then you would have thrown everything out of the church."
Buv sobi did and baba. Mali sobi chicken ryabushka.
The hen laid an egg, the woman is sweet, she broke the egg.
Did weep, the woman weep, the gates creak, the magpie chirped, the oak let its leaves down, the goby poked its head, the water became blood, the hired wife was gone, and she threw out the church.
Priyshov pyup to come. Then you try: “Priest, priest, why did you throw out the churches?” “Oh, hitting, hitting, as if you knew, then you would have thrown out the proskury.”
Buv sobi did and baba. Mali sobi chicken ryabushka.
The hen laid an egg, the woman is sweet, she broke the egg.
Did weep, the woman weep, the gates creak, forty chirps, let the oak leave, the goby pozbyvav, the water became blood, the hiring vidra stayed, throwing the mustache out of the church, throwing out the scurry.

(M. Borispol, Pereyaslavsky district, Poltava province. Chubinsky. Proceedings of an ethnographic and statistical expedition to the Western Russian region. Materials and studies collected by Chubinsky. T.2 Little Russian fairy tale. St. Petersburg. 1878 part. 1 , 2)

Kharkov region.
About chicken ryaba

Buv sobi did that woman, and they have a pockmarked chicken, she laid an egg, not simpler, more golden. Did beat - without breaking, the woman beat - did not break. They put it in a skull, put it in a little box. Beagle mouse, hooked with a tail and rozbyl. Did cry, woman cry, kudkudache chicken, straws rip the doors.
There is an oak tree. “Doors, doors, why are you roaring?
“Let go of the gill, I will say so. Oak and gill down.
“Well, it seems, we don’t roar: Buv sobi did that woman, and they have a pockmarked chicken, she laid an egg, not simpler, more golden. Did beat - without breaking, the woman beat - did not break. They put it in a skull, put it in a little box. Beagle mouse, hooked with a tail and rozbyl. Did cry, woman cry, kudkudache chicken, straws rip the doors. I lowered the gill oak.
Ide the ram of the water of torture: “Oak, oak, why did you lower the gill?” “Keep your horns together, I’ll say so. Vin took and posbyvav.
“But they didn’t let me down: Buv sobi did that woman, and they have a chicken pockmarked, she laid an egg, not simpler, more golden. Did beat - without breaking, the woman beat - did not break. They put it in a skull, put it in a little box. Beagle mouse, hooked with a tail and rozbyl. Did cry, woman cry, kudkudache chicken, straws rip the doors. Pozbivav oak gill. The ram has forgotten its horns.
Priyshov ram to the river.
“Sheep, ram, have you called your horns? “And become crooked, so I will say. Richka became crooked. “But my horns will not be forgotten: Buv sobi did that woman, and they have a pockmarked chicken, she laid an egg, not simpler, more golden. Did beat - without breaking, the woman beat - did not break. They put it in a skull, put it in a little box. Beagle mouse, hooked with a tail and rozbyl. Did cry, woman cry, kudkudache chicken, straws rip the doors. I lowered the gill oak. The ram has forgotten its horns. Richka became crooked.
Arriving before the river, the popov’s diva of the banyta’s plates: “Richka, richka, why have you become crooked?”
“And beat that dish, I’ll say so. Divka stayed.
“Well, it seems, I’m not crooked: Buv sobi did that woman, and they have a chicken pockmarked, she laid an egg, not simpler, more golden. Did beat - without breaking, the woman beat - did not break. They put it in a skull, put it in a little box. Beagle mouse, hooked with a tail and rozbyl. Did cry, woman cry, kudkudache chicken, straws rip the doors. I lowered the gill oak. The ram has forgotten its horns. Divka stayed the dishes.
The diva came to the house, and when she got herself, she taught the deeja. “Why are you trying to eat dishes?
And scatter tsyu rozchyna on hati, so I will say. Spoiled the popaddy rozchyna, divka, and it seems:
“But I haven’t been visited: Buv sobi did that woman, and they have a chicken pockmarked, she laid an egg, not simpler, more golden. Did beat - without breaking, the woman beat - did not break. They put it in a skull, put it in a little box. Beagle mouse, hooked with a tail and rozbyl. Did cry, woman cry, kudkudache chicken, straws rip the doors. I lowered the gill oak. The ram has forgotten its horns. Divka stayed the dishes. Having hit the rozchyna on the khati, she scattered it.
Come pip: “What have you got?
“And dry the scythe, so I will say. Pip got it, and snarled it.
“But they don’t tell me: Buv sobi did that woman, and they have a chicken pockmarked, she laid an egg, not simpler, more golden. Did beat - without breaking, the woman beat - did not break. They put it in a skull, put it in a little box. Beagle mouse, hooked with a tail and rozbyl. Did cry, woman cry, kudkudache chicken, straws rip the doors. I lowered the gill oak. Pozbivav oak gill. The ram has forgotten its horns. Divka stayed the dishes. Mother rozchynu rozchyna hati. Pip trimmed his hair.

(Manzhura I. I. Fairy tales, proverbs, etc. recorded in the Ekaterinoslav and Kharkov provinces. Collection of the Kharkov Philological Society. Vol. 3, issue 2 Kharkov. 1890.)

Belarusian plot

There lived a grandfather and a woman. And they had a chicken ryaba. And the hen laid an egg. Grandfather beat, beat, beat - without breaking. Baba beat, beat, beat - did not break. It is necessary to put the eggs in a basket, and won - on a basket. They didn’t wrap up the trapitza, they put it on the police. A mouse ran (and how much their passion was!) across the police, twisted its tail (hand gesture), touched the testicle. The testicle rolled, rolled - bang, rumble! And crashed. Baba cries: “Ah-ah-ah, ah-ah-ah, ah-ah!” (high voice). Grandfather cries: “Whoa! U-s-s! U-s-s! (bass). And the chicken run: Where-where!
Where-where! Do not cry, grandfather and grandmother! I will lay you an egg like this, like this: “Not a simple egg - a golden one! And laid down a golden egg. Grandfather Iago sold and bought a stove so that there was somewhere to lie down. And to the stove - a pipe, and to the pipe - a hut, and to the hut - benches. They brought the guys in - everyone is sitting on the benches, eating porridge, ruining bread, and listening to fairy tales.

(Melnikov M.N. Rus. Det. Folklore. M., 1987).

PS And also an excellent song about the chicken ryabushka is sung by Belarusians - the group "YUR'YA", soloist-director Yuri Vydronak.
I advise you to download this song (the rest are not for everyone), although it is rather inconvenient to download materials there from the rapid ball, and you also need to register.

"Quiet Ukainskaya night but the fat must be re-hidden",

Working with archives, I find a lot of interesting things and try to acquaint my reader with it. So this time, I want to offer a small sketch on the history of peoples and their mentality. I have not communicated with the reader for a long time, due to the extreme load and interesting research, in which I am immersed from morning to morning. I hope that the most interesting miniature will turn out, because what I found in the archives just blows me off my feet. But more about that in a moment, but for now, the tale of the chicken Ryabeya and the desire to remind the reader of himself. And I will start the reminder by quoting a letter from the commandant of the military garrison of Orsk, Major Tsurupa, who served the Russian Tsar in the 19th century:
“... once it was decided to make dumplings, Shevchenko's favorite dish, as he argued, assuring the ladies that he would eat a whole hundred of them. The ladies, having agreed among themselves, made dumplings, as large as possible, and, in order to make it difficult for the eater to win the bet, several of them were stuffed with one mustard or one pepper. Having failed, as expected, with the whole hundred, Shevchenko, nevertheless, took a bite out of each of them.
It was from here that the famous anecdote went: "Everything is not z" їm, but in the skin taste" - the author's note.
You know, reader, sometimes when I read the scientific thoughts of Western scientists, I am lost in conjectures about their origin. No, we are not talking about the evolution of Darwin or the cosmic essence of the emergence of life in the European home. I am surprised by the unpredictable impudence of these orphans and beggars from natural science. It seems that from time to time they plunge into the Russian hinterland in order to search for new ideas. Moreover, they do not even hesitate to look into our cesspools, rightly believing that the profession of a goldsmith is associated with the good acquired by overwork. Who among the readers does not know, I inform you that the goldsmith in Rus' had two interpretations. The first is a gold jeweler or, in general, a person associated with gold, including a banker. And the second interpretation speaks of a golden convoy that spreads indescribable odors from pumped out sewage.
Quite recently, in one of the magazines of high scientific style in Germany, I was surprised to read about the invention of temporary latrines in this advanced country, similar to our country closets. As a serious, university laboratory from Munich, which produced this unique creation of the creative thought of German scientists, proves, the cesspool does not harm the ecology of the planet, while dry closets pose a threat to the planet, due to the chemicals necessary for the technological cycle of this complex process. By the way, our village katuh has received a patent for good reason and from now on its construction without a license is prosecuted by EU laws.
Involuntarily, the author, who is familiar with the life of Ukrainian villagers, came up with a mischievous thought regarding the further European development of this state, in the light of the removal of waste substances from internal organs. Something tells me that Ukrainians will soon have to pay for these natural needs. Of course, I mean rural people - the city has long paid for the right to push on a white friend. In my opinion, the city toilet is the most drug-addicted needle of modern citizens, which is so difficult to get off.
In general, Europe is still that light of learning!
Reading it just today, I was plunged into complete prostration. I never could have imagined that most of the villagers, who are ready to share European values, illegally have a unique Dutch refrigerator of the famous Groundfridge brand.
Dutch designers have unveiled a groundfridge that works without electricity. As Korrespondent writes, the technological version of the fiberglass underground storage allows maintaining the temperature within +10…+12 degrees throughout the year. Such conditions are not enough for storing meat, but they are quite suitable for vegetables.
In addition, any other supplies can be kept in the “refrigerator”, for which a cool, dry room will be enough. The creators of Groundfridge suggest that it will be convenient to use in remote public places and as part of an autonomous home. To install the cellar, it is most convenient to dig a hole with an excavator, but if necessary, you can handle it manually.
However, from May 2016, this operation, for the manufacture of a refrigerator, will already be of an official nature and will be strictly taken into account by the authorities of the country. The design agency intends within three months to extend its copyright to this product to the entire jurisdiction of the EU and the USA.
Note, gentlemen, the Groundfridge refrigerator, created by the labor and mind of an advanced technological group of Dutch buggers, is announced as a significant breakthrough in nanotechnology and environmental protection. However, the author of this miniature dares to claim that he has been familiar with such a refrigerator since childhood and can even remind the reader of an episode from the musical “Wedding in a Robin”, where Popandopulo from Odessa crawls out of Groundfridge as soon as the Reds retreated from Malinovka. Great scene in a great movie
Oh mommies! Europe invented the cellar!
Gentlemen, but they still don’t know about the collar, cellar, underground, glacier, zaimka and other Russian bells and whistles. In another glacier, even without a freezing program, you can sit out until better hours.
I have one familiar core in the Moscow region, from retired generals. So he equipped an office in the glacier. The grandfather of the army does not tolerate the heat well, so in the summer he climbs in felt boots and a padded jacket, and in a triukha in the cellar. There he writes, sitting in a natural air conditioner. Good memoirs are obtained. I read. Merry!
What about him? Full of turnips, and there are plenty of them - clean and enjoy life!
For 80 years, the commander has passed! I'm afraid of one. The adjutants of this grandfather will forget there, and he will just end up at the desk with a pen in one, and a turnip in the other hand. How about without a license? You can't without a license!
And now back to Ukraine. The local authorities came to a new conclusion, they say, the village needs to give up gas. It will be expensive to heat at the new prices. Even their minister, said on TV that the refusal of gas by the villagers is a step towards progress. I suspect that the next step in the same direction will be a kerosene lamp! What's more, it's an invention. purely Lviv, and belongs to Lviv pharmacists. So what's there? It's time to use the discovery, but don't forget to buy a license. The Europeans.
Do you think the author of the feuilleton exaggerates? Here is the official commentary of the Deputy Prime Minister of this strange country, by the name of Rozenko.
"For residents of rural areas, giving up gas is promising in terms of energy saving. Yes, this is a radical step ... but you need to think about refusing to use gas."
Needless to say, the prospect is promising, in the spirit of Khrushchev's version of corn. I remember then, in the country there was almost a famine.
It seems that with the next change of another arch-Jew in the government of Ukraine, the lobbied companies have changed: the previous one imposed plastic windows on Ukrainians and gas boilers, and the new one decided differently - “peremog” for boilers on straw and dung. After all, as far as I know, most of Ukraine is a steppe territory and there is no forest there. Yes, and the Carpathians are almost all cut down, during the time of "independence", and what remains has long been privatized. So, the conversation is not about firewood! Namely, about straw and dung. However, there are also solar panels, but somehow I can’t imagine them on the Little Russian huts or on the wooden huts of the Carpathian highlanders. They still haven't paid off the loans for windows.
Today, one can often hear that the government of Ukraine is led by the United States and the Rothschilds. Perhaps this is so, but these people cannot interfere in almost everything? The general management is understandable, but, as a rule, a zealous owner understands the little things. Judging by the economy of Ukraine, its owners are far from crayfish. Something tells me that all the successes of the current leadership, after all, are the work of their own hands. Of course, Clinton, in pursuit of her dream of revenge on Bill in the Oval Office of the White House, could well have prompted the Ukrainian elite to take such steps, but my observation of this Bush chicken leads me to believe that she is not capable of such pearls. Here you need to know the mentality of Ukrainians, who respectfully call each other dudes, not realizing that this word is translated from Yiddish, like a ram, and not just a hard-horned stag in a felted fleece, but a castrated dude, indifferent to the continuation of his kind. Today in Ukraine, there are more and more dudes and dudes. Agree that the slang color for a word meaning a girl is more than strange.
In the pro-Western youth of various Slavic communities, the word dude has the following meaning: "a person who respects high American culture." Let me not decipher the dude, reader. There it is! The calf is still better!
And against this background, the Russian BABA sounds almost an insult! And this is despite the numerous stone sculptures of ancestors in the steppes of the Black Sea, the sources from the annals, where Mary the Mother of God is called a woman?! The astonishing self-abasement of the Slavic peoples. I now understand why Putin did not wet the bandits in the toilets. He did not have a European license for this. Well, I would soak it in cellars, in sheds, for example. You never know in Rus', unlicensed buildings are poked. You will be tortured to count one taiga.
Yeees! The grandfather and the woman look somehow unsightly, with their chicken Pockmarked, against the backdrop of the triumph of dudes and dudes.
I happened to read a review of this Russian fairy tale by a Dutch professor. He turned out to be a remarkably meticulous person. I looked into explanatory dictionaries and was taken aback:
The meaning of the word Pockmarked according to Ushakov's dictionary:
pockmarked; pockmarked; ripple, ripple, ripple. 1. Having mountain ash on a smooth surface (see mountain ash 2 in 1 meaning). Pockmarked with dust. Pimpled girl. 2. Having spots of a different color against the background of one color, not one-color, motley (colloquially). Pockmarked cow. Freckled face. Speckled hen.
The man was completely exhausted, imagining the Ryaba hen laying golden eggs. The thing is that genetics rejects such a metamorphosis, due to the fact that a pockmarked chicken lays the most common eggs. And the professor is unaware that the point here is not the rippled coloring of the chicken. This is stupidity imposed on us by an artist in the 20th century who painted illustrations for the fairy tale about Ryabeya the hen. Are you a reader, do you also imagine her like that? Meanwhile, if you know the Russian language, speak it, understand its words, be interested in its turns, then everything will fall into place. Chicken Ryaba, not quite a chicken. This is a grouse! A commercial hunting bird, which was well known to Russian travelers. Fairy tales were composed about her, in which she carried golden eggs. Something like a peacock - a firebird.
Ryabki are small birds. Their body length is 20-40 cm, and their weight is up to half a kilogram. Ryabki live in Europe, Asia and North Africa. For living, the sandgrouse chooses mainly arid places, deserts. Outwardly, the grouse has a dense physique, a small head and a short neck. The plumage color is not bright, with a predominance of sandy, grayish, beige and buffy tones. Sandgrouse are game birds, they are hunted. Basically, grouse shoot back in places of watering. Bird numbers have been declining in recent years.
Ryabki are social birds and stay in flocks. But during the breeding season, the flock is divided into small families, within which the birds choose their partners. Grouse are monogamous. The nest is arranged right on the ground, in a small dug hole. Nest litter is either not used at all, laying eggs in sandy soil, or it is very thin and scarce. The clutch of grouse usually contains 3 eggs (rarely 2-4 eggs). The eggs are GREYYYELLOW speckled, sometimes GOLDEN - this coloring allows them to be invisible against the background of sandy soil. Both parents are engaged in incubation of offspring.
So the grouse chicken is called Ryaba. And her eggs have a hard shell.
And here the thought dawned on me: why not compare the Ukrainian and Russian versions of the fairy tale about the chicken Ryaba. I turned to the documents and found the two oldest versions of this tale. They are so entertaining that I invite the reader to read them on their own and compare them with what Soviet propaganda gave us in childhood. And at the same time open the mentality of the Russian and Ukrainian people. I warn you that both fairy tales from the 17th century have been corrected by me for a modern style, without changing the essence of the story.
So, the Soviet fairy tale known to us:

The Tale of Ryaba the Hen

There lived a grandfather and a woman. And they had a chicken ryaba.
The chicken laid an egg, but not a simple one - a golden one.
Grandfather beat, beat - did not break.
Baba beat, beat - did not break.
And the mouse ran, waved its tail, the testicle fell and broke.
The grandfather cries, the woman cries, and the hen cackles:
- Do not cry, grandfather, do not cry, woman: I will lay you an egg, not a golden one - a simple one!

This is a simple children's tale about the Soviet-era chicken Ryaba. The smallest child knows the fairy tale Ryaba chicken. A story that is easy to read. All politically incorrect phrases have been removed from it. But, there are other options. For example, the Russian version of this tale from the Kaluga province.

Testicle (Ryaba Hen)
Russian folktale

There lived a grandfather and a woman, they had a hen Ryaba; she laid a testicle under the floor - colorful, vostro, bone, tricky! The grandfather beat - did not break, the woman beat - did not break, and the mouse ran and crushed it with its tail. The grandfather is crying, the woman is crying, the chicken is cackling, the gates are creaking, chips are flying from the yard, the top is staggering in the hut!
The priest's daughters went for water, they asked the grandfather, they asked the woman:
- What are you crying about?
How can we not cry! - answer the grandfather and the woman. - We have a chicken Ryaba; she laid a testicle under the floor - colorful, vostro, bone, tricky! The grandfather beat - did not break, the woman beat - did not break, and the mouse ran and crushed it with its tail.
When the priest's daughters heard this, out of great grief they threw the buckets to the ground, broke the yokes, and returned home empty-handed.
- Ah, mother! - they say to the popadye. - You don’t know anything, you don’t know anything, but there is a lot of work in the world: a grandfather and a woman live for themselves, they have a hen Ryaba; she laid a testicle under the floor - colorful, vostro, bone, tricky! The grandfather beat - did not break, the woman beat - did not break, and the mouse ran and crushed it with its tail. That is why the grandfather is crying, the woman is crying, the hen is cackling, the gates are creaking, chips are flying from the yard, the top is staggering in the hut. And we, going for water, abandoned the buckets, broke the rockers!
At that time, the priest was crying, and the hen was cackling, and immediately, out of great grief, knocked over the sourdough and scattered all the dough on the floor.
The pope came with a book.
- Ah, father! - the priest tells him. - You don’t know anything, you don’t know anything, but there is a lot of work in the world: a grandfather and a woman live for themselves, they have a hen Ryaba; she laid a testicle under the floor - colorful, vostro, bone, tricky! The grandfather beat - did not break, the woman beat - did not break, and the mouse ran and crushed it with its tail. That is why the grandfather is crying, the woman is crying, the hen is cackling, the gates are creaking, chips are flying from the yard, the top is staggering in the hut! Our daughters, going for water, abandoned the buckets, broke the rocker arms, and I kneaded the dough and, out of great grief, scattered everything on the floor!
The pope grumbled and grieved, tore his book to shreds.

As you can see, there is no question of any golden egg in the Russian fairy tale. But a priest's book appears - the Bible, previously unknown in Rus'. And you can see the attitude of the people towards her and the priests.
And here is the Ukrainian (Little Russian version) from Western and Central Ukraine. The same option, but with the participation of the Zaporizhzhya Cossacks, exists in the southern region. Pay attention, reader, to the change in the meaning of the text and the title itself.

About the chicken
who laid the golden eggs
Ukrainian folk tale

There lived a grandfather and a woman, they had a pockmarked chicken. For three years they fed the hen, from day to day they expected eggs from her.
Exactly three years later, a hen laid a testicle on them, and that testicle was not simple, but golden. Grandfather and woman rejoice, they don’t know what to do with this testicle, they don’t believe with their eyes that the chicken laid a golden egg.
We tried to break it, but it is so strong - it does not break. Grandfather beat-beat, did not break, the woman beat-beat, did not break. They put the egg on the shelf; a mouse ran, touched it with its tail, an egg fell on the table and broke. The grandfather cries, the woman cries, and the hen cackles:
- Do not cry, grandfather, do not cry, woman, I will bring you another, not simple, but golden, just wait three years.
The grandfather and the woman picked up the golden shells and sold them to the Jews. Little money was received. They wanted to build a new hut, but there was not enough money, they had to wait another three years for the hut to get enough. They waited a week, waited a second, waited a third, it seemed to them painfully long, they were tired of waiting.
So the grandfather says to the woman:
- You know what, old lady? Instead of waiting for three whole years, let's immediately slaughter a chicken and get a golden egg out of it. Yes, there it is, apparently, not one, maybe there are three of them, or even four. So we’ll live then, we’ll have a new hut, we’ll buy land, and we won’t bow to anyone.
- Oh, really, grandfather, let's slaughter! They slaughtered a chicken, but not a single one was found in the middle of the testicle. The grandfather and the woman began to cry again.
The mouse stuck its head out of the hole and says:
- Do not cry, grandfather, do not cry, woman, bury your chicken in the garden, at the crossroads, wait three years, and then dig up a treasure in that place. Yes, cut it on your nose so that you remember until your death that everything you wish is not immediately obtained.
The woman buried the chicken near the garden at the crossroads, just near the undergrowth, stuck a stick for signs. They are waiting for a year, waiting for the second - they do not have enough patience, they wanted to quickly dig up the treasure. The third year has already come, and they are all waiting. Here the woman says to the grandfather:
- And let's go, grandfather, let's see.
- Do not hurry, old woman, we will wait a little, there is already a little left. Longer wait, now there is less to wait.
- No, old man, we won’t touch anything, we’ll just see if our treasure is pecking there.
- Look, old woman, so as not to spoil the whole thing.
- Do not be afraid, grandfather, nothing bad will happen.
They went with a spade into the garden. They dug and dug and dug up a whole bunch of golden bugs. Beetles hummed and scattered in all directions.
And so the grandfather and the woman remained to live in the old hut, they did not have a chance to put up a new one.
And the mouse stuck its head out of the hole and said:
- You're already old, but stupid. Why didn't they wait until they were three years old? If you had a big pile of gold, but now they are all scattered.

Well, the reader inserts. Do you still not understand what is happening in Ukraine and Russia? It seems to me that the old fairy tale can explain a lot, you just need to carefully read what our ancestors bequeathed to us. Read, study and cherish, otherwise you will have to buy a lot in the West under a license. And something tells me that Ukrainian grandfather and his grandmother should not live in a new hut. The hen that laid the golden eggs was killed, the golden shell was sold to the Jews, but the harvest of golden chervonets was not expected.
Not in the eyebrow, but in the eye.

The folk tale about the chicken Ryaba is known to everyone from early childhood. She is easy to remember, the children love her very much.

What is this tale about?

She tells about how once a hen, who lived with her grandfather and woman, suddenly laid a golden egg. The grandfather and the woman could not break it, despite many attempts. But the mouse was able to do it by accident. She just had to wag her tail. But instead of rejoicing, the grandfather and the woman for some reason were very upset. The hen reassured them and said that they would have a new testicle, an ordinary one, not a golden one.

However, this story has several variants. In some of them, new characters appear: the priest and the priest.

The meaning of the fairy tale

Here is a seemingly simple story. But what about the chicken Ryaba? This question is of interest to many. Some people think that the story doesn't make sense at all. This statement is unlikely to be accepted by most people. After all, fairy tales have long been told not only for interest, but also in order to teach something good. The meaning of this tale remains to be seen.

The main contradiction of the tale is that the grandfather and grandmother are crying because the golden egg is broken. But they really wanted it! Perhaps the egg was empty, and grandma and grandpa were disappointed. Maybe they just wanted to eat, and the egg, broken by the mouse, accidentally spread on the floor? It is possible that it was not golden, but simply with a golden shell, the old people thought that it was especially tasty.

Hidden meanings

Some researchers of the fairy tale have devoted many years to finding its connection with mythology. Often the tale is associated with ancient myths about the World Egg, from which either the entire Universe, or part of the world, or one of the gods is born. The image of the mouse is also symbolic. The myths of many nations say that this animal was born from the earth. Thus, the tale is associated with myths about creation and the end of the world.

In some fuller versions of the tale, after the egg was broken, some kind of misfortune happened to everyone who found out about it.

There is an opinion that the tale has a connection with pagan rites. In this case, the egg is compared with the moon or the sun. The golden egg is the sun. The image of a gray mouse - evening. Broken golden egg - sunset. A simple egg is the moon.

The interpretation of the fairy tale by M. E. Vigdorchik is interesting. He believes that the golden egg is a symbol of the child. Trying to break an egg is a symbol of raising a child. But the grandfather and grandmother did not succeed, but the mouse did. The mouse is a symbol of a frivolous daughter-in-law, who for her husband's parents seems to be some kind of rival. They are offended that she managed to raise a child, but they do not.

Supporters of psychoanalysis (for example, S. Z. Agranovich) believe that the egg in a fairy tale plays the role of a savior, it is a kind of symbol of life. Gold symbolizes death. That's why the old people tried so hard to break it. But when the mouse did this, they were frightened, because they did not know what to expect next. The mouse is an intermediary between the world of the living and the world of the dead, it can do both good deeds and bad ones. At your own discretion. And when the chicken says that she will lay an ordinary testicle, everyone rejoices, as the future has become clear. Life has won.

The relevance of fairy tales in our time

Children's stories are a collection of folk wisdom, albeit not in the form of teaching. The tale of Ryaba the chicken is no exception. However, times are changing, new realities are emerging. Many authors try to tell a well-known legend in their own way. The tale about the chicken Ryaba in a new way by Olga Akhmetova is very interesting. In her interpretation, the mouse, seeing the egg, wanted to steal it, she envied the fact that the grandfather and grandmother "become rich", and yet she "worthy of a million." Those, in turn, thought for too long what to do with the wealth that had fallen on their heads. As a result, the egg broke and no one got it. The meaning of this fairy tale is that everyone in life can have a happy chance, but you need to use it wisely.

Another fairy tale about the chicken Ryaba tells that the egg turned out to be not golden, but just a kinder surprise. In Igor Shandra's fairy tale, Ryaba took it down. They took it to the bank for storage, so that it would certainly not break. But even in this version of the grandfather and grandmother, tears awaited. And the computer mouse turned out to be to blame: “it waved its tail”, and the entire bank disappeared. And Ryaba consoled with the fact that the fake had disappeared, and the real egg was safe and sound.

These are such interesting stories, and this is only a small part. Everything suggests that in our time the fairy tale about the chicken Ryaba is of interest not only to children, but also to adults.

Controversy over the moral of the story

Serious studies of the fairy tale inspire respect, but it is unlikely that an ordinary person will look for hidden meanings. But what does this story teach? What is the moral of the tale about Ryaba the chicken?

Everyone can understand it in their own way. There is an opinion that the egg is a symbol of love that grandfather and grandmother could not save. The speckled chicken is a symbol of the Higher Mind, which is why it is black and white, as it combines both good and evil. The mouse is some kind of gossip. If you break love for a long time, then the relationship may end because of some little thing like gossip. And a simple egg is not love, but a habit that has appeared over time. Moral - we must cherish relationships, cherish love.

Someone believes that the fairy tale says that one should not be stupid and envious. After all, the grandfather and grandmother did not even understand why they wanted to break the egg, and when the mouse did it, they simply envied her. Moral - you need to think about your actions and not be envious.

Perhaps the golden egg is a symbol of wealth, which should not be so desperately sought. Grandfather and grandmother struggled for a long time to achieve material wealth, but then the mouse (accident) showed them by breaking the egg that there was nothing special about it. A simple egg, which the chicken then promised, is a symbol of eternal values. Moral - you can be happy without the desire to accumulate wealth.

There is also a version that the fairy tale teaches not to plan life to the smallest detail. There is always room for randomness.

Can a child understand this story?

It is not for nothing that they say that through the mouth of a baby Despite many interpretations, the tale about Ryaba the hen is still a children's work.

Grandfather and woman, according to many kids, cry because they themselves could not break the golden egg. That's where so many feelings come from.

Of course, later parents can offer the child their own version of what this fairy tale teaches. A good educational conversation will turn out.

(What is the story about?)

And really, about what? Grandfather and Baba lived for themselves with a pied chicken, nicknamed Pockmarked, quietly calmly without problems and hassle, but here, on you! Either the Chernobyl cloud floated to their village, or the tsunami from Fukushima covered their place of residence, but the fact remains: the chicken clearly mutated and demolished something that made both Grandfather and Baba dumbfounded. She laid down nothing less than a golden egg! In Grandfather's hut, a chervonets was a golden rarity, and here - a whole golden testicle! The old people rejoiced! Fine! God's gift descended to them in their old age! Grace! Yes, that's just a dispute between them came out: a testicle, is it like cast, or is it so simple, a shell one of gold leaf? So they began to beat the pockmarked egg on the edge of the table, and roll it back and forth on the tabletop to test its strength. At first, Grandfather tried to tear the egg apart, then Baba came to his aid. They beat him, beat him, but nothing came of it.
- I'm telling you, it's cast! So happiness has come to our house! Baba rejoiced.
- However, it will be easy for casting! - Grandfather objected skeptically, tossing an egg on a rough palm.
- You and I will have enough of him and an easy life! We need to sell the egg! the old woman pointed out.
- Yes, to whom are we selling it here? Look around! Beggars all, in our manner with you! One word - village! - Grandfather doubted, scratching his pretty bald skull with his hardened fives.
- That's the trouble, that there is no one! Baba agreed. - Then you, that's it! Get ready for the capital city of St. Petersburg! Nemchura there is a scientist, they call him Carla Fabergejoy ... You go to him! He, they say, according to the golden eggs is the most agro-mad specialist! He delivers those golden eggs to the palace to the Lumperator himself! Karla entot, our testicle will be able to appreciate it, and, God willing, will buy it! You see, he’ll set a decent price, get out of the hut, we’ll patch it up! And then the roof, I suppose, has not been blocked for twenty years, there are only holes! Avon! Stars from heaven, as if through a sieve, you can see!

Baba began to collect her grandfather on a long journey. Yes, here, unfortunately, the Mouse crawled out of the underground. She sniffed her nose, wiggled her antennae, flashed her little black eyes, stares, and on the table - a small sun shines. Her curiosity here dismantled: what kind of miracle is this, very shiny, that the old people started up in the hut? She decided to come closer and get a better look at him, while Grandfather and Baba were busy with road chores. No sooner said than done! From the floor - to the stool, from the stool - to the table. That's almost the goal! At that moment, Baba's cry resounded:
- Dear fathers! Grandfather! Look, Mouse!!!
- Atu her! - Grandfather yelled heart-rendingly with all the residual strength of his smoky lungs, immediately going on the attack.

With an unsteady old hand, a slipper, launched like a meteor, swept over the table. The mouse, out of fright, jumped down, but the trouble is, it touched the golden testicle with its tail, it fell from the table to the floor and broke! Grandfather is crying (a business trip to the capital was covered with a copper basin!), Beluga inconsolable Baba is roaring (the German Fabergjoy will not give money for the roof now!), And the Mouse from his mink looks at them and thinks:
- Really, what strange creatures, these people! What is it, you old fools, crying? They themselves kept the egg for half an hour, but they could not break it! I did all the work for you, and you - in tears!

Little hen Ryaba enters the hut with an unhurried imposing gait and delivers his comforting speech:
- Don't cry, Grandpa! Don't cry Baba! Tomorrow I will lay you a testicle, not a mutated one, but a simple one!

Hearing this, Grandfather at once wiped his tears with snot with his sleeve, stretched out his senile labor finger, eaten away by a scab, crooked with chronic gout, and said:
- Sha, Baba! Enough miracles! Without entih eggs, we will somehow live golden and ordinary ones! Not the essentials of this product! And we don't need it! And I, I wish for dinner rich chicken soup with potatoes and giblets! If there is a martyr in the house, then it would be nice to season it with noodles! Today! Immediately!!!

This verdict, final, was not subject to appeal, and on the same day Grandfather carried out the execution ... But the soup, cooked by Baba, burned a little because of its sclerosis. Grandfather didn’t like it, so, as a result, towards evening, his Yard’s Sharik grunted eagerly. The shells are golden from a mountain ash egg, Grandfather collected them exactly, and on the sly handed over to the local rogue-buyer of precious metals at the price of scrap, and drank the money earned for them in the nearest tavern out of grief for the rest of the chicken soul. Such a sad story happened to them!


In the illustration: the fairy tale "Ryaba the Hen"

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