Eat before evening workout. What is the best food to eat before a workout?


What can you eat before an evening workout. Find out how many proteins, fats and carbohydrates you need to eat during the period of gaining muscle mass or burning fat.

If you train after work, be sure to consider what, when and how much you need to eat before an evening workout.

Many people have heard that breakfast should be the most calorie-dense meal of the day. The calories and carbohydrates you eat will provide you with energy throughout the day.

But what if you train in the evening? Do you need to revise your meal plan?

Whether your goal is to build muscle or burn fat, the timing of your meals is just as important as what you eat. If the schedule is wrong, you will be disappointed with the result (or lack of it).


Since the training will only be in the evening, there is no need for a giant breakfast. If you are limited in carbohydrate intake, breakfast should consist mainly of proteins and fats. Vegetables and fruits can be used as carbohydrates.

If you do not particularly limit yourself in taking carbohydrates, then you can add to your breakfast and .

Snack at noon

If you are not consuming too many calories, you should save carbohydrates for the rest for. Have a light snack consisting of fast-digesting protein and a small amount of healthy fats. Add vegetables to this to maintain the water-salt balance.


Your lunch meal depends on your goals. For those who burn excess fat, protein foods and some healthy fats will do. To add to this low-calorie meal, eat another serving of vegetables.

If you're trying to bulk up, add a moderate amount of complex carbs. Even during this period, it is advisable to eat most of the carbohydrates before training. Then all of them will be used by the body as energy.

Eating or

At this time, you need to prepare your body for the upcoming load. You want food that will give you energy without making your stomach feel heavy. If you prefer solid food to sports nutrition, you should eat 2 hours before training. Cocktail can be drunk for 30– 45 minutes before training.

You need fast digesting protein and complex carbohydrates, don't go heavy on fats. We need carbohydrates that will be absorbed for a long time, then glucose will evenly enter the bloodstream during training.

Eating after a workout

If you are on a diet, your workout should be followed by a carbohydrate meal. This way you will replenish your glycogen stores, but you will not store excess fat. If you are gaining muscle mass, feel free to load. Once a day, you can eat an excess amount of carbohydrates.

You will also need a fast-digesting protein source, such as whey protein isolate. Carbohydrates should be both simple and complex, so you will quickly restore blood glucose levels and stock up on energy for several hours. If you don't need spikes in insulin, eat only complex carbohydrates, then there will be no fluctuations in blood sugar levels.

There should be little fat in this meal. Carbohydrates must reach the muscles with the help of insulin, and fat consumption will complicate this task.


If you are not following a strict fat burning plan, dinner should also contain complex carbohydrates. Portion should be average. These carbohydrates are needed for post-workout recovery.

If you're on a strict diet, then limit your dinner to protein, healthy fats, and vegetables.

Eating or sports nutrition before bed

Forget carbs before bed. Otherwise, you will wake up in the middle of the night due to fluctuating blood sugar levels and gain extra weight. The ideal meal before bed is a serving of casein or slow-digesting meat like beef steak or salmon.

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When working on the beauty of your own body, it is not enough to go to the gym, because 65% of success does not depend on physical exercises, but on diet. What should you eat before a workout?

You can’t go to training hungry, otherwise the athlete will lose energy after the second exercise, besides, the body will not have the necessary “building material” for muscle mass. Therefore, it is necessary to eat necessarily saturating the body with carbohydrates and proteins.

What to eat before a workout at the gym

Before going to the fitness center, you can not rush to extremes - overeat or starve. It is necessary to adhere to the golden mean by making the right menu. The food consumed before class should contain the majority of carbohydrates, proteins and a minimum of vegetable fats, for example, or olive oil.

Experienced fitness trainers say that there should be no fat at all, because they slow down the metabolic process, preventing proteins and carbohydrates from being absorbed into the blood, and also cause nausea and heaviness in the stomach.

For effective training, you need the following:

  • from 40 to 65 g of slow carbohydrates, they give vigor and energy necessary for intensive exercise;
  • protein - 20-30 g per meal, due to which muscle growth and restoration of the body's strength is possible.

The indicated figures maneuver depending on the age, health, physical form of the athlete, and most importantly, the time of day in which the lesson takes place. Morning time does not oblige to a full breakfast, it will be enough to eat an apple, drink a glass of milk, but evening activity requires a full protein-carbohydrate lunch.

In terms of calories, a pre-workout meal should not exceed 200-250 calories for women and 300-400 for men.

For example, you can eat the following dishes: scrambled eggs with vegetables (2 eggs), cottage cheese with dried fruits and nuts, oatmeal with fresh fruits, candied fruits and nuts, cabbage rolls with minced chicken, baked chicken with a side dish,.

Sources of carbohydrates

The largest storehouse of this substance can be found in corn flakes, oatmeal, rice, buckwheat and other cereals.

About 40–60 g (per 100 g of food) of carbohydrates can be obtained by eating rye bread, peas, beans, raw vegetables.

The minimum amount of carbohydrates (10–40 g) is found in fresh fruit juices, apples, curds, grapes, potatoes, and beets.

Protein Sources

Protein is indispensable, especially for bodybuilders who are working on pumping up muscles. Dairy products must be present in their diet: cheese, milk, cottage cheese. It is useful to eat meat of turkey, chicken, goose, veal. You can also diversify the menu with eggs, trout.


When to eat

The above describes what you need to eat before training to feel full of energy, but it does not indicate how long before it should be done. Of course, it is impossible to load the stomach 5–10 minutes before the start of physical activity, otherwise there will be a desire to sleep, heaviness in the stomach, belching, and besides, this interferes with the quality of the exercises. Physical activity after meals also slows down the digestion process.

Professional fitness instructors recommend eating at least 1.5 hours before training, and preferably 2-3 hours, this amount of time is necessary for the body to digest food. But if you wish, you can have a snack half an hour before class, however, not with bread and meat, but with cottage cheese, fresh vegetables or fruits, porridge.

Do not forget about water, the body will also need its reserves, so women need to drink 0.45 liters of liquid in small sips an hour before the start of class, and men - 0.7 liters.

For weight loss


By adhering to the basic rules described above, any athlete (whatever his goal) will certainly achieve positive results. It is worth remembering that we are all an external reflection of what we eat and do not forget about the food culture.

To have a beautiful body, you will have to forget about fatty foods, chips, fast foods, cakes, donuts and exclude sugary carbonated drinks.

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So, today we will talk about how to eat before and after training in order to lose weight and in order to build muscle.

If your goal is to build muscle, then exercise and proper nutrition are a must. Training in this case should be 4-5 times a week, with heavy weights and a small number of approaches. Particular attention must be paid precisely to the fact that work with weight should be built on the limit, i.e. the last approach should really be the last, and not so that you can lift the dumbbells 20 more times, for example. Cardio exercises should also be, but more in the form of a warm-up and a hitch, i.e. not as intense as those who want to lose weight.

If your goal is to lose weight, then you need to work with light weights, 3 sets of 10-12 reps (for girls) at a good pace with minimal rest between sets.

15-20 minutes before training, you can have a snack with yogurt (natural) or a protein shake and fruit, after which you can train for 30-60 minutes at an intense pace, or 1-1.2 hours, but already of medium intensity, including stretching, cardio and strength training.

It should be noted that immediately after training, after 20-30 minutes, there should be a plentiful intake of protein and carbohydrate foods. At this time, the metabolic window opens in the body, when the body is actively consuming protein and carbohydrate food, for muscle recovery. Due to this, muscle growth will occur, otherwise, the muscles will be destroyed.

The optimal nutrition after a workout is a protein shake and cottage cheese, as it is considered the most quickly digestible protein, unlike, for example, meat. The body will spend a lot of time and effort on the assimilation of meat, and after training it needs to immediately get protein and simple carbohydrates. The body needs a lot of protein and carbohydrates at this time, but it will digest everything, because. due to the critical condition, he will quickly process them and nothing will be deposited in fat, everything will go to muscle recovery. In no case after training, do not eat fats and do not drink caffeinated drinks (tea, coffee ...), because caffeine interferes with the work of glycogen and interferes with muscle recovery.

The only thing to remember is that such post-workout nutrition is designed only for training aimed at muscle growth, because many are engaged in endurance, fat burning, etc.

Many people prefer to train in the evenings because of work. Therefore, the question: how to eat after a workout, in this case, is also very relevant. Many nutrition guides say to eat less at the end of the day. Decrease the amount of carbohydrates to reduce the percentage of fat in the body. However, if you are training, then all these principles do not apply. Since you need to replenish energy reserves in the muscles after training, you still need nutrients for recovery.

After dinner, you need to do something and after a while go to bed. So you will not gain excess fat, because metabolic processes are accelerated after training, and proteins and carbohydrates go to replenish stocks.

If you wish to lose weight

It is immediately worth noting the moment that you can not train on an empty stomach in any case. The stomach is considered hungry if it has not eaten for 8 hours. For example, immediately after waking up, you can’t practice without a light snack, you need to have a snack or drink plain water. Thus, you start the process of metabolism to burn fat.

For weight loss, after training, you can not eat for 1 hour, only drink water. After 1 hour, you need to eat a balanced meal consisting of proteins and carbohydrates. At the same time, carbohydrates should be healthy, not chocolate, but brown rice, buckwheat, wholemeal pasta, cereals, bread, vegetables, etc. Protein - fish, chicken, egg whites, etc.

Just don't eat fatty foods after your workout. Also, don't drink caffeinated drinks.

2-3 hours before training, you must definitely eat, otherwise the body will not have enough energy to work effectively.

However, this meal should include certain nutrients. If you eat fatty foods, it will not have time to be digested, so during training you will be haunted by a feeling of heaviness, belching, colic. Therefore, before playing sports, it is advisable to eat dishes with minimum fat, but rich in proteins and carbohydrates.

These easy-to-make meals can be made in 5-15 minutes, eaten two hours before your workout, and get all the nutrients you need. In addition, they can be used as a quick .

This meal has 13g of protein per serving, and banana and oatmeal provide plenty of carbohydrates.


  • ¾ cup oatmeal;
  • 2 eggs;
  • ¹⁄₂ glass of milk;
  • 1 banana;
  • 1 teaspoon cinnamon.


Mash the banana with a fork or in a blender until pureed. Mix all ingredients in a saucepan. Simmer over low heat until the mixture has the consistency of regular oatmeal (about 5 minutes).

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This dish has a lot of protein from cottage cheese and yogurt and carbohydrates from peanuts, cereal and honey.


  • 1 glass of strawberries;
  • 2 cups of breakfast cereal;
  • 100 g of granular cottage cheese;
  • 50 g Greek yogurt;
  • 30 g of peanuts;
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla sugar;
  • 1 tablespoon lemon juice;
  • 1 tablespoon honey.


Combine cottage cheese, Greek yogurt, vanilla sugar, honey and lemon juice. In a glass, layer the breakfast cereal, cottage cheese yogurt mixture, strawberries (other berries or sliced ​​banana can be added), and peanuts.

This recipe is high in protein from eggs, tuna and yogurt and carbs from bread.


  • 2 tablespoons of yogurt;
  • 2 eggs;
  • 2 slices of bread;
  • parsley or dill.


Boil the eggs, cut them in half. Drain the excess liquid from the can of tuna, mash it with a fork, add yogurt. Spread the mixture on the bread, put the two halves of the egg, garnish with parsley.

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This dish is loaded with protein from Greek yogurt and carbs from berries and granola, a sweet mix of oatmeal, honey, nuts, and dried fruits. If there are no berries, it's okay, granola blocks the need for carbohydrates.


  • 150 g Greek yogurt 2% fat;
  • a handful of any berries;
  • 50 g granola.

For granola:

  • 2 cups of oatmeal;
  • 1 glass of almonds;
  • ¹⁄₃ cup of honey;
  • a pinch of salt;
  • 2 tablespoons of vegetable oil;
  • a pinch of vanilla sugar;
  • ⅔ cup dried berries;
  • ¹⁄₂ cup brown sugar.


To make granola, combine honey, sugar, salt, and vegetable oil in a saucepan. Heat over low heat until sugar dissolves, then add vanilla sugar and cool. Combine oatmeal, dried berries, almonds and honey-butter mixture. Knead it with your hands until smooth.

Preheat the oven to 160 degrees, put the finished mass on a baking sheet and bake for 30 minutes. Cooked granola can be stored in the refrigerator for up to two weeks. You can substitute ingredients and use a banana, different berries, nuts, or dried fruits.

It is better to cook granola in advance, for example on weekends. If you don’t want to waste time on this, buy ready-made granola at the store.

Mix yogurt, berries and granola. A delicious and nutritious dish is ready.


It takes only 10-15 minutes to prepare this dish. Due to cottage cheese, there is a lot of protein in the casserole, and thanks to sugar and semolina, there are enough carbohydrates.


  • 250 g of cottage cheese;
  • 3-4 tablespoons of sugar;
  • 2 tablespoons of semolina;
  • 2 eggs;
  • 1 tablespoon of butter;
  • ¹⁄₂ teaspoon baking soda.


Mix all the ingredients, put in a glass or plastic bowl, close the lid. Put in for 8 minutes at a power of 800 watts.


  • 3 tablespoons mixed nuts;
  • 1 tablespoon of sunflower seeds;
  • 1 tablespoon pumpkin seeds;
  • 1 banana;
  • 2 handfuls of berries;
  • 200 g vanilla flavored yoghurt.


Cut banana into slices. Mix all ingredients.

Due to tuna and granular cottage cheese, this dish has a lot of protein.


  • 3 medium potatoes;
  • 1 can of canned tuna;
  • 100 g cream cheese;
  • green onion.


Peel the potatoes, cut in half and put in the microwave for 10 minutes at maximum power. Check readiness: potatoes should be soft. Open a can of tuna, drain the liquid, mash with a fork and toss with the cream cheese and scallions.

Remove the potatoes, scoop out the core with a spoon and stuff with the tuna and cheese mixture. Place in the microwave for a couple more minutes.

This dish has a lot of protein, but not enough carbohydrates. If you are waiting for a workout on, you can eat grapefruit, granola, a mixture of dried fruits or a banana as a dessert.


  • 2 eggs;
  • 2 egg whites;
  • 1 bell pepper;
  • 1 onion;
  • 250 g mushrooms;
  • 75 ml of milk;
  • green onions or parsley;
  • ¹⁄₂ tablespoon of flour.


Cut the onion into cubes, fry until translucent. While the onions are cooking, chop the mushrooms, put them in a pan and fry until the moisture evaporates from them.

Slice the bell pepper into strips. Add to the skillet with the onions and mushrooms and leave covered for 1-2 minutes to soften the peppers. Mix eggs, proteins, milk, flour and green onions, pour mushrooms and peppers with this mixture. Close the lid and bring to readiness.

Eating before a workout energizes and helps you train harder and harder, and eating after it helps muscle recovery. It is not always possible to eat a full meal 1.5 hours before sports or 45-60 hours after they are completed. In such cases, have a light snack for 150-200 calories 30-45 minutes before the start. You don’t need to have a special snack if you ate about 1.5-2 hours ago. Overweight and weight gain. Do not think that everything will burn out in training. Most people burn fewer calories than they think. On average, it is 300-400 kcal, no matter what the devices show. Have a snack if you really need it.

For different types of sports activities, there are different requirements for the distribution of meals before training. A snack before yoga will be superfluous, and before strength training it will come in handy.

The main thing in a pre-workout snack is proteins and carbohydrates. Carbohydrates prevent premature depletion of muscle glycogen, which will allow you to work out intensively. Protein prevents muscle breakdown. And eating itself reduces the level of cortisol - the stress hormone, which begins to be actively produced after hungry sports activities (caloricizer). - it destroys muscle tissue, causes.

Fats slow down digestion. You risk feeling heartburn, bloating, nausea, or pain when exercising. There should be no fat in the snack.

Choose from fast-digesting carbohydrates, or a small slice. There should be few carbohydrates. Choose less carbohydrate foods. better . better . better .

Excess carbohydrates create a high glycemic load on the body. With a bad workout, you run the risk of feeling weak, apathetic, lethargic. By the way, obese and sedentary people have low sensitivity to insulin.

The post-workout meal should take place no later than 4-5 hours after the previous meal. This figure was reached by researchers Alan Aragon and Brad Schofield, who studied the effect of nutrition around training on recovery.

Let's say you ate at 3:30 pm, started exercising at 5:00 pm, and worked out for 60 minutes. Let's add time for changing clothes - you left the hall at 18:30. You need to eat within 60-120 minutes (calorizator). Many come home and eat a planned dinner. If you need to cook dinner for a long time or you are not going home, you need to have a snack.

The main component of a snack is protein, since it is necessary to saturate the muscles with amino acids. Carbohydrates are an additional component. Their presence in a snack after a workout is not so important. Much more important is their number per day, that is. From carbohydrates, choose fruits, berries, vegetables and bread, but make sure that the carbohydrate serving does not exceed the daily allowance.

There may be some fat in the post-workout meal. They slow down digestion, which means you will feel full longer. Good sources are a small handful of nuts, fats from eggs, dairy products, provided that they fit into the BJU.

Sports can be included in the regimen so that you do not have to rack your brains over snacks. Sometimes it is better to have a snack than to feel very hungry and uncomfortable. The main thing is that snacks fit into your daily calorie intake, BJU and do not create a burden for digestion.

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