Laima Vaikule family. "He's not my husband!" Laima Vaikule's only love


Name: Laima Vaikule

Place of Birth: Cesis, Latvian SSR

Height: 176 cm

Weight: 63 kg

Zodiac sign: Aries

Eastern horoscope: Horse

Activity: singer


Singer Laima Stanislavovna Vaikule was born in the city of Cesis, Latvian SSR, on March 31, 1954. The celebrity family is more than simple: father Stanislav Vaikulis was a simple worker, and mother Yanina first worked as an ordinary saleswoman, and then became the director of a large store. The desire to sing Lyme most likely inherited from her grandmother, who sang in the church choir. The rest of Laima Vaikule's relatives have nothing to do with music. When Laima Vaikule was only three years old, her family - mom, dad and two older sisters (half and brother), as well as an older half-brother - moved to Riga. Lyme sang almost from the cradle. “In kindergarten, I didn’t like to sleep in the afternoon, and I sang. Parents also asked to sing when guests came. I sang in a low voice, which was funny, unusual, so I was a Diva, ”recalls Vaikule. As a child, the future celebrity dreamed of becoming a doctor, and not a singer. In the first grade, a school teacher came to Lima's parents and recommended that her daughter buy a piano, since the girl had a clear musical talent. However, Laima Vaikule herself flatly refused the prospect of being an artist. The piano was not bought for the girl. And not because Lyme herself did not want to, but because there was simply nowhere to put it in a one-room apartment.

Lyme grew up as a tomboy. Unlike her older sister Yana, the girl could not stand such beloved girlish games of “daughter-mother” and “classics”. Vaikule preferred to run around the yard with the boys and play "Cossack robbers" and catch up. “I was the favorite of the family, but very wayward. And she always did only what she considered necessary. Tough child, terrible. At the age of five, I “punished” my parents: I packed my things and left the house. At the same time, the older sister told her mother: “Do you really believe her? Where is she going?" But I still left. Around the corner of the house. My parents went to look for me and, thank God, they quickly found me. And I was waiting for them and thought: “Why are they looking for so long?” But I’m stubborn, if they hadn’t found me, I would have sat there until the morning! - says Laima Vaikule. At school, all the disciplines of Laime were given effortlessly. For the first few years, only fives stood in the singer's diary. However, when our heroine became interested in creativity, the exact sciences were forgotten.

The beginning of Laima Vaikule's career

At the age of 12, the actress first appeared on stage. The girl took part in the competition of young singers, which was held in the house of culture of the VEF Riga plant. Then she received a diploma and immediately began performing with the group. After graduating from the eighth grade, Laima Vaikule entered the local medical school. During her studies, at the age of 15, the singer became a soloist with the Riga Radio and Television Orchestra, led by Raimonds Pauls.

As Laima herself recalls, at the age of fifteen she studied music and vocals with maestro Zakhodnik. He, at that time, worked with the famous Raimonds Pauls today. Zakhodnik sang and voiced all the singers of their Raymond orchestra. The teacher noticed the talent of the young singer and took her to audition to Pauls. Laima showed her data in the Philharmonic Hall, during the performance of one of the compositions, Raymond Pauls approached her and said, clapping on the shoulder: “Baby, I take you.”

Since 1979, Vaikule has performed in the famous variety show Juras Perle (Sea Pearl) in Jurmala. At first, the girl sang in a dance orchestra, but then she became a soloist. She was not going to stop there, realizing that she needed to continue her studies further. In 1984, Laima Vaikule entered GITIS at the director's department.


How old is Vaikule on the big stage? Since 1979, the singer has performed in the famous variety show Juras Perle. It was from this time that her active creative activity began.

Even while Laima was studying at GITIS, the young singer was noticed by the famous songwriter Ilya Reznik. He saw her as a performer of his song "Night Bonfire". First, the song was played on the radio, then on the popular musical program "Song-86". In the same year, Laima Vaikule, together with Valery Leontyev, performed a new song "Vernissage" (music by Raymond Pauls, lyrics by Ilya Reznik) at the Soviet-Italian concert of pop stars. It was the rise and recognition of Laima Vaikule as a popular singer. She woke up famous, and her photo was on the covers of the country's main publications.

A year later, the singer consolidated her success by singing the song "It's not evening yet." At the same time, Lyme offered her original interpretation for performance, and the song only benefited from this, hitting the first positions of the radio charts and music broadcasts.

All-Union fame Vaikule came in February 1987 after participating in the author's evening of Raymond Pauls at the State Central Concert Hall "Russia". It was her time, and Lyme worked tirelessly. Without interrupting her studies at GITIS, Vaikule prepared a large solo program, which premiered at the Rossiya State Central Concert Hall in early 1988. This was another convincing step that proved that the creative biography of Laima Vaikule was not an accident at all, but a clear pattern. The star finally entrenched itself in the pop musical orbit and found its niche.

In 1989, American producer Sten Cornelius invited Laima Vaikule to the United States. For seven months, the singer worked in America, recording a new album in the studio of Michael Sembello. In the USA, Vaikule signed a contract with the well-known record company MCA / GRP. A documentary film about Laima Vaikul, shot by the Videofilm studio and American filmmakers, was released on American television screens. The Western press dubbed Lyme the "Russian Madonna."

Vaikule continues to work "in pairs" with other performers, trying to repeat the success of "Vernissage". The song "Feelings", which was performed by the singer together with the former member of the Kar-men group Bogdan Titomir, did not become a mega-popular hit, but 20 years later, many fans demanded to shoot a modern version of the video with the participation of two stars.

In 1991, Laima Vaikule suffered a serious illness that almost led to her death. When she was asked: “What book do you want to be brought to you?” she replied, "The Bible." They say that we are born and we die alone. Great phrase. And dying is easier when you believe. A stunning discovery for the singer was the books of the Russian Orthodox priest, theologian Alexander Vladimirovich Men (1935-90). He was able to explain the inexplicable in an accessible language (the author of books on the basics of Christian doctrine, the history of religion, Orthodox worship).

“I came to the edge of my life and then turned to religion and began to perceive everything differently. And if earlier it seemed absurd to me the statement that a person becomes purer in suffering, I could not understand what could be good in bad. Now I know that a person who has not experienced anything, as a person, has not yet been born. I will forever remember the words from one American movie: "Life is walking on a wire, and everything else is waiting." I was shocked and surprised when I heard them for the first time. But now I completely agree with them ... ”- the singer shares.

Despite the fact that all her relatives are Catholics, Laima was baptized in an Orthodox church. He believes that there is no particular difference between Orthodoxy and Catholicism. All are Christians. During her career, the performer recorded 10 music albums in Latvia and Russia, 20 million of her discs were sold in Russia, Europe and the USA.

Laima Vaikule was also a regular guest at the New Wave music competition, which was also held in Jurmala from 2002 to 2014. She is invited to the jury of the KVN festival "Voicing KiViN". Vaikula fans especially remembered her collaboration with singer Boris Moiseev. The clip "Baltic Romance" has become one of the most popular on many music TV channels.

Children and husband of Laima Vaikule

Laima Stanislavovna Vaikule has created a wonderful image and image for herself, although her personal life rarely gets on the pages of the yellow press. The singer tries to avoid talking about family and relatives.

Vaikula has been living with her partner, friend and wonderful husband Andrey Latkovsky for more than 40 years, who helps her in everything. And although they do not have children, they give their love to young talents and talents. They managed not only to go through all the difficulties of life together and overcome a terrible disease, but also to organize the competition "Jurmala". According to Laima, she loves her husband very much and appreciates everything he has done for her, is doing and will do. In other words, she is happy to be married to Andrei Latkovsky.

Laima Vaikule Awards

Laima Vaikule wins the Golden Lyre at the international festival in Czechoslovakia, prepares a large solo program, in which she puts into practice all the knowledge she has gained, demonstrating her directorial talent.

In 1992, the English-language album "Tango" was released, and in 1993, at the international ceremony of the World Music Awards, Laima Vaikule received a special prize from the Prince of Monaco.

Fragments of the interview

Many women are terrified of getting older. And you?

- It's not about age. Moreover, over the years, a person internally becomes more beautiful, although outwardly he surrenders. This is all injustice ... Or, on the contrary, balance.

- They wrote that you allegedly had a facelift in Miami with doctors who were advised by your friend Valery Leontiev ...

- (Laughs). Yeah, he casually advised me over a cup of tea and did plastic surgery on me himself ... No, no, I haven’t had any operations yet: not in Miami, nowhere. I manage on my own and solve all problems in my beauty salon in Riga. (Lime's salon specializes in aromatherapy. - Auth.). But I do not condemn this method, moreover, I welcome: if something annoys you in appearance, then calmly change it and live in harmony with yourself.

- They say that you have an intolerable character. But then how can Andrey endure you for so many years?

- My character is simple for those who I like, and vice versa, difficult for people who do not do something, for slobs, mediocrity. I am good friends with everyone who matches my talent. Andrey and I have learned to avoid sharp corners, to respect each other, our desires, tastes, principles in the end.

- But in childhood you were a rebel and, if something didn’t suit you, you could even run away from home ...

- Oh, before. I was a terribly difficult child. Very proactive. She loved to observe nature, climbed trees, lay in a clearing, looking at puddles, mud, some grasshoppers for hours. I could not put on good clothes, because after an hour they were torn or soiled. Yes, and youth was stormy, I wanted to try everything.

- Do you mean pills with a narcotic effect?

There were also pills. Youthful stupidity! I grew up early. From the age of 11 she toured, at 15 she already worked with a radio orchestra ... But allow myself to scream, slam the door, break dishes ... I didn’t sort things out like that. This is not my method. If emotions have accumulated, close the door, and that's it. The most important thing at this moment is to bite your tongue and count to ten.

- After an illness (in 1991, the singer was diagnosed with a terrible diagnosis - “oncology”), you came to faith. Did you change something about yourself for this?

“I started loving people. In addition to myself, I began to notice others, and in general everything that happens around. This is the most important achievement. Stop being selfish. And before, I was like all young people who think that the Earth revolves around them. And there is only me, me and me again. No! There are also other people.

– Are you fasting?

– I periodically refuse products. But it's more of a need-to-diet to look good. For me, fasting is not so much a restriction in food as control of my thoughts. And hunger is not a problem for me. I used to sit on the water alone.

- Are you interested in politics?

- I try not to be interested in order to waste less nerves. But I am very conservative. And I think that if there is a government in the country, let it work. I like the American approach to business: the term will end, new ones will come, then please criticize, work. It's great that there is freedom of speech, but to offend ... I can't stand it when our Latvian president is spoken of in an insulting tone, it's humiliating. It hurts me, because it seems to be directed at me. After all, we cannot change anything, and in general we know little about all these political games.

- Laima, on the one hand, you are very feminine, but on the other hand, you have a lot of masculine traits in your character. Is that why trouser suits predominate in your wardrobe?

“It's not about character. Many well-known female politicians with a masculine grip, for example, Margaret Thatcher, and business women, often wear very feminine suits. So character is not an indicator. Another thing is fashion. In my opinion, a fashionable person is one who finds style in himself. Everyone should have their own style. The state of your soul, lifestyle - this dictates your clothes. For me, it is not very feminine when a lot of things are open. And when covered - it's always sexy, that's just the whole femininity. I always say that I love it when people look at my eyes and not at my body. The latter is allowed only to selected people.

  • “Now the main thing is to create an image, to find exactly what suits you - this is fashion,” says Laima.
  • “There is no need to become a slave to your own appearance. There are several components of beauty in any person - healthy teeth, decent shoes, good manicure, well-groomed hair and sparkle in the eyes. If a person has this, he will be beautiful,” she said.
  • “If I feel that I have gained over four kilos to my weight, I go hungry for a couple of days: I drink only water, tea and coffee, I eat almost nothing. If this does not help, then I sit down on a 9-day diet. The first 3 days I eat rice without salt and oil, the next 3 - white chicken meat, and the last 3 - only apples. This diet has been around for a long time. The effect is amazing. Once a week I arrange fasting days when I drink water and eat apples, ”the artist shares.
  • Among the bad habits of Laima Vaikule is smoking. "Yes I smoke. I tried to quit many times, but nothing happened, ”she complained.
  • Probably, there is no person in the domestic pop crowd more compassionate towards animals than Laima Vaikule. One of the dancers of her ensemble admits: “When we perform on tour in another city, you can easily follow the route along which Lyme drove: homeless dogs eat on the corners of the streets.”
  • A few years ago, Lyme decided to get a dog and chose the most fighting breed - the Rottweiler. The dog was named Candy (translated from English - "candy"). However, despite the harmless name, the dog has a sharp temper. According to Laima herself, while she is gone, he bites everyone. The concept of “everyone” includes both the singer’s close people (mother and husband) and colleagues (the new manager of the Lyme Lux salon, Candy tore the sleeve of a luxurious fur coat). It is worth noting that the fame of Candy's cool temper extends far beyond the borders of our fatherland. There was a case when Laima Vaikule was forced to cancel foreign tours, as the organizers flatly refused to accept her with Candy. And there was no one to leave the dog with.
  • Laima Vaikule is known as an active advocate for animal rights. She is a vegetarian for ethical reasons.
  • Here is what one person said about her: “Although, of course, I don’t like something about her. In fact, I don't like everything about it. For example, the fact that she is a fanatic at work. Then she becomes completely uncontrollable person. It is very difficult with her before going on stage, in the dressing room ... I think that this is wrong, because a person must always control himself or it is already becoming some kind of madness ... "
  • Lyme tours a lot, gets very tired and is rarely pleased with herself. She often changes housing, hairstyles, clothing style. She is trying to find herself in other areas that have nothing to do with music - active protection of homeless animals, building a house, passion for design, acting, vegetarianism ... she is not like everyone else, and is not like anyone else! She is different. But music remains an indispensable outlet for the lime, the main business of her whole life.

Discography of Laima Vaikule

  • 2002 - Names for all time
  • 2000 - Best Songs
  • 1999 - Mirror
  • 1998 - Latin Quarter
  • 1996 - Viss nāk un aiziet ...
  • 1996 - I went to Piccadilly
  • 1994 - Honey, goodbye!
  • 1993 – Laima Tango
  • 1992 - I pray for you
  • 1987 - Songs to poems by Ilya Reznik - Vernissage

Filmography of Laima Vaikule

Father's name was Stanislav, he worked as a simple handyman. Yanina's mother made a living as a seller in the local market. Then she managed to become the director of the outlet. However, the girl's grandmother sang in the church choir, which Vaikula certainly liked.

Laima Vaikule: date of birth

Popular in the Russian Federation and CIS countries, singer Laima Vaikule was born on March 31, 1954 in Latvia in the city of Cesis. Despite the fact that Lyme was born a gifted child, the family had nothing to do with art and music.

In the small town of Cesis, Laima did not live long, as her relatives soon moved to Riga when Vaikula was three years old. There they rented a small one-room apartment in which a large number of people huddled. Indeed, in addition to Laima, other children grew up in the family: two sisters and a brother. Until the age of twelve, the girl entertained her parents with her songs and dances, but one day she managed to get on a real stage, where she first revealed her talent. Laima also won a vocal competition and entered a music school.

Laima Vaikule: personal life, biography

However, the young talent did not see herself as an artist, as she dreamed of becoming a professional doctor. In this regard, she completed the eighth grade and entered medical school.

When Vaikula was fifteen years old, she became the main soloist of the capital's radio and TV orchestra. At that time, the creative team was managed by Raymond Pauls, who noticed great potential in Lyme.

Already in the late 1970s, the singer performed at the Juras Pearl. She did not immediately become a soloist, at first she was tried in a dance orchestra. The more often the girl performed on stage, the more she understood that it was necessary to move forward. Over time, she came to the conclusion that it was necessary to enter GITIS in order to become a true professional in her field. Indeed, Vaikula managed to get into this institution at the department of directing skills in 1984.

Career ladder Laima Vaikule: photo

In GITIS, the girl showed all her hidden talents, she really came to life there. immediately noticed Vaikule and offered her cooperation. As a result, she sang his song called "Night Bonfire". This song sounded not only on the radio, but also on TV. The whole USSR learned about the rising star. In 1986, the singer, together with Valery Leontiev, performed the Vernissage number, which brought Laima a lot of praise from the most advanced pop stars at that time.

In the late 1980s, the song "It's Not Evening Yet" hit all the music charts and television programs. Everyone discussed the amazing performance of Vaikule and predicted her a successful career.

Raymond Pauls eventually created a real star from Vaikule by inviting her to the author's television program. Also, while studying at the university, the singer prepared a solo project. It was on the channel "Russia" in 1988 that the creative work of Laima sounded. In this case, Vaikule's successful career is not an accident, but a pattern, since she felt happy on stage.

She even managed to record a new album in the American studio of Michael Sambello in the late 1980s. For this, the singer took only seven months. When she was in the US, she was offered to sign a contract with MCA / GRP, which is engaged in recording albums. The Videofilm organization also did not waste time and made a documentary film about the Soviet singer. After the release of the film, Lima was called the "Russian Madonna".

The peak of her career was not as successful as the singer herself would like. The thing is, she was diagnosed with cancer. At that time, she was undergoing treatment in the USA, but after completing all the procedures, Vaikule terminated the agreement with MCA / GRP and returned home.

In the 1990s, Latvian publications slandered her and called her a "Russian agent." However, this sad trick did not embarrass the artist in any way, but only made her stronger. She was ready to take on new challenges and once again become a popular singer in the post-Soviet space.

As a result, Laima managed to record ten albums that Russian listeners really liked. It is worth noting that a total of 20 million discs were sold worldwide, which is a good result for Vaikule.

Now the singer constantly appears at such significant events as the New Wave, New Year's holidays, TV and radio. In addition to her career, she manages to protect rare animals. Lyme intentionally does not wear fur clothes, goes to protests against circuses and sues the owners of fighting dogs.

Children and husband of Laima Vaikule

Laima Stanislavovna Vaikule has created a wonderful image and image for herself, although her personal life rarely gets on the pages of the yellow press. The singer tries to avoid talking about family and relatives.

Vaikula has been living with her partner, friend and wonderful husband Andrey Latkovsky for more than 40 years, who helps her in everything. And although they do not have children, they give their love to young talents and talents. They managed not only to go through all the difficulties of life together and overcome a terrible disease, but also to organize the competition "Jurmala". According to Laima, she loves her husband very much and appreciates everything he has done for her, is doing and will do. In other words, she is happy to be married to Andrei Latkovsky.

The singer participated in international festivals and competitions "Bratislava Lyre" (1987), AU music worlds (Monaco, 1993).

In 1989-1991, Vaikule worked under a contract with the MCA / GRP recording company. A documentary film about Laima Vaikul was released in the USA, and in 1992 the English-language album Tango was released.

Laima Vaikule recorded the albums "Vernissage" (1987), "Tango" (1993), Viss nāk un aiziet (in Latvian, 1996), "I went to Piccadilly" (1996), "Latin Quarter" (1998), "Mirror "(1999) and others.

Among the songwriters performed by Laima Vaikule are composers Raimonds Pauls, Igor Krutoy and poets Ilya Reznik, Viktor Pelenyagre, Vladlen Dozartsev.
The singer is the organizer and participant of the competition for young performers "Jurmala" (1992, 1993).

She repeatedly competed "New Wave" in Jurmala.

Laima Vaikule began acting in films in 1979. Her film debut was Inspector Gull (1979), where she played a singer in a bar. Then she played the role of a singer in the films "The Rico Brothers" (1980) and "Dancing on the Roof" (1985), in 1991 she played the main role in the film "In Russian Style", in 2003 - the main role in the Ukrainian film "The Snow Queen" ". She also starred in the films "Old songs about the main thing" (1997, 1998), "Military field romance" (1998), "Women's happiness" (2001), "House by the salt lake" (2004), "Very New Year's movie, or Night at the Museum" (2007), "Little Red Riding Hood" (2009).

Laima Vaikule was awarded the Russian Order of Friendship (2011).

She was awarded the main prize at the International Pop Song Contest "Bratislava Lyre" (1987), the Prince of Monaco Special Prize at the World Music Awards (1993), the Grand Prize for Contribution to the Musical Life of Latvia (1996).

Laima Vaikule is one of the founders of the cosmetic company Laima-Lux Group.

For more than 30 years, the singer has been in a civil marriage with musician Andrey Latkovsky.

The material was prepared on the basis of information from open sources

She made many mistakes that she still cannot forgive herself: she communicated with a bad company, thoughtlessly left her maestro Raimonds Pauls, who was caring for her, and had several abortions. But in the most important thing, Vaikula was not mistaken: she lived all her life with her beloved man, doing what she knows best in the world.

From fear to protest

Lyme was born in an ordinary working-class family, where parents worked hard to feed their four children. When the girl grew up a little, she was sent to kindergarten for a five-day week: they were taken on Monday and picked up on Friday. The fear that she would never see her mother again became her main impression of those years.

On weekends, Lyme desperately demanded parental love and attention, and on weekdays she learned to defend her interests in front of teachers and other children.

The character tempered in this way played a role in adolescence: Lyme became independent and independent. At the age of 11, she first performed on stage, where she was noticed by maestro Zakhodnik, who saw talent in the girl. Vocal lessons began, in parallel with which Vaikule entered a medical school - she was still not going to become a singer.

When she turned 15, Zakhodnik took her student to an audition with Raymond Pauls.

“The keeper acted wisely. Without seeing Pauls, I sang as if nothing had happened in the dark philharmonic hall, and suddenly a man came up to me from behind, patted my shoulder and said: “Baby, I take you.” This was Raymond, ”Lyme recalled their first meeting.

Despite the lessons and performances, music then occupied far from the main place in her life. Sixteen-year-old Lyme finally realized what the boys liked - and began to have affairs with several gentlemen at once. Together with their friend Ruta, they met a company of girls older than themselves.

They taught them to drink port wine in the entrance, sometimes the guys joined them - "cool machos" who sought to impress the girls.

When Lyme vomited in the morning for several days in a row, she sounded the alarm. Faithful Ruta kept her secret a secret and helped find the doctor who performed the abortion. Lyme made the right conclusions (the bad company was over), but she cannot forgive herself for this act even now.

“I treat abortion like murder. After all, the person inside you is already alive. Then I did not understand it, I did not feel it. What I did is my enduring mental anguish, a heavy cross that has to be carried to the end ... ”, says the singer.

After graduating from medical school, Lyme did not work a day in her specialty - she was dragged into the scene.

Russian Madonna

Raymond Pauls offered her a place in his ensemble, but young Laima was tempted by another offer: to travel around the Caucasus with concerts from the Adjara Philharmonic. Pauls was refused, which she very soon regretted. Moving from one city to another, the car with the musicians had an accident, the drivers got into a fight, which ended in a shootout.

Laima did another work on the mistakes: it is better to be one of several soloists in the team of a reliable Pauls than the only one in an unreliable company.

The offer of a familiar bass player Andrei Latkovsky to work as a singer in the Leningrad "Intourist" seemed to her reliable. Having lived in Latvia all her life, she wanted to see the northern capital of the Union with her own eyes - and agreed. In Leningrad, Andrey met her and began to take care of her: he did not allow her to relax in the company of dancers (“There is nothing to sit in smoky bars!”), He took her to look at the bridges, helped with advice.

They fell in love with each other. The collaboration, which began over forty years ago, grew into a lifelong feeling that never ended in a wedding. Lyme does not allow Andrei to be called her husband: he is a friend, a partner with whom she feels good and comfortable.

“Andrey and I are similar. In a sense, they raised each other, molded each other for themselves, so whatever discords we have, they are not fatal. We have learned to adapt to each other, ”admits Laima.

Returning from Leningrad, they told their parents that they would live together, and immediately went on a cruise to work. Laima's career developed rapidly: the variety show Juras Perle, her own ensemble Laima, her studies at GITIS - she turned from an amateur into a professional.

Vaikule's finest hour was the Soviet-Italian concert of pop stars, at which she sang the song "Vernissage" in a duet with Valery Leontyev.

The bright, unusual manner of Laima's performance was also noticed abroad. In the early 90s, she went to record a CD in the USA, where she was dubbed the "Russian Madonna". But in America, she was not up to music.

Judgment and victory

Once in the USA, Lyme decided to be examined in a well-known clinic and, without knowing it, saved her own life. Doctors discovered breast cancer in the singer and honestly said that they could not give guarantees even after the removal of the tumor.

Lyme was angry with the whole world: it seemed to her that she was standing on one side, and all the rest, even the closest relatives and friends, were on the other, and between them there was an insurmountable abyss.

“Only Andrei did not extend my hatred. Because his pain was equal to mine. “Don't be afraid,” he said. “If everything is hopeless, we will just get into the car with you, accelerate and crash into the wall.”

Fortunately, it did not come to this - the operation was successful. For the next ten years, she dreaded the next examination, each time preparing for the worst. The experience made Lyme turn to religion and treat people with great attention.

She was born on March 31, 1954 in the city of Cesis, Latvian SSR. Father - Stanislav Vaikulis, was a worker in production. Mother - Yanina, worked as a saleswoman. Lima has two older sisters (one half-sister and one biological) and an older half-brother. When the future star was three years old, her whole family moved to live in Riga.

At school, Lyme was an excellent student. After the 8th grade, the future singer entered the medical school. At the same time, she took lessons from the singer Leonid Zakhodnik. At the age of 15, Laima became a soloist with the Riga Radio and Television Orchestra under the direction of Raimonds Pauls.

Since 1978, the singer has been living in a de facto marriage with producer Andrei Latkovsky, whom she met in 1970 in Riga.

Laima Vaikule: “Andrey from the very beginning began to take care of me, took care of me, protected me. He did not allow me to go with the girls from the ballet to restaurants, where they were often invited after the concert: “This company is not for you. You are a singer, there is nothing to sit in smoky bars!
The quote is taken from the magazine "Collection of Caravan stories", No. 05 (01.10.2009)

In 1979, Vaikule began performing in the Juras Perle variety show in Jurmala. In 1985, she made her debut on Central Television - appeared in the "New Year's Light" with the song "Amanita".

Laima Vaikule: “Yes, Juras Perle was a special place for me, the best place, like Carnegie Hall in America. Here I really fell in love with my profession, began to earn a lot, gained popularity. I lived

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