TEFI Award Winners. Projects


The victory in the nomination "Event of the television season" was credited to three TV channels at once: "Channel One", "Russia-1" and "TV Center".

TV channel Day air evening prime Total
victories Nominations victories Nominations victories Nominations
First channel 2 8 8 14 10 22
Russia 1 1 6 6 12 7 18
TNT 1 2 0 7 1 9
TV Center 0 3 1 4 1 7
NTV 3 5 0 1 3 6
STS 0 4 0 0 0 4
Channel Five 0 3 0 1 0 4
Russia-K 4 4 0 0 4 4
Home 0 1 0 0 0 1
Friday! 0 1 0 0 0 1
Russia 2 1 1 0 0 1 1

Winners and Finalists

Category "Daytime broadcast"


Nominations Winners and Finalists Manufacturer Broadcast channel
morning program "Good morning " "First channel " First channel
"Morning at 5" TV and radio company "Petersburg" Channel Five
"RUssia morning " VGTRK Russia 1
Morning program host
Anastasia Chernobrovina, Vladislav Zavialov - "RUssia morning " VGTRK Russia 1
Felix Nevelev, Daria Alexandrova, Kirill Pishchalnikov - "Morning at 5" TV and radio company "Petersburg" Channel Five
Anton Privolov, Natalya Semenikhina - "Test purchase" "Red Square " First channel
Talk show
"Observer" GTRK "Culture" Russia-K
"Open Studio" TV and radio company "Petersburg" Channel Five
"Alone with Everyone" "First channel " First channel
Entertainment program "Lifestyle"
"Fashion sentence" "Red Square " First channel
"Weighted people" "White Media" STS
"About the most important" "M-Production Group" Russia 1
TV game
"My own game " "Studio 2B" NTV
"Hundred to One" "Studio 2B" Russia 1
"Big Question" "Nautilus Media" STS
Publicistic program "Man and Law"
“The investigation was conducted ...”, issue of “Golden Hands” "Film Studio" Version "" NTV
"Honest Detective" VGTRK Russia 1
Educational program
"White Studio" "M-Production Group" Russia-K
VDNH "Media Group" First channel
“Salt and sugar. Death to taste" from the series "Scientific investigations of Sergey Malozyomov" STV, commissioned by NTV Television Company NTV
Sport program
"Biathlon with Dmitry Guberniev" "Smart Pictures", commissioned by VGTRK Russia 2
"Racers" "2B Production" Friday!
"Big races. Battle of the Continents Season 10 "Red Square " First channel
"Return of Mukhtar" "Studio 2B" NTV
"The Last Janissaries" Mostelefilm Distribution Russia 1
"From heaven to earth" "Swell Film" TV Center
"Gym teacher " "A+Production" TNT
"Kitchen " Yellow, Black and White / KeyStone Production STS
"The last of the Mohicans " Yellow, Black and White / Nebo Film Company STS
Program for children and youth
"Luntik" "Mill" Russia-K
"Yeralash" "Producer Center Yeralash" First channel
"ABVGDeika" "Abvgdeyka" TV Center
On-air promotion
Announcement of the Tchaikovsky Competition "Tune in to Tchaikovsky" GTRK "Culture" Russia-K
"Letters from the Front" "TV company NTV" NTV
Trailer "Squirrel". New Year's movie "First channel " First channel
"I love you Moscow!" "TV Center" TV Center
On-air design of the Domashny channel "Studio "Loop"" Home
"Chernobyl: Exclusion Zone" TNT-TV network TNT

Category "Evening Prime"

Winners listed first and highlighted in a separate color

Nominations Winners and Finalists Manufacturer Broadcast channel
information program
"Vesti Nedeli" with Dmitry Kiselyov VGTRK Russia 1
"Main" TV and radio company "Petersburg" Channel Five
"Sunday Time" "First channel " First channel
Presenter of the information program
Maria Sittel, Andrey Kondrashov - "News 20:00" VGTRK Russia 1
Anna Yankina, Egor Kolyvanov - "Anatomy of the day" "PPK" NTV
Dmitry Borisov - "News " "First channel " First channel
Reporter / reporter
Alexey Zotov - report "Children's Hospice" "First channel " First channel
Alexander Rogatkin, Dmitry Rogalev - “A series of special reports from Donbass” VGTRK Russia 1
Vera Kuzmina - "Price of Survival" "TV Center" TV Center
Evening talk show
"Tonight " "Red Square " First channel
"Right to know!" "Publishing House "Barcode"" TV Center
"Evening with Vladimir Solovyov" "M-Production Group" Russia 1
"Voice " "Red Square " First channel
"Evening Urgant " "First channel " First channel
comedy club "Comedy Club Production" TNT
Entertainment program host
Ivan Urgant - "Evening Urgant " "First channel " First channel
Dmitry Nagiev - "Voice " "Red Square " First channel
Garik Martirosyan, Grigory Leps - "Main Stage" "Red Square " Russia 1
Garik Martirosyan, Pavel Volya - comedy club "Comedy Club Production" TNT
TV movie/series
"Catherine " "Amedia" Russia 1
"Once Upon a Time in Rostov" "Producer center of Sergei Zhigunov" First channel
"Chernobyl: Exclusion Zone" "CineLab Production" TNT
Best Actor in a TV Movie/Series
Bogdan Stupka - "Once Upon a Time in Rostov" "Producer center of Sergei Zhigunov" First channel
Dmitry Nagiev - "Gym teacher " "A+Production" TNT
Vladimir Mashkov - "Motherland" "White Media" Russia 1
Best TV Movie/Series Actress
Julia Aug - "Catherine " "Amedia" Russia 1
Svetlana Ivanova - "Pregnancy test" "World Russian Studios" First channel
Zoya Berber - "Cool guys " "A+Production" TNT
Documentary project
"Brodsky is not a poet" "Central Television" First channel
"Strike with power." The film "The Man Who Looks Like..." "Pankratova Natalia Vladimirovna" TV Center
"The president " Film company "Workshop" Russia 1
Television Producer of the Season
Yuri Aksyuta - "Voice " "Red Square " First channel
Vyacheslav Dusmukhametov - "Dancing " "Comedy Club Production" TNT
Saida Medvedeva - "The president " VGTRK Russia 1
TV season event
Action "Immortal Regiment" Channel One, VGTRK Channel One, Russia-1, TV Center
"Crimea. Way home » Association "Our Cinema" Russia 1
"Dancing " "Comedy Club Production" TNT
"For personal contribution to the development of Russian television"
Kira Proshutinskaya
Natalia Stetsenko
Vladimir Kondratiev
Saida Medvedeva
Leonid Yakubovich
Special prize "For the understanding of modern history" "Crimea. Way home »

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  • . Committee of industrial television awards. - Nominations. Retrieved May 22, 2015.
  • . Industrial Television Awards Committee (June 17, 2015). - News. Retrieved June 17, 2015.
  • . Interfax (June 25, 2015). - Culture. Retrieved June 26, 2015.
  • . Interfax (June 25, 2015). - Culture. Retrieved June 26, 2015.
  • Povoraznyuk, Svetlana.. Lenta.ru (June 25, 2015). - TV and radio. Retrieved June 26, 2015.

An excerpt characterizing TEFI (prize, 2015)

Anna Pavlovna's drawing room began to gradually fill up. The highest nobility of St. Petersburg arrived, people of the most heterogeneous in age and character, but the same in the society in which everyone lived; the daughter of Prince Vasily, the beautiful Helen, arrived, who had called in for her father to go with him to the feast of the envoy. She was in cypher and a ball gown. Also known as la femme la plus seduisante de Petersbourg [the most charming woman in St. Petersburg], the young, little princess Bolkonskaya, who got married last winter and now did not go out to the big world because of her pregnancy, but went on small evenings, also arrived. Prince Hippolyte, son of Prince Vasily, arrived with Mortemar, whom he introduced; Abbé Morio and many others also came.
- You haven't seen it yet? or: - you don't know ma tante [with my aunt]? - Anna Pavlovna said to the visiting guests and very seriously led them to a little old woman in high bows, who floated out of another room, as soon as the guests began to arrive, she called them by name, slowly shifting her eyes from the guest to ma tante [aunt], and then departed.
All the guests performed the ceremony of greeting an unknown, uninteresting and unnecessary aunt to no one. Anna Pavlovna followed their greetings with sad, solemn sympathy, tacitly approving them. Ma tante spoke to everyone in the same terms about his health, about her health and about the health of Her Majesty, which today was, thank God, better. All those who approached, without showing haste out of decency, with a sense of relief from the heavy duty they had performed, moved away from the old woman, so that they would not go up to her all evening.
The young Princess Bolkonskaya arrived with work in an embroidered gold velvet bag. Her pretty, with a slightly blackened mustache, her upper lip was short in teeth, but it opened all the nicer and stretched out even more nicely sometimes and fell on the lower one. As is always the case with quite attractive women, her shortness of lips and half-open mouth seemed to be her special, her own beauty. It was fun for everyone to look at this pretty mother-to-be, full of health and liveliness, who so easily endured her situation. It seemed to the old men and the bored, gloomy young people who looked at her that they themselves were becoming like her after spending some time talking with her. Anyone who spoke to her and saw at every word her bright smile and shining white teeth, which were constantly visible, thought that he was especially amiable today. And that's what everyone thought.
The little princess, waddling, walked around the table with small quick steps with a work bag on her arm and, gaily straightening her dress, sat down on the sofa, near the silver samovar, as if everything she did was part de plaisir [entertainment] for her and for everyone those around her.
- J "ai apporte mon ouvrage [I grabbed the job]," she said, unfolding her purse and addressing everyone together.
“Look, Annette, ne me jouez pas un mauvais tour,” she turned to the hostess. - Vous m "avez ecrit, que c" etait une toute petite soiree; voyez, comme je suis attifee. [Don't play a bad joke on me; you wrote to me that you had a very small evening. See how badly I'm dressed.]
And she spread her hands to show her, in lace, an elegant gray dress, girded with a wide ribbon a little below her breasts.
- Soyez tranquille, Lise, vous serez toujours la plus jolie [Be calm, you will be the best], - answered Anna Pavlovna.
- Vous savez, mon mari m "abandonne," she continued in the same tone, referring to the general, "il va se faire tuer. Dites moi, pourquoi cette vilaine guerre, [You know, my husband is leaving me. Going to his death. Say , why this nasty war,] - she said to Prince Vasily and, without waiting for an answer, turned to the daughter of Prince Vasily, to the beautiful Helen.
- Quelle delicieuse personne, que cette petite princesse! [What a charming person this little princess is!] - said Prince Vasily quietly to Anna Pavlovna.
Shortly after the little princess, a massive, stout young man with a cropped head, spectacles, light trousers in the fashion of the time, with a high frill, and in a brown tailcoat, entered. This fat young man was the illegitimate son of the famous Catherine's nobleman, Count Bezukhoi, who was now dying in Moscow. He had not served anywhere yet, had just arrived from abroad, where he had been brought up, and was for the first time in society. Anna Pavlovna greeted him with a bow, which belonged to the people of the lowest hierarchy in her salon. But, despite this inferior greeting, at the sight of Pierre entering, Anna Pavlovna displayed anxiety and fear, similar to that which is expressed at the sight of something too huge and unusual for a place. Although, indeed, Pierre was somewhat larger than the other men in the room, but this fear could only relate to that intelligent and at the same time timid, observant and natural look that distinguished him from everyone in this living room.
- C "est bien aimable a vous, monsieur Pierre, d" etre venu voir une pauvre malade, [It is very kind of you, Pierre, that you came to visit the poor patient,] Anna Pavlovna told him, exchanging frightened glances with her aunt, to which she let him down. Pierre murmured something incomprehensible and continued to look for something with his eyes. He smiled joyfully, cheerfully, bowing to the little princess as if he were a close acquaintance, and went up to his aunt. Anna Pavlovna's fear was not in vain, because Pierre, without listening to his aunt's speech about her majesty's health, left her. Anna Pavlovna stopped him in fright with the words:
"You don't know Abbe Morio?" he is a very interesting person…” she said.
– Yes, I heard about his plan for eternal peace, and it is very interesting, but hardly possible…
“Do you think? ...” said Anna Pavlovna, in order to say something and turn again to her occupations as a mistress of the house, but Pierre did the reverse impoliteness. First, he, without listening to the words of his interlocutor, left; now he stopped his interlocutor with his conversation, who needed to leave him. Bending his head and spreading his big legs, he began to prove to Anna Pavlovna why he believed that the abbot's plan was a chimera.
"We'll talk later," said Anna Pavlovna, smiling.
And, having got rid of a young man who did not know how to live, she returned to her occupations as a mistress of the house and continued to listen and look, ready to give help to the point where the conversation was weakening. Just as the owner of a spinning shop, having seated the workers in their places, paces around the establishment, noticing the immobility or the unusual, creaking, too loud sound of the spindle, hurriedly walks, restrains or sets it in its proper course, so Anna Pavlovna, pacing around her drawing room, approached the silent or a mug that was talking too much, and with one word or movement would start up again a regular, decent conversational machine. But among these worries, one could still see in her a special fear for Pierre. She looked at him solicitously as he approached to hear what was being said about Mortemart, and went to another circle where the abbe was speaking. For Pierre, brought up abroad, this evening of Anna Pavlovna was the first he saw in Russia. He knew that all the intelligentsia of St. Petersburg were gathered here, and his eyes widened like a child in a toy shop. He was afraid of missing the smart conversations he might overhear. Looking at the confident and graceful expressions of the faces gathered here, he kept waiting for something particularly clever. Finally, he approached Morio. The conversation seemed interesting to him, and he stopped, waiting for an opportunity to express his thoughts, as young people like it.

Anna Pavlovna's evening was started. The spindles from different sides evenly and incessantly rustled. Apart from ma tante, beside which sat only one elderly lady with a weepy, thin face, somewhat a stranger in this brilliant society, the society was divided into three circles. In one, more masculine, the center was the abbot; in the other, young, the beautiful Princess Helen, daughter of Prince Vasily, and the pretty, ruddy, too plump for her youth, little Princess Bolkonskaya. In the third Mortemar and Anna Pavlovna.
The viscount was a pretty young man, with soft features and manners, who obviously considered himself a celebrity, but, out of good manners, modestly allowed himself to be used by the society in which he found himself. Anna Pavlovna, obviously, treated her guests to them. Just as a good maître d’hotel serves as something supernaturally beautiful that piece of beef that you don’t want to eat if you see it in a dirty kitchen, so this evening Anna Pavlovna served her guests first the viscount, then the abbot, as something supernaturally refined. Mortemart's circle immediately started talking about the murder of the Duke of Enghien. The viscount said that the Duke of Enghien died from his generosity, and that there were special reasons for Bonaparte's bitterness.
- Ah! voyons. Contez nous cela, vicomte, [Tell us this, viscount,] - said Anna Pavlovna, feeling with joy how this phrase echoed something a la Louis XV [in the style of Louis XV], - contez nous cela, vicomte.
The viscount bowed in humility and smiled courteously. Anna Pavlovna made a circle around the viscount and invited everyone to listen to his story.
“Le vicomte a ete personnellement connu de monseigneur, [the viscount was personally acquainted with the duke],” Anna Pavlovna whispered to one. “Le vicomte est un parfait conteur,” she said to another. - Comme on voit l "homme de la bonne compagnie [As a person of good society is now visible]," she said to the third; and the viscount was served to society in the most elegant and favorable light for him, like roast beef on a hot dish sprinkled with herbs.
The viscount was about to begin his story and smiled thinly.
“Come over here, chere Helene, [dear Helen],” Anna Pavlovna said to the beautiful princess, who was sitting at a distance, making up the center of another circle.
Princess Helen smiled; she got up with the same unchanging smile of a quite beautiful woman, with which she entered the drawing-room. Slightly noisy in her white ball gown trimmed with ivy and moss, and shining with the whiteness of her shoulders, with the gloss of her hair and diamonds, she walked straight between the parting men, not looking at anyone, but smiling at everyone and, as if kindly giving everyone the right to admire the beauty of her figure. , full of shoulders, very open, according to the fashion of that time, chest and back, and as if bringing with her the splendor of the ball, she went up to Anna Pavlovna. Helen was so pretty that not only was there no trace of coquetry in her, but, on the contrary, she seemed ashamed of her undoubted and too strong and victorious acting beauty. She seemed to wish and could not belittle the effect of her beauty. Quelle belle personne! [What a beauty!] - said everyone who saw her.
As if struck by something extraordinary, the viscount shrugged his shoulders and lowered his eyes while she sat down in front of him and lit up him with that same unchanging smile.
- Madame, je crains pour mes moyens devant un pareil auditoire, [I really fear for my abilities in front of such an audience,] he said, tilting his head with a smile.
The princess leaned her open, full hand on the table and did not find it necessary to say anything. She waited smiling. Throughout the story she sat upright, looking from time to time now at her full beautiful hand, which changed its shape from the pressure on the table, then at an even more beautiful breast, on which she was adjusting a diamond necklace; she straightened the folds of her dress several times and, when the story made an impression, looked back at Anna Pavlovna and immediately assumed the same expression that was on the face of the maid of honor, and then calmed down again in a radiant smile. Following Helene, the little princess also moved from the tea table.
- Attendez moi, je vais prendre mon ouvrage, [Wait, I'll take my work,] - she said. Voyons, a quoi pensez vous? - she turned to Prince Hippolyte: - apportez moi mon ridicule. [What are you thinking about? Bring me my reticule.]
The princess, smiling and talking to everyone, suddenly made a rearrangement and, sitting down, gaily recovered herself.
“Now I feel good,” she said, and, asking to begin, she set to work.
Prince Hippolyte carried her purse over to her, crossed over after her, and, drawing an armchair close to her, sat down beside her.
Le charmant Hippolyte [Charming Hippolyte] struck by his extraordinary resemblance to his beautiful sister, and even more so by the fact that, despite the resemblance, he was strikingly ugly. His features were the same as those of his sister, but with her everything was illuminated by a cheerful, self-satisfied, young, unchanging smile of life and an extraordinary, ancient beauty of the body; his brother, on the other hand, had the same face clouded with idiocy and invariably expressed self-confident peevishness, while his body was lean and weak. Eyes, nose, mouth - everything seemed to shrink into one indefinite and boring grimace, and arms and legs always assumed an unnatural position.
- Ce n "est pas une histoire de revenants? [Is this not a ghost story?] - he said, sitting down next to the princess and hastily attaching his lorgnette to his eyes, as if without this instrument he could not start talking.
- Mais non, mon cher, [Not at all,] - shrugging his shoulders, said the surprised narrator.
- C "est que je deteste les histoires de revenants, [The fact is that I can't stand ghost stories,]" he said in such a tone that it was clear, "he said these words, and then he realized that they meant.
Due to the self-confidence with which he spoke, no one could understand whether what he said was very smart or very stupid. He was in a dark green tailcoat, in trousers of the color cuisse de nymphe effrayee, [thighs of a frightened nymph,] as he himself said, in stockings and shoes.
Vicomte [Vicomte] spoke very nicely about the anecdote that was then circulating that the Duke of Enghien secretly went to Paris to meet with m lle George, [Mademoiselle Georges,] and that there he met Bonaparte, who also enjoyed the favors of the famous actress, and that there, meeting with the duke, Napoleon accidentally fell into the faint to which he was subject, and was in the power of the duke, which the duke did not take advantage of, but that Bonaparte subsequently avenged that generosity and avenged the death of the duke.
The story was very sweet and interesting, especially in the place where the rivals suddenly recognize each other, and the ladies seemed to be in a flurry.
- Charmant, [Charming,] - said Anna Pavlovna, looking inquiringly at the little princess.
"Charmant," whispered the little princess, sticking the needle into her work, as if to signify that the interest and charm of the story prevented her from continuing her work.
The viscount appreciated this silent praise and, smiling gratefully, began to continue; but at that moment Anna Pavlovna, who kept looking at the young man, who was terrible for her, noticed that he was talking too hotly and loudly with the abbot, and hurried to the rescue to a dangerous place. Indeed, Pierre managed to strike up a conversation with the abbot about political balance, and the abbot, apparently interested in the young man's ingenuous ardor, developed his favorite idea before him. Both listened and spoke too animatedly and naturally, and Anna Pavlovna did not like this.
“The remedy is the European equilibrium and the droit des gens [international law],” said the abbot. - It is worth one powerful state, like Russia, glorified for barbarism, to become disinterestedly at the head of an alliance aimed at the balance of Europe - and it will save the world!
How do you find such a balance? - Pierre began; but at that moment Anna Pavlovna came up and, looking sternly at Pierre, asked the Italian how he endured the local climate. The Italian's face suddenly changed and took on an offensively feigned sweet expression, which, apparently, was familiar to him in conversation with women.
“I am so fascinated by the charms of the mind and education of society, especially the female one, into which I had the good fortune to be accepted, that I have not yet had time to think about the climate,” he said.
Without releasing the abbe and Pierre, Anna Pavlovna, for the convenience of observation, added them to the general circle.

25/06/2015 - 23:30

On June 25, the best presenters, projects and films on television were awarded in Moscow. Ostankino presented bronze figurines, the most prestigious award for all those who have connected their lives with television. This is their personal Oscar. As Ekaterina Strizhenova, the host of Channel One, admitted from the stage: “I have been working in the same program, Good Morning, for almost 20 years, and I have not had any awards. Now we have []. Who carried away their Orpheus this year? Who, apart from Ivan Urgant, "filled up the collection" of figurines? And what curiosity decorated the ceremony and tickled the nerves of the contestants? Photo and video.

TEFI-2015, winners: awards were presented in two blocks - for morning programs and employees of morning shows in the morning, and "evening parties" after the working day. So Dmitry Borisov, the host of Channel One, went to the ceremony immediately after the evening release of the News. This year the jury had to do a lot of work - 24 nominations, each with 3 nominees or projects. Getting into this "short list" is a real stroke of luck. And these, the best three, were worthy to walk the red carpet in Ostankino.

TEFI-2015, Daytime broadcast - the Good Morning team received an award for the Best Morning Program. A large team of presenters went out together for the long-awaited statuette. Their colleagues from "Russia-1" became the best presenters. The award was given to Anastasia Chernobrovina and Vladislav Zavyalov. Interestingly, the envelopes were accidentally mixed up, so the guys from Morning on Channel Five "won". They managed to take a selfie with the figurine, and then justice was restored. And "Fashionable Sentence" took "Orpheus" for "Lifestyle". This is the team's first award in 8 years of work.

The NTV channel received statuettes for the Telenovela (the series “The Return of Mukhtar” became the winner), for the release of “Golden Hands” of the program “The Investigation Conducted” (the “Man and Law” nomination) and for the TV game. In the last nomination, “Own Game” became the best at TEFI for the third time.

Dmitry Guberniev and "Russia 2" took the figurine for the "Sports Program". "Biathlon with Guberniev" was named the best.

The Kultura channel claimed Orpheus for The Observer (Talk Show), White Studio (Educational Program), Luntik (Program for Children) and a promo for the Tune in to Tchaikovsky contest (Promotion for the air).

Fizruk won as the best sitcom (TNT channel).

TEFI-2015, Evening Prime - the team of Channel One took the statuettes for the best reportage (Alexey Zotov, this is his second "Orpheus"), evening talk show ("Tonight" with Andrei Malakhov), documentary project ("Brodsky is not a poet") , an event of the TV season ("Immortal Regiment"), an entertainment program ("Voice") and the best presenter (Ivan Urgant). By the way, this is already the seventh Orpheus for Ivan! The showman received it, running away to record his program. And he dedicated the victory to his mother. The best producer was Yuri Aksyuta (show "Voice"). Bogdan Stupka was named the best actor for his role in the movie Once Upon a Time in Rostov.

"Russia 1" was awarded for "Vesti Nedeli" with Dmitry Kiselev and in the category of the best presenters of the information program - Maria Sittel and Andrey Kondrashov. For special reports from the Donbass, the reporters of Rossiya 1 were also given an award. The TV channel was also awarded for the best television series - "Ekaterina", the leading actress Yuliya Aug was named the best actress.

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Published on 25.06.15 22:41

The presentation of awards following the results of the 2014-2015 season takes place at the First Ostankino Studio.

The winners of the TV award "TEFI-2015" have been announced

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The TEFI award ceremony took place at the Ostankino television center. In the category "Daytime broadcast" a bronze statuette of Orpheus for the victory in children's programs was received by "Luntik" from the TV channel "Culture", according to "Arguments.Ru" . It should be noted that he was ahead of "Yeralash" of the First Channel and "ABVGDeyka" of the TV Center.

"Evening Urgant", "Vesti Nedeli" received the TEFI television award

The best sports program was named "Biathlon with Guberniev" on the TV channel "Russia 2". Ivan Urgant received the TEFI television award for intkbbee program "Evening Urgant", reports "MK".

The TEFI television award among information programs was received by Vesti Nedeli with Dmitry Kiselev (Russia 1). She was ahead of the programs "Sunday" and "Main" in her category. The prestigious award, as the best presenters of the information program, was received by VGTRK journalists Maria Sittel and Andrey Kondrashov.

The best sitcom was the TV series Fizruk on TNT. In the category of daytime talk shows, the winner was “Observer” of the Kultura TV channel, and in the category of games, “Own Game” on NTV. Among the serial telenovelas is the project "Return of Mukhtar" (NTV).

The multi-part film "Catherine" was named the best series by the jury of the TEFI-2015 television award, writes Gazeta.Ru.

Bogdan Stupka was named the best actor for the series Once Upon a Time in Rostov. He received the award posthumously. Among the actresses, the winner was Yulia Aug, who played Empress Elizabeth in the TV series "Catherine" ("Russia 1").

In the nomination "Best Reporter/Camera Operator" the winners were journalists from two projects at once: Aleksey Zotov for the reportage "Children's Hospice" (Channel One) and Alexander Rogatkin and Dmitry Rogalev for the project "Series of Special Reportings from Donbass" ("Russia 1"), reported "Vesti.Ru". As Mikhail Shvydkoi, presenter and president of the council of the Industrial Prizes Committee, specified, these two projects received the same number of jury votes.

The best documentary film was the project of the First Channel “Brodsky is not a poet”, timed to coincide with the 70th anniversary of the poet and Nobel laureate.

The action "Immortal Regiment" received the TEFI award

Meanwhile, the action "Immortal Regiment" was recognized as the event of the TV season at the TEFI awards ceremony, the Ruposters.Ru portal reports. Andrey Kondrashov's film "Crimea. Way home" received a special prize for "Comprehension of modern history".

The bronze statuette of Orpheus was received by the actor Vasily Lanovoy.

“You can and should be proud of the glory of your ancestors,” Lanovoy said at the awards ceremony.

Recall that the TEFI award was established by the Russian Television Academy Foundation on December 21, 1994. Since 2014, the Committee of Industrial Television Awards has become its organizer. The founders of the competition are Channel One, VGTRK, TV Center, Gazprom-Media Holding, STS Media, National Media Group, National Association of Broadcasters. The winners are awarded with a bronze statuette of Orpheus by Ernst Neizvestny.

But already now, at the level of distribution of prizes for the “day”, there has been a trend: after all, to one degree or another, “fights” took place between the heavyweights - “First” and “Russia-1”. I don’t want to count in absolute terms, I just assume that with all the abundance of projects and formats, it is these two channels that are currently both the initiators of TV fashion and a certain tuning fork of quality.

To receive a tele-Oscar named "Tefi" is an honor. For professionals, this is a “brand” for life: having such an item in the biography line, you will forever be ranked among the professional community, like a caste. For the audience, "Teffi" is a kind of pointer: the pros say that it's cool - like this, but it's so cool, but not very. And even if we are just sofa admirers of TV, the habit of focusing on nominees and prize-winners is already in our blood, as they say. After all, we are what we eat and what we look at.

Laureates of the TEFI-2015 award, TV presenters of the Fashion Sentence program: fashion historian Alexander Vasiliev and Evelina Khromchenko (from left to right) after the TEFI-2015 award ceremony in the Daytime Broadcast category at the Ostankino television center.

To be honest, there were no big revelations either in the case of the nomination for the award, or in the case of the first winners. Take the morning broadcasts. You can start the morning with scrambled eggs and "First", you can - with muesli and "Russia", there is doing - with semolina and "Channel Five": the taste and color, as you know ... As soon as the first voting results appeared, it became clear that in friendship wins to some extent. Maybe, of course, this is an accident, but it turned out that the victory of the Good Morning show on Channel One was somewhat balanced by the recognition of Anastasia Chernobrovina and Vladislav Zavyalov (journalists of the Morning of Russia program (Russia-1) as the best hosts of the morning program). By the way, I note that Channel One at Teffi-2015 came out with the largest number of nominations - there were already 22 of them, overtaking Russia 1 (18). And yet, it’s funny: “Tefi” bypassed the “Test Purchase” of Channel One, although among ordinary, as they say, consumers, this unpretentious format, which combines any person’s craving for bread and circuses, is in incredible demand and really determines the demand for products tested by the program in stores .

The fact that Nagiyev is good in Fizruk is not a question, but many viewers, I think, would be surprised that he was “taffed” for this role, and not, say, for hosting any shows. I think that this award found the hero "in aggregate" - taking into account all his merits, because in recent years not a single more or less bright show could do without his participation.

But the news that the best entertainment show was "Fashionable Sentence" on "First" personally surprised me: the program is funny, Vasiliev is a charm, but, you see, this format can attract only a certain category of viewers, and hardly - mass. Of course, it's good when people change, but you get tired of shaking someone else's poorly composed wardrobe. Well, watching “Biathlon with Dmitry Guberniev” (“Russia-2”) is really interesting; it always amazes me where the host gets the strength for such a soulful and energetic howl.

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