Medicinal properties of Indian onion and its use in folk medicine. Unique healing properties of Indian onion


Indian onion or brandushka is a perennial plant, widespread in the Mediterranean countries, mainly America, China and India. For medicinal properties in Germany, the plant is considered sacred. The plant is widespread in the country and its use, as well as recipes, are passed down from generation to generation. Now, like several decades ago, Indian onions have bactericidal, disinfecting properties. Today, there are 500 varieties of plants in the world, while individual representatives differ in appearance from their predecessors.

Due to the folk properties, the use of Indian onions is advisable in medicine, floristry and feng shui. In the latter, grass is used as a plant that attracts peace, comfort and harmony. The Indian bow is a patron in business, favorable for a career and success at work. Additionally, the plant brings optimism, vitality, energy, prosperity and love of life. Florists use Indian onion as a beautiful ornamental plant in original compositions.

Outwardly, the grass resembles an ordinary onion. It has a green bulb, cord-like white roots. The life span of the bulb is 25-30 years, from time to time large hanging leaves grow from it, curling up into a tube at the end. The flowering of the plant begins in November-December, the first flowering begins 2-3 years after planting, depending on climatic conditions.

The beneficial properties of the herb are due to the inclusion of vitamins, minerals and acids in the composition of various active substances. The composition of the Indian bow includes:

  • alkaloids;
  • colchicine;
  • thiocolchicine;
  • sulfur;
  • glycosides;
  • flavonoids;
  • acids;
  • essential oils are found in the leaves.

Since the plant contains glycosides, which are organic solids, the use of the tincture of the tip helps to eliminate many diseases of the nervous system. Glycosides contain a large amount of glucose, useful for the thyroid gland.

Flavonoids, also included in the composition, are yellow in color, mainly found in the leaves, as well as the juice of the flowers. The medicinal properties of the herb make it possible to use it during the elimination of many diseases. In this case, tincture on alcohol or cognac is mainly used.

Indian onion, what does the tincture treat?

Useful properties of the plant are determined by its rich composition. Thanks to acids, flavonoids and essential oils, the herb is effective in such diseases:

  • gout;
  • pain in the joints;
  • arthritis. In the chronic course of the disease, a tincture based on the leaves of the plant will help, preparing it during flowering;
  • bruises;
  • diseases of veins, arteries, blood vessels;
  • haemorrhoids;
  • warts;
  • myositis;
  • osteochondrosis;
  • radiculitis;
  • herpes;
  • toothache;
  • bronchitis;
  • pneumonia;
  • asthma;
  • abscesses and abscesses;
  • cuts and wounds.

The use of vodka tincture makes it possible to speed up the healing process, causing a quick action. The preparation of such decoctions and infusions is easy, does not cause difficulty in execution.

Tincture, medicinal recipes

Indian onions are widely used in the preparation of medicines, decoctions and tinctures. You can insist the grass on alcohol or vodka, as well as use cognac and moonshine. The alcohol-based preparation is easy to prepare and store. Duration of storage in some cases reaches 1-2 years.

Required Ingredients:

  • Indian bow - 1 pc;
  • peduncle - 1-2 leaves;
  • diluted alcohol - 1 liter.

All ingredients must be carefully cut into small pieces and put in a glass jar. Mix everything and pour diluted with alcohol, closing the jar with a lid. Place the container in a dark place, preferably in a cool one, the cellar would be ideal. After 2 weeks, the tincture should be shaken and used. The beneficial properties of the remedy show themselves during the treatment of salts in the joints.

Recipe Ingredients:

  • Indian bow - 1 pc;
  • peduncle - 2 leaves;
  • alcohol - 700 ml.

Chop everything carefully, put in a glass jar and cover with a lid for a month. Put the container in a dark, cold place, after the end of the infusion, the tincture is filtered, and all the excess is poured into a plastic bottle. The use of the drug is effective in relieving pain in the joints and bone bruises.

Tincture Ingredients:

  • Indian bow - 1 pc;
  • peduncle - 2 leaves;
  • alcohol - how much will enter;
  • poultry farmer - 2-3 leaves.

Rinse the leaves of the poultry plant thoroughly, separate from the main plant, chop. Finely chop all other ingredients and put everything in a jar or bottle. Pour the ingredients with alcohol in a ratio of 1: 3, respectively. The tincture can be used 2 weeks after preparation. The healing properties of the infusion show themselves for pain in the joints. After the rubbed remedy, the pain syndrome goes away after 15 minutes. Rub sick meta 3-5 times a day.

Required Ingredients:

  • onion leaf - 2 pcs;
  • eucalyptus oil - 20 grams;
  • alcohol 80% - 50 grams.

The preparation of the medicine is simple, first the leaves are kneaded in a mortar, then they are mixed with other ingredients and mixed in a glass bottle. Infuse the remedy for 7-12 days with a carefully closed lid. The tincture is applied by applying it to a sore spot. The healing properties will be more pronounced if, after application, the place is covered with a woolen cloth.

  1. Radiculitis.
    Rub the tincture from the plant for a minute, wrap with warm wool. In the morning the symptoms are gone. The course of treatment is 10 days.
  2. Otitis.
    Moisten a cotton swab in an aqueous herbal infusion and lay it inside the ear.
  3. Bites.
    After washing, lubricate the wound with tincture of alcohol to prevent further irritation, allergies and infection. The main advantage of the tincture is its complete healing of the wound without scars and marks.
  4. Gout, arthritis, rheumatism.
    Lubricate the bandages with tincture and make wraps. Carefully rub the product into the affected area, after which they wrap it with a warm blanket.
  5. High blood pressure.
    At night, wipe the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe spine with tincture for 60 days.
  6. Mastopathy.
    A leaf-based tincture is rubbed on sore areas of the chest. Useful properties appear after 2 weeks of use.
  7. Toothache and headache.
    Tincture to lubricate the back of the head, oral cavity, mainly gums. Dilute the tincture first.
  8. Bronchitis.
    Rub alcohol tincture into the chest area. You can use the method only when there is no elevated body temperature.
  9. Warts.
    Onion tincture will help to remove an unpleasant growth, for this you need to lubricate the dead area with infusion.

Contraindications for use

Despite the beneficial properties of the herb, there are contraindications. There are cases of individual intolerance and allergic reactions to the plant. Herbal tinctures have their own contraindications, basically they can not be used:

  • hemophilia is the first disease during which it is strictly forbidden to use a tincture from a plant. Substances contained in the plant cause blood flow, which, in case of illness, adversely affects the vessels, breaking them. In some cases, neoplasms occur.
  • it is important to take precautions, when using products from the plant, it is worth using rubber gloves, since there is a high concentration of the plant inside the plant. In the event of a rash at the site of application of the tincture, you need to change the ingredients and dilute the product with water. If changing the medication does not work, you should completely abandon the procedure and consult a doctor.
  • in case of accidental contact with the plant in the eyes, rinse them with plenty of water, drip with anti-inflammatory or cleansing drops.

Before starting treatment with a drug and tincture, it is important to consult a doctor. Only he will be able to conduct the necessary examinations and prescribe or prohibit the use of the drug.

The caudate poultry plant is an ornamental house plant, which is often called "Indian" or "Mongolian onion" by the people. It got its name most likely because of the burning juice, which in its sharpness resembles Indian spices. It is this juice that is used in folk medicine.

The pharmacological properties of Indian onions are still quite little studied. It is certainly known that this plant is able to provide a powerful analgesic effect. It contains various active substances that stimulate blood circulation. That is why the plant is used in the treatment of diseased joints, with bruises, abscesses and other injuries. In folk medicine, Indian onion juice is also used to eliminate headaches, to alleviate the symptoms of colds and flu. The plant acts quickly, but without regular use, the effect disappears just as quickly. Therefore, when treating with Indian onions, it is important to observe regularity. You should be careful! Indian onion is a poisonous plant. Therefore, it can only be used externally. Ingestion of even a small amount of this plant or preparations from it can lead to poisoning. After carrying out external procedures, you must thoroughly wash your hands with soap and water. In folk medicine, Indian onion juice is used in compresses, as well as decoctions based on it and tinctures. With external procedures, as a rule, tingling and burning are felt at the site of exposure to the plant. However, this should not force you to stop treatment, on the contrary, after the discomfort subsides, the treatment must be resumed. Only then will the therapeutic effect be maximum. For bruises, joint pain, sciatica and other problems with the musculoskeletal system, Indian onions are recommended to be used as a compress. To do this, pick a leaf from the plant and rub the sore spot with the juice that has come out. After it must be wrapped with a soft cloth and a warm scarf or scarf. The exposure time of this compress is no more than 3-4 minutes, otherwise you can get a burn. If you suffer from acne or eczema, Indian onion can also help. The plant must be rubbed into a pulp and applied to the damaged area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe skin, after which it should be wrapped with a clean napkin. The duration of the procedure is about 4-5 minutes. If you experience a strong burning sensation, remove the compress a little earlier. In case of acute respiratory diseases, you can rub the temples with the juice of the plant, as well as the chest, forehead, and places of the lymph nodes. After such rubbing, you need to wrap yourself in a warm scarf and cover yourself with a blanket. Excellent helps in the treatment of joints tincture of poultry. To do this, you need to finely chop the greens of the plant and pour vodka in a ratio of 1:10. Leave the resulting mixture to infuse in a dark place for 14 days. After this period, strain the tincture, and you can rub it on sore joints. Also, Indian onion tincture has a therapeutic effect on gout, sciatica, salt deposits, abscesses and insect bites.

by Notes of the Wild Mistress

Radiculitis, rheumatism, diseases associated with salt deposits in the joints, osteochondrosis - this is not a complete list of those physiological problems that it saves indian bow.

"Indian onions are called a panacea for many ills. Its medicinal properties allow you to get rid of diseases of the musculoskeletal system and improve the body."

Of course, the medicine only works if it is used correctly and wisely. For example, it is never taken orally, as the plant is poisonous. But external application is always very effective. Those who have chronic diseases of the musculoskeletal system should definitely pay attention to this plant.

Means with Indian onions are used only by traditional medicine. We advise skeptics to postpone their conclusions: the reason for the lack of medications with this plant in the pharmacy is that the studies of its action have not yet been completed. However, doctors already now recognize that the active substances of the plant are able to have an antiseptic effect, accelerate blood flow and improve metabolic processes in damaged areas, accelerating wound healing and acting as an anesthetic.

Glycosides - toxic substances that are contained in onion leaves, and have a beneficial effect. They activate the metabolism in the diseased area, removing swelling and quickly improving the patient's condition. This is especially true for those suffering from rheumatism and sciatica.

The juice of the leaves is quickly absorbed into the skin - this, on the one hand, helps to achieve results faster, on the other hand, it allows you to use the product in the daytime without the risk of staining clothes.

With abscesses, bruises and other painful conditions, Indian onions help relieve pain and prevent the development of inflammation.

Indian onion: methods of application

There are many recipes for the use of Indian onions for various diseases.

1. Finely chop the green leaves of the Indian onion, place in a faience container, mash and tamp. Pour them with vodka at the rate of 1 to 10. Let it brew for 2 weeks, then strain and store in the refrigerator. Compresses with this tool help fight sore throat - it is enough to apply a compress before going to bed on the throat for 1 - 1.5 hours for three days. Similar compresses are effective in diseases of the joints .

2. Mix the crushed leaves of Indian onion (3 tablespoons) with 15 ml of essential oil of eucalyptus or fir, add 50 ml of medical alcohol. Stir, pour into a glass bottle and seal tightly. This mixture should be applied to the throat. with acute tonsillitis - three procedures are enough.

3. Bath with Indian onion and sea salt (0.5 kg each) helps with exacerbations of arthritis . You can also add half a glass of soda. The water should be hot, almost scalding, and the temperature should be maintained. After 20-30 minutes of taking a bath, you need to rinse with cool water, wrap yourself up and fall asleep.

4. Indian onion leaves and finely chopped hellebore roots are mixed in a ratio of 1 to 1, poured with medical alcohol (so that the liquid slightly covers the mixture). Insist 10 days. Compresses with this tincture help well. with dislocations, joint injuries, rehabilitation after complex fractures .

5. Soothing compresses for joint pain are also effective. To the decoction of lemon balm and mint, add an alcohol infusion of Indian onion in a ratio of 1 to 20. Make evening compresses from the resulting mixture.

6. If assigned warming up the joints , mix 2 tablespoons crushed cherry pits and 3 tablespoons Indian onion leaves and roots. Boil in a glass of water.

7. In order not to have to buy expensive ointments with poisons and other means for warming up the joints, you can also use Indian onions. Its crushed leaves should be mixed with pork lard 1 to 15, respectively. Apply the ointment before going to bed, leave overnight.

8. To reduce joint pain , especially after injuries, various types of mechanical damage, apply compresses from onions and burdock. Mix 4-5 tablespoons of finely chopped burdock root with the same amount of chopped onion leaves, pour in alcohol so that it slightly covers the mixture. Infuse for 10 days, use as compresses.

9. A similarly made tincture of 3 parts of lilac and 2 parts of chopped onion leaves will help with the deposition of salts in the joints .

10. Linden honey, aloe juice and Indian onion tincture in vodka mixed in a ratio of 2 to 1 to 3. Make compresses for exacerbation of joint pain - up to 4 times a day.

11. Also, such a compress is suitable for pain relief. Boil 3 tablespoons of crushed aloe leaves in a glass of water, add 3 tablespoons of Indian onion vodka infusion. Make compresses from the mixture, keep them for no more than 30 minutes.

12. To accelerate cut healing , you should boil a third of a large leaf of Indian onion, treat the cut with alcohol and squeeze the juice coming from the boiled leaf onto the cut. Do not rinse.

13. For rheumatism , especially during exacerbation of pain, soak bandages with onion juice and apply bandages to sore areas.

14. To relieve inflammation of the nasal mucosa and reduce runny nose , it is recommended to lubricate the nostrils with Indian onion juice, diluted with boiled water at the rate of 1 to 1.

15. If swollen gum , but it does not bleed, there are no cuts, you should attach a leaf of Indian onion to it for 10 minutes. Do not swallow the released juice, lubricate the gums with it.

Remember that Indian onions should be used with caution, because they are poisonous and not intended for internal use. Before starting any self-medication, it is recommended to consult a doctor.

Alcohol tincture with the addition of Indian onions is always useful on the farm. It can be called an emergency savior, because it will help get rid of many diseases!

This plant has many other names, such as: tailed bird, ornithogalum, brandushka, Chinese onion, etc. Despite its name, it has nothing to do with India, and it has nothing to do with the onion family either. This plant is not edible, but on the contrary - poisonous. Therefore, its properties are useful only for external use. . The most common type of external medicines, where the main component is Indian onion - as the basis of alcohol tincture.

If you have not been familiar with Indian onions until this moment, then believe me, its healing properties will impress you. Medicine has not yet recognized the poultry as medicinal, but people have long been using it for medicinal purposes, because it has an excellent effect on the body. Therefore, today there are many ways to use it, but the most effective is tincture. Next, you will learn its recipes and uses.


Indian onions are widely used for the preparation of medicines. There are many recipes with his participation, but the simplest and most affordable are tinctures. You can insist on a poultry farmer both on alcohol and on ordinary vodka. This product is easier to store and easier to prepare.

Recipe #1

You will need:

  • poultry farmer 1-2 leaves;
  • peduncle - 1 pc.;
  • bulb (without roots) - 1 pc.;
  • alcohol - 1 l.


  1. The components of the flower must be cut and placed in a jar.
  2. Pour all this with alcohol and close the usual nylon lid.
  3. Put the jar in a dark cool place and after two weeks you can use it.

Well, this tincture helps with the deposition of salts in the joints.

Recipe #2

Using all the previous ingredients, you can prepare another medicine. Only alcohol in it should be used not a liter, but 0.7 liters.


  1. Cover the jar with a plastic lid and leave in a dark and cool place for a month.
  2. At the end of the term, it must be filtered and poured into a bottle.

This tincture relieves joint pain and helps with bruises.

Recipe #3

For this remedy, you will need the leaves of the birdman.


  1. Separate the leaves, rinse thoroughly and chop them.
  2. Then you need to put it all in a jar and pour alcohol in a ratio of 1:3.
  3. The medicine will be ready for use after 10 days of storage.
  4. You can also strain the contents into a bottle and store in the refrigerator.

The tincture will help relieve joint pain in 10 minutes. Wipe sore spots preferably three times a day.

Recipe #4

You will need:

  • plant leaf - 1 or 2 pieces;
  • eucalyptus oil - 20 g;
  • alcohol 80% - 50 g.


  1. This tincture is also very simple. You need to crush the leaves in a mortar, pour them with the rest of the ingredients and mix it all in a bottle.
  2. After that, the bottle must be well corked and infused for a week.

And if, after application, the sore spot is covered with a warm woolen cloth, the effect will be even better!

Recipe number 5

You will need:

  • plant leaf - 2 or 3 pieces;
  • alcohol - 0.3 ml;
  • camphor oil - 30 ml.


  1. The leaves of the plant must be crushed and put in a jar.
  2. Then pour alcohol to cover the plant.
  3. After, all this must be stirred and left for a couple of hours.
  4. Next, you need to mix the rest of the alcohol with camphor oil and add to the jar. Shake and leave for 10-15 days.
  5. Then you need to express everything and pour it into a bottle.

As you can see, each tincture is very simple and effective in preparation, and the necessary ingredients are always at hand.


Before you talk about the use of the birdman, you must take into account all the precautions:

  • Indian onion is a poisonous plant, so in no case should it be used internally. For external use only!
  • Keep medicine away from food, out of reach.
  • The use of poultry is contraindicated in patients with hemophilia.
  • Beware of getting plant juice on the mucous membranes of the body.
  • It is necessary to use medicines only on clean skin.
  • With intensive use of funds, burns may occur.
  • It is best to prepare medicines with rubber gloves.
  • During the use of funds, allergic reactions may occur.

To avoid negative consequences, strictly adhere to these rules.

Poultry medicines can cure many diseases.

  • They can be rubbed into the skin if you suffer from a headache (whisky, occiput) or acute respiratory infections (nose bridge, lymph nodes).
  • With bruises, the remedy relieves pain well.
  • If you suffer from osteochondrosis, polyarthritis, rheumatism, sciatica, salt deposits in the joints - Indian onion medicine should always be at hand!
  • Angina, tonsillitis, arthrosis - the healing properties of this plant will be removed like a hand.

Therefore, always keep such a medicine at home, and in case of illness it will come to your aid.


Medicinal onion Indian (Chinese onion, tailed bird) has recently taken root on the windowsills of indoor plant lovers. It is often compared with another plant - the Golden Mustache, as it also earned itself the respect and good reputation of a wonderful healer. Having appeared in our country about 40 years ago, the plant became known to amateur flower growers, but its pharmacological properties are not yet very well known to specialists. Although a lot of information has been collected about the use of Indian onions in the treatment of many diseases.

For example, many doctors are convinced that the plant has a pronounced analgesic effect. To do this, you need to cut a fresh leaf, rinse it with water, gently rub it on the sore spot and after a short time the pain subsides. You can learn more about the plant from the article "Indian onion: treatment, application, tincture, medicinal properties."

Medicinal properties of Indian onion

As we have said, the plant has analgesic properties. This is due to the fact that the plant contains active substances that stimulate blood flow. Therefore, it is used to treat bruises, abscesses, joint pain. When exposed to the onion, a slight tingling sensation is felt on the sore spot.

However, it should be remembered that the Indian onion is poisonous, so it should not be taken internally. And after external procedures, you should wash your hands with soap and water.

After the procedure of rubbing into the skin, these properties of the plant make themselves felt. Many feel tingling, burning sensations of varying intensity. But this should not be a reason to stop treatment. After a short period of time, the discomfort disappears.

The use of the Indian bow

Indian onion juice is also successfully used for headaches, for the treatment of colds and flu. It works quickly and effectively. Relieves pain, eliminates the symptoms of a cold. Even after the first procedure, a significant improvement can occur, but most often this effect is temporary. Therefore, even with the onset of relief, the procedure should be repeated.

With acute respiratory infections, it is best to rub the whiskey plant juice, the location of the lymph nodes, the frontal part of the head, the chest, wrap yourself in a woolen scarf and cover yourself with a blanket.

For the treatment of diseases, Indian onions should be used for a long time and systematically. It is especially good to use the medicinal properties of the plant in combination with other therapeutic agents.

It is also interesting that the Indian onion is able to “tell” itself whether it can help in treatment or not. If, when applying its leaf to a sore spot, a burning sensation, tingling is felt, it means that the treatment has begun. If there are no sensations, then it is useless to be treated with onions.

Indian onion treatment

* Many healers claim that the treatment of chronic sciatica with the help of a plant gives excellent results. To do this, you need to pick a leaf, rinse it and very quickly rub the lower back with the juice of the plant. Wrap yourself in a clean cloth, tie a woolen scarf on top. To avoid a burn, keep such a compress for no more than 2-3 minutes.

* To get rid of acne, pimples, bruises, eczema and other skin diseases, grind the leaf of the plant to the state of gruel. Immediately apply it on the diseased area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe skin, wrap it with a clean napkin. The procedure time is no more than 5 minutes. Follow your feelings. If it burns badly, remove the compress earlier.

With rheumatism, external tumors, bumps, growths, the healing properties of Indian onions will also help. To do this, prepare a decoction. Grind the plant, pour a small amount of cold water, cover with a lid, leave overnight. In the morning, put on the stove, bring to a boil, but do not boil. Cool, strain, use as a rub.

* For the treatment of joint diseases, prepare a medicinal tincture. Grind the leaves of the plant, pour vodka in a ratio of 1:10. Leave for 2 weeks in a dark place. Strain, rub with sore joints. Store the tincture in the refrigerator.

* There is another recipe for a medicinal tincture of Indian onions. The medicinal properties of this remedy are used for the deposition of salts, sciatica, gout, abscesses. Indian onion, a tincture of it will perfectly relieve you of itching from insect bites.

To do this, thoroughly rinse the bulb of the plant, chop, transfer to a glass jar, Pour 1 tbsp. vodka, close tightly, put in a dark place for a month. Then strain the product, pour into a bottle, close tightly. Be careful! Sign the bottle so that no one accidentally drinks from it. The tincture is poisonous and can only be used externally.

Before you start using this remedy, be sure to consult your doctor to rule out the presence of contraindications. Be healthy!

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