Medicinal properties of Indian onion and use in traditional medicine. The use of Indian onions in folk medicine


Many people who are adherents of traditional medicine grow such an interesting plant as the tailed bird or Indian onion. This flower is valued for its pronounced medicinal properties. Therefore, various tinctures and ointments are often made from it. To grow this plant in the garden or at home, you need to know some of the nuances of its cultivation. It is about them that will be discussed in this article.

To grow an Indian onion, you first need to know what kind of soil is suitable for it. This plant should be planted in an earth mixture prepared from the following components:

  • coal;
  • sand;
  • leaf and sod land.

You can grow Indian onions both in open ground and in flower pots. When growing a flower in open ground, you need to choose a site where there is no sun. It is better to plant the plant in the shade of trees. Landing of planting material on the street is carried out only after a good warming up of the soil. A prerequisite for planting is the absence of frost.

Bulbs need to be buried only halfway into the ground. It is necessary to place only the root part of the bulb in the ground. If it is large enough, then its top should rise slightly above the soil level.

If the planting was carried out in the summer warm period, then the bulb will germinate perfectly and form many small children around it, which can be used in further reproduction.

Since the poultry plant has a developed root system, it is not fed after planting.

In addition to bulbs, seeds can be used as planting material. Before planting, Indian onion seeds must be stratified. This procedure is carried out within 3-4 months. To get bulbs from seeds, you must do the following:

  • soak seeds;
  • after that they are removed to a cold place where the temperature is -4 degrees. Under these conditions, the seeds should be a couple of weeks;
  • then they are sown in containers (flower pots, boxes, plastic cups, etc.). They must be filled with damp earth.

Planting seeds is carried out in spring or summer. Seed germination occurs within 6-8 months. When the first few leaves appear, it is necessary to pick the seedlings. Transplantation of young bulbs in open ground is carried out only after a year.

Also, the birdman can be immediately grown as a houseplant. It does great in plastic pots. At home, a flower pot must be placed on the north and northeast windows.

Video “Transplantation of a birdman”

How to properly transplant a plant into another pot is described in the video.

Indian onion care

Indian onions, wherever they grow, are easy to care for. The main condition for its active growth and development is the shadow. Therefore, it is imperative to avoid direct sunlight on the plant. In this regard, it is necessary to plant a birdman on the northern side of the site, giving preference to well-shaded areas.

Caring for a birdman consists of the following points:

  • watering. This flower needs to be watered quite often. It is necessary that the soil is always moistened;
  • for growing in summer, the optimum temperature for a plant is + 20-22 degrees. But in winter it is lowered to + 10-12 degrees. At this temperature, dug bulbs should be stored, which will not germinate under such conditions;
  • fertilizers. In the course of growth and development, the plant must be periodically fertilized. For these purposes, you can use various options for top dressing.

In the spring, when the leaves of the Indian onion begin to dry out a little, they are pruned. After it, the plant will begin to grow again. In summer, if the flower is grown in flower pots, then it can be taken out to the balcony or veranda.

Also, a flower transplant should be carried out periodically. If the tailed bird is grown in open ground, then he does not need a transplant. This procedure is usually carried out in the spring. It should be done once every two or three years. Planting the bulbs in open ground after wintering is also carried out in the spring, when warm weather has settled in the yard, and the soil has warmed up sufficiently. The best time for planting bulbs in open ground is the beginning of May.

Plants that are grown in open ground should definitely be dug up for the winter. Some gardeners store dug out bulbs in the refrigerator, after placing them in a plastic bag. Also, the bulbs can be overlaid with dry moss or placed in peat. Or you can just plant them in a flower pot and take care of them in the winter like an indoor flower.

As you can see, the birdman is a rather unpretentious plant that can be planted both in open ground and in flower pots. At the same time, its medicinal properties will remain pronounced in both cultivation options.

Reproduction methods

Indian onions can be propagated in the following ways:

  • sowing seeds;
  • children who are separated from an adult bush;
  • dividing the bulb.

Reproduction by seeds is possible both when growing a poultry farmer in the garden and in the garden, and at home. But at home, getting seeds is difficult, since you have to pollinate the flower with your own hands. Artificial pollination of the caudate tarantula is carried out only in the second year of the flower's life. Outdoor pollination is carried out by bees. If you put an indoor flower on an open balcony, then you can hope for pollination with the help of insects.

The collection of seeds should be carried out when the fruit box formed after flowering becomes completely dry. They are sown in special containers. Before planting, the planting material must be prepared for planting. Plants grown from seeds can be planted to a permanent place of growth only two years after sowing the planting material.

The easiest way to propagate Indian onions is to use baby bulbs. Because of the ability to form children, the birdman is sometimes also called the "pregnant onion." Under the shell of the mother plant, the appearance of small onions is observed. Their number can vary in a fairly wide range: from 2 pieces to 2 dozen.

In the process of growth, baby bulbs break off the scales of the parent plant and separate from it. They have the ability to self-root. The young that have appeared do not need to be immediately planted from the mother plant. This must be done only when the children have formed the real first roots. They usually take up to two weeks to develop.

You can not wait for the independent separation of the children. It is necessary to forcefully separate the children in the spring. Each separated bulb should be planted in the ground with a pointed end up.

Also, gardeners and flower growers sometimes propagate Indian onions by dividing the bulb. For these purposes, you should use a fairly large onion, the diameter of which is not less than 5 cm. It is cut into two parts. In this case, it is necessary to cut off its roots. An onion cut in half should rest for a couple of days. After that, the halves should be planted in pots and watered well until the first sprouts appear.

Despite the fact that this flower can be propagated in three different ways, babies remain the most popular option. This is really the easiest way to implement, which does not require much time and effort. And the result is almost always positive.

Medicinal properties

Indian onion has pronounced medicinal properties. Therefore, it is often planted, both in open ground and at home. Medicinal properties are characteristic of the leaves, bulbs and arrows of the plant. To be more precise, the medicinal properties are characteristic of the caudate bird juice. The juice of this flower has the form of a colorless mucus, odorless. The medicinal properties of Indian onions begin to appear two years after the seeds or bulbs are planted. At the same time, the medicinal properties of the plant only increase with age.

The beneficial properties of juice are due to the presence in it of a large number of various active substances. The medicinal properties of the birdman include the following effects:

  • wound healing;
  • antiseptic;
  • anesthetic.

To obtain the desired therapeutic effect, it is necessary to monitor the growth and development of the plant. For example, arrows that grow up need to be broken off periodically. At the same time, their length should be approximately 15-20 cm. For medicinal purposes, it is best to use large and mature leaves. In this case, even those leaves, the edge of which is a little dried up, can be used.

Fresh juice has the most brightly grown medicinal properties. In addition, they are well manifested in tinctures prepared with alcohol or vodka. When the juice of the plant or tinctures prepared from it come into contact with the sore spot, a burning sensation and a slight tingling sensation will appear. As a result of this effect, blood flow to the affected area improves.

Remember that the Indian onion is an exclusively medicinal plant, which has nothing in common with the onion we are used to, except for external resemblance. Although the plant belongs to the onion family. At the same time, the birdman is a poisonous flower. Therefore, when treating it with juice, it is imperative to adhere to a certain concentration. Otherwise, an overdose is possible, which will adversely affect the general health of the patient.

In folk medicine, there are a large number of a wide variety of recipes for the preparation of a medicinal product from the juice of the caudate birdman. When preparing such a medicine, it is necessary to strictly follow the instructions and strictly follow all the instructions. Tinctures prepared from Indian onion juice can be used both externally and internally.

Medicines made from Indian onions help get rid of many ailments, including fungal skin diseases and even sciatica.

Thus, many gardeners and flower growers advise growing poultry in the garden or at home, as this plant has brightly grown medicinal properties. Indian onions will be a great addition to your garden or home.

Video “Properties of the target gun”

How to make onion tincture is shown in the video.

» Onion varieties

At the end of the twentieth century, Siberian healers paid attention to the healing properties of the Indian onion or Poultryman (Ornithógalum). Since then, it has gained wide popularity. Several species of bulbous plants were under the threat of destruction. Therefore, they were listed in the Red Book of the Russian Federation.

Ornithogalum belongs to perennial plants of the Asparagus family. Historical homeland is considered to be South America. In Russia, the species was brought to the Leningrad Botanical Institute from Germany. The Indian onion got its name from the association of burning milky juice with Indian spices, and not from the geographical area of ​​​​growth.

An ornamental plant has a stem in the form of an onion located above the topsoil. The leaves are long, flat as they grow, change position, fall down, twisting at the ends. The color is dark green with a yellow stripe in the center. The biennial produces an arrow framed by small white or cream inflorescences.

Indian onion closeup

The cultivation of Indian onions takes place in greenhouses or in residential premises. Does not require increased attention. It feels comfortable both on the northern windows and in the back of the room. Watering, moderate as the topsoil dries. For the summer, the Poultry farmer is taken out into the open air or transplanted into the ground. For the winter they return to the room.

The composition of the Indian onion

In traditional medicine, Ornithogalum has not found application, it is not in the reference books of medicinal herbs. For traditional healers, biologically active substances are valuable, as part of leaves and seeds:

  • essential oil;
  • acids of organic origin;
  • kind of glycosides;
  • alkaloid group (colchicine, thiocolchicine, colchicoside).

The medical value of the plant, the presence of alkaloids in the composition. But they are not enough to interest the pharmaceutical industry in the Indian onion as a raw material.

Colchicine is a natural poison. Internal use of Ornithogalum-based products can cause intoxication.

Useful and medicinal properties

Traditional medicine uses an ornamental plant as a component of ointments, water and alcohol-based tinctures, for external use. Ornithógalum juice contains an antibiotic, it has an antiseptic and antibacterial effect. Has an analgesic effect. Active substances, penetrating through the epidermis, relieve inflammation and relieve pain. Applicable:

  1. With hematomas and fractures.
  2. From pain in the joints of a rheumatic nature (polyarthritis, arthritis).
  3. To accelerate the regeneration of damaged tissues.
  4. As an antibacterial agent in inflammatory processes.
  5. In the complex treatment of radiculitis and osteochondrosis.
  6. To relieve itching and redness in the area affected by insects.
  7. With varicose veins and neoplasms associated with HPV (papillomas, warts), foot fungus.

Alkaloids relieve swelling, prevent the formation of malignant tumors. When applied to the skin, they expand the walls of capillaries, improve blood flow to the problem area.

For the manufacture of the product, all parts of the plant have biological activity.

When cutting the leaves, the Indian onion will not suffer, and the raw materials will be enough for dosage forms (ointments, tinctures).

Contraindications for use

It is necessary to use funds based on Ornithogalum, given that onions are toxic, with caution. With a number of factors, treatment is not acceptable. These include:

  • bleeding gums, the remedy will worsen their condition;
  • hemophilia, excessive blood flow, will affect the walls of blood vessels;
  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • allergy.

To test the body's tolerance to alkaloids, it is necessary to apply the juice of the plant to the inside of the elbow. After two hours, check the test result. If the surface of the skin has not changed, then the result is negative. When:

Growing Indian onions indoors
  • redness;
  • itching;
  • puffiness;
  • the appearance of blisters.

It is not permissible to use Indian onion as a medicine.

With prolonged use of plant-based products, colchicine, penetrating through the skin, can cause a decrease in white blood cells (leukopenia). The course should not exceed 30 days.

After using ointments or tinctures, hands should be thoroughly washed with soap and water. If the components of the plant come into contact with the conjunctiva (mucosa of the eye), rinse with water.

The use of onions in traditional medicine at home

Thanks to the healing elements, as part of the Poultry Farmer, traditional healers use all parts of an ornamental plant. If an onion is needed for cooking, the plant will die. Not only funds are used for treatment, but also pure juice.

Essential oils and organic acids, in the composition, improve the process of regeneration of mechanically damaged tissues. Exclude the inflammatory process and the growth of bacteria. Due to the bactericidal property, alternative medicine is aimed at treating furunculosis and herpes.

For an analgesic effect, Ornithogalum is used in complex therapy for stretching muscles or ligaments. Stops the pain syndrome of diseases of a neuralgic nature (sciatica), with the deposition of salts (osteochondrosis, polyarthritis).


To prepare medicine from Indian onions, an "adult" plant is taken. The optimal concentration of active substances is reached at 2 years. In the manufacture of tinctures, it is desirable to take into account that colchicine is poorly soluble in alcohol. Therefore, a water-based product will be many times more toxic.

You can not use metal objects when working with the Bird Farmer. Make sure you have rubber gloves. If household appliances were involved (mixer, blender, meat grinder), it is recommended to treat it with a disinfectant and wash it with hot water.

Substance for compress

Leaves are crushed until gruel is formed. It is used for compresses on the back or joints for sciatica and rheumatism. The procedure will help relieve pain. To avoid chemical burns, the substance is applied to a gauze pad, then placed on the problem area.

The next method is also suitable for a compress. Juice is squeezed out of the crushed leaves, stored in a glass container for 4 days. It is used as an application or compress for neuralgic diseases and salt deposition.


For cooking, you need a leaf of Indian onion 15-25 centimeters long. It is crushed, placed in a thermos and poured with boiling water (1 liter). Let it brew for 2 hours.

You can prepare the product in a steam bath. Finely chopped leaf, poured with cold water, aged for a couple of 25 minutes. Merges into a thermos, infused for 3 hours.

Alcohol-based is prepared as follows:

  • an onion with an arrow or leaves is crushed;
  • poured into a plastic or glass container with a liter of ethyl alcohol;
  • aged at a moderate temperature for 21 days.

Based on kerosene, it effectively acts with sciatica. Ingredients:

  • plant leaves (a total of 45-50 centimeters long);
  • 200 grams of pure kerosene;
  • 250 grams of oil (sunflower, olive, mustard).

It is placed in a glass jar, hermetically sealed, infused at a temperature of 25 degrees for 2 weeks. The contents are shaken periodically.


Ointments are used to treat articular pathologies and heal wounds with purulent formation. The basis will be animal fat from sheep wool (lanolin), it will need 45 ml. 2.5 tablespoons of honey and gruel from the leaf of the plant are added.

For the following ointment recipe you will need:

  • 2 egg yolks;
  • 3 tablespoons of sea buckthorn oil;
  • a piece of beeswax, measuring 5:2 centimeters;
  • 1 spoon of kerosene;
  • 2 tablespoons of plant juice.

It is necessary to follow the sequence of preparation. In boiling oil, the wax dissolves. After the composition has cooled, kerosene, Indian onion juice, and lastly the yolks are added. After stirring, the mass is ready for use.

Decoctions from Ornithogalum are used less frequently, they are not as effective. Cook over low heat for 25-30 minutes (1.5 liters of water, sheet 25 centimeters). When it cools down, you can apply.

Like any folk remedy, a medicine made from the Umbrella Poultry is recommended to be used in combination with traditional therapy, after consulting a doctor. Given that the juice contains toxic substances, at room conditions, flower pots should be placed out of the reach of children and pets.

The Indian onion plant has a lot of variations of the name - Chinese and Mongolian onions, bird's milk, brandushka, etc., its homeland is Africa. There are more than five hundred varieties, they are used for decorative purposes, in the teachings of Feng Shui and in traditional medicine recipes. For medicinal purposes, the leaves and the Indian onion itself are used, which looks like an ordinary onion.


The use of drugs based on onions is done locally, the drugs are characterized by a high speed of the effect. When applied to the skin, the components of the composition (glycosides, colchicine, alkaloids and other active substances) activate blood flow, accelerate the processes of tissue repair and inhibit the putrefactive processes of decomposition in wounds. In folk medicine, the main properties of the plant are valued:

  • antiseptic action;
  • anesthesia of the treated area;
  • wound healing action;
  • inhibition of the growth of malignant and benign tumors.

What helps in folk medicine

The main question is what diseases the plant treats. It is necessary to use Indian onion for the following indications:

  • traumatic injuries (bruises, sprains, dislocations);
  • swelling;
  • skin reactions to insect bites;
  • headache;
  • symptoms of acute respiratory diseases;
  • diseases of the spine and joints (osteochondrosis, arthritis, sciatica, etc.);
  • warts;
  • cuts, small wounds, the consequences of a herpes infection;
  • heel spurs;
  • toothache.

All the situations described involve exclusively superficial application of healing compounds, such agents are not used inside. In official medicine, Indian onion is considered a unique source of colchicine, an alkaloid that is used in the treatment of gout and cancer.

Medical recipes and methods of application

The medicinal properties of the plant reach their maximum indicators from the second year of growth in the period before and during flowering. The juice has no color, pronounced smell, which makes it convenient to use. Application options depend on the disease that the remedy must cope with.

For joints

Treatment of joints with the help of Indian onions is done by local application of vodka tincture. For cooking you will need:

  • mature leaves of the plant;
  • vodka or diluted medical alcohol.

Vegetable raw materials are washed in clean water, dried from excess moisture. Next, the leaves are crushed and placed in a glass container. It is required to fill in with an alcohol-containing component in a ratio of 1 to 10, that is, for 1 part of the leaves 10 parts of the liquid (with increased skin sensitivity, the proportion of alcohol is increased to 20). The medicine will be ready after insisting in a dark place for two weeks. The finished product must be filtered and then stored in the refrigerator (no more than two years).

Apply the product to the joints daily, pouring a small amount into the palm of your hand and rubbing the diseased areas three times a day. 10 minutes after application, a feeling of warming occurs.

For rheumatoid arthritis

It is necessary to use products based on Indian onions for rubbing or lotions. There are different recipes:

  • the mature leaf of the plant is cut, washed and cut lengthwise, exposing the flesh. The cut side is rubbed on the affected area or simply applied for a while, warming with a scarf. This is a quick way to deal with well-localized pain;
  • for rheumatoid arthritis, a mixture of honey (2 parts), aloe juice (1 part) and onion alcohol tincture (3 parts) is prepared. The resulting mass is applied to the affected area in the form of a compress for 30-60 minutes;
  • tincture of eucalyptus oil. Mix 50 ml of alcohol and 15 ml of essential oil, leave for an hour in a closed container. A 15 cm long onion leaf is crushed into gruel and poured with oil and alcohol, sent to a glass container and insisted for a week. The resulting agent lubricates the sore spots without separating the pieces of the plant, and after rubbing, wrap the area with a warm scarf.

For rubbing with osteochondrosis of the spine, a purchased Hells Root gel is used, made on the basis of an extract of Indian onion.

From heel spurs

The plant helps with heel spurs as part of a compress recipe:

  1. one washed medium-sized potato is rubbed with the peel;
  2. a large leaf of Indian onion crushed into gruel is added to the mass;
  3. the composition is transferred to gauze and placed on a spur, fixing it with a bandage to the leg;
  4. from above the compress is covered with polyethylene.

The duration of one compress is a day, after which it must be changed to a new one. The course of therapy is a week. You can use a mass of one bow, but then the compress needs to be applied only at night and monitor the condition of the skin.

For nail fungus

You can make an antifungal ointment according to different recipes:

  • mix until smooth 50 grams of tar, 10 grams of boric acid and 20 vaseline, and add juice from one fleshy onion leaf to the mass. The ointment is stored in the refrigerator in a dark container. Apply the composition to the nails affected by the fungus, in an even layer at night, putting clean socks on top;
  • crushed large leaf of the plant is mixed in a ratio of 1 to 15 with melted pork lard and mixed thoroughly. The mixture is applied to the affected area, put on socks and left overnight. In the morning, all residues are carefully removed. It will take about two weeks of daily procedures;
  • a couple of crushed onion leaves are placed in a bowl with enamel, 50 grams of lanolin and 10 grams of natural propolis are added to the mass, after which the components are sent to a water bath. After a quarter of an hour, the mixture is removed, placed in a small container and cooled, stored in the refrigerator. Apply the composition to the nails before going to bed for one to two weeks.

Treatment of varicose veins

In addition to the treatment of varicose veins with drugs, effective folk recipes can be used. To stimulate tissue repair, the legs are rubbed with tincture of lilac and Indian onion at night with light movements. A glass of lilac flowers is poured with five tablespoons of onion alcohol tincture and half a liter of vodka. In a closed glass container, the mixture is infused for a week, after which it is filtered and used for procedures.

With sinusitis

For the treatment of sinusitis, freshly squeezed juice is rubbed on the outside of the nose and maxillary sinuses. For the best effect, the next day rub the same places with peppermint. The course of therapy lasts about a month. The golden mustache plant has similar healing properties.

Can Indian onions harm?

Scientists have proven the fact that the plant is poisonous, so its juice is dangerous for ingestion. When used externally and following the recipes and dosages, the risks are minimal. The poisonous juice is especially dangerous for the eyes - in case of contact, it is necessary to urgently rinse the eyes with warm, clean water, and drip 2-3 drops of Albucid.

The first use of any product with onions requires preparation - they conduct a reaction test by applying a small amount of the product to the skin. If after a few hours no dangerous manifestations have arisen, you can start using it to the fullest. Too frequent use of pure juice can cause burns.

When the composition is applied to the skin, there is a burning sensation, a slight tingling of varying intensity - this is a normal reaction due to the action of the components of the composition and active blood flow. Within five minutes, the discomfort disappears, if this does not happen, then it is urgent to wash off the remnants of the product. Perhaps the development of an allergic process - redness of the skin and the appearance of edema. This requires the immediate cessation of therapy and the treatment of the skin area with a soothing cream. If symptoms persist, be sure to consult a doctor.

Contraindications for use

It is necessary to refuse to use funds with Indian onions when:

  • chronic condition of reduced blood clotting (hemophilia);
  • individual intolerance;
  • exacerbation of chronic skin diseases;
  • severe renal failure;
  • during pregnancy;
  • in the treatment of children and the elderly, special care is required.

Video: we treat joints correctly

The preparation of an effective traditional medicine for joint diseases requires compliance with a number of subtleties. This video describes in detail the process of creating an Indian onion product and the features of its use.

Aloe, Kalanchoe, golden mustache - all these are recognized leaders in healing properties among indoor plants. In this list, you can rightfully include the Indian onion. Although this plant is not yet as common on our windowsills as those listed, the medicinal properties of Indian onions are in no way inferior to other well-known medicinal crops.

About the plant

The Indian bow is a big deceiver. Not only is it not Indian, it is not even an onion. Its scientific name is tailed avian. South Africa is considered its homeland, but this perennial bulbous plant can be found in almost all subtropics of the inhabited continents: Europe, Asia, Africa and America.

The poultry farmer has many names:

  • Indian bow;
  • Mongolian bow;
  • Chinese bow:
  • squill;
  • false sea bow.

Outwardly, this plant resembles an ordinary onion, only its bulb is pale green. This bulb is able to remain viable for 20-30 years. She, like a film, is shrouded in scales, behind which new children are born. When they reach 1.5 cm long and 1 cm wide, they can be separated from the bulb to get new plants.

The Indian onion has long (up to 1 m) leaves up to 5 cm wide, sagging under its own weight, rolled at the ends into tubules. The plant blooms with small white-green flowers, which are strewn with a long - up to 60 cm - peduncle. If you tear off a leaf from the bulb, then juice immediately begins to stand out from it.

Interesting fact: The age of the Indian onion is easy to determine by the number of leaves. Every year it grows a new leaf. So everything is simple: how many leaves have grown, so many years the birdman.

The poultry farmer contains in large quantities:

  • organic acids;
  • amino acids;
  • essential oils;
  • alkaloids;
  • trace elements.

But a deceiver is a deceiver - the exact composition of the Indian bow has not yet been finally established today.

Medicinal properties

Official medicine still ignores the birdman, while in folk medicine it is widely used to treat many diseases. Indian onion owes its healing power to colchicine, an alkaloid with powerful analgesic and anti-inflammatory properties.

Onions are also used as a good antimicrobial and bactericidal agent. It is also used to speed up blood flow, and some traditional healers claim that it is able to restrain the development of various kinds of tumors, including oncological ones.

With the help of Indian onions, many ailments are treated:

  • a cold;
  • sore throat;
  • bronchitis;
  • headache and toothache;
  • radiculitis;
  • arthrosis;
  • polyarthritis;
  • osteochondrosis.

It is also used to heal wounds, relieve inflammation, tumors, itching, remove lichen, warts, from nail fungus, as well as for cosmetic purposes - to get rid of freckles.

For treatment, you can use both the bulb and the leaves, and flower stalks. But most of all in Indian onions, old leaves are valued - large, containing the maximum amount of healing juice.

The use of the Indian bow

Preparations based on Indian onions can be in the form of:

  • concentrated juice.
  • Alcohol tincture.
  • Water tincture.
  • Mazey.

The form of the drug for treatment must be selected individually, depending not only on the disease, but also on the general condition of the patient.

concentrated juice

To obtain it, you only need to cut off a leaf or a small piece of an onion from a plant and rub it on a sore spot. Simple, cheap and effective.

Alcohol tincture

The plant is crushed, put in a glass jar and poured with alcohol. The proportions of Indian onion and alcohol can be different: 1:10, 1:15, 1:20. It is preferable to use leaves for the preparation of tincture, but bulbs and flower arrows can also be used.

A jar of tincture is placed in a dark place, shaking it regularly. After 3 weeks, the tincture is filtered and used for treatment. It retains its medicinal properties for several years.

Water tincture

Water tincture is good because it is not as stinging as alcohol or concentrated juice. To prepare it, crushed leaves are poured with warm boiled water and infused for 12 hours. You can also put the crushed leaves in a thermos and pour boiling water over it. After 2 hours, the tincture is ready.


The cut leaf is crushed into gruel and mixed with other components. Usually, the ointment is prepared on the basis of any interior fat or petroleum jelly, it is possible with the addition of other components: egg whites, burdock roots, aloe juice, yarrow, etc.

The simplest recipe for preparing such an ointment is to heat the vaseline in a water bath (40 degrees) and slowly pour fresh juice into it, stirring everything thoroughly. The ratio of vaseline and juice should be 5:1. In a cool dark place, such an ointment is stored for up to 1 month.

Simple recipes for every day

To relieve pain in sciatica, the lower back is quickly rubbed with a small (not more than 2 cm) piece cut off from the bulb, covered with a soft cloth and wrapped with a woolen scarf. After 7–10 minutes, the handkerchief is removed, and the remaining juice is wiped off with a soft cloth moistened with warm water.

The compress is done 1-2 times a day (it is better to do this with an assistant - it is inconvenient to quickly rub the juice into the lower back yourself). The time must be determined by how you feel - if it starts to burn strongly, the compress should be removed, otherwise you risk getting a skin burn.

Headache is relieved by rubbing a small amount of fresh juice into the temporal or occipital part of the head. By rubbing the juice on the gums, you can relieve a toothache, but this is already a recipe for extreme people. In addition, with the slightest bleeding in the oral cavity, it is strictly contraindicated.

The recipe for treating the common cold with Indian onion is also simple: a small amount of fresh juice is rubbed into the bridge of the nose and the area of ​​the maxillary sinuses. For painful insect bites, a few drops of juice are rubbed into the bitten place.

Regularly lubricating papillomas and warts with juice, you can quickly get rid of them. Concentrated juice helps to quickly get rid of nail fungus.

To be treated or not? Despite its medicinal properties, the bird-man is a poisonous plant, and the slightest mistake in its dosage can cause poisoning.

The external use of Indian onions is considered relatively safe. Although in large doses, it can provoke leukopenia (a decrease in the number of leukocytes in the blood). Therefore, even the external "safe" use of Indian onion preparations should not be permanent. The maximum duration of the course of treatment can last no more than 30 days (for greater safety - 25 days), after which it is imperative to take a long break.

Important! The poultry farmer is the strongest irritant, and it is impossible to predict the reaction of the organism of even healthy people to it in advance.

Before proceeding with treatment, it is better to make a "trial run". To do this, a drop of Indian onion juice should be dropped on the inside of the bend of the elbow joint. Depending on the results of this test, a decision is made on the appropriateness of such treatment and on the concentration of the drug.

If, during treatment with Indian onion, its juice accidentally gets into the eyes, the procedure should be interrupted immediately, the affected eye should be thoroughly rinsed with plenty of water and an ophthalmologist should be visited immediately.

Poultry is famous for its ability to thin the blood. Therefore, before starting treatment with it, make sure that you do not have problems with blood clotting. Do not flatter yourself that you apply it externally - through the pores of the skin, it will easily penetrate into the circulatory system, and the consequences can be the most severe.

Treatment with Indian onions during pregnancy, nursing mothers and children is contraindicated. These three categories are not something to be treated - you can’t even contact a poultry doctor!

Cultivation of a birdman

In a subtropical climate, Indian onions can grow wild all year round, but in our country they are grown more as a houseplant. He fell in love with our hostesses because his cultivation at home is almost no trouble. The poultry farmer is undemanding to the soil, he does not need a large capacity for planting, he does not need to be constantly fed and replanted, and often watered too.

You can grow it in several ways: from a seed, by dividing the bulb, but the simplest and most popular is by separating the children. It is enough to separate such a baby from the bulb and plant it in a separate pot - and after two weeks it will take root. You need to plant so that the baby is half sticking out of the ground.

As a houseplant, the Indian onion feels great on southern windows, but can also grow on northern ones. The plant does not tolerate excess moisture, so it should be watered only when the topsoil is completely dry.

From the end of May to the beginning of September, Indian onions can also be grown outdoors, where they quickly take root and grow, delighting the eye with large leaves and beautiful flowers. But you can’t leave it in the garden or in the flowerbed for the winter - this plant is thermophilic.

Harvesting raw Indian onions for medicinal needs can be done all year round, but it is best to do this during flowering - at this time the plant has the greatest healing power.

Indian onion is able to save a person from many diseases. But he, being poisonous, with inept, uncontrolled treatment, can cause many problems. Therefore, when deciding to use a birdman for your treatment, make sure that it benefits you, and not harms you.

Healing properties of plants

Indian onion - a useful houseplant - Another plant from the first aid kit on the windowsill


many many many


poisonous, there are contraindications.

Indian onions in my house take pride of place on the windowsill, next to aloe and golden mustache. Unfortunately, from parents and grandparents, we inherit not only appearance and real estate, but also some sores. So I have arthrosis - a disease that passes from generation to generation. It's a shame, but what can you do. We are being treated. And the Indian onion is a plant that is very effective in all sorts of such diseases. i.e. arthritis, arthrosis, sciatica, polyarthritis, etc. The only negative is that the plant is very poisonous, so you always had to look after a small child so that it would not climb to it (when she was little she loved to pick leaves from flowers), well, I myself had to wash my hands after each contact with the flower.

This is what my handsome man looks like.

onions propagate very simply - next to the main bulb, "babies" appear from time to time. You plant these small onions in another pot - and now, after 3-4 months, a new plant, a new bush. Although the older the plant, the more useful it is. Some are of the opinion that only a plant that is at least 2 years old should be treated.

Well, I'll tell you about other diseases that are treated with Indian onions.

1) The plant has strong analgesic properties, therefore it is not replaceable for bruises, joint pain. It is enough to rub the sore spot with a leaf. The main thing is that there are no cuts - on an open wound - this is unbearable pain.

2) With acute respiratory infections, a runny nose, Indian onion juice is rubbed into the bridge of the nose and lymph nodes.

A vodka tincture is made from Indian onions (the leaves of the plant are crushed with a WOODEN spoon and poured with vodka). 2 weeks infused in a dark place. Store the tincture in the refrigerator.

Tincture helps with ANGINA (in the form of compresses before going to bed for an hour),

with TONSILLITIS (also in the form of compresses, only with the addition of eucalyptus essential oil)

FOR VARICOSE VEINS, make an oil tincture of onion and rub sore spots, or leave it for a while in the form of compresses (compresses cannot be done with thrombophlebitis)

WARTS (for the night under a patch a piece of a leaf)

with HEMORRHOIDS again with an oil mixture

for BRONCHITIS, Indian onion leaves are used instead of pepper patch, you need to keep it for no more than 3 hours

They also say that wounds, abrasions, abscesses also heal faster, but to be honest, you need to be a hero to endure the pain. Onion juice is very bitter.

By the way, many believe that the correct name of this plant is not Indian, but Chinese onion. Probably due to the fact that the bow is mentioned in Feng Shui. According to this system, onions have a calming effect on teenagers; in Chinese schools, a pot of onions is placed in schools. It is believed that the bow can establish order in the classrooms and corridors of the school. And besides, with the help of a plant, if necessary, a teacher can provide first aid to a student, because this "green doctor" may well replace iodine or hydrogen peroxide. And due to the fact that the flower is covered with small onions, it is believed that this is to strengthen harmony and mutual understanding in the family. Maintains a friendly atmosphere in the home or team. And the Chinese consider the Indian (Chinese) onion to be a "careerist" plant. The flower pot should be placed on the table to your right and put a coin under the pot.

If you are given this plant as a gift, this is a sign of a good attitude towards you.

the plant is still flowering. But if it bloomed very young, it means that replenishment is worth waiting for in this family.

I can’t say anything about a career and replenishment, the Chinese know better, but the fact that in medicine he is the first assistant is a fact!

Usage time: 5 years

Price: 200 rub.

How useful is Indian onion

Beneficial features

or brandushka, or Chinese onion ... This plant has several names, in different countries it is called differently. that in addition to an indefinite name, he also has no reliable data on the country of origin.

It is not clear why it was called Indian, it grows in South Africa, the Mediterranean, Eastern Europe, Asia, and of course in India.


Godyuschie onion or mouse hyacinth,

Room chionodox.

All plants have a lot in common, have useful properties, and therefore they are used in the manufacture of various medicines.

Indian onion - medicinal properties

Indian onion is a very useful plant that has a strong analgesic and antiseptic effect. Thanks to its active substances, blood flow to diseased areas of the body is enhanced.





Salt deposits in the joints.

It also effectively affects mechanical and infectious skin lesions, including bruises, abscesses, tumors. The plant heals wounds, cuts well, relieves swelling after a bite of bees, wasps, itching after a mosquito bite. With the help of Indian onions, rashes on the face, herpes on the lips, and warts are treated. The plant is also used to relieve headaches.

Indian onion - dosage forms

The leaves, bulb and arrows of the plant contain a very large amount of mucus. It is she who has useful properties. Therefore, leaves, arrows, bulbs of the plant, as well as its juice, which is colorless, are used as medicinal raw materials. From all these raw materials, infusions, decoctions, ointments, baths are prepared, which, as a rule, are prepared on the basis of alcohol or water.

The highest content of useful biological substances in the largest leaves. It is also worth noting the very rapid action of Indian onion preparations.

Indian onion - recipes

In order to cure chronic sciatica, a small piece of leaf is rubbed on the lower back and wrapped with a woolen scarf. This should be done within just one minute, as the onion burns strongly and acts instantly.

In order to relieve a headache, cure acute respiratory infections, rub the temples, the back of the head, the bridge of the nose, the superciliary arches, and the lymph nodes with Indian onion juice.

Plant juice is also rubbed on wounds and animal bites.

To cure diseases of the joints, a tincture of Indian onion is prepared. To do this, fresh leaves of the plant are mixed with alcohol in a ratio of 1:10. Such an infusion retains its healing properties for several years.

To relieve inflammation of the sciatic nerve, a rubbing prepared by pouring moonshine on crushed comfrey roots and leaves and bulbs of Indian onions in a ratio of 2 to 1 is used.

Indian onion - contraindications

Due to the high content of cardiac glycosides, the plant is poisonous.

The juice of the plant can also provoke an allergic reaction, as well as a rash, blisters, itching. Particular care should be taken with the interaction of plant sap with the eyes, in case of contact with the eyes, they must be immediately rinsed with water.

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