LEGO Star Wars. Walkthrough


The entire line of computer games based on LEGO is based on one continuous laugh. It is not so difficult when everything that is around consists of small details. And since everything consists of small details, it can be easily and beautifully destroyed! .. Paradise for the arcade. They did the arcade.

Historical reference

Basically, it was done in two parts. Released in 2005 lego Star Wars: The Video Game, which takes place during the new trilogy (episodes I, II, III), and in 2006 - LEGO Star Wars II: The Original Trilogy.

"Luke, I'm your constructor!" Game Review

"Luke, I'm your constructor!" Game Review

And only in 2007 on consoles (and already in 2009 on PC) did a combination of these two games come out, and even with additional materials. They called the resulting miracle LEGO Star Wars: The Complete Saga.

Surprisingly, the developers managed the almost impossible: to make the characters alive. Of course, the masterpiece original helps a lot in this, but every cutscene in this game (and in almost the entire subsequent series, it should be noted) is also a mini-masterpiece. The heroes here do not speak, explaining themselves exclusively by gestures and lively facial expressions. The emotionally waving LEGO figure is fun in itself. Especially if this figurine is, say, Master Yoda. Something else is more interesting - the game uses to its fullest the fact that everything around is a constructor.

"Luke, I'm your constructor!" Game Review

"Luke, I'm your constructor!" Game Review

The gameplay itself is almost as simple as instructions for a tea bag: run, shoot / swing a lightsaber (depending on who we play), periodically jump and use the Force on all kinds of objects around. However, not without a whole bunch of pleasant things and special abilities of some characters. The brave pair of C-3PO and R2-D2 mastered door-breaking without any problems, and its more squeaky representative also mastered horizontal flight. Jar Jar's double jumps can only be envied. True, all three do not know how to fight, but let the partners who are more savvy in such matters do it better.

Lightsabers repel projectiles, the Force is great at pushing back / strangling (again, depending on who we play) enemies. There are so many characters in the game that you can't remember them all.

"Luke, I'm your constructor!" Game Review

"Luke, I'm your constructor!" Game Review

Along the way, we can collect local... money. They also look like LEGO pieces (this should hardly surprise you). If we collect a certain number of them within the level, we will get a part for a supership. Also, at each level there are 10 special parts, from which ships are obtained more modestly.

Of course, speaking of LEGO Star Wars, one cannot fail to mention the main plus of this game (and the entire series as a whole) - there is a co-op! At least two characters always participate in the action, and at any time, by pressing F2, you can connect for the second one. The co-op is only on one computer, but in this case it's a big fat plus. Because the entire LEGO series is first and foremost a family series. Whether you play with a friend, with children or with parents - it does not matter at all. The whole game is kind, really sometimes funny humor, which only becomes funnier in the company.

"Luke, I'm your constructor!" Game Review

"Luke, I'm your constructor!" Game Review

The graphics have not changed throughout the history of the series. She just doesn't need it - in the end, no matter what quality the textures are here - good or ultra-good, you can live without anti-aliasing, and effects are the tenth thing. The main thing is that it the same LEGO. Good old constructor with good old heroes. And we play for them. With such a mixture, even the seemingly dormant sentimentality in relation to games wakes up.

Masterpiece. The first game in the series is still the most successful within its own series, and, perhaps, in the niche of parody games in general. Wonderful humor, familiar characters (although a thorough knowledge of the original is not necessary) and all this in the wrapper of the legendary designer. An excellent game and an extremely successful use of two licenses at once.

"Luke, I'm your constructor!" Game Review

"Luke, I'm your constructor!" Game Review

Dexter's Diner

Place of deployment, neutral territory. Here you can choose to play any of the available levels, buy tips / heroes / bonuses or open them using codes (we are honest people, so we will not consider this option) and admire the assembled ships. You can also practice strength on interior items and collect a small initial capital (this opportunity will be available throughout the game, but then it will be more efficient to go through the old levels again).

Contains basic information about the gaming device. Easily bought up on the vine for only 360 units.

Of the 56 game heroes, 31 are available for purchase. The rest will be received for free in the story. The ability to purchase a certain character opens after you defeat / meet him on one of the game levels.

1) Racing droid - 250. Features: none.
2) PC droid - 350. Features: no.
3) Battle droid (security) - 300. Features: shoots, but slowly.
4) Battle droid - 200. Features: shoots, but slowly.
5) Battle droid (commander) - 1,000. Features: shoots slowly and talks on the radio, which, like, does not bring anything.
6) Droidek -10,000. Features: a protective field and a long deployment to a combat position.
7) Royal guard - 800. Features: shooter.
8) Padme - 800. Features: shooter.
9) Darth Maul - 15,000. Features: Sith.
10) Clone - 2,000. Features: shooter.
11) Geonosian - 2,000. Features: shoots, but slowly, can hover.
12) Battle droid (geonosis) - 300. Features: an old droid in a new coloring.
13) Super battle droid - 5,000. Features: shoots great.
14) Jango Fett - 65,000 Features: a good shooter, can soar above the ground, however, it doesn’t fly anywhere, but it’s a show off.
15) Boba Fett - 800. Features: an analogue of the boy Skywalker.
16) Luminara - 20,000. Features: Jedi.
17) Ki-Adi Mundi - 25,000. Features: Still a Jedi.
18) Keith Fisto - 35,000. Features: and another Jedi.
19) Shaak Ti - 15,000. Features: well, finally a Jedi, and I was already starting to worry ...
20) Count Dooku - 45,000. Features: Sith.
21) Grievous bodyguard - 30,000. Features: has a staff, jumps higher than others.
22) General Grievous - 200,000. Features: 4 lightsabers, jumps higher than others, handsome.
23) Clone (episode III) - 600. Features: shooter.
24) Clone (episode III, pilot) - 700. Features: shooter (albeit a pilot).
25) Clone (episode III, swamp) - 800. Features: you won't believe it, shooter.
26) Clone (episode III, walker) - 2,500. Features: that's why they are clones ...
27) Mace Windu (Episode III) - 30,000 Features: Jedi.
28) Disguised clone - 2,750. Features: shooter.
29) Darth Sidious - 150,000. Features: Sith.
30) Rebel Warrior -1,000. Features: shooter.
31) Princess Leia - 50,000. Features: shooter.

Purple - 50,000. All lightsabers turn purple like Windu's.
Large blasters - 50,000. External change in the appearance of blasters.
Classic blasters - 75,000. External change in the appearance of blasters.
Weak balsters - 100,000. External change in the appearance of blasters.
Silhouettes - 75,000. Black solid shapes instead of textures. Gothic.
Mustache - 150,000. Mustaches are added to all characters.
Tea cups - 175,000. Universal lethal cups instead of lightsabers and blasters.
Brushes - 200,000. Malicious Jedi cleaners on the warpath.
Set Detector - 750,000. All parts of the ship are marked with white arrows. Useful thing.
Invincibility - 1,000,000. She is the most.

Jedi counter
To get a part of a super set at a level, you need to fill the Jedi meter. To do this, you need to collect a certain number of parts. Attack objects around you or use the Force on them to get them. If you die in a bond battle, you will drop 2,000 pieces of parts that you can still pick up. Death from falling into an abyss or into any substance not intended for life is punishable by 1,000 units, which, however, you will no longer pick up (although there are exceptions, for example, one blue part falls out of the hero, which he immediately picks up in the fall) . In general, the characters are not particularly survivable, so be careful. The counter only needs to be filled once, after which you can lose parts without worrying about lowering it.

Ship details
In addition to the main super-set, each level has its own set of ten parts. These parts are well hidden and often require the efforts of several characters, that is, they can only be taken in free mode. For each ship you collect, you will be given 50,000 units, so, in addition to the point in completing the game to the maximum, this is also a good income. Read more about the location of the parts in the passage of the levels themselves.

Types of parts and their cost
Silver detail - 10 units.
Gold detail - 100 units.
Blue detail - 1000 units.

Episode I: The Phantom Menace

Chapter 1, negotiations

Since the passage of levels in itself is nothing complicated and incomprehensible, I will describe only noteworthy moments + obtaining ship details.

All designations of directions "to the left", "to the right", etc. are given relative to the camera, not the player.

1. Use the droid to open the first door on the left in the hallway. Inside, stand with both heroes on the buttons (if the second character is controlled by a computer, he will do it himself), kill the droids and take the part.
2. Switch all six blue levers. The detail will appear in front at the height of the jump.
3. Open the second door on the left with the droid. As Skywalker Boy, dive into the mine and turn off the protective screens. Build a column and jump from it to the detail.
4. Switch the six purple levers in the same way.
5-6. Open R2-D2 the third door. Force the ship in the center. Jar-Jarom jump from the platform next to the screen and take the part. From the same platform, open the shaft at the top and climb into it. Use hover R2 to fly over the chasm, then jump on the ship and take another part from it.
7. Having opened the passage in the small room with the Force, climb onto the created building and jump up.
8. Once in the hangar, jump in an arc to the next ledge, or go down, build a platform by force and Jar-Jarom jump there too.
9. Move the structure in the nearest corner and climb from it to the platform. Open door R2-D2. Inside, by manipulating the buttons, remove the cap that covers the engine.
10. Build a lift to the platform next to the magnet, activate the lever on the wall to start the movement of the platform, climb on it and wait until it reaches the part. Or just use hover R2 to get to the target from the starting position of the platform.

Notes: The Jedi's counter is easy to dial and easy to follow.

Characters received: TS-14. Features: can open some doors.

Chapter 2, Naboo Invasion

1. In the small cul-de-sac on the right, build a platform with the Force and shoot from it at the target.
2. After you remove the tree blocking the way, attack it until it is completely destroyed.
3. After blowing up the ship blocking the path, jump from its remains up.
4. Remove these remains and jump into the opened niche.
5. Use the Force on the plants on the way to the stairs. Some of them will make a characteristic sound and leave behind some object. The last plant will leave the platform. Move it to the right place and take the part by Jar-Jar.
6. Climb up to the ledge from which you took the parts to build the platform.
7. After removing the parts blocking the log, go down to the ledge formed by them.
8. Dive into the mine along the way.
9. Detail behind the door guarded by three droids, just after the swamp.
10. In the last location, assemble a three-piece constructor.
Note: The droids coming from the forest are endless. Don't try to kill them all.

Characters received:
Jar Jar Binks. Features: jumps higher than others.

Chapter 3, Escape from Naboo

1. First, make three cubes from the door partitions, then put them on top of each other and take the part of Jar-Jar.
2. At the top, before passing to the next location, pull out two platforms from the wall and fly from the upper R2 to the corner - there is a detail hidden in the greenery.
3. In the next area, immediately go down.
4. Having crushed the windows, go to the left edge and jump down. Kill the droids and go right.
5. Here, below, fly over the abyss R2, climb up the shooter, lay down the droideks, climb up again and take the part.
6. In front of the large gate (which opens with a shot at four targets), climb the stairs behind the columns and climb up with the shooter, then dive into the mine.
7. From the mine, move to the left and get over to the balcony.
8. In one of the three closed cells on the left.
9. There are four trees around the central button. Destroy the crowns and build the bases in one column, climb onto it and jump up.
10. In one of the closed cells on the right, there is also an exit from the level.

Notes: to fill the counter, demolish everything, up to the balcony railings.

Characters received:
Queen Amidala and Captain Panaka. Features: they can shoot at targets and climb up on fishing lines in certain places (hereinafter simply arrows).

Chapter 4, Mos-Espa Race

1. At the end of the blocked rise on the right, before entering the cave.
2. Inside the cave.
3. In a shootable canyon, on the left side.
4. At the turn-out of the canyon, between the pillars.
5. A little further under the arch on the right side. Of the two accelerations, choose the right one.
6. Right on course, after a series of accelerations, before climbing.
7. In the middle of the third section of the track, in front of one of the acceleration groups.
8. Before the finish.
9. Between two accelerations on the straight of the first section, appears on the second lap.
10. Also the first section, to the right of the acceleration just before the descent down. Take on the third lap.

Note: The advice given to you at the beginning is very helpful. I recommend holding this button down and not releasing it. On the second section of the third circle, immediately turn right and hold the left turn key before accelerating so as not to drive into the stone ahead. In order to meet in time on the third section of the third circle, it is necessary to drive through all accelerations and not run into the bombs scattered in abundance around. To get parts, knock down small posts and crystals in the cave. In case of destruction of the car / loss on any of the sections of the route, 2,000 units are taken away from you, which you will not return, so try to pass everything on the first try. And remember that the counter only needs to be filled once, and then you can lose details as much as you like. Alternatively, the counter can be dialed already on the first two (or even on the first one) circles, and then it doesn’t care about anything.

Receiving characters: none.

Chapter 5, Recapture the Teeid Palace

1. In the right corner of the first location, go up with the arrow and go around the window bars.
2. To the left of the first part, break the window with shots and climb into the hole.
3. In the first hall, destroy the statue and stand on the button below it.
4. Before the next door R2 opens, turn left, deal with the enemies and climb onto the ledge. Open the doors and take the item. Attention: the door can only be opened by the dark side of the Force, therefore, you must have a Sith.
5. To the right of the fountain, climb up with the shooter. The part will again be outside the windows, this time they can be broken.
6. To the left of the same fountain, dive into the mine, climb up to the mouth to the right, build a platform and jump to the part.
7. At the lift for R2 (next location), jump down and go left.
8. In the far corner of another hall, put two tables on top of each other, climb up on them, up again as an arrow and along the ledge to the left.
9. In the hangar, from one of the platforms on which the pilots are kept, move the shooter to the ledge with the part.
10. From another such platform (it is closest to the exit), you can climb onto the highest ledge in the hangar. Follow it to the right to the detail.

Note: Sometimes a piece of furniture only becomes destructible after some power preparations. So, for example, in one of the halls, you need to put tables and chairs in a row, move glasses and dishes from the neighboring cabinet to the tables, and only then you can cut them into pieces.

Characters received:
Padme (fight). Features: shooter.
R2-D2. Features: can open certain doors and hover in the air for a while.
Anakin Skywalker (boy) Features: can climb into mines.

Chapter 6, Darth Maul

1. Above the right ship, at the height of the jump.
2. Above the left ship, but higher: repair it first and then take the part to Jar-Jar.
3. Using the Force together, climb onto the platform above the passage and open the door R2. Inside, walk over all the lamps on the floor to reveal a detail.
4. While chasing Maul, climb up with the shooter, go to the platform, lift it up with the Force and jump on it with Jar-Jar. And there's a huge amount of detail.
5. Go down - you will stumble upon another detail.
6-7. On both sides of the entrance to the next location, the consoles for R2 start moving the platforms on the sides. Both will take you to the details.
8-10. On the platforms from which Maul will throw items at you.

Notes: After you kill all the droids by reflecting blaster shots at them, Maul will throw an object at you that must be Force sent back at him. In practice, it has been noticed that it is better not to hold the Force button for interception, but to press it. When two commander droids appear, try to get through to them - they can call for reinforcements endlessly. The last battle consists of three stages. On the first one, Maul is easily attacked with an area slam (press the attack button while double jumping). On the second, he will throw objects at you. Keep in mind that your Strength will stop working if an object flies off the screen, so get closer to the enemy. In the third stage, Maul becomes immune to normal attacks and invariably successfully attacks you with something like a choke. As soon as you notice that the character has a red halo, switch to another and beat the Sith when he starts to lift a comrade into the air, at which time he is vulnerable (if you are playing hot-seat, then, of course, you don’t need to switch anywhere, just act together).

Receiving characters: none.
Episode II: Attack of the Clones

Chapter 1, opening on Kamino

1. To the left of the start, repair the platform and jump up.
2. To the right of the start, just fly over the gap R2.
3-4. After you see a cinematic with clones, go to the opened corridor (not the one where the long-haired one goes) and open the door of C-3PO. There are two parts inside: to get the first one, you need to press all the buttons and lower the platform on the right, the second one is to shoot at the target and climb into the rightmost shaft.
5. In the corridor where the long-necked will go, turn the six things on the wall.
6. In the room opposite Fett's room, light all the floor circles, stepping together on the currently lit ones. In addition to the details, you will get a disco and light music.
7. In Fett's room, use the force on the lever next to the closed part 4 times, then put the dropped parts back in place to open the fence.
8. Do not immediately rush into the hatch where Django escapes, but go further and step on the areas highlighted on the wall nearby three times to open access to the part.
9. After overcoming the bombs, climb up with the shooter, lower the platform through the C-3PO console, and when it starts to rise, hit all three targets.
10. In the room where Fett's robots climb out of the hatch, on the left side there is something like a door that only a Sith can open. Inside, also with the Sith, open two valves at the same time.

Notes: Django's robots will climb from hatches indefinitely until these hatches are closed. Fortunately, if they are distracted by someone, they will not pay attention to the droid and let everything be done in peace. Fett will first shoot you with blasters, then also with blasters, but under the cover of his ship. At the end Force back a couple of his missiles. The last blow will have to be done in the back: Fett will start running in hysterics from you in a circle.

Characters received:
Obi-Wan Kenobi (Jedi Master) Features: Jedi.
R4-D17. Features: analogue of R2-D2.

Chapter 2, Droid Factory

1. Walk back from the starting point.
2. Before the platform leaves under your feet, jump from it to the left and dive into the mine.
3. From the central fan, go down, climb up, attack the target and open the door R2. Inside, activate those two of the three consoles, the color of which together will make up the coloring of the circle on the fourth pipe nearby.
4. From the droideka to the left.
5. Open the door near the droideka R2. Inside, jump on the moving platforms to the part.
6. In the room where you met C-3PO, on the platform along the shooter's path.
7. Crush the fence of one of the holes in the cave, make two platforms out of it and jump from the left to the hole with the detail.
8. Go through this previously blocked hole. Inside, activate all four consoles in turn.
9. To the right of the openable C-3PO door.
10. Activate R2 on the left console, assemble a platform from the arrived parts and take the part from it.

Note: Do not touch the underside of the presses. Even when they are at the top, it will be deadly.

Characters received:
Anakin Skywalker (Padawan) Features: Jedi.
Padme. Features: shooter.
C-3PO. Features: analogue of TS-14.

Chapter 3, Jedi Fights

1-2. Behind Leah's pillar. We need someone who jumps high.
3. From the first two to the right, behind bars.
4-5. Behind Anakin's pillar. Need a shooter.
6-7. Behind Obi-Wan's pillar. We need a Jedi and a shooter.
8. To the right of Obi-Wan's pillar, through the mine.
9. In the fourth niche, which is without a pillar. Correctly collect the designer.
10. To the left of Leia's pillar, behind the pillar.

Notes: The mess in the center of the arena is endless, don't get distracted by it. In principle, it is not even necessary to climb into it: the enemies coming out of the gate will slowly come to you on their own. Jango Fett is killed similarly to the first chapter.

Characters received:
Mace Windu. Features: Jedi.
Padme (in flares). Features: shooter.

Chapter 4, Warship Cavalry

1-5. In the course of movement, they look like in the Mos-Espa race, only you need to shoot at these.
6-10. In the location of the ball, between the turrets.

Notes: here is a pure fan, we drive and shoot.

Receiving characters: none.

Chapter 5, Count Dooku

1. From the start to the left. Take part R2-D2.
2. Immediately nearby, use the arrow.
3. Move both items to the light, then destroy.
4-5. On the left side of the entrance. Jump on the platforms.
6. On the right side, similarly.
7. Back and to the right of Dooku, hit both targets.
8. To the right of Dooku, into the mine, then the shooter.
9-10. To the left of Dooku, build a 3-piece ladder, take a piece, destroy the fence and jump for another piece.

Notes: Dooku won't offer you anything particularly new in terms of combat.

Characters received:
Yoda. Features: Jedi, handsome.

Episode III: Revenge of the Sith

Chapter 1, The Battle for Coruscant

1-10. Well, there can be no tricks at all, since there are not even forks. Just take a closer look around.
Notes: To fill the meter, destroy the ships that attack you.

Receiving characters: none.

Chapter 2, the chancellor in danger

1. Near the start, use the arrow.
2. Before going down, shooter again.
3. Behind the leftmost of the four doors, open R2.
4. Behind the second from the right of the four doors, open C3PO.
5. In the next location, above the entrance.
6. To the left of the same entrance.
7. In the next room after the battle with Dooku, behind the right door.
8. After overcoming the steam, turn the valve to blow the flap closing the part.
9-10. On both sides of the entrance to the command bridge.

Note: The duel with Dooku will be complicated by the fact that droids will shove you almost all the time. Don't pay too much attention to them and focus on the Sith.

Characters received:
Obi-Wan Kenobi (episode III). Features: Jedi.
Anakin Skywalker (Jedi) Features: clear.
Chancellor Palpatine. Features: no.

Chapter 3, General Grievous

1. On the ledge to the right of the bridge you built.
2-3. On the ledge to the left of the bridge. Fly there R2.
4-5. Two details in a row above the ledge behind the bridge. Build a platform for them with the Force.
6. Under second place Grievous. Shoot the parts to open a niche with a part.
7. On the third platform, where Grievous runs away.
8. To the right of the previous one, on the lower ledge.
9. One more platform to the right.
10. From the ninth detail across the bridge. In the hall, lower the four levers. Min.

Notes: As the fight progresses, Grievous will run to platforms that you can't reach. You will have to smoke it out with a close explosion of the barrel. To hit it on the second, you need to build a platform with the Force and shoot from it while jumping, on the third you yourself will have to drag the barrel (it is in a niche behind the parts).

Characters received:
Commander Cody. Features: shooter.

Chapter 4, Defense of Kashyyyk

1. First turn to the right. Destroy all the pipes and move the bolons with the Force.
2. From the first rescued Wookiee, further down the platforms.
3. At the next fork, turn left.
4. Of all the plants on the beach, three hide carrots underneath. Pull them out, and then a detail will appear on the stone in the corner. The pulling process is very complicated by constantly attacking enemies. If you're playing with two, let one distract attention to yourself. The distractor is not important from the computer: try to choose places where the shots will not reach you, although this does not always work out, and do not try to kill everyone to buy time - reinforcements come too quickly.
5. On one of the two platforms that you connected with a bridge (you still need to shoot at targets from it).
6. In the center of the beach, go up the two platforms with Grievous, then to the right R2.
7. Raise the sunken ship and jump up from it.
8. Stumble upon a dry dark bush, work on it with a Sith.
9. On the path with rolling stones, climb up the shooter.
10. Above the capsule exit from the level.

Notes: the record level for the number of endless enemies. First, the beach. Secondly, the swamp after the beach (two commander droids on the ledges are responsible for the disgrace there). And thirdly, the last zone with the capsule. Do not forget about the good tradition of hitting everything that comes to hand - many inconspicuous landscape items will give details.

Characters received:
Chewbacca. Features: shooter.
Wookiee. Features: shooter.

Chapter 5, Jedi Failure

1. Behind the first column.
2. Three of the parts sticking out in abundance along the edges of the cliff can be stacked on top of each other and you can get to the part along them.
3. At the right end of the hall, use the arrow, get on the platforms to the window and break it.
4. Climbing up the assembled ladder, enter the door nearby.
5. From the split ball down the stairs and into the room, there assemble the chair structure and take the part.
6. To the left of the entrance to this room.
7-8. In a room with six niches, left and right of the open ones.
9. After activating the three switches, jump to the open shutter, climb over the platforms to the other end of the room and jump over the protective screen.
10. Pressing three more switches, take the part from the platform that has changed position.

Receiving characters: none.

Chapter 6, Darth Vader

1. On the course of running, on the left side.
2. In a collapsing room, on a flat area with a bunch of details.
3. In the far left corner, behind the partition.
4. Nearby, behind the grate opened by the valve.
5. On the left side, behind the door R2.
6. At the beginning of the next location.
7. In a niche, after pressing two buttons.
8-9. On small platforms sticking out of the lava.
10. On the platform to the right of the last battle. Fly there R2.

Notes: The last fight will be with your partner. If you play alone, then it doesn't matter if you win or lose, the level will still be counted.

Receiving characters: none.

Episode IV: A New Hope

Bonus level, which will open to you after filling all the meters of the Jedi. There are no ship parts here, but there are many, many parts (it's easy to collect more than 100,000 at a time) and Darth Vader himself. In the first room on the right, you need to collect the word LEGO from the blocks, on the left - crush the caps with a blow from above and run through all the buttons. In the second room on the left, assemble the mechanism and spin it, and then climb up on the fans.

Characters received:
Anakin Skywalker (Darth Vader). Features: Sith, signature breath.
Stormtrooper. Features: shooter.

Since we are fans of not only the space saga, but also designers, it was simply impossible to ignore the huge world. And these are not only toys, but also several animated films. Let's take a closer look at both of them.

The Lego company, inspired by a galaxy far, far away, has released a lot of sets that will be of interest not only to fans of designers, but also to Star Wars fans: after all, here you can find figures of almost all characters, assemble a variety of space technology and, of course, reproduce the most vivid plot moments. Thematic coverage: all episodes, anthologies and spin-offs, including animated ones. We only have two sets so far, since my son chose more realistic figures from Hasbro for playing and collecting, but it’s clear from them that this series has no drawbacks, except for one thing - the price. However, if you set a goal, it is quite possible to track sales and grab your favorite set with a very significant discount, up to 70%! Which is what we did. :)

Where can I buy:"catch" promotions with discounts in Detsky Mir, Korablik, Daughters and Sons, Ozone and Yulmart. Also a wide range of kits.

A distinctive feature of many sets is the most accurate reproduction of the main scenes from Star Wars. For example, Lego Star Wars 75183 "Transformation into Darth Vader". There are three figures here: a wounded Anakin, Darth Vader (the helmet is removed, Anakin is also under it) and Darth Sidious. Thanks to the many moving parts, you can fully reproduce the process of dressing Anakin in Vader's costume!

If we talk about analogues, then the most famous company was Lepin, which produces exact copies of many Lego Star Wars sets (the Star Wnrs series). Judging by the reviews, the quality of the designer is quite acceptable (however, in many it slips about the lack of a couple of parts, as well as the fragile print of the figures), the price is two or three times lower than the original without a discount. Another clone is Bela (Space Wars series). The widest selection of both companies is on the Chinese website AliExpress. Also, a careful analysis of the sets found several spaceships near the City of Masters (Space Battles series) and Zormaer (Galaxy series).

As for the cartoons, here Lego turned to the fullest. In addition to a few short cartoons, this is, firstly, "Droid Stories" ("LEGO Star Wars. Droid Tales") - a free summary of all six main episodes. Secondly, "The Yoda Chronicles" ("LEGO Star Wars. The Yoda Chronicles") - the intricacies of new ideas with old events. Both series are made with humor and are devoid of a dramatic component of the plot, so they are suitable for the youngest viewers and those who just want to enjoy their favorite characters at ease in a somewhat unexpected format.

And finally, the wonderful series "The Freemaker Adventures" ("LEGO Star Wars. The Freemaker Adventures") with its own storyline around the Rowan family - a force-sensitive boy. All 13 episodes were created with great love for the Universe, so the cartoon can be safely recommended to those Star Wars fans who want new plots and characters! And, of course, on sale you can find sets based on the series. One of the biggest is LEGO Star Wars 75185 Explorer I. He is notable not only for the presence of the main character - Rowan, but also for the lightning of Darth Sidious, as well as a droid, very similar to the Fifth Brother from the animated spin-off "Rebels".

Everyone knows that during the game there is a development of the child. Children love fun, especially if their parents are involved.

What is a good constructor?

During the assembly of the designer, fine motor skills develop perfectly, because in order to assemble the selected design from the parts, you need to try and work with your fingers.

Sometimes it can be difficult for a child to decide how to assemble Lego Star Wars - a designer of models of starships or ground vehicles. In this case, he may need the help of parents, which will add to the attractiveness of this exciting activity and will contribute to the rapprochement of children and adults.

What is STAR WARS?

Star Wars is a fantasy space opera that has become a brand over time. Computer games, comics, animated series, T-shirts with stories - all this makes the characters and the plot of the story recognizable. The Lego Star Wars series of sets is very popular among children and adults. Issued minifigure sets do not cause difficulties in assembly, since it is quite simple to attach the head to the body and find the arms and legs. By the way, this is where you should start assembling the set, which includes mini-figures and complex structures, for example, the Death Star.

Figurines are easy to assemble, but the situation is much more serious with starships and Lego Star Wars ships. “How are such structures assembled?” ask the dads who want to help their children.

Sometimes this is not easy: if there are thousands of details in the designer, then you can get confused. Of course, this can be dealt with if you carefully study the components and instructions. After the box is opened and the bags with parts are taken out of it, you need to pour the parts into pre-prepared containers or trays so that they do not get mixed up. This is important, otherwise there is a risk of not coping with the task at all.

What will help you?

When a person has difficulty with how to assemble Lego Star Wars, especially if he chose a complex model, the instructions included in the box will come to his aid. The instruction is made on coated paper, it is colored, very detailed and is designed to help an adult or a child assemble the designer and get the most out of the process.

The instructions are numbered pages, where the sequence of parts assembly is shown in the form of pictures. That is, everything is simple and clear. The sequence is also marked with arrows and picture numbers. Therefore, anyone who wishes to assemble a model they like can first read the instructions, which explain in an accessible way how to assemble a Lego Star Wars. Thus, you can try yourself as an engineer and creator of space technology.

What is this set?

The construction set is packed in a cardboard box with the LEGO and STARWARS logo, the name of the set, the age of the child for whom it is designed with a digital article and a color image of the finished model. Inside the box are numbered transparent bags containing parts for assembly and instructions. The number of parts can reach several tens of thousands, depending on the model.

How to do it?

Consider the assembly using the example of the Death Star mentioned above. She is in the top ten of the best designers in the world. This is not the easiest set - it has more than twenty figures and about four thousand details. This is a lot, so you need to stock up on time and patience.

If you look at the picture, it becomes clear that the finished structure consists of three platforms, figures of heroes and various equipment - an elevator that rises from the first platform to the second, equipment that transports various parts, a small flying ship, a cannon and much more. The instruction to it is similar to an album with pictures and recommendations.

To get started, collect a few minifigures in order to get involved in the process.

Next, proceed to the assembly of the actual Stars. Start from the bottom platform, keep the instructions in front of your eyes, follow them strictly. If you are building a set with the whole family, it will be a rewarding and interesting experience. Do not try to skip a stage and then return to it. It can ruin the whole job.

After you finish building the first platform, collect a few more figures, then the process will not seem so monotonous.

Then proceed to the assembly of the second floor of the base. Here things will go more fun, as an understanding of the assembly principle will come. Each floor has several compartments that are separated by walls or doors that can be opened and closed. When you're done with the middle platform, assemble a few figurines again.

The last, third platform will be assembled effortlessly. Please note that you should not be left with extra details. Check if everything is assembled: equipment, devices, if everything works, if the laser gun is moving. The elevator must go up and down, doors open and close, chairs spin, and guns fire.

Who is this for?

A large number of adults are fond of collecting Lego Star Wars sets. They do this for a long time in their free time, this process is so exciting. They spend the whole day at work anticipating and thinking about how to build Lego Star Wars, a model tank or a fighter. It should be noted that the best of these sets have individual features that give uniqueness and additional interest.

Walkthrough LEGO Star Wars 3: The Clone Wars

The game did not come out yesterday, and alas, writing the passage took much longer than originally planned. However, since no analogues were found either in the Russian-speaking or in the English-speaking Internet, the work is still completed. It describes all the characters and vehicles available in the game, as well as the process of obtaining bonuses - set parts, gold and red blocks. In addition, there is a solution to the problem with the passage of 100%.
This walkthrough is for PC users and does not include X-Box rewards. All names are given according to the official Russian translation of the game.

Table of contents:
0. Geonosis
I. Base
1. Characters
2. Vehicles
3. Space
II. Storylines
1. Asajj Ventress
2. Count Dooku
3. General Grievous
III. Bonus Levels
1. Epilogue
2. Taking hostages
3. Castle of fate
4. Headhunter Missions
IV. Additionally
1. Golden cubes
2. Red dice
3. The conquest of the galaxy
4. Arcade mode
5. 100% completion

0. Geonosis

The starting point of the game is the execution arena on Geonosis. Until we pass this level, we will not be allowed into the base.

Receiving Characters - Padmé, Anakin, Obi-Wan

Set details:

  1. Dismantle the Dark Side Pillar
  2. Behind the hole in the stands
  3. Destroy 5 gold pieces around the perimeter of the arena
  4. Collect C3PO
  5. Plant 5 Dark Side Flowers
  6. Catch 5 droidekas in an electric barrier
  7. Smash 3 treadmills in the gym
  8. Jump over the purple pole
  9. Shoot down five tents on Riik
  10. Shoot down 10 green ducks with a sniper
Purchasable character - Darth Sidious (classic), 275,000


Base location

This time, the republican cruiser "Resolute" serves as our base. Unlike the cantina in the first two games, there are many elevators and floors that become available after accumulating a certain number of gold blocks.
At first, only the bridge is available, from where you can launch the main menu of the game. Three gold blocks open the door from the bridge to the fork. Since it turned out to be difficult for me personally to remember which door leads where, and a lot of time was spent on empty running around - here is the map.

From the landing docks, you can fly into outer space, and from there transfer to the Separatist ship, the Invisible Hand.


1. Characters

6 gold blocks open the door to the medbay. There you can collect your characters, as well as free the characters assembled from the parts of the superset.
As before, each character has a set of abilities, according to which he can conditionally be attributed to a particular class.

Character classes

1. Armed with a lightsaber. Lightsaber moves have not changed:
- normal melee attack;
- jump kick
- double jump kick;
- reflection of shots (press the attack button right before the hit).
2. Possess the Force, which allows:
- affect sensitive objects (when hovering around the object, a colored glow appears), except for objects of the Dark Side; and now the movement of objects by the Force is controlled by the control keys;
- influence droids (including throwing them at each other to death). Living characters outside of quests are no longer affected by the Jedi Force;
- quickly build objects from parts (yes, they finally did it!).

Similar to the Jedi. Differences in the ability to influence objects of the Dark Side (at rest they shine with red sparks, when hovered, a red glow appears) and on living characters (suffocation, lightning and other useful things).

1. Firearms allow ranged combat. Now a sight has appeared: hold down the attack key, point the sight at the desired target, shoot. You can select five consecutive targets, the character will automatically shoot all five.
2. Use magnetic hooks to climb high platforms. The hook is activated by a special action key if you stand on the orange circle on the ground.
3. In close combat, they hit the head with a butt.
4. Now they have a double jump - not in height, but in length.
5. Clones can throw detonators that deal high damage and explode silvery objects.

1. Arrows.
2. Activate named control panels.
3. Throw thermal detonators.

Activate the corresponding control panels.

Small characters:
They crawl into the mines.

Battle droids:
Copy of marksmen, but not proficient in double jump and hand-to-hand combat.

The name is purely conditional, because melee weapons can be different. Can duel Jedi and block their attacks.

Can destroy silver objects.

Machine gunners:
Rapid-fire. Can destroy golden objects by heating them.

They have a sight with magnification, they can destroy objects from a distance.

They have a walkie-talkie that allows you to command troops in strategy mode.

There are 132 characters in total in the game. Of these, 43 story, 40 freely purchasable, 22 for super sets, 6 criminals, 3 bonus and 18 hand-made.

Plot characters

Plot characters
Obtained in the process of completing story missions in story mode.

1. Obi-Wan Kenobi
Class: Jedi.
Opens after: Geonosis Arena.

2 Anakin Skywalker
Class: Jedi.
Opens after: Geonosis Arena.

3. Padmé Amidala
Class: shooter.
Opens after: Geonosis Arena.

4. Commander Cody
Class: commander.
Opens after: Secret Enemy (Asajj-1).

5 Clone Trooper
Class: shooter.
Opens after: Secret Enemy (Asajj-1).

6. Yoda
Class: Jedi, small.
Opens after: Ambush (Asajj-2).

7. Lieutenant Tyre
Class: machine gunner.
Opens after: Ambush (Asajj-2).

8. Zhek
Class: rocket man.
Opens after: Ambush (Asajj-2).

9. Rice
Class: shooter.
Opens after: Ambush (Asajj-2).

10 Ahsoka
Class: Jedi.
Opens after:

11. Jah Jah
Class: our gungan is a class to itself!
Opens after: Blue shadow virus (Asajj-3).
Peculiarities: jumps higher than the Jedi.

12. Captain Rex
Class: commander.
Opens after: Blue shadow virus (Asajj-3).

13. Waxer
Class: rocket man.
Opens after:

14. Boyle
Class: shooter.
Opens after: Innocent Victims of Ryloth (Asajj-5).

15. Mace Windu
Class: Jedi.
Opens after:

16. Commander Ponds
Class: commander.
Opens after: Liberation of Ryloth (Asajj-6).

17. Ki-Adi-Mundi
Class: Jedi.
Opens after:

18. Keith Fisto
Class: Jedi.
Opens after: Battle of Geonosis (Dooku-1).

19. Commander Stone
Class: commander.
Opens after: Gungan General (Dooku-2).

20. Aayla Secura
Class: Jedi.
Opens after: Crash (Dooku-3).

21. Commander Bligh
Class: commander.
Opens after: Crash (Dooku-3).

22. Wag Tu
Class: small.
Opens after: Defenders of the World (Dooku-4).
Peculiarities: jumps well, fights with a whip.

23. Luminara Unduli
Class: Jedi.
Opens after: Weapons factory (Dooku-5).

24. Barris Offee
Class: Jedi.
Opens after: Weapons factory (Dooku-5).

Class: droid.
Opens after: Duel of droids (Grievous-1).

Class: droid.
Opens after: Duel of droids (Grievous-1).

27. Plo Koon
Class: Jedi.
Opens after:

Class: droid.
Opens after:
Peculiarities: unable to attack and jump. Loses limbs on impact. With one remaining heart, he jumps on one leg, and the panel activates with his head.

29. Nadar Webb
Class: Jedi.
Opens after: Grievous Lair (Grievous-4).

30. Commander Phill
Class: commander.
Opens after: Grievous Lair (Grievous-4).

31. Heavy Clone Trooper
Class: rocket man.
Opens after: Grievous Lair (Grievous-4).

32. Heavy
Class: machine gunner.
Opens after: Recruits (Grievous-5).

33. Echo
Class: rocket man.
Opens after: Recruits (Grievous-5).

34. Fives
Class: shooter.
Opens after: Recruits (Grievous-5).

35. Adi Gallia
Class: Jedi.
Opens after: The machinations of Grievous (Grievous-6).

36. It Cat
Class: Jedi.
Opens after: The machinations of Grievous (Grievous-6).

37. Aurra Sing
Class: bounty hunter, sniper.
Opens after: Hostage taking.

38. Robonino
Class: bounty hunter, small.
Opens after: Hostage taking.

39. Shahan Alama
Class: bounty hunter, shooter.
Opens after: Hostage taking.

40. IG-86
Opens after: Hostage taking.

Class: bounty hunter, battle droid.
Opens after: Hostage taking.
Peculiarities: In close combat, kicks, opens the panels of any droids.

42. Special forces droid
Class: bounty hunter, battle droid.
Opens after: Hostage taking.
Peculiarities: The only Separatist droid able to throw a detonator.

43. Magnastrazh
Class: swordsman.
Opens after: Castle of fate
Peculiarities: The only droid to engage exclusively in melee combat. Blocks Jedi attacks.

Freely purchasable characters
They roam the various compartments of the base, available at any time (after accessing the compartment).

1. Admiral Yularen
Class: shooter.
Price: 15 000.
Where is: bridge "Resolute".

2. Pilot clone
Class: shooter.
Price: 15 000.
Where is: bridge "Resolute".

3. Senate special forces soldier (captain)
Class: shooter.
Price: 25 000.
Where is: bridge "Resolute".

4. Onaconda Farr
Class: shooter.
Price: 25 000.
Where is: bridge "Resolute".

5. Clone stormtrooper in training
Class: shooter.
Price: 25 000.
Where is:
Peculiarities: topless.

Class: droid.
Price: 25 000.
Where is: the main fork behind the bridge of the Resolute.

7. Sionver Ball
Class: shooter.
Price: 25 000.
Where is: the main fork behind the bridge of the Resolute.

8. Bail Organa
Class: shooter.
Price: 25 000.
Where is: the main fork behind the bridge of the Resolute.

9. Captain Typho
Class: shooter.
Price: 10 000.
Where is:

10. Queen Niutni
Class: shooter.
Price: 30 000.
Where is: corridor near the hangar "Resolute".
Peculiarities: Jumps very fast.

11. Senator Philo
Class: shooter.
Price: 30 000.
Where is: corridor near the hangar "Resolute".

12. Senate Special Forces Soldier
Class: shooter.
Price: 25 000.
Where is: corridor near the hangar "Resolute".

Class: No.
Price: 6 000.
Where is: medical unit "Resolute".
Peculiarities: absolutely useless. Beeping. Very fast.

14 Pleasure Droid
Class: droid.
Price: 15 000.
Where is: medical unit "Resolute".
Peculiarities: silent copy of C3PO, can use his remotes.

15. Senator Harrus
Class: swordsman.
Price: 20 000.
Where is:

16. Tee Watt Kaa
Class: small.
Price: 15 000.
Where is: hangar ground equipment "Resolute".
Peculiarity: fights with a whip.

17. Peaceful Lurmen
Class: small.
Price: 10 000.
Where is: hangar ground equipment "Resolute".
Peculiarity: fights with a whip.

Class: droid.
Price: 35 000.
Where is: landing dock "Resolute".
Peculiarity: fights with a whip.

19. Cad Bane
Class: Head hunter.
Price: 250 000.
Where is:
Peculiarities: flies.

20. Count Dooku
Class: sith.
Price: 250 000.
Where is: landing dock of the Invisible Hand.
Peculiarities: lightning.

21. Battle droid
Class: battle droid.
Price: 6 500.
Where is: landing dock of the Invisible Hand.

22. Super battle droid
Class: battle droid, rapid fire.
Price: 25 000.
Where is: landing dock of the Invisible Hand.

23. Destroyer Droid
Class: battle droid.
Price: 40 000.
Where is: landing dock of the Invisible Hand.
Peculiarity: power shield. In motion, the shield turns off.

24. Jango Fett
Class: Head hunter.
Price: 70 000.
Where is:

25. Hondo Ohnaka
Class: Head hunter.
Price: 45 000.
Where is:

26. Pirate Cutthroat
Class: shooter.
Price: 10 000.
Where is: bounty hunter's room.

27. Turk Falso
Class: Head hunter.
Price: 45 000.
Where is: bounty hunter's room.

28. Geonosian Guard
Class: shooter.
Price: 15 000.
Where is: bounty hunter's room.
Peculiarities: walks extremely slowly. For reasonable speed, press the jump button once - it will take off and move like everyone else.

29. Bib Fortune
Class: shooter.
Price: 30 000.
Where is: bounty hunter's room.

30. Gamorrean Guard
Class: swordsman.
Price: 40 000.
Where is: bounty hunter's room on the Invisible Hand.

31. Probe Droid
Class: battle droid.
Price: 6 000.
Where is: turret room on the Invisible Hand.

32. Gonk droid
Class: No.
Price: 10 000.
Where is: Bridge of the Invisible Hand.
Peculiarities: little more than completely useless, except that he walks faster than in previous games. Pleases with periodic exclamations of “race!”

33. Battle Droid Commander
Class: battle droid, commander.
Price: 10 000.
Where is: Bridge of the Invisible Hand.

34. General Grievous
Class: swordsman.
Price: 250 000.
Where is: Bridge of the Invisible Hand.
Peculiarities: spectacularly jumps and wheezes in battle.

35. Neimoidian
Class: shooter.
Price: 20 000.
Where is:

36. Servant Droid LEP
Class: No.
Price: 10 000.
Where is: hangar for ground transport "Invisible Hand".
Peculiarities: absolutely useless, can't even use droid consoles. But it's fun to run.

37. Gold super battle droid
Class: machine gunner.
Price: 30 000.
Where is: hangar for ground transport "Invisible Hand".
Peculiarities: when hit, it heats up and glows.

Class: commander.
Price: 50 000.
Where is: hangar for ground transport "Invisible Hand".
Peculiarities: when hit, in the literal sense of the word, he loses his head, which then must be sought and put back on.

39. Heavy battle super droid
Class: rocket man.
Price: 25 000.
Where is: hangar for ground transport "Invisible Hand".

40. Rebellious Geonosian
Class: No.
Price: 10 000.
Where is: hangar for ground transport "Invisible Hand".
Peculiarities: fights with fists. Like C3PO, he loses limbs when hit, which does not stop him.

Superset characters

Superset characters
They become available in the compartment next to the medblock after completing each level.

1. Admiral Akbar (classic story)
Class: shooter.
Price: 50 000.
Level set: Gungan General (Dooku-2).

2 Captain Antilles (classic)
Class: shooter.
Price: 50 000.
Level set: Innocent Victims of Ryloth (Asajj-5).

3. Chewbacca (classic)
Class: shooter.
Price: 50 000.
Level set: Gad Zillo (Epilogue).

4. Han Solo (classic)
Class: shooter.
Price: 50 000.
Level set: Duel of droids (Grievous-1).

5. Lando Calrissian (classic)
Class: shooter.
Price: 50 000.
Level set: Shadow of "Schadenfreude" (Grievous-2).

6. Princess Leia (classic)
Class: shooter.
Price: 50 000.
Level set: Battle of Geonosis (Dooku-1).

7 Luke Skywalker (classic)
Class: Jedi.
Price: 50 000.
Level set: Weapons factory (Dooku-5).

8 Obi-Wan Kenobi (classic)
Class: Jedi.
Price: 50 000.
Level set: Crash (Dooku-3).

9 Qui-Gon Jinn (classic)
Class: Jedi.
Price: 50 000.
Level set: Storm over Ryloth (Asajj-4).

10 Rebel Special Forces Soldier (Classic)
Class: shooter.
Price: 50 000.
Level set: Grievous Lair (Grievous-4).

11. Wedge Antilles (classic)
Class: shooter.
Price: 50 000.
Level set: The death of "Schadenfreude" (Grievous-3).

12. Boba Fett (classic)
Class: Head hunter.
Price: 100 000.
Level set: The machinations of Grievous (Grievous-6).

13. Greedo (classic story)
Class: Head hunter.
Price: 70 000.
Level set: Secret Enemy (Asajj-1).

14. Darth Maul (classic)
Class: sith.
Price: 275 000.
Level set: Recruits (Grievous-5).

15. Darth Sidious (classic)
Class: sith.
Price: 275 000.
Level set: Geonosis Arena (Prologue).

16. Darth Vader (classic)
Class: sith.
Price: 275 000.
Level set: Legacy of Terror (Dooku-6).

17. Scarred Darth Vader (classic)
Class: sith.
Price: 275 000.
Level set: Ambush (Asajj-2).

18. Vader's Apprentice (classic)
Class: sith.
Price: 275 000.
Level set: Defenders of the World (Dooku-4).

19. Imperial Guard (classic)
Class: swordsman.
Price: 50 000.
Level set: Geonosis Arena (Prologue).

20. Shadow Clone Trooper (Classic)
Class: shooter.
Price: 50 000.
Level set: Blue shadow virus (Asajj-3).

21. Stormtrooper (classic story)
Class: shooter.
Price: 50 000.
Level set: Liberation of Ryloth (Asajj-6).

22. Bandit Tusken (classic)
Class: shooter.
Price: 50 000.
Level set: Hostage taking (bounty hunter mission).


As you progress through the levels, they appear in the cells of the prison compartment, are bought for parts.

1. Doctor Nouveau Windy
Class: shooter.
Opens after: Blue shadow virus (Asajj-3).
Price: 50 000.

2. Wat Tambor
Class: shooter.
Opens after: Liberation of Ryloth (Asajj-6).
Price: 50 000.
Peculiarities: very funny move.

3. Lok Durd
Class: shooter.
Opens after: Defenders of the World (Dooku-4).
Price: 50 000.

4. Poggle Small
Class: shooter.
Opens after: Legacy of Terror (Dooku-6).
Price: 50 000.
Peculiarities: walks extremely slowly. For reasonable speed, press the jump button once - it will take off and move faster.

5. Nute Gunray
Class: shooter.
Opens after: Victory on Naboo in Republic Stormtrooper mode.
Price: 50 000.

6. Worm Loafsom
Class: shooter.
Opens after: Victory on Christophsis in Republic Stormtrooper mode.
Price: 50 000.
Peculiarities: bright blue!

Bonus Characters


Asajj Ventress
Class: sith.
Opens after: Separatist victory on Christophsis in Separatist Trooper mode.

Chancellor Palpatine
Class: shooter.
Opens after: Complete victory for the Republic in Republic Stormtrooper.

Grand Moff Tarkin
Class: shooter.
Opens after: Total victory for the Separatists in the "Separatist Stormtrooper" mode.


2. Vehicles

All vehicles in the game are divided into three types: spaceships, ground vehicles and cool vehicles. Spaceships are used in flying levels and for flights between base cruisers. Ground vehicles participate in strategy levels and allow both shooting and simply crushing the enemy. Cool vehicles usually do not have weapons and are used at levels to get superset parts.
Among the equipment of each type, several classes can be distinguished depending on the purpose. Cool transport is not divided into classes.

Spaceship classes

Armed with conventional lasers, it can destroy enemy ships and conventional space objects.

Rocket carrier
Fires rockets capable of destroying silver objects in space.

rapid fire
Like machine-gunner characters, due to the high frequency of shots, it heats up and destroys golden objects.

Ground vehicle classes

It flies (or walks) fast, is capable of destroying enemy troops and ordinary objects with lasers.

Depending on the specific model, it is more or less slow, capable of destroying silver parts with lasers or missiles. Successfully replaced by a detachment of infantry with grenade launchers led by a commander.

Heats up and destroys gold objects with a beam. Successfully replaced by a detachment of infantry with blasters led by a commander.


Republic ships
Bought and opened from the landing dock of the Resolute.

1 Anakin's Fighter
Class: fighter.
Opens after: Storm over Ryloth (Asajj-4).

2. Obi-Wan's Fighter
Class: fighter.
Price: 50 000.

3 Plo Koon's Fighter
Class: fighter.
Opens after: Shadow of "Schadenfreude" (Grievous-2).

4. Fighter Keith Fisto
Class: fighter.
Price: 50 000.

5. Starfighter Y-wing
Class: fighter.
Price: 50 000.

6. Fighter ARC-170
Class: rapid-fire.
Price: 50 000.

7 Republic Assault Ship
Class: fighter.
Opens after: Crash (Dooku-3).

8 Republic Landing Craft
Class: rapid-fire.
Price: 50 000.

9. Republican combat boat
Class: fighter.
Price: 50 000.

10. Jedi shuttle
Class: fighter.
Price: 50 000.

11. Medical frigate
Class: fighter.
Price: 50 000.

12. Republic cruiser
Class: missile carrier.
Price: 50 000.
Peculiarity: in free mode armed with torpedoes.

13. "Twilight"
Class: fighter.
Price: 50 000.

14. Fighter V-19 "Shower"
Class: fighter.
Opens after: Storm over Ryloth (Asajj-4).

15. Nubian vessel type H
Class: fighter.
Price: 50 000.

16. Stealth ship
Class: missile carrier.
Opens after: collect all 130 gold cubes and build it in the hangar behind the prison cell.
Peculiarity: in free mode armed with torpedoes. Invisible (becomes visible at the moment of the shot and immediately disappears again).

Separatist ships
Bought and opened at the Invisible Hand's landing dock.

1 Vulture Droid
Class: fighter.
Price: 100.

2. Bomber "Hyena"
Class: fighter.
Price: 50 000.

3. Geonosian fighter
Class: fighter.
Opens after: Legacy of Terror (Dooku-6). Will become available after purchasing Poggle Small in the cell.

4. Neimoidian shuttle
Class: fighter.
Opens after: available initially.

5. Pirate plate
Class: missile carrier.
Opens after: buy Hondo Ohnaka (Invisible Hand, Bounty Hunter Room).

6 MagnaGuard Fighter
Class: fighter.
Opens after: Castle of fate

7. Solar sail operator
Class: fighter.
Price: 200 000.

8. "Soulless"
Class: rapid-fire.
Price: 200 000.

9. Assault board Trident
Class: missile carrier.
Price: 200 000.
Peculiarities: in free mode armed with torpedoes.

10. "Xanadu Blood"
Class: rapid-fire.
Price: 200 000.

11. "Halo"
Class: rapid-fire.
Price: 200 000.

12. Slave I
Class: fighter.
Opens after: Buy Jango Fett (The Invisible Hand, Bounty Hunter Room).

Ground transport

Republican land transport
It is bought in the hangar for ground vehicles on the Resolute. Becomes available after one use in strategy mode.

Class: speeder.
Price: 50 000.

Class: tank.
Price: 75 000.

3. AT-TE
Class: tank.
Price: 100 000.
Peculiarities: very slow, but has two weapons - one is activated by the attack button, the second by the additional action button. Can be activated at the same time.

4. Tank RX-200
Class: ray.
Price: 250 000.

5. BARC Fast Flight
Class: speeder.
Opens after: available initially.

Separatist ground transport
Purchased from the ground vehicle hangar on the Invisible Hand. Becomes available after one use in strategy mode.

1. Supertank
Class: tank.
Price: 100 000.
Peculiarities: very slow. It fires missiles, but it does not differ in action from other tanks.

Class: tank.
Price: 50 000.

3. Dwarf Spider Droid
Class: speeder.
Price: 75 000.

4. Fire droid
Class: tank.
Price: 75 000.
Peculiarities: fast. It fires missiles, but it does not differ in action from other tanks.

5. OG-9 Spider Droid
Class: ray.
Price: 250 000.

Class: speeder.
Opens after: available initially.

Pirate ground vehicles
Available for purchase from any hangar - both Republican and Separatist.

1. Pirate tank
Class: tank.
Price: 75 000.

2. Fastflight Starhawk
Class: speeder.
Price: 50 000.

cool transport

cool transport
It opens during the story (if you build it in the game), it is not freely available at the levels, but you can ride it around the hangar behind the prison block on the Resolute or on the landing dock of the Invisible Hand.

1. Ice cream truck
Opens after: available initially.
Peculiarities: on the attack button plays a melody.

2. Motorcycle
Opens after: available initially.
Peculiarities: very fast, skidding around corners.

3. Combat suit
Opens after: Legacy of Terror (Dooku-6).
Peculiarities: reminiscent of WALL-E. On the attack button, he brings down his fists on the enemy.

4 Plank Droid
Opens after: Recruits (Grievous-5).
Peculiarities: just a trolley for a slow ride.

5. Tractor
Opens after: Blue shadow virus (Asajj-3).
Peculiarities: slow. The attack button beeps.

6. Orange car
Opens after: Secret enemy (Asajj-1).
Peculiarities: beeps on the attack button.

7. Black car
Opens after: Secret enemy (Asajj-1).
Peculiarities: beeps on the attack button. Rides a little faster than orange.

8. Silly faucet
Opens after: Recruits (Grievous-5).
Peculiarities: just drive slowly.

9 Crab Droid
Opens after: Ambush (Asajj-2).
Peculiarities: slow, although diligently rearranges the legs. There is a claw attack.

10. Elephant
Opens after: Liberation of Ryloth (Asajj-6).
Peculiarities: just walking at a moderate pace. It's funny twitching its trunk during delivery.

11. Official transport
Opens after: Grievous Lair (Grievous-4).
Peculiarities: just drive at an average speed.

12. UFO
Opens after: Gungan General (Dooku-2).
Peculiarities: flies, shoots fast. A very useful thing, at the level it is more convenient to use than a standard speeder.


3. Space

10 gold blocks open the door to the hangar. You can fly into space, shoot vultures, fly into an enemy ship. You can also complete space tasks, for each of which the reward is a golden block. Each system has its own task. You can complete tasks after passing the level, or you can go from system to system in the main menu.

  • Dead moon Antara: two minutes to shoot down birds.
  • Christophsis: one and a half minutes to shoot down silver fragments (it is better to do this with a cruiser).
  • Geonosis: shoot down gold fragments (you will need a rapid-fire ship).
  • Quell: 1 minute to shoot down burning debris (you can shoot down anything, but it's hard to keep up with them).
  • Coruscant: one and a half minutes to shoot down fuel tanks.
  • Rugosa: 2 minutes to shoot down silver birds.
  • Rishi: 3 minutes to shoot down golden birds.
  • Malastair: one and a half minutes to shoot down objects of the Dark Side with an enemy ship with torpedoes.
  • Naboo: destroy as many asteroids as possible with torpedoes in 2 minutes (you need a cruiser).
  • Saleucami: destroy as many asteroids as possible with torpedoes in a minute and a half (you need a cruiser).
  • Wassek: 2 minutes to shoot down MagnaGuard fighters.
  • Tatooine: 2 and a half minutes to shoot down the probes.
  • Ruusan's Moon: one and a half minutes to shoot down shuttles.
  • Florrum: 1 minute to shoot down pirate plates.
  • Maridun: Shoot down a cruiser with a Separatist cannon to gain access to the mission. 2 minutes to shoot down LAAT.
  • Ryloth: shoot down a piece of debris with the Republican cannon to gain access to the task. 2 minutes to shoot down debris and droid fighters.



18 story missions, available in story mode and free play. In story mode, you play as those characters who participated in these events according to the story, in free mode, as anyone. You can play the storylines in any order.
In addition to the usual shooting and fermenting levels and levels with flights, an interesting innovation has appeared - strategy levels. Accordingly, at such levels, the main thing is to destroy enemy buildings, capture bases and build your own facilities. The more bases you capture, the more types of objects you can build on each of them.

To complete the level, you need:

  1. Finish it in story mode.
  2. Collect the Jedi tracker (this can be done in both story and free mode, there is one for both modes).
  3. Complete a level in Freemode.
  4. Assemble kit parts.
The process of passing is intuitive, therefore I will dwell only on the places that caused difficulty for me personally, and on the details of the set. Most of them can be obtained only after performing certain actions.

1. Count Dooku

1. Count Dooku

Chapter 1
Battle of Geonosis


Receiving Characters - Kit Fisto, Ki-Adi-Mundi

Set details:

  1. Destroy 10 crystals
  2. Destroy 5 dead trees
  3. Robot console in the northeast corner
  4. C3PO console in the southeast corner
  5. Hunter's console in the southwest corner
  6. Collect the R2 remote in the northwest corner
  7. Destroy the Dark Side Rock
  8. Laz in the northwest corner
  9. Around the corner at the left edge of the field
  10. Destroy 3 tanks
Purchasable character - Princess Leia, 50,000

Chapter 2
General Gunganov


Jedi counter - 180,000 parts
Receiving Characters - Commander Stone
Received transport - UFO

Set details:

  1. To the right of the starting point
  2. Destroy 10 dead trees
  3. Destroy 5 speeders
  4. Activate the enemy droid panel in the east and drive along the path
  5. Droid terminal in the southwest
  6. Bounty Hunter Terminal in the northwest
  7. Close three geysers in the north
  8. Assemble terminal R2 in the east
  9. Destroy a golden torpedo generator that is initially protected by a field
Purchasable character - Admiral Akbar, 50,000

Chapter 3

Jedi counter - 75,000 parts
Receiving Characters - Aayla Secura, Commander Bly
Received Vehicle - Republic Assault Ship

Set details:

  1. Destroy 5 probes highlighted by arrows
  2. Destroy 5 designated flying saucers
  3. Extinguish the fire behind the door on the first platform
  4. Behind the hole on the third platform
  5. Fly up to the bridge of the Republican cruiser; it will explode, land there and destroy 3 golden toilet stalls
  6. Destroy 6 gold blocks on the left cruiser
  7. Destroy the Dark Side facility on the left cruiser with an enemy ship (Soulless)
  8. Under the platform on the enemy cruiser
  9. Destroy 5 Scout Droids
  10. Jump on the box on the left in the last hangar
Purchasable Character - Obi-Wan Kenobi (Classic Trilogy), 50,000

Chapter 4
Defenders of the World


Receiving characters - Vag Tu + Lok Durd in the cell

Set details:

  1. To the right of the crash site behind a rock
  2. Destroy 10 palm trees
  3. Activate the bounty hunter console and kill 50 droids
  4. Destroy the Dark Side Rock
  5. C3RO console in the southeast
  6. Collect the R2 remote in the south
  7. Robonino Terminal in the east
  8. Destroy 3 tanks
  9. Build a collection store
  10. Build up the northwestern enemy platform, except for the field where the barracks were
Purchasable character - Starkiller, 275,000
Notes: Kill droids and destroy tanks before you destroy their factories!

Chapter 5
Arms factory


Jedi counter - 100,000 parts
Characters Earned - Luminara Unduli, Barris Offee

Set details:

  1. Build 3 structures on the northwest platform without touching the gray area
  2. Build a collection store
  3. Over a rock in the southeast
  4. Destroy 5 Red Lantern Skeletons
  5. Turn 5 faucets with the Force before destroying the factory
  6. Terminal R2 in the southwest
  7. Activate the hunter terminal in the north and kill 50 droids
  8. Lay an egg behind a silver door
  9. Terminal R2 near the first triangular door
  10. Destroy the golden triangles on the tunnel wall, detail in the secret bathroom behind the second door.
Purchasable character - Luke Skywalker, 50,000

Chapter 6
Legacy of terror

Jedi counter - 130,000 parts
Receiving characters - Small Poggle in the cell
Received Vehicles - Geonosian Fighter, Combat Suit

Set details:

  1. Correctly assemble the ladder to the left of the start
  2. Collect 5 skeletons
  3. Drop the statue to the right of the start
  4. Destroy 5 screamers
  5. Terminal R2 on the left in the tunnel
  6. Assemble a robot from golden blocks, blow up fuel tanks and jump up to the detail
  7. Feed the spider on the right in the zombie hallway
  8. Robonino console on the left in corridor 2, turn on the light
  9. Destroy 5 eggs while escaping
  10. Jump on the wall while escaping. The wall is closer to the viewer than the desired turn, that is, you need to run a little further.
Purchasable character - Darth Vader, 275,000

2. General Grievous

2. General Grievous

Chapter 1
Duel droids

Jedi counter - 120,000 parts
Received characters - R2-D2, R3-S6

Set details:

  1. Kill 3 droids outside Robonino's door
  2. Destroy 3 gold boxes
  3. Destroy 5 cup racks
  4. Destroy 5 mice
  5. Collect 5 golden droids
  6. Collect 5 balls
  7. Robonino's remote in a duel with Grievous
  8. Dark Side door in the room with the table
  9. Build a Dark Side flying saucer in your hangar
  10. Play bowling behind the ventilation hatch above the hangar balcony
Purchasable character - Han Solo, 50,000

Chapter 2
Shadow of "Schadenfreude"

Jedi counter - 190,000 parts
Receiving Characters - Plo Koon
Received transport - Plo Koon's fighter

Set details:

  1. Shoot down 5 green targets
  2. Break the golden beam over 1 torpedo pad
  3. Launch and shoot down an escape pod from 1 pad
  4. Make a swimming pool with the C3PO remote
  5. Pull the hook on 1 platform, drop the crate and jump
  6. Destroy a Dark Side facility behind 1 site with an enemy ship
  7. Activate 3 orange buttons on pad 2
  8. Launch and shoot down an escape pod from pad 3
  9. Empty 3 trash bins on site 3
  10. Fly up to the ion cannon at high altitude. A secret door will open, blow up the silver blocks behind it.
Purchasable Character - Lando Calrissian (Classic Trilogy), 50,000

Chapter 3
The death of "gloating"

Jedi counter - 80,000 parts
Receiving Characters - C-3PO

Set details:

  1. Collect the springs in the traffic light
  2. Destroy five Dark Side washing machines
  3. Play maze behind the clone door
  4. Shoot 2 cranes near the steps in the training yard
  5. Assemble the faucet, remove the cover
  6. Above fan
  7. Explode the golden stone over the abyss
  8. Knock down 5 silver tips
  9. Behind the Robonino door in the last room
  10. Throw 5 droidekas at Grievous
Purchasable character - Wedge Antilles, 50,000

Chapter 4
Grievous Lair

Jedi counter - 125,000 parts
Receiving Characters - Nadar Webb, Commander Phill, Heavy Clone Trooper
Received transport - official transport

Set details:

  1. Destroy the golden stone over the rock
  2. Build the Dark Side Remote Robonino
  3. Spin and smash 10 faucets with the Dark Side
  4. Play billiards behind the bounty hunter's door
  5. In the corridor, collect the button and the car
  6. Destroy 10 gold pieces
  7. Robonino remote control in the room
  8. Throw a sword at 10 lights on the ceiling
  9. Pull three platforms out of the lava with the Dark Side and jump on them to the detail
  10. In the last location, rearrange the top of the left tower to the right one and connect the right tower
Purchasable character - rebel special forces fighter, 50,000

Notes: Throwing a box of hooks at Grievous causes them to stick to his limbs and can be torn off.

Chapter 5

Jedi counter - 80,000 parts
Receiving Characters - Heavy (Heavy Gunner), Echo (Rocketman), Fives (Rangeman)
Received Vehicle - Plank Droid, Stupid Gatherer

Set details:

  1. Help the worms hatch behind the pile of the Dark Side
  2. Shoot 5 crates behind a pile of silver stones
  3. Crawl through the Sith door and knock the clones out of the pool
  4. Behind the same door, activate the radio tower, and then pick up the part, quickly switching to another character
  5. Destroy 5 panels
  6. Destroy 6 gold boxes
  7. Repair 5 valves
  8. Kill the worm behind the carved door
  9. Assemble the R2 remote
  10. Run lullabies to 3 maggots
Purchasable character - Darth Maul, 275,000

Chapter 6
Grievous' machinations

Jedi counter - 60,000 parts
Characters received - Adi Gallia, It Kot

Set details:

  1. Throw 5 boxes out the window
  2. Break the gold box and make a lever
  3. Break the silver box
  4. Break 3 gold pieces in the second room
  5. Screw 5 taps
  6. Block 4 floor vents
  7. Break the golden door in the same room
  8. Shoot down 5 green targets
  9. Assemble the pyramid on the landing pad
  10. Launch and destroy the escape pod using the Robonino remote
Purchasable character - Boba Fett, 100,000

3. Asajj Ventress

3. Asajj Ventress

Chapter 1
Secret Enemy

Jedi counter - 100,000 parts
Receiving Characters - Commander Cody, Clone Trooper
Received transport - orange car, black car

Set details:

  1. Destroy 10 tables with Force-switched levers.
  2. Attach the cable behind the access wall to the leftmost container
  3. Outside the window of the room with a cannon on the windowsill on the left
  4. Use the bounty hunter panel on the roof
  5. Spin 4 frants on the battlefield using the Dark Side
  6. Destroy 3 spiders from the roof with a sniper
  7. Destroy three inflatable helmets in the side room of the complex
  8. Use the Dark Side to stack the purple books on the shelves
  9. Use the Dark Side to open garages under the gap and park on the buttons near the bookcases
  10. Destroy 10 super droids with a falling spider
Purchasable character - Greedo, 70,000

Chapter 2

Jedi counter - 68,000 parts
Receiving characters - Lieutenant Tyre (machine gun), Zhek (flare gun), Rhys (shooter)
Received vehicle - crab droid

Set details:

  1. Out of the capsule
  2. Destroy 5 crabs masquerading as stone
  3. Destroy 5 snakes masquerading as purple dill
  4. Gather a large crab in the gorge to the right of the crash site and hit five small ones
  5. Jump on the three buttons in the closet on the right into the gorge in the same order that the colors of the crab show
  6. In the closet on the left of the battlefield
  7. Pull back the giant crab with chains in the closet on the battlefield, which is opened by R2
  8. Collect three lamps in the toilet in the closet on the right side of the battlefield for TSS parts
  9. Right on the shelf on the battlefield
  10. Collect a large crab near the hole where to drop the droidek
Purchasable character - Scarred Darth Vader, 275,000
Notes: To destroy droideks with impenetrable shields, drop silver stones on them.

Chapter 3
blue shadow virus

Jedi counter - 210,000 parts
Characters unlocked - Ahsoka, Jah Jah, Captain Rex + Nouveau Windy in a cage
Received transport - tractor

Set details:

  1. Destroy 5 periscopes
  2. Dig up and destroy 5 carrots
  3. Pull and destroy 6 Dark Side Items
  4. Blow up the golden idol, assemble a harvester from the wreckage and harvest
  5. Terminal R2 at LAAT
  6. Activate two panels of enemy droids inside the base twice
  7. Repair 4 doors at the base
  8. Get the MagnaGuard drunk outside the door of C3PO
  9. Climb the Jedi wall for bombs
  10. Pull 2 ​​ropes on the Nouveau ship
Purchasable Character - Shadow Imperial Stormtrooper, 50,000

Chapter 4
Storm over Ryloth

Jedi counter - 70,000 parts
Received transport - Anakin's fighter, V-19 fighter Downpour

Set details:

  1. Shoot down 10 fighters with a turret
  2. Above the platform
  3. Shoot down 5 ships marked with green arrows
  4. Destroy 10 gold pieces on a Republic cruiser
  5. Use an enemy fighter to destroy the red object on the right side of the Republic bridge
  6. Assemble terminal R2 near the cannons
  7. On the left platform, activate the panel and walk the droid on the orange buttons
  8. Destroy the golden door on the bridge
  9. In the basement on the far right platform
  10. Collect button near the map
Purchasable character - Qui-Gon Jinn, 50,000

Chapter 5
Innocent Victims of Ryloth

Jedi counter - 105,000 parts
Receiving Characters - Waxer, Boyle

Set details:

  1. Draw 5 sticks of the dark side
  2. Destroy 5 purple flowers
  3. Destroy 5 silver boxes
  4. Repair the sewers in 1 prison cell on the left
  5. Behind the wall 2 prison cells on the left
  6. Climb into the hole on the right
  7. Break the golden details behind the prison on the left
  8. Solve the example at the school outside the C3PO door
  9. Behind the door of the hunters near the stall
  10. Build a Dark Side Antenna
Purchasable character - Raymus Antilles, 50,000
Note: pacify the armored cars with the Force and drive them into the stalls on the orange buttons.

Gad Zillo

Jedi counter - 300,000 parts

Set details:

  1. Destroy 10 crates
  2. Destroy 5 rocks
  3. Destroy 6 tanks
  4. Fix the cable in the northern part of the field
  5. Build a collection store
  6. Above one of the corals
  7. Panel R2 in the north
  8. East hunter panel
  9. Destroy nearby Dark Side Rock
  10. Robonino console in the south
Purchasable character - Chewbacca, 50,000

hostage taking

This level is accessed from the room behind the left door on the Separatist ship (in the bounty hunter's room).
Jedi counter - 72,000 parts
Characters Earned - Aurra Sing, Robonino, IG-86, HELIOS-3D, Commando Droid, Shahan Alama

Set details:

  1. Repair the cruiser on the left
  2. Kill 5 clone cleaners
  3. Jump over the left cruiser
  4. Activate panel R2 and blow up the barge in the middle
  5. Make 5 pairs of ice cream
  6. Destroy 5 mouse droids
  7. Cut the door on the right side of the hallway
  8. Activate the R2 remote next to this door and make the hair of the guards outside the door
  9. Use the Dark Side to open the hole on the left side of the corridor and climb through
  10. Break the Dark Side object in one of the rooms and win the Indiana Jones game
Purchasable Character - Tusken Bandit, 50,000

castle of destiny

This level is accessed from the room behind the right door on the Separatist ship.
Jedi counter - 85,000 parts
Characters Earned - Count Dooku, MagnaGuard
Received Vehicle - MagnaGuard Destroyer

Set details:

  1. Collect 5 Scout Droids
  2. Blow up silver trays and activate all buttons
  3. Beat Jabba so he spit out pieces of detail
  4. Drop a chandelier and place three crates of food on top of it
  5. Break the golden door in the dining room, assemble the table, rearrange the giant burger on it and jump
  6. Destroy 5 antennas on the hangar ceiling
  7. Blow up the silver chain on the wrecked barge
  8. Smash 10 skulls
  9. Get through the hole
  10. Activate the R2 remote in the desert and drive over the orange buttons
Purchasable character - Imperial Guard, 50,000

Available on the Separatist ship behind the left door. Assignments are distributed by Ziro the Hutt. The goal of each task is to find a certain character in a certain amount of time (1-2 minutes).

  1. R2: Behind Robonino's door.
  2. Yoda: Behind the coral near the farthest tank.
  3. Padme: in the cantina behind the C3PO door.
  4. Anakin: go to the hall with trains, there get to the farthest platform. You have to use a jetpack.
  5. Rex: build a crane and go down to the giant worm. Rex will be on the left.
  6. Plo Koon: Fighting a droid in the right corner of the landing pad, not far from the escape pod.
  7. Aayla Secura: fly up to the bridge to make it explode; land on the formed platform. Aayla is standing on the right near the toilet stalls.
  8. Obi-Wan Kenobi: Behind the hole in Landing 2.
  9. Ahsoka Tano: To the left of the starting point on the rocks.
  10. Kit Fisto: In the room behind the bounty hunter's door.
  11. Bail Organa: behind the second guardian door. You need to fix the power supply in the first room.
  12. Waxer: you need to blow up the silver blocks with a detonator (for the upper ones, throw the detonator in the air). A box will fall from above, in which Vaxer is located.
  13. Commander Cody: On the right balcony.
  14. Commander Ponds: near the far corner with triangular doors.
  15. Luminara Anduli: behind the rubble on the right near the R2 console.
  16. It Cat: Will jump out of a hatch in the floor if you throw a detonator through the window five times.



golden cubes

They are given literally for everything:

  • complete a level in story mode
  • fill the jedi counter
  • collect all the parts of the set
  • complete a mission in strategy mode
  • complete a space mission
  • complete the bounty hunter mission.
The more golden cubes you have collected, the more doors you can open.

On the ship of the Republic:
Exit from the bridge - 3 blocks
In the medical block - 6 blocks
In hangars - 10 blocks

On a Separatist ship:
On the bridge - 25 blocks
To the observation room - 30 blocks
On the bridge - 20 blocks

You can collect a maximum of 130 blocks, from which an invisible ship is constructed in the hangar behind the prison cells on the Resolute. Unfortunately, the ship itself is nowhere near as interesting as the process of collecting cubes.

red cubes

These are well-known surprises. Since we no longer have a bartender to sell us various trinkets, the only way out is to stumble upon a red block (or work hard to get it) and buy it.

On the ship of the Republic:

  1. Open the taps in all the cells of the prison on the right, in the last one there will be a cube: details from the characters - 100,000
  2. In the fighter hangar, a box in the corner: x2 - 500,000
  3. Take out the trash in the hangar with gold parts: x4 - 2,000,000
  4. To the left of the gunners after the cameras: hit the pear 5 times - a quick-building cube appears - 500,000
  5. In the common corridor behind the bridge at the top left: x6 - 10,000,000
  6. Inside the silver structure in the same place: x10 - 40,000,000
  7. In the same place, if you shoot down 4 objects with a rapid-fire weapon: parts attraction - 500,000
  8. Appears in the corridor in front of the hangar if you shoot down three green targets with a sniper: super blow with a sword - 300,000
  9. In the medblock under the left bunk: glow - 50,000
  10. In the room with characters from the parts of the set at the R2 console: set detector - 750,000
  11. In the same room on the top platform in a silver box (you need to climb up as a jumping character, break the boxes, build a hook, and then climb up with someone with a heavy weapon): super speeders - 40,000,000
  12. Under the Force Field on the Bridge: Red Block Detector - 150,000

On a Separatist ship:

  1. On the left in the observation room with red lights: x8 - 20,000,000
  2. Behind the goblet on the right: perfect dodge -100,000
  3. Near the Hutt, if you knock down 4 parts from the ceiling: heart regeneration, 400,000
  4. Dark Side Object on Bridge - Dark Side, 150,000
  5. Left above the bridge - two swords, 250,000
  6. On the right on the wall in the ground vehicle hangar (you need to climb with a hook): invulnerability - 1,000,000

Galaxy Conquest

The strategic part of LEGO Star Wars III is not limited to story levels - it also exists as a separate section. After completing the story levels, the Republic Stormtrooper and Imperial Stormtrooper sections become available. In the first case, you conquer the galaxy under the flag of the Republic, in the second - under the flag of the Empire. Unlike strategies at story levels, limited time is given here for a specific task.
For each conquered planet you will receive a gold cube. Also, after each mission, the ground equipment that was used in the mission will become available for purchase.
When the entire galaxy is under the control of the Republic, you will receive Chancellor Palpatine.
When the separatists take over the world, you will get Tarkin.

Republic Stormtrooper

Saleucami: 17 minutes, destroy all enemy buildings.
Christophsis: 15 minutes, destroy all enemy buildings.
Ruusan's Moon:
Coruscant: 12 minutes, destroy all enemy buildings.
Dead moon Antara: 9 minutes, destroy all enemy buildings.
Ryloth: 8 minutes, destroy all enemy buildings.
Quell: 16 minutes, build an escape pod.
Geonosis: 15 minutes, build an escape pod.
Florrum: 15 minutes, build an escape pod.
Malastair: 14 minutes, destroy 3 statues of Grievous.
Maridun: 10 minutes, destroy 3 statues of Grievous.
Moon Rishi:
Rugosa: 6 minutes, destroy 3 statues of Grievous.

Separatist Stormtrooper

Malastair: 17 minutes, destroy the command center.
Maridun: 15 minutes, destroy the command center.
Moon Rishi: 15 minutes, destroy the command center.
Christophsis: 10 minutes, destroy the command center.
Naboo: 12 minutes, destroy the command center.
Ryloth: 10 minutes, destroy the command center.
Rugosa: 10 minutes, destroy the command center.
Saleucami: 15 minutes, build an escape pod.
Ruusan's Moon: 15 minutes, build an escape pod.
Dead moon Antara: 15 minutes, build an escape pod.
Florrum: 15 minutes, build an escape pod.
Tatooine: 15 minutes, destroy 3 statues of Yoda.
Quell: 12 minutes, destroy 3 statues of Yoda.
Coruscant: 11 minutes, destroy 3 statues of Yoda.
Wassek: 10 minutes, destroy 3 statues of Yoda.

arcade mode

Activates only when both players are active. Allows you to play a duel between players in strategy mode on any of the planets.
Before the game in the settings is set:
1. Job type:

  • destroy the enemy command center
  • destroy enemy buildings
  • assemble parts
  • destroy statues
  • get off the planet
2. Timer (3, 5, 10, 20, 30 minutes or unlimited)
3. Republican vs. Separatist or Separatist vs. Republican (player roles)
4. Starting number of parts for each side.

100% completion

For 100% completion you need:

  1. Complete all levels in story mode.
  2. Complete all levels in freemode.
  3. Collect all Jedi counters.
  4. Collect all sets.
  5. Collect all characters.
  6. Collect all ships.
  7. Collect all ground vehicles.
  8. Collect all the golden cubes and build the invisible ship.
If the counter is at 98-99%, check the ground vehicles on the Separatist ship (inside the supertank standing in the hangar) - most often this happens if you forget to buy Separatist tanks.

As in the second part of the game, here the score multipliers can be turned on simultaneously in any combination. By including all five (x2, x4, x6, x8, x10), we get the magic number 3840, with which the search for details, for example, for building buildings in strategy mode, ceases to be a question in principle.

Good game!

© Daniela Chris, 2011-2013
with moral support SNDP
and materials from and

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