Vocabulary in terms of its use briefly. Origin, structure and meaning of phraseological units


Vocabulary in terms of the scope of use (student)

11. Vocabulary in terms of scope

    Common vocabulary

    Vocabulary of limited scope

2.1. Dialect (regional) vocabulary

2.2. Socially restricted vocabulary



From the point of view of the scope of use, vocabulary is divided into two large groups:

    commonly used,

    limited scope.

    Common vocabulary

Common(nationwide) Vocabulary - ethos, the understanding and use of which do not depend either on the place of residence, or on the profession, occupation of native speakers. Common vocabulary is the basis of the vocabulary of the language. It includes, first of all, literary words(excluding special vocabulary):

    needle,rope,grumble,go,bonfire,rally,runny nose,cloth,sew…

All these words are understandable to every native speaker and can be used in a variety of conditions and situations of communication.

In addition, the commonly used vocabulary in recent years include non-literary words that are common among people of different ages and professions, regardless of place of residence:

    bullshit, muzzle,shuffle,come in handy,foolishly,hang around…

The use of these commonly understood words is limited to situations of informal communication.

    Vocabulary of limited scope

Vocabulary of limited scope(non-national) - these words, the understanding and use of which are associated with the place of residence of a person, his profession, occupation. Non-national vocabulary includes

    territorially limited (dialect),

    socially restricted vocabulary.

2.1. dialect(regional)vocabulary- this is a part of non-national vocabulary, which is characteristic of the population of any locality, district, region:

    veksha'squirrel', unsteadiness'cradle, area ‘bushes’, peplum'Beautiful', row ‘disdain’, supper'have supper'…

Dialect words are called (lexical) dialectisms [Rakhmanova, Suzdaltseva, p. 211–212].

Common and dialect vocabulary interconnected.

1) Many of the lexical dialectisms are by origin in common words:

    vered'sore', taking‘armful’, stomach'belongings', juda‘horror, fear’…

2) Many dialect words entered the national vocabulary:

    nonsense,snuggle up,plow,owl,frail,tedious,take a nap,barrack,mumble,clumsy,hype,background ...[SRYa-1, p. 45].

2.2. To socially restricted vocabulary relate

    special vocabulary,


1) Special vocabulary- these are words and combinations of words denoting the concepts of a certain field of knowledge or activity:

    dividend‘part of the profit received by the shareholders’, alibi‘absence of the accused at the crime scene as evidence of his innocence’, mezdra‘reverse side of dressed leather’…

Among special words stand out

  • professionalism.

    Terms(lat. terminus‘border, limit’) are words or combinations of words that officially accepted for naming the concepts of science, production, art, etc.

Each term is necessarily based on the definition (definition) of the reality it denotes, due to which the terms represent an accurate and at the same time concise description of an object or phenomenon. Each field of knowledge has its own terminological system.

The terms are divided into

    general scientific, which are used in various fields of knowledge: experiment, adequate, equivalent, reaction, progress...

    special(highly specialized), which are assigned to certain scientific disciplines, industries and technology: immobilization‘creation of immobility, peace’, glinka‘the highest grade of clay, kaolin’, epenthesis‘insertion of sound to facilitate pronunciation: poet - sings’…

Allocate also commonly used(common) terms:

    amputation, hypertension, cardiogram;

    infinitive, adverb, case...

Terms are part of the literary language.

    Professionalisms are words and combinations of words that are informal designations of special concepts.

Professionalisms function mainly in oral speech. For example:

    slur‘typographic marriage in the form of a square, a strip…’, a cap‘big headline in newspaper’… 1

Some authors contrast professionalism as the only names special (often specific) phenomena, concepts and professional jargon, that are unofficial synonyms terms. Professional jargon, as a rule, expressively colored:

    hodgepodge'hydrochloric acid', pot'synchrophasotron', demobilization'demobilization', cap‘captain’… [Rakhmanova, Suzdaltseva, p. 222–224; ERYA, p. 392].

Professional jargon is not part of the literary language.

names of the concepts of science, production, art



Option 1



Option 2


the only names

informal synonyms for terms


professional jargon

2) Jargon (French jargon) socially restricted words that are emotionally expressive synonyms of stylistically neutral common words.

The use of jargon is limited social factors:

    belonging of the speakers to the same social environment (for example, noble jargons),

    belonging to the same profession (professional jargon),

    the same age (for example, youth jargon),

    community of interests, etc.

Professional jargons have existed for centuries in different countries in different periods. They reached a special flourishing in the era of feudalism, with its guild fragmentation and isolation of professions. Emergence professional jargon explained desire to classify any actions or features of production. Known are the secret languages ​​of handicraftsmen (traveling saddlers, tailors, blacksmiths, coppersmiths), the jargons of gold miners, itinerant actors, small peddlers (oféney, peddlers). For example:

    at the women: kimat'sleep', shivar'product', maz‘merchant, “own” person’, yur'house', yusy‘money’ [Rakhmanova, Suzdaltseva, p. 234]…;

    from buyers of illegally mined gold: resin'gold', two -'lb', three- ‘spool’ (4.266 g or 1/96 lb) ...;

Current professional jargon do not have the purpose of secrecy[SRYASH, p. 281-284].

jargon may occur in any sufficiently stable team:

    army jargon: spirits ‘recruits’, grandfathers, demobilization

    jargon musicians and music lovers: fan,downhole, trash 'style of rock music', The Beatles…

    jargon schoolgirls:dunk‘make curtsy’, boots‘cadets’, pencil‘student of the city gymnasium’, eggplant‘student of a noble gymnasium’, canary‘ruble’ [SRYASH, p. 281–282].

    jargon schoolchildren:teacher, banana,PE, mathematics, physics

    jargon students:spur'crib' , school‘university’, penny'scholarship', tail‘academic debt’, hostel'dormitory', cut off‘get a failing grade’, fishing rod satisfactorily'

    youth jargon: cool‘the highest degree of positive evaluation’, steep‘higher than any praise; unusual, shocking ', strain‘tire, bother with requests, claims’, run into‘annoy with claims and reproaches’, break in, enter'understand'…

    computer jargon: jar‘computer system unit’, wine carrier,Windows‘Microsoft Windows operating system’, gamer‘a person who constantly plays computer games’, fail‘work with glitches (errors)’...

    Internet-jargon: avatar,avchik,userpic‘the picture that the user selects as a “face”’, appendicitis'application' (English) appendix),ban‘introduce a temporary ban for the user to do something’, google‘search the web (usually with Google)’...

First of all, it is the youth jargon that is called slang. Term slang(English) slang) originally meant exclusively the language of youth (cf. hippie slang) or professional jargon of some new, actively developing field ( business slang, computer slang). Recently the term slang used as a synonym for the general term jargon . The compatibility of the word has expanded significantly ( medical slang, military slang). The new term is gradually replacing the word jargon, which in the Soviet period acquired a negative connotation ( camp jargon,prison jargon).

A special term for words belonging to slang (such as jargon), No.

Border between individual jargons, as well as between jargon (slang), vernacular and colloquial speech, unsteady and permeable. Some researchers talk about the emergence common jargon(interjargon), which is used not only by certain social groups, but also by the majority of native speakers [Nikitina, p. 4].

Some slang words gradually enter the common lexicon(first into colloquial, and then they can go into colloquial speech and even into a literary language).

For example, from jargon seminarians words entered the literary vocabulary:

    beast(lat. bestia'beast'; (swearing) ‘a rogue, a scoundrel; dexterous, cunning person');

    nonsense‘nonsense, nonsense’ (a seminary word, most likely from the Greek. Athenian),

    from singing jargon: sing along;

    from factory: bungler;

    from the jargon of the beggars: double-dealer.

Slang words such as

    swim, fail, cut off, window, steering wheel, linden ...

    thieves, split ...[SRY, p. 93–94].

Gradually, these words lose their characteristic shade of rudeness, vulgarity, but their use in the literary language, as a rule, stylistically limited colloquial speech [SRYASH, p. 285–286].

jargon different from the words of other groups by the following features:

    They are not the main, but a parallel designation of the phenomenon of reality; next to it there are always (or almost always) synonyms of popular use[SRYa-1, p. 48–49].

    All jargon is inherent bright expressive and stylistic coloring:

    scumbag,shitty,goof- this is an extreme degree of disapproval, neglect;

    steep,specific with some blurring, uncertainty of lexical meaning, they are able to express a whole range of emotional nuances: from delight to complete disapproval.

    Compared to common words that live for centuries, slang vocabulary is different great variability, fragility. The fact is that the emotional and expressive coloring in the process of use is “erased”: the words become habitual, “boring”. Therefore, they are replaced by new, "fresh" words with vivid expressiveness. For example, almost gone from the youth jargon used in it in 50-60 years. 20th century

    dude,dude,horses'parents', hut‘an apartment where you can get together’.

In the 80s. they were replaced


Wed also slang terms money:

    50s–60s: tugriks, rupees;

    60s: shýrshiki, coins, mani;

    80s: money;

    turn of the 80s–90s: wooden(about rubles), green(about dollars).

The modern jargon of students differs sharply not only from the jargon of high school students, seminarians, pre-revolutionary students, but also from the school, student jargon of the 20-30s. 20th century [Rakhmanova, Suzdaltseva, p. 233].

It happens that forgotten jargon are returning, because again have a touch of novelty.

Argotisms(French argot) name the words used in criminal environment:

    academy'jail', fraer‘petty, inexperienced thief’, raspberries‘den’, baby‘letter, note’…

Argotisms serve to

    linguistic isolation (the function of distinguishing "one's own - someone else's"),

    linguistic conspiracy [Rakhmanova, Suzdaltseva, p. 234].

In linguistic literature, the term slang understood ambiguously. Some authors understand it as "secret speech", meaning not only thieves' jargon. Sometimes the terms slang And jargon are used as equivalent [SRYASH, p. 284].

Any jargons differ from the literary language in the first place vocabulary. They do not have morphological, syntactic or pronunciation features. True, often non-literary speech (slang and vernacular) is distinguished from literary

a) special use of word-formation means (cf.: mokruha, stipukha, mess) And

b) intonation.

Common vocabulary


common vocabulary of limited

vocabulary of use


territorially social

limited limited


slang and special

argotic(terms And



Vendina T. I. Introduction to linguistics. M.: Higher school, 2001. Stylistic stratification of the vocabulary of the language. pp. 160–164.

Girutsky A. A. Introduction to linguistics. Minsk: TetraSystems, 2001. Stylistic stratification of the vocabulary of the language. pp. 156–158.

LES - Linguistic Encyclopedic Dictionary. Moscow: Soviet Encyclopedia, 1990. Argo. P. 43. Dialectisms. P. 133. Jargon. S. 151. Vernacular. S. 402. Colloquial speech. P. 408. Slang. S. 461.

Youth slang: Explanatory Dictionary / T. G. Nikitina. M.: Astrel: AST, 2003. 912 p.

Rakhmanova L. I., Suzdaltseva V. N. Modern Russian language. Vocabulary. Phraseology. Morphology. M.: Publishing House of Moscow State University: Publishing House "CheRo", 1997. Russian vocabulary from the point of view of the scope of use. pp. 211–239.

SRY - Modern Russian / Rosenthal D. E., Golub I. B., Telenkova M. A. . M .: Rolf, 2001. Vocabulary of a limited scope of use. pp. 87–97.

SRYA-1 - Modern Russian language. Part 1. Introduction. Vocabulary. Phraseology. Phonetics. Graphics and spelling. / N. M. Shansky, V. V. Ivanov. M.: Education, 1981. Vocabulary of the modern Russian language from the point of view of the scope of its use. pp. 44–59.

SRYASH - Modern Russian language. Phonetics. Lexicology, Phraseology / ed. P. P. Fur coats. Minsk: Progress, 1998. Vocabulary of the Russian language in terms of the scope of its use. pp. 258–288.

Shaikevich A. Ya. Introduction to linguistics. Moscow: Academy, 2005. § 60. Vocabulary of special languages. Terminology. pp. 197–172.

ERJ - Russian language. Encyclopedia. M .: Great Russian Encyclopedia - Bustard, 1997. Argo. P. 37. Dialectisms. P. 114. Jargon. pp. 129–130. vernacular. pp. 390–391. professionalism. S. 392. Colloquial speech. S. 406. Spoken language. 406–408.

1A number of researchers refer to professionalism the designation of special objects, the concepts of amateur hunting, fishing, amateur handicraft, etc.:

    rule‘tail of a dog, fox’, tong‘muzzle of a greyhound dog’…

    mormyshki, bugs, coffins, droplets(types of artificial bait for fish).

  • Common words- these are words whose meaning is known to all the people, to all speakers of a given language (sky, school, blue, walk, beautiful, etc.)
  • Dialectisms- these words are used by residents of a certain area (“sadnova” - that is, constantly, used in the outback of the Volga region).
  • Professionalisms(or special vocabulary) - these words are used by people of a certain profession (syringe, scalpel - by doctors; root, morphology, syntax - by teachers of the Russian language).
  • Terms - names of certain concepts that are used in a particular field of knowledge (for example: function, democracy)
  • jargon- these are words and expressions that are used in social groups during informal communication (for example: glitch, hack - computer jargon, that is, slang; xiva, malyava-thieves' jargon; teacher, triplet, homework-school;

Types of words by origin

  • Outdated vocabulary (archaisms) are obsolete words that have come out of constant speech, as over time they have been replaced by other words (eyes - eyes, cheeks - cheeks).
  • historicisms- these are obsolete words that have fallen into disuse due to the disappearance of the phenomena they denoted. These words can be used to describe a historical era (chain mail, over the knee boots).
  • Neologisms- new words that have recently emerged in the language and have not lost their novelty. Over time, these words move into a group of commonly used ones. So quite recently, neologisms were the words: computer, tablet, mobile phone, smartphone, but today they are already moving into the category of commonly used words.
  • native Russian words- words that arose in ancient times among the Eastern Slavs, Old Slavonicisms (sweet, enemy, know)
  • Borrowed words (foreign language) - By origin, these words are borrowed from other languages. Often this happens during the period of economic, cultural communication, the relationship of countries and peoples. (For example, hyperbole is a word of Greek origin, modernization is French).
  • barbarisms- these are foreign words that have entered the Russian language, but are always perceived as alien. They are often used to describe foreign life, etiquette, etc. (For example: monsieur, boyfriend, business woman).

Types of words by areas of use

  • Stylistically neutral vocabulary- these are words that are not attached to a specific style of speech (compare: fragrant - fragrant, evidence - arguments)
  • Book vocabulary - used in book styles: scientific literature, official business, journalistic style (for example: declarative, calculate, conjuncture)
  • colloquial vocabulary- words used in oral speech, often in everyday communication

Types of words by area of ​​​​use

Types of words by origin

Types of words by areas of use

(braggart, reader, bully.)

  • colloquial words- these are words of colloquial vocabulary, but having their own characteristics:

Violating language norms (traNway instead of tram, quarter instead of quarter)

Violating moral standards, rude words (head, drag)

Vulgar, swear words that offend a person.

  • Emotionally colored words(expressive vocabulary, evaluative vocabulary) are words that express attitudes towards others, phenomena, actions, positive and negative (for example: friend, strength, gate, guardian).
  • Phraseologisms- stable phrases that are equal in meaning to one word.

From the point of view of stylistic coloring, phraseological units are:

Colloquial: run headlong - quickly, work carelessly - be lazy

Book: apple of discord, finest hour

Colloquial: twist brains, foolish head
Cheeks are burning.

Sit in a galosh

Kill the worm

Task number 23. Means of communication of sentences in the text

The sentences in the text are interconnected by means of communication. Let's consider them.

Lexical means

Means of communication Examples
Lexical repetition of words Autumn is an amazing time of the year when the leaves suddenly take on a variety of shades. colors. Colors these are striking in their beauty.
Root words, that is, words of one or different parts of speech that have a common root. Winter the day is short. Not by chance winter so they wait for sunny weather in order to enjoy the bright light at least for a while.
Synonyms that is, words that are spelled differently but have the same meaning. During illness, do not do without thermometer. After all, it is thermometer will help to understand how high the patient's temperature is.
Antonyms- Words that have opposite meanings. Man must appreciate friends. Otherwise, a situation may arise in which only enemies will remain in the environment.
Descriptive phrases, which replace the word in the previous sentence. Nearby built highway. This swift river of life firmly connected the settlements with each other.

Morphological means

Means of communication Examples
3rd person personal pronouns(these are the pronouns HE, SHE, IT, THEY in different cases). These pronouns in the second sentence are used instead of some word in the first. Remember that sentences with 1st and 2nd person pronouns will not be answers, only 3rd person! I invited my girlfriend to the theatre. She I haven't seen the new show.
Demonstrative pronouns(SUCH, THAT, THIS and others in various genders and cases) I really like the beautiful forests in these places. It seems that such there are no forests anywhere.
Pronominal adverbs(THERE, HERE, SO, THEN, etc.) It was necessary to pretend that he was busy with work. So he did.
Unions(most often writing) Everyone was happy with the holiday. But only Sergei sat, mournful.
Particles. Everyone really enjoyed the performance. Only Irina, as always, was dissatisfied with something.
Unity of aspect tense forms of verbs. All decided spend the holidays together. Together were program, thought through numbers, picked up music (all verbs are in the past tense).
Degrees of comparison of adjectives and adverbs. Plane tickets bought immediately. Better and you can't imagine.
Adverbs All of a sudden thunder boomed. After lightning flashed. Then poured such a downpour that the streets of the city were deserted in an instant.

A pronoun is an independent part of speech that is used instead of a noun, adjective, numeral, adverb or its characteristics and indicates them, their relationship to other objects, phenomena, etc. In Russian, pronouns can be divided into personal, reflexive, possessive, interrogative , relative, demonstrative, attributive, negative, indefinite. Ranks of pronouns in the table:

Personal I, you, he, she, it, we, you, they

Return yourself

Possessives my, yours, mine, yours, ours, his, hers, theirs

Interrogative who, what, what, whose, where, which, where, how much, what, what, why

Relative who, what, which, which, whose, how much, what, what, why, when

Index this, this, so much, such, such, this, there

Defining any, each, himself, most, any, other, other, all

Negative nobody, nothing, none, no one, no one, nothing, no need

Indefinite someone, whole, something, some, several, someone, something, some, etc.

Syntactic means

Means of communication. Examples.
Introductory words and constructions. Firstly need to learn the theory. Secondly, promptly complete tests. Only then can you successfully prepare for the exam.
Incomplete offers. Today was a difficult day because we were writing a test. Mathematics.
syntactic parallelism, the same construction of two sentences located side by side. Young people - everywhere we have a road. Old people are respected everywhere.
Parceling, that is, splitting the sentence into separate parts. To be happy in life, you need to have a good heart, a high soul. Good character.
Word order(direct - reverse). To prove myself right I'll come back. I will return I will explain and you will understand that I was right.

These are the main means of connecting sentences in a text. However, we must remember that it is often noted in the task that in the second sentence there are two means of communication at once, for example, a personal pronoun and lexical repetition. Therefore, be careful when completing task No. 23, the selected sentence must contain both means of communication, if they are indicated in the task.

There are several types of links between sentences in a text. Depending on what type of communication, one or another means, which was mentioned above, is used.
Consider these types.

The Russian language, like any other, has its own lexical system, which has been formed over not just centuries, but even millennia. The composition of the vocabulary has a different origin. Allocate in it and Grammatical vocabulary and the origin of words are studied at school, as well as at the philological faculties.

Basic concepts

The Russian language has a rich lexical system, the formation of which began in the Neolithic era and continues today. Some words disappear from the active vocabulary of the language, become archaisms, others, on the contrary, penetrate our speech, become an integral part of it.

In terms of origin, vocabulary is divided into borrowed and native Russian. Originally Russian vocabulary makes up about 90% of the total lexical composition. The rest is borrowed. In addition, every year our dictionary is updated with new words and concepts that arise as a result of scientific and technological progress.

Original Russian vocabulary

The main layer is primordially Russian vocabulary. In this group, the following subgroups are distinguished, correlated with the stages of development of not only the language, but also the people themselves:

  1. Indo-European vocabulary.
  2. Common Slavic.
  3. Old Russian.
  4. Actually Russian.

The words that emerged during these periods form the basis, the backbone of our vocabulary. That is what should be considered first.

Indo-European period

In terms of origin, the original Russian vocabulary dates back to the Neolithic period. The period is characterized by the presence of one, common proto-language - Indo-European, which functioned around the 2nd millennium BC. The words of this group include the names of animals, concepts for designating kinship, food products. For example: mother, daughter, ox, bull, meat and others. All of them have consonant counterparts in other languages. For example, the word mother has a similar sound in English ( mother), and in German ( mutter).

Common Slavic stage

Common Slavic vocabulary arose around the 6th century AD. It was inherited from various tribes that lived in the Balkans, Central and Eastern Europe.

The vocabulary of this period refers to lexical-semantic groups that are used to designate the names of body parts, animals, natural phenomena, time periods, plants and flowers, names of parts of buildings, tools. The most striking examples of vocabulary preserved from this period: oak, linden, spruce forest, tree, leaf, millet, barley, bark, hoe, house, canopy, shelter, chicken, goose, kvass, kissel. The layer of this vocabulary is inherent mainly in the Slavic peoples.

Old Russian period

Old Russian (or East Slavic) vocabulary penetrated into our vocabulary during the period of the settlement of the Slavs on the territory of modern Europe, approximately in the XI-IX centuries. This also includes the period of formation of the formation of the state of Kievan Rus, that is, the IX-XIV centuries. There are words like good, dove, uncle, lace, finch, squirrel, forty, ninety, today.

These words are also characterized by the presence of prefixes in-, you-, before-, vz-. For example: platoon, knock out, finish off, catch up.

You can find vocabulary formed in this period only in Russian, Ukrainian and Belarusian languages.

The period of formation of the Russian nationality

From the XIV century, a new grammatical vocabulary began to appear in the Russian language. These words appear after the collapse of the Old Slavic language into Russian, Ukrainian and Belarusian languages. Proper Russian words include such as grumble, wallpaper, cabbage rolls, experience.

This includes all nouns formed with suffixes -shchik, -ovshchik, -stvostvo, -sh(a). For example: fire extinguisher, party membership, nationality, checkered. This also includes adverbs peasant style, autumn style, Verbs shudder, crash, worry.

Knowing these features, you can easily calculate the words formed at this stage of development.

This period is the last in the formation of the main layer of proper Russian lexemes.

Borrowed vocabulary

Since ancient times, the Russian people have developed not only trade and cultural ties, but also political and military ones. All this led to language borrowings. Getting into Russian, the word in the lexical system of the language changed under its influence and became part of its vocabulary. Borrowed words have significantly enriched the Russian language and brought a lot of new things into it.

Some words were borrowed completely, while others were modified - they received native Russian suffixes or prefixes, which eventually led to the formation of a new word already of Russian origin. For example, the word "computer" entered our lexicon without changes, but the word "atomic scientist" is considered to be native Russian, since it was formed from the borrowed word "atom" according to the original Russian word-formation model.

There are borrowings from Slavic, as well as Turkic, Latin, Greek, Germano-Romance languages, which include English and German, Italian, Spanish, Dutch.

Old Church Slavonicisms

After the adoption of Christianity by Russia at the end of the 10th century, many words came into the Russian language. This was due to the appearance in Rus' of Church Slavonic books. Old Slavonic, or Old Bulgarian, was used by a number of Slavic states as a literary written language, which was used to translate Greek church books.

Church denoting abstract concepts came from it into the Russian language. These include priest, cross, power, disaster, consent and many others. Initially, these words were used only in written, book speech, but over time they penetrated into oral speech.

The vocabulary of the Church Slavonic language in terms of origin has the following distinctive features:

  1. The so-called disagreement is at the root of words. For example: gate or captivity. In this case, the options will be full-voiced gate and full.
  2. Combination railway in the roots of words. A prime example is the word walking.
  3. The presence of a consonant in words sch, for example in the word lighting.
  4. Vowel e at the beginning of a word and before a hard consonant: unit.
  5. syllables la-, ra- and at the beginning of a word. Eg: rook, equal.
  6. Presence of prefixes voz-, through-. For example: repay, excessive.
  7. Suffixes -stvi-, -usch-, -yushch-, -asch-, -yashch-: knowledgeable, burning, melting.
  8. Parts of the first words of God-good, evil-, sin-, soul-, good-: God-fearing, malevolence, blessing.

These words are still used in Russian today. At the same time, few people suspect that in fact the named lexemes are not native Russian and have foreign roots. Especially often they can be found in biblical texts, works of the classics of Russian literature.

Polish lexemes

Considering the question of what kind of vocabulary is from the point of view of origin, one cannot help but recall the borrowings from the Polish language, which began in the 17th-18th centuries. From the West Slavic language, words such as belongings, painting, rabbit, periwinkle, jam. It is worth noting that they replenished the stock of not only Russian, but also Ukrainian and Belarusian languages.

Greek loanwords

A significant layer of borrowed vocabulary is Greek. It began to penetrate into our language even in the period of pan-Slavic unity. The oldest lexical "gifts" include words such as ward, bed, boiler.

In the period from the 9th to the 11th century, the following words were borrowed: anathema, angel, mathematics, lampada, history, philosophy, notebook, sauna, lantern. In a later period, words related to words from the field of art and science were borrowed: comedy, anapaest, logic, analogy and many other concepts that are firmly entrenched in the terminological apparatus of most modern sciences.

It should be noted that due to the influence of Greece and Byzantium, the vocabulary and phraseology of the Russian language has been significantly enriched. However, the influence of these countries was felt not only by such a science as philology, but also by mathematics, physics, chemistry, and art.

Latin language

In the period from the 16th to the 8th centuries, Latin words entered the Russian language, enriching the lexical fund in the field of scientific, technical, socio-political terminology. They enter mainly through the Ukrainian and Polish languages. The development of education and science, as well as the historical and cultural ties of these countries, contributed especially strongly to this.

From the Latin language came to us such already familiar concepts as holidays, office, director, audience, school, process, public, revolution and others.

Turkic language

Since ancient times, our paths have crossed with the Tatars and Turks. Words such as pearls, beads, caravan, money, bazaar, watermelon, bathrobe, fog, bloomers, names of horse colors: roan, bay, buckskin.

Mostly borrowing came from the Tatar language. Associated with trade, cultural or military ties that have existed between our peoples for several centuries.

Scandinavian languages

There are very few borrowings from the Scandinavian languages ​​- Swedish, Norwegian. Penetrated in the early period because of the trade relations that existed between our peoples in the pre-Christian period.

The brightest words that penetrated the Russian lexical system: names Igor And Oleg, product names - herring, pud, hook, mast, sneak.

Western European languages

The origin of vocabulary and its development are also closely related to a number of European languages. After the reforms of Peter I, in the 17th-18th centuries, lexemes from Western European languages ​​entered the Russian language.

From German, a number of words came into our language to denote military, commercial and household vocabulary, science and art: bill, headquarters, corporal, tie, easel, resort, landscape.

Dutch "shared" with Russian nautical terms: shipyard, harbor, pilot, fleet, sailor. Marine terms also came from English: midshipman, brig.

Entered from English into our lexical system and words such as boycott, tunnel, football, sport, finish, cupcake, pudding.

The 20th century also includes words from the technical and sports, financial, commercial fields, and art. New words that replenished our lexical system at that time: computer, file, byte, overtime, broker, leasing, talk show, thriller, briefing, impeachment.

In the XVIII-XIX centuries, words from the French language also penetrate into the Russian language - bracelet, wardrobe, vest, coat, broth, cutlet, toilet, battalion, garrison, actor, play, director.

Musical terms, terms from the sphere of art, came to Russian from Italian and Spanish: aria, tenor, libretto, sonata, carnival, gondola, serenade, guitar.

All of them are still actively functioning in our lexical system, and we can learn from dictionaries about where and how they came from.


At the present stage, the lexical system of the Russian language is replenished with new words. They enter the language through the emergence of fresh concepts and phenomena. When an object or thing arises, new words appear to designate them. They do not immediately enter the active vocabulary.

For some time, the word is considered a neologism, then it becomes commonly used and is firmly included in the language. Previously, neologism words were pioneer, Komsomol member, cosmonaut, Khrushchev And so on. Now no one will suspect neologisms in them.


In order to check which vocabulary in terms of origin is used in a particular case, one can refer to etymological dictionaries. They describe in detail the origin of the word, its initial etymology. You can use school and short edited by N. Shansky, "Russian Etymological Dictionary" by A. E. Anikin or "Etymological Dictionary" by P. A. Krylov and others.

You can find out the meaning of foreign words that came to us from foreign languages ​​using the wonderful Dictionary of Foreign Words edited by Ozhegov.

Studying at school

Vocabulary in terms of origin and use is usually studied in the school course of the Russian language in the section "Lexicology and Phraseology". The closest attention to this topic is paid in the 5th-6th grades, as well as the 10th. Schoolchildren learn the origin of words and phraseological units, their meaning, learn to distinguish them, work with various dictionaries.

In some cases, teachers can conduct entire electives, extra-curricular activities dedicated to the study of the origin of words.

What materials can be used when studying the topic "Vocabulary from the point of view of origin"? Table with classification and examples, texts in different languages ​​containing words borrowed by Russian, dictionaries.

Studying at the university

Vocabulary is studied in particular detail from the point of view of origin at the university, at the Faculty of Philology. This topic is given several classes in the course "Lexicology and Phraseology of the Modern Russian Language". In practical classes, students analyze various texts, finding native Russian and borrowed words in them, classify them, and work with dictionaries. The stylistic possibilities of borrowed, obsolete words are also determined.

At lectures and seminars, the classification of vocabulary by origin, use and functioning in the modern Russian language is considered in detail. This approach allows students to be interested, to most deeply master the proposed knowledge on the topic under study.


Any word in the lexical system of a language has its own history and origin. Some words have long been functioning in our language, since the period when a single, Indo-European language functioned, others came to us at different time intervals from Slavic or European languages, and others arose during the development of modern information technologies.

Understanding the history of the emergence of certain words will help us not only understand their deep meaning, but also trace the development of the culture of our country in a particular period.

In the Russian lexical system, groups of words are distinguished, the scope of which is limited by one or another territorial fixation. Such groups are called dialects. At their core, these are the dialects of the peasant population, which still retain separate phonetic, morphological, syntactic and lexical-semantic features.

This makes it possible to single out phonetic dialectisms (w[o]na instead of wife, p[i]snya, m[i] hundred instead of song, place; dum[a]t instead of thinks in Northern Russian dialects; n[i]su, r[ I]ka instead of carrying, river; [hv]artuk instead of an apron, etc. in South Russian dialects).

Actually lexical dialectisms are called words that coincide with general literary ones in meaning, but differ in their sound complex. They name the same concepts as the words of the literary language that are identical to them, i.e. are synonyms. So, actually lexical dialectisms are the words: golitsy, fur coats (sev.) - mittens; Basque (northern) - beautiful; veksha (sev.) - squirrel; stitch (southern) - path; row (southern) - disregard, neglect; beam (southern) - ravine, guy (southern) - forest, etc.

Lexico-semantic dialectisms are words that coincide in spelling and pronunciation with literary ones, but differ from them in their meaning. Such dialectisms are homonyms in relation to literary words. For example: whiskey (Kursk, Voronezh) - hair on the whole head and temples (lit., pl. from the temples) - the side of the skull above the line running from ear to eye; hair growing on the side of the skull in front of the ear; peppy (Southern, Ryazan) - smart, beautifully dressed and peppy (lit.) - full of strength, healthy, energetic; goat (southern, kaluga, orlov, kursk) - snake and goat (lit.) - wild goat; wad (volzh.) - the bow of the ship, the very front of it; wad (north, east) - hemp chaff and wad (lit.) - a bundle of hemp, fabric, paper for driving a charge.

In their bulk, dialect words are not included in the general literary language. But through colloquial speech (especially through vernacular), dialectisms penetrate the literary language.

In the Russian language, along with common vocabulary, there are words and expressions used by groups of people united by the nature of their activity, i.e. by profession. These are professionalisms.

According to the method of education, we can distinguish:

1) actually lexical professionalisms that arise as new, special names. For example, in this way arose in the speech of professional fishermen the above-mentioned word shkershchik from the verb shkerit - “gut the fish”; in the speech of carpenters and joiners, the names of various types of planer: kalevka, zenzubel, tongue and groove, etc .;

2) lexical-semantic professionalisms that arise in the process of developing a new meaning of a word and its rethinking. This is how, for example, the professional meanings of words in the speech of printers arose: Christmas trees or paws - a kind of quotation marks; heading - a common heading for several publications, corral - a spare, additional set that was not included in the next issue; in the speech of hunters, the professional names of animal tails are distinguished: for a deer - kuiruk, burdock, for a wolf - a log, for a fox - a pipe, for a beaver - a shovel, for a squirrel - fur, for a hare - a flower, bunch, burdock, etc. .;

3) lexical and derivational professionalisms, which include words like a spare wheel - a spare mechanism, part of something; glavrezh - the main director, etc., in which either a suffix is ​​​​used, or a way of adding words, etc.

Professionalisms usually do not receive wide distribution in the literary language; their scope remains limited.

Terminological vocabulary includes words or phrases used to logically accurately define special concepts or objects in some area of ​​science, technology, agriculture, art, etc. Unlike commonly used words, which can be ambiguous, terms within a particular science, as a rule, are unambiguous. They have a clearly limited, motivated specialization of meaning.

The development of science and technology, the emergence of new branches of science is always accompanied by the abundant appearance of new terms. Therefore, terminology is one of the most mobile, rapidly growing and rapidly changing parts of the national vocabulary (cf. just one name of new sciences and industries: automation, allergology, aeronomy, biocybernetics, bionics, hydroponics, holography, cardiac surgery, cosmobiology and many other sciences related to space exploration, plasma chemistry, speleology, ergonomics, etc.).

For example, there is a terminology of words existing in the language, i.e. scientific rethinking of a well-known lexical meaning. This process goes in two ways: 1) by abandoning the generally accepted lexical meaning and giving the word a strict, precise name, for example: a signal in information theory is “a changing physical quantity that displays messages”; 2) through the full or partial use of those features that serve as the basis for the lexical meaning of the word in popular use, i.e. name by similarity, adjacency, etc., for example: a hole is a defective electron in nuclear physics; drapri - a kind of form of aurora; neck - the intermediate part of the machine shaft, etc. Note that the expressive-emotional meanings inherent in words with diminutive suffixes, as a rule, disappear during terminology. Wed also: tail (for tools, fixtures), foot (part of the machine frame; part of the instruments), etc.

For the formation of terms, the word composition is widely used: nuclear-powered ship, smoke catcher, crank, current drive; affixation method: casting, cladding, constellation, melting, heater; the addition of foreign language elements: air, auto, bio, etc. The method of terminology of phrases is widely used: elementary particles, primary radiation, cosmic rays, optical density, space medicine, etc.

Foreign borrowings play an important role in terminological systems. For a long time, many Dutch, English nautical terms have been known; Italian and French musical, art history, literary terms; Latin and Greek terms are found in all sciences. Many of these terms are international.

The spread of scientific and technical terminology, its penetration into various spheres of life leads to the fact that in the language, along with the process of terminology of commonly used words, there is also a reverse process - mastering the literary language of terms, i.e. their de-terminologization.

You can also find information of interest in the scientific search engine Otvety.Online. Use the search form:

More on the topic 12. Vocabulary of the Russian language from the point of view of the sphere of use and from the point of view of expressive-stylistic .:

  1. Vocabulary of the Russian language in terms of the scope of use
  2. 32. Classification of Russian vocabulary in terms of the scope of its use. Terms and professionalisms. Ways of formation of special vocabulary. Functional-stylistic use of special vocabulary.
  3. 29. classification of Russian vocabulary in terms of the scope of its use. Dialectisms. Their types. Functional-stylistic use of dialectisms.

Zamyatina S.V.
teacher of SKTiS, Irkutsk

Vocabularyin terms of its use

coloration vocabulary

Vocabulary, used by all native speakers under any conditions of verbal communication is called neutral, common or interstyle. Such words have a basic lexical meaning, or semantics, and can be any part of speech (road, family, book - noun.; white, native, smart - adj.; know, work, learn verb; two, one, four number; fast, high, very adv.; which, we, our - places.)

Words that are not neutral are called painted. Vocabulary, used depending on the situation (written speech, official business relations, everyday use, etc.), is called situationally or stylistically colored. vocabulary can be painted And origin, from this point of view, words are obsolete And new.

A special group of colored vocabulary is made up of words that have emotionally expressive(emotionality is an expression of feelings, expressiveness is an expression of the speaker's assessment). Words of this type express a certain attitude to objects or phenomena, in dictionaries they are accompanied by marks: lofty, affectionate, joking, ironic, disapproving, scornful, contemptuous, swearing..

BORRIOPI´SETS,-stsa, m. (iron.). A person who writes quickly, hastily and superficially.

BULVA´RSHCHINA,-s, and. (neglected.). Tabloid Literature .

ACHING,-his, m. (collo.. joke.). About the person: the same as the patient (in 5 values). Well, how is our b. feels? // and. hurting,-to her.

BELORUCHKA, -And, m. And and. (colloquial, disapproving.). A person who eschews physical or hard work in general.

BALDA´, -s ´ , (simple. bran.). Stupid person, fool.

BANDYu'GA, -And, m. And and. (simple. contempt.). Same as bandit.

FREEBIE,-s and KHOLYA´VA, -s, and.: for free (for free) (simple. rude.) - 1) somehow, carelessly; 2) free of charge, free of charge.

Exercise . The following are words that can be used with different stylistic coloring - depending on the meaning. Determine the color of the words in these examples:

Gate (neutral, high) - Close the gate. The enemy is defeated at the gates of Leningrad.

Pull out (neutral, colloquial) - I won’t stretch here for a long time. The wire was pulled out. Smoke was drawn from the room. Pulled a whip on the back.

Road (neutral, high). - Follow the path of victory. Shorten the road.

Tear (colloquial, simple). - Grind your teeth. Tear in all shoulder blades.

Salt (neutral, colloquial). - Salt the mushrooms. Annoy the neighbor.

To descend (colloquial, high). - Trouble struck. The guests arrived.

Devour (simple, high). The flames devoured the vaults of the church. Whatever I cook, everything is devoured for a sweet soul.

Vocabulary colored by lineage

The use of vocabulary can be limited origin, from this point of view, the words obsolete And new.

There are two reasons for the loss of a word in a language:

1. the word leaves along with the concept they call (boyar, publican, altyn, squeaker, oprichnik, five-year plan, educational program) - such words are called historicisms;

2. the word was replaced by a synonym (finger, hitherto, hunger, tokmo, verb, vyya, piit) - such words are called archaisms. It is permissible to use such vocabulary only in book styles (mainly in literary and artistic styles).

harlot, -s, and. (old). A slutty woman.

DISCOVERY, -I, Wed. (outdated). Desecration of honor, insult. Apply b. to someone

New words - neologisms- appear as a designation of new phenomena, objects that appear in life (gadget, shop tour, iPhone).

Exercise. Determine the coloring of words in terms of origin.

Nihilism, lullaby song, divisional commander, galley, melkoscope, landed, kissing, showing off, voivode, angry, diving, mokress, girl, patrimony, drowning, heating, boyar, dish.

Old Church Slavonicisms

Old Slavonicisms - these are words borrowed from the Old Slavonic (Old Bulgarian) language, the first literary language of the Slavs. In Russian, there are many words borrowed from the Old Slavonic language.

Old Slavonicisms have a number of distinguishing features of a phonetic, lexical, morphological nature.

The phonetic features of Old Slavonicisms include:

    disagreement -RA-, -LA-, -RE-, -LE- in the roots of words between consonants. In Russian, they correspond to full-vowel combinations ORO, OLO, ERE, ELE (ELO): gates - gates, captivity - full.

    combinations RA-, LA- at the beginning of a word before consonants, respectively, Russian words C RO-, LO-: equal - even, boat - boat, different - retail.

    combinations railway instead of Russian AND: clothes - clothes, alien - alien, be born - give birth.

    presence of sound SCH according to Russian H: power - power, lighting - a candle, day and night - night.

    initial E- instead of ABOUT: one - one, spring - autumn.

    initial YU- instead of At: a young man - an unosha, a holy fool - a freak.

    initial A- instead of I: lamb - lamb, az - i.

    no transition e V O after soft consonants before hard ones: sky - palate, finger - thimble, case - case.

Word-forming features:

    prefixes from- (is-), bottom- (nis-), air- (vos-), through- (through-), pre-, pre, co-: pour out, drink, exalt, ascend, obstacle, portend, consent.

    suffixes -tel for nouns with the meaning of the acting person (creator, keeper, teacher), -whose(pilot, stalker ), -tai(herald, spy) -enets(baby, first-born), - stvo(property, space), - you(battle, prayer) -tion(reading, vigil) -esn(wonderful, verbal ), -zn(life, execution), - ush-, -yushch-, -ash-, -yashch- (growing, lying, speaking).

    the presence as the first component of complex words of the stems god-, good-, good-, sue-(theology, slander, blessing, superstitious).

Exercise. Insert the missing letters, placing the stress and denoting the roots; provide test words.



shorten ... tit,

vr ... tar,

obstruct ... dit,


b ... well-born

fold ... tit,

unfold ... mouth,

mountain ... Zhane,

proclaim ... sit,

main ... var,


ow ... stelin,


Words with full vowel combinations - ORO- -OLO- must be checked with full consent storo live - storo and Not stra and; words with non-vowel combinations -RA- -LA- it is necessary to check with words with disagreement ogla sit - ohla ska Not Golo With.

Exercise . Find Old Church Slavonicisms in the poem.

I dozed off, head down,

And I don’t recognize the former forces;

Breathe, Lord, living storm

On my sleepy soul.

Like a voice of reproach, above me

Roll your inviting thunder

And burn out the rust of peace

And sweep away the ashes of inaction.

Let me rise, lifted by you,

And, having heeded the punishing words,

Like a stone from the impact of a mlata,

I will publish the fire lurking! A. K. Tolstoy

Stylistically colored vocabulary

All styles of the Russian language have their own characteristics both in morphology and syntax, but the style is most easily recognized by vocabulary. In order to competently use all the lexical richness of the language, one should be careful when choosing lexical means; in case of difficulty, one should refer to dictionaries.

Vocabulary litter- this is a kind of passport of the word and a cultured person should be able to read dictionary notes.

It should be noted that the assignment of words to a particular style (high, bookish, etc.) does not imply clear boundaries between categories. For some words, the stylistic coloring comes through brighter, for others it is less noticeable, so you may encounter discrepancies in labels in different dictionaries.

Meaning of some litters:

neutral . - means that the word can be used by any native speaker in any speech situation;

BOULEVARD, -A, m. A wide alley in the middle of a city street or along the embankment. Walk along the boulevard. Primorsky b.// adj. boulevard, th, th.

bookstore . – means that the word is characteristic of a written, book presentation; often these words, especially those of a foreign language in origin, are synonymous with words of neutral vocabulary;

BEING, -I ´ , cf.(book). 1. Life, existence. The joy of being. 2. The totality of the material conditions of society. B. defines consciousness. // adj. everyday, -th, - th (to 1 value; special).

high . - means that the word gives the speech a shade of solemnity, characteristic of journalistic, oratorical, as well as poetic speech; high words - a kind of book words;

OLD,-á I, -óe (high). 1. Past, past. Former glory. old times. 2. past, -oh, Wed. Same as the past (in 2 value.). Remember the past, Images of the past.

official . – means that the word is characteristic of the speech of official business relations, as well as the speech of clerical and administrative (contributor, act, accrual, for security purposes);

BRIEFING, -A, m. (official). Short press conference. Conduct b.

publ. means that the word refers to journalistic, oratorical speech, is used mainly in the media, in the speech of politicians (reportage, obscurantism, president, right-wing, clique, captains of airships);

specialist, prof., scientific . - these marks indicate that the word belongs to a certain circle of professional (scientific, technical, etc.) use;

AMMUNITION, -A, m.(specialist). The amount of ammunition set for a weapon or combat vehicle.

unfold means that the word is characteristic of everyday relations, it does not go beyond the norms of the literary language, but imparts a certain ease to speech (dazzle, condensed milk, junk, bite, wave to the dacha);

SIDE SHKA, -And, and.(colloquial). A small side room, a room to the side, to the side of something.

simple . - means that the word is characteristic of mass colloquial speech, it goes beyond the norms of the literary language, such words give the speech a playful, ironic, dismissive, rude tone, if used intentionally, in other cases they characterize the person using them as a poorly educated person. (back-to-back, depovsky, scold, hustle, choke, scrubber, save no, talker, frail)

BROTHER,-A, m. (simple) Same as brother (in 1 value).

region, dial . – such a mark accompanies words common in a certain territory, understandable only to a limited circle of native speakers.

BEETROOT,-á, m.(Region). The same as beets. // reduce. Burachok, -chka, m. // adj. borage, th, th.

Exercise. Match these words with synonyms of neutral style:

Covenant, how long, ailment, greed, warrior, travel, world outlook, hers, tiny, junk, right hand, youth, punishment, crawl, insinuation, bark, theirs, destroyer, fire, old, inexhaustible, start, sponsor, rumors, link, fawn, stupid.

Exercise. Determine the stylistic affiliation of words .

    Collect, fool, decolonization, supper, recognizance, nurse, stun, hypotenuse, link, donor, stale, identify, bazaar (conversation), ruffle, aggression, shoes, beat, mouth, fraer, democracy, ideology, bark, recent.

    Anabiosis, shy, think up, capitalism, individual, absurd, it seems, tail (failed exam), country owner, bend (deceive), ambitious, dizzy, linger, gobble up, suffocate, lie, off-duty, drive (sell), sovereign, neutrino, residence, doctrine, department, impress, clearance.

Exercise. Determine the color of the words.

1. Help, warrior, horse hoofed, marketing, valor, impute, anarchy, profit, sweet, tax in kind, reproach, hitherto, stock exchange, merry fellow, chirping, sleazy, connoisseur, covet, towel, measure, maybe, indulge, slap, shket , bolerianka, close, ballerina (master key), cut off, location, grab, soda, deliverer, impulse.

2. Daring, zealously, more to kick, morpheme, kruchina, nepman, drunk, should, rainbow, scold, bolshak (older brother), ask, igruha, claim, sander, dances, sister, outgoing, a lot, azure, racist, inhibitor, proclaim, sunbathe (idle), slurp, lexeme, ulicioner, patch, tongue, oxide, little, sender.

Exercise. Divide these colloquial words into two groups: underline words with a single line that violate the actual language norm(stress, pronunciation, formation of words, their forms, phrases, sentences); underline the words with a violation of the ethical norm with two lines(i.e. words with a dismissive, derogatory, contemptuous assessment, rude, swear words). Orally select a literary equivalent.

Blockhead, show off, ailment, snooze, womb, muzzle, backbone, fool, boobie, slanderer, shabby, theirs, squeal, squirm, shrink, inflate, strum on the guitar, strum great in English, help, get out, put on a coat, leaked out of the house, bark him, go faster, it is not known, at least henna, lie, notify.

Exercise. Note the use of words without coloring. Correct the suggestions.

I. 1. The guys run out of the classroom joyful, with cheerful cries on their lips. 2. Taking off her coat and headdress, mother looked into her son's room. 3. In the coming years, computer scientists will be the most in demand. 4. The director gave the order to transfer the workers of the fifth workshop to piece work. 5. Theft was carried out by the direct removal of products from the pantry. 6. Newly found birch-bark letters helped to reveal a number of features of the language of the Novgorodians. 7. The repair of the club was led by a district architect. 8. Prostakova scares Sophia in every possible way. 9. This brochure contains good advice on how to handle the new generation of printers. 10. When Hammurabi threw back his hooves, crap began in Babylonia.

II. 11. Strange as it may seem, we have no contacts with this institute. 12. On the way to the hostel, we bought sausage, sweets and several bakery products. 13. First, I want to briefly dwell on the plot of the story. 14. The house, built by the hands of our valiant builders, was commissioned ahead of schedule. 15. Depreciation deductions must be made monthly.16. Woodwork must be stored in a specially prepared room. 17. For breakfast, I ate a sandwich with cheese. 18. At their party, Anatole, Dolokhov and Pierre got really crazy, took a bear and ran to the actresses.

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