Lera Kudryavtseva gave birth to a daughter from hockey player Makarov. “Get over it, I gave birth myself!”: Lera Kudryavtseva showed her newborn daughter Did Lera Kudryavtseva give birth?


After the birth of their daughter, the happy parents remained silent for a long time and did not update their accounts on social networks. At first, Lera published only the small heel of her newborn daughter Maria, later her husband showed fans the baby’s tiny hand. The other day, Kudryavtseva published a joint photo with the baby. “Sweet butts, delicious cheeks,” the TV presenter briefly captioned her photo.

In addition to numerous suspicions and touching comments, Kudryavtseva also received many caustic remarks addressed to her. Some Internet users drew attention to the fact that Lera lost a lot of weight after giving birth and even made a bold assumption that the presenter turned to the services of a surrogate mother, while she herself was wearing a false belly.

Another group of commentators agreed that Maria looked too big for a baby who was born just over a week ago. And then another suspicion surfaced that Lera had long since become a mother, and was holding a three-month-old baby in her arms. “The child is dressed in a big warm jumpsuit, she is tiny. Stop looking for a needle in a haystack,” Lera answered her spiteful critics.

To suspicions that she used the services of a surrogate mother, Kudryavtseva also answered briefly and clearly: “I gave birth myself. No matter how much you would like to hear something different. Deal with it." According to the TV presenter, she enjoys motherhood and so far copes on her own, without the help of a nanny.

At the beginning of August, the famous presenter Lera Kudryavtseva became a mother for the second time - the star gave birth to her wife, hockey player Igor Makarov, a daughter. For Igor, the baby became the first child, and Lera is a mother with many years of experience. Her eldest son, Jean, is already 28 years old. By the way, on the eve of her own birth, Lera became a grandmother - Jean and his girlfriend had a son, who was named Lev.

Kudryavtsea was very sensitive about her pregnancy - she did not allow fans and the media into her personal territory, did not show pregnant photos, and did not share details. She also treats her daughter who has already been born - she is silent, only occasionally showing new photos, in which, of course, the child’s face is not visible, because the baby is not even a month old yet.

Fans bombard the star with congratulations and compliments, because in rare photographs you can see that Lera has become even younger, and her figure has not suffered too much after giving birth.

Lera is a public person, but does not allow strangers into her personal life. On her Instagram account you can find only a few photos with her daughter - on the first one she captured the baby’s foot on her birthday. Then she showed the baby getting acquainted with the house - in the photo Lera is standing in the yard and rocking her daughter in her arms.

“Sweet butts, delicious cheeks,” she wrote. Fans were delighted with the photo.

Afterwards, Makarov shared a photo of the baby’s hand, also hiding personal things from numerous eyes. Well, the last photo, which simply delighted the audience, was a dad walking with a stroller.

It is clear that the family is very kind to the child, and there is no limit to happiness in their home.

Let us note that Kudryavtseva had long dreamed of giving her first child to her young husband. Despite her age, 47 years old, the presenter felt the strength and courage to become a mother for the second time, thereby delighting 30-year-old Makarov with procreation. True, initially the couple had difficulties conceiving, but after that they managed to overcome all obstacles and finally become parents.

The girl was named Maria - initially the public was a little confused by the baby’s very simple name, as for stars, but after that she began to write that the name was very beautiful. Social network users really want to know who Maria is like. However, so far Lera and her husband have not commented on this topic.

Kudryavtseva's husband spoke about life after the birth of his daughter

The day before, Igor Makarov shared his impressions of the birth of his daughter. According to the hockey player, he and his wife spend all their time near the baby, not believing in the miracle that happened in their family. The young dad complained that he was not getting enough sleep, but the difficulties did not frighten him or Kudryavtseva.

Jokingly, Makarov even admitted that he and his wife do not pay any attention to their appearance, because they devote the lion’s share of the day to “raising” the child. The hockey player did not say whether the baby was calm or capricious. The presenter also does not share first impressions, leaving personal things behind closed doors. The only thing Lera complains about is a few extra pounds, but adds that the weight will go off very quickly, because her activity after the birth of the child is clearly increased.

“Well, how are things with your children? - We are very tired, we don’t get enough sleep, we have no time for ourselves at all. - How is Lena? - Lena is me. Petya looks even worse,” says a joke that Makarov shared with the public after the birth of his daughter.

Kudryavtseva returns from maternity leave three weeks after giving birth

Lera Kudryavtseva cannot afford to enjoy a quiet family life for a long time. In just a few days she will be forced to leave the child with her grandmother and nannies and go to work.

On September 4, the traditional “New Wave” competition starts in Sochi, at which Kudryavtseva acts as a permanent presenter. According to the star’s entourage, for a long time she did not give a clear answer to the question of whether she would be able to appear on the competition stage again due to the birth of her daughter, because she did not know exactly when she would give birth - the baby could be born a little later than the due date and disrupt all the mother’s work plans .

Now Kudryavtseva is confident that she is able to go to work, at least for the most important projects, which cannot do without her presence. The presenter has not yet announced what will happen with the show, the filming of which previously took up all of Kudryavtseva’s free time.

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Not long ago, 47-year-old Lera gave hope to all women “for” by independently giving birth to little Maria. But she didn’t become a mom-blogger: she only hung up a touching photo of the infanta’s heel, thereby announcing her appearance in this world. And silence. Happy father, hockey player Igor Makarov, limited himself to the same thing.

And so, two weeks after giving birth, Kudryavtseva decided to show the baby. It’s immediately obvious that Lera adores her child. “Sweet butts, delicious cheeks,” the beauty captioned the photo. Less than a month has passed since giving birth, but Kudryavtseva looks like a construction worker. And during pregnancy, she can’t say that she became much thicker. But the presenter’s followers on Instagram were more attracted to other forms. Like, the girl seems to be three months old, larger than a newborn.

“The child is dressed in a big warm jumpsuit, she is a baby. Stop looking for a needle in a haystack,” Lera said. And to those who once again came to her with lamentations about surrogacy, she answered: “I gave birth myself. No matter how much you would like to hear something different. Deal with it." The TV presenter also admitted that for now she’s doing without a nanny - “I’m enjoying it myself.”

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Late child of Lera Kudryavtseva. She gave birth at 47 years old and became a victim of haters: Lera Kudryavtseva was criticized after her late birth.


To prevent the paparazzi from photographing the baby, Lera Kudryavtseva confused the tracks with the place where the birth would take place

Lera Kudryavtseva was discharged from the maternity hospital, where her daughter Mashenka was born a few days ago. And she has already shown the first gifts that friends gave for the baby’s discharge. The star's daughter already has a christening outfit and a set of dishes. All this, along with a bouquet of flowers, was given to the TV star by Andrei Razygraev, Lera’s colleague and close friend. It should be noted that due to the fact that Kudryavtseva did not make public where her birth would take place, most journalists decided that the star, following the example of other star mothers, flew to give birth in Miami. This is what Svetlana Loboda did two months ago, for example. But as it turned out, the presenter of “Secret to a Million” remained to give birth in Russia, but her and her child were discharged from the maternity hospital without paparazzi. ()


Lera Kudryavtseva was criticized for choosing a “village” name for her daughter

Lera Kudryavtseva’s eldest son’s name is Jean, and given the “foreign” nature of the name of the first heir, fans were sure that the TV presenter would call her daughter, who was born a few days ago, an interesting and memorable name. However, as journalists managed to find out, the blonde beauty and her husband decided to name the girl Masha. And this choice somewhat puzzled the star’s fans. ()

The famous TV presenter Lera Kudryavtseva did not go on maternity leave for long, and literally three weeks after giving birth she went back to work. Her colleagues greeted her with applause and a huge cake, with a small doll on top. True, Kudryavtseva’s subscribers also arranged an emotional meeting for their favorite, and not everyone expressed a flattering opinion about both Lera herself and her motherhood.

From the photographs presented to the public, it is clear that Lera Kudryavtseva retained a good figure after giving birth, and some “big-eyed” subscribers even managed to notice that the woman “has no belly.” How they determined this through clothes, when Kudryavtseva could easily use various “straps” and even a photo editor is unknown, but nevertheless, the slender figure of the TV presenter simply caused a flurry of critical comments and suspicions.

Part of the public immediately asked the question: did Lera Kudryavtseva use the services of a surrogate mother, or did she give birth herself? Apparently, the public came up with the following idea: since Lera managed to maintain a slender figure, moreover, she dared to “abandon the baby” and go on set, this means that the baby was carried by a stranger, and the TV presenter simply does not have any maternal feelings.

In general, a good part of Lera’s subscribers came to the conclusion that the woman used the services of a surrogate mother, while she herself, meanwhile, walked around with a false belly. No one can argue that this is a complete lie: no one saw pregnant Kudryavtseva naked, as they say, so anything is possible, and even such a turn of events is not excluded. However, the arguments provided by Internet users made skeptics laugh to tears.

Women, completely destroyed by domestic life, began to shout in unison that after giving birth it was impossible to look good in principle, because a lot of troubles fell on the heads of unfortunate young mothers. In addition, what especially surprised sensible critics, it was said more than once: it is simply impossible to maintain a good figure after childbirth, because young mothers are supposed to be “chubby people” who eat everything that is not nailed to the table.

True, another opinion was expressed: women who have just given birth can, on the contrary, dry out and grow old, while looking exhausted and tired, because the baby does not allow them to breathe peacefully. Be that as it may, some of Kudryavtseva’s subscribers are sure: Lera used the services of a surrogate mother, because at forty-seven years old it is impossible to look the way she looks, it is prohibited, and in general it is illegal.

Jokes are jokes, and malicious comments forced Kudryavtseva to write to fans that she gave birth herself, and all the rumors about surrogacy are nonsense. Skeptics suggested that Lera would drag out the intrigue a little more, and then publish a photo of her pregnancy, where she would actually have a big belly visible. It’s not a fact that after such a step the woman will not be accused of Photoshop, but there is an option that passions for Kudryavtseva’s surrogacy will subside a little.

The spiteful critics didn’t stop there: on the new photo where Lera is holding her newborn, they left hundreds of comments in which they brazenly stated that “the girl is too big for her age, which means she was not given birth to by Kudryavtseva.”

“More like a three-month-old baby, and not a two-week-old,” the “trolls” armed themselves with such arguments.

The star mom responded to all the negativity and criticism of the Internet inhabitants quite restrainedly.

Are you out of your mind? I gave birth myself. No matter how much you would like to hear something different. Deal with it. The child is dressed in a big warm jumpsuit, she is tiny. Stop looking for a needle in a haystack.

After this, Kudryavtseva hid her Instagram account. Let us note that the presenter’s entire pregnancy was accompanied by such absurd rumors. People were gossiping on the Internet every now and then that the child was being carried by a surrogate mother, and Lera herself had a false belly. Of course, a large army of fans supports Lera and her baby, but it is useless to resist the haters.

In all the pictures and videos, according to many Internet users, Lera looks too good for a woman who has recently given birth. They search carefully, but cannot find traces of pregnancy on Lera’s figure. On the contrary, the TV star shows off her thin waist. All this gave rise to rumors that Kudryavtseva did not give birth herself, but resorted to the services of a surrogate mother.

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