Whether a pessimist become an optimist. What is the true source of optimism?


With the help of ten psychological tips, a pessimist, with effort, can become an optimist, thanks to which life will change for the better.

1. You need to look at the situation from the positive side.

Instead of building a negative result in your head, you need to expect everything to work out well and believe in victory.

2. Don't blame yourself.

An optimist believes that failure does not depend on him, it is just such a combination of circumstances, and a pessimist always thinks that he or his relatives are to blame for the problem. We must forgive ourselves for mistakes and not be afraid to try again.

3. You need to try to be in a positive society.

If a person has a majority of pessimists among his acquaintances, then optimism will simply have nowhere to come from and, on the contrary, by surrounding yourself with optimists who can see life as bright and colorful, you can achieve victories and change a lot for the better, as optimists will help you tune in to positive thoughts.

4. Listen to more classical music.

Calm melodies will help you become an optimist because they allow you to relax, improve your sense of self and mood, bring harmony to life, and also help to switch attention.

5. You need to make love more often.

Sexually dissatisfied people are more stressed, they lack vitality, they do not look very good. Love games help to calm down, relieve aggression, improve mood, during sexual intimacy, hormones of pleasure are produced, which contributes to an optimistic mood.

6. You need to do what you love.

It is necessary to try to make the work performed enjoyable and satisfying. You need to improve your skills, develop, constantly learn something new. An optimist always has a hobby, and he finds something to do in his free time. But you also need to be able to plan the day correctly in order to avoid time pressure, which, leading to stress, negatively affects your health.

7. Nutrition should be correct and food should be enjoyed.

You should eat healthy food, but do not limit yourself to this. Sometimes eating something sweet is also useful, because, for example, thanks to products containing chocolate, the body produces the hormone of happiness, which improves mood. It is better not to chase fashion that promotes thinness, but to keep a comfortable and convenient form for yourself that does not contradict medical standards.

8. Do not forget about sports.

Physical exercise, performed regularly, contributes to maintaining vitality and acquiring a positive attitude.

9. You should learn relaxation.

From time to time you need to completely relax and disconnect from worries. Meditation or, for example, taking a warm bath, accompanied by calm music, will help with this.

10. Do not forget to smile every day.

A smile energizes not only the person who has it, but also those around them. It seems to be a trifle, but this changes the attitude to life, and the world begins to open up in a new way.

How to Become an Optimist - Get Ready for Life Change!

What is the real source of optimism?
- Why is it necessary to become a lover of life?
- Differences between a pessimist and an optimist
- 8 ways to become positive
7 methods to help you become an optimist
13 Psychological Tips on How to Become an Optimist
- Conclusion

Each person has his own set of rules and patterns for interpreting certain events that concern him. It is much easier for pessimists to find reasons for sadness, and for optimists it is much easier to find reasons for joy; and there is nothing strange about it.

It's all about the initial installation, which we apply even to the most seemingly elementary things. It is clear that wars, illnesses or death not only upset, but also frighten people, make them experience not only physical, but also moral suffering. However, for some reason, most of the people around us prefer to make tragedy out of being stuck in a traffic jam on their way to work, or to rejoice only when they save money for a new car in the distant, indefinite future. As a result, the chronic feeling of "unhappy" takes up most of the time in a pessimistic person.

Optimists create “little rules” for themselves, thanks to which they perceive the same situations differently: “any day that you are on the ground, and not under it, is already a reason for a great mood” (as in a saying).

- Why is it vital to become a lover of life?

Enduring hardships with a smile on your face and faith in a successful outcome is much better than constantly complaining and sobbing. But this, of course, is not the only reason why all pessimists need to become optimists.


1) Live longer than pessimists.
Doctors cannot scientifically interpret this statement, it simply falls into the category of "inexplicable but true."

2) Have many friends who are attracted by the sunny mood radiated by an optimist.
This means that they are not afraid of loneliness.

3) It is unlikely that they will ever know what depression and other mental disorders are.

4) They always look great, because a smile and radiant eyes decorate, but a sour grimace, on the contrary, disfigures.

5) They cope with emerging difficulties faster, because they are convinced that there are no insurmountable problems, all troubles can be dealt with if you do not sag under their weight.

6) They almost always succeed, because they are not afraid of possible problems, do not expect a blow from fate, but simply go towards their goal.

7) Rarely meet with troubles, because they send a signal to the Universe: “I will be fine!”.

And not like pessimists: "Something bad is bound to happen today."
I think these seven reasons are enough for you to put an end to pessimism in your life forever and wish to become an optimist.

- Differences between a pessimist and an optimist

1) Vitality and cheerfulness.
Optimists live much easier, because they try to see only the good in everything. They enjoy life and are in a good mood, which attracts other people to them. Cheerfulness abounds from an optimist, he loves to share it with people around him.

2) A charge of energy and efficiency.

Optimists have a number of advantages: they are more enterprising, energetic, less likely to get depressed, the results of their activities usually look more impressive. Unlike optimists, pessimists are more likely to give up in a difficult situation and fall into a depressed state. And optimists more often achieve success at work, in sports and studies, in their personal lives.

3) A different attitude towards success and failure.

The optimist attributes all his successes to himself: it happened naturally, this is my merit, I did it myself, everything depended and depends on my own efforts and my desire. And optimists attribute failures to a combination of circumstances: it was just unlucky, circumstances unfortunately developed, not through my fault, through the fault of chance or other people.

4) Different states of health and well-being.
Optimists enjoy every day and thus preserve their health and prolong life. An optimistic attitude to a sad situation, life-affirming thoughts can even change the ratio of chemicals in the body. Endorphins released by brain cells affect the human immune system, change the amount of cortisol in the blood and increase resistance to disease. That is, the immune system begins to work with increased strength.

- 8 ways to become positive

1) Stop complaining about life.
Start learning optimism by listening to how we describe the good and bad things that happen to us. Listen - we are surrounded by pessimism, they are just everywhere!

The more dissatisfied you are with your destiny, the more it begins to coincide with your negative feelings and thoughts. Stop complaining about the lack of money and suffer from their chronic lack, stop the government, bosses, crime, your own bad luck, and start building life the way you would like it to be.

2) Think and act optimistically.
According to Martin Seligman, an American psychologist and founder of positive psychology, it is possible for a pessimist to learn the skills of optimism and become an optimist. It is not difficult to do this, you need to start by doing CONSCIOUSLY what optimists do INTUITIVELY. Think optimistic! Do it like exercise. As you get better at these exercises, the voice of the inner pessimist within you will become quieter and quieter.

Program yourself. No one can convince you better. Say: "I can." Don't look back and don't regret the past. Act as if you are quite confident in yourself, even if you do not feel this confidence. You change your behavior, and then your position in life changes, and self-confidence grows.

Everyone who is interested in the power of positive thinking knows what visualization and affirmation are. So the use of these techniques is the best way to get rid of pessimistic moods.

4) Change your attitude towards your successes and failures
Praise yourself. Do not justify your successes with banal luck! You succeeded, so it is your merit. To become an optimist, it is very useful to recognize your own achievements, appreciate yourself highly and praise yourself from time to time. That's what psychologists think. And, on the contrary, it is extremely harmful to scold yourself endlessly.

5) Learn to "take a hit."
Pessimists are constantly looking for those responsible for their failures, blaming everyone around them for all their troubles, or themselves. This is a bad habit! If you blame others for your failures, then you recognize that you are unable to influence the situation. Hence, self-doubt, pessimism and depression are born.

Optimists accept problems as "historical" - everyone has troubles, and that's okay. Problems should not be experienced, but solved. Therefore, try to change your attitude towards failure, to accept failure as something inevitable. And do not think about the possible negative consequences. It is better to direct all your efforts to prevent them promptly.

6) Live for the sake of living.
Pessimists tend to justify their failed lives with a lack of goals and objectives. Try to get carried away with something, a busy person has no time to get bored and mope. You should also learn how to properly plan your time, otherwise you are guaranteed stress and neurosis.

Find something you love to do, whether it's a new job or a new hobby. Work takes a third of our life from us, so make sure that this third brings you as much pleasure and joy as possible. But do not forget about the rest - this is a great way to gain positive impressions that will last you for a long time. Try to deny yourself some desires as little as possible, avoid strict limits, otherwise you are guaranteed nervous breakdowns. And most importantly - enjoy every moment of your life!

7) Choose your social circle.
Try to communicate more with cheerful and cheerful people and less with pessimists. Quite often, our worldview involuntarily adjusts to the mood of others.

8) Do breathing exercises.
It turns out that scientists have clearly established that optimists breathe differently! The fact is that human nasal breathing occurs according to the principle of polarization. That is, when inhaling, positively charged ions enter the respiratory tract and lungs through the right nostril, and negative particles (we still remember from the school physics course that negatively charged ions, conditionally speaking, are “lighter” than “plus”) - mainly through left!

7 methods to help you become an optimist

1) Try to surround yourself with people who think and think positively, strive for those from whom you are charged with positive energy, invite them into your environment, communicate with them, learn from them.

2) Those situations that cause you negative reactions, try to see in a positive light.

3) Try to see the best in people. The world is dual: it has good and evil, plus and minus, day and night. So in every person there is both good and bad. Focus on its merits.

4) Imagine your life the way you want it to be. Make a collage by cutting out the pictures you like from magazines and sticking them on a large sheet of paper in the way you want.

5) Create a piggy bank of positive emotions that you happened to experience and that brought you happy moments in your life. Return to them mentally more often and share them with others.

6) Learn to track your negative thoughts and emotions, catch yourself on them and switch to positive "here and now" without postponing reflections for the evening or morning.

7) If you feel that it is difficult for you to cope with the problem on your own and all your efforts do not bring satisfaction and do not lead to the expected changes, it is better to seek help from a specialist.

13 Psychological Tips on How to Become an Optimist

1) You need to look at the situation from the positive side.
Instead of building a negative result in your head, you need to expect everything to work out well and believe in victory.

2) Don't blame yourself.
An optimist believes that failure does not depend on him, it is just such a combination of circumstances, and a pessimist always thinks that he or his relatives are to blame for the problem. We must forgive ourselves for mistakes and not be afraid to try again.

3) You should try to be in a positive society.
If a person has a majority of pessimists among his acquaintances, then optimism will simply have nowhere to come from and, on the contrary, by surrounding yourself with optimists who can see life as bright and colorful, you can achieve victories and change a lot for the better, as optimists will help you tune in to positive thoughts.

4) Listen to more classical music.

Calm melodies will help you become an optimist because they allow you to relax, improve your sense of self and mood, bring harmony to life, and also help to switch attention.

5) You need to make love more often.
Sexually dissatisfied people are more stressed, they lack vitality, they do not look very good. Love games help to calm down, relieve aggression, improve mood, during sexual intimacy, hormones of pleasure are produced, which contributes to an optimistic mood.

6) Do what you love.
It is necessary to try to make the work performed enjoyable and satisfying. You need to improve your skills, develop, constantly learn something new. An optimist always has a hobby, and he finds something to do in his free time.

7) Nutrition should be correct and food should be enjoyed.
You should eat healthy food, but do not limit yourself to this. Sometimes eating something sweet is also useful, because, for example, thanks to products containing chocolate, the body produces the hormone of happiness, which improves mood.

8) Do not forget about sports.
Physical exercise, performed regularly, contributes to maintaining vitality and acquiring a positive attitude.

9) You should learn relaxation.
From time to time you need to completely relax and disconnect from worries. Meditation or, for example, taking a warm bath, accompanied by calm music, will help with this.

10) Do not forget to smile every day.
A smile energizes not only the person who has it, but also those around them. It seems to be a trifle, but this changes the attitude to life, and the world begins to open up in a new way.

11) Always believe in the best.
The universe picks up the signals you send to it. You should not beg for troubles and misfortunes on your head.

12) Never give up.
The only enemy that cannot be defeated is death. And then, remember how many hopelessly ill people recovered, surprising doctors.

13) Don't be selfish.
Even if you make a mistake, don't beat yourself up about it for the rest of your life.

- Conclusion

It has long been proven that not only do optimists live better, but their life expectancy is much longer than that of pessimists. However, it is not so easy to become an optimist, basically we are surrounded by only pessimists who are always dissatisfied with everything. And if you become an optimist, then you simply will not have topics for conversation with relatives and friends. This stops a lot of people, because they are afraid to be alone.

But if you really want to achieve something in this life, and not drag out a miserable existence, you just need to learn optimism. This article will help you with this. And there you can win friends over to your side.

The material was prepared by Dilyara specifically for the site

If you strive for success, expect to achieve it, but at the same time you have a pessimistic mood, it’s time to ask yourself the question - “?” Pessimism, as a rule, does not lead to anything good - it is a kind of dead end, both physical and emotional. If you constantly think that your life is sheer horror and torment, then the subconscious mind will reinforce this idea in every way.

From a previous article - What is the difference between an optimist and a pessimist”, it became clear that with an optimistic mood and attitude to life, people are healthier, live longer, look better and younger in appearance, and are more successful in everything. They sleep much better, have fewer bad habits, lead an active lifestyle and are less likely to become depressed. This quality can and should be developed in oneself. Of course, this cannot be done right away. You have to set yourself a program and follow it. Perhaps some of the following rules-techniques will answer your question - “How to become an optimist?”, And help you cope with a pessimistic mood .

Stop complaining about life

Start learning optimism by listening to how we describe the good and bad things that happen to us. Listen - we are surrounded by pessimism, it's just everywhere! The child says: "Tolya does not want to play with me - I'm bad!". From a young man we hear: “I am a bad basketball player - I can’t become another Michael Jordan”, a young mother will say: “My child is so naughty, I must be a bad mother.” Yes, we often say that too.

The more dissatisfied you are with your destiny, the more it begins to coincide with your negative feelings and thoughts. Besides, do you want to be known as a whiner? Stop complaining about the lack of money and suffering from their chronic lack, stop complaining about life, government, bosses, crime, your own bad luck, and start building life the way you would like it to be.

Think and act optimistically

According to Martin Seligman, an American psychologist and founder of positive psychology, it is possible for a pessimist to learn the skills of optimism and become an optimist. It is not difficult to do this, you need to start by doing CONSCIOUSLY what optimists do INTUITIVELY. Think optimistic! Do it like exercise. As you get better at these exercises, the voice of the inner pessimist within you will become quieter and quieter.

Program yourself. No one can convince you better. Say: "I can." Don't look back and don't regret the past. Act as if you are quite confident in yourself, even if you do not feel this confidence. You change your behavior, and then your position in life changes, and self confidence is growing.

Practice positive thinking

What is visualization and affirmation, everyone who is interested in the power of positive thinking knows. So the use of these techniques is the best way to get rid of pessimistic moods.

Change your attitude towards your successes and failures

Praise yourself. Do not justify your successes with banal luck! You succeeded, so it is your merit. To become an optimist, it is very useful to recognize your own achievements, appreciate yourself highly and praise yourself from time to time. That's what psychologists think. And, on the contrary, it is extremely harmful to scold yourself endlessly.

Learn to take the hit. Pessimists are constantly looking for those responsible for their failures, blaming everyone around them for all their troubles, or themselves. This is a bad habit! If you blame others for your failures, then you recognize that you are unable to influence the situation. Hence, self-doubt, pessimism and depression are born.

Optimists accept problems as "historical" - everyone has troubles, and that's okay. Problems should not be experienced, but solved. So try to change attitude towards failure accept failure as something inevitable. And do not think about the possible negative consequences. It is better to direct all your efforts to prevent them promptly.

Live for the sake of living

Pessimists tend to justify their failed lives with a lack of goals and objectives. Try to get carried away with something, a busy person has no time to get bored and mope. You also need to learn how to manage your time, otherwise stress and neuroses are guaranteed to you.

Find something you love to do, whether it's a new job or a new hobby. Work takes a third of our life from us, so make sure that this third brings you as much pleasure and joy as possible. But do not forget about the rest - this is a great way to gain positive impressions that will last you for a long time. Try to deny yourself some desires as little as possible, avoid strict limits, otherwise you are guaranteed nervous breakdowns. And most importantly - enjoy every moment of your life!

Choose your social circle

Try to communicate more with cheerful and cheerful people and less with pessimists. Quite often, our worldview involuntarily adjusts to the mood of others. And indeed, if there are only pessimists and whiners in your environment, where will you get a good mood from? Environmental influence per person immeasurably large. If you still have to communicate with pessimists, try not to succumb to their influence. Try to smoothly transition from negative topics to neutral or, even better, positive ones.

Do breathing exercises

It turns out that scientists have clearly established that optimists breathe differently! The fact is that human nasal breathing occurs according to the principle of polarization. That is, when inhaling, positively charged ions enter the respiratory tract and lungs through the right nostril, and negative particles (we still remember from the school physics course that negatively charged ions, conditionally speaking, are “lighter” than “plus”) - mainly through left!

During the day, block the right nostril with your finger several times, "suck" the negative ions - at least for a minute, BREATHE WITH THE LEFT. Model yourself as an optimist. You won't feel the uplifting effect right away. Sometimes you have to wait at least half an hour. But then you will completely forget that thirty minutes ago you felt sad.

And a few more rules-techniques that will help you to constantly be in a good mood, and therefore help you become an optimist:

  • To maintain a good mood, take more care of your health. Sport is a wonderful factor that has a beneficial effect on mood, which, accordingly, is reflected in performance.
  • Get into the habit of smiling more often. You like it when someone smiles at you, and those you smile at also feel better. If you often smile to yourself, then, as the ancient Taoists said, luck, good mood and health are guaranteed.
  • Meditation helps to restore your strength, replenish energy reserves, and also tune in a positive way. Learn to relax properly, only then meditation can bring you the maximum benefit.
  • Prolonged abstinence, or violation of sexual function, has an extremely negative effect on the general condition, well-being of a person. It turns out that the same brain center is responsible for both aggression and sexual desire. Make love as often as possible, and as actively as possible.
  • Another way to get rid of a bad mood is to remember a happy occasion and relive it in your imagination. Each of us has a whole collection of wonderful memories, experiences, skills, strategies, but we often forget about it.
  • Listen to classical music. Scientists have come to the conclusion that classical music has a beneficial effect on our mood, promotes the development of memory, and even social and language skills.
  • Try to get rid of unpleasant thoughts before going to bed, because otherwise they will swarm in your subconscious all night. And the result will be restless sleep, nightmares, a bad mood in the morning and a predisposition to an even worse mood in the afternoon.

And the last pessimistic mood is a habit for which there is a very good remedy called “changing your outlook on life”, but it is available only to those who once and for all decided to say goodbye to pessimism and become an optimist. It is in your power to change yourself and look at the world with a brighter look.

Hello everyone! Are you an optimistic person? How often do you enjoy every moment of your life? Do you find Monday a hard day? If all this does not fit the description and personal portrait, then you should think about the fact that it is time to become kinder to the world around you. Positive human emotions help not to give up even in the most difficult situations, which, it would seem, are simply unbearable. In life, it is important not to hang your nose, but to wave your hand at every failure, believing that even a negative experience will definitely come in handy. How to become an optimist in this complex routine of events?

Surrounded by positive people

Everyone is greatly influenced by society, namely people. If a person is in, then his interlocutor will also deteriorate. Therefore, it is very important to surround yourself with only the most positively charged people. Nobody is perfect, even optimists can grumble and be dissatisfied with something, but, as a rule, this does not last long. The main thing here is to avoid permanent people with a bad character and inner evil. And in general, it's time to remember a simple truth: you need to spend your personal time on good people, and not on those who spread only gloomy emotions.

Set for a good future

We sometimes do not notice how we ourselves are programming ourselves for the bad. This happens imperceptibly: first thoughts, then actions, and then a change of behavior to a permanent one. Every time, in the head of an insecure person, the phrase sounds: “what if I don’t succeed?”, “As always, I’m unlucky!”, “I don’t know how and I can’t do it!”. From the very beginning, we deprive ourselves of a positive attitude, limit our capabilities, set boundaries, slow down our own progress and. In such cases, it is important to drive away the obsessive idea that everything is bad, to forbid yourself to think about the unattainable. The mood should be the most favorable.

Live, don't exist

A little more smile

No gesture can show the kindest intentions than a sincere smile. Firstly, it has to itself and attracts people. And secondly, a person who smiles often always comes in a good mood, and this, in turn, is real optimism. You can't fake a smile, just like you can't fake it. Make it a rule: every day to smile at all passers-by.

Thoughts of a person with positive thinking:

  • constant compliments to others;
  • responsibility for mistakes;
  • showing joy to friends and family;
  • the ability to forgive people;
  • have a favorite hobby;
  • the head is full of ideas and a clear plan to achieve them;
  • readiness for any life changes;
  • constant desire to learn something new.

Thoughts of a person with negative thinking:

  • constantly harbors resentment;
  • afraid of changes in life;
  • can boast of nothing but old victories;
  • able to blame everyone for mistakes except himself;
  • does not develop in any way and believes that the best pastime is watching TV;
  • complicates the situation to his own detriment;
  • very often feels sorry for himself;
  • likes to gossip;
  • secretly hopes that the people around him will not succeed;
  • absolutely no life goals;
  • does not look for himself in life and does not know who he wants to become in the future.

The best self-control exercises to become a little more optimistic

  1. An optimist's weapon is a rubber band. Put on the hand the most common pharmacy gum, they are very tight and unpleasant to the body. Every time you have thoughts that everything is bad, hurt yourself by delaying it. Yes, it hurts a lot, but it works. Let the painful sensations serve as an association that it is absolutely impossible to think about the bad. The main thing here is not to forget to pull the elastic band after each negative thought. Over time, immunity to bad ones will be developed, and a person will become a step more optimistic.
  2. Restriction. To begin to control yourself in your own thoughts and statements, you need to take a blank piece of paper and write out all the most unpleasant phrases that make a person think about the bad. So, for example, opposite the words "I'm constantly unlucky" or "I'm a loser" should be contrasted on an optimistic note. Written negative statements will acquire a bright antithesis, which will become the main creed in life. Such an excellent exercise will give self-confidence and faith in the best.
  3. Smiles count. Try to wake up early in the morning and set a goal: to smile at five passers-by in a day. It is important to fulfill this plan, you cannot deviate from it, otherwise turning into an optimist simply will not work. As soon as the task set in the morning is completed in a day, the number of people can be increased. The game becomes much more interesting when the score reaches hundreds. A person himself does not notice who is charged with emotions, only smiling at a stranger.
  4. Good deeds. This is exactly the same exercise as the previous one. Only instead of smiles, you need to do very nice things. For example, feed a stray dog, take a grandmother across the road, throw a couple of coins to a beggar in the transition. It doesn't matter what kind of good deed it is. You can do a certain number of things in a day, it will even be more interesting. It is not necessary to help people on every corner, but in your free time, spending a minute or two on a stranger, making him happy is a wonderful and very sweet act.
  5. Goal setting. Take a piece of paper, a pen and write down a list of 15 important goals or desires that you want to achieve throughout your life. Each time you achieve what you want, cross out what you have written, putting a plus sign next to it. Living with such a plan is much more pleasant than not having one at all. So, one person completed the entire list of his own desires, which he compiled and fulfilled in 10 years. The brightest events were the following: jump with a parachute, see all the 7 wonders of the world and take a photo in front of them, visit all the important cities of the world, write a book and give it to the editor, record a song, go to university and get a diploma, open your own business, buy a big house for parents, start a family. And this is just a small list of what was written by that person. Try to compose what your soul and heart really want. There must be difficult points that simply cannot be achieved on any given day.
  6. Reading books. Make a list of the most essential books that everyone should read. Believe me, here the vocabulary will expand, and the understanding of the world will become much wider, and interest in all living things will awaken. Now the Internet is full of pages where there is a rating of the best books that are important for everyone to read in order to know a little more. It's easy to be an optimist once you start reading.

Seeing the positive in everything

These questions will help you figure out what you want to achieve in life as an optimist:

  1. How will my future change if this happens?
  2. Maybe it's time to change something in your life?
  3. What opportunities are in front of me?
  4. What lesson can be learned from this situation?
  5. Will it be relevant in a few years?

It is important to answer all these questions honestly. Listen to yourself, understand what he says. It is very important in this small test to understand yourself correctly, to hear what the heart and soul whisper. If convenient, you can even answer all five questions in writing in great detail. Let emotions spill out onto the sheet. This is the only way to see positive features.

Life is much easier as an optimist. It seems that these people have absolutely no worries and disappointments in life. No one knows exactly what is in the soul of a person who constantly smiles and achieves his goals. But one thing is for sure: an optimist is distinguished by fortitude. It's time to pull yourself together and become the same person who is not afraid of change and boldly goes towards difficulties. To be an optimist means not to pay attention even to bad weather, because of which everyone can spoil their mood. Be above all this!

It is believed that the ability to enjoy life is an innate quality.

Let me try to talk about my favorite principles, thanks to which you can learn to love life in all its manifestations. It is not necessary to take note of everything, but perhaps some of them will suit you. Let's start, shall we?

Stop Complaining About Life

For most of the summer, I whined that the rain was tired outside, that I wanted warmth, that the work was terribly annoying, and the salary was too small to afford a full vacation. Familiar? Try to gradually move away from this, control your words. Nobody likes people who are always whining, so turning into one of them is an extremely stupid idea. And it has long been no secret that words are material and the more we cry for life, the more negative energy accumulates around us. It is clear that there are moments when you want to be pitied and supported, but they should not be daily and every second. Learn to notice some good points, and not focus solely on the negative. Share pleasant moments with family and friends, give them joy and good mood. Give and receive happiness in return. And if some aspect of life gives you discomfort for many months / years, then maybe it's time to start working on it? The world will not change for no reason and in an instant, but it will not change with your inaction. Paradoxically, happiness is still in our hands.

Hang out with positive people

It's no secret that happiness, like unhappiness, is contagious. And people who can see joy in any moment of life will easily dispel your bad mood. No matter how banal it may be, but life is too short to waste it on eternal discontent.

Do not look for reasons for your unhappiness

For a long time, I suffered because I was constantly looking for the source of my problems in something or someone else. It seemed to me that for happiness, either a new phone, or a trip to the sea, or my apartment was not enough. The components changed, something was realized, something was not, but I became happier from this only for a certain period of time. No matter how much I got, I always wanted more. Desires come true, a short-lived joy comes, and then another impossible “Wishlist” looms on the horizon, and the mood deteriorates. Brad?

Learn to be happy not because of something, but in spite of it. Appreciate the little things, learn to feel the taste of victories and defeats, get high from the unexpected fulfillment of old desires. Do not measure happiness in monetary terms and do not tie it to some material wealth. We met with an old friend - feel the emotions from the moment, spontaneously bought a new lipstick - rejoice, went out of town - breathe in the fresh air with a full chest. Do not program yourself with thoughts that, for example, without a new car you will never succeed, or without an apartment you will not be able to arrange a personal life, because that is exactly what will happen in the end. And the disappointment will be too strong. Putting such barriers in your head, there is a very high risk of stumbling over them one day.

Don't compare yourself to other people

Masha is married, Luda has made a career, Inna has two children and a loving husband, and I ... And you are you. You have your own life with ups and downs, with your joys and sorrows, and your personal successes too. The eternal race and looking back at how it is there, with others, pretty much spoils the nerves and does not allow you to appreciate the colors of life in full power. Irritation from other victories is sometimes so high that you feel infinitely unhappy, although nothing bad has happened to you personally. Forbid yourself these comparisons, fight envy - such feelings do not color anyone and definitely do not make anyone happy.

Don't wait for happiness to fall from heaven

Smoothly follows the rule from the previous paragraphs. If you are not satisfied with the salary, colleagues, then look for an opportunity to increase your financial income, take a part-time job, change jobs. It would seem elementary, but it’s easier for most people to cry into a vest and do nothing at the same time. The most annoying thing is that I myself belong to this type of people whining for any reason. Only if you stop and think, it turns out that half of the problems are very insignificant and not even worth talking about. But the rest is worth thinking about and starting to solve it, because endless empty words in this regard will not help much. This is from a series when girlfriends constantly complain about loser husbands, who often open their hands. The girls cry until they lose their pulse, but when they offer to leave and try to start life from the beginning, they only look at you with displeasure. Here, of course, everyone's personal business, but if everything suits you, then why complain?

Don't Give Up on Failure

Sometimes any little thing can unsettle: a remark from the boss, a disapproving look, a sharp attack. Or something much more serious - diseases and problems. Don't take a step back, everyone fails. Few people managed to become successful the first time - this is something from the realm of fantasy. Yes, and in order to achieve something you have to stumble more than once. It may not be very pleasant, but that's how it is. Learn to treat such moments philosophically, even if not today, but tomorrow I will definitely be lucky.

Think Positive

Everyone and always constantly talks about the power of positive thinking, but many still neglect this fact. But in vain. Try to start the day with a smile, even if it is forced and insincere, it will still set you in the right, positive way. Compliment yourself and never scold yourself. Forget about the phrases "I'm fat, no one loves me, I have crooked legs and narrow eyes." The most offensive thing is that subconsciously a person may not consider it that way, he just wants to be dissuaded and supported. But you know, if you call yourself ugly ten times, then others will begin to look at you through the prism of these same words. Try to say that you are a happy, successful, smart and beautiful person, and you will definitely succeed. Love yourself, pamper yourself, believe that everything will work out for you. It works, honestly!

Exercise and eat right

This kind of advice, not related at first glance to the topic, works very well. No wonder they say that a healthy mind in a healthy body. Proper nutrition and sports make us better in every way, and it becomes a little easier to love ourselves. In general, it has long been studied that sport stimulates the production of endorphins in the body - the hormone of happiness, increasing it 10 times in an hour of training. And remember what state of lightness appears in the body after a morning exercise? So this rule is definitely not worth neglecting. To the hall, all to the hall! Or for a run! After all, what a buzz arises after a long workout and the complete absence of negativity in the head.

Of course, you can easily give up and expect only failures from life, or you can look at what is happening with humor, not be offended by trifles and enjoy every moment. Favorite song in headphones, the first rays of the sun on the skin, the smile of a stranger, delicious ice cream - it is from such pleasant and wildly banal fragments that a state of harmony with the world and oneself develops. Optimism is our inner driving force, which allows us to overcome any difficulties, if not with a smile, but quite calmly. The ability to be happy does not come suddenly, he will have to learn, but you can start small - smile right now. And then tomorrow, and the day after.

And one day, quite by chance, you will realize that the world is also smiling back. And do not forget that pessimism is only a mood, and optimism is a will!

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